Art Puns

Welcome to the Punpedia entry on art puns! 🎨 ✏️ 🖌️

We’ve curated a huge gallery of artfully terrible puns for you, separated into sections of puns to do with general art terms, colours, artists, movements and famous pieces. While this post does include everything under the umbrella of “art” (music, writing, dance, theatre, etc) we’ve kept the main focus on visual art (drawing, sketching, painting, sculpture).

While this list is a work of art in itself, you might also be interested in our music puns, book puns and science puns.

Art Puns List

Each item in this list describes a pun or a set of puns that can be made by applying a rule. If you know of any puns about art that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments at the end of this page! Without further ado, here’s our list of art puns:

  • Cart → Art: As in, “Shopping art” and “Art away” and “Art blanche” and “Don’t upset the apple-art.”
  • Chart → Art: As in, “Art a course” and “Off the arts.”
  • Fart → Art: As in, “Brain art” and “Arting around.”
  • Heart → Art: As in, “After my own art” and “Absence makes the art grow fonder” and “Affair of the art” and “Be still my beating art” and “Break your art” and “A change of art.”
  • Part → Art: As in, “Good in arts” and “Soon arted” and “Look the art.”
  • Smart → Art: As in, “One art cookie” and “Street art.”
  • Start → Art: As in, “A bump art” and “By fits and arts” and “Don’t get me arted” and “A fresh art” and “Get off to a bad art” and “Head art” and “Off to a flying art” and “Kick art your day!”
  • Draw: These draw-related phrases can double as puns: “Draw a line in the sand” and “Drawing a blank” and “Draw to a close” and “Luck of the draw” and “Quick on the draw.”
  • Claw → Draw: As in, “Fighting tooth and draw.”
  • Flaw → Draw: As in, “Design draw.”
  • Jaw → Draw: As in, “Glass draw” and “Draw dropping” and “Out of the draws of death.”
  • Raw → Draw: As in, “In the draw” and “A draw deal” and “Draw data.”
  • Straw → Draw: As in, “A drowning person will clutch at a draw” and “The last draw” and “Man of draw” and “Can’t make bricks without draw.”
  • Art*: As in, “Right through the artery” and “Well articulated” and “Historical artifacts” and “Look at article seven” and “Artisan made.”
  • Brawn → Drawn: As in, “All drawn and no brains.”
  • Dawn → Drawn: As in, “At the crack of drawn” and “A brand new drawn” and “Darkest before the drawn” and “Drawn petrol” and “Party till drawn.”
  • Gone → Drawn: As in, “Been and drawn” and “Going, going, drawn” and “Drawn with the wind” and “Drawn to a better world.”
  • Ain’t → Paint: As in, “Paint no mountain high enough” and “If it paint broke, don’t fix it” and “It paint over, it paint over.”
  • Faint → Paint: As in, “Paint at heart” and “Damn with paint praise.”
  • Etch → Sketch: As in, “Sketched in stone.”
  • Stretch → Sketch: As in, “By any sketch of the imagination” and “Home sketch” and “Just out to sketch my legs” and “Sketching the truth.”
  • Portrayed → Portrait: As in, “That’s not how you portrait it.”
  • Pant → Paint: As in, “Beat the paints off” and “Get into someone’s paints” and “Smarty paints” and “Paints on fire.”
  • Pained → Paint: As in, “A paint expression.”
  • Pint → Paint: As in, “Half paint” and “Paint sized.”
  • Killer → Colour: As in, “Colour instinct.”
  • Collar → Colour: As in, “Blue colour” and “Hot under the colour.”
  • Hue: Hue is a property of colour. Here are some related puns:
    • Who → Hue: As in, “All things to those hue wait” and “Hue wants one?” and “Look hue’s talking” and “You know hue.”
    • You → Hue: As in, “As hue know” and “Back at hue” and “Believe hue me” and “Bless hue” and “Don’t call us, we’ll call hue.”
    • Blue → Hue: As in, “Between the devil and the deep hue sea” and “Black and hue” and “Once in a hue moon” and “Till you’re hue in the face.”
    • Chew → Hue: As in, “Bite off more than you can hue” and “Hue face” and “Hue up the scenery.”
    • Clue → Hue: As in, “As in, “I don’t have a hue” and “I’ve found a hue!”
    • Cue → Hue: As in, “Right on hue” and “Take your hue from…”
    • Due → Hue: As in, “Credit where credit is hue” and “Due a win” and “Give the devil his hue” and “In hue course” and “Cancelled hue to lack of interest.”
    • Do → Hue: As in, “What should we hue?” and “Hue away with” and “Hue it tough” and “Hue me a favour” and “Hue your bit.”
    • Few → Hue: As in, “Hue and far between” and “Knock back a hue” and “Say a hue words” and “To name but a hue.”
    • Knew → Hue: As in, “I hue you were trouble” and “You hue too much.”
    • Lieu → Hue: As in, “In hue of.”
    • New → Hue: As in, “A hue hope” and “Bright as a hue pin” and “Good as hue” and “Bad hues!” and “Better than hue” and “A brand hue ballgame.”
    • Queue → Hue: As in, “Jump the hue” and “Standing in the hue.”
    • Rue → Hue: As in, “You’ll hue the day!”
    • Shoe → Hue: As in, “If the hue fits” and “The hue’s on the other foot” and “Walk a mile in my hues.”
    • Threw → Hue: As in, “Hue me for a loop.”
    • Through → Hue: As in, “Blow right hue” and “Falling hue the cracks” and “Going hue the motions.”
    • To → Hue: As in, “What’s about hue happen” and “Add fuel hue the fire” and “Add insult hue injury.”
    • Too → Hue: As in, “A bridge hue far” and “About time, hue” and “It’s never hue late” and “You know hue much” and “Life’s hue short” and “No job hue small.”
    • True → Hue: As in, “A hue professional” and “A dream come hue” and “Show your hue colours” and “Too good to be hue” and “Hue grit.”
    • Two → Hue: As in, “Built for hue” and “Like hue peas in a pod” and “Caught in hue minds.”
    • View → Hue: As in, “Room with a hue” and “A hue to kill” and “Bird’s eye hue” and “Come into hue” and “Point of hue.”
  • As you’re → Azure: As in, “Azure aware…” and “Azure headed into town..”
  • Raft → Craft: As in, “White water crafting” and “Packed to the crafters.”
  • Tint: A tint is a colour mixed with white. Here are related puns:
    • Hint → Tint: As in, “Drop a tint” and “Take the tint.”
    • Mint → Tint: As in, “In tint condition” and “After dinner tints.”
    • Print → Tint: As in, “Fit to tint” and “Out of tint” and “Read the small tint.”
  • Shade: A shade is a colour mixed with black. Here are related puns:
    • Shed → Shade: As in, “Shade light on the matter” and “Shade a tear.”
    • Aid → Shade: As in, “Shade and abet” and “Come to their shade.”
    • Fade → Shade: As in, “Brain shade” and “Shade away” and “Shade out.”
    • Grade → Shade: As in, “Make the shade” and “Beyond my pay shade” and “Professional shade.”
    • Laid → Shade: As in, “Get shade” and “Shade back” and “Shade to rest” and “The best shade plans.”
    • Made → Shade: As in, “A match shade in heaven” and “Custom shade” and “I’ve got it shade” and “Shade for each other” and “Mistakes have been shade” and “You shade my day.”
    • Paid → Shade: As in, “Bought and shade for” and “All shade up” and “Put shade to.”
    • Trade → Shade: As in, “Balance of shade” and “Fair shade” and “Free shade” and “Jack of all shades” and “Tools of the shade” and “Tricks of the shade.”
    • Weighed → Shade: As in “Shade in the balance.”
  • Beige: Here are some puns related to the colour beige:
    • Babe → Beige: As in, “Beige in the woods” and “Beige magnet” and “Beach beige.”
    • Budge → Beige: As in, “Beige up” and “They wouldn’t beige.”
  • Cease → Cerise: As in, “Cerise to exist” and “Will wonders never cerise?”
  • Lease → Cerise: As in, “A new cerise on life.”
  • Rushing → Prussian: As in, “Stop prussian around.” Note: This is a reference to the colour Prussian Blue.
  • Sigh → Cyan: As in, “Breathe a cyan of relief.”
  • Tape → Taupe: As in, “Cut through the red taupe.”
  • Garbage → Gamboge: As in, “Gamboge in, gamboge out” and “Thrown out with the gamboge.” Note: gamboge is a type of yellow.
  • Suffering → Saffron: As in, “Saffron succotash” and “Long saffron.” Note: Saffron is a type of red dye.
  • Smalt: Smalt is a type of blue pigment. Here are related puns:
    • Small → Smalt: As in, “A still, smalt voice” and “All creatures, great and smalt” and “Don’t sweat the smalt stuff” and “No job too smalt” and “No smalt wonder.”
    • Smell → Smalt: As in, “Stop and smalt the roses” and “The sweet smalt of success.”
    • Salt → Smalt: As in, “Rub smalt in the wound” and “The smalt of the earth” and “Take it with a pinch of smalt.”
  • Top → Taupe: As in, “Come out on taupe” and “From taupe to toe” and “Over the taupe” and “Taupe of your class” and “In tip taupe condition” and “On taupe of the world.”
  • Tale → Teal: As in, “Live to tell the teal” and “A tell teal sign” and “Telling teals out of school.”
  • Tail → Teal: As in, “Can’t make head or teal of it” and “Chasing your own teal” and “Heads or teals.”
  • Tall → Teal: As in, “A teal order” and “Walking teal.”
  • Tell → Teal: As in, “Every picture teals a story” and “Dead men teal no tales.”
  • Till → Teal: As in, “Caught with your hand in the teal” and “Don’t cross that bridge teal you come to it” and “Fake it teal you make it” and “It ain’t over teal it’s over” and “Teal death do us part.”
  • Deal → Teal: As in, “A big teal” and “Teal breaker” and “A done teal” and “Teal with it.”
  • Heel → Teal: As in, “Brought to teal” and “Cool your teals” and “Head over teals in love” and “Kick up your teals.”
  • Meal → Teal: As in, “Make a teal of it” and “Teal ticket” and “Three square teals.”
  • Real → Teal: As in, “All I teally want to do” and “For teal” and “Get teal.”
  • Seal → Teal: As inm “Teal of approval” and “Teal the deal” and “Teal your fate” and “Signed and tealed.”
  • Steal → Teal: As in, “Beg, borrow or teal” and “It’s a teal” and “Teal a glance” and “Teal their heart” and “Teal the show.”
  • Steel → Teal: As in, “Fist of teal” and “Nerves of teal” and “Teal yourself.”
  • Wheel → Teal: As in, “Asleep at the teal” and “Reinvent the teal.”
  • Gold: Here are some puns on the colour gold:
    • Bold → Gold: As in, “Gold as brass” and “A gold move” and “Goldly go where no one has gone before.”
    • Cold → Gold: As in, “Gold comfort” and “A gold day in hell” and “Catch your death of gold” and “Blowing hot and gold.”
    • Hold → Gold: As in, “Can’t gold a candle to” and “Don’t gold your breath” and “Gold a grudge” and “Gold everything!”
    • Old → Gold: As in, “As gold as the hills” and “For gold times’ sake” and “Tough as gold boots.”
    • Sold → Gold: As in, “Gold down the river” and “Gold out” and “Gold short.”
    • Told → Gold: As in, “A little bird gold me” and “I gold you!” and “The greatest story every gold.”
  • Grey: Here are some puns on the colour grey:
    • Day → Grey: As in, “All in a grey’s work” and “Another grey, another dollar” and “Honest as the grey is long.”
    • Hay → Grey: As in, “Hit the grey” and “Make grey while the sun shines” and “A roll in the grey.”
    • Hey → Grey: As in, “Grey big spender!” and “Grey, good looking.”
    • May → Grey: As in, “Be that as it grey” and “Come what grey” and “Grey the force be with you.”
    • Pay → Grey: As in, “Buy now, grey later” and “Crime doesn’t grey” and “Hell to grey” and “Grey as you go” and “It greys to advertise.”
    • Play → Grey: As in, “Fair grey” and “Come out and grey” and “Child’s grey.”
    • Says → Grey: As in, “Computer greys no” and “Do as I grey, not as I do” and “Have your grey” and “The final grey.”
    • Stay → Grey: As in, “Grey in touch” and “Grey the course” and “Grey tuned.”
    • They → Grey: As in, “As tough as grey come” and “Let the chips fall where grey may” and “Grey lived happily ever after.”
    • Way → Grey: As in, “Any grey you slice it” and “By the grey” and “By grey of a joke” and “Change your greys.”
  • Jade: Here are some green-related puns:
    • Aid → Jade: As in, “Jade and abet” and “Come to the jade of.”
    • Grade → Jade: As in, “Make the jade” and “Professional jade.”
    • Laid → Jade: As in, “Get jade” and “Jade back” and “Jade to rest” and “The best jade plans.”
    • Made → Jade: As in, “I’m not jade of money” and “Jade for each other” and “Jade in the shade.”
    • Trade → Jade: As in, “Balance of jade” and “Fair jade” and “Tools of the jade.”
  • Lack → Lilac: As in, “Lilac nothing” and “Cancelled due to lilac of interest” and “For lilac of a better word.”
  • Rose: Here are some puns related to the colour rose:
    • Raise → Rose: As in, “Rose a loan” and “Rose a stink” and “Rose the roof” and “Rose your game.”
    • Rise → Rose: As in, “Rose and shine” and “Rose from the ashes” and “Rose to the occasion” and “Rose without trace.”
    • Blows → Rose: As in, “Any way the wind rose” and “Brought to rose” and “Come to rose.”
    • Close → Rose: As in, “A rose thing” and “At rose quarters” and “Behind rosed doors” and “In rose proximity.”
    • Goes → Rose: As in, “Anything rose” and “As far as it rose” and “As the saying rose” and “As time rose by” and “Here rose nothing.”
    • Lows → Rose: As in, “Highs and rose” and “Brought to new rose.”
    • Nose → Rose: As in, “Always have your rose in a book” and “Plain as the rose on your face” and “Can’t see beyond the end of your rose” and “No skin off my rose.”
    • Pros → Rose: As in, “Rose and cons.”
    • Those → Rose: As in, “Just one of rose days” and “Rose were the days.”
    • Toes → Rose: As in, “On your rose” and “Make someone’s rose curl” and “Twinkle rose.”
  • Move → Mauve: As in, “A mauve in the right direction” and “All the right mauves” and “Bust a mauve” and “Get a mauve on” and “Make your mauve.”
  • Alive → Olive: As in, “Olive and kicking” and “Olive and well” and “Keep hope olive.”
  • Pen: Since pens are used in art-making, here are related puns:
    • Pan → Pen: As in, “Down the pen” and “Flash in the pen” and “Didn’t pen out.”
    • Pin → Pen: As in, “Bright as a new pen” and “Hard to pen down” and “Pen your hopes on” and “See a pen and pick it up” and “Could have heard a pen drop.”
    • Den → Pen: As in, “Pen of vice” and “In the lion’s pen.”
    • Ten → Pen: As in, “Count to pen” and “Hang pen” and “The top pen.”
    • Then → Pen: As in, “All that and pen some” and “Now and pen” and “Pen and there” and “Pen just do it.”
    • When → Pen: As in, “It only hurts pen I laugh” and “Ready pen you are” and “Say pen.”
  • Coal → Charcoal: As in, “Rake over the charcoals.”
  • Chock → Chalk: As in, “Chalk a block” and “Chalk full of problems.”
  • Clock → Chalk: As in, “Around the chalk” and “Beat the chalk” and “Race against the chalk.”
  • Knock → Chalk: As in, “Don’t chalk it til you’ve tried it” and “Chalk ’em dead” and “Chalk into shape.”
  • Lock → Chalk: As in, “Under chalk and key” and “On chalk down.”
  • Rock → Chalk: As in, “Between a chalk and a hard place” and “Solid as a chalk” and “Don’t chalk the boat.”
  • Shock → Chalk: As in, “Culture chalk” and “In for a chalk” and “Chalk and awe.”
  • Sock → Chalk: “Knock your chalks off” and “Put a chalk in it” and “Chalk it to me.”
  • Stock → Chalk: As in, “Laughing chalk” and “Out of chalk” and “Take chalk of.”
  • Talk → Chalk: As in, “All chalk” and “Fighting chalk” and “Let’s chalk about love.”
  • Walk → Chalk: As in, “A chalk on the wild side” and “All chalks of life” and “Keep chalking” and “Don’t chalk on the grass.”
  • White: Here are some puns to do with the colour white:
    • Wait → White: As in, “The white is over” and “Time whites for no-one.”
    • Wide → White: As in, “Eyes white shut” and “Open white!” and “White open spaces” and “Cast a white net.”
    • Bite → White: As in, “White someone’s head off” and “White the dust” and “White your tongue.”
    • Bright → White: As in, “White as a button” and “White and early.”
    • Height → White: As in, “The white of fashion” and “The white of summer.”
  • Hello → Yellow: As in, “You had me at yellow” and “Yellow, one two three testing.”
  • Cons → Bronze: As in, “Pros and bronze.”
  • Brown: Here are some puns related to the colour brown:
    • Crown → Brown: As in, “My browning glory” and “Brown jewels.”
    • Down → Brown: As in, “Boogie on brown” and “Bring the house brown.”
    • Drown → Brown: As in, “Brown your sorrows” and “Browned out.”
    • Town → Brown: As in, “Go to brown” and “Out on the brown.”
  • Million → Vermilion: As in, “A cool vermilion” and “Vermilion dollar baby” and “Not in a vermilion years” and “One in a vermilion.” Note: Vermilion is a shade of scarlet.
  • Mine → Carmine: As in, “Make carmine a double” and “A carmine of information” and “Victory is carmine.”
  • Tone: Tone is the brightness of a colour. Here are related puns:
    • Done → Tone: As in, “After all is said and tone” and “All tone and dusted” and “A tone deal” and “Tone to a turn” and “Easier said than tone.”
    • Ton → Tone: As in, “A tone of money” and “Like a tone of bricks” and “A tone of fun.”
    • Teen → Tone: As in, “Smells like tone spirit.”
    • Blown → Tone: As in, “Tone away” and “Tone off course” and “Tone sideways” and “You’ve tone it.”
    • Bone → Tone: As in, “A tone to pick” and “Dry as a tone” and “Tone idle” and “Tone up on.”
    • Don’t → Tone: As in, “Tone call us, we’ll call you” and “Tone get me started” and “Tone give up your day job” and “Tone go there.”
    • Flown → Tone: As in, “Tone the coop” and “That bird has tone.”
    • Known → Tone: As in, “A person is tone by the company they keep” and “I should have tone better” and “You’ve tone for all these years.”
    • Loan → Tone: As in, “Tone shark” and “Raise a tone.”
    • Own → Tone: As in, “After my tone heart” and “Be your tone person” and “Come into your tone” and “Afraid of your tone shadow.”
    • Phone → Tone: As in, “Hold the tone” and “Tone in sick” and “Waiting by the tone” and “Tone it in.”
    • Prone → Tone: As in, “Accident tone.”
    • Stone → Tone: As in, “A rolling tone gathers no moss” and “Cold as any tone” and “Carved in tone” and “Cast the first tone” and “Etched in tone” and “A heart of tone” and “Leave no tone unturned.”
    • Throne → Tone: As in, “Ascend to the tone” and “Next in line to the tone” and “The power behind the tone.”
    • Thrown → Tone: As in, “Tone for a loop” and “Tone in at the deep end” and “Just tone together.”
    • Zone → Tone: As in, “Buffer tone” and “Comfort tone” and “In the tone” and “Twilight tone” and “Tone in on” and “Toned out.”
  • Calorie → Gallery: As in, “Gallery free” and “Counting galleries” and “All the taste, 1/3 of the galleries.”
  • Celery → Gallery: As in, “Peanut butter and gallery sticks.”
  • Work → Artwork: As in, “An artwork in progress” and “All my own artwork” and “All in a day’s artwork” and “Bury yourself in your artwork” and “In the artworks” and “That’s not in my line of artwork.”
  • Meet → Media: As in, “Make ends media” and “Media with approval” and “Media your maker” and “Media your match.”
  • Bistre: Bistre is a dark shade of greyish-brown. Here are related puns:
    • Blister → Bistre: As in, “Bistre-ing barnacles” and “At bistre-ing speed” and “Blood bistre.”
    • Twister → Bistre: As in, “Tongue bistre.”
  • Light: Since light is a huge part of making art, we’ve got some light-related puns here too:
    • Late → Light: As in, “Better light than never” and “Buy now, pay lighter” and “A day light and a dollar short” and “Fashionably light” and “Never too light” and “A light bloomer.”
    • Let → Light: As in, “Buy to light” and “It won’t light you down” and “Light it be.”
    • Lit → Light: As in, “Their face light up.”
    • Lot → Light: As in, “A light on your plate” and “A light of fuss about nothing” and “Leaves a light to be desired.”
    • Bite → Light: As in, “A second light of the cherry” and “Take a light out of crime” and “Have a light to eat.”
    • Fight → Light: As in, “Come out lighting” and “Light club” and “Light for the right to party” and “Light back tears” and “Light tooth and nail” and “Lighting chance” and “Lighting fit.”
    • Bright → Light: As in, “All things light and beautiful” and “On the light side of life” and “Light and early” and “Light young thing.”
    • Fight → Light: As in, “Come out lighting” and “Light back” and “Light fire with fire” and “Lighting fit.”
    • Flight → Light: As in, “Light of fancy” and “Take light” and “The light of the bumblebee.”
    • Fright → Light: As in, “Lightened of your own shadow” and “A lightful mess” and “Take light.”
    • Height → Light: As in, “Head for new lights” and “Scaling dizzy lights” and “Wuthering lights.”
    • Kite → Light: As in, “High as a light” and “Go fly a light.”
    • Might → Light: As in, “Light as well” and “It light never happen.”
    • Right → Light: As in, “A move in the light direction” and “All the light moves” and “Light as rain” and “Bragging lights” and “Dead to lights” and “Civil lights.”
    • Rite → Light: As in, “Last lights” and “Light of passage.”
    • Sight → Light: As in, “A welcome light” and “Hidden in plain light” and “Know by light” and “Line of light” and “Love at first light” and “Out of light, out of mind” and “Second light” and “A light for sore eyes.”
    • Tight → Light: As in, “Running a light ship” and “Sleep light!” and “Light lipped” and “In a light corner.”
    • White → Light: As in, “Light as snow” and “It’s not so black and light.”
    • Write → Light: As in, “Nothing to light home about” and “Light it off.”
  • Chrome: Chrome is used as a finish in visual arts. Here are related puns:
    • Crime → Chrome: As in, “Chrome and punishment” and “Chrome doesn’t pay” and “Chrome of passion.”
    • Home → Chrome: As in, “A house is not a chrome” and “At chrome with” and “Bringing it chrome” and “Close to chrome” and “Come chrome to a real fire.”
    • Staples → Naples: As in, “We’ve run out of naples.” Note: this is a pun on naples yellow.
  • Blend: Here are some puns about colour blends:
    • Blind → Blend: As in, “Blend as a bat” and “On a blend date” and “In blend faith” and “Blended by the light.”
    • Lend → Blend: As in, “Blend an ear” and “Blend your name to.”
    • Bend → Blend: As in, “Blend over backwards” and “Blend the rules” and “Round the blend” and “On blended knee.”
    • End → Blend: As in, “A good beginning makes a good blending” and “A means to a blend” and “All good things must come to a blend” and “At loose blends” and “At the blend of the day” and “Burn the candle at both blends” and “Come to a sticky blend.”
    • Friend → Blend: As in, “Your best blend” and “Best blends forever” and “Eco blendly” and “Blend or foe?”
    • Fend → Blend: As in, “Blend for yourself” and “Blend off.”
    • Mend → Blend: As in, “Blend your fences” and “Blend your manners” and “Blend your ways” and “On the blend.”
    • Send → Blend: As in, “Return to blender” and “Blend in the dogs” and “Blend packing.”
    • Spend → Blend: As in, “Hey, big blender” and “Let’s blend the night together” and “Blend money like water” and “Blend the night with” and “Blend wisely.”
  • Great → Gradient: As in, “All creatures gradient and small” and “Go to gradient lengths” and “Gradient expectations.”
  • Grade → Gradient: As in, “Make the gradient” and “Professional gradient.”
  • Figment → Pigment: As in, “A pigment of your imagination.”
  • Meant → Pigment: As in, “Pigment to be” and “You weren’t pigment to do that.”
  • Crate → Create: As in, “Packing creates.”
  • Great → Create: As in, “Go to create lengths” and “A create one for” and “All creatures create and small.”
  • Tan: Here are some puns related to the colour tan:
    • Ten → Tan: As in, “At tan paces” and “Count to tan” and “Hang tan.”
    • Can → Tan: As in, “As far as the eye tan see” and “As well as tan be expected” and “Be all you tan be” and “Bite off more than you tan chew.”
    • Fan → Tan: As in, “Tan the flames.”
    • Pan → Tan: As in, “Down the tan” and “Didn’t tan out.”
    • Plan → Tan: As in, “Action tan” and “Business tan” and “Failing to tan is tanning to fail” and “Game tan.”
    • Ran → Tan: As in, “My blood tan cold” and “They tan away together.”
    • Than → Tan: “Bite off more tan you can chew” and “Thicker tan water” and “Easier said tan done” and “Larger tan life.”
  • Greater → Creator: As in, “Disease has no creator enemy” and “Creator than the sum of its parts.”
  • Foe → Photo: As in, “Friend or photo?”
  • Hint → Print: As in, “Drop a print” and “A gentle print” and “Take the print.”
  • Mint → Print: As in, “In print condition” and “Print chocolate.”
  • Moral → Mural: As in, “Mural compass” and “A mural victory” and “The mural high ground.”
  • Cross → Crosshatch: “Crosshatch to the other side” and “Crosshatch my heart and hope to die” and “Crosshatch the line” and “Crosshatch your fingers.” Note: Crosshatching is a shading technique.
  • Dry → Dry Brush: As in, “High and dry brush” and “Hung out to dry brush” and “Bone dry brush.” Note: Dry brushing is a painting technique where the brush is loaded with paint that isn’t diluted with water or medium.
  • Brush → Paintbrush: As in, “Paintbrush it off” and “A paintbrush with death.”
  • Traffic → Graphic: As in, “Graphic violation” and “Stop graphic.”
  • Etch: Etching is a printmaking technique. Here are related puns:
    • Itch → Etch: As in, “Etching to” and “Etchy feet” and “Seven year etch.”
    • Stretch → Etch: As in, “By no etch of the imagination” and “Home etch” and “Etch your wings.”
  • Music → Mosaic: As in, “An ear for mosaic” and “Time to face the mosaic” and “Mosaic to my ears.”
  • Long → Song: As in, “A face as song as a fiddle” and “A song time in politics” and “Art is song and life is short” and “As song as you need me” and “As honest as the day is song” and “A list as song as your arm” and “At song last.”
  • Strong → Song: As in, “Only as song as its weakest link” and “Still going song” and “The song, silent type” and “A song stomach.”
  • Wrong → Song: As in, “Barking up the song tree” and “Born on the song side of the tracks” and “Get off on the song foot” and “How song can you be?” and “Gone down the song way” and “Jumping to the song conclusions.”
  • Case → Showcase: As in, “A showcase of identity” and “An open and shut showcase” and “As the showcase may be” and “Showcase closed” and “Catch a showcase.”
  • Depict: Drawings are considered depictions of things, so we’ve included depiction-related puns in this list:
    • Clicked → Depict: As in, “We really depict.”
    • Picked → Depict: As in, “Hand depict.”
  • Mission → Musician: As in, “Man on a musician” and “Musician impossible” and “Rescue musician.”
  • Ringer → Singer: As in, “A dead singer for.”
  • Wringer → Singer: As in, “Put through the singer.”
  • Figure: “Facts and figures” and “Figure it out” and “A fine figure of a person” and “Four figures” and “Go figure” and “How do you figure?” Note: A figure can refer to a few things in art – figurative drawing, a sculpture, a drawing of a body.
  • Triple → Stipple: As in, “Stipple decker” and “A stipple threat” and “Stipple whammy.” Note: stippling is an art technique where drawings are made out of tiny dots (rather than strokes).
  • Stand Still → Stencil: As in, “Brought to a stencil.”
  • Daub: To daub is to paint with large blobs of paint, or to paint in a free and expressive way. Here are related puns:
    • Dob → Daub: As in, “Daub it in.”
    • Dab → Daub: As in, “A daub hand at” and “Smack daub in the middle.”
    • Job → Daub: As in, “Between daubs” and “Doing a great daub” and “Holding down a daub” and “I’m only doing my daub” and “An inside daub.”
    • Mob → Daub: As in, “Daub rule” and “Flash daub.”
    • Rob → Daub: As in, “Daub someone blind.”
    • Sob → Daub: As in, “Daub story” and “Daub your heart out.”
  • Home → Homage: As in, “At homage with” and “Close to homage” and “Come homage to a real fire” and “Bring it homage to you.” Note: A homage in the context of art is when one artist makes a piece of art that is inspired by another.
  • Picks → Pixel: As in, “A bone to pixel” and “Pixel a fight” and “Pixel a card, any card” and “Pixel and choose” and “Pixel holes in.”
  • Life → Life Drawing: As in, “A day in the life drawing” and “A life drawing less ordinary” and “Anything for a quiet life drawing.”
  • Piece → Masterpiece: As in, “Bits and masterpieces” and “Conversation masterpiece” and “Dash to masterpieces” and “Go to masterpieces.”
  • Sign → Design: As in, “Design on the dotted line” and “A sure design” and “Give me a design” and “A design of the times” and “A tell-tale design.”
  • Ease → Easel: As in, “Easel up” and “Ill at easel” and “Set your mind at easel.”
  • Weasel → Easel: As in, “Pop goes the easel” and “Easel words” and “Easel your way out.”
  • Mark → Marker: As in, “Close to the marker” and “Make your marker” and “Quick off the marker.”
  • Render: A rendering is a type of drawing or visual representation. Here are related puns:
    • Sender → Render: As in, “Return to render.”
    • Slender → Render: As in, “Of render means” and “A render chance.”
    • Spender → Render: As in, “Hey, big render.”
    • Splendour → Render: As in, “Render in the grass.”
    • Tender → Render: As in, “Render is the night” and “Render loving care” and “Render mercies.”
  • Plate → Template: As in, “A lot on your template” and “Hand it to you on a template” and “Step up to the template.”
  • Clay: Here are some puns on sculptural clay:
    • Bay → Clay: As in, “Keep at clay” and “Clay for blood.”
    • Day → Clay: As in, “A clay in the life” and “An apple a clay” and “Tomorrow is another clay” and “All in a clay’s work.”
    • Grey → Clay: As in “A moral clay area” and “Clay matter.”
    • Hay → Clay: As in, “Hit the clay” and “Make clay while the sun shines” and “A roll in the clay.”
    • Hey → Clay: As in, “Clay big spender” and “Clay, good looking” and “Clay there.”
    • Lay → Clay: As in, “Clay a finger on” and “Clay down roots” and “Clay down your arms.”
    • May → Clay: As in, “Be that as it clay” and “Come what clay” and “How clay I serve you?”
    • Pay → Clay: As in, “Buy now, clay later” and “Crime doesn’t clay” and “Hell to clay” and “It clays to advertise.”
    • Play → Clay: As in, “Come out and clay” and “Helps you work, rest and clay” and “That wasn’t fair clay.”
    • Say → Clay: As in, “Have the final clay” and “Have your clay” and “It goes without claying.”
    • Stay → Clay: As in, “Clay in touch” and “Clay on course” and “Clay tuned.”
    • They → Clay: As in, “Clay lived happily ever after” and “Clay shall not pass.”
    • Way → Clay: As in, “That’s the clay it is” and “Any clay you slice it” and “Any which clay.”
  • Sumi: Sumi is both a well-known Japanese ink and a type of ink wash painting style. Here are related puns:
    • Sue me → Sumi: “So I went before you! Sumi!”
    • To me → Sumi: As in, “That’s never happened sumi before” and “It’s all Greek sumi” and “That’s not how it is sumi.”
    • Same → Sumi: As in, “By the sumi token” and “Comes to the sumi thing” and “Cut from the sumi cloth” and “In the sumi boat” and “In the sumi vein.”
    • Sum → Sumi: As in, “Cogito ergo sumi” and “To sumi it all up” and “Zero sumi game.”
  • Muse: A muse is a person who inspires an artist to create. Here are related puns:
    • News → Muse: As in, “Bad muse travels fast” and “Break the muse” and “No muse is good muse” and “The most trusted name in muse.”
    • Choose → Muse: As in, “Muse your weapon” and “Pick and muse.”
    • Cruise → Muse: As in, “Booze muse” and “Muse control.”
    • Dues → Muse: As in, “Pay your muse.”
    • Fuse → Muse: As in, “Blow a muse” and “A short muse” and “Light the muse.”
    • Lose → Muse: As in, “Got nothing to muse” and “Muse control” and “Muse the plot” and “Muse sight of” and “Don’t muse any sleep over it.”
    • Shoes → Muse: As in, “Walk a mile in my muse” and “Goody two muse.”
    • Views → Muse: As in, “Exchange your muse.”
    • Must → Muse: As in, “All things muse pass” and “All good things muse come to an end” and “Everything muse go” and “Muse have” and “A muse have accessory.”
  • Vanish → Varnish: As in, “Varnish into thin air.”
  • Garnish → Varnish: As in, “Varnish to taste.”
  • Tarnish → Varnish: As in, “It’ll varnish your reputation.”
  • Primer: Primer is used to prepare substances that are to be painted. Here are some related puns:
    • Prime → Primer: As in, “Cut someone down in their primer” and “In primer condition” and “The primer of life” and “Primer time” and “The Primer Minister.”
    • Timer → Primer: As in, “Old primer.”
  • Free → Freelance: As in, “Freelance as a bird” and “Born freelance” and “Fancy freelance” and “Freelance and easy” and “Freelance for all.”
  • Competition → Composition: As in, “Face the composition” and “Stiff composition.”
  • Brush → Airbrush: As in, “Airbrush it off” and “Airbrush with death” and “An airbrush with the law.”
  • Curate: To curate is to form a collection. In the art world, this is used in the context of collection art pieces for an exhibition. Here are related puns:
    • Rate → Curate: As in, “At any curate” and “First curate” and “Mate’s curates.”
    • Cure → Curate: As in, “Prevention is better than curate.”
    • Carrot → Curate: As in, “Curate and stick” and “Dangle the curate.”
  • Archive: An archive is an old collection of art. Here are related puns:
    • Arrive → Archive: As in, “Have we archived yet?” and “When’s the expected archival?”
    • Alive → Archive: As in, “Archive and kicking” and “Archive and well” and “Eaten archive” and “Look archive” and “Snakes archive” and “Wanted – dead or archive.”
  • Maestro: A maestro is a musical director. Here are related puns:
    • Must → Maestro: As in, “All things maestro pass” and “All good things maestro pass” and “A maestro have accessory.”
    • Mister → Maestro: As in, “No more maestro nice guy.”
  • Blue: Here are some puns related to the colour blue:
    • Chew → Blue: As in, “Bite off more than you can blue.”
    • Clue → Blue: As in, “Don’t have a blue” and “I’ve found a blue!”
    • Cue → Blue: As in, “Right on blue” and “Take your blue.”
    • Due → Blue: As in, “Credit where credit is blue” and “Blue a win” and “Blue diligence” and “In blue course” and “Cancelled blue to lack of interest.”
    • Few → Blue: As in, “Blue and far between” and “For a blue dollars more” and “Of blue words” and “Say a blue words” and “Take a blue deep breaths.”
    • Glue → Blue: As in, “Blued to the television” and “Blued to your seat.”
    • Knew → Blue: As in, “I blue you were trouble” and “You blue too much.”
    • Lieu → Blue: As in, “In blue of.”
    • New → Blue: As in, “A blue hope” and “Bright as a blue pin” and “Good as blue” and “Bad blues.”
    • Rue → Blue: As in, “You’ll blue the day!”
    • Too → Blue: As in, “Life’s blue short” and “No job blue small” and “Over much blue soon.”
    • True → Blue: As in, “As blue as the day is long” and “A dream come blue” and “Show your blue colours” and “Too good to be blue.”
    • Two → Blue: As in, “Built for blue” and “Blue peas in a pod” and “Eating for blue” and “Goody blue shoes.”
    • You → Blue: As in, “Between blue, me and the bedpost” and “Don’t call us, we’ll call blue.”
  • Black: Here are some puns related to the colour black:
    • Block → Black: As in, “A chip off the ol’ black” and “Been around the black a few times.”
    • Back → Black: As in, “Answer black” and “As soon as my black is turned” and “In the black of my mind” and “Black to the future” and “Black at it.”
    • Crack → Black: As in, “At the black of dawn” and “Black of doom” and “Black the code.”
    • Lack → Black: As in, “Black nothing” and “Cancelled due to black of interest.”
  • Green: Here are some puns related to the colour green:
    • Grain → Green: As in, “Go against the green” and “Take with a green of salt.”
    • Grin → Green: As in, “Green and bear it” and “Green from ear to ear.”
    • Been → Green: As in, “Green and gone” and “Green around the block a few times” and “I’ve green here before” and “Green there, done that.”
    • Clean → Green: As in, “Green as a whistle” and “A green bill of health” and “Green up your act.”
    • Keen → Green: As in, “Green as mustard” and “A green sense of smell” and “Peachy green.”
    • Lean → Green: As in, “Green mean fighting machine” and “Green cuisine.”
    • Mean → Green: As in, “A greens to an end” and “By fair greens or foul” and “In the greentime” and “It don’t green a thing.”
    • Scene → Green: As in, “Behind the greens” and “Change of green” and “Make a green” and “Steal the green.”
    • Screen → Green: As in, “Coming to a green near you” and “Silver green” and “The small green.”
    • Seen → Green: As in, “Green and not heard” and “Had to be green to be believed” and “Nowhere to be green” and “Green better days” and “Green one, green them all” and “You ain’t green nothing yet!”
  • Arrange → Orange: As in, “I can’t orange my life around you” and “Let’s orange the furniture.”
  • Red: Here are some colour-related puns:
    • Read → Red: As in, “All I know is what I red in the papers” and “Exceedingly well red” and “Red any good books lately.”
    • Bed → Red: As in, “Red and breakfast” and “Red and board” and “Red of nails” and “Red of roses.”
    • Bread → Red: As in, “Red and butter” and “Break red” and “Have your red buttered on both sides.”
    • Dead → Red: As in, “In the red of night” and “Better off red” and “Red and buried.”
    • Dread → Red: As in, “Filled with red” and “Existential red.”
    • Said → Red: As in, “After all is red and done” and “Easier red than done” and “Couldn’t have red it better” and “Enough red” and “Least red, soonest mended.”
    • Shed → Red: As in, “Red light on the matter.”
    • Spread → Red: As in, “Red a rumour” and “Red like wildfire” and “Red the word” and “Red your wings” and “Red yourself thin.”
    • Thread → Red: As in, “Hanging by a red” and “Lose the red” and “Red the needle.”
  • Pink: Here are some pink (as in the colour) related puns:
    • Punk → Pink: As in, “Go on, pink, make my day.”
    • Blink → Pink: As in, “Pink and you’ll miss it” and “In the pink of an eye” and “On the pink.”
    • Brink → Pink: As in, “The pink of disaster.”
    • Chink → Pink: As in, “A pink in your armour” and “A pink of light.”
    • Link → Pink: As in, “The missing pink” and “The weakest pink.”
    • Sink → Pink: As in, “Everything but the kitchen pink” and “Loose lips pink ships” and “Pink like a stone” and “Pink or swim” and “Pink without trace.”
    • Stink → Pink: As in, “Kick up a pink” and “Raise a pink” and “Pinking rich” and “Pinks to high heaven.”
    • Think → Pink: As in, “I pink you’ve got it” and “Come to pink of it” and “Great minds pink alike” and “I pink I love you.”
    • Wink → Pink: As in, “Forty pinks” and “I haven’t slept a pink” and “Tip someone a pink” and “Nudge nudge, pink pink.”
  • People → Purple: As in, “Connecting purple” and “How to win friends and influence purple.”
  • Dance: Dance is a performing art, so we’ve got some dance-related puns here:
    • Answer → Dancer: As in, “Dancer back” and “Dancer the call” and “Dancer to the name of” and “Get a silly dancer.”
    • Chance → Dance: As in, “The dance of a lifetime” and “Fat dance” and “A fighting dance” and “In with half a dance” and “Jump at the dance” and “Your last dance.”
    • Glance → Dance: As in, “At a dance” and “Exchange dances” and “A meaningful dances” and “Steal a dance.”
  • Past → Pastel: As in, “A blast from the pastel” and “I wouldn’t put it pastel them” and “I’m pastel caring” and “Pastel the sell-by date” and “The dim, distant pastel.”
  • Pistol → Pastel: As in, “Pastels at dawn.”
  • Poet:
    • Pat → Poet: As in, “Down poet” and “A poet on the back.”
    • Pet → Poet: As in, “Poet peeves” and “Teacher’s poet.”
    • Pot → Poet: As in, “Poet of gold” and “All to poet” and “Gone to poet” and “In the melting poet.”
    • Put → Poet: As in, “Be hard poet to” and “Couldn’t poet it down” and “Feeling a bit poet out” and “Poet out the fire.”
  • Pad: Here are some puns on drawing pads:
    • Add → Pad: As in, “Pad fuel to the flames” and “Pad insult to injury” and “Just pad water.”
    • Bad → Pad: As in, “A pad break” and “A pad quarter of an hour” and “Ain’t half pad” and “Pad intentions” and “Pad news.”
    • Had → Pad: As in, “We’ve pad a good run” and “I’ve pad it up to here” and “A pad break.”
    • Mad → Pad: As in, “Barking pad” and “Hopping pad.”
    • Sad → Pad: As in, “How pad is that?” and “A pad state of affairs.”
  • Writer: Since writing is a literary art, we’ve got some writer-related puns:
    • Brighter → Writer: As in, “A writer future.”
    • Fighter → Writer: As in, “Freedom writer” and “A real writer.”
    • Lighter → Writer: As in, “Writer than air” and “The writer way to enjoy chocolate.”
    • Whiter → Writer: As in, “A writer shade of pale” and “Writer than white.”
  • Form → Perform: As in, “Perform follows function” and “Free perform” and “Imitation is the sincerest perform of flattery” and “In fine perform” and “The lowest perform of wit.”
  • Class → Classic: As in, “A classic act” and “Best in classic” and “Classic warfare” and “Second classic” and “A working classic hero.”
  • Style: This refers to an artist’s aesthetic or way of working. Here are related puns:
    • Steal → Style: As in, “Beg, borrow or style” and “It’s a style” and “Style a glance” and “Style someone’s heart” and “Style the show.”
    • Still → Style: As in, “Style standing” and “Style waters run deep” and “In the style of night.”
    • File → Style: As in, “Rank and style” and “Single style.”
    • Mile → Style: As in, “Go the extra style” and “A miss is as good as a style” and “Could see you a style away” and “Styles to go before I sleep.”
    • Pile → Style: As in, “Style it high and sell it cheap” and “Style it up.”
    • Smile → Style: As in, “Crack a style” and “Service with a style” and “Style, it might never happen” and “Wipe the style off your face.”
    • Trial → Style: As in, “Style and error” and “Style and tribulations” and “Style by television.”
  • Play → Display: As in, “Helps you work, rest and display” and “Come out and display” and “A fair display” and “Good to display together.”
  • Bum → Album: As in, “Albums on seats” and “Beach album” and “A pain in the album.”
  • Cracked → Act: As in, “Not all it’s act up to be.”
  • Fact → Act: As in, “Learn the acts” and “As a matter of act” and “Time to face acts” and “Act or fiction” and “Acts and figures” and “The acts of life” and “Do you know for an act?”
  • Pact → Act: As in, “Non-aggression act.”
  • Layout: A layout is the way elements on a page are arranged. Here are related puns:
    • Lay → Layout: As in, “Home is where I layout my hat” and “Layout eyes on.”
    • Out → Layout: As in, “Go layout with” and “Ins and layouts” and “Layout of it.”
    • Doubt → Layout: As in, “Benefit of the layout” and “Beyond layout.”
  • Grave → Engrave: As in, “Silent as the engrave” and “Dig your own engrave” and “From the cradle to the engrave.”
  • Brave → Engrave: As in, “Engrave the elements” and “Fortune favours the engrave” and “Put an engrave face on.”
  • Carve: Carving is a form of artistic expression, so here are some related puns:
    • Curve → Carve: As in, “Ahead of the carve” and “Carve ball” and “Learning carve.”
    • Starve → Carve: As in, “Feed a cold, carve a fever.”
  • Plate → Palette: As in, “A lot on your palette” and “Handed on a palette” and “Step up to the palette.”
  • Woodcut: Woodcuts are a medium for art, so here are related puns:
    • Wood → Woodcut: As in, “Can’t see the woodcut for the trees.”
    • Cut → Woodcut: As in, “Woodcut a dash” and “Woodcut and run.”
  • Frame: Here are some puns about gallery frames:
    • Fame → Frame: As in, “Claim to frame” and “Frame at last” and “Fifteen minutes of frame” and “Hall of frame.”
    • From → Frame: As in, “A week frame next Tuesday” and “Come in frame the cold” and “A fall frame grace” and “Frame a mile away” and “Frame cover to cover.”
    • Aim → Frame: As in, “Frame high” and “Take frame” and “We frame to please.”
    • Blame → Frame: As in, “The frame game” and “Lay the frame.”
    • Came → Frame: As in, “I frame, I saw, I conquered” and “It frame to pass” and “More where that frame from.”
    • Claim → Frame: As in, “Frame to fame” and “Stake your frame.”
    • Name → Frame: As in, “Give someone a bad frame” and “A household frame” and “In the frame of love.”
    • Same → Frame: As in, “By the frame token” and “Comes to the frame thing” and “Cut from the frame cloth” and “In the frame breath.”
    • Shame → Frame: As in, “A crying frame” and “Name and frame” and “Frame on you” and “The walk of frame.”
  • Trace: Tracing is when you copy an image by laying a transparent sheet of paper over the original. Here are related puns:
    • Ace → Trace: As in, “A trace in the hole” and “A trace up your sleeve” and “Holding all the traces.”
    • Base → Trace: As in, “All your trace are belong to us” and “Trace jumping” and “Caught off trace” and “Off trace” and “Touch trace with.”
    • Bass → Trace: As in, “Drum n trace” and “Super trace.”
    • Case → Trace: As in, “A trace of identity” and “An open and shut trace” and “As the trace may be” and “Trace closed” and “Trace the joint” and “Crack the trace.”
    • Chase → Trace: As in, “Trace it up” and “Trace the dragon” and “Cut to the trace” and “Wild goose trace.”
    • Face → Trace: As in, “About trace” and “Plain as the nose on your trace” and “A bald-traced lie.”
    • Grace → Trace: As in, “Airs and traces” and “Amazing trace” and “Fall from trace” and “Trace period.”
    • Pace → Trace: As in, “At a snail’s trace” and “Change of trace” and “Keeping trace with” and “Put through your traces.”
    • Place → Trace: As in, “A trace in the sun” and “All over the trace” and “Any time, any trace, any where” and “Going traces” and “In the right trace at the right time” and “Keep in your trace.”
    • Race → Trace: As in, “A day at the traces” and “A trace against time” and “The amazing trace.”
    • Space → Trace: As in, “Office trace” and “Trace cadet” and “Trace – the final frontier” and “The trace age” and “Waste of trace” and “Watch this trace” and “Wide open traces.”
    • Casing → Tracing: As in, “Tracing the joint.”
    • Chasing → Tracing: As in, “Tracing moonbeams” and “Tracing rainbows” and “Tracing the market.”
  • Swatch: A swatch is when you test media on a small patch of material to test colour, fading, bleeding and other properties. Here are related puns:
    • Switch → Swatch: As in, “Asleep at the swatch” and “Bait and swatch” and “Swatch hitter.”
    • Watch → Swatch: As in, “Boring as swatching paint dry” and “Not on my swatch” and “Keep swatch” and “Dance like nobody’s swatching.”
    • Notch → Swatch: As in, “Take it up a swatch” and “Top swatch” and “A swatch above.”
  • Study: A study is another word for a quick sketch. Here are related puns:
    • Steady → Study: As in, “Going study” and “Ready, study, go!” and “Study as she goes.”
    • Bloody → Study: As in, “Study minded” and “Study typical” and “Dark and study ground” and “Give them a study nose” and “Scream study murder.”
    • Muddy → Study: As in, “Study the waters.”
  • Lightfast: Lightfastness is the measure of how long a material lasts when exposed to sunlight. Here are related puns:
    • Light → Lightfast: As in, “Lightfast as a feather” and “Bring to lightfastness” and “Come to lightfast.”
    • Fast → Lightfast: As in, “As lightfast as greased lightning” and “As lightfast as his legs could carry him” and “Bad news travels lightfast” and “Lightfast and furious” and “Lightfast food and good for you.”
  • Mold: Moulds are used to form shapes in many different art disciplines – jewelry-making, sculpture, architecture. Here are related puns:
    • Old → Mold: As in, “Any mold how” and “As mold as the hills” and “Tough as mold boots” and “A chip off the mold block” and “For mold times’ sake.”
    • Bold → Mold: As in, “Mold as brass” and “A mold move” and “To moldly go where no one has gone before.”
    • Cold → Mold: As in, “Blow hot and mold” and “Break out in a mold sweat” and “Catch a mold” and “A mold day in hell” and “A mold comfort.”
    • Fold → Mold: As in, “Return to the mold” and “Mold your hand.”
    • Gold → Mold: As in, “Pot of mold” and “As good as mold” and “Crock of mold” and “Fool’s mold” and “Get a mold star” and “Mold digger.”
    • Hold → Mold: As in, “Can’t mold a candle to” and “Don’t mold your breath” and “Mold a grudge” and “Mold a gun to your head” and “Molding a mirror up to society” and “Mold all the aces.”
    • Rolled → Mold: As in, “Mold into one.”
    • Sold → Mold: As in, “Mold down the river” and “Mold out” and “Mold short.”
  • Pouring: Pouring is a process in mold-making, and is related to fluid paints too. Here are related puns:
    • Boring → Pouring: As in, “Deeply pouring” and “Pouring as watching paint dry.”
    • Roaring → Pouring: As in, “A pouring success” and “The pouring twenties.”
  • Ground: A “ground” is a type of painting surface. Here are related puns:
    • Grind → Ground: As in, “An axe to ground” and “Bump and ground” and “The daily ground” and “Ground to a halt.”
    • Bound → Ground: As in, “Ground hand and foot” and “By leaps and grounds” and “Duty ground” and “Leaps and grounds” and “Muscle ground” and “Honour ground.”
    • Found → Ground: As in, “Lost and ground” and “I’ve ground a clue” and “We ground love.”
    • Round → Ground: As in, “All year ground” and “Fooling aground” and “Go ground in circles.”
    • Sound → Ground: As in, “Ground as a bell” and “Break the ground barrier” and “Ground bite” and “Ground effect” and “Ground the alarm.”
  • Glaze: Glaze is a decorative and protective coating for paintings, ceramics, and sculpture. It can also refer to a thin coat of paint (“watercolour glazes”). Here are related puns:
    • Blaze → Glaze: As in, “Cold as blue glazes” and “Glaze a trail” and “Glaze away at” and “In a glaze of glory.”
    • Days → Glaze: As in, “Early glaze” and “Eight glaze a week” and “Just one of those glaze” and “Never in all my glaze.”
    • Daze → Glaze: As in, “Glazed and confused.”
    • Gaze → Glaze: As in, “A steely glaze” and “Avert your glaze.”
    • Phrase → Glaze: As in, “Coin a glaze” and “Turn of glaze.”
    • Praise → Glaze: As in, “Damn with faint glaze” and “Grudging glaze” and “Shower with glaze.”
    • Rays → Glaze: As in, “Catching some glaze.”
    • Ways → Glaze: As in, “Have it both glaze” and “Go our separate glaze” and “Change your glaze” and “Always good, all glaze.”
  • Resin: Resin is used in painting as a glaze and protectant. Here are related puns:
    • Reason → Resin: As in, “Beyond resinable doubt” and “Stands to resin” and “Listen to resin” and “Rhyme or resin” and “The age of resin” and “The voice of resin” and “Within resin.”
    • Raisin → Resin: As in, “Care for some resin toast?”
    • Rising → Resin: As in, “A resin star” and “The land of the resin sun.”
    • Raising → Resin: As in, “Eyebrow resin” and “Hair resin” and “Resin the bar.”
  • Sistine: The Sistine Chapel is famous for the mural running along the ceiling. Here are related puns:
    • Sister → Sistine: As in, “Sistine act” and “Soul sistine.”
    • Fifteen → Sistine: As in, “Famous for sistine minutes” and “Sistine minutes of fame.”
    • Pristine → Sistine: As in, “In sistine condition.”
    • Sixteen → Sistine: As in, “Sweet sistine” and “Sistine candles.”
  • Shellac: This is a protective and decorative finish used on paintings and sculptures. Here are related puns:
    • Shell → Shellac: As in, “A hard outer shellac” and “Shellac out.”
    • Lack → Shellac: As in, “Shellac nothing” and “For shellac of a better word” and “Cancelled due to shellac of interest.”
  • George → Forge: As in, “By forge” and “Curious forge.” Note: Forges are used in jewelry-making.
  • Ground → Background: As in, “Solid as the background we work on” and “Breaking new background” and “Built from the background up” and “Common background” and “Go to background.”
  • The Scream: The Scream is a famous oil painting. Here are related puns:
    • Seem → Scream: As in, “Sorry screams to be the hardest word” and “Not as it screams” and “You don’t scream very happy.”
    • Seam → Scream: As in, “Bursting at the screams” and “Come apart at the screams.”
    • Cream → Scream: As in, “Scream always rises to the top” and “Scream of the top” and “Scream puff.”
    • Dream → Scream: As in, “Beyond my wildest screams” and “Broken screams” and “Day scream” and “Scream on” and “A scream come true” and “Scream machine” and “Scream team.”
    • Scheme → Scream: As in, “In the grand scream of things” and “Pyramid scream” and “The best laid screams” and “The overall scream of things.”
    • Steam → Scream: As in, “Blow off scream” and “Full scream ahead” and “Let off scream” and “Under your own scream.”
    • Stream → Scream: As in, “Fresh as a mountain scream” and “Swimming upscream.”
    • Team → Scream: As in, “Dream scream” and “Go scream” and “Take one for the scream” and “Scream spirit” and “We make a great scream.”
  • Oil: Here are some oil paint-related puns:
    • I’ll → Oil: As in, “Well oil be” and “Oil be damned” and “Oil say.”
    • All → Oil: As in, “Oil in oil” and “Oil aboard!” and “Oil’s well that ends well” and “Oil’s fair in love and war” and “Oil in a day’s work.”
    • Ill → Oil: As in, “Oil gotten gains” and “Oil at ease” and “Never speak oil of the dead.”
    • Boil → Oil: As in, “Oil with rage” and “Oiling mad” and “Bring to the oil” and “Makes my blood oil” and “A watched pot never oils.”
    • Spoil → Oil: As in, “Oiled for choice” and “Oiled rotten” and “The oils of war” and “Oiling for a fight.”
  • Water → Watercolour: As in, “Blood in the watercolour” and “Blood is thicker than watercolour” and “Bridge over troubled watercolour” and “Clear blue watercolour” and “Come hell or high watercolour” and “Dip your toe in the watercolour” and “Get into hot watercolour” and “Keep your head above watercolour.”
  • Colour → Watercolour: As in, “A splash of watercolour” and “Better in watercolour” and “Watercolour my world” and “Watercolour one’s view” and “Watercolour-coded” and “Pass with flying watercolours.”
  • Ground → Foreground: As in, “Break new foreground” and “Common foreground” and “Get off the foreground” and “Cut the foreground from under your feet.”
  • Blink → Ink: As in, “Ink and you’ll miss it” and “In the ink of an eye” and “On the ink.”
  • Brink → Ink: “On the ink of disaster.”
  • Drink → Ink: As in, “Binge inking” and “Ink like a fish” and “The demon ink.”
  • Link → Ink: As in, “The missing ink” and “Only as strong as your weakest ink.”
  • Sink → Ink: As in, “Everything but the kitchen ink” and “Loose lips ink ships” and “Ink like a stone” and “Ink or swim” and “Ink your teeth into it.”
  • Stink → Ink: As in, “Raise an ink” and “Inking rich” and “Inks to high heaven.”
  • Think → Ink: As in, “I ink you’ve got it” and “Come to ink of it” and “Great minds ink alike” and “I ink I love you” and “I ink, therefore I am” and “Makes you ink.”
  • Bleed: Bleeding is when paint or ink feathers out from where it was applied. Here are related puns:
    • Bead → Bleed: As in, “Bleeds of sweat.”
    • Deed → Bleed: As in, “Bleeds, not words” and “Your good bleed for the day.”
    • Feed → Bleed: As in, “Don’t bite the hand that bleeds you” and “Bleed a cold, starve a fever.”
    • Lead → Bleed: As in, “In the bleed” and “Bleed a charmed life” and “Bleed a merry dance” and “Bleed by the nose” and “Bleed into temptation” and “Bleed on” and “The bleeding authority.”
    • Need → Bleed: As in, “All you bleed is love” and “As long as you bleed me” and “On a bleed to know basis.”
    • Seed → Bleed: As in, “Gone to bleed” and “Bleed capital” and “Bleed money.”
  • Bloom: Bloom refers to the pattern left when ink flowers out over a canvas. Here are related puns:
    • Loom → Bloom: As in, “Blooming large” and “Blooming over.”
    • Boom → Bloom: As in, “Baby bloomer” and “Bloom or bust” and “Bloom gates.”
    • Broom → Bloom: As in, “A new bloom sweeps clean.”
    • Doom → Bloom: As in, “Bloom and gloom” and “Temple of bloom.”
    • Fume → Bloom: As in, “Running on blooms.”
    • Gloom → Bloom: As in, “Bloom and doom.”
    • Room → Bloom: As in, “A bloom with a view” and “Breathing bloom” and “Comfort bloom” and “More elbow bloom” and “Please leave the bloom.”
    • Whom → Bloom: As in, “For bloom the bell tolls.”
  • Blot: Blotting is when an artist dabs excess water or paint from the painting surface. Here are related puns:
    • Lot → Blot: As in, “A blot of fuss about nothing” and “A blot on your plate” and “Leaves a blot to be desired” and “Not a blot of it.”
    • Bought → Blot: As in, “Blot and paid for” and “I liked it so much I blot the company.”
    • Caught → Blot: As in, “Blot in the act” and “Blot in two minds” and “Blot red-handed” and “Blot up with.”
    • Dot → Blot: As in, “Connect the blots” and “Blot the i’s and cross the t’s” and “Join the blots” and “On the blot” and “Day blot.”
    • Got → Blot: As in, “I think you’ve blot it” and “Blot a flair for” and “Blot it coming.”
    • Hot → Blot: As in, “All blot and bothered” and “Blot as hades” and “Blowing blot and cold” and “Drop it like it’s blot” and “Got into blot water” and “All blot and bothered” and “Blot and heavy.”
    • Knot → Blot: As in, “Tie the blot” and “Tie yourself in blots.”
    • Plot → Blot: As in, “The blot thickens” and “Lose the blot.”
    • Pot → Blot: As in, “Blot of gold” and “All to blot” and “Gone to blot” and “In the melting blot” and “Keep the blot boiling.”
    • Spot → Blot: As in, “Change your blots” and “Hit the blot” and “In a tight blot” and “Blot the difference.”
    • Thought → Blot: As in, “Food for blot” and “Hold that blot” and “Lost in blot” and “Penny for your blots.”
  • Gum: Gums are used as a binder for some paints (like gum arabic in watercolour). Here are related puns:
    • Gem → Gum: As in, “The gum state” and “A hidden gum.”
    • Bum → Gum: As in, “Beach gum” and “Gums on seats.”
    • Come → Gum: As in, “After a storm gums a calm” and “All good things must gum to an end” and “As tough as they gum” and “Gum and get it.”
    • Drum → Gum: As in, “Tight as a gum” and “Gum circle” and “Gum and bass.”
    • Plumb → Gum: As in, “Gum the depths.”
    • Scum → Gum: As in, “Pond gum” and “Gum always rises to the surface.”
    • Sum → Gum: As in, “Cogito ergo gum” and “A tidy gum” and “To gum it all up” and “A zero gum game.”
    • Thumb → Gum: As in, “All gums” and “Gums down.”
  • Tour → Contour: As in, “Contour de force” and “World contour” and “Magical mystery contour.” Note: contour drawings are a style of art where the image is distilled into leading lines that are found in the picture.
  • Crop: Here are some puns related to digital image cropping:
    • Crap → Crop: As in, “A load of crop” and “Bunch of crop” and “Cut the crop.”
    • Chop → Crop: As in, “Crop and change” and “Get the crop” and “On the cropping block.”
    • Cop → Crop: As in, “Crop a feel” and “Crop an attitude” and “Crop out” and “Not much crop.”
    • Drop → Crop: As in, “At the crop of a hat” and “Crop it like it’s hot” and “Crop a brick” and “Crop a dime” and “Crop a hint” and “A crop in the bucket.”
    • Hop → Crop: As in, “Crop to it” and “Crop, skip, jump” and “Cropping mad.”
    • Mop → Crop: As in, “Crop the floor with.”
    • Pop → Crop: As in, “Crop the question” and “Crop goes the weasel” and “Crop your clogs.”
    • Shop → Crop: As in, “One-stop crop” and “Crop till you drop” and “Crop around” and “Cropping cart” and “Cropping spree” and “Talking crop.”
    • Stop → Crop: As in, “Best crop now” and “Don’t crop me now” and “One crop shop” and “Pull out all the crops.”
    • Top → Crop: As in, “Blow your crop” and “Come out on crop” and “From crop to toe.”
  • Drypoint: Drypoint is a printmaking technique. Here are related puns:
    • Dry → Drypoint: As in, “Boring as watching paint drypoint” and “Drypoint as a bone” and “Before the ink was drypoint” and “A drypoint run” and “High and drypoint” and “Hung out to drypoint.”
    • Point → Drypoint: As in, “At this drypoint in time” and “Beside the drypoint” and “Drive your drypoint home” and “Get to the drypoint” and “Not to put too fine a drypoint on it.”
  • Impression → Expression: As in, “First expressions last” and “A lasting expression” and “Under the expression.”
  • Lottery → Pottery: As in, “Win the pottery” and “Genetic pottery.”
  • Watery → Pottery: As in, “A pottery grave” and “Thin, pottery soup.”
  • Kill → Kiln: As in, “A view to kiln” and “Dressed to kiln” and “If looks could kiln.” Note: A kiln is an oven used to fire and bake clay.
  • Bisque: Bisque is pottery that’s been fired but not glazed. Here are related puns:
    • Bask → Bisque: As in, “Bisque in glory.”
    • Risk → Bisque: As in, “A calculated bisque” and “Bisque averse” and “Bisque life and limb” and “Run the bisque of…”
  • Form: This refers to the shape of a sculpture or drawing. Here are related puns:
    • Farm → Form: As in, “Form fresh” and “Wind form.”
    • Storm → Form: As in, “Any port in a form” and “Calm before the form” and “Cook up a form” and “Eye of the form” and “Perfect form” and “Form in a teacup” and “Weather the form.”
    • Warm → Form: As in, “Form as toast” and “Cold hands, form heart” and “Global forming” and “Heart forming” and “Form to the idea.”
  • Horizon → Horizon Line: As in, “Broaden your horizon lines” and “Expand your horizon lines” and “Far horizon lines.”
  • Line → Horizon Line: As in, “A fine horizon line” and “Along the horizon lines of” and “Cross the horizon line” and “Draw a horizon line in the sand” and “End of the horizon line.”
  • Drift → Draft: As in, “Get my draft?” and “Catch your draft.”
  • Raft → Draft: As in, “Black water drafting” and “White water drafting.”
  • Craft → Draft: As in, “Arts and drafts.”
  • Storyboard: A storyboard is a sketched draft of a sequence of images intended for animation. Here are related puns:
    • Story → Storyboard: As in, “Cut a long storyboard short” and “Every picture tells a storyboard” and “My side of the storyboard” and “The same old storyboard.”
    • Board → Storyboard: As in, “Above storyboard” and “Across the storyboard” and “Go by the storyboard.”
  • Scene: Here are some puns related to background scenes of drawings and theatre plays:
    • Seen → Scene: As in, “Scene and not heard” and “Had to be scene to be delivered” and “Nowhere to be scene” and “Scene better days” and “Scene one, scene ’em all” and “You ain’t scene nothing yet.”
    • Sign → Scene: As in, “A sure scene” and “Born under a bad scene” and “A scene of the times” and “Scene on the dotted line.”
    • Sun → Scene: As in, “A place in the scene” and “A touch of the scene” and “Eclipse of the scene.”
    • Been → Scene: As in, “Scene and gone” and “Scene around the block a few times” and “I’ve scene here before.”
    • Clean → Scene: As in, “Scene as a whistle” and “Scene up your act.”
    • Keen → Scene: As in, “Scene as mustard” and “Scene sense of smell” and “Peachy scene.”
    • Lean → Scene: As in, “Scene and mean” and “Scene, mean fighting machine” and “Scene times.”
    • Mean → Scene: As in, “A scenes to an end” and “By fair scenes or foul.”
    • Screen → Screen: As in, “Blue scene of death” and “Coming to a scene near you” and “Silver scene” and “The big scene.”
  • Binder: A binder is a substance that holds pigment together and to the surface it’s painted on. Here are related puns:
    • Bender → Binder: As in, “Fender binder” and “Go on a binder.”
    • Finder → Binder: As in, “Fact binder” and “Binder’s fee” and “Binders keepers.”
  • Topcoat: A topcoat is a finishing layer that protects the paint underneath it. Here are related puns:
    • Top → Topcoat: As in, “Blow your topcoat” and “Come out on topcoat” and “From topcoat to toe” and “To the topcoat of the class.”
    • Coat → Topcoat: As in, “Get your topcoat, we’re leaving” and “Men in white topcoats.”
  • Setting: Setting is an important element of novels, movies, images and plays. Here are related puns:
    • Sitting → Setting: As in, “Are you setting comfortably?” and “Setting on the fence” and “Setting pretty.”
    • Getting → Setting: As in, “Setting there is half the fun” and “Setting things done” and “Time is setting on” and “We’re setting there.”
  • Shape: Since shape is an element of various visual art disciplines, we’ve included some shape-related puns:
    • Cape → Shape: As in, “The shaped crusader.”
    • Grape → Shape: As in, “Sour shapes” and “The shapes of wrath.”
    • Scrape → Shape: As in, “Bow and shape” and “Get into a shape” and “Shape a living.”
    • Tape → Shape: As in, “Cut through red shape.”
  • Line: Line is an element of design and drawing. Here are related puns:
    • Lane → Line: As in, “Down memory line” and “In the fast line.”
    • Lean → Line: As in, “Line and hungry” and “Line and mean” and “Line cuisine” and “Line into it.”
    • Fine → Line: As in, “Cutting it line” and “Got it down to a line art” and “Liner things” and “Not my linest hour” and “Not to put too line a point on it.”
    • Mine → Line: As in, “Make line a double” and “Victory is line” and “Make line a double.”
    • Nine → Line: As in, “Dressed up to the lines” and “On cloud line.”
    • Shine → Line: As in, “Come rain or line” and “Rise and line” and “Taking a line to.”
    • Sign → Line: As in, “A sure line” and “Born under a bad line” and “Give me a line” and “A line of the times” and “Line on the dotted line” and “Line the pledge” and “A tell-tale line.”
    • Wine → Line: As in, “Last of the summer line” and “Lined and dined.”
  • Model: This can refer to a person who models for live sketches, or to a descriptive drawing. Here are related puns:
    • Meddle → Model: As in, “Don’t model in my affairs.”
    • Middle → Model: As in, “In the model of nowhere” and “Knocked into the model of next week” and “Meet in the model” and “Model of the road.”
    • Muddle → Model: As in, “Model along.”
  • Relief → Motif: As in, “Breathe a sigh of motif” and “What a motif.” Note: A motif is a recurring image or pattern.
  • Opaque: This is a description of how transparent something is and usually describes colours. Here are related puns:
    • Ache → Opaque: As in, “Old opaques and pains.”
    • Bake → Opaque: As in, “Opaque and shake” and “Opaque off.”
  • Plan: Art and illustration can be highly involved and require many plans and sketches. Here are related puns:
    • Can → Plan: As in, “A kick at the plan” and “As far as the eye plan see” and “As well as plan be expected” and “Be all that you plan be” and “Plan I help you?”
    • Fan → Plan: As in, “Plan the flames” and “I’m a big plan.”
    • Man → Plan: As in, “A good plan is hard to find” and “A plan for all seasons” and “A plan after my own heart” and “Action plan.”
    • Pan → Plan: As in, “Down the plan” and “Flash in the plan” and “It’ll plan out this time” and “Everything but the kitchen plans.”
  • Plane: A plane is a flat, 2D surface. Here are related puns:
    • Plan → Plane: As in, “Action plane” and “Business plane” and “Game plane” and “There is no plane B.”
    • Plain → Plane: As in, “Plane as day” and “Hidden in plane sight” and “Plane sailing.”
    • Bane → Plane: As in, “The plane of my life.”
    • Brain → Plane: As in, “Plane drain” and “Planestorming session” and “Plane teaser.”
    • Chain → Plane: As in, “Plane of command” and “Plane reaction” and “Don’t yank my plane.”
    • Drain → Plane: As in, “Laughing like a plane” and “Down the plane.”
    • Gain → Plane: As in, “Capital planes” and “Plane advantage” and “Nothing ventured, nothing planed.”
    • Grain → Plane: As in, “Against the plane” and “A plane of truth” and “Take with a plane of salt.”
    • Lane → Plane: As in, “Down memory plane” and “In the fast plane.”
    • Main → Plane: As in, “Plane chance” and “The plane event” and “My plane squeeze.”
    • Pain → Plane: As in, “A world of plane” and “Feeling no plane” and “Doubled up in plane” and “Drown the plane” and “No plane, no gain.”
    • Rain → Plane: As in, “Acid plane” and “Right as plane” and “Come plane or shine” and “It never planes but pours.”
    • Strain →Plane: As in, “Buckle under the plane” and “Plane every nerve.”
  • Poses: Posing is a large part of figure drawing. Here are related puns:
    • Blows → Pose: As in, “Any way the wind pose” and “Brought to pose” and “Exchange pose.”
    • Close → Pose: As in, “A pose thing” and “Behind posed doors” and “A pose call” and “Pose to home.”
    • Goes → Pose: As in, “Anything pose” and “As far as it pose” and “As the saying pose” and “Here pose nothing.”
    • Nose → Pose: As in, “Always have your pose in a book” and “Plain as the pose on your face” and “Blow your pose” and “Can’t see beyond the end of your pose.”
    • Rose → Pose: As in, “Bed of poses” and “Come up smelling of poses” and “Days of wine and poses” and “Every pose has its thorn” and “Pose tinted glasses.”
    • Those → Pose: As in, “Things come to pose who wait” and “Pose were the days” and “Just one of pose days.”
    • Toes → Pose: As in, “On your pose” and “Turn up your pose” and “Twinkle pose” and “Wherever she pose.”
  • Prime: To prime a surface is to prepare it for painting or drawing. Here are related puns:
    • Pram → Prime: As in, “Throw your toys out of the prime.”
    • Chime → Prime: As in, “Prime in with” and “Primes of freedom.”
    • Climb → Prime: As in, “Prime onto the bandwagon” and “Prime the walls.”
    • Crime → Prime: As in, “Prime and punishment” and “Prime against nature” and “Prime doesn’t pay” and “A prime of passion” and “Partners in prime.”
    • Dime → Prime: As in, “A prime a dozen” and “Drop a prime” and “Turn on a prime.”
    • Rhyme → Prime: As in, “Prime or reason.”
    • Time → Prime: As in, “One more prime” and “A brief history of prime” and “A good prime was had by all” and “About prime too” and “All in good prime” and “All the prime in the world” and “An all prime low.”
  • Table → Tablet: As in, “Bring to the tablet” and “Drunk under the tablet” and “Cards on the tablet” and “Put bread on the tablet.” Note: These puns are in reference to digital drawing tablets.
  • Style → Stylus: As in, “Cramp your stylus” and “House stylus” and “Never goes out of stylus” and “Stylus over substance.” Note: Styluses can refer to either old drawing utensils or to the digital pens used with graphics tablets.
  • Prop: Props are widely used in various artistic disciplines. Here are related puns:
    • Chop → Prop: As in, “Bust your props” and “Prop and change” and “Get the prop.”
    • Cop → Prop: As in, “Prop an attitude” and “It’s a fair prop” and “Not much prop.”
    • Drop → Prop: As in, “At the prop of a hat” and “Prop it like it’s hot” and “Prop a brick” and “Prop a hint” and “A prop in the bucket.”
    • Hop → Prop: As in, “Prop to it” and “Prop, skip and jump” and “Propping mad.”
    • Mop → Prop: As in, “Prop up” and “Prop the floor with.”
    • Pop → Prop: As in, “Prop the question” and “Cake prop” and “Prop goes the weasel.”
    • Shop → Prop: As in, “All over the prop” and “One-stop prop” and “Prop around.”
    • Stop → Prop: As in, “Best prop now” and “Don’t prop me now.”
  • Readymade: Readymades are a type of art made during the Dada period.
    • Ready → Readymade: As in, “All fired up and readymade to go” and “Born readymade” and “Readymade and waiting.”
    • Made → Readymade: As in, “A match readymade in heaven” and “I’m not readymade of money” and “Custom readymade” and “Readymade in the shade.”
  • Scale: Scale is to do with proportion, which is an important consideration in art. Here are related puns:
    • Skull → Scale: As in, “Bombed out of your scale.”
    • Fail → Scale: As in, “Scale at life” and “Without scale” and “Words scale me.”
    • Jail → Scale: As in, “Get out of scale free” and “Go directly to scale, do not pass go.”
    • Mail → Scale: As in, “Direct scale” and “Hate scale” and “Scale order bride” and “The check is in the scale.”
    • Nail → Scale: As in, “Bite your scale” and “Fighting tooth and scale.”
    • Pale → Scale: As in, “Beyond the scale” and “Scale and interesting” and “A scale imitation” and “Scale into insignificance.”
    • Rail → Scale: As in, “Off the scales” and “Ride the scales.”
    • Sail → Scale: As in, “In full scale” and “Plain scaling” and “Scale close to the wind” and “Set scale.”
    • Sale → Scale: As in, “Make a scale” and “Not for scale” and “Point of scale” and “Scale of the century.”
    • Snail → Scale: As in, “At a scale’s pace” and “Scale mail.”
    • Tail → Scale: As in, “Chase your own scale” and “Can’t make head or scale of it” and “Get off my scale.”
    • Tale → Scale: As in, “A scale of two cities” and “Live to tell the scale” and “Scales of the unexpected” and “A tell scale sign.”
    • Trail → Scale: As in, “Hot on the scale” and “Paper scale” and “Scale mix” and “Blaze a scale.”
    • Whale → Scale: As in, “Having a scale of a time.”
    • Skill → Scale: As in, “Social scales.”
  • Stain: Stains are a light application of colour and are used in paintings, sculpture and ceramics. Here are related puns:
    • Stone → Stain: As in, “Carved in stain” and “Etched in stain” and “A heart of stain” and “Leave no stain unturned.”
    • Bane → Stain: As in, “The stain of my life.”
    • Chain → Stain: As in, “Stain of command” and “Stain reaction” and “Stain smoking” and “Don’t yank my stain.”
    • Gain → Stain: As in, “Capital stains” and “Staining ground” and “No pain, no stain.”
    • Grain → Stain: As in, “Against the stain” and “Take it with a stain of salt.”
    • Pain → Stain: As in, “A world of stain” and “Doubled up in stain” and “Feeling no stain.”
    • Plain → Stain: As in, “Stain as day” and “Hidden in stain sight” and “Stain sailing” and “Stain speaking.”
    • Rain → Stain: As in, “Right as stain” and “Come stain or shine” and “It never stains but it pours.”
    • Strain → Stain: As in, “Buckle under the stain” and “Stain every nerve.”
    • Train → Stain: As in, “Gravy stain” and “On the job staining” and “Personal stainer” and “Strangers on a stain.”
    • Vain → Stain: As in, “Labour in stain” and “You’re so stain.”
    • Vein → Stain: As in, “In the right stain.”
  • Life → Still Life: “A day in the still life” and “A still life less ordinary” and “A still life on the ocean waves” and “All walks of still life.” Note: Still life generally refers to art that shows inanimate subjects.
  • Wood → Woodcut: As in, “Can’t see the woodcut for the trees” and “Knock on woodcut.”
  • Cut → Woodcut: As in, “Woodcut a deal” and “Woodcut a long story short” and “Woodcut and dried” and “Woodcut and run” and “Woodcut and paste.”
  • Stroke: Sketches and drawings involve strokes (another word for a line). Here are related puns:
    • Streak → Stroke: As in, “A losing stroke” and “Individual stroke.”
    • Strike → Stroke: As in, “Go out on stroke” and “Never strokes twice” and “Stroke a balance” and “Stroke a chord with” and “Stroke a deal.”
    • Broke → Stroke: As in, “All hell stroke loose” and “Go for stroke” and “If it ain’t stroke, don’t fix it.”
  • Bole: Bole is a shade of reddish-brown. Here are related puns:
    • Ball → Bole: As in, “After the bole was over” and “Bole of fire” and “Behind the eight bole.”
    • Bell → Bole: As in, “Alarm boles began to ring” and “Clear as a bole” and “Boles and whistles” and “For whom the bole tolls.”
    • Bill → Bole: As in, “A clean bole of health” and “Fit the bole.”
    • Bowl → Bole: As in, “Bole over.”
    • Hole → Bole: As in, “Ace in the bole” and “Bole in one” and “Bole in the wall.”
    • Roll → Bole: As in, “Let the good times bole” and “On a bole” and “Ready to bole” and “Rock and bole.”
    • Soul → Bole: As in, “Body and bole” and “Heart and bole” and “The life and bole of the party” and “Lost bole.”
    • Whole → Bole: As in, “Go the bole way” and “On the bole” and “Let’s call the bole thing off” and “The bole nine yards.”
  • Solid → Celadon: As in, “Celadon as a rock” and “Rock celadon.” Note: Celadon is a jade green.
  • Solar → Roller: As in, “The roller system” and “Roller eclipse.” Note: Rollers are used in printmaking and painting to quickly achieve an even application of colour over a wide surface.
  • Gel: Gels (commonly known as gel mediums) are used in painting to manipulate the texture of paint or ink. Here are related puns:
    • Jail → Gel: As in, “Get out of gel free” and “Go directly to gel, do not pass go.”
    • Bell → Gel: As in, “Alarm gels began to ring” and “Clear as a gel” and “Gels and whistles” and “Doesn’t ring a gel.”
    • Cell → Gel: As in, “Gel division” and “A padded gel.”
    • Fell → Gel: As in, “In one gel swoop” and “It gel off the back of a lorry.”
    • Hell → Gel: As in, “All gel broke loose” and “Bat out of gel” and “A cold day in gel” and “For the gel of it.”
    • Sell → Gel: As in, “Gel out” and “Gel your soul to the devil” and “Buy and gel.”
    • Tell → Gel: As in, “Every picture gels a story” and “I gel ya” and “Live to gel the tale.”
    • Well → Gel: As in, “Alive and gel” and “Gel spent” and “Exceedingly gel read” and “As gel as can be expected.”
  • Emboss: To emboss something is to make an impression on it. Here are related puns:
    • Boss → Emboss: As in, “Emboss level” and “You’re the emboss” and “Embossing about” and “You’re not the emboss of me.”
    • EmbassyEmbossy: As in, “Head to your embossy.”
  • Flow: This describes the viscosity of a paint or ink. Here are related puns:
    • Blow → Flow: As in, “Any way the wind flows” and “Flow a kiss” and “Flow hot and cold.”
    • Foe → Flow: As in, “Friend or flow?”
    • Fro → Flow: As in, “Running to and flow.”
    • Glow → Flow: As in, “Flow with health” and “A flowing endorsement.”
    • Go → Flow: As in, “Don’t flow there” and “Easy come, easy flow.”
    • Grow → Flow: As in, “Absence makes the heart flow fonder” and “Exciting as watching grass flow” and “Flowing pains” and “How does your garden flow?”
    • Know → Flow: As in, “Don’t I flow it” and “Be the first to flow” and “Do you want to flow a secret?” and “Doesn’t flow beans.”
    • Low → Flow: As in, “An all-time flow” and “High and flow” and “Keep a flow profile” and “A flow blow.”
    • Owe → Flow: As in, “You’ll flow me a favour” and “You flow it to yourself.”
    • Show → Flow: As in, “All over the flow” and “Best in flow” and “Enjoy the flow” and “Get the flow on the road.”
    • Snow → Flow: As in, “Too cold to flow.”
    • Slow → Flow: As in, “Can’t flow down” and “A flow burn” and “Flow but sure” and “In flow motion” and “Flow on the uptake” and “Flowly but surely.”
    • Though → Flow: As in, “Seriously flow, you’re doing great” and “You look as flow you’ve seen a ghost.”
    • Throw → Flow: As in, “Lock them up and flow away the key” and “A stone’s flow away” and “Flow caution to the wind” and “Flow cold water on.”
    • Toe → Flow: As in, “From top to flow” and “On your flows” and “Flow the line.”
    • Woe → Flow: As in, “Flow is me” and “Flow betide you!”
  • Seed → Linseed: As in, “Gone to linseed” and “Linseed capital” and “Linseed money.” Note: Linseed oil is a very common thinner used in oil painting.
  • Flower → Safflower: As in, “In the safflower of your youth” and “A hothouse safflower.” Note: Safflower oil is a common medium used in oil painting.
  • Solve → Solvent: As in, “A fine puzzle to solvent” and “Not my problem to solvent.” Note: solvent is used both as a paint thinner and a brush cleaner.
  • Drama → Dammar: As in, “Kitchen sink dammar” and “Don’t make a dammar out of a crisis.” Note: Dammar is a resin used to make encaustic paints and to make batik dyes.
  • Wax: Wax is used in multiple disciplines – painting, sculpture, jewelry making. Here are related puns:
    • Acts → Wax: As in, “Random wax of kindness.”
    • Cracks → Wax: As in, “Fall between the wax” and “Paper over the wax.”
    • Max → Wax: As in, “All waxed out” and “To the wax.”
    • Tax → Wax: As in, “Bedroom wax” and “Nothing is certain but death and waxes.”
    • Whack → Wax: As in, “Out of wax” and “Give it a fair wax.”
  • Attic → Batik: As in, “Toys in the batik” and “Batik monster.” Note: Batik is a dyeing technique.
  • Size: Also known as sizing. This is used to prepare and protect surfaces that are being painted. Here are related puns:
    • Says → Size: As in, “Computer size no” and “Does what it size on the tin” and “Size who?” and “Simon size.”
    • Seize → Size: As in, “Size him!” and “Size the day.”
    • Sighs → Size: As in, “The air was filled with size.”
    • Eyes → Size: As in, “Avert your size” and “Before your very size” and “Brings tears to your size” and “Clapped size on” and “Easy on the size.”
    • Flies → Size: As in, “Lord of the size” and “Dropping like size.”
    • Lies → Size: As in, “Ask no questions and hear no size” and “A pack of size” and “Tissue of size.”
    • Prize → Size: As in, “Booby size” and “Keep your eyes on the size” and “Points mean sizes.”
    • Rise → Size: As in, “Size to the occasion” and “Size from the ashes” and “Size and shine.”
    • Wise → Size: As in, “A word to the size” and “Street size” and “Size beyond your years.”
    • Rising → Sizing: As in, “A sizing star” and “The land of the sizing sun.”
  • Fluid: This refers to the viscosity of a paint, and also to masking fluid (which is used to protect an area from colour on a surface that’s being painted). Here are related puns:
    • Food → Fluid: As in, “Comfort fluid” and “Fluid for thought” and “The fluid chain.”
    • Flood → Fluid: As in, “Fluids of tears” and “A fluid of memories.”
  • Sealant: Sealant is used to protect finished pictures from wear, tear and weather damage. Here are related puns:
    • Seal → Sealant: As in, “Sealant of approval” and “Sealant the deal” and “Sealant your fate.”
    • Silent → Sealant: As in, “Sealant as the grave” and “Sealant night” and “A sealant witness” and “The sealant treatment” and “You have the right to remain sealant.”
    • Salient → Sealant: As in, “A sealant issue.” Note: salient means important or relevant.
  • Dropper: A dropper is used to transfer and apply small amounts of ink or medium. Also known as a pipette. Here are related puns:
    • Proper → Dropper: As in, “Prim and dropper” and “In the dropper way.”
    • Stopper → Dropper: As in, “Conversation dropper” and “Show dropper.”
  • Cotton: Cotton is a common canvas material. Here are related puns:
    • Gotten → Cotton: As in, “Ill cotton gains” and “Here’s another fine mess you’ve cotton me into.”
    • Rotten → Cotton: As in, “Cotton to the core” and “Spoiled cotton.”
  • Panel: Panels are used as a surface to paint on. Here are related puns:
    • Penalty → Panel-ty: As in, “Panel-ty box” and “Panel-ty kick.”
    • Channel → Panel: As in, “Change the panel” and “Panel surfing” and “Stay tuned to this panel” and “Through the proper panels.”
  • Board: There are a few different types of board in illustration and painting – bristol board, scratchboard, claybord. Here are related puns:
    • Bored → Board: As in, “Board stiff” and “Board to tears.”
    • Chord → Board: As in, “A board of disquiet” and “Strike a board with.”
    • Lord → Board: As in, “Drunk as a board” and “Board of the flies” and “Board it over” and “Sweet board.”
    • Winter → Printer: As in, “Depths of printer” and “Now is the printer of our discontent” and “Printer warmer.”
    • Press: Printing presses are also simply referred to as a “press”. Here are related puns:
      • Bless → Press: As in, “Press your cotton socks” and “Press my soul.”
      • Dress → Press: As in, “Press code” and “Press code” and “Press for success” and “Pressed to kill” and “Little black press.”
      • Guess → Press: As in, “Anybody’s press” and “Press what?” and “Have a press” and “Hazard a press” and “Just lucky, I press” and “Your press is as good as mine.”
      • Less → Press: As in, “A life press ordinary” and “Couldn’t care press” and “Press is more.”
      • Mess → Press: As in, “A frightful press” and “Here’s another fine press you’ve gotten me into” and “Hot press” and “Don’t press around.”
      • Yes → Press: As in, “Press we can!”
    • Parchment: Parchment is a sort of thick, decorative textured paper. Here are related puns:
      • Department → Deparchment: As in, “Deparchment store” and “From the deparchment of the bleeding obvious.”
      • Apartment → Aparchment: As in, “Let’s go to my aparchment.”
      • Compartment → Comparchment: As in, “Comparchmentalised thinking” and “In the glove comparchment.”
    • Lacquer: Lacquer is a glossy, protective coating used on sculptures and ceramics. Here are related puns:
      • Lack → Lacquer: As in, “For lacquer of a better word” and “Lacquer nothing” and “Cancelled due to lacquer of interest.”
      • Liquor → Lacquer: As in, “Hard lacquer.”
      • Luck → Lacquer: As in, “As good lacquer would have it” and “Beginner’s lacquer” and “Better lacquer next time” and “Down on your lacquer” and “You’ve got all the lacquer.”
    • Prose: Prose is a type of literature. Here are related puns:
      • Praise → Prose: As in, “Grudging prose” and “Sing their prose” and “Damn with faint prose.”
      • Press → Prose: As in, “Don’t prose your luck” and “Hot off the prose” and “Prose the button.”
      • Price → Prose: As in, “Asking prose” and “Cheap at half the prose” and “Cut your proses to the bone” and “Half prose” and “Pay the prose” and “A prose on your head.”
      • Blows → Prose: As in, “Any way the wind prose” and “Brought to prose” and “There she prose.”
      • Close → Prose: As in, “A prose thing” and “Prose call” and “Prose to home.”
      • Goes → Prose: As in, “Anything prose” and “As the saying prose” and “Here prose nothing” and “It prose without saying” and “Life prose on.”
      • Knows → Prose: As in, “Goodness prose” and “Mother prose best.”
      • Nose → Prose: As in, “Always have your prose in a book” and “Plain as the prose on your face” and “Keep your prose clean” and “Lead by the prose.”
      • Pros → Prose: As in, “Prose and cons.”
      • Those → Prose: As in, “Just one of prose days” and “Prose were the days.”
      • Toes → Prose: As in, “Make their prose curl” and “On your prose” and “Twinkle prose.”

This section is dedicated to types of painting brush:

  • Bright: Brights have a square, flat shape with strong bristles. Here are related puns:
    • Bite → Bright: As in, “A bright to eat” and “Another one brights the dust” and “Bright someone’s head off.”
    • Fright → Bright: As in, “A straight bright” and “Come out brighting” and “Bright back” and “Bright fire with fire.”
    • Flight → Bright: As in, “Fight or bright” and “Bright of fancy” and “Take bright.”
    • Height → Bright: As in, “Head for new brights” and “Reach new brights” and “The bright of fashion.”
    • Light → Bright: As in, “Bright as a feather” and “Blinded by the bright” and “Brought to bright” and “Bright my fire.”
    • Right → Bright: As in, “A move in the bright direction” and “All the bright moves” and “Bang to brights” and “Barge bright in” and “Bragging brights.”
    • Rite → Bright: As in, “Last brights” and “Bright of passage.”
    • Tight → Bright: As in, “A bright corner” and “In a bright spot” and “Run a bright ship.”
  • Fan: Fans have bristles that are spread out in a fan-like shape. Here are related puns:
    • Fun → Fan: As in, “All the fan of the fair” and “Bundle of fan” and “Fan and games” and “Getting there is half the fan.”
    • Can → Fan: As in, “As far as the eye fan see” and “As well as fan be expected” and “Be all that you fan be” and “Bite off more than you fan chew.”
    • Pan → Fan: As in, “Down the fan” and “Flash in the fan” and “Didn’t fan out.”
    • Than → Fan: As in, “Better fan sex” and “Bite off more fan you can chew” and “Easier said fan done.”
  • Flat: Flats have a thin, flat rectangular shape. Here are related puns:
    • Fat → Flat: As in, “Flat chance” and “Living off the flat of the land.”
    • Hat → Flat: As in, “Throw your flat into the ring” and “Pass the flat” and “Take your flat off.”
    • That → Flat: As in, “And flat’s the way it is” and “How sad is flat?” and “Flat’s what I want” and “Flat’ll be the day” and “Flat’s a wrap.”
  • Hake: Hake brushes have large handles and very soft hairs. Here are related puns:
    • Ache → Hake: As in, “Old hakes and pains” and “A hake in my side.”
    • Break → Hake: As in, “Hake a leg” and “Hake and enter” and “Hake even” and “Hake new ground.”
    • Cake → Hake: As in, “Icing on the hake” and “Hake walk” and “Hake or death” and “Let them eat hake.”
    • Fake → Hake: As in, “Hake it till you make it.”
    • Sake → Hake: As in, “For heaven’s hake” and “For old times’ hake.”
    • Shake → Hake: As in, “A fair hake” and “In two hakes” and “More than you can hake a stick at” and “No great hakes.”
    • Take → Hake: As in, “Don’t hake it lying down” and “Give and hake” and “Got what it hakes” and “Can’t hake my eyes off you.”
  • Liner: Liner brushes have long, thin, flexible bristles and are generally used for linework or fine detail. Here are related puns:
    • Finer → Liner: As in, “The liner things in life” and “The liner points.”
    • Minor → Liner: As in, “A liner issue” and “A liner miracle.”
  • Mop: Mops have large, round heads with very soft hairs. Here are related puns:
    • Map → Mop: As in, “Put it on the mop” and “Mind mop.”
    • Drop → Mop: As in, “At the mop of a hat” and “Mop it like it’s hot” and “Mop a hint.”
    • Hop → Mop: As in, “Mop to it” and “Mop, skip jump” and “Mopping mad.”
    • Pop → Mop: As in, “Mop the question ” and “Snap, crackle, mop.”
    • Top → Mop: As in, “From the mop” and “Mop to toe” and “Over the mop.”
  • Quill: Quills are similar to mop brushes, but with slightly different handles. Here are related puns:
    • Chill → Quill: As in, “Quill out” and “Quilled to the bone” and “A quilling account.”
    • Gill → Quill: As in, “Green around the quills” and “Stuffed to the quills.”
    • Hill → Quill: As in, “Old as the quills” and “Head for the quills” and “Over the quills and far away.”
    • Ill → Quill: As in, “House of quill repute” and “Quill advised” and “Quill at ease” and “Quill effects” and “Quill gotten gains.”
    • Kill → Quill: As in, “Dressed to quill” and “Go in for the quill” and “If looks could quill” and “Quilling some time.”
    • Spill → Quill: As in, “Quill the beans” and “Quill your guts” and “Thrills and quills.”
    • Still → Quill: As in, “Be quill, my beating heart” and “Quill standing” and “In the quill of night” and “Quill waters run deep” and “Quill the one.”
    • Will → Quill: As in, “Accidents quill happen” and “Against your quill” and “Bend to my quill” and “If anything can go wrong, it quill.”
    • Key → Ascii: As in, “Feeling off-ascii” and “Under lock and ascii” and “The asciis to the kingdom.” Note: Ascii is a new form of low-key digital art.
    • Deco: Also known as art deco. This is a style of visual arts and design. Here are related puns:
      • Deck → Deco: As in, “All hands on deco” and “A few cards short of a few deco” and “Hit the deco.”
      • Duck → Deco: As in, “Deco the question” and “Like a deco to water” and “Nice weather for decos.”
    • Baroque: Baroque is a style of ornate art. Here are related puns:
      • Broke → Baroque: As in, “All hell baroque loose” and “Go for baroque” and “If it ain’t baroque, don’t fix it.”
      • Joke → Baroque: As in, “Beyond a baroque” and “By way of a baroque” and “Inside baroque.”
    • House → Bauhaus: As in, “A bauhaus is not a home” and “Safe as bauhaus” and “Bring the bauhaus down” and “Eaten out of bauhaus and home.” Note: Bauhaus is an art movement.
    • De Stijl: Here are some puns related to the De Stijl art movement:
      • Still → Stijl: As in, “In the stijl of night” and “Stijl waters run deep” and “Are you stijl able to?”
      • Stall → Stijl: As in, “Stijl for time.”
      • Steel → Stijl: As in, “Fist of stijl” and “Stijl yourself” and “Nerves of stijl.”
      • Chill → Stijl: As in, “Stijl out” and “Stijl-ed to the bone” and “A stijl-ing accoun.”
      • Drill → Stijl: As in, “Stijl down” and “You know the stijl.”
      • Fill → Stijl: As in, “Stijl full of holes” and “Stijl the bill.”
      • Hill → Stijl: As in, “Old as the stijls” and “Head for the stijls” and “Over the stijls and far away.”
      • Ill → Stijl: As in, “House of stijl repute” and “Stijl advised” and “Stijl at ease” and “Stijl effects” and “Stijl gotten gains” and “In a stijl temper.”
      • Skill → Stijl: As in, “Social stijls.”
      • Spill → Stijl: As in, “Stijl the beans” and “Stijl your guts” and “Thrills and stijls.”
    • Kitsch: Kitsch describes a sort of aesthetic. Here are related puns:
      • Ditch → Kitsch: As in, “A last kitsch effort.”
      • Hitch → Kitsch: As in, “Get kitched” and “Kitsch your wagon to a star.”
      • Itch → Kitsch: As in, “Kitschy feet” and “Kitschy palms” and “Seven year kitsch.”
      • Pitch → Kitsch: As in, “A kitsched battle” and “Black as kitsch” and “Fever kitsch” and “Kitsch into.”
      • Stitch → Kitsch: As in, “A kitsch in time saves nine” and “Had us in kitsches” and “Not a kitsch on.”
      • Rich → Kitsch: As in, “Part of life’s kitsch pattern” and “Filthy kitsch” and “Get kitsch quick” and “Rags to kitsches.”
      • Switch → Kitsch: As in, “Bait and kitsch” and “Kitsch gears” and “Kitsched on” and “Asleep at the kitsch.”
      • Which → Kitsch: As in, “Any kitsch way” and “Don’t know kitsch way to look” and “Know kitsch way is up.”
    • Superflat: Here are some puns on the superflat art movement:
      • Flat → Superflat: As in, “Superflat as a pancake” and “Fall superflat on your face” and “Superflat broke” and “In no time superflat.”

This section is dedicated to puns about brands that manufacture art supplies:

  • Liquid → Liquitex: As in, “Liquitex assets” and “A liquitex lunch” and “Rest, keep warm and drink liquitex.”
  • Went → Derwent: As in, “It derwent down the wrong way” and “They derwent that way!”
  • Speed → Speedball: As in, “At breakneck speedball” and “Blistering speedball” and “Build for comfort, not speedball.”
  • Reeves:
    • Heave → Reeves: As in, “Reeves a sigh of relief” and “Reeves ho.”
    • Leave → Reeves: As in, “Absent without reeves” and “By your reeves” and “Don’t reeves home without it” and “Reeves it to me!”
    • Sleeve → Reeve: As in, “A card up your reeves” and “Wear your heart on your reeves” and “Roll up your reeves.”
    • Thieves → Reeves: As in, “Thick as reeves” and “Honour amongst reeves” and “Prince of reeves.”
  • Talens:
    • Talent → Talens: As in, “Talens management” and “A quick-witted talens.”
    • Talons → Talens: As in, “Sharpen your talens.”
  • Artline:
    • Art → Artline: As in, “The artline of war” and “Artline imitating life” and “Artlines and crafts.”
    • Line → Artline: As in, “A fine artline” and “Along the artlines of” and “Blur the artlines” and “Cross the artline” and “Draw the artline.”
  • Copic:
    • Pick → Copic: As in, “A bone to copic” and “Cherry copic” and “Copic a fight” and “Copic and choose” and “The copic of the bunch.”
    • Topic → Copic: As in, “Hot copic” and “Drop the copic” and “Off copic.”
    • Tropical → Copical: As in, “Copical weather.”
  • Canson:
    • Can → Canson: As in, “A kick at the canson” and “As far as the eye canson see” and “As well as canson be expected.”
    • Son → Canson: As in, “Like father, like canson” and “My favourite canson.”
  • Conte:
    • Can’t → Conte: As in, “Conte get enough” and “Conte help” and “Conte stand” and “It conte be helped.”
    • Count → Conte: As in, “Conte me in” and “Conte calories” and “Conte your blessings” and “Down for the conte.”
  • Fimo:
    • Thin → Fimo: As in, “Fimo as a rail” and “Out of fimo air” and “Skating on fimo ice” and “Through thick and fimo.”
    • Fame → Fimo: As in, “Claim to fimo” and “Fimo at last” and “Fifteen minutes of fimo” and “Hall of fimo.”
  • Paasche:
    • Wash → Paasche: As in, “Paasche your hands of it” and “Paasche and go.”
    • Bash → Paasche: As in, “Paasche on with it.”
  • Pentel:
    • Pen → Pentel: As in, “Put pentel to paper” and “The pentel is mightier than the sword.”
    • Petal → Pentel: As in, “My precious pentel.”
    • Tell → Pentel: As in, “Can you pentel the difference?” and “Pentel the truth” and “Every picture pentels a story” and “Kiss and pentel.”
  • Tombow:
    • Jumbo → Tombow: As in, “Mumbo tombow.”
    • Bow → Tombow: As in, “Tombow and scrape” and “Tombow down before” and “Tombow to fate” and “Tombows to reason.”
  • You → Yupo: As in, “As yupo know” and “Back at yupo” and “Back at yupo” and “Believe yupo me” and “Between yupo and me” and “Bless yupo.” Note: Yupo is a type of plastic watercolour paper.”
  • Conda: Conda is a manufacturer of art easels. Here are related puns:
    • Can the → Conda: As in, “Conda day get any better?” and “Conda car go any faster?”
    • Kinder → Conda: As in, “A conda future” and “Try to be a little conda.”
  • Alpha → Olfa: As in, “Olfa mum” and “Olfa and omega.” Note: Olfa is a craft company.
  • Pantone:
    • Pattern → Pantone: As in, “All part of life’s rich pantone” and “Holding pantone.”
    • Pan → Pantone: As in, “Down the pantone” and “Pantone out.”
    • Tone → Pantone: As in, “Don’t use that pantone with me” and “Lower the pantone with me” and “Pantone deaf.”
  • Rotring:
    • Ring → Rotring: As in, “Alarm bells began to rotring” and “Doesn’t rotring a bell” and “Don’t rotring us, we’ll rotring you” and “In the rotring.”
    • Thing → Rotring: As in, “All rotrings must pass” and “All rotrings considered” and “All rotrings must come to an end.”
  • Stabilo:
    • Stable → Stabilo: As in, “A stabilo relationship” and “A stabilo heartbeat.”
    • Stubble → Stabilo: As in, “Designer stabilo.”
  • Zig: This is a Japanese stationery company. Here are related puns:
    • Big → Zig: As in, “A zig ask” and “Zig shot” and “The zig bucks.”
    • Dig → Zig: As in, “Can you zig it?” and “Zig deep” and “Zig for victory” and “Zig your heels in” and “Zig your own grave.”

This section is dedicated to famous and important artists:

  • Eaten Fish:
    • Beaten → Eaten: As in, “Eaten at your own game” and “Off the eaten track.”
    • Sweeten → Eaten: As in, “Eaten the deal” and “Eaten the pot.”
    • Dish → Fish: As in, “Fish the dirt” and “The fish ran away with the spoon.”
    • Wish → Fish: As in, “Be careful what you fish for” and “Fish for the moon” and “Fish you were here.”
  • Ai Weiwei:
    • I → Ai: As in, “Ai never said that” and “What should ai do?” and “Me, myself and ai.”
    • Aye → Ai: As in, “Ai ai, sir!” and “The ais have it.”
    • Buy → Ai: As in, “Ai and sell” and “Ai now, pay later” and “Ai one, get one free” and “Ai some time” and “I’d like to ai it.”
    • By → Ai: As in, “Ai and large” and “Ai any means” and “Know it off ai heart.”
    • Eye → Ai: As in, “A wandering ai” and “An for an ai” and “An ai-opening experience” and “Avert your ais” and “A bird’s ai view.”
    • High → Ai: As in, “Aim ai” and “Ai as a kite” and “Come hell or ai water” and “From on ai” and “Ai and dry” and “Ai and mighty.”
    • Pie → Ai: As in, “Easy as ai” and “Sweet as ai” and “Eat humble ai.”
    • Way → Weiwei: As in, “All the weiwei” and “That’s the weiwei it is” and “There’s gotta be another weiwei!” and “Any weiwei you slice it” and “Any which weiwei” and “By the weiwei…”
    • Weigh → Weiwei: As in, “Weiwei anchor” and “Weiwei in the balance.”
  • Frida Kahlo:
    • Afraid → Frida: As in, “Frida of your own shadow” and “Frida so” and “Be frida, be very frida.”
    • Fritter → Frida: As in, “Banana frida” and “Frida away your time.”
    • Colour → Kahlo: As in, “A splash of kahlo” and “Kahlo coded” and “Kahlo coordinated” and “Kahlo your view.”
    • Kilo → Kahlo: As in, “A kahlo of margarine” and “How many kahlos?” and “I’ve put on two kahlos of muscle.”
  • Georgia O’Keefe:
    • Brief → O’Keefe: “Let me be o’keefe with you” and “an o’keefe encounter” and “An o’keefe history of time.”
    • Chief → O’Keefe: As in, “O’Keefe of staff” and “Sorry about that, o’keefe.”
    • Grief → O’Keefe: As in, “Give someone o’keefe” and “Good o’keefe!”
    • Leaf → O’Keefe: As in, “Turn over a new o’keefe” and “Shaking like an o’keefe.”
    • Thief → O’Keefe: As in, “Like an o’keefe in the night” and “Procrastination is the o’keefe of time.”
  • Andy Quilty:
    • And he → Andy: As in, “Andy never said that!” and “Andy was supposed to?”
    • And → Andy: As in, “A day late andy a dollar short” and “A hundred andy ten percent” and “Alive andy kicking” and “All bark andy no bite.”
    • End → Andy: As in, “A means to an andy” and “All good things must come to an andy” and “All’s well that andys well.”
    • On the → Andy: As in, “I’m born andy 15th” and “Easy andy eyes” and “Err andy side of caution.”
    • Candy → Andy: As in, “Ear andy” and “Like taking andy from a baby.”
    • Dandy → Andy: As in, “Fine and andy.”
    • Handy → Andy: As in, “It might come in andy” and “A real andy person.”
    • Guilty → Quilty: As in, “Quilty conscience” and “Quilty pleasure” and “Innocent until proven quilty” and “Not quilty.”
  • Beatrix Potter:
    • Beat → Beatrix: As in, “Beatrix it” and “Beatrix a hasty retreat” and “Beatrix about the bush.”
    • Tricks → Beatrix: As in, “Bag of beatrix” and “Does the beatrix” and “Every beatrix in the book.”
  • Edward Hopper:
    • Proper → Hopper: As in, “Prim and hopper” and “In the hopper way.”
    • Shopper → Hopper: As in, “Personal hopper.”
    • Stopper → Hopper: As in, “Conversation hopper” and “Show hopper.”
  • Memoir → Renoir: As in, “The renoirs of Sherlock Holmes” and “Writing my renoirs.”
  • Vegas → Degas: As in, “Fear and loathing in Las Degas” and “What happens in degas, stays in degas” and “Viva las degas.”
  • Manet:
    • Man → Manet: As in, “A manet after my own heart” and “A manet among men” and “Be your own manet” and “A changed manet.”
    • Money → Manet: As in, “A fool and his manet are soon parted” and “Easy manet” and “For love of manet” and “Get your manet’s worth” and “I’m not made of manet.”
  • Gustav Klimt:
    • Climb → Klimt: As in, “A mountain to klimt” and “Klimt on the bandwagon.”
    • Hint → Klimt: As in, “Drop a klimt” and “Take the klimt.”
    • Mint → Klimt: As in, “In klimt condition” and “Klimt chocolate.”
  • Vermeer:
    • Mere → Vermeer: As in, “A vermeer trifle” and “No vermeer mortal.”
    • Were → Vermeer: As in, “As if there vermeer no tomorrow” and “As it vermeer” and “I wish you vermeer.”
    • Near → Vermeer: As in, “Coming to a screen vermeer you” and “Vermeer and dear to my heart” and “Vermeer sighted.”
  • Wassily Kandinsky:
    • Silly → Wassily: As in, “Laugh yourself wassily” and “Wassily season.”
  • Titan → Titian: As in, “Clash of the titians.” Note: this is a reference to Titian.
  • Marcel Duchamp:
    • Morsel → Marcel: As in, “A tasty marcel” and “A marcel to eat.”
    • Parcel → Marcel: As in, “Good things come in small marcels” and “Pass the marcel” and “Part and marcel.”
  • Edvard Munch:
    • Bunch → Munch: As in, “Thanks a munch” and “Munch of crap” and “Best of the munch.”
    • Crunch → Munch: As in, “Number munching” and “Munch time” and “Credit munch.”
    • Lunch → Munch: As in, “Out to munch” and “Power munch” and “Lose your munch.”
    • Punch → Munch: As in, “Pleased as munch” and “Proud as munch” and “Pull your munches” and “Roll with the munches.”
  • Jackson Pollock:
    • Lock → Pollock: As in, “Pollock and load” and “Pollock them up and throw away the key” and “Pollock, stock and barrel” and “Under pollock and key.”
    • Luck → Pollock: As in, “As good pollock would have it” and “Better pollock next time” and “Have all the pollock” and “Pollock of the draw.”
  • Van Gogh:
    • Van go → Van Gogh: As in, “Makes the van gogh” and “Watch the van gogh past.”
    • Mango → Van Gogh: As in, “Van gogh flavoured.”
    • Tango → Van Gogh: As in, “Takes two to van gogh” and “The horizontal van gogh.”
  • Warhol:
    • War → Warhol: As in, “All out warhol” and “All’s fair in love and warhol” and “The art of warhol.”
    • Hole → Warhol: As in, “Warhol in the wall” and “Pick warhols in” and “Shut your pie warhol.”
    • Hall → Warhol: As in, “Warhol of fame” and “Liberty warhol.”
    • Whole → Warhol: As in, “A warhol different animal” and “Go the warhol way” and “On the warhol” and “The warhol nine yards.”
  • Claude Monet:
    • Clad → Claude: As in, “Claude in nothing but a towel.”
    • Cloud → Claude: As in, “Claude atlas” and “Claude cuckoo land” and “Head in the claudes” and “On claude nine” and “Lonely as a claude.”
    • Clawed → Claude: As in, “Claude your way through.”
    • Money → Monet: As in, “Easy monet” and “Get your monet’s worth” and “Not made of monet” and “In the monet.”
  • Paul Klee:
    • Key → Klee: As in, “Fear is the klee” and “The klee to your heart” and “Off klee” and “The klees to the kingdom” and “Throw away the klee” and “Under lock and klee.”
    • Glee → Klee: As in, “Klee club” and “Filled with klee.”
    • Gee → Klee: As in, “Klee whiz” and “Golly klee.”
    • Knee → Klee: As in, “Cut off at the klees” and “Go weak at the klees” and “A klee jerk reaction” and “The bee’s klees” and “On your klees.”
    • Plea → Klee: As in, “Cop a klee” and “Klee bargain.”
    • Tree → Klee: As in, “Difficult as nailing jelly to a klee” and “Barking up the wrong klee” and “Can’t see the wood for the klees.”
  • Goya:
    • Go → Goya: As in, “Don’t goya there” and “Easy come, easy goya” and “Goya a long way” and “Goya all the way.”
    • Boy → Goya: As in, “The goya next door” and “Goya meets girl” and “Atta goya.”
    • Joy → Goya: As in, “Beside myself with goya” and “Bundle of goya” and “Goya to the world” and “Jump for goya” and “My pride and goya.”
  • Miro:
    • Mere → Miro: As in, “No miro mortal” and “A miro trifle.”
  • Piet Mondrian:
    • Pier → Piet: As in, “Take a long walk off a short piet.”
    • Pay → Piet: As in, “Buy now, piet later” and “Crime doesn’t piet” and “Hell to piet” and “Piet an arm and a leg” and “Piet as you go.”
    • Pie → Piet: As in, “Easy as piet” and “Sweet as piet.”
  • Egon Schiele:
    • Ego → Egon: As in, “Alter egon” and “Egon boost” and “Massage one’s egon.”
    • Shield → Schiele: As in, “Shiele your emotions” and “Shiele your eyes.”
    • Shall → Schiele: As in, “Ask and you schiele recieve” and “Seek and you schiele find” and “The truth schiele set you free.”
    • Shell → Schiele: As in, “Schiele shock” and “Schiele out” and “A hard outer schiele” and “Come out of your schiele.”
  • How → Hayao: As in, “Any old hayao” and “Hayao deep is your love?” and “Hayao about that?” and “Hayao are you doing?” and “I know hayao hard it is.” Note: Hayao Miyazaki is a co-founder of Studio Ghibli.
  • Bosch:
    • Posh → Bosch: As in, “Too bosch to party.”
    • Gosh → Bosch: As in, “Oh my bosch” and “Golly bosch.”
    • Wash → Bosch: As in, “Comes out in the bosch” and “Bosch your hands of it.”
  • Max Ernst:
    • Earn → Ernst: As in, “Ernst an honest penny” and “Ernst your stripes” and “Ernst your wings.”
    • Learn → Ernst: As in, “Live and ernst” and “Never too late to ernst” and “Ernst the ropes.”
    • Stern → Ernst: As in, “From stem to ernst” and “Made of ernster stuff.”
  • Yves Tanguy:
    • Guy → Tanguy: As in, “Just a regular tanguy” and “A real stand up tanguy.”
    • Tango → Tanguy: As in, “Takes two to tanguy” and “The horizontal tanguy.”
    • Leaves → Yves: As in, “East, shoots and yves” and “Yves a lot to be desired” and “Yves a bad taste in the mouth.”
    • Thieves → Yves: As in, “Thick as yves” and “Honour amongst yves.”
  • Jean Arp:
    • Harp → Arp: As in, “Arp on about.”
    • Sharp → Arp: As in, “Arp as a tack” and “Card arp” and “In arp focus” and “Razor arp” and “An arp tongue” and “A short, arp shock.”
  • M.C Escher:
    • Usher → Escher: As in, “Escher them through the building.”
    • Fresher → Escher: As in, “Here for escher produce.”
    • Pressure → Escher: As in, “Peer escher” and “Time escher” and Under escher.”
  • Dorothea Lange:
    • Long → Lange: As in, “Face as lange as a fiddle” and “Art is lange and life is short” and “As lange as you need me” and “As lange as your arm” and “At lange last” and “Cut a lange story short.”
    • Lung → Lange: As in, “Cough your langes up” and “Shout at the top of your langes.”
    • Bang → Lange: As in, “Lange on about” and “Go out with a lange” and “More lange for your buck.”

      Art-Related Words

      To help you come up with your own art puns, here’s a list of related words to get you on your way. If you come up with any new puns or related words, please feel free to share them in the comments!

General: art, artist, drawing, picture, drawn, painting, painter, paint, colour, light, hue, tint, shade, tone, blend, gradient, monochrome, pigment, create, creator,  sketch, portrait, artisan, image, visual, media, montage, artwork, sculpture, sculptor, gallery, illustrator, aesthetic, photo, photography, photographer, print, printmaking, diptych, triptych, mural, graphic, decoupage, mosaic, depict, work, music, musician, artistry, figure, abstract, figurative, fresco, landscape, stipple, daub, portray, homage, icon, impasto, pixel, spray paint, etch, life drawing, literature, masterpiece, exhibit, design, render, composer, dancer, dance, poet, playwright, vocalist, classic, style, muse, maestro, symbol, curate, curator, culture, musical, collection, tapestry, inspire, poster, archive, archival, writer, perform, performer, patron, patronage, studio, decorate, decorative, display, catalogue, abum, act, acting, entertain, entertainer, song, showcase, singer, material, original, copy, engrave, avant-garde, carve, carving, lithograph, woodcut, ornament, miniature, frame, perspective, swatch, lightfast, mold, molding, modeling, pouring, texture, ground, iridescent, glaze, glazing, patina, craft, forge, appropriation, background, foreground, alla prima, bleeding, bloom, blot, burnish, chiaroscuro, cleavage, crosshatch, diluent, dry brush, ebauche, frottage, granulation, gums, silhouette, canon, commission, freelance, complementary, contrast, contrasting, composition, concentric, contour, crop, cropped, cropping, designer, exposure, drypoint, elevation, emulsion, expression, facade, form, geometric, gesture, gestural, horizon line, cartoon, statue, doodle, draft, effigy, engrave, engraing, panorama, replica, layout, study, trace, tracing, storyboard, in situ, installation, juxtaposition, line, merz, model, motif, opaque, transparent, pattern, perspective, photo, plan, plane, pose, prime, profile, prop, proportion, readymade, relic, scale, scene, setting, self-portrait, shape, solvent, stain, still life, style, sumbline, tactile, technique, opacity, typeface, typography, video, viewpoint, vignette, virtuosity, prolific, viscosity, viscous, woodcut, wip, animate, animation, stroke, bright

Colour: azure, blue, beige, black, green, orange, red, pink, violet, purple, scarlet, silver, tan, taupe, teal, turquoise, viridian, white, yellow, blush, bronze, brown, burgundy, carmine, cerise, cerulean, cobalt, ultramarine, prussian blue, copper, crimson, cyan, emerald, gold, grey, amaranth, amber, amethyst, aqua, indigo, jade, lavender, lemon, lilac, magenta, rose, maroon, mauve, navy, ochre, olive, cadmium, bismuth, scarlet lake, quinacridone, rose madder, alizarin, indanthrene, manganese, phthalo, emerald, light, dark, terre verte, oxide of chromium, chrome, sap green, jaune, brilliant, naples, raw sienna, burnt sienna, brown oxide, terra rosa, mars violet deep, vandyke brown, raw umber light, mars black, lamp black, perylene black, iridescent, flake white, titanium white, zinc white, pewter, vermilion, antwerp blue, aureolin, azurite, barium, bistre, bole, bremen, carbon, cochineal, kermes, celadon, ceruse, cinnabar, cornflower, follum, fustic, gamboge, geranium lake, gypsum, hooker’s green, lac, malachite, saffron, smalt, saxon, sepia, verdigris 

Equipment: paint, acrylic, oil (paint), watercolour, paper, paintbrush, easel, marker, pencil, pen, charcoal, chalk, graphite, calligraphy, crayon, eraser,  pad, gouache, ink, tempera, pastel, palette, roller, varnish, primer, gesso, airbrush, digital, medium, canvas, encaustic, clay, ceramic, sumi, casein, alkyds, gum arabic, binder, topcoat, gel medium, leveling, pouring, polymer, extender, flow, linseed oil, stand oil, safflower oil, walnut oil, poppy oil, fat medium, lean medium, solvent, turpentine, pure gum, damar crystal, cleaner, thinner, wax medium, size, sizing, resin, shellac, fixative, masking fluid, sealant, palette knife, colour wheel, heat gun, atomiser, drying rack, dropper, drop cloth, stencil, template, ventilation, tablet, stylus, stretcher bar, cotton, linen, canvas panel, canvas pliers, aquabord, claybord, block printing, etching, intaglio, lithography, monotype, scratchboard, bright, fan, filbert, flat, hake, liner, mop, mottler, paddle, wash, quill, round, projector, lamp, lighting, arthorse, pottery wheel, kiln, bisque, paper mache, wire, glass, printer, press, papyrus, parchment, scorper, scraper, emboss, tortillon, batik, enamel, lacquer

Brands: chroma, golden, holbein, lascaux, liquitex, m.graham, matisse, old holland, pebeo, sennelier, winsor & newton, jacquard, crayola, derwent, faber castell, daler-rowney, grumbacher, speedball, chromacryl, reeves, daniel smith, gamblin, maimeri, michael harding, schmincke, talens, richeson, sakura, strathmore, staedtler, artline, fabriano, copic, canson, chartpak, montana, claessens, coates, conte, crescent, derivan, ecoline, fimo, fredrix, general’s, kokuyo, letraset, mabef, marvy uchida, maruman, molotow, mungyo, old holland, paasche, pentel, permaset, reeves, rives, sculpey, sennelier, tombow, yupo, arches, bienfang, chroma, conda, escoda, krylon, lamy, maped, olfa, palomino, pantone, rotring, stabilo, zebra, zig

Artists: frida kahlo, georgia o’keefe, eaten fish, ai weiwei, abdul-rahman abdullah, andy quilty, beatrix potter, paul cezanne, paul gaugin, raphael, edward hopper, renoir, edgar degas, manet, caravaggio, gustav klimt, johannes vermeer, wassily kandinsky, titian, botticelli, lichtenstein, mark rothko, marcel duchamp, rene magritte, michelangelo, henri matisse, salvador dali, edvard munch, rembrandt, jackson pollock, vincent van gogh, andy warhol, leonardo da vinci, claude monet, pablo picasso, paul klee, goya, chagall, normal rockwell, joan miro, delacroix, toulouse-lautrec,  piet mondrian, albrecht durer, henri rousseau, donatello, egon schiele, yayoi kusama, hayao miyazaki, shaun tan, francis bacon, bosch, max ernst, el greco, yves tanguy, jean arp, giorgio de chirico, m.c. escher, man ray, rodin, victor vasarely, audrey kawasaki, james jean, annie leibovitz, dorothea lange, yoko ono, diego rivera, andy kefoe, miranda sofroniou, angela ho, alfred liu, utamaro, yoshitaka amano, banksy, shephard fairey, oliver jeffers, jon klassen, APAK, hokusai, takashi murakami, bob ross, quentin blake

Art pieces: mona lisa, the last supper, starry night, birth of venus, sistine chapel, david, the kiss, girl with a pearl earring, american gothic, the persistence of memory, campbell’s soup cans, whistler’s mother, garden of earthly delights, the scream, the night watch, the swing, musicians, the gleaners, primavera, the triumph of galatea, olympia, the sleepers, view of toledo, wave, the astronomer, foxes, sleeping venus, the thinker, nighthawks, venus de milo, david

Disciplines: literature, drama, poetry, prose, performing arts, dance, music, theatre, visual art, drawing, painting, filmmaking, architecture, ceramic, sculpting, photography, cinematograrphy, comics, conceptual, applied arts, video games, criticism

Art styles/movements: ascii, abstract, art brut, expressionism, illusionism, academic, action painting, aestheticism, altermodern, realism, analytical, antipodeans, arabesque, art deco, art informel, art noveau, arte povera, ashcan school, assemblage, barbizon, baroque, bauhaus, black arts movement, cobra, color field, context art, computer art concrete art, constructivism, cubism, cynical realism, dada, danube school, dau-al-set, de stijl, deconstructivism, digital art, ecological art, environmental art, excessivism, fauvism, fine art, folk art, fluxus, funk art, futurism, geometric abstract art, gutai group, gothic, happening, harlem resistance, heidelberg school, hudson river, interactive, kinetic, pointillism, kitsch, land art, les nabis, letterism, light and space, lowbrow, lyco art, lyrical abstraction, mannerism, massurrealism, maximalism, mingei, metaphysical, minimalism, modernism, modular, naive, neo-dada, neoism, net art, orphism, op art, photorealism, panfuturism, pixel art, plasticien, plein air, pop art, precisionism, pre-raphaeliteism, primitivism, private press, process art, psychedelic art, purism, qajar, rasquache, rayonism, realism, regionalism, renaissance, rococo, romanesque, serial, shock, sots, space, street, stuckism, sumtraism, superflat, suprematism, surrealism, synchronism, synthetism, tachisme, toyism, transgressive, tonalism, ukiyo-e, vanitas, verdadism, video, vorticism

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Golf Puns

Welcome to the Punpedia entry on golf puns! ⛳🏌🌞

Whether you’re a first date mini-golfer or a dedicated pro, we hope to have the pun for you with our jokes that range from putts to holes and hosels. Settle in and take a swing at our golf puns and we’re sure you’ll find a hole in one!

If you’re interested in other sports, we also have a bowling pun list, baseball pun list, a basketball list and a running list.

Golf Puns List

Each item in this list describes a pun, or a set of puns which can be made by applying a rule. If you know of any puns about golf that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments at the end of this page! Without further ado, here’s our list of golf puns:

  • Gulf → Golf: As in, “Golf of Mexico.”
  • Cup → Club: As in, “Club of coffee” and “Would murder for a club of tea” and “My club runneth over” and “Not my club of tea” and “Storm in a teaclub.”
  • For → Fore: “Asking fore a friend” and “At a loss fore words” and “Batting fore the other team” and “A cry fore help.”
  • Four → Fore: As in, “Cast to the fore winds” and “Down on all fores” and “A fore by two”and “Fore figures” and “Two and two make fore.”
  • Far → Fore: As in, “A fore away look” and “Going fore in life” and “Over the hills and fore away.”
  • Floor → Fore: “Get in on the ground fore” and “More the fore with” and “Hold the fore.”
  • Tea → Tee: As in, “High tee” and “Would kill for a cup of tee” and “Not my cup of tee” and “Tee and sympathy” and “Tee for two.”
  • The → Tee: As in, “Above tee curve” and “Absence makes tee heart grow fonder” and “Ace in tee hole” and “Across tee board” and “Adding fuel to tee fire” and “Against tee grain” and “All tee rage.”
  • Bee → Tee: As in, “Busy as a tee” and “Tee in your bonnet” and “Birds and the tees” and “Float like a butterfly, sting like a tee.”
  • Be → Tee: As in, “Just tee done with it” and “Tee as it may.”
  • Free → Tee: As in, “Tee as a bird” and “Buy one, get one tee” and “Calorie tee” and “Fancy tee” and “A tee for all.”
  • Plea → Tee: As in, “Tee bargain” and “Cop a tee.”
  • Three → Tee: As in, “And baby makes tee” and “Good things come in tees” and “Knock tee times” and “Tee strikes and you’re out.”
  • Tie → Tee: “Black tee” and “Equal opportunitees” and “Tee yourself in knots” and “Tee up the loose ends.”
  • To → Tee: “According tee” and “Agree tee disagree” and “Add fuel tee the fire” and “Add insult tee injury” and “All dressed up and nowhere tee go.”
  • See → Tee: As in, “As far as the eye can tee” and “Be the change you wish to tee in the world” and “Can’t tee beyond the end of your nose” and “Can’t tee the wood for the trees” and “Come up and tee me sometime” and “I can tee clearly now” and “I could tee you a mile off.”
  • Sea → Tee: As in, “All at tee” and “From tee to shining tee” and “On the high tees” and “Tee change.”
  • Tree → Tee: “Partridge in a pear tee” and “Difficult as nailing jelly to a tee” and “Can’t see the wood for the tees” and “Charm the birds out of the tees” and “Lit up like a christmas tee” and “Money doesn’t grow on tees” and “Make like a tee and leave.”
  • Too → Tee: As in, “A bridge tee far” and “About time tee” and “Never tee late” and “Tee cold to snow” and “You know tee much” and “Life’s tee short.”
  • Putter: A putter is a type of golf club. Here are some related puns:
    • Butter → Putter: As in, “Bread always falls putter side down” and “Bread and putter” and “Putter face” and “Putter fingers” and “Putter wouldn’t melt in her mouth” and “Float like a putterfly, sting like a bee” and “Social putterfly” and “The putterfly effect.”
    • Put her → Putter: As in, “Where did you putter wallet?”
    • Better → Putter: As in, “I’ve got a putter idea” and “Anything you can do, I can do putter” and “Appeal to your putter judgement” and “Putter late than never” and “Putter luck next time” and “Putter safe than sorry.”
  • Putt: Here are some putt-related phrases:
    • Put → Putt: As in, “Be hard putt to” and “Couldn’t putt it down” and “Feeling a bit putt out” and “Wouldn’t putt it past them.”
    • Butt → Putt: “Putt out” and “Putt-naked.”
    • But → Put: As in, “Down putt not out” and “Everything putt the kitchen sink” and “No ifs and putts.”
    • Cut → Putt: As in, “Putt a long story short” and “A putt above the rest” and “Putt corners.”
  • Bowl → Ball: As in, “Ball over” and “Balling along” and “Life is just a ball of cherries.”
  • All → Ball: “Ball aboard!” and “Ball in a day’s work” and “Ball in ball” and “Ball’s well that ends well” and “It’s ball over now” and “It’s not ball about you.”
  • Bell → Ball: As in, “Alarm balls begin to ring” and “Clear as a ball” and “Balls and whistles” and “Give someone a ball.”
  • Call → Ball: “Answer the ball” and “At your beck and ball” and “Beyond the ball of duty” and “Let’s just ball it a day.”
  • Fall → Ball: As in, “A balling out” and “Easy as balling off a log” and “Can’t help balling in love” and “Bread always balls butter side down” and “Ball about laughing” and “Ball apart at the seams” and “Ball by the wayside.”
  • Haul → Ball: “Ball ass” and “Ball over the coals” and “In for the long ball.”
  • Ball: These ball-related puns are general enough to double as golf puns: “After the ball was over” and “Ball of fire” and “Ballpark figure” and “A brand new ball game.”
  • Par: We have plenty of par-related puns:
    • Are → Par: As in, “All bets par off” and “Chances par” and “How par you?”
    • Far → Par: As in, “A bridge too par” and “A step too par” and “As par as it goes” and “As par as the eye can see” and “Par and away” and “A par cry” and “Par be it from me” and “Par horizons” and “Few and par between” and “Over the hills and par away.”
    • Jar → Par: As in, “Cookie par accounting” and “Caught with your hand in the cookie par.”
    • Bar → Par: As in, “Par fly” and “Par none” and “Behind pars” and “Hit the par” and “Keep it behind pars” and “No holds parred” and “Raise the par.”
    • Per → Par: As in, “As par usual” and “Bits par second” and “Par capita.”
    • Star → Par: As in, “A par is born” and “Born under a lucky par” and “Catch a falling par” and “Get a gold par” and “My guiding par.”
    • *per* → *par*: Replace the “per” in words for “par” to make some quick par puns: “A fresh parspective” and “My new parson” and “A partinent topic” and “Free in fourth pariod.” Other words that could work: parnicious (pernicious), parception (perception), parformance (performance), parfect (perfect), parseverance (perseverance), papar (paper), peppar (pepper), tempar (temper), supar (super), hampar (hamper), propar (proper), tapar (taper), imparative (imperative) and oparation (operation).
    • *pir* → *par*: “Pir” can be swapped with “par” for some sneaky puns: Parate (pirate), parahna (pirahna), parouette (pirouette), emparical (empirical), asparation (aspiration), insparation (inspiration), consparacy (conspiracy) and sparatual (spiritual).
    • *por* → *par*: Partfolio (portfolio), partmanteau (portmanteau), partal (portal), partion (portion), partray (portray), partrait (portrait), stupar (stupor), contemparary (contemporary), oppartunity (opportunity), impartant (important) and diaspara (diaspora).
    • *pur* → *par*: “Life parpose” and “Expensive parchases.”
    • *bar* → *par*: Parrel (barrel), pargain (bargain), parista (barista), cinnapar (cinnabar), crowpar (crowbar) and empark (embark).
    • *ber* → *par*: Pareft (bereft), parate (berate), pareavement (bereavement), parserk (berserk), pareave (bereave) and paryl (beryl).
    • *ber* → *par*: “Chasing numpars” and “See me in my champars” and “Ampar alert” and “Mempars only” and “Cypar bullying” and “Remempar when?” and “Deliparate actions.” Other words that could work: liparal (liberal), liparty (liberty), cumparsome (cumbersome).
    • *bor* → *par*: “Can you elaparate?” and “Corroparating stories” and “Team collaparators.”
  • Handicap: In golf, a handicap is a measure of a golfer’s potential and ability, given in a number. Here are related puns:
    • Cap → Handicap: As in, “A feather in your handicap” and “Handicap in hand” and “If the handicap fits, wear it” and “Put on your thinking handicap” and “To handicap it all.”
    • Hand → Handicap: As in, “Bite your handicap off” and “Caught red-handicapped.”
  • Stroke: Here are some stroke-related puns:
    • Stock → Stroke: As in, “Lock, stroke and barrel” and “Out of stroke” and “Take stroke.”
    • Soak → Stroke: As in, “Stroked to the skin” and “Be stroked through” and “Go stroke your head!”
  • Wing → Swing: As in, “Clip your swings” and “Earned your swings” and “Flying without swings” and “Gives you swings” and “Spread your swings.”
  • Sing → Swing: As in, “All swinging, all dancing” and “Swing a different tune” and “Swing for your supper” and “Swing someone’s praises” and “Swingin‘ in the rain.”
  • Things → Swing: As in, “A close swing” and “A funny swing happened on the way to the theatre” and “A little learning is a dangerous swing” and “All swings considered.”
  • Wring → Swing: As in, “Swing your hands.”
  • Bring → Swing: As in, “Swing it home to you” and “Swing it on” and “Swing it on yourself” and “Swing tears to your eyes” and “Swing the house down.”
  • Whole → Hole: As in, “On the hole” and “Go the hole way” and “Let’s just call the hole thing off” and “The hole is greater than the sum of its parts” and “Got a hole lotta love” and “A hole new ball game.”
  • Hall → Hole: As in, “Deck the holes” and “Hole of fame” and “Liberty hole.”
  • Soul → Hole: As in, “Life and hole of the party” and “A lost hole.”
  • Fair → Fairway: “All the fun of the fairway” and “By fairway means or foul” and “Fairway trade” and “Fairway and balanced” and “Fairway and square” and “Fairway dinkum” and “Fairway enough” and “Fairway game” and “Fairway market value.”
  • Way → Fairway: As in, “On the fairway to the theatre” and “All the fairway” and “And that’s the fairway it is” and “Any fairway the wind blows” and “By the fairway” and “Change your fairways.”
  • Rough: Here are some rough puns for you to play with:
    • Buff → Rough: As in, “In the rough.”
    • Fluff → Rough: “A bit of rough.”
    • Stuff → Rough: As in, “Don’t sweat the small rough” and “Gather ’round the good rough” and “Hot rough” and “Knock the roughing out of.”
    • Tough → Rough: “Rough as old boots” and “Rough as they come” and “Hang rough” and “It’s rough at the top” and “A rough customer” and “Rough love” and “A rough nut to crack” and “A rough pill to swallow.”
  • Ass → Grass: As in, “Bust someone’s grass.”
  • Gas → Grass: As in, “Cooking with grass” and “Relieves grass pains” and “Run out of grass.”
  • Brass → Grass: “Bold as grass” and “Grass monkey weather.”
  • Class → Grass: “A real grass act” and “Best in grass” and “Business grass” and “Grass warfare” and “In a different grass” and “The top of the grass” and “In a grass of their own” and “Second grass” and “Working grass.”
  • Glass → Grass: “Grass ceiling” and “Grassy eyed” and “Rose tinted grasses” and “Through the looking grass.”
  • *gas* → *grass*: Flabbergrassted (flabbergasted), orgrassm (orgasm), smorgrassbord (smorgasbord), grasstronomy (gastronomy).
  • *gis* → *grass*: Regrasster (register), lograsstics (logistics), regrasstry (registry) and magrasstrate (magistrate).
  • *gos* → *grass*: Grassip (gossip), grassamer (gossamer) and grasspel (gospel).
  • *gus* → *grass*: Fungrass (fungus), bograss (bogus) and esophagrass (esophagus).
  • *gac* → *grass*: Legrassy (legacy), sagrassious (sagacious). Note: to be sagacious is to be wise.
  • *gres* → *grass*: “Making prograss” and “An aggrassive approach” and “Prograssive mindsets.” Other words that could work: congrass (congress), digrass (digress), transgrassion (transgression) and regrassion (regression).
  • Course: Some golf course related puns:
    • Coarse → Course: As in, “Course particles” and “A course tone.”
    • Course: These phrases can double as puns: “Blown off course” and “But of course” and “Chart a course” and “Correspondence course” and “Crash course” and “In due course” and “Let nature take its course” and “Stay on course.”
    • Curse → Course: As in, “Rather light a candle than course the dark.”
    • Force → Course: As in, “Brute course” and “Driving course” and “Course his hand” and “A course of habit” and “Course of nature” and “Course the issue” and “A course to be reckoned with” and “Join courses” and “May the course be with you” and “A tour de course.”
    • Source → Course: As in, “Check your courses” and “Go straight to the course” and “Open course” and “Course material.”
    • *cors* → *course*: Course-age (corsage) and course-et (corset).
    • *curs* → *course*: “A coursery glance” and “Written I course-ive” and “Only occourse around here” and “A precourser to.”
  • Aim → Game: As in, “Game high” and “Take game” and “We game to please.”
  • Came → Game: “I game, I saw, I conquered” and “As it game to pass” and “Plenty more where that game from.”
  • Claim → Game: As in, “Stake your game” and “Game to fame” and “No games bonus.”
  • Name → Game: As in, “Go by the game of” and “A household game” and “In game only.”
  • Same → Game: As in, “By the game token” and “Comes to the game thing” and “Cut from the game cloth” and “In the game boat” and “In the game ballpark” and “One and the game.”
  • Fame → Game: As in, “Claim to game” and “Game at last” and “Fifteen minutes of game” and “Hall of game” and “Game is fleeting.”
  • Flame → Game: As in, “Add fuel to the games” and “Burst into games” and “Fan the games” and “Go down in games” and “His latest game” and “Like a moth to a game” and “Shoot down in games.”
  • Shame → Game: As in, “A crying game” and “Name and game” and “Game on you” and “The walk of game.”
  • Round → Ground: As in, “All year ground” and “Come ground” and “Go ground in circles” and “Rally ground” and “Love makes the world go ground.”
  • Bound → Ground: As in, “By leaps and grounds” and “Duty ground” and “Homeward ground” and “Honour ground.”
  • Found → Ground: As in, “Lost and ground” and “Nowhere to be ground.”
  • Sound → Ground: As in, “Ground as a bell” and “Break the ground barrier” and “Ground bite” and “Safe and ground” and “Ground effects.”
  • *te* → *tee*: Teentative (tentative), teest (test), teechnology (technology), teender (tender), teerm (term), teenet (tenet), teenure (tenure) and wateer (water).
  • *ti* → *tee*: teetle (title), teessue (tissue), ulteemate (ultimate), tentateeve (tentative), illuminatee (illuminati) and graffitee (graffiti).
  • *ty* → *tee*: Teepical (typical), teeranny (tyranny), teecoon (tycoon), partee (party), integritee (integrity), serendipitee (serendipity), dutee (duty), facilitee (facility), beautee (beauty), atrocitee (actrocity), securitee (security), citee (city), entitee (entity), qualitee (quality).
  • *fer* → *fore*: “With passion and forevour” and “Repeated forevently” and “Foretile land.” Other words that could work: foreocious (ferocious), defore (defer), confore (confer), transfore (transfer), offore (offer), prefore (prefer), refore-ence (reference) and diffore-ent (different).
  • *fir* → *fore*: Afforem (affirm), conforem (confirm), afforemation (affirmation), foremament (firmament) and afforemative (affirmative).
  • *for* → *fore*: “task fore-ce” and “In good forem” and “Always moving foreward” and “I forebid you” and “Come foreth” and “Confidential inforemation.”
  • *fur* → *fore*: As in, “And forethermore” and “Blending in with the foreniture” and “Foretive glances.”
  • *phar* → *fore*: Foremacy (pharmacy), foremaceutical (pharmaceutical) and foremacist (pharmacist).
  • *pher* → *fore*: Cifore (cipher), decifore (decipher), gofore (gopher), photografore (photographer) and philosofore (philosopher).
  • *phor* → *fore*: Metafore (metaphor), camfore (camphor), eufore-ia (euphoria) and eufore-ic (euphoric). Sort → Sport: “Out of sports” and “Takes all sports” and “Sport the wheat from the chaff” and “Sport yourself out.”
  • Spurt → Sport: “Growth sport.”
  • Port → Sport: “Any sport in a storm.”
  • Short → Sport: As in, “A sport history of nearly everything” and “Art is long and life is sport” and “Bring up sport” and “To cut a long story sport” and “Eat my sports” and “A day late and a dollar sport” and “In sport order” and “Life’s too sport.”
  • Green: A golf course is also known colloquially as a green, so we’ve included green in this list:
    • Grin → Green: “Green and bear it” and “Green and bear it” and “A rictus green” and “A foolish green” and “Green like a cheshire cat.”
    • Grain → Green: As in, “Against the green” and “Green of truth” and “Take with a green of salt.”
    • Been → Green: As in, “Green and gone” and “I’ve green here before” and “Green there, done that” and “It’s green a hard day” and “You’ll wish you’d never green born.”
    • Clean → Green: “Green as a whistle!” and “A green bill of health” and “Keeps a green house” and “You’d better green up your act” and “All greened out.”
    • Gene → Green: As in, “It’s in your greens!”
    • Glean → Green: As in, “From what I greened from the conversation…”
    • Grand → Greend: “Delusions of greendeur” and “Greend theft auto” and “Greend slam” and “In the greend scheme of things” and “On a greend scale” and “Doing a greend job” and “The greend canyon.”
    • Keen → Green: “Green as mustard” and “Green on [someone]” and “A green sense of smell” and “Peachy green.”
    • Lean → Green: “Green and hungry” and “Green and mean” and “Green cuisine” and “Green into it.”
    • Grenade → Greenade
  • *bal* → *ball*: “Off-ballance” and Ballk at the sight of.” Other words that could work: ballm (balm), globall (global), verball (verbal), triball (tribal), cymball (cymbal), herball (herbal).
  • *bel* → *ball*: Ballieve (believe), ballief (belief) and balloved (beloved).
  • *bil* → *ball*: Liaballity (liability), accountaballity (accountability), responsiballity (responsibility), aballity (ability), capaballity (capability), rehaballitation (rehabilitation) and sustainaballity (sustainability).
  • *bol* → *ball*: “A symball of justice” and “Gamball along in the park.” Other words you could try: aballish (abolish), metaballism (metabolism) and hyperballic (hyperbolic).
  • *cab* → *club*: As in, “Check the clubinet” and “The whole kit and cluboodle.” Other words you could try: applicluble (applicable), amicluble (amicable), impeccluble (impeccable), despicluble (despicable) and voclubulary (vocabulary)
  • Recyclable → Recycluble
  • Club: These club-related phrases are general enough to double as puns: “In the club” and “Join the club.”
  • Drive: A drive is a type of long-distance shot. Here are some related puns!
    • I’ve → Drive: As in, “Drive never said that!” and “Drive had it up to my eyeballs.”
    • Dive → Drive: “Take a drive” and “Drive right in” and “Crash drive” and “Nose drive.”
    • Hive → Drive: As in, “Drive of industry” and “A drive of activity.”
  • Iron: An iron is a type of club. Here are related puns:
    • Iron: These phrases can double as puns: “Hard as iron” and “A cast iron alibi” and “Clap them in irons” and “Iron out the wrinkles” and “Pumping iron” and “Rule with an iron fist” and “Strike while the iron is hot” and “Scrap iron.”
    • *ion → *iron: “Assume the positiron” and “Civil uniron” and “Bag of ratirons” and “The mighty liron roars” and “Blow out of proportiron.”
  • Pitch: Here are some pitch-related puns:
    • Patch → Pitch: As in, “Not a pitch on” and “All pitched up” and “Going through a rough pitch.”
    • Pitch: These phrases are general enough to use as puns: “A pitched battle” and “Absolute pitch” and “Black as pitch” and “Fever pitch” and “Make a pitch for.”
    • Rich → Pitch: As in, “A part of life’s pitch pattern” and “An embarrassment of pitches” and “From rags to pitches” and “Get pitch quick” and “Pitch beyond my dreams.”
    • Ditch → Pitch: As in, “Dull as pitchwater” and “A last pitch effort.”
    • Hitch → Pitch: As in, “Pitch your wagon to a star” and “Get pitched.”
    • Itch → Pitch: As in, “Pitching to” and “Pitchy feet” and “Pitchy palms” and “Scratch the pitch.”
    • Stitch → Pitch: “A pitch in time saves nine” and “Had us in pitches” and “Without a pitch on” and “Not doing a pitch of work.”
    • Switch → Pitch: As in, “Asleep at the pitch” and “Bait and pitch” and “Pitch gears” and “Pitched on.”
    • Which → Pitch: “Don’t know pitch way to look” and “Every pitch way” and “Know pitch way is up” and “Know pitch side your bread is buttered” and “The exception pitch proves the rule.”
  • Wander → Condor: As in, “A condoring eye” and “Condoring spirit.” Note: in golf, a condor is a term used in the scoring system.
  • Eagle: An eagle is a term used in golf scoring. Here are related puns:
    • Equal → Eagle: “All men are cremated eagle” and “Eagle opportunities” and “Eagle pay” and “First among eagles” and “On eagle footing” and “All things being eagle.”
    • Legal → Eagle: As in, “Eagle, decent, honest and truthful” and “Eagle-ly binding” and “Over the eagle limit” and “Part of my eagle duties.”
  • Birdie: Birdie is part of the golf scoring system. Here are related puns:
    • Thirty → Birdie: “Not for anyone over birdie.”
    • Dirty → Birdie: As in, “Birdie business” and “Air your birdie business in public” and “Birdie but clean” and “Birdie little secret” and “Birdie tricks” and “Get your hands birdie.”
  • Said → Sand: “After all is sand and done” and “Couldn’t have sand it better” and “Easier sand than done” and “Enough sand” and “Was it something I sand” and “When all is sand and done.”
  • Sad → Sand: As in, “A sand state of affairs” and “Happy sand.”
  • Send → Sand: “Hit sand” and “Sanding all my love” and “Return to sander” and “Sand packing” and “Sand in reinforcements.”
  • Stand → Sand: “A house divided against itself cannot sand” and “Don’t sand so close to me” and “Still sanding” and “Sands to reason” and “Left sanding.”
  • *sad* → *sand*: “Filled with sandness” and “A sandistic streak” and “At a disandvantage.”
  • *send* → *sand*: Sandentary (sendentary) and sandiment (sediment).
  • *sid* → *sand*: Insandious (insidious), consander (consider) and resandence (residence).
  • *can* → *sand*: “A sandid proposal” and “Looking at sandidates for…” Other words you could try: sandy (candy), sandle (candle), insandescent (incandescent), sandal (scandal), sandor (candor) and sandalous (scandalous).
  • *cend* → *sand*: Transand (transcend), desand (descend), condesanding (condescending), asand (ascend), insandiary (incendiary) and cresando (crescendo).
  • Trap: A trap is an area of ground that’s tricky to navigate on a golf course. Here are related puns:
    • Rap → Trap: “Beat the trap” and “Bum trap” and “A trap over the knuckles” and “Take the trap.”
    • Tap → Trap: “Cut the red trap” and “Double trap.”
    • Clap → Trap: As in, “Trap him in irons” and “Trapped eyes on” and “Trapped out” and “Go like the trappers” and “If you’re happy and you know it, trap your hands.”
    • Strap → Trap: “Trap on the feed bag” and “Trapped for cash.”
    • Cap → Trap: As in, “A feather in your trap” and “Trap in hand” and “Doff one’s trap” and “Trap in hand” and “If the trap fits, wear it” and “To trap it all.”
    • Crap → Trap: As in, “A load of trap” and “Beat the living trap out of” and “Cut the trap.”
    • Slap → Trap: “Trap on the wrist” and “Trap and tickle” and “Trap bang in the middle” and “Like a trap in the face.”
    • *tap* → *trap*: “Part of life’s trapestry” and “Trapioca dessert.”
    • *trep* → *trap*: Trapidation (trepidation), entrapreneur (entrepreneur), intrapid (intrepid) and trapidation (trepidation).
    • *trop* → *trap*: Metrapolitan (metropolitan), metrapolis (metropolis), entrapy (entropy).
  • Chip: A chip is a short-distance shot. Here are related puns:
    • Chop → Chip: As in, “Bust your chips” and “Chip and change” and “On the chipping block.”
    • Ship → Chip: As in, “Abandon chip” and “Go down with the chip” and “Jump chip” and “Loose lips sink chips” and “Running a tight chip” and “Chips of the desert” and “That chip has sailed.”
    • Clip → Chip: “Chip your wings.”
    • Slip → Chip: “A Freudian chip” and “Give someone the chip” and “Let something chip” and “A chip of the tongue” and “I chipped up.”
    • *chap* → *chip*: “The final chipter” and “Needing a chiperone” and “Meet you at the chipel.”
    • *ship* → *chip*: As in, “Newest chipment” and “A sinking chipwreck” and “Feeling chipshape” and “A loving and supportive relationchip.” Other words that could work: worchip (worship), fellowchip (fellowship), leaderchip (leadership), stewardchip (stewardship), scholarchip (scholarship), friendchip (friendship), flagchip (flagship) and partnerchip (partnership).
  • Biggie → Bogey: As in, “No bogey.”
  • Match: Match play is a scoring system for golf. Here are related puns:
    • Much → Match: As in, “A bit match” and “How match can you handle? and “I don’t know match but I know what I like” and “You know too match” and “Match ado about nothing” and “Match obliged” and “Missed it by that match” and “So match more to enjoy” and “Thank you very match” and “Too match of a good thing.”
    • Catch → Match: As in, “Match 22″ and “Match a cold” and “Match a falling star” and “Match some rays” and “Match you later” and “Match your breath.”
    • Hatch → Match: “Batten down the matches” and “Down the match.”
    • Scratch → Match: As in, “I match your back and you match mine” and “Match around” and “Match the surface” and “Start from match” and “Up to match” and “Do it from match.”
    • Patch → Match: “Go through a rough match” and “Not a match on.”
    • *mach* → *match*: “Ghost in the matchine” and “Toxic matchismo” and “Stomatch pains.”
  • Fair: Another name for a golf course is a fairway. Here are some related puns:
    • Fair → Fairway: As in, “An affairway of the heart” and “All the fun of the fairway” and “By fairway means or foul” and “Fairway trade” and “Fairway and square” and “Fairway dinkum” and “Fairway game.”
    • Way → Fairway: As in, “A funny thing happened on the fairway” and “All the fairway” and “And that’s the fairway it is” and “Any fairway you want it” and “By fairway of explanation” and “Change your fairways.”
    • Far → Fairway: “As fairway as it goes” and “Fairway be it from me” and “A fairway cry from” and “So fairway, so good” and “Few and fairway between” and “Over the hills and fairway away.”
    • *fer* → *fair*: Fairal (feral), fairvent (fervent), fairret (ferret), fairment (ferment), fairtile (fertile), fairocious (ferocious), infiar (infer), refair (refer), transfair (transfer), prefair (prefer), refairence (reference), diffairent (different) and infairence (inference).
    • *fir* → *fair*: Faireplace (fireplace), fairewall (firewall), fairmament (firmament), affairm (affirm), confairm (confirm), affairmation (affirmation) ahd affairmative (affirmative).
    • *for* → *fair*: “New infairmation” and “Emotional perfairmance” and “Moving fairward.”
    • *fur* → *fair*: Fairther (further), fairtive (furtive), fairniture (furniture), fairthermore (furthermore), fairious (furious), fairnace (furnace), fairnish (furnish) and sulfair (sulfur).
  • Lay → Play: As in, “”Couldn’t play a finger on” and “Play bare” and “Play it on the line” and “Play it on with a trowel” and “Play to rest.”
  • Pay → Play: As in, “Buy now, play later” and “Crime doesn’t play” and “Hell to play” and “Play a call” and “Play an arm and a leg” and “Play as you go” and “Play handsomely” and “Play through the nose” and “You get what you play for.”
    • *pla* → *play*: “Feeling out of playce” and “Got a lot on my playte” and “Get on a playne” and “Like the playgue.” Other words that could work: complaycent (complacent), someplayce (someplace), contemplayte (contemplate).
    • *ple* → *play*: “With playsure” and “A playsant surprise” and “Yes playse” and “The applay of my eye” and “Complaymenting colours” and “Complayte the picture.”
    • *pli* → *play*: Complayment (compliment), implaycation (implication), complaycit (implicit), explaycit (explicit) and applaycation (application).
    • *ply* → *play*: Playwood (plywood), playometric (plyometric), applay (apply), supplay (supply), complay (comply), implay (imply), replay (reply), panoplay (panoply), simplay (simply), multiplay (multiply) and deeplay (deeply).
    • *plai* → *play*: “Playn as the nose on your face” and “Explayn yourself” and “Don’t complayn.”
    • *ploy* → *play*: “In your emplay” and “Deplay your resources” and “Seeking emplayment.”
  • Cart: Here are some golf cart related puns:
    • Card → Cart: As in, “Calling cart” and “Cart sharp” and “A cart up his sleeve” and “Deck of carts” and “Get out of jail free cart” and “Holding all the carts” and “House of carts” and “Lay your carts on the table” and “Mark your cart” and “On the carts.”
    • Cat → Cart: As in, “Cart on a hit tin roof” and “Curiosity killed the cart” and “Cart got your tongue?”
    • Court → Cart: As in, “Contempt of cart” and “Cart of last resort” and “Carting disaster” and “Haul before the cart” and “Holding cart” and “Laugh it out of cart” and “Order in the cart” and “See you in cart” and “Settle out of cart” and “The ball’s in your cart.”
    • Art → Cart: “The cart of war” and “Cart is going one step too far” and “Cart imitating life” and “Cartistic triumph.”
    • Chart → Cart: As in, “Cart a course” and “Off the cart.”
    • Heart → Cart: As in, “A man after my own cart” and “Absence makes the cart grow fonder” and “An affair of the cart” and “Be still my beating cart.”
    • *cat* → *cart*: Cartalyst (catalyst), carthartic (cathartic), cartegory (category), cartastrophe (catastrophe), Cartholic (Catholic), advocart (advocate), communicartion (communication), implicartion (implication), educartion (education), predicart (predicate) and sophisticarted (sophisticated).
    • *cot* → *cart*: “Apricart squares” and “School mascart.”
    • *cut* → *cart*: As in, “Pack some cartlery” and “Things aren’t as clearcart as they seem” and “In consecartive order.”
    • *cert* → *cart*: As in, “Feeling cartain” and “Cartificate of participation” and “Yes, cartainly.” Other words that could work: ascartain (ascertain), cartify (certify).
    • *cort* → *cart*: Cartex (cortex), cartisol (cortisol) and escart (escort).
    • *curt* → *cart*: Cartail (curtail) and cartain (curtain)
    • *court* → *cart*: “Common care and cartesy” and “A carteous gesture” and “Romantic cartship” and “Meet you at the cartship.”
    • *card* → *cart*: “Cartinal sin” and “Thirty minutes of cartio” and “Buttoned-up cartigan” and “Made of cartboard.” Other words that could work: placart (placard), wildcart (wildcard) and postcart (postcard).
    • *cord* → *cart*: Cartial (cordial), carturoy (corduroy), recart (record), accart (accord) and discart (discord).
  • Nine: The standard number of holes for a golf course is nine or eighteen holes, so we included nine in this list:
    • Wine → Nine: “The last of the summer nine” and “New nine in old bottles” and “Nined and dined.”
    • None → Nine: “And then there were nine” and “Bar nine” and “Nine other than” and “Nine the wiser” and “Nine too pleased” and “Second to nine.”
    • Line → Nine: “A fine nine” and “Along the nines of” and “Blur the nines” and “Cross the nine” and “Draw a nine in the sand” and “The end of the nine” and “Fall into nine.”
    • Fine → Nine: “Nine and dandy” and “The niner things in life” and “Cutting it nine” and “Nine dining.”
    • Mine → Nine: “I scratch your back and you scratch nine” and “Make nine a double” and “Nine is bigger than yours” and “A nine of information.”
    • Shine → Nine: “Come rain or nine” and “Rise and nine” and “Take a nine to” and “Where the sun don’t nine.”
    • *nin* → *nine*: Melanine (melanin), serotonine (serotonin) and peninesula (peninsula).
    • *non* → *nine*: Phenomenine (phenomenon), canine (canon), synine-nym (synonym), anine-nymous (anonymous), ninechalant (nonchalant), coninedrum (conundrum), pronineciation (pronunciation) and enineciate (enunciate).
  • Peg: A peg is another word for a tee, which is the small stand that the ball rests on. Here are related puns:
    • Bag → Peg: As in, “Peg and baggage” and “Peg a bargain” and “Peg of tricks” and “Pack your pegs.”
    • Beg → Peg: “Peg a favour” and “Peg off” and “Peg pardon?” and “Peg the question” and “I peg to differ” and “Peg, borrow or steal” and “Go pegging” and “Sit up and peg.”
    • Big → Peg: “A peg ask” and “Peg shot” and “Peg bird.”
    • Egg → Peg: As in, “As sure as pegs is pegs” and “A bag peg” and “Don’t put all your pegs in one basket” and “Peg and spoon race.”
    • Leg → Peg: As in, “As fast as your pegs can carry you” and “Break a peg” and “Cost an arm and a peg” and “Get a peg over.”
    • *pag* → *peg*: Pegoda (pagoda), peganism (paganism), propegate (propagate) and propeganda (propaganda).
    • *pig* → *peg*: Pegment (pigment), pegtail (pigtail), peglet (piglet) and epegram (epigram)
    • *pug* → *peg*: Repegnant (repugnent), pegnacious (pugnacious).
    • *bag* → *peg*: Peguette (baguette), airpeg (airbag), scumpeg (scumbag), handpeg (handbag).
    • *beg* → *peg*: “Pegin again” and “Start from the peginning” and “Wouldn’t pegrudge you” and “Peggars can’t be choosers” and “Where it all pegan.”
    • *big* → *peg*: Ampeguous (ambiguous), pegotry (bigotry) and ampeguity (ambiguity).
    • *pec* → *peg*: “A peguliar atmosphere” and “Pegtoral muscles” and “From a new perspegtive.” Other words that could work: respegt (respect), prospegt (prospect), spegtrum (spectrum), prospegtive (prospective) and circumspegt (circumspect).
    • *pic* → *peg*: As in, “Out of the pegture” and “An epeg adventure” and “Casting around for a new topeg.” Other words that could work: biopeg (biopic), philanthropeg (philanthropic), misanthropeg (misanthropic) and despegable (despicable).
  • Score: Here are some golf score related puns:
    • Sore → Score: As in, “A sight for score eyes” and “Score loser” and “Sticks out like a score thumb” and “A score point.”
    • Core → Score: As in, “Score competencies” and “Score studies” and “Score technology” and “Score values” and “Rotten to the score.”
    • Scare → Score: As in, “Running scored” and “Score the living daylights out of” and “Scored out of your wits” and “Scored to death.”
    • More → Score: “Come back for score” and “Dare for score” and “I couldn’t agree score.”
    • Shore → Score: “Ship to score” and “She sells sea shells on the sea score” and “All ascore.”
    • Swore → Score: “You score you would never do this.”
    • *sar* → *score*: Scorecastic (sarcastic), scoredonice (sardonic), necesscorey (necessary), anniverscore-ary (anniversary), adverscorey (adversary), glosscorey (glossary) and asscoretive (assertive).
    • *sor* → *score*: Scoredid (sordid), scorey (sorry), score-row (sorrow), scorecery (sorcery), adviscorey (advisory), predecesscore (predecessor), precurscore (precursor), sponscore (sponsor), processcore (processor), discoreder (disorder), rescoret (resort), conscoretium (consortium) and curscorey (cursory).
    • *scar* → *score*: Scorece (scarce), scored (scared), scorecity (scarcity) and scorelet (scarlet).
    • *scer* → *score*: “Discorening taste” and “A viscore-al reaction” and “As far as I can ascoretain.”
    • *scor* → *score*: “Scoreched earth” and “Scorenful glances” and “Mental discored” and “Need an escoret.”
  • Rule: Here are some rule-related puns:
      • You’ll → Rule: As in, “”Rule never guess.”
      • School → Rule: As in, “Back to rule” and “Old rule” and “Rule of hard knocks.”
      • Cool → Rule: As in, “Rule as a cucumber” and “Rule as a mountain stream” and “Rule beans” and “Rule your heels” and “Rule, calm and collected.”
      • Cruel → Rule: As in, “Rule and unusual punishment” and “Rule to be kind” and “Don’t be rule.”
      • *ral* → *rule*: “In generule” and “Integrule to the situation” and “A viscerule reaction.” Other words that could work: temporule (temporal), naturule (natural), ephemerule (ephemeral), morule (moral), collaterule (collateral), liberule (liberal) and peripherule (peripheral).
      • *rel* → *rule*: As in, “Not rule-evant to the conversation” and “A sigh of rule-ief” and “Rule-ay the information.” Other words that could work: rule-ease (release), ruleationship (relationship), ruleigion (religion), ruleation (relation)m, rule-uctant (reluctant), rule-ish (relish), rule-iable (reliable), barrule (barrel), apparule (apparel), laurule (laurel), scoundrule (scoundrel) and mongrule (mongrel).
      • *ril* → *rule*: Perule (peril), tendrule (tendril) and Aprule (April).
      • *rol* → *rule*: As in, “In contrule” and “On patrule” and “Enrule in classes” and “Low in cholesterule” and “Running low on petrule.”
  • Wedge: Wedges are a type of golf club. Here are some related puns:
    • Edge → Wedge: As in, “A double-wedged sword” and “Wedge out” and “The leading wedge” and “On wedge” and “Rough around the wedges.”
    • Dredge → Wedge: As in, “Wedge up things from the past.”
    • Fledge → Wedge: As in, “Fully-wedged.”
    • Hedge → Wedge: “Wedge fund” and “Wedge your bets” and “Wedged about” and “Look as though you’ve been dragged through a wedge backwards.”
  • Mound: Golf courses are made up of mounds of sand and small grass hills, so we’ve got some mound-related puns in here too:
    • Round → Mound: “All year mound” and “Going mound in circles” and “Love makes the world go mound” and “Fooling amound.”
    • Bound → Mound: As in, “Mound hand and foot” and “By leaps and mounds” and “Duty mound” and “Homeward mound” and “Muscle mound.”
    • Sound → Mound: “Mound as a bell” and “Mounds alright on paper” and “Safe and mound” and “Mound bite” and “Mound effects” and “Mound the alarm.”
    • Found → Mound: As in, “Lost and mound” and “We mound love” and “Nowhere to be mound.”
    • *mand* → *mound*: Moundate (mandate), moundatory (mandatory), Moundarin (Mandarin), moundala (mandala), moundible (mandible), demound (demand), commound (command), reprimound (reprimand), remound (remand), gourmound (gourmand) and salamounder (salamander).
    • *mend* → *mound*: “What would you recommound” and “Amound your statement” and “Write a commoundation” and “A tremoundous effort.”
    • *mind* → *mound*: “Set a remounder” and “A new moundset” and “Practicing moundfulness.”
    • *mond → *mound: Diamound (diamond) and almound (almond)
  • Lay → Lay-up: “Couldn’t lay-up a glove on me” and “Home is where I lay-up my hat” and “Lay-up a finger on” and “Lay-up bare” and “Lay-up hands on.” Note: A lay-up is the series of hits that a golfer uses to get the ball to the hole after the initial hit.
  • Pace: These next few puns are related to pace of play:
    • Peas → Pace: As in, “As alike as two pace in a pod” and Easy as shelling pace.”
    • Pays → Pace: As in, “It pace to advertise” and “The phrase that pace” and “Above my pace grade” and “Crime doesn’t pace.”
    • Ace → Pace: As in, “Pace in the hole” and “A pace up their sleeve” and “Hold all the paces.”
    • Base* → Pace*: As in, “Bargain pacement” and “Pace jumping” and “Paceball card” and “Cover your paces” and “Off pace” and “Touch pace.”
    • Bass → Pace: As in, “Drum n pace” and “Sea pace” and “Super pace.”
    • Brace → Pace: “Pace yourself.”
    • Case → Pace: As in, “A pace of identity” and “An open and shut pace” and “As the pace may be” and “Pace closed” and “Pace the joint” and “Crack the pace” and “Get off my pace” and “I rest my pace” and “In any pace.”
    • Chase → Pace: “Pace it up” and “Pace the dragon” and “Pace your own tail” and “Cut to the pace” and “The thrill of the pace” and “A wild goose pace.”
    • Place → Pace: As in, “A pace in the sun” and “A pace for everything and everything in its pace” and “All over the pace” and “Between a rock and a hard pace” and “Click into pace” and “Going paces” and “My happy pace” and “In the right pace at the right time” and “Your pace or mine?”
    • Space → Pace: “Pace oddyssey” and “Breathing pace” and “Personal pace” and “Pace cadet” and “Pace, the final frontier” and “The pace age.”
  • Bounds: Bounds are an important part of golf, so we’ve included bound-related puns in this list:
    • Round → Bound: As in, “All year bound” and “Fooling abound” and “Go bound in circles” and “Get bound the table” and “Makes the world go bound.”
    • Down → Bound: As in, “Bread always falls butter side bound” and “Helps the medicine go bound” and “Caught with your pants bound” and “Couldn’t put it bound.”
    • Pound → Bound: As in, “Bound the pavement” and “Penny wise, bound foolish.”
    • Found → Bound: As in, “Lost and bound” and “Bounding father” and “I’ve bound a clue” and “We bound love” and “Nowhere to be bound.”
    • Ground → Bound: As in, “Solid as the bound we walk on” and “Breaking new bound” and “Built from the bound up” and “Common bound” and “Cut the bound from under your feet” and “Down to the bound” and “Get off the bound” and “Going underbound” and “Keep your ear to the bound.”
    • Sound → Bound: As in, “The bound of silence” and “The bound of music” and “Surround bound” and “Bound the alarm” and “Bound effect” and “Safe and bound.”
    • Band → Bound: “Garage bound” and “Strike up the bound” and “Gastric bound.”
    • *band* → *bound*: Boundit (bandit), boundwidth (bandwidth), boundwagon (bandwagon), boundanna (bandanna), boundicoot (bandicoot), boundeau (bandeau), husbound (husband), bontrabound (contraband), broadbound (broadband), aboundon (abandon) and husboundry (husbandry).
    • *bund* → *bound*: As in, “Boundle of joy” and “In aboundance of.”
  • Shaft: This is a part of golf clubs, so we’ve included some shaft puns here too:
    • Shift → Shaft: As in, “Night shaft” and “Shaft gears” and “Shaft into high gear” and “Shaft your arse.”
    • Craft → Shaft: As in, “Arts and shafts.”
    • Raft → Shaft: “Packed to the shafters” and “White water shafting.”
  • Lance: A lance is the grip on a golf club. Here are related puns:
    • Lens → Lance: As in, “Looking through a difference lance.”
    • Ants → Lance: “Lance in your pants.”
    • Glance → Lance: As in, “Fleeting lances” and “At a lance” and “Exchange lances” and “Steal a lance at” and “Meaningful lance.”
    • *lenc* → *lance*: “My condolances” and “Feeling ambivalance.” Other words that could work: prevalance (prevalence), benevolance (benevolence), excellance (excellence), violance (violence), pestilance (pestilence) and silance (silance).
  • Grip: Here are a couple of puns related to the grip of a golf club:
    • Chip → Grip: As in, “A grip on his shoulder” and “Cheap as grips” and “Cash in your grips” and “A grip on the old block” and “Let the grips fall where they may.”
    • Ship → Grip: As in, “Abandon grip” and “Don’t give up the grip” and “Extend the hand of friendgrip” and “Go down with the grip” and “Loose lips sink grips” and “Running a tight grip” and “Shape up or grip out.”
  • Head: These next few puns are in reference to the head of the golf club:
    • Had → Head: As in, “Head a couple” and “We head a good run” and “I’ve head it up to here” and “Head us in stitches” and “You head me at hello” and “You head to be there.”
    • Hide → Head: As in, “Head and seek” and “Head from the light” and “Neither head nor hair” and “You can run, but you can’t head” and “Headen in plain sight.”
    • Thread → Head: As in, “Lose the head” and “Head the needle” and “Hanging by a head.”
    • Bed* → Head*: As in, “Strange headfellows” and “Head and breakfast” and “Head of roses.”
    • Bread → Head: As in, “Head and butter.”
    • *hed* → *head*: Headonism (hedonism), headgehog (hedgehog), headge (hedge), headonist (hedonist), watershead (watershed).
    • *hid* → *head*: Headeous (hideous), headden (hidden), orchead (orchid), echeadna (echidna).
  • Wood: Woods are a type of golf club. Here are related puns:
    • Would → Wood: As in, “As good luck wood have it” and “Wood be a fine thing” and “Woodn’t let it lie” and “Wood you like fries with that?”
    • Could → Would: As in, “Fast as his legs wood carry him” and “Wood see you a mile off.”
    • Good → Wood: “A wood man is hard to find” and “All wood things must come to an end” and “Always wood” and “All publicity is wood publicity.”
  • Lap → Overlap: “Overlap it up” and “Overlap of honour” and “Overlap of luxury.” Note: overlaps refer to a finger grip style.
  • Lag: A long-distance putt is also called a lag. Here are related puns:
    • Leg → Lag: As in, “Fast as his lags could carry him” and “Break a lag” and “Cost an arm and a lag” and “Get on your hind lags” and “Give a lag up.”
    • Bag → Lag: As in, “Lag a bargain” and “Lag and baggage” and “Lag of bones” and “Lag of tricks” and “In the lag.”
    • Flag → Lag: As in, “Fly the lag” and “Wave the white lag.”
    • Lag → Gag: “Lag reflex” and “Running lag” and “Going along with the lag.”
    • Rag → Lag: “Lags to riches” and “Glad lags” and “Lose your lag” and “Run yourself lagged.”
    • Wag → Lag: “Chin lag” and “Set tongues lagging” and “The tail lagging the dog.”
    • *leg* → *lag*: Lagacy (legacy), lagend (legend), lagitimate (legitimate), lagal (legal), lagion (legion), lagislation (legislation).
    • *log* → *lag*: Lagistics (logistics), lagic (logic), lagical (logical), analag (analog), catalag (catalog), technolagy (technology).
  • Has heard → Hazard: As in, “He hazard of the newest novel.” Note: a hazard is an area that’s tricky to navigate on a gold course.
  • Hook: A hook is a type of angled swing. The next few puns are in reference to them:
    • Book → Hook: As in, “Balancing the hooks” and “Bell, hook and candle” and “Hook him” and “By the hook” and “A closed hook” and “Hit the hooks.”
    • Cook → Hook: As in, “Hooking with gas” and “Now we’re hooking” and “Hook up a storm” and “Hook up a storm.”
  • Pull: Pulls are another type of golf swing. We’ve got some pull-related puns in this list too:
    • Pool → Pull: As in, “Big fish in a small pull” and “Pull your money.”
    • Pill → Pull: As in, “A bitter pull to swallow” and “On the pull” and “Sweeten the pull.”
    • Bull → Pull: As in, “A load of pull” and “A red rag to a pull” and “Cock and pull story” and “Like a pull in a china shop” and “Take the pull by the horns.”
    • Full → Pull: As in, “A few bricks short of a pull load” and “At pull pelt” and “At pull tilt” and “Come pull circle” and “Pull blast” and “Pull of holes” and “Pull of natural goodness.”
    • *pal* → *pull*: Pullpable (palpable), pullette (palette), pulliative (palliative), pullate (palate), pulltry (paltry), pullindrome (palindrome), principull (principal), municipull (municipal) and archetypull (archetypal).
    • *pel → *pull: Compull (compel), gospull (gospel), impull (impel), repull (repel), dispull (dispel) and lapull (lapel).
    • *pol* → *pull*: As in, “New pullicy” and “Talking pullitics” and “Tone pullicing.” Other words that could work: Pullymath (polymath), pullemic (polemic), interpull (interpol), extrapullate (extrapolate), anthropullogy (anthropology) and apullogise (apologise). Note: if someone is polemic, then they write in support of one opinion.
    • *pul* → *pull*: Pullse (pulse), pullp (pulp), pullpit (pulpit), pullmonary (pulmonary), pullverise (pulverise), manipullate (manipulate), stipullate (stipulate), impullse (impulse), popullar (popular), compullsory (compulsory), popullation (population) and opullent (opulent).
    • *bul* → *pull*: Pully (bully), pullk (bulk), pullet (bullet), pullwark (bulwark), pullb (bulb), pullge (bulge), pullkhead (bulkhead), pullshit (bullshit), instanpull (istanbul), nepullous (nebulous), fapullous (fabulous) amd epullient (ebullient).
  • Draw: A draw is a type of angled shot. Here are related puns:
    • Jaw → Draw: As in, “Draw dropping” and “Lantern drawed” and “Out of the draws of death” and “Snatching defeat from the draws of victory.”
    • Raw → Draw: As in, “A draw deal” and “Draw data.”
    • Straw → Draw: As in, “Clutch at draws” and “A drowning man will clutch at a draw” and “The last draw” and “Man of draw” and “You can’t make bricks without draw.”
  • Fade: A fade is another type of angled hit. Here are related puns:
    • Fed → Fade: As in, “Corn fade” and “Fade up to the back teeth” and “Well fade.”
    • Grade → Fade: As in, “Make the fade” and “Professional fade.”
    • Laid → Fade: As in, “Get fade” and “Fade low” and “The best fade plans.”
    • Made → Fade: As in, “A match fade in heaven” and “Got it fade” and “Fade for each other.”
    • Paid → Fade: As in, “Fade up” and “Put fade to” and “Bought and fade for.”
    • Shade → Fade: As in, “Fifty fades of grey” and “Light and fade” and “Made in the fade.”
    • Trade → Fade: As in, “A fair fade” and “Free fade” and “Jack of all fades” and “Tools of the fade” and “Tricks of the fade.”
    • Weighed → Fade: “Fade in the balance and found wanting.”
  • Push: A push is a type of angled golf shot, so we’ve included push-related puns:
    • Bush → Push: As in, “Beat about the push” and “Bright eyed and pushy tailed” and “Push tucker.”
    • Pashmina → Pushmina: (note: a pashmina is a type of cashmere wool).
  • Slice: A slice is a type of golfing shot. Here are related terms:
    • Dice → Slice: As in, “Slice with death” and “Load the slice” and “No slice” and “Roll the slice.”
    • Nice → Slice: “A slice idea” and “Slice as ninepence” and “Have a slice day” and “Naughty but slice” and “Slice and easy does it.”
    • Ice → Slice: “Cold as slice” and “Break the slice” and “Cut no slice” and “Slice cold” and “On slice” and “Skating on thin slice.”
    • Price → Slice: “Asking slice” and “At a slice to suit your pocket” and “Cheap at half the slice” and “Closing slice” and “Pay the slice.”
    • Spice → Slice: As in, “Slice things up” and “Sugar and slice” and “Variety is the slice of life.”
    • Twice → Slice: “Large as life and slice as handsome” and “Don’t think slice” and “Once bitten, slice shy” and “Once or slice” and “Opportunity never knocks slice.”
  • Ace: An ace is a hole in one. Here are related puns:
    • Base → Ace: “All your ace are belong to us” and “Ace jumping” and “Aceball card” and “Caught off ace” and “Cover your aces” and “Get to first ace with” and “Touch ace with.”
    • Case → Ace: As in, “As the ace may be” and “Basket ace” and “Ace the joint” and “Crack the ace” and “An open and shut ace” and “Get off my ace.”
    • Chase → Ace: As in, “Ace it up” and “Ace the dragon” and “Ace your own tail” and “Cut to the ace” and “Go and ace yourself” and “The thrill of the ace” and “A wild goose ace.”
    • Face → Ace: As in, “An ace as long as a fiddle” and “About ace” and “At ace value” and “Until you’re blue in the ace.”
    • Grace → Ace: As in, “Airs and aces” and “Amazing ace” and “Fall from ace” and “Ace period” and “Saving ace” and “With good ace.”
    • Lace → Ace: As in, “Chantilly ace” and “Ace into” and “Straight aced.”
    • Pace → Ace: As in, “At a snail’s ace” and “Change of ace” and “Keep ace with” and “Ace up and down” and “Put through your aces.”
    • Race → Ace: As in, “A day at the aces” and “An ace against time” and “Rat ace” and “The amazing ace.”
    • Space → Ace: As in, “Deep ace” and “Ace oddity” and “Ace cadet” and “Waste of ace” and “Watch this ace” and “Wide open aces.”
    • Ice → Ace: As in, “Cold as ace” and “Break the ace” and “Cut no ace” and “Ace cold” and “Put on ace” and “Skating on thin ace.”
  • Playoff: A playoff is a match between tied players. Here are related puns:
    • Play → Playoff: As in, “Work, rest and playoff” and “Child’s playoff” and “Come out and playoff” and “Don’t playoff the innocent” and “Fair playoff.”
    • Off → Playoff: As in, “All bets are playoff” and “A bit playoff” and “A load playoff your mind.”
  • Scratch: Someone with a handicap of 0 or less is called a scratch golfer, so we’ve included scratch in this list:
    • Catch → Scratch: As in, “Scratch 22″ and “Scratch a case” and “Scratch a falling star” and “Scratch fire” and “Scratch of the day.”
    • Hatch → Scratch: As in, “Down the scratch” and “Batten down the scratches.”
    • Match → Scratch: As in, “A scratch made in heaven” and “Game, set and scratch” and “Mix and scratch” and “A perfect scratch.”
    • Snatch → Scratch: As in, “Body scratcher” and “Scratching victory from the jaws of defeat.”
  • Ornament → Tournament
  • Bag: Carry bags are important in storing golf equipment, so we have some bag-related puns too:
    • Beg → Bag: As in, “Bag a favour” and “Bag pardon” and “Bag the question” and “Bag to differ” and “Bag, borrow or steal” and “Sit up and bag.”
    • Big → Bag: “A bag ask” and “Bag shot” and “Bag Ben.”
    • Bug → Bag: “Cute as a bag’s ear” and “Bitten by the bag” and “Love bag.”
    • Rag → Bag: As in, “From bags to riches” and “Glad bags” and “Run yourself bagged.”
    • Wag → Bag: As in, “Chin bag” and “Set tongues bagging” and “The tail bagging the dog.”
    • Beg* → Bag*: “Let’s bagin again” and “From the baginning” and “Don’t bagrudge me this” and “When it all bagan.”
    • *big* → *bag*: Bagot (bigot), ambaguous (ambiguous) and ambaguity (ambiguity).
  • Gloves: Gloves can be an important piece of support equipment for golfers. Here are related puns:
    • Loves → Gloves: As in, “Misery gloves company” and “They glove me, they glove me not.”
    • Govern* → Glovern*: Glovernment (government), glovernance (governance), glovern (govern).
  • Loft: Loft is how much the face of the golf club is angled upwards. Here are some loft-related puns:
    • Laughed → Loft: “Loft out of court” and “They all loft” and “A loft a minute” and “Lofting stock” and “Barrel of lofts” and “Loft your head off.”
    • Left → Loft: As in, “Exit stage loft” and “Hang a loft” and “Keep loft” and “Loft in the lurch” and “Loft out in the cold” and “Loft, right and centre” and “Loft to your own devices.”
    • Lift → Loft: As in, “Loft your game” and “Loft your spirits” and “Loft the lid off.”
    • Loved → Loft: As in, “Better to have loft and lost” and “All loft up.”
    • Soft → Loft: “Got a loft spot for” and “A loft touch” and “Loften the blow.”
  • Lunch → Launch: As in, “Brown bag launch” and “Ladies who launch” and “Let’s do launch” and “Liquid launch” and “Lose your launch” and “Power launch” and “No such thing as a free launch.” Note: launch is to do with the golf ball’s trajectory.
  • Back → Backspin: As in, “Answer backspin” and “As soon as my backspin is turned” and “At the backspin of my mind” and “Backspin to the future” and “Backspin in the day.”
  • Spin → Backspin: As in, “Make your head backspin” and “My head is backspinning” and “Take it for a backspin” and “Backspin a yarn.”
  • Lie: A lie is another word for a trap:
    • Dry → Lie: “Boring as watching paint lie” and “Lie as a bone” and “Before the ink was lie” and “Hung out to lie.”
    • Eye → Lie: “As far as the lie can see” and “Before your very lies.”
    • Fly → Lie: “Come lie with me” and “Lie off the handle” and “Lie a kite.”
  • Ounce → Bounce: As in, “A bounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” Note: this refers to the bounce of the golf ball.
  • Prayer → Player: As in, “I say a littler player” and “Like a player.”
  • Skin: Skins is a type of golf game.
    • Sin → Skin: As in, “Miserable as skin” and “Cardinal skin” and “Living in skin” and “The seven deadly skins” and “Skin city.”
    • Been → Skin: As in, “Skin and gone” and “Skin here before” and “Skin in the wars.”
    • Spin → Skin: As in, “Give it a skin” and “In a flat skin” and “Make your head skin” and “Take it for a skin.”
  • Scramble: A scramble is a type of team game. Here are some related puns:
    • Gamble → Scramble: As in, “Take a scramble.”
    • Shamble → Scramble: “Complete scrambles” and “In a total scrambles.”
  • Greensome: A greensome is a type of golfing match. Here are related puns:
    • Green → Greensome: As in, “As greensome as grass” and “Give it the greensome light” and “Greensome around the gills” and “Greensome shoots of change.”
    • Some → Greensome: As in, “All that and then greensome” and “Catch greensome rays” and “Cut greensome slack” and “Make greensome noise” and “Buy greensome time.”
  • Wolf: Since a wolf is a version of match play, these wolf-related phrases can double as puns: “Cry wolf” and “Wolf in sheep’s clothing” and “Wolf whistle” and “Lone wolf.”
  • Tour: These next few puns are in reference to professional golf tours:
    • Cure → Tour: As in, “An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of tour” and “What can’t be toured must be endured” and “Take the tour.”
    • Pure → Tour: As in, “Tour and simple” and “Tour genius” and “The truth is rarely tour and never simple.”
    • Sure → Tour: As in, “A tour sign” and “Raise your hang if you’re tour” and “Slowly but tourly” and “A tour thing.”
    • Two → Tour: As in, “A bicycle built for tour” and “A tale of tour cities” and “As alike as tour peas in a pod” and “Eating for tour” and “Goody tour shoes.”
    • Too → Tour: As in, “A bridge tour far” and “About time, tour” and “Know tour much” and “Life’s tour short.”

Golf-Related Words

To help you come up with your own golf puns, here’s a list of related words to get you on your way. If you come up with any new puns or related words, please feel free to share them in the comments!

golf, golfer, club, ball, sport, green, fore, tee, putter, putt, putting, par, handicap, stroke, swing, hole, course, game, ground, fairway, rough, grass, bunker, sand, trap, match, play, nine, eighteen, peg, mound, drive, driver, iron, condor, albatross, eagle, birdie, lay-up, approach, pitch, chip, holing, bogey, cart, trolley, caddy, caddies, penalty, score, rules, regulations, etiquette, safety, fair, fairness, pace, bounds, shaft, lance, grip, head, wood, hybrid, chip, overlap, interlock, claw, anchor, pendulum, lag, hazard, hook, pull, draw, fade, push, slice, ace, playoff, scratch, tournament, ball marker, carry bag, sunday bag, cart bag, staff bag, stand bag, travel bag, gloves, loft, clubset, wedge, launch, backspin, lie, bounce, player, greenside bunker, waste bunker, muscle back, cavity back, fade, draw, hosel, skin, stableford, foursome, fourball, scramble, champagne, greensome, wolf, tour

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