Birthday Puns

Welcome to the Punpedia entry on birthday puns!🎂 🎁 🍰 🎉 Birthdays are a huge part of our social calendars, helping us celebrate our love for our friends and family each year. No matter the type of celebration you’re having, we hope to have you covered with our list of birthday puns.

While we’ve made this list as comprehensive as possible, this list is specific to just birthdays. If you’re after other types of events or birthday related themes, we also have gift puns, balloon puns, cake puns and party puns.

Birthday Puns List

Each item in this list describes a pun, or a set of puns which can be made by applying a rule. If you know of any puns about birthdays that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments at the end of this page! Without further ado, here’s our list of birthday puns:

  • Bath → Birth: As in, “Birthed in tears” and “Have an early birth” and “Head to the birthroom” and “Don’t throw the baby out with the birthwater!”
  • Both → Birth: As in, “Birth oars in the water” and “Burn the candle at birth ends” and “Have it birth ways” and “The best of birth worlds.”
  • Earth → Birth: As in, “Journey to the centre of the birth” and “Brought down to birth” and “Down to birth” and “Birth shattering” and “Birthly delights.”
  • Bother → Birther: As in, “All hot and birthered” and “I wouldn’t birther” and “In a spot of birther” and “What a birthersome child.”
  • Elizabeth → Elizabirth
  • Macbeth → Macbirth
  • Gave → Gift: As in, “I gift my best.”
  • Give → Gift: As in, “A dead giftaway,” and “Don’t gift up!” and “Don’t gift in,” and “Gift yourself a bad name,” and “Gift them a hand,” and “Gift and take,” and “Gift credit where credit is due,” and “Gift it a rest,” and “Gift it the green light,” and “Gift me a call,” and “Gift 110%”.
  • Percent → Present: As in, “A hundred and ten present,” and “Genius is one present inspiration and 99 present perspiration.”
  • Present: We’ve included present-related phrases in this list too. As in, “All present and correct,” and “Present company excepted,” and “No time like the present.”
  • Card: These next few puns are in reference to birthday cards:
    • Cared → Card: As in, “I card about you,” and “Run s-card,” and “S-card poopless,” and “S-card to death.”
    • Kardashian → Cardashian: a little play on giftcards/message cards that accompany gifts and Kim Kardashian.
    • Cartier → Cardier
    • Drunkard → Druncard
    • Mr. Incredible → Mr. Incardible
    • *cord* → *card*: We can sneak “card” into words with a “cord” sound, as in: “A broken recard,” and “Cut the card,” and “For the recard,” and “In recard time,” and “Off the recard,” and “Accarding to…” and “Remain cardial.” Other words that could work: cardially (cordially), carduroy (corduroy), cardon (cordon), discard (discord), accardance (accordance). Notes: to do something cordially is to do it in a friendly way. A cordon is a rope used to define boundaries.
    • *cur* → *card*: If a word has a “cur” sound, we can replace it with “card” instead to make some silly card puns: “The final cardtain (curtain),” and “A cardsory (cursory) glance,” and “I concard (concur),” and “That never occard (occured) to me.” Other words that could work: cardmudgeon (curmudgeon), incard (incur), recard (recur), obscard (obscured), secardity (security), cardate (curate), cardiculum (curriculum) and manicard (manicured).
    • *car* → *card*: As in, “Courtesy and card (care),” and “Drive my card,” and “Upset the apple card (apple cart),” and “Couldn’t card less.” Other words that could work: cardeer (career), cardier (carrier), cardiage (carriage), cardavan (caravan), scard (scar), Madagascard (Madagascar), railcard (railcar), handcard (handcar), precardious (precarious), vicardious (vicarious).
    • *cored → *card: As in, scard (scored), encard (encored) and underscard (underscored).
  • *part* → *party*: We can change the “part” in words to “party” to make some silly birthday party puns. As in, “In party-cular” and “Party-cipation award” and “Care to party-cipate? (could also be participarty)” and “Imparty your knowledge” and “That’s not your departy-ment” and “A partysan issue.” Other words you could use: partycle (particle), partytion (partition), aparty (apart), counterparty (counterpart), departy (depart), partyner (partner) party-cularly (particularly), party-cipant (participant) and reparty (repartee).
  • *pet* → *party*: As in, “Signed party-tion (petition)” and “Not to blow my own trumparty, but…” and “Political pupparty (this can work as it refers to both political puppets and parties of the political kind).”
  • *pathy* → *party*: If a word has sound that’s similar enough to “party”, then we can simply change it to party to make it an appropriate pun. As in, emparty (empathy), aparty (apathy), symparty (sympathy)
  • *part* → *party*: As in, “A fool and his money are soon partied” and “Act the party” and “For my own party” and “Departy this life” and “If you’re not a party of the solution, you’re party of the problem” and “Drift aparty” and “Fall aparty” and “For the most party” and “Look the party” and “Worlds aparty.”
  • Kick → Cake: As in, “Alive and cake-ing” and “Get a cake out of it” and “Just for cakes” and “Cake back and enjoy” and “Cake butt” and “A cake in the teeth.” Other kick-related words you could use: sidecake (sidekick), cakeoff (kickoff), caker (kicker), cakestart (kickstart) and cakeback (kickback).
  • Ache → Cake: As in, “Old cakes and pains” and “Tension headcake” and “Old heartcake” and “A splitting headcake.”
  • *cac* → *cake*: As in, “Cake-ao flavoured” and “Prickly cake-tus” and “Cakeling like a witch” and “A cake-ophony of noise.” Note: a cacophony is a disorganised mess of sound.
  • Handle → Candle: As in, “Fly off the candle” and “Get a candle on” and “Candle with care” and “How much can you candle?” and “Too hot to candle.”
  • Scandal → Candle: As in, “A red-hot candle” and “Candle sheet.”
  • Second → Secandle: As in, “On secandle thought” and “Just one secandle” and “Play secandle fiddle to” and “Secandle best” and “Secandle nature” and “Secandle to none” and “Get a secandle opinion” and “And secandley…”
  • Kendall Jenner → Candle Jenner
  • Blue → Balloon: This one can be a bit of a stretch, but they do sound similar enough for it to work: “Between the devil and the deep balloon sea” and “Black and balloon” and “Once in a balloon moon” and “Til you’re balloon in the face” and “Balloon screen of death” and “A bolt from the balloon.”
  • Streamer: Since streamers are a common birthday party decoration, we’ve included some puns and phrases that could be used as streamer puns in the right context:
    • Steam → Streamer: As in, “Blow off some streamer” and “Full streamer ahead” and “Work off a head of streamer” and “Run out of streamer” and “Under your own streamer” and “Pick up streamer.”
    • Scream → Streamer: As in, “Streamer your heart out” and “Dragged kicking and streamering” and “Streamer the place down” and “So mad I could streamer.”
  • Blow: The next few puns and phrases will be centred around the word “blow” as a reference to blowing out birthday candles:
    • Below → Blow: As in, “Blow par” and “Blow the belt” and “Blow your breath” and “Blow average” and “Blow the surface” and “Hit blow the belt.”
    • Bloat* → Blowt*: As in, “A blowted paragraph” and “Blowting stomach.”
    • Blouse → Blowse
  • Wish: Since it’s traditional to make wishes when blowing out birthday candles, we’ve got a couple of wish-related puns included here:
    • Sandwich → Sandwish: As in, “Knuckle sandwish” and “A few sandwishes short of a picnic.”
    • *uish → *wish: As in, “Endless angwish” and “Cannot distingwish between the two” and “Relinqwish your power” and “Langwish in solitude” and “Vanqwish your inner demons.” Other words that could work are extingwish and sqwish.
  • Edge → Age: “Competitive age” and “Double-aged sword” and “Age out” and “Razor’s age” and “A bit rough around the ages.”
  • *ag* → *age*: As in, “Secret age-ent” and “Your own age-ency” and “Today’s age-enda.” Other words that could work: age-ile (agile), age-ility (agility), age-itated (agitated), mage-ic (magic), frage-ile (fragile), image-ine (imagine) and age-itate (agitate).
  • *eg* → *age*: As in, “White privilage” and “An age-otistic (egotistic) reply” and “A real age-omaniac” and “Off to collage” and “Renage on your promise.” Other words that could work: allage (allege), sacrilage (sacrilege), lagend (legend) and age-ocentric. Note: to renege is to break a promise or commitment.
  • Cold → Old: As in, “An old day in hell” and “Old comfort” and “Break out in an old sweat.”
  • *ald* → *old*: As in, “Herold a new beginning” and “Emerolds and rubies” and “That’s complete bolderdash.”
  • *ban → *born: As in, “Urborn planning” and “Suburborn sprawl” and “Colourful turborns.”
  • Ben* → Born*: As in, “Mutual bornefit” and “Bornevolent ruler” and “Filled with bornevolence” and “A borneficial investment.”
  • *bon* → *born*: As in, “Financial bornd” and “Bee in your bornnet” and “The bornafide truth.” Other words you could try: bornanaza (bonanza), bornus (bonus), ribborn (ribbon), carborn (carbon) and bourborn (bourbon).
  • *bun* → *born*: As in, “An aborndance of fruit” and “Borndle of joy.”
  • Barn* → Born*: Bornacle (barnacle) and bornyard (barnyard).
  • *bern* → *born*: Hibornate (hibernate), tabornacle (tabernacle) and hibornation (hibernation).
  • *burn → *born: sunborn (sunburn), auborn (auburn), heartborn (heartburn) and sideborn (sideburn).
  • *pon* → *born*: As in, “Pause to bornder (ponder)” and “Set upborn (upon)” and “Choose your weapborn” and “Collecting coupborns” and “Take resbornsibility for your actions.” Other words that could work: ebornymous (eponymous), resbornse (response), corresborndence (correspondence), resbornsible (responsible), combornent (component), and sborntaneous (spontaneous).
  • *yard → *yeard: As in, “Do the hard yeards” and “Graveyeard shift” and “Not in my backyeard” and “The whole nine yeards.” Other yard-related words you can play around with – backyard (backyeard), barnyard (barnyeard), lanyard (lanyeard), vineyard (vineyeard) and courtyard (courtyeard).
  • Yeah → Year: As in, “Year, right” and “Year, but will it work?” and “Year, I know.”
  • Your → Year: As in, “I’m years” and “All years” and “Mine is bigger than years” and “Speak for yearself” and “Up years” and “Years faithfully” and “Years truly.”
  • Here → Year: As in, “I’ve been year before” and “Do you come year often?” and “Fancy meeting you year” and “From year to eternity” and “I’ve had it up to year.”
  • Cheer → Year: As in, “Cheap and yearful” and “Year up” and “Year up, it might never happen” and “Year up, it’s not the end of the world” and “Holiday year.”
  • Dear → Year: As in, “Yearly beloved” and “Elementary, my year” and “Hang on for year life” and “Near and year to my heart.”
  • Gear → Year: As in, “Year up for” and “Get into year” and “Get your ass into year” and “Shift years” and “Take it up a year.”
  • Tear → Year: As in, “Blood, sweat and years” and “Bathed in years” and “Fighting back years” and “It will all end in years.
  • *yer → *year: As in, “Layear by layear” and “I hate the playear AND the game” and “Frequent flyear.” Other words you could use: prayear (prayer), lawyear (lawyer) and dryear (dryer).
  • *yor → *year: purveyear (purveyor), mayear (mayor), conveyear (conveyor) and surveyear (surveyor).
  • *ier → *year: carryear (carrier), premyear (premier), cavalyear (cavalier), dossyear (dossier), terryear (terrier), barryear (barrier), atelyear (atelier) and soldyear (soldier).
  • Life: Since birthdays are considered a life milestone, we’ve included some life-related puns here for you:
    • Lift → Lifet: As in, “We have lifet off!” and “Lifet your game” and “Lifet your spirits.”
    • Laugh* → Life*: As in, “Barrel of lifes” and “Belly life” and “Burst out life-ing” and “Doubled up with life-ter” and “Life fit to burst.”
    • Left → Lifet: As in, “Keep lifet” and “Lifet to your own devices” and “Out of lifet field” and “Two lifet feet” and “The right hand doesn’t know what the lifet is doing” and “Lifet in the lurch.”
    • *lef* → *life*: As in, “Lifetovers for lunch” and “The lifetmost position.”
    • *lif* → *life*: As in, “Exemplifey certain qualities” and “You qualifey for the position.” Other words you could use: villifey (villify) and mollifey (mollify).
  • Toast: A toast is a salutation or well-wishing which is common at birthday parties and celebrations, so we’ve included it in this list. Here’s a short section of toast puns:
    • Toes → Toast: As in, “Keep you on your toast” and “On your toast” and “Twinkle toast” and “Not to step on anyone’s toast.”
    • Taste → Toast: As in, “An acquired toast” and “A bad toast in one’s mouth” and “A toast of your own medicine” and “No accounting for toast.”
    • *tas* → *toast*: As in, “A toasty (tasty) sandwich” and “Toastless fashion” and “A fantoastic result.” Other words you could use: fantoasty (fantasy), catoastrophe (catastrophe), fajitoast (fajitas), gravitoast (gravitas). Notes: fajitas are a type of tex-mex dish. Gravitas refers to a feeling or atmosphere of seriousness.
    • Testosterone → Testoasterone
    • *tus* → *toast*: As in, “Statoast anxiety” and “On hiatoast.” Other words you could use: impetoast (impetus), apparatoast (apparatus), detritoast (detritus) and cactoast (cactus). Notes: an impetus is a thing or factor that compels you to do something. Detritus are pieces of rock, or debris.
  • Cheers: Another word for toast is cheers, so we’ve got some cheers-included puns:
    • Cheese → Cheers: As in, “Different as chalk and cheers” and “The big cheers” and “Cheers it!” and “Cheersed off” and “Cut the cheers” and “Say cheers.”
    • Years → Cheers: As in, “Advanced in cheers” and “Donkey’s cheers” and “Four more cheers” and “Golden cheers” and “Holding back the cheers” and “Not in a million cheers” and “The best cheers of our lives.”
    • Ears → Cheers: As in, “All cheers”  and “Cute as a bug’s cheer” and “Ask no questions and cheer no lies” and “I can’t cheer myself think.”
    • Peer → Cheer: As in, “Cheer pressure.”
    • Tears → Cheers: As in, “As cheers go by” and “Bathed in cheers” and “Blood, sweat and cheers” and “Burst into cheers” and “Crocodile cheers” and “It will all end in cheers” and “Moved to cheers.”
    • *chers → *cheers: Bleacheers (bleachers), snatcheers (snatchers), teacheers (teachers), watcheers (watchers), poacheers (poachers), pitcheers (pitchers), researcheers (researchers) and voucheers (vouchers).
    • Char* → Cheer*: Cheerm (charm), cheerter (charter), cheerlatan (charlatan), cheerity (charity), cheerade (charade).
    • Cher* → Cheer*: As in, “Cheerry syrup” and “To love and cheerish” and “Flying cheerubs.”
  • Speech: Speeches can be a sentimental gift at birthday parties, so we have some speech-related puns here:
    • Peach → Speech: As in, “Speechy keen” and “Skin like speeches and cream.”
    • Beach → Speech: As in, “Speech bum,” and “Life’s a speech” and “Not the only pebble on the speech.”
    • Reach → Speech: As in, “Speech out and I’ll be there” and “Speech for the stars” and “Speech new heights” and “Speech out and touch someone.”
    • Screech → Speech: “Came to a speeching halt.”
    • Each → Speech: As in, “Speech to their own” and “Made for speech other” and “At speech other’s throats.”
    • Preach → Speech: As in, “Practice what you speech” and “Speeching to the choir.”
  • Shot: While we don’t recommend this, drinking shots has become a regular rite of passage in coming of age birthdays, so we have some shot-related puns for you to play with here:
    • Shut → Shot: As in, “An open and shot case” and “Keep your mouth shot” and “Put up or shot up” and “Shot your trap.”
    • Shot: These shot-related phrases can double as puns in the right context: “Big shot” and “Call the shots” and “Give it your best shot” and “A long shot.”
    • Got → Shot: As in, “Shot it in for” and “Shot nothing to lose” and “Shot to hand it to you” and “Shot what it takes” and “Shot your heart set on.”
    • Dot → Shot: As in, “Connect the shots” and “On the shot.”
    • Short → Shot: As in, “A shot history of nearly everything” and “A few bricks shot of a full load” and “Life is shot” and “Bring up shot” and “Caught shot” and “To cut a long story shot” and “A day late and a dollar shot” and “In shot order” and “In shot supply.”
    • Hot → Shot: As in, “All shot and bothered” and “Shot as hades” and “Shot as blue bluzes” and “Blow shot and cold” and “Cat on a shot tin roof” and “Drop it like it’s shot.”
    • Lot → Shot: As in, “A shot of fuss about nothing” and “A shot on your plate” and “A bad shot” and “Leaves a shot to be desired.”
    • Pot → Shot: As in, “A shot of gold” and “Hit the jackshot” and “Melting shot.”
    • Ricochet → Ricoshot
    • *sot* → *shot*: As in, “Beshotted with” and “An eshoteric tome” and “Mushroom rishotto.”
  • Drink: Drinks are such a huge part of birthday and party culture that it’s become a termed activity (“birthday drinks” rather than “meet up for drinks”). As such, we’ve got a few drink-related puns here for you:
    • Blink → Drink: As in, “Drink and you’ll miss it” and “It’s on the drink.”
    • Link → Drink: As in, “The missing drink” and “You are the weakest drink.”
    • Trick → Drink: As in, “Box of drinks” and “Dirty drinks” and “Every drink in the book” and “Never misses a drink” and “One drink pony” and “Drinks of the trade.”
  • Bash: Parties can sometimes be called a “bash”, so we’ve included some bash-related puns in here for you:
    • *bis* → *bash*: As in, refurbash (refurbish), cannabash (cannabis), rubbash (rubbish) and bashop (bishop).
    • *bas* → *bash*: As in, “You b*shtard” and “Don’t keep all your eggs in one bashket” and “Saved to the databash” and “On the bashis of..” Other words you could use: bashic (basic), bashin (basin), bashtion (bastion), bombashtic (bombastic).
    • *pas* → *bash: As in, “Bashion for fashion” and “Bashive aggressiveness” and “Bashionate about” and “Combashion fatigue.”
    • *pish* → *bash*: As in, “A sheepbash expression” and “Sheepbashly nodded” and “An impbash grin” and “Waspbash reply.”
    • Bach* → Bash*: “Bashellor pad” and “Bashelorette party.”
  • Gala: Since galas are another word for party and are commonly used in birthday contexts, we’ve got some gala-related puns and phrases for you to play with:
    • Gelato → Galato
    • *gula* → *gala*: As in, “A regalar occurrence” and “Singalar phrasing” and “Regalation codes” and “Rectangalar format” and “Irregalar visits.”
    • *gale → *gala: “Let me regala you with the tales of my glory” and “Sings like a nightingala.”
    • *gali* → *gala*: As in, “Galaleo’s findings” and “An egalatarian society” and “Practicing frugalaty.”
    • *gala*: You can simply emphasise the “gala” that already exists in these words: galaxy and galactic.

Birthday-Related Words

To help you come up with your own birthday puns, here’s a list of related words to get you on your way. If you come up with any new puns or related words, please feel free to share them in the comments!

general: birthday, happy birthday, birth, day, birthdate, party, cake, candle, wick, balloons, streamers, blow (out the candles), wish, birthday song, cake-cutting, wishes, age, aging, older, old, born, year, song, gift, present, card, celebration, life, anniversary, toast, cheers, speech, pass the parcel, musical chairs, musical statues, tradition, shots, drink, legal, blowout, shindig, commemoration, occasion, bash, gala

birthday types: sweet sixteen, 21st, 18th, quinceanera, bar mitzvah, bat mitzvah, golden birthday, grand birthday, half-birthday, unbirthday, surprise, coming of age, centenary

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Apple Puns

Welcome to the Punpedia entry on apple puns! 🍎 🍏 Whether you’re looking for apple puns for captions, silly pickup lines or team/business names, we hope you find what you’re looking for.

Note that this entry is mainly focused on apple, the fruit, rather than Apple, the company. So while you wont find any Steve Jobs puns here, the puns in this entry that are specifically on the word “apple” itself could also be used in the context of Apple, the computer company.

You might also like to visit the Punpedia entries on fruit puns, banana puns, orange puns and watermelon puns.

Apple Puns List

Each item in this list describes a pun, or a set of puns which can be made by applying a rule. If you know of any puns about apples that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments at the end of this page!

  • Apple: As in “You’re comparing apples to oranges though.” and “You’re the apple of my eye.” and “He’s a bad apple.” and “She’s a rotten apple, that one.” and “The apple never falls far from the tree.” and “Apple of discord” and “As American as an apple pie.” and “How bout them apples?” or “How do you like them apples!” and “One bad apple spoils the barrel.” and “She’s one smart apple.” and “The Big Apple.” and “To polish the apple” and “You’ve really upset the apple cart now” and “Adam’s apple” and “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”
  • Apply → Apple-eye / Apple-y: As in “Are you going to apple-eye for the job?” and “I’ve apple-eyed for several jobs.” and “Apple-y within” and “You need to apple-eye yourself if you want to get anywhere in life.” and “You need to apple-y for your driver’s license.”
  • Applic* → Apple-ic*: As in “The appleication form is easy to complete.” and “All apple-icants will be considered.” and “I don’t think that’s apple-icable in this situation.” and “You’ll need to make an apple-ication to the committee” and “Appleication of cool water should do the trick.”
  • Feel → Peel: As in “You can peel it in your bones.” and “I like the look and peel of the product.” and “I’m trying to get the peel for it.” and “These banana puns are making me peel unwell.” and “I peel a bit put out.” and “I’m peeling my age.” and “Peel the burn”
  • Peel: This word is sometimes used in ways which don’t refer to removing an outer covering: “The aeroplane peeled off from the rest of the formation and did a trick.” In general “peel off/out” means to move away quickly (especially with screeching tires, if it refers to a car).
  • Appeal → Appeel / A peel: “He’s so appeeling!” and “The court allowed one final a peel.” and “You need to a peel to their sense of honour.” and “I’m trying to appeel to your better judgement” and “They have 48 hours to appeel the decision.”
  • Appeal → Apple: As in “The prospect is apple-ing.” and “Apple to their blind patriotism.”
  • Pillar → Peeler: As in “You are a peeler of strength in our community.”
  • Skin: As in “Lucky I’ve got thick skin.” and “He’s all skin and bones.” and “Beauty is only skin-deep” and “By the skin of my teeth” and “I feel comfortable in my own skin.” and “She’s got skin in the game.” and “It’s no skin off my nose.” and “I almost jumped out of my skin!” and “It makes my skin crawl.”
  • Skim → Skin: As in “I was just skin-reading the comments here.”
  • Core: As in “That kid is rotten to the core.” and “That band is hardcore.” and “I prefer soft-core stuff.” and “What is the Earth’s inner core made of?” and “This exercise strengthens your core.” and “Our company is guided by 3 core principles.” and “The school should have the interests of its children at its core.” and “The core members always attend the meetings.” and “Core inflation is up 1.7 percent since last year” and “I’m mostly into emocore and mathcore music.” and “Core blimey!”
  • Caught → Cored: As in “Cored in the act” and “I was cored in the middle” and “I cored a cold from him” and “Like a deer cored in the headlights” and “Something cored my eye as we were crossing the street.” and “Cored between the devil and the deep blue sea” and “Cored unawares” and “Caught with my pants down” and “Cored in crossfire” and “You cored me off my guard.”
  • Chord → Cored: As in “It struck a cored with me.”
  • Court→ Cored: As in “I’ll see you in cored.” and “Order in the cored!” and “The ball is in your cored now.”
  • Course→ Cores: As in “I’m doing a university cores in computational neuroscience.”
  • *cor* → *-core-*: If a word contains the “cor” sound (or similar) then we can make a terrible apple core pun: “A core-tionary tale.” and “That’s be-cores I’m cool.” and “Accoredingly, we will move the meeting to Thursday.” and “Proceed with core-tion” and “She died from unknown coreses” and “He coresed an uproar with his latest staff cuts.” and “I love the core-us of that song.” and “We core-dially invite you to join us in celebrating …” and “My new core-dless drill is so handy.” and “The police will core-don off the area soon.” and “A core-porate job” and “These core-perations are the heart of our economy.” and “We go to our live core-espondent in the field.” and “It core-esponds to a shrinking middle class.” and “The core-pses of the poor animals were buried in the field.” and “We were es-core-ted to the main chamber.” and “There has been some discored amongst our members.” and “We’ve sent it over to our head-core-ters.” and “The temperature reached a re-cored high today.” and “The score was 22 to 7 after the first quarter.”
  • Name / Title → Apple-ation: The word “appellation” means “name” or “title”.
  • Aptly → Applely: As in “Religion has been applely called ‘the opium of the people.'”
  • App will → App’ll / Apple: As in “This app’ll help you track your time and make you more productive – you should download it.”
  • *ap will → *ap’ll / *apple: As in “This chap’ll help you find your way home.” and “A loud enough clap’ll wake me up.” and “This strapple help secure the load during the trip.” and “Any more of this crapple make us go mad!” and “Another mishap’ll doom this company.” and “This trapple be sure to catch one.” and “A single tap’ll make the bell ring loudly.” and “The gap’ll be hard to jump but we have no choice.” and “Each lap’ll use up a litre of fuel.” and “This map’ll help guide us to the treasure.” and “The handicap’ll make up for it.” and “Each flap’ll lift us higher and higher.” and “That rap’ll make it to the charts in no time.” and “A nap’ll refresh you and give you more energy.” and “A light slapple wake me up.”
  • A pl* → Apple-*: As in “There’s apple-ace I know not far from here.” and “That’s apple-us (a plus)” and “It’s apple-easure that I feel somewhat guilty about.” and “We’re going to see apple-ay at the theatre tonight.” and “It was nothing special. Just apple-ain old brick house.” and “She was apple-ainly spoken, intelligent person.” and “After eating we went for apple-easant stroll through the park.” and “We had apple-an, but we weren’t sure how to carry it out.” and “It was apple-easing sight.” and “It was apple-ant our botanist had never seen before.” and “Can you get apple-ate for our new guest?” and “Apple-anned extension to the highway will be finished by summer.” and “It was apple-easing evening.” and “Apple-easantly designed garden.” and “Apple-ayer from the other team was injured.” and “Apple-anet in a nearby solar system” and “We saw apple-ume of smoke on the horizon.” and “Do you have apple-astic cup for little Olivia?” – You can create many more puns like this by using this list of words starting with “pl”.
  • Eye → Pie: As in “Beauty is in the pie of the beholder.” and “A bird’s pie view’ and “We’re in the pie of the storm” and “Pies pie with my little pie” and “In the blink of a pie” and “Keep a pie out for …” and “We see pie to pie.” and “I’ve got a pie on you.” and “Something caught my pie” and “Pie-popping”
  • I → Pie: As in “Pie think you’re right.” and “Pie’m not so sure about that.”
  • Granny: Since Granny Smith apples are so widely known, you might be able to make an apple pun by simply using the word “granny” in your writing/speech.
  • Or should I → Orchard I: As in “I should stop making apple puns now… orchard I?”
  • Saw → Seed: As in “It took me a while, but I eventually seed her point of view.”
  • Seed: As in “It planted a seed of hope in their minds.” and “We got more seed capital from investors.”
  • Pink lady: This refers to a particular variety of apple. If you can somehow work the words “pink” and “lady” into your prose/speech in close proximity then you’ve got a sneaky apple pun: “I prefer pink, but that lady thinks yellow would suit it better.”
  • Downside is → Down ciders: As in “One down ciders that we’ll need to redo a lot of work.”
  • Alongside her → Along cider: As in “Her dog was running happily along cider.”
  • Beside her → Be cider: As in “Her dog stood happily be cider.”
  • Inside her → In cider: As in “She always keeps an apple in cider backpack.”
  • Insider → In cider: As in “We got some in cider information from an anonymous executive.”
  • Decided → Decidered / De-cider-d: As in “I’ve decidered to start an apple farm.”
  • Fruitful: As in “This has been a very productive and fruitful discussion.”
  • Just → Juiced: As in “I’m juiced around the corner.” and “Juiced in time.” and “Juiced the ticket.” and “Juiced this once.”
  • Fruity: Other than referring to actual fruit, this term also has several slang definitions including being flamboyant or “bouncy”. It may also refer to someone who is considered crazy in some respect.
  • Sweet: As in “You’re so sweet!” and “Oh that’s soo sweet!” and “Revenge is sweet” and “Short and sweet” and “Lay some sweet lines on someone” and “Sweet dreams” and “Sweet Jesus!” and “You bet your sweet life!” and “That was a sweet trick, dude.” and “Sweet as, bro.” and “Whisper sweet nothings” and “Home sweet home” and “Rose by any other name would smell as sweet” and “Sweet smell/taste of success/victory” and “Sweetheart
  • Got another apple pun? Please post it in the comments below! 🙂

Apple-Related Words

There are many more puns to be made than could be documented in this Punpedia entry, and so we’ve compiled a list of apple-related concepts for you to use when creating your own puns. If you come up with a new pun, please share it in the comments!

apple, apples, fruit, orchard, peel, skin, peeler, cider, apple cider, granny smith, apple sauce, apple pie, fruit tree, crabapple, apple juice, crunchy, sweet, apple core, core, seed, apple seed, pippin, pip, pome, rotten apple, costard, sweeting, redstreak, pare, paring, biffin, alligator apple, golden delicious, fuji, red delicious, mcintosh, gala, braeburn, pink lady, honeycrisp, empire, sampion, ambrosia, pomaceous, malus, toffee apple, candy apple, apple strudel, apple cider vinegar, russet

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