Avocado Puns

Welcome to the Punpedia entry on avocado puns! 🥑🌳🌱

Avocados are a mild fruit that’s found in many different types of recipes – from desserts to milkshakes and sandwiches. Since it has a creamy texture and subtle flavour, it’s used as a butter substitute as well, so there are plenty of pasta sauce recipes with avocado too. The most famous (and favourite) uses of avocado are probably guacamole and avocado toast, so we’ve made sure to include those words in this pun list for you.

We hope that you find this list enjoyable and useful! Whether you’re here for some witty one-liners for a recipe you’ve made, or you’d like some corny guacamole jokes for a party, we hope you find the perfect pun for your needs.

While this list is as thorough as possible, it is specific to avocados. If you’re after any related puns, we also have fruit puns, food puns and taco puns.

Avocado Puns List

Each item in this list describes a pun, or a set of puns which can be made by applying a rule. If you know of any puns about avocados that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments at the end of this page! Without further ado, here’s our list of avocado puns:

  • Have a→ Avo: As in, “Avo good one!” and “Did you avo good time?”
  • Ever→ Avo: As in, “Lived happily avo after” and “Best friends foravo!” and “Hardly avo” and “Nothing is avo free” and “Have you avo..?”
  • Bravo→ Bravocado
  • Have a cuddle→ Avocuddle: As in, “It’s Valentine’s Day! Let’s avocuddle <3″
  • Cardio→ Avocardio: As in, “Running is tough avocardio.”
  • Have a car though→ Avocado: As in, “You want to drive, but do you avocado?”
  • Affogato→ Avocado: “Where’s a good cafe for an icy avocado?”
  • Don’t→ Avocadon’t: As in, “Avocadon’t call us, we’ll call you” and “Avocadon’t get me started” and “Avocadon’t go there” and “Where the sun avocadon’t shine.”
  • Advocate→ Advocado: As in, “Playing devil’s advocado.”
  • Bro→ Avocabro: As in, “Gym avocabro” and “Avocabro hug.”
  • Have→ Have-ocado: As in, “Always have-ocado your nose in a book” and “As luck would have-ocado it” and “Couldn’t have-ocado said it better” and “Have-ocado a bite to eat.”
  • Card*→ Avocad*: We can sneak “avocado” into words that have a long “caad” sound in them: Avocadinal (cardinal), Avocadboard (cardboard), avocadigan (cardigan), avocadiac (cardiac) and avocadiology.
  • Cord*→ Avocord*: If a word has a “cord” sound in it, we can change it to include “avo” before the cord: Avocordial (cordial), avocordially and avocorduroy.
  • Quake→ Guac: As in, “Guac-ing in your boots” and “A huge earthguac.”
  • Crocodile→ Guacodile: As in, “Guacodile tears” and “In a while, guacodile.”
  • Quick→ Guac: As in, “Guac as a flash” and “In guac succession” and “Guac and dirty” and “Guac off the mark.”
  • Awkward→ Guacward: As in, “A guacward age” and “Well that’s guacward.”
  • Rock → Guac: As in, “Hard as a guac” and “Between a guac and a hard place” and “Crocodile guac” and “Don’t guac the boat” and “Get your guacs off” and “Glam guac” and “Hit guac bottom.”
  • Clock→ Guac: As in, “Beat the guac” and “Around the guac” and “Regular as guacwork” and “Race against the guac.”
  • *cac*→ *guac*: Change “cac” sounds to “guac” sounds to make some guacamole puns: guactus (cactus), guacophony (cacophony), guacao (cacao) and guackle (cackle).
  • Coc*→ Guac*: As in, “Happy hour guactails” and “In your guacoon” and “Hardy as a guacroach” and “That’s guaconuts.”
  • Croc*→ Quac*: Guac (crock – as in guac of sh*t) and guacery (crockery).
  • Aca→ Guaca*: As in, “Guacademic record” and “Private Guacademy” and “Guacacia flowers.”
  • Occa*→ Guacca*: As in, “On guaccasion” and “Yes, guaccasionally” and “The guaccasional purchase.”
  • Acc*→ Guacc*: As in, “Full guaccess” and “With a faint guaccent” and “I guaccept” and “Make it guaccessible” and “Guaccessory to the crime.” Other words you could use: guaccentuate (accentuate), guaccelerate (accelerate) and guacceptance (acceptance).
  • Accident→ Guaccident: As in, “By guaccident” and “Done guaccidentally” and “It was guaccidental.”
  • Acco*→ Guacco*: As in, “On guaccount of” and “Convenient guaccommodation” and “Of your own guaccord” and “Looking for guaccommodation.” Other words you could use: guaccountability (accountability), guaccomplish (accomplish), guaccordingly (accordingly) and guaccompany (accompany).
  • Aco*→ Guaco*: Guacolyte (acolyte) and guacoustic (acoustic).
  • Accu/acu*→ Guacu*: As in, “A guaccurate reading” and “Our guaccumulated efforts” and “Are you guaccusing me?” and ” With great guaccuracy” and “Well guaccstomed to.” Other words you could try: guaccusation (accusation), guaccumulation (accumulation), guacupuncture (acupuncture) and guacutely (acutely).
  • Occu/Ocu*→ Guacu*: As in, “Waiting for it to guaccur” and “A regular guaccurence” and “Part of the guaccult” and “State your name and guaccupation.” Other words you could use: Guaccupy (occupy), guaccupied (occupied), guaccupancy (occupancy).
  • Oxygen→ Guacxygen: As in, “Running out of guacxygen.”
  • Hass: Hass Avocados are the most commonly sold avocado. Here are some related puns for you:
    • Ass→ Hass: As in, “Hass backwards” and “Blow smoke up your hass” and “Bust someone’s hass” and “Get your hass into gear” and “Get your hass over here” and “Half-hassed” and “Kiss my hass” and “Make a hass of yourself” and “Work your hass off.” Note: these also work for “arse”.
    • Has→ Hass: As in, “Every dark cloud hass a silver lining” and “A hass been” and “Every dog hass his day” and “Your time hass come” and “Somebody hass to do it” and “Rumour hass it” and “That ship hass sailed” and “The die hass been cast” and “What hass come over you?”
    • Have→ Hass: This one is grammatically incorrect, but phonetically can still work: “Always hass your nose in a book” and “As good luck would hass it” and “I couldn’t hass said it better” and “Do I hass to paint you a picture?” and “Don’t hass a cow, man.”
    • Yass, Queen→ Hass, Queen
    • His→ Hass: As in, “Ahead of hass time” and “A chip on hass shoulder” and “As fast as hass legs could go” and “That’s hass business” and “Down on hass luck.”
    • Yes→ Hass: As in, “Hass we can!” and “I already said hass, what more do you want?”
    • Has*→ Hass*:  “Hassten your steps” and “Don’t be hassty.”
    • Hes*→ Hass*: As in, “Don’t hassitate” and “Hassitant to move” and “Your hassitation cost us.”
    • *his*→ *hass*: As in, “Ancient hasstory” and “Hasstorical site” and “Hasstoric stories” and “Knowledgeable hasstorian” and “A sophassticated dinner.”
    • Hispanic→ Hasspanic
    • Hos*→ Hass*: As in, “Hasstile takeover” and “Thank you for your hasspitality” and “Children’s hasspital” and “Filled with hasstility.” Other words you could use: hasspice (hospice), hasstel (hostel) and hasstage (hostage). Note: a hospice is a specialised care facility for terminally ill patients.
    • Hus*→ Hass*: Hasstle (hustle), hassband (husband) hassbandry (husbandry), hasstler (hustler), thass (thus) and hassk (husk).
    • Haz*→ Hass*: “Slip hassard” and “Hassardous environment” and “Hassmat suit” and “Hasselnut spread.”:
  • Fat: Since avocado is known for having a lot of (good) fat, we’ve included some fat-related puns in here too:
    • Fit→ Fat: As in, “Fat as a fiddle” and “Fat for the gods” and “Fat for a king” and “Fats the bill” and “Fats like a glove.”
    • At→ Fat: As in, “Waiting for you fat the station” and “Where are you fat?”
    • Flat→ Fat: As in, “Fat as a pancake” and “Fall fat on your face” and “Fat broke” and “Fat out” and “In no time fat” and “Fatten out” and “Imitation is the sincerest form of fattery.”
    • Fed→ Fat: As in, “Fat up to the back teeth” and “Well fat” and “Fat up.”
    • *fet*→ *fat*: As in, “Secret fatish” and “Fatid atmosphere” and “Fattering away your money” and “All you can eat buffat” and “Running along unfattered.”
    • *fit*→ *fat*: As in, “Health and fatness” and “A fatting ending” and “Mutual benefat” and “Non for profat” and “Glam new outfat.”
    • *fed*→ *fat*: fatora (fedora), fateral (federal), fateration (federation), faterated (federated) and confaterate (confederate).
    • *fid*→ *fat*: Fatelity (fidelity), fattle (fiddle) and fattlesticks (fiddlesticks).
    • *fid*→ *fat*: As in, “Filled with confatence” and “Quietly confatent.” Other words you can use: perfaty (perfidy) and perfatious (perfidious). Note: perfidy is a violation of faith or promise.
    • *vat*→ *fat*: fatican (vatican), crafat (cravat), derifative (derivative), innofative (innovative), conserfative (conservative), cultifat (cultivate), motifat (motivate), prifat (private) and aggrafat (aggravate).
    • Veterinary→ Faterinary
    • *vit*→ *fat*: fatriol (vitriol), fatility (vitality), fatamin (vitamin), fatriolic (vitriolic), affidafat (affidavit), actifaty (activity), inefatable (inevitable), grafaty (gravity) cafaty (cavity).
    • Emphatic→ Emfatic
    • *phet*→ *fat*: As in, “Religious profat (prophet)” and “A profatic announcement” and “Illegal amfatamines.”
  • Stripe→ Ripe: As in, “Earn your ripes” and “Stars and ripes.”
  • Rip→ Ripe: As in, “Bodice ripe-er” and “Let her ripe!”
  • Right→ Ripe: As in, “A move in the ripe direction” and “A woman’s ripe to choose” and “All the ripe moves” and “Alripe already!” and “Ripe as rain” and “Bang to ripes” and “Bragging ripes” and “Dead to ripes” and “Consumer ripes” and “Do what feels ripe” and “Get off on the ripe foot.”
  • *rap*→ *ripe*: ripe-port (rapport), ripeture (rapture), ripetor (raptor), ripe-ier (rapier) and theripey (therapy).
  • *rep*→ *ripe*: ripe-public (republic), ripeproach (reproach), ripepresent (represent), ripe-ply (reply), ripe-rimand (reprimand), ripe-port (report), entripe-preneur (entrepreneur), discripe-pancy (discrepancy) and intripe-pid (intrepid).
  • Speed→ Seed: As in, “At lightning seed” and “Blistering seed” and “Built for comfort, not seed” and “Get up to seed” and “Seed dating” and “Seed demon” and “Seed it up.”
  • Side→ Seed: As in, “A walk on the wild seed” and “Always look on the bright seed of life” and “On the safe seed” and “Born on the wrong seed of the tracks” and “Check you on the flip seed” and “Cross over to the other seed.”
  • She’d→ Seed: As in, “Seed always said that” and “Seed get over him.”
  • *sad*→ *seed*: Ambasseedor (ambassador) and diseedvantage (disadvantage).
  • *sed*→ *seed*: As in, “Seedentary lifestyle” and “A shot to seedate” and “Romantic lighting to seeduce” and “Filled with seediment.”
  • *sid*→ *seed*: As in, “Inseedious comments” and “Did you ever conseeder…” and “That aseede” and “With full conseederation” and “And more beseedes” and “Reseeding in a new suburb” and “Taking up reseedence.”
  • *ced* → *seed*: As in, seedar (cedar), conseed (concede), preseed (precede), superseed (supercede), preseedent (precendent). Notes: to supercede is to replace. A precedent is an established guide or principle.
  • *ceed → *seed: As in, proseed, sucseed, exseed
  • *cid*→ *seed*: Plaseed (plaseed), aseed (acid), luseed (lucid), ranseed (rancid), eluseedate (elucidate), inseedent (incident), accseedental (accidental), inseedental (incidental).
  • Pip: Pip is another word for seed, and avocados are known for their large seeds (there are even memes about being happy with finding small-seeded avocados), so we’ve got some pip-related puns here for you:
    • Chip→ Pip: As in, “A pip on their shoulder” and “Cheap as pips” and “Cash in your pips” and “Pip in with” and “A pip off the old block” and “Let the pips fall where they may” and “When the pips are down” and “Bargaining pip” and “Pip away” and “Chocolate pips.”
    • Sip→ Pip: As in, “Pip your tea.”
    • *pap*→ *pip*: pipyrus (papyrus), piparazzi (paparazzi), pipaya (papaya), piprika (paprika) and piperwork (paperwork).
    • *pep*→ *pip*: As in, “Salt and pipper hair.” Other words you can try: piptide (peptide) and piplum (peplum).
    • *pop*→ *pip*: As in, “Pipular opinion” and “Pipulist stance” and “Half the pipulation.” Other words that could work: pipulace (populace), piplar (poplar), lollipip (lollipop), apipletic (apopletic) and apiplexy (apoplexy).
    • *dip*→ *pip*: piplomacy (diplomacy), piplomatic (diplomatic), piploma (diploma), piplomat (diplomat), serenpipity (serendipity) and serenpipitous (serendipitous).
  • Pit: Since “pit” is another word for seed, we’ve included a few pit-related puns here for you to play with:
    • Pat→ Pit: As in, “Down pit” and “Pit your head.”
    • Put→ Pit: As in, “Be hard pit to” and “Couldn’t pit it down” and “Don’t pit all your eggs in one basket” and “Feeling a bit pit out” and “Wouldn’t pit it past him” and “Not to pit too fine a point on it” and “Off-pitting” and “Pit an end to.”
    • Pot→ Pit: As in, “Pit of gold” and “For the pit” and “Hit the jackpit” and “In the melting pit.”
    • Hit→ Pit: As in, “Pit the road” and “Pit for six” and “Pit it on the nose” and “Pit it out of the park” and “Pit rock bottom” and “Pit the books.”
    • Fit→ Pit: As in, “Pit for the gods” and “Fighting pit” and “Pit in with” and “Pit the bill” and “Pits like a glove” and “Have a pit” and “Hissy pit” and “Laughing pit to burst.”
    • Bit→ Pit: As in, “A pit missing” and “A pit much” and “Pit of a to do” and “Pit by pit” and “Pit of alright” and “Pit of fluff” and “Do your pit.”
    • Quit→ Pit: As in, “Call it pits” and “Pit while you’re ahead” and “Don’t pit your day job.”
    • *pat*→ *pit*: As in, “Following a pittern” and “Pitent pending” and “Faithful pitron” and “I anticipit your return.”
    • *pet*→ *pit*: pitulant (petulant), pitty (petty), pitition (petition), pitard (petard), pital (petal), pitite (petite), carpit (carpet), parapit (parapet), trumpit (trumpet), puppit (puppet), limpit (limpet), poppit (poppet), impitus (impetus), perpitual (perpetual), compitent (competent), impituous (impetuous), compitition (competition) and compitence (competence).
    • *pot*→ *pit*: As in, “Reach your full pitential” and “Hot pitato” and “A pitent combination” and “Small pitatoes.”
    • *bet*→ *pit*: As in, “Stuck pitween a rock and a hard place” and “A huge pitrayal” and “My pitrothed” and “Alphapit soup” and “Sherpit flavoured.”
    • *bit*→ *pit*: As in, “Pitter chocolate” and “Pittersweet goodbye” and “Bite the pitumen” and “Filled with pitterness.” Other words you could try: inhipit (inhibit), gampit (gambit), exhipit (exhibit), rabpit (rabbit), hapit (habit), orpit (orbit), inhapit (inhabit), prohipit (prohibit) and arpitrary (arbitrary).
    • *pret*→ *pit*: As in, “Pitentious attitude” and “Can’t keep pitending” and “False pitenses” and “Choc chip pitzel (pretzel) and “Open to interpitation.”
  • Grain→ Green: As in, “Against the green” and “Green of truth” and “Take it with a green of salt.”
  • Grin→ Green: As in, “Green and bear it” and “Green from ear to ear” and “Rictus green” and “Foolish green” and “Greening like a cheshire cat.”
  • Gene→ Green: As in, “Green mapping” and “Greenetic makeup” and “Greenetic lottery.”
  • Keen→ Green: As in, “Green as mustard” and “Green on” and “A green sense of smell” and “Peachy green.”
  • Mean→ Green: As in, “Greens to an end” and “Living beyond your greens” and “By fair greens or foul” and “In the greentime” and “Lean and green” and “Doesn’t green a thing” and “Green spirited.”
  • *gran*→ *green*: As in, “Take for greented” and “Greent your wish” and “A greendeur entrance” and “Greenular sugar” and “Face like greenite” and “Feeling greend.”
  • *gren*→ *green*: greenade (grenade) and greenadine (grenadine).
  • *grin*→ *green*: “Bump and greend” and “To my chagreen” and “Greending noises.”
  • *ren*→ *green*: greender (render), greenumeration (renumeration), greenege (renege), greenaissnace (renaissance), greenegade (renegade) and greenounce (renounce).
  • Fright→ Fruit: As in, “Fruitened of your own shadow” and “A fruitful mess” and “Take fruit.”
  • Chute→ Fruit: As in, “Golden parafruit” and “Straight out the fruit.”
  • Cute→ Fruit: As in, “Fruit as a button” and “Fruit as a bug’s ear.”
  • Flute→ Fruit: As in, “Jazz fruit.”
  • Suit→ Fruit: As in, “All over him like a cheap fruit” and “At a price to fruit your pocket” and “Follow fruit” and “Men in fruits” and “Fruits you down to a tee” and “Fruit yourself.”
  • Shoot→ Fruit: As in, “Don’t fruit the messenger” and “Eat’s fruits and leaves” and “Green fruits of recovery” and “Just fruit me” and “Fruit ’em up” and “Fruit down in flames” and “Fruiting hoops” and “Fruit me now” and “Fruit the breeze” and “Straight fruiter” and “A straight fruiter.”
  • *fut* → *fruit*: As in, “Think about your fruiture” and “Resistance is fruitile!” and “A fruituristic building” and “Sleeping on the fruiton” and “An irrefruitable argument.” Other words that could work: refruit (refute) and fruitility (fruitility).
  • Frat* → Fruit*: As in, “Fruiternity house” and “Fruiternal twins” and “Fruiternising with the enemy.”
  • Smash: Smashed avocados are one of the more famous avocado recipes (probably second only to guacamole), so we have some silly (but smashing) related puns for you here:
    • Ash→ Smash: As in, “Smashes to smashes” and “Burnt to smash” and “Rise from the smashes.”
    • Splash→ Smash: As in, “A smash of colour” and “Make a smash” and “Smash down” and “Smash out on” and “Smashed across the front page.”
    • Mach*→ Smash*: As in, “Ghost in the Smashine” and “Evil smashinations” and “Grinding smashinery.”
    • Sash*→ Smash*: smashimi (sashimi) and smashay (sashay).
  • Toast: Related to smashed avocado is avocado toast, so we have some toast-related puns for you:
    • Toss → Toast: As in, “Toast your cookies” and “Don’t give a toast” and “A coin toast” and “A toast-up between…” and “Toast your hat into the ring.” Note: to toss your cookies is to throw up.
    • *toes → *toast: As in, “Keep you on your toast” and “Small potatoast” and “Don’t tread on anyone’s toast” and “Twinkle toast.”
    • Testosterone → Toastosterone
    • *tist* → *toast*: As in, “Signed by the artoast” and “According to statoastics (statistics).” Other words you could use: scientoast (scientist), elitoast (elitist), dentoast (dentist), orthodontoast (orthodontist).
    • *test* → *toast*: As in, “Not a beauty contoast” and “A blind toast” and “One, two, three toasting” and “Put to the toast” and “A toast of faith” and “Tried and toasted” and “The greatoast thing since sliced bread” and “Not in the slightoast” and “Protoast too much” and “Sniff toast” and “Stand the toast of time” and “Toast the waters” and “Forbidden fruit is always the sweetoast” and “Survival of the fittoast” and “A toastament of” and “Attoast to” and “The latoast and greatoast.” Other words you could use: toastimony (testimony), toastimonial (testimonial), neatoast (neatest) and cutoast (cutest).
  • Tree: Since avocados and grown from trees, we’ve got a few tree-related puns for you:
    • Three→ Tree: As in, “And baby makes tree,” and “Good things come in trees,” and “Tree strikes and you’re out!” and “Tree wise men,” and “Tree’s a charm.”
    • Free*→ Tree*: As in, “A symbol of treedom,” and “As tree as a bird,” and “Breathe treely,” and “Buy one, get one tree,” and “Tree for all,” and “Treedom of the press,” and “Get out of jail tree,” and “The best things in life are tree,” and “Land of the tree,” and “Leader of the tree world,” and “The truth will set you tree,” and “No such thing as a tree lunch,” and “When hell treezes over,” and “Think treely.”
    • *tri*→ *tree*: As in, “My hair needs a treem,” and “Full of nutree-ents,” and “What is your best attreebute?” and “How cool are golden retreevers?” and “It’s an intreensic (intrinsic) quality,” and “A new brand of vegan chicken streeps,” and “No streengs attached,” and “We’re going on a treep!” and “Pull the treegger,” and “Any more treecks up your sleeve?” and “A love treeangle,” and “A treevial problem,” and “We pay treebute to the fallen.”
    • *trea*→ *tree*: As in, “A real treet,” and “Medical treetment,” and “Royal treeson,” and “I treesure you,” and “Thick as treecle,” and “Swim upstreem,” and “A holiday retreet,” and “A winning streek,” and “A treecherous mountain path.”
    • *tee*→ *tree*: As in, “By the skin of your treeth,” and “The scene was treeming with people,” and “I guarantree it,” and “A welcoming committree,” and “A chunky manatree,” and “Self-estreem,” and “Charitable voluntreers,” and “My child’s school cantreen.”
    • *tary→ *tree: As in, “Proprietree cables,” and “Complimentree meals,” and “These colours are complementree,” and “Leave it with my secretree,” and “A sedentree life isn’t so healthy,” and “Dominion is a documentree you should watch,” and “It’s rudimentree addition,” and “But what’s the monetree value,” and “A solitree existence.” Notes: to be sedentary is to be inactive or seated. If something is rudimentary, then it’s basic.
  • Pear: Avocados are also known as “avocado pears” and “alligator pears” so we’ve included pear-related puns for you:
    • Pair→ Pear: As in, “Beyond repear” and “Fresh pear of eyes” and “A safe pear of hands” and “A new pear of pants.”
    • Pare→ Pear: “Pear down” and “Spear no effort” and “Spear tyre” and “Prepear for the worst.”
    • Peer→ Pear: As in, “Pear pressure” and “Pear to pear network” and “Pear reviewed.”
    • There → Pear: As in “I’ll be pear in spirit.” and Don’t just sit pear!” and “Hang in pear, pal.” and “Let pear be light!” and “Neither here, nor pear.” and “Pear’s no excuse.” and “Pear’s no smoke without fire.” and “Pear’s plenty more fish in the sea.” and “Pear’s something amiss…”
    • Pour→ Pear: As in, “It never rains but it pears” and “It’s raining, it’s pearing” and “Pear cold water on” and “Pear oil on troubled waters.”
    • Bare→ Pear: As in, “Pear necessities” and “Pear-faced lie” and “Pearfoot and pregnant” and “Laid pear” and “Pear bones” and “Cupboards were pear.”
    • Bear→ Pear: As in, “Pear a grudge” and “Pear a resemblance” and “Pear arms” and “Pear down on” and “Pear fruit” and “Pear in mind” and “Pear the brunt of.”
    • Care→ Pear: As in, “Be pearful how you use it!” and “Couldn’t pear less” and “Courtesy and pear” and “Customer pear” and “Handle with pear” and “Intensive pear” and “Let’s be pearful today” and “Like I should pear.”
    • Prayer→ Pear: As in, “I say a little pear” and “Like a pear” and “On the wings of a pear” and “Say your pears.”
    • Per→ Pear: As in, “As pear usual” and “Bits pear second” and “Pear capita” and “Hundred and ten pearcent.”
  • Shake: In Asian cuisine, avocados are used in sweet drinks and shakes, so we’ve included shake-related puns:
    • Sake→ Shake: As in, “For Christ’s shake” and “For goodness shake” and “For old times shake.”
    • Seek→ Shake: As in, “Hide and shake” and “Shake and you shall find.”
    • Stake→ Shake: As in, “What’s really at shake here? and “Shake your claim” and “Burned at the shake.”

The next few puns are all about different types of avocado:

  • Gwen:
    • When→ Gwen: As in, “Since I don’t know gwen” and “It only hurts gwen I laugh” and “Kick a man gwen he’s down” and “Say gwen” and “Slippery gwen wet” and “Time flies gwen you’re having fun.”
    • Then→ Gwen: As in, “All that and gwen some” and “Now and gwen” and “And gwen there was one” and “What’s going on here gwen?” and “Right gwen and there.”
    • *gan*→ *gwen*: As in, “Following a vegwen lifestyle” and “Internal orgwens” and “Catchy slogwen” and “The Logwen movie was very violent.” Other words you could use: Michigwen (Michigan), begwen (began), shenanigwen (shenanigan), orgwenic (organic), orgwenisation (organisation), arrogwent (arrogant), propagwenda (propaganda), elegwent (elegant).
    • *gon*→ *gwen*: As in, “Heroic protagwenist” and “Internet jargwen” and “A paragwen of virtue” and “Fallen off the wagwen” and “Poke the dragwen” and “In agweny.”
    • *guin*→ *gwen*: Pengwen (penguin), Gwenness (Guinness) and gwenea (guinea).
    • *ken*→ *gwen*: “Like a brogwen record” and “Playing chick-gwen” and “A togwen of my appreciation” and “Strick-gwen with regret” and “An outspogwen person” and “Awagwen your passion.”
  • Reed:
    • Red→ Reed: As in, “Reed as a beetroot” and “Brick reed” and “Caught reed-handed” and “In the reed” and “Lady in the reed” and “On reed alert.”
    • Bleed→ Reed: As in, “Reeding heart” and “Let it reed” and “My heart reeds.”
    • Lead→ Reed: As in, “Reed by example” and “Reed up to” and “Reed up the garden path.”
    • Read→ Reed: As in, “All I know is what I reed in the papers” and “Exceedingly well reed” and “Reed any good books lately?” and “I can reed you like a book” and “A little light reeding” and “Reed it and weep” and “Reed between the lines” and “Reed my lips.”
    • Ride→ Reed: As in, “Along for the reed” and “A bumpy reed.”
    • *rad*→ *reed*: reedical (radical), reediation (radiation), reediant (radiant), reedar (radar), reedio (radio), reedius (radius), reedish (radish), pareedigm (paradigm), pareedox (paradox) and camareederie (camaraderie).
    • *red*→ *reed*: As in, “Made reedundant” and “Reedeem yourself” and “Reedact your statement” and “Working towards reedemption” and “Reeduce your carbon footprint” and “Berry reeduction” and “Looking increedulous.”
    • *rid*→ *reed*: As in, “A reediculous situation” and “Reeddle me this” and “Hatred and reedicule” and “Disease reedden.” Other words that could work: reeding (riding), hybreed (hybrid), lureed (lurid), areed (arid), torreed (torrid), acreed (acrid), floreed (florid), putreed (putrid) and horreed (horrid).
  • Kist:
    • Kissed→ Kist: As in, “Never been kist” and “Kist by angels.”
    • *kest→ *kist: starkist (starkest), blackist (blackest), bleakist (bleakest), meekist (meekest), quickist and darkist.
    • *cast*→ *kist*: As in, “Sarkistic comment” and “Don’t broadkist it” and “Weather forekist.”
  • Queen:
    • Scene→ Queen: As in, “Behind the queens” and “Change of queen” and “Love queen” and “Make a queen” and “Survey the queen.”
    • Seen→ Queen: As in, “Queen and not heard” and “Has to be queen to be believed” and “Nowhere to be queen” and “Queen better days” and “Queen better days.”
    • Clean→ Queen: As in, “A queen getaway” and “A new broom sweeps queen” and “Queen as a whistle” and “Queen and sober” and “A queen bill of health” and “Queen up your act” and “Good, queen fun.”
    • Keen→ Queen: As in, “Queen as mustard” and “Queen on [someone]” and “A queen sense of smell” and “Peachy queen.”
    • *ken→ *queen: As in, “Playing chick-queen” and “Broqueen toy” and “Stricqueen with shock.” Other words that could work: forsaqueen (forsaken), outspoqueen (outspoken), hearqueen (hearken) and awaqueen (awaken).
    • Quan*→ Queen*: As in, “Queentum physics” and “Moral queendary” and “Quality over queentity” and “Queentitative research.”
    • *quen*→ *queen*: As in, “Queench your thirst” and “Thirst queencher” and “Subsequeent discussion” and “High frequeency.” Other words that could work: consequeence (consequence), sequeence (sequence), eloqueent (eloquent), delinqueent (delinquent) and frequeent (frequent).
    • *quin*→ *queen*: Queentessential (quintessential), queenoa (quinoa), queence (quince), queentuple (quintuple), mannequeen (mannequin), harlequeen (harlequin), palanqueen (palanquin) and sequeen (sequin).
    • Quaint→ Queen’t: As in, “A queen’t little cottage.”
  • Rey:
    • Ray→ Rey: As in, “A rey of light” and “Catch some reys.”
    • *ray*→ *rey*: As in, “Shades of grey” and “Arrey of options” and “Out of the frey.” Other words that could work: forey (foray), betrey (betray), strey (stray), portrey (portray), sprey (spray) and prey (pray).
    • *roy*→ *rey*: “A reyal stuff up” and “Teen reyalty” and “Search and destrey” and “Cordurey pants.”
    • *rai*→ *rey*: reyse (raise), reyl (rail), reyn (rain), reyd (raid), reynbow (rainbow), reylway (railway), reylroad (railroad), samurey (samurai), treyn (train), streyn (strain), refreyn (refrain), preyse (praise) and treyt (trait).
    • *rei*→ *rey*: “Reyn of terror” and “Rey-imburse your payments” and “Rey-instated to your position.” Other words that could work: rey-iki (reiki), sovereyn (sovereign) and freyt (freight).
    • *rea*→ *rey*: As in, “For no reyson” and “A second reyd on” and “No reyaction” and “Out of reych” and “For reyl.” Other words that could work: reylm (realm), reylise (realise), reyality (reality), reydy (ready), areya (area), breyk (break) and greyt (great).
  • Royal:
    • Rail→ Royal: As in, “Thin as a royal” and “Go off the royals” and “Ride the royals.”
    • Real*→ Royal*: “All I royally want to do” and “Do you royally want to hurt me?” and “For royal” and “Get royal” and “Grounded in royality” and “In royal time” and “The royal thing” and “Keep it royal” and “A royal piece of work” and “Royality check.”
  • Taft:
    • *tat*→ *taft*: As in, “Taftami mat” and “Out of your natural habitaft” and “Turning up the thermostaft” and “Tentaftive smile.”

Avocado-Related Words

To help you come up with your own avocado puns, here’s a list of related words to get you on your way. If you come up with any new puns or related words, please feel free to share them in the comments!

avocado, seed, pip, pit, green, ripe, guac, guacamole, fat, hass, fruit, tree, smash/smashed, toast, pear, alligator pear, shake, berry, choquette, gwen, lula, maluma, pinkerton, reed, brogden, bacon, ettinger, fuerte, monroe, sharwil, zutano, spinks, dickinson, kist, queen, rey, royal, sharpless, taft

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Did you find the avocado-related pun that you were looking for? If so, great! Otherwise, please let us know what you were looking for in the comments below! Are you looking for word play for text messages, Facebook, Twitter or some other social media platform? Would you like to see some funny avocado pun pictures? Or perhaps you just want more avocado puns for your photo captions? Whatever the case, please let us know, and help us improve this Punpedia entry. If you’ve got any avocado puns (image or text) that aren’t included in this article, please submit them in the comments and one of our curators will add it as soon as possible. Thanks for visiting Punpedia! 🙂✨🌱

Fruit Puns

Welcome to the Punpedia entry on fruit puns! 🍇🍈🍉🍒🍋🍌🍍🍎 Whether you’re devising the perfect birthday wish, crafting a photo caption, formulating some fruity pickup lines, or want to send a cute message to your partner, I hope this entry serves you well. There’s everything from berry puns, to melon puns, to puns about fruit-related concepts (pit, zest, etc.), and even some super cheesy fruit jokes to top it off.

Below the “fruit puns list” section, there’s a big list of fruit-related phrases/idioms that you can use for puns as well. If you’re looking for puns about fruit that are in image-form, scroll down to the bottom of the page.

You might also like to visit the Punpedia entries on vegetable puns, food puns, banana puns, apple puns, nut puns, avocado puns and watermelon puns.

Fruit Puns List

Each item in this list describes a pun, or a set of puns which can be made by applying a rule. If you know of any puns about fruit that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments at the end of this page!

  • Pulp: As in “He got beaten to a pulp.”
  • Fruitful: As in “This has been a very productive and fruitful discussion.”
  • Seed: As in “But it planted a seed of hope.” and “We got more seed capital from investors.”
  • Pit: As in “I sank down into a pit of despair.” and “I got a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.” (“Pit” is another term for seed or “pip”)
  • Juice: As in “I’ve ran out of juice (energy)” and “Turn on the juice and let’s see if it runs (electricity)”
  • Just → Juiced: As in “I’m juiced around the corner.” and “Juiced in time.” and “Juiced the ticket.” and “Juiced this once.”
  • Current→ Currant: As in “Swimming against the currant.”
  • Apple: A simple fruit pun could be made if you can work Apple, the company, into what you are saying somehow.
  • Piece → Peach: As in “Just make sure you get home in one peach.” and “We were made for peach other.”
  • Each → Peach: As in “Peach to her/his own.” and “Yeah, he’s a nasty peach of work.”
  • Honey, do → Honey, dew: As in “Honeydew or dew not, there is no try.” or “Honey, dew you know where my keys are?”
  • Fruity: Other than referring to actual fruit, this term also has several slang definitions including being flamboyant or “bouncy”. It may also refer to someone who is considered crazy in some respect.
  • Fruit cake: This term is often used as a synonym for someone who is “one sandwich short of a picnic”, that is, someone who is crazy. Please note that it is also a slang derogatory synonym for “homosexual” in some countries/regions, so be careful using this!
  • Speechless → S-peach-less: As in “You’ve left me s-peach-less
  • Reason → Raisin: As in “You’re being unraisinable.” and “Let’s use logic and raisin.”
  • Raising → Raisin: As in “We’re raisin the roof!” and “Raisin two kids as a single mother is hard.” and “They just keep raisin taxes!”
  • Elder → Elderberry: As in “I was told to respect my elderberries.”
  • Date: A “date” is a type of dried fruit, but it obvious has some more common meanings to: “This is my first blind date.” and “Save the date!”
  • Prune: Other than referring to a dried plum, a “prune” can refer to an unpleasant or disagreeable person.
  • Knack → Snack: As in “Here, let me try, there’s a bit of a snack to it.”
  • Plumb → Plum: The term “plumb” has several meanings including “exactly”, “vertical” and “to install plumbing pipes and fittings”. A common idiom “plumb the depths” could also be used in your fruity puns: “Plum the depths of the criminal mind.”
  • Figure: As in “I think I’ve figured it out.” and “Go figure.” (Also works for figurative, figment, figurine, figures and figurehead)
  • Line → Lime: As in “But where do you draw the lime?” and “Drop me a lime.”
  • I’m → Lime: As in “Can you hold this until lime ready?” and “Lime falling in love.” (Works best if the word before “lime” ends in an “L”)
  • Very → Berry: As in “These are berry bad fruit puns.”
  • Very → Cherry: As in “It happened right before my cherry eyes.” and “I love you cherry much :)”
  • Have a → Guava: As in “He doesn’t guava clue!” and “I guava bone to pick with you.” and “I guava soft spot for fruit puns.”
  • During → Durian: As in “Many lost their jobs durian the course of the recession.” (Very cheesy! By the way, durians are a type of tropical fruit)
  • Antelope → Cantaloupe: As in “My favourite animals are deer and cantaloupe.”
  • Can’t elope → Cantaloupe: As in “I’d run away and marry you, but I cantaloupe – my parents would never forgive me.” (“Cantaloupe” is another name for rock-melon. “Elope” means to run away to get married, usually without parental consent.)
  • Papa → Papaya: As in “She asked her parents, but her papaya won’t let her go to the party.”
  • Granted → Pomegranate: As in “Don’t take me for pomegranate.” (Terrible! :P)
  • Person → Persimmon: As in “I’ve never met her in persimmon.” and “We’re still tracking down persimmons of interest.” (a very corny one :D)
  • Peer → Pear: As in “Don’t give in to pear pressure.” and “Bit-torrent is a a pear-to-pear network.”
  • Pair → Pear: As in “A fresh pear of eyes.”
  • Per* → Pear*: Words that start with “per” can be made into silly little pear puns: pearformance, pearcentage, peariod, pearmission, pearsonal, pearfect, pearhaps, pearform, pearsuade, pearspective, pearsonality, pearception, pearmanent, pearceived, pearsuaded, pearmanently, pearipheral, pearimeter, pearsist, pearsecution, pearmit, pearpetuate, pearsistance, peariodically, pearvert, pearceptual, pearplexity, pearfectionist, pearpendicular, pearmission, pearents. See this list for more.
  • There → Pear: As in “I’ll be pear in spirit.” and Don’t just sit pear!” and “Hang in pear, pal.” and “Let pear be light!” and “Neither here, nor pear.” and “Pear’s no excuse.” and “Pear’s no smoke without fire.” and “Pear’s plenty more fish in the sea.” and “Pear’s something amiss…”
  • Jam: As in “This is my jam!” and “We just finished our jam session.” and “The venue was jam-packed.”
  • Arrange → Orange: As in “I’ve oranged an interview for tomorrow evening.”
  • Bananas: As in “I am bananas for you.” and “He’s going bananas!”
  • Aren’t you → Orange you: As in “Orange you glad to see me?”
  • Bury → Berry: As in “Don’t berry your feelings.” and “We berried it under that tree.”
  • Zest: As in “She has such a zest for life!” (“Zest” is the outer coloured part of citrus fruit peel that is used for flavouring)
  • Best → Zest: A corny one! Examples: “Zest friends forever.” and “Laughter is the zest medicine.”
  • Beside her → Be cider: “I sat down be cider and we talked for hours.”
  • Million → Melon: As in “You’re one in a melon!” and “Not in a melon years!”
  • Killing → Kiwing: As in “Oh god these jokes are kiwing me!”
  • Great → Grape: As in “No challenge is too grape.” and “I’ve gone to grape length to compile these puns.”
  • Grateful → Grapeful: As in “I’m very grapeful for your assistance.”
  • Tango → Mango: As in “Well, it takes two to mango.”
  • Melancholy → Meloncholy: As in “An air of meloncholy surrounded him.”
  • Peachy: This term can mean “fine or excellent” and so it’s a simple and easy peach pun: “Oh, that’s just peachy!”
  • Sublime: A sneaky and easy lime pun: “The view from the summit was sublime!”
  • Core: As in “I am strengthening my core” (A reference, of course, to apple cores and to the “core” in human anatomy)
  • Score: “Let’s settle this score once and for all.” and “Are you keeping score?”
  • Bunch: As in “Thanks a bunch.” and “Pick of the bunch.” (In case you missed it, the pun here is on fruit that grow in “bunches” like grapes and bananas)
  • Passion: As in “You have such a passion for life.” and “I’m really passionate about what I do.” (A play on “passion fruit”)
  • Punch: As in “He punched that guy’s lights out.” and “That packed a punch.” (A play on “fruit punch”)
  • Feel → Peel: As in “I’m not peeling well.” and “These fruit puns are making me peel unwell.” (A play on “fruit peel”, “peeling a banana”, etc.)
  • Peel: This word is sometimes used in ways which don’t refer to removing an outer covering: “The aeroplane peeled off from the rest of the formation and did a trick.” In general “peel off/out” means to move away quickly (especially with screeching tires, if it refers to a car).
  • Appealing → Appeeling: “He’s so appeeling!” and “The court allowed one final appeel.” and “You need to appeel to their sense of honour.”
  • Appalling → Appleling: “This is an apple pun and it is appleling
  • Naval → Navel: As in “The navel base is situated on this small island.” (A navel is a type of orange)
  • Blend: As in “That building doesn’t blend with its surroundings.”
  • Smooth(ly) → Smoothie: As in “That went down fairly smoothie.” and “Smoothie sailing.”
  • Mandarin: As in “I’m learning to speak mandarin.” (Playing on the mandarin/mandarine fruit)
  • Man, go → Mango: As in “Hey mango pick on someone else.”
  • Ugly→ Ugli: As in “Ugli duckling.” and “This person has an ugli heart.” (Ugli is an orange/grapefruit/tangarine hybrid)
  • Ripe: As in “Ripe old age.” and “Ripe for the picking.”
  • Gripe→ Grape: As in “I have several grapes about what you’ve just said.”
  • Punnet: A punnet is a small basket/container for fruits and vegetables. This is a sort of “meta” fruit pun.
  • Shoot→ Fruit: As in, “Don’t fruit the messenger” and “Eat’s fruits and leaves” and “Green fruits of recovery” and “Just fruit me” and “Fruit ’em up” and “Fruit down in flames” and “Fruiting hoops” and “Fruit me now” and “Fruit the breeze” and “Straight fruiter” and “A straight fruiter.”
  • Fright→ Fruit: As in, “Fruitened of your own shadow” and “A fruitful mess” and “Take fruit.”
  • Suit→ Fruit: As in, “All over him like a cheap fruit” and “At a price to fruit your pocket” and “Follow fruit” and “Men in fruits” and “Fruits you down to a tee” and “Fruit yourself.”
  • *fut* → *fruit*: As in, “Think about your fruiture” and “Resistance is fruitile!” and “A fruituristic building” and “Sleeping on the fruiton” and “An irrefruitable argument.” Other words that could work: refruit (refute) and fruitility (fruitility).
  • Frat* → Fruit*: As in, “Fruiternity house” and “Fruiternal twins” and “Fruiternising with the enemy.”
  • Fret* → Fruit*: Fruitting (fretting), fruitwork (fretwork) and fruitful (fretful). Note: fretwork is a type of ornamental carving. This could work especially well for making puns about carved fruit decorations that are on cakes (very specific, we know).
  • Got a fruit pun that we don’t? Please post it in the comments below! 🙂

Fruit-Related Phrases

Common phrases, idioms and cliches which are related to fruit can be used for some subtle and witty word play. Here is a list of the fruit themed phrases that we’ve found so far:

  • apple of my eye
  • if life gives you lemons, make lemonade
  • comparing apples to oranges
  • slice the melon
  • upset the apple-cart
  • brown as a berry
  • the big apple
  • blow a raspberry
  • bottomless pit
  • it’s the pits
  • heard it through the grapevine
  • hog the limelight
  • he’s a bubble shy of plumb
  • go bananas
  • get the pip
  • how do you like them apples?
  • an apple a day keeps the doctor away
  • a rotten apple spoils the barrel
  • it’s all cut and dried
  • keep your eyes peeled
  • live to a ripe old age
  • make like a banana and split
  • pop one’s cherry
  • lose your cherry
  • sour grapes
  • an apple never falls far from the tree
  • the best thing since little apples
  • the time is ripe
  • two grapes short of a fruit salad
  • a double date
  • a blind date
  • cheap date
  • date with destiny
  • dinner date
  • a partridge in a pear tree
  • adam’s apple
  • agent orange
  • apple of discord
  • apple polish
  • as american as an apple pie
  • as nutty as fruit cake
  • bad apple
  • banana republic
  • be fruitful and multiply
  • bear fruit
  • blow a raspberry
  • bring up to date
  • cherry pick
  • cherry on top of the cake
  • cherry top
  • don’t give a fig
  • easy peasy lemon squeezy
  • forbidden fruit
  • fruits of your labour
  • fruits of your loins
  • it’s all gone pear shaped
  • in the grip of the grape
  • juice of the grape
  • low hanging fruit
  • out of date
  • peel me a grape
  • play gooseberry
  • seed capital
  • seed money
  • the milk in the coconut
  • the tree is known by its fruit
  • top banana
  • up to date
  • plum out of luck

Fruit-Related Words

There are many more puns to be made than could be documented in this Punpedia entry, and so we’ve compiled a list of fruit-related concepts for you to use when creating your own puns. If you come up with a new pun, please share it in the comments!

apple, apricot, banana, berry, berries, bilberry, blackberry, blackcurrant, blueberry, boysenberry, currant, cherry, cherimoya, cloudberry, coconut, cranberry, custard apple, damson, date, dragonfruit, durian, elderberry, feijoa, fig, goji berry, gooseberry, grape, raisin, grapefruit, guava, honeyberry, huckleberry, jabuticaba, jackfruit, jambul, jujube, juniper berry, kiwi, kumquat, lemon, lime, loquat, longan, lychee, mango, marionberry, melon, cantaloupe, honeydew, watermelon, miracle fruit, mulberry, nectarine, nance, orange, blood orange, clementine, mandarin, tangerine, papaya, passionfruit, peach, pear, persimmon, physalis, plantain, plum, prune, pineapple, plumcot, pomegranate, pomelo, purple mangosteen, quince, raspberry, salmonberry, rambutan, redcurrant, salal berry, salak, satsuma, star fruit, strawberry, tamarillo, tamarind, ugli fruit, yuzu, stone fruit, bunch, nutrition, fruity, raisin, agriculture, orchard, frugivore, frugivorous, peel, juice, avocado, dried, fruitful, fruit tree, fruit bowl, fruit basket, granny smith, apple juice, orange juice, grape juice, citrus, seed, core, pit, pip, fruit cake, melon, fresh, ripe, ripened.

Fruit Jokes

If you’re looking for some very corny fruit jokes, you’ve come to the right place. All of these one-liner-style fruit jokes use puns in their punchline. Some are phonetic puns, others are based on a slang phrase or cliche related to fruit.

  • How do you make a strawberry shake? – Put it in the freezer!
  • What is a vampire’s favourite fruit? – A neck-tarine!
  • What school subject is the fruitiest? – History, because it’s full of old dates!
  • What fruit teases you a lot? – A Ba na..na..na-na..na!
  • What kind of apple has a short temper? – A crab apple.
  • What happens to grapes when you step on them? – They wine!
  • Why did the banana go to the doctor? – Because it wasn’t peeling well!
  • What did the apple skin say to the apple? – I’ve got you covered.
  • Why did the tomato go out with a prune? – Because he couldn’t find a date!
  • Why did the woman get fired from the orange juice factory? – She couldn’t concentrate!
  • Why did the man get thrown out of the banana factory? – Because he kept throwing the bent ones out!
  • Where do baby fruits sleep? – In apricots.
  • What is a navy officer’s favourite fruit? – Naval oranges!
  • What do you call two banana peels? – A pair of slippers
  • Why did the grape stop in the middle of the road? – She ran out of juice!
  • Why were the apples and oranges alone? – The banana split!

Fruit Pun Images

Below is a collection of fruit-related visual puns and meme-type images. If you’ve created your own visual fruit puns or found one that we’ve missed, please post us a link in the comments section 🙂

Did this Punpedia entry help you?

Did you find the fruit-related pun that you were looking for? If so, great! Otherwise, please let us know what you were looking for in the comments, below! Are you looking for puns for text messages, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, or some other social media platform? Would you like to see more funny fruit pun images? Or perhaps you just want more fruit puns for your photo captions? Whatever the case, please let us know, and help us improve this Punpedia entry. If you’re got any fruit puns (image or text) that aren’t included in this article, please submit them in the comments and one of our curators will add it as soon as possible. Thanks for visiting Punpedia 🙂

Food Puns

Food puns! 🍽️🍛🍝🌯🍟 Whether you’re looking for a pun for your photo’s caption, the latest recipe on your food blog, or whatever else, I hope this entry of Punpedia will serve you well.

Food puns mostly revolve around puns on particular food items (especially vegetables, herbs etc.), but there’s also a few puns based around eating-related words like “supper”, “eat”, “fry” and “swallow”, for example. We’ve also got quite a few food puns about love (e.g. “Olive you so much!” and “Cutecumber”), so if you’re looking for cute food puns to message your partner, I think we’ve got you covered. This entry also covers diet puns to a certain extent, but we’ll eventually get around to giving diet puns their own entry.

In the interests of being a good influence on y’all, we’ve stayed away from puns that are a bit rude, and ones that are about unhealthy foods or foods which cause animals to suffer (dairy, meat, eggs – warning, has footage from factory farms). If you disagree with any omissions, please let us know in the comments – we’re happy to discuss and make changes 🙂 For now, most (but definitely not all) of the entries should be healthy food puns (fruits, nuts, grains, vegetables, etc.) which don’t involve cruelty to animals or crude humor.

You might also like to visit the Punpedia entries on vegetables, fruit, bread, cooking, pasta, potato, curry, corn, watermelon, pie, tacos, pizza, applescandy, coffee, beer and tea.

Food Puns List

Each item in this list describes a pun, or a set of puns which can be made by applying a rule. If you know of any puns about food that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments at the end of this page!

  • Let us → Lettuce: As in “Lettuce eat!” and “Lettuce celebrate!”
  • I love → Olive: As in “Olive you so much!” and “Olive silly food puns!”
  • Or live → Olive: As in “Live like a king olive on a shoe string.”
  • All of → Olive: As in “Sending olive my love to your family.”
  • Time → Thyme: As in “All in good thyme.” and “Better luck next thyme.” and “We just need to buy some thyme.”
  • In jest → Ingest: As in “Many a true word is spoken ingest.”
  • Done → Dine: As in “When all is said and dine” and “Dine and dusted.”
  • Din* → Dine*: If a word begins with the “dine” sound, we can make a dinner pun: dineosaur, dineamically, dineamite.
  • Scoff: This term refers to eating greedily or to talking to someone in a mean and “mocking” manner. Example: “Are you scoffing at my food puns?”
  • Fast: As in “You’re all so fast at these food puns.” and “Not so fast.” (A “fast” is an extended period of not eating. This one is reasonably subtle.)
  • So she → Sushi: As in “Sushi’s studying to become a computer programmer now.” and “Sushi loves you?”
  • Maze → Maize: As in “It’s a complicated maize to navigate.”
  • Crop up: To “crop up” means to appear unexpectedly and/or suddenly, and thus could be a pun on “crop” which is a cultivated grain, fruit or vegetable.
  • Baggage → Cabbage: This one is a bit on the corny side: “I’m carrying around a lot of emotional cabbage.” or “Please place personal items in the overhead cabbage compartment.”
  • Loaf: As in “Stop loafing around! Get up and do something!” (To “loaf” is to waste time and laze about)
  • Lunch → Hunch: As in “The lunch-back of Notre Dame.” and “I got a lunch.”
  • Until → Lentil: A very corny one: “It ain’t over lentil it’s over!” and “It’s all fun and games lentil someone gets hurt.”
  • Branch → Brunch: As in “Shall we call a truce? I’m extending an olive brunch here.” and “We’re brunching out into other industries.”
  • Knack → Snack: As in “Here, let me try, there’s a bit of a snack to it.”
  • Grain: As in “I’m going to go against the grain here and say …” and “There’s a grain of truth in what he’s saying.” and “I’d take it with a grain of salt.”
  • Nut(s): As in “He’s going nuts!” or “Yeah, he’s a bit of a nut.”
  • *nut*: If a word contains the “nut” sound (or similar), we can make a simple nut pun: affectionut, alternutively, compassionut, definutely, femininuty, coordinuts, fortunutely, genutalia, imaginutive, infinuty, magnut, insanuty, opportunuty, proportionutely.
  • Penny → Penne: As in “It cost a pretty penne.” and “A penne saved is a penne earned.” (Penne is a cylindrical type of pasta)
  • Excited → Eggcited: As in “I’m eggcited and curious about plant-based egg replacements.” and “The eggcitement is killing me!”
  • Aren’t you → Orange you: As in “Orange you glad to see me?”
  • Speechless → S-peach-less: As in “You’ve left me s-peach-less.”
  • Honey: As in “Honey, I’m home!”
  • Honey, do → Honey, dew: As in “Honeydew or dew not, there is no try.” or “Honey, dew you know where my keys are?”
  • Melancholy → Meloncholy: As in “An air of meloncholy surrounded him.”
  • Better → Breader: As in “You breader believe it!”
  • Mint: “All of the items are mint condition.”
  • Mean’t → Mint: As in “We were just mint to be.” and “You weren’t mint to eat it!”
  • *ment → *mint: Words that end in “ment” can be simple cheesy “mint” puns: governmint, developmint, momint, managemint, departmint, agreemint, environmint, investmint, employmint, equipmint, commint, assessmint, requiremint, improvemint, appointmint, settlemint, experimint, establishmint, implemint, announcemint, punishmint, measuremint, disappointmint, advertisemint, encouragemint, embarrassmint, segmint, argumint, pigmint, tormint, paymint, ornamint, sedamint, vehemint, shipmint, treatmint, statemint, merrimint. See this list for more.
  • Great → Grate: As in “Oh grate! Another food pun.” and “Grate minds think alike.”
  • All up in your → Jalapeño: As in “Jalapeño business.” and “Jalapeño grill.”
  • Serial → Cereal: As in “There’s a cereal killer on the loose.”
  • Surreal → Cereal: As in “The view from the summit was cereal.” and “I love impressionism and cereal art.”
  • Sublime: As in “The view from the summit was sublime!”
  • Stone → Scone: As in “The philosopher’s scone.” and “Leave no scone unturned.” and “Sticks and scones may break my bones …”
  • Care at → Carrot: As in “I don’t carrot all.”
  • Turn up → Turnip: As in “Turnip the music!” and “It’ll turnip somewhere.”
  • Sacrifice → Sacrifries: As in “It was a supreme sacrifries.”
  • Sacrifice → Sacrifrice: As in “It was a sacrifrice that we had to make.”
  • Suffice → Suffries: As in “Suffries it to say …”
  • Flies → Fries: As in “Time fries when you’re having fun!”
  • Tango → Mango: As in “Well, it takes two to mango.”
  • Man, go → Mango: As in “Hey mango pick on someone else.”
  • Much → Munch: As in “That’s a bit munch.” and “Too munch information.”
  • Serve: As in “Dude, you just got served.” and “My duty is to serve and protect.”
  • Menu: As in “That’s completely off the menu.”
  • Man, you → Menu: As in “Menu need to see someone about that.”
  • Not re-enter → Nutrient-er: As in “You should nutrient-er the discussion after that terrible contribution.”
  • Cook: Other than the obvious definition it can also refer to “altering dishonestly”, as in “They cooked the numbers and were done for fraud.”
  • That → Fat: As in “Fat is not true – take it back!” and “But fat’s another story.”
  • Up beat → Up beet: As in “I’m feeling fairly up beet today :)” (meaning cheerful/optimistic)
  • Sue p* → Soup*: As in “You can’t just soupeople willy nilly.”
  • *sup* → *soup*: If a word contains the “soup” sound we can of course make some silly soup puns: souperb, soupercomputer, soupercilious, souperficial, souperfluous, souperhuman, souperimposed, souperintendent, souperior, souperman, soupernatual, soupersonic, soupervise, soupremely, unsoupervised.
  • Swoop → Soup: As in, “One fell soup,” and “Souped in and saved the day.”
  • Super → Souper: As in, “Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No…it’s Souperman!” and “Souper bad,” and “Souper bass,” and “Souper Mario Bros.” and “Souperhero,” and “Soupersize,” and “Souperhero strength,” and “A lack of soupervision.”
  • *sop* → *soup*: While some of these have a soft “ph” sound, they still work visually for pumpkin soup puns: Souphisticated, souphomore, souporific, aesoup, soursoup, philosouphy, and souprano. Notes: a soporific is a drug designed to induce sleep. Soursop is a type of fruit. 
  • Supper → Soupper: As in, “Sing for your soupper,” and “Soupping with the devil,” and “The last soupper.”
  • Piecemeal: Piecemeal means “a little at a time”, and has the obvious “meal” pun in it already: “I think I can manage to eat all of this, but I’ll have to do it piecemeal.”
  • Milk: As in “You’re really milking this for all it’s got, aren’t you?”
  • So → Soy: This works best when the following word starts with “y”, as in “Soy you think you’re better than me, hey?” and “Soy yesterday went well?”
  • Soil → Soyl: As in “That tofu pun was hilarious – I almost soyled my pants.” and “Fertile soyl.”
  • Wait → Wheat: As in “Wheat a second…” and “I am lying in wheat.”
  • We t* → Wheat: As in “Wheat talked about this last night.” and “Wheat took our time.”
  • We’d → Wheat: As in “Wheat love for you to join us!”
  • Greedy ent* → ‘gredient: This one’s a bit of a stretch! Examples: “Those ‘gredient-erprising bastards!” and “The ‘gredient-titled youngers.”
  • Salty: Other than the obvious food-related definition, this term has several slang definitions including “being upset/angry”.
  • Fruity: Other than referring to actual fruit, this term also has several slang definitions including being flamboyant or “bouncy”.
  • Fruit cake: This term is often used as a synonym for someone who is “one sandwich short of a picnic”, that is, someone who is crazy. Please note that it is also a slang derogatory synonym for “homosexual” in some countries/regions, so be careful using this!
  • Bred → Bread: As in “Perfect table manners! You’re well bread.”
  • It → Eat: As in “Eat is not quite as eat seems.” and “Eat’s not the first time I’ve said this, but …”
  • Its / It’s → Oats / Oat’s: As in “Oat’s just a matter of time.” and “Oat’s a shame.” and “Oat’s nothing personal” and “Oat’s worth oats weight in gold.” and “Takes oats toll.” and “A life of oats own.” and “Oat’s about time!” and “Look at oats cute little face!”
  • Ought → Oat: As in “You oat to say sorry.” and “Five minutes oat to be enough time.”
  • *eat*: Any word that contains the “eat” sound (or similar) can obviously be made into a silly eating pun: cheating, beatle, athleat, aneatime (anytime), compleat, conceated, deceatful, deleat, discreat, eleat (elite), graffeati, fleat (fleet),  featus, heartbeat, Eatalian (Italian), greating (greeting), Peater (Peter), preatending, repeatedly, reatirement, streat, sweatheart, preatentious.
  • Bowl: As in “I was completely bowled over.”
  • Stew: This term can also refer to being in a state of anxiety and agitation. As in “Stew in one’s own juices.” and “I was in a bit of a stew.”
  • Carry → Curry: As in “I’m going as fast as my legs can curry me!” and “Keep calm and curry on.”
  • Even → Oven: As in “Oven my little brother knows that!” and “That’s not oven fair.”
  • Date: A “date” is a type of dried fruit, but it obviously has some more common meanings too: “This is my first blind date.” and “Save the date!”
  • Raising → Raisin: As in “We’re raisin the roof!” and “Raisin two kids as a single mother is hard.”
  • Reason → Raisin: As in “You’re being unraisinable.” and “Let’s use logic and raisin.”
  • Line → Lime: As in “But where do you draw the lime?” and “Drop me a lime.”
  • Piece of → Pizza: As in “You want a pizza me?” and “That’s a pizza cake.” and “They all want a pizza the action.” and “That’s a fine pizza ass.” and “That’s a pizza piss.” and “He’s a nasty pizza work.” and “How long is a pizza string?” and “I’ll give him a pizza my mind!” and “You’re a real pizza work.” and “Pizza the pie” and “Abbreviated pizza nothing”
  • Piece → Peach: As in “Just make sure you get home in one peach.” and “Yeah, he’s a nasty peach of work.”
  • Peace → Peas: As in “Peas be with you.” and “Peas of mind.” and “Inner peas.”
  • Assault → A salt: As in “He was charged with a salt with a deadly weapon.”
  • Wanton → Wonton: As in “This wonton cruelty will not go unpunished!” (Wanton means “deliberate and unprovoked” (also has other meanings), and a wonton is a type of dumpling)
  • Wanting → Wonton: As in “You’ve got me wonton more.”
  • Me so → Miso: As in “Miso hungry.” and “You make miso happy :)” (Miso is a type of Japanese seasoning)
  • Bury → Berry: As in “Don’t berry your feelings.” and “We berried it under that tree.”
  • Very → Berry: As in “These are berry bad food puns.”
  •  Amazing→ Amaize-ing: As in “Truely amaize-ing.” and “Amaize-ing Grace.” and “I’m amaized!” and “To my utter amaizement …” (Maize is another name for corn)
  • Saucy: As in “He was acting a little saucy the other night, no?” and “That’s a very saucy costume you’ve got going there.” (“Saucy” has a few other meanings which could also be punned upon)
  • Catch up → Ketchup: As in “C’mon! We need to ketchup with the others!”
  • Million → Melon: As in “You’re one in a melon!” and “Not in a melon years!”
  • Con* → Corn*: Very corny corn puns can be made with some words that start with the “con” sound (or similar): corntract, corncern, corntain, cornference, corntext, corncerned, corntrast, cornfidence, corndition, corntinue, cornsider, corntry, cornclusion, cornduct, cornversation, cornstruction, cornflict, corntribution, cornsent, cornsist, cornclude, cornservation, corntest, cornception, cornsequences, corsult, corncert, cornventional, corncrete, corntinent, cornfine, cornsistantly, cornstitutional, cornvey, cornsiderably, cornsitituent, corntempt, corncede, cornfess, cornfrontation, corngregation, corntroversial, cornsensus, cornsultancy, cornquest, cornvicted, corngratulate. See this list for more.
  • Have a car though → Avocado: As in “I don’t avocado.”
  • Have a car don’t → Avocadon’t: As in “You avacadon’t you?”
  • I → Pie: As in “Pie am crying as pie write this.”
  • How → Chow: As in “Chow could you do this to me?” and “Chow are you feeling?”
  • Bit her → Bitter: As in “I think a bug bitter or something.”
  • Her before → Herbivore: As in “No, I’ve never met herbivore.”
  • Been → Bean: As in “We’ve all bean there.” and “You know, I’ve bean thinking…”
  • Pee → Pea: As in “Brb, really need to pea.”
  • Can only → Cannoli: As in “We cannoli dream.” (“Cannoli” is a type of sweet Italian pastry)
  • Can’t elope → Cantaloupe: As in “I’d run away and marry you, but I cantaloupe – my parents would never forgive me.” (“Cantaloupe” is another name for rockmelon. “Elope” means to run away to get married, usually without parental consent.)
  • Antelope → Cantaloupe: As in “My favourite animals are deer and cantaloupe.”
  • Deal → Dill: As in “What’s the big dill?” and “I’m kind of a big dill around here.” (“Dill” is a herb, and is often short for dill-pickle – a cucumber that has been preserved and given the flavour of the dill herb)
  • Talk about → Taco ’bout: As in “Jeez! Taco ’bout bad puns!” and “I don’t wanna taco ’bout it.”
  • Not your → Nacho: As in “It’s nacho problem” and “It’s nachos, it’s mine!”
  • Please → Peas: As in “Do as you peas.” and “Pretty peas?”
  • Remain → Romaine: “Romaine” is a type of lettuce. Examples: “Everyone romaine calm.” and “It romaines to be seen.”
  • To my toes → Tomatoes: As in “I got a shiver from my head tomatoes.”
  • Dust → Crust: As in “Another one bites the crust.”
  • Brad → Bread: As in “When’s Bread Pitt’s next film coming out?”
  • Imposter → Impasta: As in “You’re a liar! An impasta!”
  • Roll: As in “We’re on a roll!” and “Ready to roll?” and “She’s a great roll model.” and “Traditional gender rolls are lame.” This could be a play on “bread roll” or other “roll” foods (spring roll, etc.), but it’s subtle.
  • Role → Roll: As in, “Whats your roll here?” and “Competing for the same roll.”
  • J.K Rowling → J.K Rolling
  • *ral* → *roll*: As in, “Rolly (rally) together” and “In generoll” and “Integroll to” and “It’s only naturoll” and “Yes, naturolly” and “Collateroll damage” and “Peripheroll vision” and “Running in parollel.” Other words you could use: liberoll (liberal), moroll (moral), ephemeroll (ephemeral) and visceroll (visceral).
  • *rel* → *roll*: As in, “Not rollevant” and “Rollay the information over” and “A huge rollief” and “Newest rollease” and “In a rollationship” and “Not for rolligion” and “In rollation to” and “Showing rolluctance (reluctance)” and “Rollentless effort” and “Monkeys in a barroll” and “Squirrolling away” and “Lover’s quarroll.” Other words you could use: apparoll (apparel), lauroll (laurel), scoundroll (scoundrel), mongroll (mongrel).
  • Beat → Beet: As in “Let’s not beet around the bush.” and “If you leave now, you’ll beet the rush.”
  • Between → Beetween: As in “Beetween you and me …” and “With your tail beetween your legs.” and “Read beetween the lines.” and “Beetween a rock and a hard place.”
  • Bead → Beet: As in “Tiny round beets are dangerous for children.”
  • Repeat → Rebeet: As in “I’m not going to rebeet myself.” and “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to rebeet it.” and “I warned him rebeetedly.”
  • Love → Loaf: As in “I loaf you <3″ and “The world needs more loaf.”
  • Peer → Pear: As in “Don’t give in to pear pressure.” and “Bit-torrent is a a pear-to-pear network.”
  • Pair → Pear: As in “A fresh pear of eyes.”
  • Per* → Pear*: Words that start with “per” can be made into silly little pear puns: pearformance, pearcentage, peariod, pearmission, pearsonal, pearfect, pearhaps, pearform, pearsuade, pearspective, pearsonality, pearception, pearmanent, pearceived, pearsuaded, pearmanently, pearipheral, pearimeter, pearsist, pearsecution, pearmit, pearpetuate, pearsistance, peariodically, pearvert, pearceptual, pearplexity, pearfectionist, pearpendicular, pearmission. See this list for more.
  • Pass the → Pasta: As in “Can you pasta sauce please?”
  • Past her → Pasta: As in “I walked right pasta without realising.”
  • For → Pho: Pho is a Vietnamese noodle soup. Examples: “Pho real??” and “You totally fell pho it!” and “Pho the love of god!”
  • You don’t → Udon: As in “Udon know how much you mean to me.” (Udon is a type of Japanese noodle)
  • Chilly → Chilli: As in “Goodness it’s chilli today.”
  • Fly → Fry: As in “A no-fry zone has been declared by the military.” and “Just a fry on the wall.”
  • Corny: As in “Very corny food puns”
  • Passed away → Pasta way: As in “She pasta way last night.”
  • Tomorrow → Tomato: As in “Here today, gone tomato.”
  • Walk → Wok: As in “I’ll be back soon, I’m going to wok the dog.” and “It’ll be a wok in the park.” and “You’re woking on thin ice there, bud.”
  • Work → Wok: As in “Wok hard, play hard.” and “It’s a wok in progress.” and “All in a day’s wok.”
  • Because → Becouscous: “Why? Becouscous I said so.” (One of the cornier food puns, indeed!)
  • Jam: As in “This is my jam!” and “We just finished our jam session.” and “The venue was jam-packed.”
  • Rap → Wrap: As in “That was an epic wrap battle.” (Playing on the flat-bread sandwich alternative)
  • Fork: As in “We’ve reached a fork in the road.” (There’s also an obvious swear word pun that can be made with fork.)
  • Season → Seasoning: As in “Seasoning’s greetings!” and “For everything, there is a seasoning.”
  • Thrilled → Grilled: As in “He was so grilled to see you!” and “I’m grilled to bits!”
  • Creep → Crepe: As in “That’s a bit crepey, man.” and “Yep, he’s a bit of a crepe.”
  • Source → Sauce: As in “That’s an unreliable sauce.” and “You should cite some primary sauces.”
  • Sup: This term has a few traditional meaning related to food, including “to eat dinner/supper”, but it also has the obvious slang meaning “What’s up?” Thus we can make a sneaky supper pun, but it’d be very corny and heavily dependent on context: Person1: “‘Sup?” Person2: “What? Now? It’s only 3pm!”
  • Graze: This can refer to an injury or to a steady, continual eating style: “Get into a food pun fight with me and you’ll come out grazed.”
  • Grub: This can refer to the animal and is slang for food.
  • Grab → Grub: As in “Can you grub the mail on your way home?” and “She’s good at grubbing my attention.”
  • Not → Nosh: As in “Nosh on my watch.” and “It’s a nosh-for-profit organisation.” (Nosh as a noun refers to food or as a verb to eating greedily)
  • Nos* → Nosh*: As in “It was a noshtalgic experience.” and “His noshtrils were flaring.”
  • Die yet → Diet: As in “I want to curl and and diet I know I must keep fighting.”
  • Gorge: This term can refer to eating greedily or to a narrow, steep valley.
  • Gorgeous: As in “Drop dead gorgeous.”
  • Panties → Pantries: As in “Don’t get your pantries in a twist!”
  • Girl → Grill: As in “You go grill!” and “Grill power!”
  • Toast: As well as referring to cooked bread, this term can also refer to the raising of glasses at a gathering to honour something: “Let’s call a toast.” It also has a slang usage: “You are toast.” Meaning “I’m going to beat you” at some competition (or physically).
  • Byte → Bite: As in “There must be megabites of potential food puns to be made.”
  • Fist → Feast: As in “I’ll rule with an iron feast.”
  • Desert → Dessert: As in “It was like an oasis in the middle of the dessert.”
  • Chip: As in “A chip off the old block.” and “A chip on his shoulder”
  • Arrange → Orange: As in “I’ve oranged an interview for tomorrow evening.”
  • A petite → Appetite: Bit of a stretch: “Does this come in appetite-sized version?”
  • Sugar: Other than the obvious definition, “sugar” is also used as a term of endearment in some countries for one’s partner (similar to “baby”).
  • Sweetie: This is often used as a term of endearment for a loved one, and has an obvious reference to food/sweets.
  • Do not → Donut: As in “I donut want to get into a pun battle with you.” and “Donut tempt me.”
  • Better → Butter: As in “Margarine is butter because it’s healthier.” and “Butter to stay on the safe side.” and “He’s my butter half.”
  • Coarse → Course: As in “Please don’t pun during dinner, Gerald. It’s very course humour.”
  • Course: As in “Is there a university course on food puns?” (“Course” can refer to a particular stage of a multi-stage meal.)
  • Great → Grape: As in “No challenge is too grape.” and “I’ve gone to grape length to compile these puns.”
  • Cater: As in “I can’t cater to your every whim.” and “We need to cater for those who are coming by bus.”
  • Staple: As in “Food puns are unfortunately my staple form of humour.” (This is a play on staple as in “staple food“)
  • Swallow: “That’s a tough pill to swallow.”
  • Pickle: “We’re in a bit of a pickle here.”
  • Killing → Kiwing: As in “Oh god these jokes are kiwing me!”
  • Bananas: As in “I am bananas for you.” and “He’s going bananas!”
  • Celebrate → Celerybrate: As in “Let’s celerybrate!”
  • I am → I yam: As in “I yam who I yam.”
  • Cold → Crisp: As in “The air is crisp this morning!”
  • Jealous → Jelly: As in “You won the raffle?! I’m so jelly!”
  • Feed: As in “You’re just feeding people misinformation.”
  • Order: “Law and order.” and “These restaurant puns are out of order.”
  • Much room → Mushroom: “There isn’t mushroom in here.”
  • Bit of (Bit ‘a) → Pita: “Don’t make a blind pita difference.”
  • Or you → Oreo: “It doesn’t make a difference whether it’s me oreo.”
  • Platter → Plait her: “I love to platter hair – it’s therapeutic.”
  • Dip: As in “Take a dip” and “Dip your toe in.” (Playing on the “crackers and dip” form of “dip”)
  • Wry → Rye: “A rye smile.” and “With rye Scottish wit.” (Rye is a type of grain used to make bread)
  • Come → Crumb: As in “Crumb to think of it…” and “Crumb to your senses” and “Crumb again?” and “Crumb hell or high water.” and “Crumb out of your shell” and “Crumb rain or shine” and “Do you crumb here often?” and “An idea whose time has crumb.” and “The best is yet to crumb.” and “What has crumb over you?”
  • So do → Soda: As in “Soda you think it’s a good idea?”
  • So de* → Soda*: Words (especially adjectives) beginning with the “de” syllable (or similar) can be made into soda puns: sodapressing (so depressing), sodatermined (so determined), sodafensive (so defensive), sodamanding, sodapendable, sodaspairing, sodalighted, sodapendent, sodascriptive
  • Relish: This can refer to the condement called “relish” or to a feeling of great enjoyment: “I relish any opportunity to make a pun about food.”
  • Tube of → Tuber: As in “Can I please purchase a tuber hand cream?”
  • Stuff→ Stove: As in “Don’t sweat the small stove.” and “It’s the stove of legends/dreams.” (This one is a stretch!)
  • Take out→ Take-out: As in “I had to take-out my phone to check the time.” and “I had to take-out a loan just to pay the bill!”
  • Salsa: This can refer to a type of spicy tomato sauce, but also to the Latin American dance music and dance style.
  • Ugly→ Ugli: As in “Ugli duckling.” and “This person has an ugli heart.” (Ugli is a type of fruit)
  • Least→ Yeast: As in “Last, but not yeast.” and “Yeast common denominator.”
  • Okay→ Okra: As in “Are you feeling okra?” (Terrible! 😀 By the way, okra is a plant the has edible green pods, if you didn’t know)

Food-Related Phrases

Common phrases, idioms and cliches which are related to food can be used for some subtle and witty word play. Here is a list of the food themed phrases that we’ve found so far:

  • if you can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen
  • too many cooks in the kitchen
  • bite the hand that feeds you
  • crammed in like sardines
  • dine in
  • dog eat dog
  • cool beans
  • enough ants can eat an elephant
  • feeding frenzy
  • he’s a few fries short of a happy meal
  • more degrees than a kitchen stove
  • small fry
  • she’s out to lunch
  • there’s no such thing as a free lunch
  • whet your appetite
  • you can’t have your cake and eat it too
  • top/bottom of the food chain
  • food of the gods
  • a moment on the lips, a lifetime on the hips
  • as cheap as chips
  • bear fruit
  • as nutty as a fruit cake
  • bite off more than you can chew
  • bite the big one
  • bite the bullet
  • bread and butter
  • cake walk
  • cast your bread upon the waters
  • chew the fat
  • ankle biter
  • chicken feed
  • cook up a storm
  • couch potato
  • eat humble pie
  • to eat out of someone’s hand
  • eat like a pig
  • eat my dust
  • feast your eyes on this
  • food for thought
  • forbidden fruit
  • fruit cake
  • have your bread buttered on both sides
  • know which side your bread is buttered
  • bread always falls buttered side down
  • the greatest thing since sliced bread
  • i’ll eat my hat
  • it’s not worth crying over spilt milk
  • let the chips fall where they may
  • lean cuisine
  • make like a banana and split
  • movable feast
  • off the menu
  • shut your cake hole
  • revenge is a dish best served cold
  • sound bite
  • the big apple
  • the cherry on the cake
  • you are toast
  • a recipe for disaster
  • bite the dust
  • whet your appetite
  • out of the frying pan, into the fire

Food-Related Words

There are many more puns to be made than could be documented in this Punpedia entry, and so we’ve compiled a list of food-related concepts for you to use when creating your own puns. If you come up with a new pun, please share it in the comments!

dine, ingest, ate, gobble, devour, taste, sup, graze, forage, chow, tucker, grub, morsel, nosh, munch, munchies, diet, gorge, serving, serve, menu, larder, pantry, appetite, grill, perishable, famine, delicacy, voracious, scoff, fast, fasting, nutrition, rice, nutrient, provender, victuals, cooking, cook, pabulum, cereal, drink, fat, soup, nourishment, agriculture, pasta, feed, sustenance, meal, milk, wheat, ingredients, sushi, hunger, hungry, sugar, maize, plant, vegetarian, vegan, protein, vegetable, potato, vitamin, bitter, foodstuff, consumption, consume, salt, saltiness, edible, salad, soul food, junk food, produce, fruit, restaurant, chocolate, coconut, breakfast, dinner, lunch, bread, foody, eat, kitchen, nuts, nut, baking, baked goods, food industry, food safety, pizza, meal, crops, fast food, supermarket, taste, mineral, loaf, carbohydrate, legume, bean, pea, lentil, broccoli, cabbage, lettuce, lasagna, asparagus, cuisine, bean, tomato, pumpkin, eggplant, carrot, repast, onion, spinach, spaghetti, eating, brunch, snack, grain, luncheon, sweets, sweet, macaroni, porridge, omnivore, omnivorous, herbivore, herbivorous, celery, burrito, garlic, saliva, salivation, plate, bowl, over-eat, over-feed, farming, spoon, fork, spork, grocer, break bread, tofu, soy, fry, stew, curry, sandwich, jam, cake, apple, toast, bite, canteen, chew, dish, feast, pudding, savoury, dessert, belly, satiated, chips, glutton, grub, biscuit, peanut, grocery store, soup kitchen, digestion, garnish, roast, ration, raw, refreshment, famish, succulent, tasty, delicious, scrumptious, delectable, oatmeal, airplane food, dietary, ambrosia, appetite, bland, tin can, pepper, saute, nibble, underfed, gourmet, bbq, barbecue, spicy, staple, picnic, topping, risotto, mash, stir-fry, calories, obese, obesity, digestible, recipe, catering, coarse, starve, starving, cinnamon, caloric, wolfish, snacky, swallow, greasy, rapacious, engorge, glutton, gluttonous, banquet, dinnertime, supper, eat up, fried, overindulge, pick at, binge, gobbler, eats, tofurkey, foodtography, bagel, uneaten, perishable, taco, supermarket, brainfood, stomach, napkin, buffet, thanksgiving, dishes, olive, tomato, radish, jello, peas, romaine, crust, slice, pickle, dill, peach, orange, kiwi fruit, maize, berry, ketchup, sauce, spice, butter, cannoli, mint, date, fig, jalapeno, avocado, wonton, papaya, banana, hash brown, sweet potato, kidney bean, bread roll, roll, donut, melon, caramel, cauliflower, pear, pretzel, peal, gnocchi, brown rice, french fries, flavour, grape, appetiser, boil, bran, chick peas, cookbook, cloves, crisp, gravy, jelly, mushroom, oven, order, pot, salsa, dip, refrigerator, relish, rhubarb, rye, spatula, syrup, stove, take-out, wasabi, walnut, wok, yeast, vanilla, vinegar, utensil, toaster, slaw, coleslaw, mayonnaise, sesame seeds, zucchini.

Food Jokes

If you’re looking for some very corny food jokes, you’ve come to the right place. All of these one-liner-style food jokes use puns in their punchline. Some are phonetic puns, others are based on a slang phrase or cliche related to food.

  • What did the baby corn say to its mamma corn? – Where’s my pop corn?
  • Did you hear the joke about the peanut butter? – I’m not telling you. You might spread it!
  • Waiter, will my pizza be long? – No sir, it will be round.
  • Why couldn’t the sesame seed leave the gambling casino? – Because he was on a roll.
  • What do you call a fake noodle? – An impasta.
  • Why doesn’t bread like warm weather? – Because things get toasty
  • Did you hear about that famous Italian chef who died?  – Yeah, he pasta way.
  • Waiter, this food taste’s kind of funny… – Then why aren’t you laughing!
  • Why did the banana go to the doctor? – Because it wasn’t peeling well!
  • What are the twins’ favourite fruit? – Pears!
  • What do you call a peanut in a space suit? – An astronut!
  • What does a nosey pepper do?– Gets jalapeno business!
  • Why did the students eat their homework? – Because the teacher said it was a piece of cake.
  • Why did the tomato blush? – Because it saw the salad dressing!
  • What do you call the king of the vegetables? – Elvis Parsley

Food Pun Images

Below is a collection of food-related visual puns and meme-type images. If you’ve created your own visual food puns or found one that we’ve missed, please post us a link in the comments section 🙂

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