Avocado Puns

Welcome to the Punpedia entry on avocado puns! 🥑🌳🌱

Avocados are a mild fruit that’s found in many different types of recipes – from desserts to milkshakes and sandwiches. Since it has a creamy texture and subtle flavour, it’s used as a butter substitute as well, so there are plenty of pasta sauce recipes with avocado too. The most famous (and favourite) uses of avocado are probably guacamole and avocado toast, so we’ve made sure to include those words in this pun list for you.

We hope that you find this list enjoyable and useful! Whether you’re here for some witty one-liners for a recipe you’ve made, or you’d like some corny guacamole jokes for a party, we hope you find the perfect pun for your needs.

While this list is as thorough as possible, it is specific to avocados. If you’re after any related puns, we also have fruit puns, food puns and taco puns.

Avocado Puns List

Each item in this list describes a pun, or a set of puns which can be made by applying a rule. If you know of any puns about avocados that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments at the end of this page! Without further ado, here’s our list of avocado puns:

  • Have a→ Avo: As in, “Avo good one!” and “Did you avo good time?”
  • Ever→ Avo: As in, “Lived happily avo after” and “Best friends foravo!” and “Hardly avo” and “Nothing is avo free” and “Have you avo..?”
  • Bravo→ Bravocado
  • Have a cuddle→ Avocuddle: As in, “It’s Valentine’s Day! Let’s avocuddle <3″
  • Cardio→ Avocardio: As in, “Running is tough avocardio.”
  • Have a car though→ Avocado: As in, “You want to drive, but do you avocado?”
  • Affogato→ Avocado: “Where’s a good cafe for an icy avocado?”
  • Don’t→ Avocadon’t: As in, “Avocadon’t call us, we’ll call you” and “Avocadon’t get me started” and “Avocadon’t go there” and “Where the sun avocadon’t shine.”
  • Advocate→ Advocado: As in, “Playing devil’s advocado.”
  • Bro→ Avocabro: As in, “Gym avocabro” and “Avocabro hug.”
  • Have→ Have-ocado: As in, “Always have-ocado your nose in a book” and “As luck would have-ocado it” and “Couldn’t have-ocado said it better” and “Have-ocado a bite to eat.”
  • Card*→ Avocad*: We can sneak “avocado” into words that have a long “caad” sound in them: Avocadinal (cardinal), Avocadboard (cardboard), avocadigan (cardigan), avocadiac (cardiac) and avocadiology.
  • Cord*→ Avocord*: If a word has a “cord” sound in it, we can change it to include “avo” before the cord: Avocordial (cordial), avocordially and avocorduroy.
  • Quake→ Guac: As in, “Guac-ing in your boots” and “A huge earthguac.”
  • Crocodile→ Guacodile: As in, “Guacodile tears” and “In a while, guacodile.”
  • Quick→ Guac: As in, “Guac as a flash” and “In guac succession” and “Guac and dirty” and “Guac off the mark.”
  • Awkward→ Guacward: As in, “A guacward age” and “Well that’s guacward.”
  • Rock → Guac: As in, “Hard as a guac” and “Between a guac and a hard place” and “Crocodile guac” and “Don’t guac the boat” and “Get your guacs off” and “Glam guac” and “Hit guac bottom.”
  • Clock→ Guac: As in, “Beat the guac” and “Around the guac” and “Regular as guacwork” and “Race against the guac.”
  • *cac*→ *guac*: Change “cac” sounds to “guac” sounds to make some guacamole puns: guactus (cactus), guacophony (cacophony), guacao (cacao) and guackle (cackle).
  • Coc*→ Guac*: As in, “Happy hour guactails” and “In your guacoon” and “Hardy as a guacroach” and “That’s guaconuts.”
  • Croc*→ Quac*: Guac (crock – as in guac of sh*t) and guacery (crockery).
  • Aca→ Guaca*: As in, “Guacademic record” and “Private Guacademy” and “Guacacia flowers.”
  • Occa*→ Guacca*: As in, “On guaccasion” and “Yes, guaccasionally” and “The guaccasional purchase.”
  • Acc*→ Guacc*: As in, “Full guaccess” and “With a faint guaccent” and “I guaccept” and “Make it guaccessible” and “Guaccessory to the crime.” Other words you could use: guaccentuate (accentuate), guaccelerate (accelerate) and guacceptance (acceptance).
  • Accident→ Guaccident: As in, “By guaccident” and “Done guaccidentally” and “It was guaccidental.”
  • Acco*→ Guacco*: As in, “On guaccount of” and “Convenient guaccommodation” and “Of your own guaccord” and “Looking for guaccommodation.” Other words you could use: guaccountability (accountability), guaccomplish (accomplish), guaccordingly (accordingly) and guaccompany (accompany).
  • Aco*→ Guaco*: Guacolyte (acolyte) and guacoustic (acoustic).
  • Accu/acu*→ Guacu*: As in, “A guaccurate reading” and “Our guaccumulated efforts” and “Are you guaccusing me?” and ” With great guaccuracy” and “Well guaccstomed to.” Other words you could try: guaccusation (accusation), guaccumulation (accumulation), guacupuncture (acupuncture) and guacutely (acutely).
  • Occu/Ocu*→ Guacu*: As in, “Waiting for it to guaccur” and “A regular guaccurence” and “Part of the guaccult” and “State your name and guaccupation.” Other words you could use: Guaccupy (occupy), guaccupied (occupied), guaccupancy (occupancy).
  • Oxygen→ Guacxygen: As in, “Running out of guacxygen.”
  • Hass: Hass Avocados are the most commonly sold avocado. Here are some related puns for you:
    • Ass→ Hass: As in, “Hass backwards” and “Blow smoke up your hass” and “Bust someone’s hass” and “Get your hass into gear” and “Get your hass over here” and “Half-hassed” and “Kiss my hass” and “Make a hass of yourself” and “Work your hass off.” Note: these also work for “arse”.
    • Has→ Hass: As in, “Every dark cloud hass a silver lining” and “A hass been” and “Every dog hass his day” and “Your time hass come” and “Somebody hass to do it” and “Rumour hass it” and “That ship hass sailed” and “The die hass been cast” and “What hass come over you?”
    • Have→ Hass: This one is grammatically incorrect, but phonetically can still work: “Always hass your nose in a book” and “As good luck would hass it” and “I couldn’t hass said it better” and “Do I hass to paint you a picture?” and “Don’t hass a cow, man.”
    • Yass, Queen→ Hass, Queen
    • His→ Hass: As in, “Ahead of hass time” and “A chip on hass shoulder” and “As fast as hass legs could go” and “That’s hass business” and “Down on hass luck.”
    • Yes→ Hass: As in, “Hass we can!” and “I already said hass, what more do you want?”
    • Has*→ Hass*:  “Hassten your steps” and “Don’t be hassty.”
    • Hes*→ Hass*: As in, “Don’t hassitate” and “Hassitant to move” and “Your hassitation cost us.”
    • *his*→ *hass*: As in, “Ancient hasstory” and “Hasstorical site” and “Hasstoric stories” and “Knowledgeable hasstorian” and “A sophassticated dinner.”
    • Hispanic→ Hasspanic
    • Hos*→ Hass*: As in, “Hasstile takeover” and “Thank you for your hasspitality” and “Children’s hasspital” and “Filled with hasstility.” Other words you could use: hasspice (hospice), hasstel (hostel) and hasstage (hostage). Note: a hospice is a specialised care facility for terminally ill patients.
    • Hus*→ Hass*: Hasstle (hustle), hassband (husband) hassbandry (husbandry), hasstler (hustler), thass (thus) and hassk (husk).
    • Haz*→ Hass*: “Slip hassard” and “Hassardous environment” and “Hassmat suit” and “Hasselnut spread.”:
  • Fat: Since avocado is known for having a lot of (good) fat, we’ve included some fat-related puns in here too:
    • Fit→ Fat: As in, “Fat as a fiddle” and “Fat for the gods” and “Fat for a king” and “Fats the bill” and “Fats like a glove.”
    • At→ Fat: As in, “Waiting for you fat the station” and “Where are you fat?”
    • Flat→ Fat: As in, “Fat as a pancake” and “Fall fat on your face” and “Fat broke” and “Fat out” and “In no time fat” and “Fatten out” and “Imitation is the sincerest form of fattery.”
    • Fed→ Fat: As in, “Fat up to the back teeth” and “Well fat” and “Fat up.”
    • *fet*→ *fat*: As in, “Secret fatish” and “Fatid atmosphere” and “Fattering away your money” and “All you can eat buffat” and “Running along unfattered.”
    • *fit*→ *fat*: As in, “Health and fatness” and “A fatting ending” and “Mutual benefat” and “Non for profat” and “Glam new outfat.”
    • *fed*→ *fat*: fatora (fedora), fateral (federal), fateration (federation), faterated (federated) and confaterate (confederate).
    • *fid*→ *fat*: Fatelity (fidelity), fattle (fiddle) and fattlesticks (fiddlesticks).
    • *fid*→ *fat*: As in, “Filled with confatence” and “Quietly confatent.” Other words you can use: perfaty (perfidy) and perfatious (perfidious). Note: perfidy is a violation of faith or promise.
    • *vat*→ *fat*: fatican (vatican), crafat (cravat), derifative (derivative), innofative (innovative), conserfative (conservative), cultifat (cultivate), motifat (motivate), prifat (private) and aggrafat (aggravate).
    • Veterinary→ Faterinary
    • *vit*→ *fat*: fatriol (vitriol), fatility (vitality), fatamin (vitamin), fatriolic (vitriolic), affidafat (affidavit), actifaty (activity), inefatable (inevitable), grafaty (gravity) cafaty (cavity).
    • Emphatic→ Emfatic
    • *phet*→ *fat*: As in, “Religious profat (prophet)” and “A profatic announcement” and “Illegal amfatamines.”
  • Stripe→ Ripe: As in, “Earn your ripes” and “Stars and ripes.”
  • Rip→ Ripe: As in, “Bodice ripe-er” and “Let her ripe!”
  • Right→ Ripe: As in, “A move in the ripe direction” and “A woman’s ripe to choose” and “All the ripe moves” and “Alripe already!” and “Ripe as rain” and “Bang to ripes” and “Bragging ripes” and “Dead to ripes” and “Consumer ripes” and “Do what feels ripe” and “Get off on the ripe foot.”
  • *rap*→ *ripe*: ripe-port (rapport), ripeture (rapture), ripetor (raptor), ripe-ier (rapier) and theripey (therapy).
  • *rep*→ *ripe*: ripe-public (republic), ripeproach (reproach), ripepresent (represent), ripe-ply (reply), ripe-rimand (reprimand), ripe-port (report), entripe-preneur (entrepreneur), discripe-pancy (discrepancy) and intripe-pid (intrepid).
  • Speed→ Seed: As in, “At lightning seed” and “Blistering seed” and “Built for comfort, not seed” and “Get up to seed” and “Seed dating” and “Seed demon” and “Seed it up.”
  • Side→ Seed: As in, “A walk on the wild seed” and “Always look on the bright seed of life” and “On the safe seed” and “Born on the wrong seed of the tracks” and “Check you on the flip seed” and “Cross over to the other seed.”
  • She’d→ Seed: As in, “Seed always said that” and “Seed get over him.”
  • *sad*→ *seed*: Ambasseedor (ambassador) and diseedvantage (disadvantage).
  • *sed*→ *seed*: As in, “Seedentary lifestyle” and “A shot to seedate” and “Romantic lighting to seeduce” and “Filled with seediment.”
  • *sid*→ *seed*: As in, “Inseedious comments” and “Did you ever conseeder…” and “That aseede” and “With full conseederation” and “And more beseedes” and “Reseeding in a new suburb” and “Taking up reseedence.”
  • *ced* → *seed*: As in, seedar (cedar), conseed (concede), preseed (precede), superseed (supercede), preseedent (precendent). Notes: to supercede is to replace. A precedent is an established guide or principle.
  • *ceed → *seed: As in, proseed, sucseed, exseed
  • *cid*→ *seed*: Plaseed (plaseed), aseed (acid), luseed (lucid), ranseed (rancid), eluseedate (elucidate), inseedent (incident), accseedental (accidental), inseedental (incidental).
  • Pip: Pip is another word for seed, and avocados are known for their large seeds (there are even memes about being happy with finding small-seeded avocados), so we’ve got some pip-related puns here for you:
    • Chip→ Pip: As in, “A pip on their shoulder” and “Cheap as pips” and “Cash in your pips” and “Pip in with” and “A pip off the old block” and “Let the pips fall where they may” and “When the pips are down” and “Bargaining pip” and “Pip away” and “Chocolate pips.”
    • Sip→ Pip: As in, “Pip your tea.”
    • *pap*→ *pip*: pipyrus (papyrus), piparazzi (paparazzi), pipaya (papaya), piprika (paprika) and piperwork (paperwork).
    • *pep*→ *pip*: As in, “Salt and pipper hair.” Other words you can try: piptide (peptide) and piplum (peplum).
    • *pop*→ *pip*: As in, “Pipular opinion” and “Pipulist stance” and “Half the pipulation.” Other words that could work: pipulace (populace), piplar (poplar), lollipip (lollipop), apipletic (apopletic) and apiplexy (apoplexy).
    • *dip*→ *pip*: piplomacy (diplomacy), piplomatic (diplomatic), piploma (diploma), piplomat (diplomat), serenpipity (serendipity) and serenpipitous (serendipitous).
  • Pit: Since “pit” is another word for seed, we’ve included a few pit-related puns here for you to play with:
    • Pat→ Pit: As in, “Down pit” and “Pit your head.”
    • Put→ Pit: As in, “Be hard pit to” and “Couldn’t pit it down” and “Don’t pit all your eggs in one basket” and “Feeling a bit pit out” and “Wouldn’t pit it past him” and “Not to pit too fine a point on it” and “Off-pitting” and “Pit an end to.”
    • Pot→ Pit: As in, “Pit of gold” and “For the pit” and “Hit the jackpit” and “In the melting pit.”
    • Hit→ Pit: As in, “Pit the road” and “Pit for six” and “Pit it on the nose” and “Pit it out of the park” and “Pit rock bottom” and “Pit the books.”
    • Fit→ Pit: As in, “Pit for the gods” and “Fighting pit” and “Pit in with” and “Pit the bill” and “Pits like a glove” and “Have a pit” and “Hissy pit” and “Laughing pit to burst.”
    • Bit→ Pit: As in, “A pit missing” and “A pit much” and “Pit of a to do” and “Pit by pit” and “Pit of alright” and “Pit of fluff” and “Do your pit.”
    • Quit→ Pit: As in, “Call it pits” and “Pit while you’re ahead” and “Don’t pit your day job.”
    • *pat*→ *pit*: As in, “Following a pittern” and “Pitent pending” and “Faithful pitron” and “I anticipit your return.”
    • *pet*→ *pit*: pitulant (petulant), pitty (petty), pitition (petition), pitard (petard), pital (petal), pitite (petite), carpit (carpet), parapit (parapet), trumpit (trumpet), puppit (puppet), limpit (limpet), poppit (poppet), impitus (impetus), perpitual (perpetual), compitent (competent), impituous (impetuous), compitition (competition) and compitence (competence).
    • *pot*→ *pit*: As in, “Reach your full pitential” and “Hot pitato” and “A pitent combination” and “Small pitatoes.”
    • *bet*→ *pit*: As in, “Stuck pitween a rock and a hard place” and “A huge pitrayal” and “My pitrothed” and “Alphapit soup” and “Sherpit flavoured.”
    • *bit*→ *pit*: As in, “Pitter chocolate” and “Pittersweet goodbye” and “Bite the pitumen” and “Filled with pitterness.” Other words you could try: inhipit (inhibit), gampit (gambit), exhipit (exhibit), rabpit (rabbit), hapit (habit), orpit (orbit), inhapit (inhabit), prohipit (prohibit) and arpitrary (arbitrary).
    • *pret*→ *pit*: As in, “Pitentious attitude” and “Can’t keep pitending” and “False pitenses” and “Choc chip pitzel (pretzel) and “Open to interpitation.”
  • Grain→ Green: As in, “Against the green” and “Green of truth” and “Take it with a green of salt.”
  • Grin→ Green: As in, “Green and bear it” and “Green from ear to ear” and “Rictus green” and “Foolish green” and “Greening like a cheshire cat.”
  • Gene→ Green: As in, “Green mapping” and “Greenetic makeup” and “Greenetic lottery.”
  • Keen→ Green: As in, “Green as mustard” and “Green on” and “A green sense of smell” and “Peachy green.”
  • Mean→ Green: As in, “Greens to an end” and “Living beyond your greens” and “By fair greens or foul” and “In the greentime” and “Lean and green” and “Doesn’t green a thing” and “Green spirited.”
  • *gran*→ *green*: As in, “Take for greented” and “Greent your wish” and “A greendeur entrance” and “Greenular sugar” and “Face like greenite” and “Feeling greend.”
  • *gren*→ *green*: greenade (grenade) and greenadine (grenadine).
  • *grin*→ *green*: “Bump and greend” and “To my chagreen” and “Greending noises.”
  • *ren*→ *green*: greender (render), greenumeration (renumeration), greenege (renege), greenaissnace (renaissance), greenegade (renegade) and greenounce (renounce).
  • Fright→ Fruit: As in, “Fruitened of your own shadow” and “A fruitful mess” and “Take fruit.”
  • Chute→ Fruit: As in, “Golden parafruit” and “Straight out the fruit.”
  • Cute→ Fruit: As in, “Fruit as a button” and “Fruit as a bug’s ear.”
  • Flute→ Fruit: As in, “Jazz fruit.”
  • Suit→ Fruit: As in, “All over him like a cheap fruit” and “At a price to fruit your pocket” and “Follow fruit” and “Men in fruits” and “Fruits you down to a tee” and “Fruit yourself.”
  • Shoot→ Fruit: As in, “Don’t fruit the messenger” and “Eat’s fruits and leaves” and “Green fruits of recovery” and “Just fruit me” and “Fruit ’em up” and “Fruit down in flames” and “Fruiting hoops” and “Fruit me now” and “Fruit the breeze” and “Straight fruiter” and “A straight fruiter.”
  • *fut* → *fruit*: As in, “Think about your fruiture” and “Resistance is fruitile!” and “A fruituristic building” and “Sleeping on the fruiton” and “An irrefruitable argument.” Other words that could work: refruit (refute) and fruitility (fruitility).
  • Frat* → Fruit*: As in, “Fruiternity house” and “Fruiternal twins” and “Fruiternising with the enemy.”
  • Smash: Smashed avocados are one of the more famous avocado recipes (probably second only to guacamole), so we have some silly (but smashing) related puns for you here:
    • Ash→ Smash: As in, “Smashes to smashes” and “Burnt to smash” and “Rise from the smashes.”
    • Splash→ Smash: As in, “A smash of colour” and “Make a smash” and “Smash down” and “Smash out on” and “Smashed across the front page.”
    • Mach*→ Smash*: As in, “Ghost in the Smashine” and “Evil smashinations” and “Grinding smashinery.”
    • Sash*→ Smash*: smashimi (sashimi) and smashay (sashay).
  • Toast: Related to smashed avocado is avocado toast, so we have some toast-related puns for you:
    • Toss → Toast: As in, “Toast your cookies” and “Don’t give a toast” and “A coin toast” and “A toast-up between…” and “Toast your hat into the ring.” Note: to toss your cookies is to throw up.
    • *toes → *toast: As in, “Keep you on your toast” and “Small potatoast” and “Don’t tread on anyone’s toast” and “Twinkle toast.”
    • Testosterone → Toastosterone
    • *tist* → *toast*: As in, “Signed by the artoast” and “According to statoastics (statistics).” Other words you could use: scientoast (scientist), elitoast (elitist), dentoast (dentist), orthodontoast (orthodontist).
    • *test* → *toast*: As in, “Not a beauty contoast” and “A blind toast” and “One, two, three toasting” and “Put to the toast” and “A toast of faith” and “Tried and toasted” and “The greatoast thing since sliced bread” and “Not in the slightoast” and “Protoast too much” and “Sniff toast” and “Stand the toast of time” and “Toast the waters” and “Forbidden fruit is always the sweetoast” and “Survival of the fittoast” and “A toastament of” and “Attoast to” and “The latoast and greatoast.” Other words you could use: toastimony (testimony), toastimonial (testimonial), neatoast (neatest) and cutoast (cutest).
  • Tree: Since avocados and grown from trees, we’ve got a few tree-related puns for you:
    • Three→ Tree: As in, “And baby makes tree,” and “Good things come in trees,” and “Tree strikes and you’re out!” and “Tree wise men,” and “Tree’s a charm.”
    • Free*→ Tree*: As in, “A symbol of treedom,” and “As tree as a bird,” and “Breathe treely,” and “Buy one, get one tree,” and “Tree for all,” and “Treedom of the press,” and “Get out of jail tree,” and “The best things in life are tree,” and “Land of the tree,” and “Leader of the tree world,” and “The truth will set you tree,” and “No such thing as a tree lunch,” and “When hell treezes over,” and “Think treely.”
    • *tri*→ *tree*: As in, “My hair needs a treem,” and “Full of nutree-ents,” and “What is your best attreebute?” and “How cool are golden retreevers?” and “It’s an intreensic (intrinsic) quality,” and “A new brand of vegan chicken streeps,” and “No streengs attached,” and “We’re going on a treep!” and “Pull the treegger,” and “Any more treecks up your sleeve?” and “A love treeangle,” and “A treevial problem,” and “We pay treebute to the fallen.”
    • *trea*→ *tree*: As in, “A real treet,” and “Medical treetment,” and “Royal treeson,” and “I treesure you,” and “Thick as treecle,” and “Swim upstreem,” and “A holiday retreet,” and “A winning streek,” and “A treecherous mountain path.”
    • *tee*→ *tree*: As in, “By the skin of your treeth,” and “The scene was treeming with people,” and “I guarantree it,” and “A welcoming committree,” and “A chunky manatree,” and “Self-estreem,” and “Charitable voluntreers,” and “My child’s school cantreen.”
    • *tary→ *tree: As in, “Proprietree cables,” and “Complimentree meals,” and “These colours are complementree,” and “Leave it with my secretree,” and “A sedentree life isn’t so healthy,” and “Dominion is a documentree you should watch,” and “It’s rudimentree addition,” and “But what’s the monetree value,” and “A solitree existence.” Notes: to be sedentary is to be inactive or seated. If something is rudimentary, then it’s basic.
  • Pear: Avocados are also known as “avocado pears” and “alligator pears” so we’ve included pear-related puns for you:
    • Pair→ Pear: As in, “Beyond repear” and “Fresh pear of eyes” and “A safe pear of hands” and “A new pear of pants.”
    • Pare→ Pear: “Pear down” and “Spear no effort” and “Spear tyre” and “Prepear for the worst.”
    • Peer→ Pear: As in, “Pear pressure” and “Pear to pear network” and “Pear reviewed.”
    • There → Pear: As in “I’ll be pear in spirit.” and Don’t just sit pear!” and “Hang in pear, pal.” and “Let pear be light!” and “Neither here, nor pear.” and “Pear’s no excuse.” and “Pear’s no smoke without fire.” and “Pear’s plenty more fish in the sea.” and “Pear’s something amiss…”
    • Pour→ Pear: As in, “It never rains but it pears” and “It’s raining, it’s pearing” and “Pear cold water on” and “Pear oil on troubled waters.”
    • Bare→ Pear: As in, “Pear necessities” and “Pear-faced lie” and “Pearfoot and pregnant” and “Laid pear” and “Pear bones” and “Cupboards were pear.”
    • Bear→ Pear: As in, “Pear a grudge” and “Pear a resemblance” and “Pear arms” and “Pear down on” and “Pear fruit” and “Pear in mind” and “Pear the brunt of.”
    • Care→ Pear: As in, “Be pearful how you use it!” and “Couldn’t pear less” and “Courtesy and pear” and “Customer pear” and “Handle with pear” and “Intensive pear” and “Let’s be pearful today” and “Like I should pear.”
    • Prayer→ Pear: As in, “I say a little pear” and “Like a pear” and “On the wings of a pear” and “Say your pears.”
    • Per→ Pear: As in, “As pear usual” and “Bits pear second” and “Pear capita” and “Hundred and ten pearcent.”
  • Shake: In Asian cuisine, avocados are used in sweet drinks and shakes, so we’ve included shake-related puns:
    • Sake→ Shake: As in, “For Christ’s shake” and “For goodness shake” and “For old times shake.”
    • Seek→ Shake: As in, “Hide and shake” and “Shake and you shall find.”
    • Stake→ Shake: As in, “What’s really at shake here? and “Shake your claim” and “Burned at the shake.”

The next few puns are all about different types of avocado:

  • Gwen:
    • When→ Gwen: As in, “Since I don’t know gwen” and “It only hurts gwen I laugh” and “Kick a man gwen he’s down” and “Say gwen” and “Slippery gwen wet” and “Time flies gwen you’re having fun.”
    • Then→ Gwen: As in, “All that and gwen some” and “Now and gwen” and “And gwen there was one” and “What’s going on here gwen?” and “Right gwen and there.”
    • *gan*→ *gwen*: As in, “Following a vegwen lifestyle” and “Internal orgwens” and “Catchy slogwen” and “The Logwen movie was very violent.” Other words you could use: Michigwen (Michigan), begwen (began), shenanigwen (shenanigan), orgwenic (organic), orgwenisation (organisation), arrogwent (arrogant), propagwenda (propaganda), elegwent (elegant).
    • *gon*→ *gwen*: As in, “Heroic protagwenist” and “Internet jargwen” and “A paragwen of virtue” and “Fallen off the wagwen” and “Poke the dragwen” and “In agweny.”
    • *guin*→ *gwen*: Pengwen (penguin), Gwenness (Guinness) and gwenea (guinea).
    • *ken*→ *gwen*: “Like a brogwen record” and “Playing chick-gwen” and “A togwen of my appreciation” and “Strick-gwen with regret” and “An outspogwen person” and “Awagwen your passion.”
  • Reed:
    • Red→ Reed: As in, “Reed as a beetroot” and “Brick reed” and “Caught reed-handed” and “In the reed” and “Lady in the reed” and “On reed alert.”
    • Bleed→ Reed: As in, “Reeding heart” and “Let it reed” and “My heart reeds.”
    • Lead→ Reed: As in, “Reed by example” and “Reed up to” and “Reed up the garden path.”
    • Read→ Reed: As in, “All I know is what I reed in the papers” and “Exceedingly well reed” and “Reed any good books lately?” and “I can reed you like a book” and “A little light reeding” and “Reed it and weep” and “Reed between the lines” and “Reed my lips.”
    • Ride→ Reed: As in, “Along for the reed” and “A bumpy reed.”
    • *rad*→ *reed*: reedical (radical), reediation (radiation), reediant (radiant), reedar (radar), reedio (radio), reedius (radius), reedish (radish), pareedigm (paradigm), pareedox (paradox) and camareederie (camaraderie).
    • *red*→ *reed*: As in, “Made reedundant” and “Reedeem yourself” and “Reedact your statement” and “Working towards reedemption” and “Reeduce your carbon footprint” and “Berry reeduction” and “Looking increedulous.”
    • *rid*→ *reed*: As in, “A reediculous situation” and “Reeddle me this” and “Hatred and reedicule” and “Disease reedden.” Other words that could work: reeding (riding), hybreed (hybrid), lureed (lurid), areed (arid), torreed (torrid), acreed (acrid), floreed (florid), putreed (putrid) and horreed (horrid).
  • Kist:
    • Kissed→ Kist: As in, “Never been kist” and “Kist by angels.”
    • *kest→ *kist: starkist (starkest), blackist (blackest), bleakist (bleakest), meekist (meekest), quickist and darkist.
    • *cast*→ *kist*: As in, “Sarkistic comment” and “Don’t broadkist it” and “Weather forekist.”
  • Queen:
    • Scene→ Queen: As in, “Behind the queens” and “Change of queen” and “Love queen” and “Make a queen” and “Survey the queen.”
    • Seen→ Queen: As in, “Queen and not heard” and “Has to be queen to be believed” and “Nowhere to be queen” and “Queen better days” and “Queen better days.”
    • Clean→ Queen: As in, “A queen getaway” and “A new broom sweeps queen” and “Queen as a whistle” and “Queen and sober” and “A queen bill of health” and “Queen up your act” and “Good, queen fun.”
    • Keen→ Queen: As in, “Queen as mustard” and “Queen on [someone]” and “A queen sense of smell” and “Peachy queen.”
    • *ken→ *queen: As in, “Playing chick-queen” and “Broqueen toy” and “Stricqueen with shock.” Other words that could work: forsaqueen (forsaken), outspoqueen (outspoken), hearqueen (hearken) and awaqueen (awaken).
    • Quan*→ Queen*: As in, “Queentum physics” and “Moral queendary” and “Quality over queentity” and “Queentitative research.”
    • *quen*→ *queen*: As in, “Queench your thirst” and “Thirst queencher” and “Subsequeent discussion” and “High frequeency.” Other words that could work: consequeence (consequence), sequeence (sequence), eloqueent (eloquent), delinqueent (delinquent) and frequeent (frequent).
    • *quin*→ *queen*: Queentessential (quintessential), queenoa (quinoa), queence (quince), queentuple (quintuple), mannequeen (mannequin), harlequeen (harlequin), palanqueen (palanquin) and sequeen (sequin).
    • Quaint→ Queen’t: As in, “A queen’t little cottage.”
  • Rey:
    • Ray→ Rey: As in, “A rey of light” and “Catch some reys.”
    • *ray*→ *rey*: As in, “Shades of grey” and “Arrey of options” and “Out of the frey.” Other words that could work: forey (foray), betrey (betray), strey (stray), portrey (portray), sprey (spray) and prey (pray).
    • *roy*→ *rey*: “A reyal stuff up” and “Teen reyalty” and “Search and destrey” and “Cordurey pants.”
    • *rai*→ *rey*: reyse (raise), reyl (rail), reyn (rain), reyd (raid), reynbow (rainbow), reylway (railway), reylroad (railroad), samurey (samurai), treyn (train), streyn (strain), refreyn (refrain), preyse (praise) and treyt (trait).
    • *rei*→ *rey*: “Reyn of terror” and “Rey-imburse your payments” and “Rey-instated to your position.” Other words that could work: rey-iki (reiki), sovereyn (sovereign) and freyt (freight).
    • *rea*→ *rey*: As in, “For no reyson” and “A second reyd on” and “No reyaction” and “Out of reych” and “For reyl.” Other words that could work: reylm (realm), reylise (realise), reyality (reality), reydy (ready), areya (area), breyk (break) and greyt (great).
  • Royal:
    • Rail→ Royal: As in, “Thin as a royal” and “Go off the royals” and “Ride the royals.”
    • Real*→ Royal*: “All I royally want to do” and “Do you royally want to hurt me?” and “For royal” and “Get royal” and “Grounded in royality” and “In royal time” and “The royal thing” and “Keep it royal” and “A royal piece of work” and “Royality check.”
  • Taft:
    • *tat*→ *taft*: As in, “Taftami mat” and “Out of your natural habitaft” and “Turning up the thermostaft” and “Tentaftive smile.”

Avocado-Related Words

To help you come up with your own avocado puns, here’s a list of related words to get you on your way. If you come up with any new puns or related words, please feel free to share them in the comments!

avocado, seed, pip, pit, green, ripe, guac, guacamole, fat, hass, fruit, tree, smash/smashed, toast, pear, alligator pear, shake, berry, choquette, gwen, lula, maluma, pinkerton, reed, brogden, bacon, ettinger, fuerte, monroe, sharwil, zutano, spinks, dickinson, kist, queen, rey, royal, sharpless, taft

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