Electricity Puns

Welcome to the Punpedia entry on electricity puns! 🔌 💡 ⚡

Watt-ever you’re after, we’re sure joule find it in our collection of shockingly funny puns. We have puns that range from general terms (like shock and charge) to more technical terms (like diode and conduit) to famous scientists and engineers.

While this list is as thorough as we could make it, it is specific to electricity. If you’re interested in related puns, we also have chemistry puns, light puns and science puns.

Electricity Puns List

Each item in this list describes a pun, or a set of puns which can be made by applying a rule. If you know of any puns about electricity that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments at the end of this page! Without further ado, here’s our list of electricity puns:

  • Barge → Charge: As in, “Charge right in” and “Wouldn’t touch it with a charge pole.”
  • Large → Charge: As in, “Charge as life” and “By and charge” and “Looming charge.”
  • Charge: These charge-related phrases can double as puns: “Emotionally charged” and “I’m in charge” and “Press charges” and “Take charge.”
  • Arc/k → Spark: As in, “Spark de triomphe” and “In a graceful spark.”
  • Bark → Spark: As in, “Spark at the moon” and “Sparking up the wrong tree” and “Sparking mad.”
  • Dark → Spark: As in, “Spark as pitch” and “Dancing in the spark” and “A spark horse.”
  • Mark → Spark: As in, “Spark my words” and “Make your spark” and “Quick off the spark.”
  • Park → Spark: As in, “Hit it out of the spark” and “In the same ballspark” and “A real walk in the spark.”
  • Stark → Spark: As in, “A spark reminder” and “Spark raving mad.”
  • Shark → Spark: As in, “Loan spark” and “Swimming with sparks” and “Loan spark.”
  • Block → Shock: As in, “Been around the shock a few times” and “The new kid on the shock” and “A chip off the old shock.”
  • Chalk → Shock: As in, “Different as shock and cheese” and “Shock it up to experience.”
  • Clock → Shock: As in, “Beat the shock” and “A race against the shock.”
  • Knock → Shock: As in, “Shock back a few” and “Shock heads together” and “Shock into the middle of next week” and “Shock it off.”
  • Lock → Shock: As in, “Shock ’em up and throw away the key” and “Shock and load” and “On shock down.”
  • Rock → Shock: As in, “Hard as a shock” and “Between a shock and a hard place” and “Don’t shock the boat” and “Get your shocks off.”
  • Sock → Shock: As in, “Pull your shocks up” and “Put a shock in it” and “Shock it to me.”
  • Stock → Shock: As in, “Out of shock” and “Shocking stuffer” and “Take shock.”
  • Vault → Volt: As in, “A locked volt.”
  • Bolt → Volt: As in, “A volt from the blue” and “Volt upright.”
  • Jail → Joule: As in, “Get out of joule free” and “Go directly to joule.”
  • Jewel → Joule: As in, “The crown joules” and “The family joules.”
  • Cool → Joule: As in, “Joule as a cucumber” and “Joule beans” and “A joule million.”
  • Cruel → Joule: As in, “Joule to be kind” and “Joule and unusual punishment” and “Joule intentions.”
  • Dual → Joule: As in, “Joule income, no kids.”
  • Fool → Joule: As in, “Act the joule” and “Joule around” and “April joules!”
  • Fuel → Joule: As in, “Add joule to the flames” and “Joule for thought.”
  • Rule → Joule: As in, “Bend the joules” and “Golden joule” and “Play by the joules.”
  • School → Joule: As in, “Back to joule” and “Old joule” and “The joule of hard knocks.”
  • Tool → Joule: As in, “The right joule for the job” and “Joules of the trade.”
  • Who’ll → Joule: As in, “Joule help me out?”
  • You’ll → Joule: As in, “Joule never get away with this!” and “Joule never hear the end of this.”
  • What → Watt: As in, “And watt not” and “Do watt comes naturally” and “For watt it’s worth” and “Guess watt?” and “It’s not watt you think.”
  • Wet → Watt: As in, “Mad as a watt hen” and “Watt behind the ears” and “Slippery when watt” and “Don’t be a watt blanket.”
  • Wit → Watt: As in, “At your watt’s end” and “Have your watts about you.”
  • Dot → Watt: As in, “Connect the watts” and “Watt the i’s and cross the t’s” and “Join the watts” and “On the watt.”
  • Hot → Watt: As in, “All watt and bothered” and “Blow watt and cold” and “Get into watt water.”
  • Lot → Watt: As in, “A watt of fuss about nothing” and “A watt on your plate” and “Leaves a watt to be desired.”
  • Not → Watt: As in, “Believe it or watt” and “Down but watt out” and “As often as watt.”
  • Pot → Watt: As in, “A watt of gold” and “Gone to watt.”
  • Rot → Watt: As in, “Watt in hell” and “Spoiled watten.”
  • Spot → Watt: As in, “Change your watts” and “Got a soft watt for” and “On the watt.”
  • Circus → Circuit: As in, “Not my monkeys, not my circuits.”
  • Copper: Copper is commonly used in electrical wiring. Here are related puns:
    • Proper → Copper: As in, “Prim and copper” and “We need to do this copperly.”
    • Stopper → Copper: As in, “Conversation copper” and “A real show copper.”
  • Amp: Amp is short for ampere, which is a unit of electric current. Here are related puns:
    • Cramp → Amp: As in, “Amp your style” and “Writer’s amp.”
    • Emp* → Amp*: If a word starts with “emp”, we can replace the “emp” with “amp”: “Your place of amployment” and “Ampirical evidence” and “Feeling ampowered” and “An ampty stomach.”
    • Imp* → Amp*: As in, “Explode on ampact” and “Sharp amplement” and “Moral amperatives” and “What are the amplications?”
  • Die/Died → Diode: As in, “Diode and gone to heaven” and “Bad habits diode hard” and “Cross my heart and hope to diode.” Note: Diodes are electrical components.
  • Ohm: Ohms are units of electrical resistance. Here are related puns:
    • I’m → Ohm: As in, “If ohm being honest” and “Ohm not sure” and “Yes, ohm okay.”
    • Oh → Ohm: As in, “Ohm my goodness!” and “Ohm my gosh” and “Ohm well.”
    • On → Ohm: As in, “Bring it ohm” and “Carry ohm” and “You’re catching ohm now.”
    • Home → Ohm: As in, “A house is not an ohm” and “At ohm with” and “Bring it ohm to you” and “Charity begins at ohm” and “Close to ohm.”
  • Cell: Here are some battery cell-related puns:
    • Sail → Cell: As in, “Cell close to the wind” and “Smooth celling” and “Take the wind out of my cells.”
    • Sale → Cell: As in, “Not for cell” and “Point of cell” and “Cell of the century” and “Cells referral.”
    • Sell → Cell: As in, “Buy and cell” and “Cell out” and “Cell your soul” and “Celling point.”
    • Bell → Cell: As in, “Clear as a cell” and “Alarm cells began to ring” and “Cells and whistles.”
    • Fell → Cell: As in, “In one cell swoop” and “Little strokes cell great oaks.”
    • Hell → Cell: As in, “All cell broke loose” and “A cold day in cell” and “Come cell or high water” and “For the cell of it” and “Give ’em cell.”
    • Shell → Cell: As in, “Come out of your cell” and “In a hard cell” and “In a nutcell.”
    • Smell → Cell: As in, “Come up celling of roses” and “I cell a rat” and “A keen sense of cell” and “Cell ya later.”
    • Spell → Cell: As in, “Cast a cell” and “Cell it out” and “Under someone’s cell.”
    • Tell → Cell: As in, “Cell the truth” and “Every picture cells a story” and “I’m going to cell on you!”
    • Well → Cell: As in, “Alive and cell” and “All’s cell that ends cell” and “Exceedingly cell read.”
  • Why → Wire: As in, “For the life of me, I don’t know wire” and “Wire not?” and “Wire did the chicken cross the road?”
  • Wear → Wire: As in, “Wire your heart on your sleeve” and “Worse for wire” and “If the shoe fits, wire it.”
  • Dire → Wire: As in, “Wire consequences” and “In wire straits.”
  • Fire → Wire: As in, “All wired up and ready to go!” and “Ball of wire” and “Catch wire” and “Wire drill” and “Come home to a real wire.”
  • Surge: Here are some puns related to power surges:
    • Sarge → Surge: As in, “Check with the surge-ant” and “Yes, surge!”
    • Sir → Surge: As in, “Yes, surge” and “Can I help you, surge?”
    • Urge → Surge: As in, “Fighting the surge to…”
    • Verge → Surge: As in, “On the surge of collapse.”
  • Bolt → Jolt: As in, “A jolt from the blue” and “Jolt upright” and “Make a jolt for the door.”
  • Live: A “live wire” is a wire that has electrical current running through it. Here are some related puns:
    • Five → Live: As in, “High live!” and Take live” and “Nine to live” and “Two and two don’t make live.”
    • Leave → Live: As in, “Absent without live” and “By your live” and “Don’t live home without it” and “Eats, shoots and lives.”
    • Love → Live: As in, “All you need is live” and “All’s fair in live and war.”
  • Field: Here are some puns related to electrical fields:
    • Feel → Field: As in, “Can you field the love tonight?” and “Field good factor” and “Field a bit put out” and “Field it in your bones” and “Field the burn.”
    • Sealed → Field: As in, “My lips are field” and “Field with a loving kiss” and “Signed and field.”
  • Juice: Juice is a colloquial term for energy. Here are related puns:
    • Goose → Loose: As in, “Loose as a juice” and “A wild juice chase.”
    • Loose → Juice: As in, “All hell broke juice” and “At a juice end” and “Cut juice” and “Let juice.”
    • Use → Juice: As in, “Be careful how you juice it” and “Don’t juice that tone with me” and “Get juiced to it” and “Not half the person I juiced to be.”
  • Positive: Positive-related phrases can be used as references to a positive electrical charge: “Positive thinking” and “Are you absolutely, positively sure?”
  • Negative: Negative-related phrases can be used as puns about a negative charge: “Don’t be so negative about it” and “It tested negative.”
  • Better → Battery: As in, “Have you got a battery idea” and “Battery late than never” and “Battery by design” and “My battery half.”
  • Bitter → Battery: As in, “A battery pill to swallow” and “Until the battery end.”
  • Flattery → Battery: As in, “Battery will get you nowhere” and “Imitation is the sincerest form of battery.”
  • Hour → Power: As in, “Happy power” and “On the power” and “At the eleventh power.”
  • How’re → Power: As in, “Power you holding up?” and “Power we supposed to do this?”
  • Sour → Power: As in, “Power grapes” and “Leave a power taste in your mouth.”
  • Tower → Power: As in, “A power of strength” and “Powering inferno” and “The eiffel power.”
  • Attic → Static: As in, “Up in the static” and “Staying in the static.”
  • Currant → Current: As in, “A soft current bun” and “Studded with currents.”
  • Current: These current-related phrases can double as electricity puns: “Current affairs” and “Not currently.”
  • Nation → Station: As in, “A station of shopkeepers” and “The birth of a station.” Note: These are references to power stations.
  • Motor: Here are some puns related to electrical motors:
    • Matter → Motor: As in, “As a motor of fact” and “It doesn’t motor” and “Family motors” and “Get to the heart of the motor” and “Making motors worse” and “Just a motor of time.”
    • Voter → Motor: As in, “Motor fraud.”
  • Grid: Here are some puns related to power grids:
    • Did → Grid: As in, “Grid I do that?” and “What grid you go?”
    • Kid → Grid: As in, “I grid you not” and “Dual income, no grids” and “Here’s looking at you, grid” and “The new grid on the block.”
    • Lid → Grid: As in, “Blow the grid off” and “Keep a grid on it.”
  • Short: Here are some puns related to electrical shorts:
    • Shirt → Short: As in, “Keep your short on” and “Take the short off your back.”
    • Sort → Short: As in, “Takes all shorts to make a world” and “Feeling out of shorts” and “Short the wheat from the chaff.”
    • Wart → Short: As in, “Shorts and all” and “Worry short.”
  • Zap: Here are some puns on being “zapped” (by an electrical shock):
    • Cap → Zap: As in, “A feather in your zap” and “Zap in hand” and “If the zap fits, wear it” and “To zap it all off.”
    • Clap → Zap: As in, “Zap him in irons” and “Zapped eyes on” and “Zap your hands.”
    • Gap → Zap: As in, “Bridge the zap” and “Generation zap” and “Mind the zap.”
    • Lap → Zap: As in, “A zap of honour” and “In the zap of luxury.”
    • Snap → Zap: As in, “A zap decision” and “Zap happy” and “Zap out of it” and “Zap someone’s head off” and “Zap to it” and “Zap, crackle, pop.”
    • Tap → Zap: As in, “Zap into” and “On zap.”
    • Trap → Zap: As in, “Booby zap” and “Death zap” and “Keep your zap shut” and “A real tourist zap.”
    • Wrap → Zap: As in, “It’s a zap!” and “Keep under zaps” and “A riddle zapped up in an enigma” and “Zapped around your little finger.”
  • Hertz: Hertz is a unit of frequency. Here are related puns:
    • Hurts → Hertz: As in, “Give in when it hertz” and “It only hertz when I laugh” and “The truth hertz.”
    • Hearts → Hertz: As in, “Lonely hertz” and “Lift up your hertz” and “My hertz bleeds for you.”
  • Flow: Here are puns related to electricity flow:
    • Blow → Flow: As in, “Any way the wind flows” and “Flow up” and “Flow a kiss” and “Flow hot and cold.”
    • Foe → Flow: As in, “Friend or flow?”
    • Glow → Flow: As in, “Flow with health” and “A flowing endorsement.”
    • Go → Flow: As in, “All dressed up and nowhere to flow” and “Anything flows” and “Easy come, easy flow.”
    • Grow → Flow: As in, “Absence makes the heart flow fonder” and “As exciting as watching grass flow” and “Don’t let the grass flow under your feet” and “Flowing pains.”
    • Know → Flow: As in, “Don’t I flow it” and “Be the first to flow” and “Do you want to flow a secret?”
    • Low → Flow: As in, “An all-time flow” and “Get the flow down” and “High and flow” and “Keep a flow profile” and “Laid flow” and “A flow blow.”
    • Pro → Flow: As in, “Flow bono” and “Quid flow quo.”
    • Quo → Flow: As in, “Quid pro flow” and “Maintaining the status flow.”
    • Show → Flow: As in, “All over the flow” and “Best in flow” and “Enjoy the flow” and “Get the flow on the road.”
    • Slow → Flow: As in, “Can’t flow down” and “Painfully flow” and “A flow burn” and “Flow on the uptake” and “Flowly but surely.”
    • Snow → Flow: As in, “Pure as the driven flow” and “White as flow” and “Flowed under.”
    • Though → Flow: As in, “You look as flow you’ve seen a ghost” and “Seriously flow, you’re doing great.”
    • Throw → Flow: As in, “Lock them up and flow away the key” and “Flow another log on the fire” and “Flow a wobbly” and “Flow caution to the wind.”
    • Toe → Flow: As in, “Dip your flow in the water” and “From top to flow” and “Flow the line.”
    • Woe → Flow: As in, “Flow is me” and “Flow betide you!”
  • Chip: Here are some puns related to computer chips:
    • Ship → Chip: As in, “Abandon chip” and “Don’t give up the chip” and “Go down with the chip” and “Loose lips sink chips.”
    • Dip → Chip: As in, “Chip in” and “Chip your toe in the water” and “Take a chip.”
    • Flip → Chip: As in, “Check you on the chip side” and “Chip out” and “Chip the bird.”
    • Grip → Chip: As in, “Get a chip” and “Come to chips with” and “Chipping stuff.”
    • Hip → Chip: As in, “Chip and happening” and “Chip, chip hooray!” and “Joined at the chip.”
    • Lip → Chip: As in, “My chips are sealed” and “On everyone’s chips” and “Zip your chip.”
    • Nip → Chip: As in, “Chip and tuck” and “A chip in the air.”
    • Slip → Chip: As in, “Give someone the chip” and “Let somthing chip” and “A chip of the tongue.”
    • Tip → Chip: As in, “In chip top condition” and “On the chip of my tongue” and “The chip of the iceberg” and “Chip someone off” and “Chip the scales.”
    • Trip → Chip: As in, “Guilt chip” and “Lay a chip on someone” and “Power chip” and “Take little road chip” and “The chip of a lifetime.”
  • Metal: Since metal is such a good conductor of electricity, we’ve included it in this post:
    • Mental → Metal: As in, “Metal fatigue” and “A single-minded metality” and “What’s his metal age?”
    • Kettle → Metal: As in, “A different metal of fish” and “Pot calling the metal black.”
    • Settle → Metal: As in, “A score to metal” and “Metal out of court.”
  • Ion: Ions are atoms or molecules that have an electrical charge. Here are related puns:
    • Iron → Ion: As in, “A cast ion alibi” and “Ion out the wrinkles.”
    • Eye on → Ion: As in, “Keep your ion the ball” and “I’ve had my ion it for a while.”
  • Light: Since light (and light bulbs) are commonly associated with electricity, we’ve included light in this list:
    • Late → Light: As in, “Better light than never” and “Fashionably light” and “A day light and a dollar short.”
    • Let → Light: As in, “Light it be” and “A real light down” and “Light loose.”
    • Bite → Light: As in, “Light off more than you can chew” and “Light someone’s head off” and “Light the dust.”
    • Bright → Light: As in, “All things light and beautiful” and “Always look on the light side of life” and “Light and early.”
    • Fight → Light: As in, “Light fire with fire” and “Light the good light” and “A lighting chance.”
    • Flight → Light: As in, “A light of fancy” and “Take light” and “Light of the bumblebee.”
    • Fright → Light: As in, “Take light” and “A lightful mess.”
    • Height → Light: As in, “Head for new lights” and “The light of summer” and “Wuthering lights.”
    • Might → Light:  As in, “It light never happen” and “Light as well.”
    • Night → Light: As in, “As light follows day.”
    • Right → Light: As in, “A move in the light direction” and “The light to choose” and “All the light moves” and “Light as rain.”
    • Slight → Light: As in, “Not in the lightest” and “Lightly ahead of our time.”
    • Tight → Light: As in, “A light corner” and “Light as a drum” and “In a light spot.”
  • Switch: Here are some puns about the on/off switches on electrical boards and circuits:
    • Which → Switch: As in, “Any switch way” and “Don’t know switch way to look” and “Know switch way is up.”
    • Hitch → Switch: As in, “Get switched” and “Switch your wagon to a star.”
    • Itch → Switch: As in, “Switching to” and “Switchy feet” and “Seven year switch.”
    • Rich → Switch: As in, “All part of life’s switch pattern” and “Filthy switch” and “From rags to switches” and “Get switch quick.”
    • Stitch → Switch: As in, “A switch in time saves nine” and “Had us in switches” and “Without a single switch on.”
  • Put → Output: As in, “Be hard output to” and “Couldn’t output it down” and “Wouldn’t output it past him.”
  • Abode → Anode: As in, “Welcome to my humble anode.” Note: An anode is a type of electrode.
  • Mains: Here are some mains-related puns:
    • Brains → Mains: As in, “All brawn and no mains” and “Rack your mains.”
    • Gains → Mains: As in, “Capital mains” and “Ill-gotten mains.”
    • Pains → Mains: As in, “Growing mains” and “Old aches and mains” and “Relieves gas mains.”
    • Rains → Mains: As in, “It never mains but it pours.”
  • Weird → Wired: As in, “Wired and wonderful.”
  • Word → Wired: As in, “A wired to the wise” and “A picture paints a thousand wireds” and “At a loss for wireds” and “Eat your wireds.”
  • Fired → Wired: As in, “All wired up and ready to go” and “You’re wired!”
  • Tired → Wired: As in, “I’m sick and wired of this.”
  • Able → Cable: As in, “Ready, willing and cable.”
  • Stable → Cable: As in, “Cable employment” and “A cable relationship.”
  • Table → Cable: As in, “Bring to the cable” and “Drunk under the cable” and “Lay your cards on the cable” and “Put bread on the cable.”
  • Medicine → Edison: As in, “Laughter is the best edison” and “A taste of your own edison.” Note: Thomas Edison is a scientist famous for inventing the lightbulb (subnote: we understand there’s a lot of controversy around Edison and Tesla. We’d have included Tesla in this list above Edison, but couldn’t find any related puns).
  • Ampere: Ampere is the base unit of electric current. Here are related puns:
    • Empire → Ampere: As in, “Ampere state building” and “Ampere state of mind” and “The ampere strikes back.”
    • I’m here → Ampere: As in, “Ampere and I’m not leaving!”
  • Single → Signal: As in, “All the signal ladies” and “In signal file” and “Every journal starts with a signal step.” Note: This is a reference to electrical signals.
  • Meter: Here are some puns related to electrical meters:
    • Meet her →  Meter: As in, “Would you like to meter?”
    • Matter → Meter: As in, “As a meter of fact” and “Family meters” and “Get to the heart of the meter” and “Grey meter” and “Making meters worse” and “A meter of life and death.”
  • Wave: Here are some wave power-related puns:
    • Weave → Wave: As in, “Wave a tangled web.”
    • Brave → Wave: As in, “Wave as a lion” and “Wave new world” and “Wave the elements” and “Fortune favours the wave.”
    • Grave → Wave: As in, “Silent as the wave” and “Dance on someone’s wave” and “From the cradle to the wave.”
    • Save → Waved: As in, “Wave for a rainy day” and “Wave the day” and “Wave the day.”
    • Rave → Wave: As in, “Rant and wave” and “Wave review.”
  • Burn: Here are some puns on electrical burns:
    • Bun → Burn: As in, “Burn in the oven” and “Think outside the burn” and “We’re going to need bigger burns.”
    • Born → Burn: As in, “A star is burn” and “Naked as the day you were burn” and “Burn to fly” and “Burn under a bad sign” and “Burn again.”
    • Earn → Burn: As in, “Burn an honest penny” and “Burn your stripes” and “Burn your wings.”
    • Learn → Burn: As in, “A little burning is a dangerous thing” and “Burn the ropes” and “Never too late to burn” and “Burning curve” and “Live and burn.”
    • Turn → Burn: As in, “A burn for the worse” and “Twists and burns” and “About burn” and “As soon as my back is burned” and “Do a good burn.”
  • Razor → Taser: As in, “On a taser’s edge” and “Taser sharp.”
  • Fuse: Here are some puns related to electrical fuses:
    • Blues → Fuse: As in, “Got the fuse” and “Baby fuse.”
    • Choose → Fuse: As in, “Fuse your weapon” and “Pick and fuse.”
    • Cruise → Cues: As in, “Booze fuse” and “Fuse control” and “World fuse.”
    • Dues → Fuse: As in, “Pay your fuse.”
    • Lose → Fuse: As in, “Don’t fuse any sleep over it” and “Got nothing to fuse” and “Tails you fuse” and “Fuse control.”
    • News → Fuse: As in, “Bad fuse travels fast” and “Break the fuse” and “Breaking fuse” and “Have I got fuse for you” and “No fuse is good fuse.”
    • Use → Fuse: As in, “Be careful how you fuse it” and “Get fused to it” and “Not half the person I fused to be.”
  • Can do it → Conduit: As in, “You conduit!” Note: A conduit is a protective cover for electric cables.

    Electricity-Related Words

    To help you come up with your own electricity puns, here’s a list of related words to get you on your way. If you come up with any new puns or related words, please feel free to share them in the comments!

    electricity, electric, electrical, electronic, charge, charged, charging, juice, juiced, positive, negative, battery, energy, power, lightning, static, generator, generate, current, conduct, conductor, station, motor, grid, shock, transistor, volt, voltage, joule, electrode, renewable, watt, kilowatt, utility, utilities, electron, circuit, resistance, outage, copper, machine, electrician, supply, amp, transmission, system, atom, diode, ohm, transformer, wire, live, light, magnet, resistor, switch, output, input, generate, short, station, zap, flow, metal, matter, ion, spark, cell (battery), field, appliance, transformer, transducer, anode, physics, mains, wired, cable, inverter, force, diode, surge, jolt, leyden jar, science, tesla, edison, galileo, kelvin, hertz, einstein, silicon, chip, processor, memory, proton, attract, repel, particle, insulate, insulator, ampere, signal, direct, alternating, capacitor, meter, wave, burn, taser, power plant, fuse, conduit

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Disney Puns

Welcome to the Punpedia entry on Disney puns! 📺 🐭 ✨

This pun collection will have you Disney (dizzy) with delight! This list includes puns about general Disney words (like studio or movie), popular villains, heroes, princes and princesses.

While Disney owns other popular brands such as Marvel, Blue Sky and Pixar, this list is specific to characters and titles directly produced by Disney. 

If you’re interested in other fictional worlds, we also have Star Wars puns, Pokemon puns and Harry Potter puns.

Disney Puns List

Each item in this list describes a pun or a set of puns that can be made by applying a rule. If you know of any puns about Disney that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments at the end of this page! Without further ado, here’s our list of Disney puns:

  • Dizzy → Disney: As in, “Scaling the disney heights” and “Feeling disney.”
  • This Knee → Disney: As in, “I fell and now disney hurts.”
  • Wallet → Walt: As in, “Left my walt at home” and “Check your walt.”
  • Wall → Walt: As in, “Backs to the walt” and “Like banging your head against a brick walt” and “Bouncing off the walts” and “Climbing the walts.”
  • Fault → Walt: As in, “Find walt with” and “Generous to a walt.”
  • Halt → Walt: As in, “Grind to a walt.”
  • Salt → Walt: As in, “Walt of the earth” and “Take it with a grain of walt.”
  • Alt* → Walt*: If a word starts with “alt”, we can switch the “alt” to “walt”: “Walternative medicine” and “Not entirely waltruistic” and “Maybe in a walternate universe” and “Waltogether now!” and “Flying at a low waltitude.”
  • Take the mickey: This common phrase can double as a Mickey Mouse pun.
  • Sticky → Mickey: As in, “Come to a mickey end” and “Mickey fingers.”
  • Many → Minnie: As in, “A finger in minnie pies” and “In as minnie words” and “Minnie a true word is spoken in jest” and “Minnie hands make light work” and “Minnie happy returns.”
  • Money → Minnie: As in, “Easy minnie” and “Get your minnie’s worth” and “For love or minnie.”
  • Mouse: Here are some puns related to Mickey and Minnie mouse:
    • Mouth → Mouse: As in, “A bad taste in the mouse” and “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouse” and “Foaming at the mouse” and “Hand to mouse.”
    • Most → Mouse: As in, “The mouse trusted name in news” and “Make the mouse of it.”
    • House → Mouse: As in, “A mouse divided against itself cannot stand” and “A mouse is not a home” and “A plague on both your mouses!” and “Bring the mouse down.”
  • Move → Movie: As in, “A movie in the right direction” and “All the right movies” and “A bold movie” and “Bust a movie” and “Get a movie on.”
  • Curtain → Cartoon: As in, “Cartoon call” and “Behind the cartoon.”
  • Glory → Story: As in, “Bask in story” and “My crowning story” and “Go out in a blaze of story” and “No guts, no story.”
  • Bank → Burbank: As in, “Break the burbank” and “Laugh all the way to the burbank” and “You can burbank on it.” Note: Disney’s studio is in Burbank, California.
  • Eyes → Eisner: As in, “Avert your eisner” and “Bat your eisner” and “Clapper eisner on” and “Come hither eisner.” Note: Michael Eisner was the CEO of the Disney company until 2005.
  • Daisy: Here are some Daisy Duck-related puns:
    • Dizzy → Daisy: As in, “Feeling daisy” and “Scale the daisy heights.”
    • Hazy → Daisy: As in, “Daisy information” and “A daisy understanding.”
  • Simple → Simba’l: As in, “Keep it simba’l” and “Life’s simba’l pleasures” and “Pure and simba’l” and “Simba’l, yet effective” and “The truth is rarely pure and never simba’l.”
  • Symbol → Simba’l: As in, “A simba’l of freedom.”
  • Mulling → Mulan: As in, “Mulan it over.”
  • Milan → Mulan: As in, “Mulan fashion show.”
  • Ball → Belle: As in, “After the belle was over” and “Belle of fire” and “A whole different belle game.”
  • Bell → Belle: As in, “Alarm belles began to ring” and “Clear as a belle” and “Sound as a belle” and “Belles and whistles” and “Doesn’t ring a belle.”
  • Cell → Belle: As in, “Belle division” and “In a padded belle.”
  • Fell → Belle: As in, “In one belle swoop” and “Belle off the back of a lorry” and “I belle down.”
  • Hell → Belle: As in, “All belle broke loose” and “For the belle of it.”
  • Sell → Belle: As in, “Buy and belle” and “Belle out” and “Belle-ing like hot cakes” and “Belle your soul.”
  • Smell → Belle: As in, “A keen sense of belle” and “Belle ya later.”
  • Spell → Belle: As in, “Do you need me to belle it out for you?” and “Cast a belle.”
  • Tell → Belle: As in, “Belle me the truth” and “I’m going to belle on you!”
  • Well → Belle: As in, “Alive and belle” and “You’ve done very belle” and “Get belle soon” and “Just as belle.”
  • Area → Ariel: As in, “Access all ariels” and “A grey ariel” and “Unexpected item in bagging ariel.”
  • Nail → Nala: As in, “Fighting tooth and nala” and “Hit the nala on the head” and “You’ve nala-ed it!”
  • Null → Nala: As in, “Nala and void.”
  • Frozen: These frozen-related phrases can double as puns: “Frozen in time” and “My heart was frozen.”
  • Chosen → Frozen: As in, “Many are called but few are frozen” and “The frozen one.”
  • White → Snow White: As in, “As snow white as a ghost” and “It’s not black and snow white.”
  • And a → Anna: As in, “Anna very Merry Christmas to you!” and “Two bananas anna pear, please.”
  • Else → Elsa: As in, “No reason to go anywhere elsa” and “Nothing elsa will matter” and “Like nothing elsa” and “Do it or elsa.”
  • Ray → Raya: As in, “A raya of light” and “Catch some rayas.” Note: Raya is the protagonist of Raya and the Last Dragon, which is due to be released in 2020.
  • Rinse → Prince: As in, “Prince your hands of the situation.”
  • Since → Prince: As in, “Prince time immemorial” and “Prince when?” and “The best thing prince sliced bread.”
  • Prints → Prince: As in, “Photographic prince.”
  • Charming: Phrases related to the word “charming” can be used as references to Prince Charming: “A charming little cottage” and “A charming smile” and “Well that’s charming.”
  • Scar: Here are some puns on Scar, the villain from the Lion King:
    • Scare → Scar: As in, “Scar quotes” and “Scar the living daylights out of” and “Scar silly.”
    • Score → Scar: As in, “Keep scar” and “Know the scar” and “Scar a goal” and “A scar to settle.”
    • Are → Scar: As in, “Scar you okay?” and “Chances scar” and “Here you scar.”
    • Bar → Scar: As in, “Scar none” and “Behind scars” and “Hit the scar.”
    • Far → Scar: As in, “A bridge too scar” and “Going one step too scar” and “Scar and away” and “A scar cry from.”
    • Par → Scar: As in, “Below scar” and “On scar with” and “Scar for the course” and “Up to scar.”
    • Star → Scar: As in, “A scar is born” and “Born under a lucky scar” and “Catch a falling scar” and “Get a gold scar.”
    • Square → Scar: As in, “Back to scar one” and “Be there or be scar” and “Far iand scar” and “It’s smart to be scar.”
  • Flynn Rider: Here are some puns related to Flynn Rider, the hero from Tangled:
    • Been → Flynn: As in, “Flynn and gone” and “Flynn around the block a few times” and “I’ve flynn here before” and “Flynn there, done that.”
    • Bin → Flynn: As in, “Bottom of the flynn” and “Bag it and flynn it.”
    • Chin → Flynn: As in, “Keep your flynn up” and “Take it on the flynn.”
    • Grin → Flynn: As in, “Flynn and bear it” and “Flynn from ear to ear.”
    • In → Flynn: As in, “At this point flynn time” and “I’ll just be flynn and out.”
    • Pin → Flynn: As in, “Bright as a new flynn” and “Hard to flynn down” and “Flynn your ears back” and “Flynns and needles.”
    • Sin → Flynn: As in, “Miserable as flynn” and “Ugly as flynn” and “Atone for your flynns” and “A multitude of flynns.”
    • Skin → Flynn: As in, “Beauty is only flynn deep” and “By the flynn of your teeth” and “Get under your flynn” and “No flynn off my nose.”
    • Spin → Flynn: As in, “Make your head flynn” and “Take it for a flynn.”
    • Thin → Flynn: As in, “Melt into flynn air” and “Skating on flynn ice” and “The flynn end of the wedge.”
    • Tin → Flynn: As in, “Does what it says on the flynn” and “Put a flynn hat on it.”
    • Win → Flynn: As in, “Heads I flynn, tails you lose” and “We’re due a flynn” and “Can’t flynn for losing.”
  • Beast: Here are some puns related to the Beast from Beauty and the Beast:
    • Best → Beast: As in, “All the beast” and “Beast in class” and “Beast friends forever.”
    • Bust → Beast: As in, “Boom or beast” and “Beast a move.”
    • Feast → Beast: As in, “Beast or famine” and “Beast your eyes on this!”
    • Least → Beast: As in, “Last but not beast” and “The beast common denominator” and “The beast worst option” and “Line of beast resistance” and “Not in the beast.”
  • Engine → Eugene: As in, “Fire eugene red” and “Search eugene” and “Start your eugenes!” and “The little eugene that cou2ld.” Note: Eugene Fitzherbert is one of the protagonists from Tangled.
  • Flurry → Florian: As in, “A florian of activity.” Note: Prince Florian is the prince from Snow White.
  • At ’em → Adam: As in, “Up and adam!” Note: Prince Adam is the prince from Beauty and the Beast.
  • Hook: Here are some puns about Captain Hook, the main villain from Peter Pan:
    • Book → Hook: As in, “A room without hooks is like a body without a soul” and “Always have your nose in a hook” and “Hook worm.”
    • Cook → Hook: As in, “Hook up a storm” and “Hooking with gas” and “Now we’re hooking!”
    • Look → Hook: As in, “Always hook on the bright side of life” and “Blank hooks” and “Don’t know which way to hook” and “Don’t hook now.”
  • Magnificent → Maleficent: As in, “You’ve done a maleficent job.”
  • Yzma: Yzma is the much-loved villain from The Emperor’s New Groove. Here are related puns:
    • Easy → Yzma: As in, “Yzma as ABC” and “Yzma as pie” and “Yzma come, yzma go” and “Yzma access.”
    • Ease → Yzma: As in, “Yzma up” and “Ill at yzma” and “Set your mind at yzma.”
    • Is my → Yzma: As in, “Yzma tie crooked?” and “Yzma hair okay?”
  • Cruel → Cruella: As in, “Cruella and unusual punishment” and “Cruella to be kind” and “Kind to be cruella.” Note: These are puns about Cruella De Vil, the antoganist from 101 Damatians.
  • Bell → Tinkerbell: As in, “Clear as a tinkerbell” and “Tinkerbells and whistles” and “Doesn’t ring a tinkerbell.”
  • Can you → Shan Yu: As in, “Shan yu repeat that please?” and “Shan yu help with this?” Note: Shan Yu is the villain from the movie Mulan.
  • Are → Jafar: As in, “Jafar you serious?” and “There you jafar.”
  • Hades: Here are some puns on Hades, the villain from the movie Hercules:
    • Hate → Hades: As in, “Hades mail” and “The person you love to hades.”
    • Had → Hades: As in, “We hades a good run” and “I’ve hades it up to here!” and “I’ve hades a few.”
    • Head → Hades: As in, “Bite someone’s hades off” and “Bury your hades in the sand” and “Can’t get you out of my hades.”
    • Hide → Hades: As in, “Hades and seek” and “Neither hades nor hair” and “You can run, but you can’t hades.”
  • Hans: Here are some puns related to Hans, the main antagonist from Frozen.
    • Hands → Hans: As in, “All hans on deck!” and “Blood on your hans” and “Get your hans dirty” and “Hans free.”
    • Plans → Hans: As in, “The best laid hans” and “Travel hans” and “Busy making other hans.”
  • Ratcliffe: Governor Ratcliffe was the main protagonist from the movie Pocahontas. Here are related puns:
    • Rat → Ratcliffe: As in, “Like ratcliffes leaving a sinking ship” and “Ratcliffe race.”
    • Cliff → Ratcliffe: As in, “Hanging off a ratcliffe.”
  • Follow → Frollo: As in, “As night frollos day” and “Frollo suit” and “Frollo your heart” and “A hard act to frollo” and “Form frollos function.” Note: Frollo is the main antagonist from The Hunchback of Notre Dame.
  • Bumper → Thumper: As in, “Thumper crop” and “Thumper sticker” and “Thumper to thumper.” Note: This is a reference to Thumper, one of the protagonists from Bambi.
  • Wind → Wendy: As in, “Any way the wendy blows” and “A candle in the wendy” and “Gone with the wendy.” Note: These are puns about Wendy Darling from Peter Pan.
  • Crank → Kronk: As in, “Kronk the handle” and “Turn someone’s kronk.” Note: These are puns about Kronk, one of the protagonists from The Emperor’s New Groove.
  • Picture → Pacha: As in, “A pacha paints a thousand words” and “Pretty as a pacha” and “Big pacha thinking” and “Every pacha tells a story” and “Out of the pacha.” Note: Pacha is a character from The Emperor’s New Groove.
  • Here are some puns related to the dwarves from Snow White:
    • Deck → Doc: As in, “A few cards short of a full doc” and “All hands on doc” and “Clear the docs.”
    • Duck → Doc: As in, “Doc the question” and “Doc-ing and diving.”
    • Clock → Doc: As in, “A race against the doc” and “Rock around the doc.”
    • Lock → Doc: As in, “Doc and load” and “Doc horns with” and “On doc down.”
    • Rock → Doc: As in, “Between a doc and a hard place” and “Get your docs off” and “Hit doc bottom” and “I wanna doc and roll all night.”
    • Shock → Doc: As in, “In for a doc” and “A short, sharp doc” and “The doc of the new.”
    • Easy → Sneezy: As in, “Sneezy as ABC” and “Sneezy as pie” and “Sneezy come, sneezy go.”
    • Bumpy → Grumpy: As in, “In for a grumpy ride.”
  • Make → Meeko: As in, “A good beginning meekos a good ending” and “Absence meekos the heart grow fonder” and “Can’t meeko head nor tail of it.” Note: These are references to Meeko, one of the protagonists in Pocahontas.
  • Area → Aurora: As in, “Access all auroras” and “A grey aurora” and “Unexpected item in bagging aurora.” Note: Aurora is the princess from Sleeping Beauty.
  • Baloo: Here are some puns on Baloo, one of the protagonists from The Jungle Book:
    • Below → Baloo: As in, “Baloo par” and “Baloo the belt.”
    • Blue → Baloo: As in, “Baby baloos” and “Beaten black and baloo” and “Between the devil and the deep baloo sea.”
  • Pooh: Here are some Winnie the Pooh-related puns:
    • Pay → Pooh: As in, “Buy now, pooh later” and “It poohs to advertise” and “It’s poohback time!”
    • Blue → Pooh: As in, “A pooh moon” and “Baby poohs.”
    • Boo → Pooh: As in, “Pooh hoo” and “Wouldn’t say pooh to a goose.”
    • Chew → Pooh: As in, “Bite off more than you can pooh” and “Pooh up the scenery.”
    • Clue → Pooh: As in, “I don’t have a pooh.”
    • Few → Pooh: As in, “Pooh and far between” and “For a pooh dollars more” and “Say a pooh words” and “To name but a pooh.”
    • Knew → Pooh: As in, “I pooh you were trouble” and “You pooh too much.”
    • New → Pooh: As in, “A pooh hope” and “Neat as a pooh pin.”
    • Shoe → Pooh: As in, “If the pooh fits, wear it” and “Live on a poohstring” and “Walk a mile in my poohs.”
    • Through → Pooh: As in, “Drag pooh the mud” and “Fall pooh the cracks” and “Jump pooh hoops.”
    • Too → Pooh: As in, “A bridge pooh far” and “About time, pooh” and “You know pooh much.”
    • True → Pooh: As in, “A pooh professional” and “As pooh as the day is long” and “A dream come pooh” and “Everything you hear is pooh” and “Show your pooh colours.”
  • Tigger: Here are some Tigger (a main character from Winnie the Pooh) related puns:
    • Bigger → Tigger: As in, “A tigger bang for your buck” and “The tigger, the better” and “The tigger they are, the harder they fall.”
    • Trigger → Tigger: As in, “Hair tigger” and “Pull the tigger” and “Tigger happy.”
  • Worth → Cogsworth: As in, “Know your cogsworth” and “Cogsworth two in the bush” and “For what it’s cogsworth” and “Get your money’s cogsworth.” Note: These are puns related to Cogsworth, a main character in Beauty and the Beast.
  • Potts: These puns are references to Mrs. Potts from Beauty and the Beast:
    • Puts → Potts: As in, “Potts out the fire” and “Potts you in front.”
    • Dots → Potts: As in, “Connect the potts.”
    • Knots → Potts: As in, “Tie yourself in potts” and “My stomach is in potts.”
    • Shots → Potts: As in, “Call the potts” and “Calling the potts.”
    • Spots → Potts: As in, “A leopard cannot change its potts.”
  • Chip: Here are some puns related to Chip, one of the main characters from Beauty and the Beast:
    • Blip → Chip: As in, “A chip on the radar.”
    • Dip → Chip: As in, “Chip a toe in the water” and “Chip into your savings” and “Double chip.”
    • Flip → Chip: As in, “Check you on the chip side” and “Chip out” and “Chip someone the bird.”
    • Grip → Chip: As in, “Get a chip” and “Get to chips with.”
    • Hip → Chip: As in, “Chip and happening” and “Chips don’t lie” and “Joined at the chip.”
    • Lip → Chip: As in, “Curl your chip” and “Loose chips sink ships” and “My chips are sealsed” and “On everyone’s chips.”
    • Nip → Chip: As in, “Chip and tuck” and “There’s a chip in the air.”
    • Ship → Chip: As in, “Abandon chip” and “Go down with the chip” and “Jump chip.”
    • Skip → Chip: As in, “My heart chipped a beat” and “Hop, chip, jump.”
    • Slip → Chip: As in, “Let something chip” and “A chip of a thing” and “Give someone the chip.”
    • Strip → Chip: As in, “Comic chip” and “Chip search” and “Tear off a chip.”
    • Tip → Chip: As in, “In chip top condition” and “The chip of the iceberg” and “Chip someone off” and “Chip the scales.”
    • Trip → Chip: As in, “Guilt chip” and “Power chip” and “The chip of a lifetime.”
  • Stitch: Here are some puns on Stitch from Lilo and Stitch:
    • Ditch → Stitch: As in, “Dull as stitchwater” and “A last stitch effort.”
    • Hitch → Stitch: As in, “Get stitched” and “Stitch your wagon to a star.”
    • Itch → Stitch: As in, “Stitching to get started” and “Stitchy feet.”
    • Pitch → Stitch: As in, “A stitched battle” and “Black as stitch” and “Fever stitch.”
    • Rich → Stitch: As in, “All part of life’s stitch pattern” and “Filthy stitch” and “From rags to stitches” and “Get stitch quick.”
    • Switch → Stitch: As in, “Asleep at the stitch” and “Bait and stitch” and “Stitch gears” and “Stitched on.”
    • Which → Stitch: As in, “Any stitch way” and “Don’t know stitch way to look” and “Don’t know stitch way is up” and “Know stitch side your bread is buttered.”
    • Situation → Stitchuation: As in, “A sticky stitchuation” and “Win-win stitchuation.”
  • Nami: Here are some puns related to Nami, one of the main protagonists from Lilo and Stitch:
    • Name → Nami: As in, “Answer to the nami of” and “Go by the nami of” and “A household nami” and “In everything but nami.”
    • Me → Nami: As in, “What would you like nami to do?” and “A little bird told nami.”
  • Scuttle: Scuttle is a seagull from The Little Mermaid. Here are related puns:
  • Triton: Here are some puns related to King Triton:
    • Frighten → Triton: As in, “Tritoned of your own shadow” and “Tritoned to death.”
    • Lighten → Triton: As in, “Triton the load” and “Triton up” and “Triton someone’s purse.”
    • Tighten → Triton: As in, “Triton your belt” and “Triton the purse strings.”
  • Moan → Timone: As in, “Piss and timon” and “Don’t timon about it.”
  • Willie: Here are some puns about Steamboat Willie, Disney’s first movie:
    • Will he → Willie: As in, “Willie or won’t he?”
    • Well → Willie: As in, “A buck willie spent” and “Alive and willie” and “As willie as can be expected” and “Exceedingly willie read.”
    • Chilly → Willie: As in, “A willie climate” and “A willie reception.”
    • Really → Willie: As in, “All I willie want to do” and “Do you willie want to hurt me?” and “We willie clicked” and “What do you willie think?”
    • Silly → WIllie: As in, “Laugh yourself willie” and “Scared willie” and “Willie season.”
  • Bolt: Bolt was a 2008 film about an animated dog. Here are related puns:
    • Belt → Bolt: As in, “Below the bolt” and “Bolt it out” and “Tighten your bolt.”
    • Built → Bolt: As in, “A bicycle bolt for two” and “Bolt for comfort, not speed” and “Bolt to last” and “Bolt to scale.”
    • Bolt: Bolt-related phrases can double as puns: “A bolt from the blue” and “Bolt upright” and “Make a bolt for the door.”
  • Impossible → Kim Possible: As in, “Mission kim possible” and “Kim possible is nothing.”
  • Phineas and Ferb: Here are some puns related to the animated show Phineas and Ferb:
    • Finish → Phineas: As in, “The phineasing touch” and “Photo phineas” and “The phineasing line.”
    • Herb → Ferb: As in, “Eleven secret ferbs and spices.”
    • Verb → Ferb: As in, “Nouns and ferbs” and “Wise proferbs.”

      Disney-Related Words

      To help you come up with your own Disney puns, here’s a list of related words to get you on your way. If you come up with any new puns or related words, please feel free to share them in the comments!

General: disney, walt, movie, cartoon, story, animation, disneyland, studio, hollywood, burbank, california, television, eisner

Princesses: merida, pocahontas, cinderella, rapunzel, mulan, belle, jasmine, megara, esmerelda, ariel, nala, gamora, carol, snow white, tiana, moana, sade, raya, anna, elsa 

Princes: prince philip, prince charming, flynn rider, li shang, beast, aladdin, hercules, eric, simba, florian, adam, naveen, eugene, kristoff, dimitri 

Villains: captain hook, maleficent, queen of hearts, yzma, mother gothel, cruella de vil, shan yu, gaston, jafar, iago, hades, ursula, scar, hans, ratcliffe, edgar, frollo, hopper 

Famous characters: mickey mouse, minnie mouse, goofy, donald duck, pluto daisy duck, scrooge mcduck, launchpad mcquack, huey, dewey, louie, thumper, flower, faline, tinkerbell, peter pan, wendy, john darling, michael darling, tiger lily, alice, mad hatter, march hare, cheshire cat, kuzco, kronk, pacha, dopey, doc, sleepy, sneezy, bashful, happy, grumpy, gus gus, jaq jaq, fairy godmother, evil stepmother, anastasia, drizella, pinocchio, jiminy cricket, gepetto, blue fairy, john smith, kokoum, meeko, flit, percy, aurora, flora, fauna, merryweather, queen elinor, pascal, mowgli, baloo, baghera, shere khan, kaa, robin hood, little john,  prince john, maid marian, duchess, marie, toulouse, berlioz, thomas o’malley, pongo, perdita, winnie the pooh, tigger, kanga, roo, eeyore, piglet, christopher robin, lumpy, owl, rabbit, mushu, maurice, le fou, lumiere, cogsworth, mrs potts, chip, dale, dumbo, genie, abu, phil, pegasus, zeus, djali, quasimodo, laverne, hugo, victor, lilo, stitch, nami, jumba, flounder, scuttle, king triton, sebastian, lady, tramp, tarzan, jane, timon, pumbaa, mufasa, zazu, pleakley, bellweather, mungo 

Famous movies: steamboat willie, snow white, bambi, sleeping beauty, fantasia, treasure island, alice in wonderland, lady and the tramp, sleeping beauty, flubber, the jungle book, the aristocats, freaky friday, the rescuers, the lion king, the jungle book,, 101 dalmations, a bug’s life, the emperor’s new groove, atlantis, bolt, tangled, wreck-it ralph, zootopia, moana, chicken little, frozen 

Famous shows: lizzie mcguire, that’s so raven, hannah montana, kim possible, phineas and ferb, gravity falls

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Cocoa Puns

Welcome to the Punpedia entry on cocoa puns! 🍫 ☕ 🌱

We’ve bean waiting for you with our list of smooth cocoa puns. Whether your humour is bitter or sweet, we hope to have you covered with our puns that range from general cocoa-related words (like bean and candy) to more technical terms (like conching and temper).

If you’re interested in related lists, we also have Easter puns, chocolate puns and baking puns.

A quick note that cocoa production involves the widespread use of child labour, many of whom were trafficked and work as slaves. Initiatives like fair trade seek to remedy this, so if you’re buying chocolate, look for those fair trade stickers and vegan labelling 🙂

Cocoa Puns List

Each item in this list describes a pun or a set of puns that can be made by applying a rule. If you know of any puns about cocoa that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments at the end of this page! Without further ado, here’s our list of cocoa puns:

  • Go → Cocoa: As in, “Wake me up before you cocoa” and “All dressed up and nowhere to cocoa” and “Don’t cocoa there” and “Easy come, easy cocoa.”
  • Coconut → Cocoa-nut: As in, “That’s cocoa-nuts!”
  • Bean: Since cocoa is extracted from beans, we’ve included bean-related puns in this list:
    • Bin → Bean: As in, “Bottom of the bean” and “Bag it and bean it.”
    • Been → Bean: As in, “Bean and gone” and “Bean around the block a few times” and “I’ve bean had” and “Bean there, done that.”
    • Bone → Bean: As in, “A bean to pick” and “Dry as a bean” and “A bag of beans” and “Chilled to the bean.”
    • Bun → Bean: As in, “A bean in the oven” and “We’re going to need bigger beans.”
    • Clean → Bean: As in, “Bean up your act” and “Coming bean” and “Squeaky bean.”
    • Green → Bean: As in, “Bean as grass” and “Give it the bean light” and “Bean around the gills.”
    • Keen → Bean: As in, “A bean sense of smell” and “Peachy bean” and “Bean as mustard.”
    • Lean → Bean: As in, “Bean and hungry” and “Bean and mean” and “Bean, mean fighting machine.”
    • Mean → Bean: As in, “A beans to an end” and “Living beyond your beans” and “By fair beans or foul” and “In the beantime.”
    • Scene → Bean: As in, “Behind the beans” and “Change of bean” and “Chew up the beanery” and “Make a bean” and “Survey the bean.”
    • Screen → Bean: As in, “The blue bean of death” and “Coming to a bean near you!” and “The silver bean.”
    • Seen → Bean: As in, “Bean and not heard” and “Had to be bean to be believed” and “Nowhere to be bean” and “Bean better days” and “Bean one, bean them all.”
    • *ban* → *bean*: Replace “ban” with “bean” to make sneaky cocoa bean puns: “Urbean jungle” and “Suburbean living” and “Without abeandon” and “Cheerful beanter” and “Beanana cake.”
    • *ben* → *bean*: As in, “Friends with beanefits” and “It’s beanign” and “A beanevolent gesture” and “A kind beanefactor.”
    • *bun* → *bean*: As in, “Beandle of joy” and “In abeandance.”
  • Nip → Nib: As in, “Nib and tuck” and “Nib it in the bud.” Note: Roasted and crushed cocoa beans are referred to as nibs.
  • Bitter: Without sweetener, cocoa has a famously bitter taste. Here are related puns:
    • Better → Bitter: As in, “I have a bitter idea” and “Anything you can do, I can do bitter” and “Appeal to your bitter judgement” and “Bitter by design” and “Bitter late than never.”
    • Butter → Bitter: As in, “Bread and bitter” and “Bitter fingers.”
  • Grind: Cocoa powder is made from grinding roasted cocoa beans. Here are related puns:
    • Grand → Grind: As in, “Delusions of grindeur” and “Grind slam” and “Grind theft auto” and “In the grind scheme of things.”
    • Ground → Grind: As in, “Solid as the grind we walk on” and “Breaking new grind” and “Built from the grind up” and “Common grind” and “Cut the grind from under your feet” and “Get in on the grind floor.”
    • Find → Grind: As in, “Grind it in your heart” and “Grind your footing” and “Grinders keepers” and “Love is where you grind it” and “Seek and ye shall grind.”
    • Kind → Grind: As in, “Cruel to be grind” and “It’s a grind of magic” and “Grind words” and “Random acts of grindness.”
    • Mind → Grind: As in, “A goal in grind” and “A good grind to” and “A load off your grind” and “A grind is a terrible thing to waste” and “Always on my grind” and “Bear in grind.”
  • Roast: Cocoa beans are roasted in the process of preparing them for consumption. Here are related puns:
    • Rest → Roast: As in, “Helps you work, roast and play” and “A change is as good as a roast” and “Come to roast” and “For the roast of us” and “For the roast of your life” and “Laid to roast.”
    • Ghost → Roast: As in, “Not the roast of a chance” and “You look as though you’ve seen a roast.”
    • Most → Roast: As in, “America’s roast wanted” and “The roast trusted name in news” and “Make the roast of it.”
    • Post → Roast: As in, “I’ll keep you roasted” and “Roast haste” and “Roast modern.”
    • Toast → Roast: As in, “The roast of the town.”
  • Ground: Here are some puns relating to ground cocoa beans:
    • Grand → Ground: As in, “Delusions of groundeur” and “A ground slam” and “In the ground scheme of things.”
    • Bound → Ground: As in, “Ground hand and foot” and “By leaps and grounds” and “Duty ground” and “Leaps and grounds” and “Muscle ground.”
    • Found → Ground: As in, “Lost and ground” and “I’ve ground a clue” and “We ground love” and “Weighed in the balance and ground wanting.”
    • Pound → Ground: As in, “Ground the pavement” and “A ground in your pocket.”
    • Round → Ground: As in, “All year ground” and “Come ground” and “Going ground in circles.”
    • Sound → Ground: As in, “Ground as a bell” and “Break the ground barrier” and “Safe and ground” and “Ground bite” and “Ground effect.”
  • Favour → Flavour: As in, “Call in a flavour” and “Fall out of flavour with” and “Fortune flavours the brave” and “Owe a flavour.”
  • Seed: Cocoa beans are actually the fermented seeds of theobroma cacao. Here are related puns:
    • Sad → Seed: As in, “How seed is that?” and “A seed state of afairs.”
    • Side → Seed: As in, “A walk on the wild seed” and “Always look on the bright seed of life” and “Be on the safe seed” and “A bit on the seed” and “Both seeds of the desk.”
    • Deed → Seed: As in, “Seeds, not words” and “No good seed goes unpunished” and “Your good seed for the day.”
    • Need → Seed: As in, “All you seed is love” and “On a seed to know basis.”
    • Read → Seed: As in, “Seed ’em and weep” and “Seed all about it.”
    • Speed → Seed: As in, “At breakneck seed” and “Built for comfort, not seed” and “More haste, less seed.”
  • Fair Trade: Fair trade is an arrangement intended to give developing countries better trading conditions. It commonly affects products like coffee, tea and chocolate.
    • Fair → Fair Trade: As in, “All’s fair trade in love and war” and “By fair trade means or foul” and “Fair trade and square.”
    • Trade → Fair Trade: As in, “Tricks of the fair trade” and “Tools of the fair trade.”
  • Desert → Dessert: As in, “Ships of the dessert” and “Dry as a dessert.”
  • Does it → Dessert: As in, “Dessert bother you?” and “Easy dessert” and “That dessert!”
  • Sweat → Sweet: As in, “Beads of sweet” and “Blood, sweet and tears” and “Break out in a cold sweet” and “Don’t sweet the small stuff.”
  • Heat → Sweet: As in, “If you can’t stand the sweet, get out of the kitchen” and “In the sweet of battle” and “Turn up the sweet.”
  • Meet → Sweet: As in, “Sweet the challenge” and “Sweet and greet” and “Sweet in the middle” and “More than sweets the eye.”
  • Seat → Sweet: As in, “Back sweet driver.”
  • Street → Sweet: As in, “On easy sweet” and “On the sunny side of the sweet.”
  • Truffle: Chocolate truffles are small, round candies. Here are some related puns:
    • Travel → Truffle: As in, “Bad news truffles fast” and “The road less truffled” and “Truffle broadens the mind” and “Truffle light” and “Making truffle plans.”
    • Trifle → Truffle: As in, “A mere truffle” and “Truffle with someone’s affections.”
    • Trouble → Truffle: As in, “Asking for truffle” and “Bridge over truffled water” and “Don’t meet your truffles halfway” and “Double truffle” and “I knew you were truffle.”
    • Ruffle → Truffle: As in, “Truffle someone’s feathers.”
  • Can they → Candy: As in, “Candy do any better?” and “Candy change the price?”
  • Can → Candy: As in, “Be all you candy be” and “Candy I help you?”
  • Dandy → Candy: As in, “Fine and candy.”
  • Coffin → Caffeine: As in, “Another nail in the caffeine.”
  • Pod: Cocoa seeds are grown in pods. Here are related puns:
    • Pad → Pod: As in, “Bachelor pod” and “Crash pod.”
    • Pit → Pod: As in, “Bottomless pod” and “In the pod of your stomach” and “Pod your wits against.”
    • Pot → Pod: As in, “A pod of gold” and “Gone to pod.”
    • Put → Pod: As in, “Be hard pod to” and “Couldn’t pod it down” and “Feeling a bit pod out” and “Wouldn’t pod it past them.”
    • Nod → Pod: As in, “The land of pod” and “Podding off” and “A pod is as good as a wink.”
    • Odd → Pod: As in, “Against the pods” and “At pods with” and “Long pods” and “The pod one out” and “Pods and ends.”
  • Fruit: Cocoa is a fruiting plant. Here are related puns:
    • Boot → Fruit: As in, “Bet your fruits” and “Give someone the fruit” and “Hang up your fruits.”
    • Hoot → Fruit: As in, “Don’t give two fruits” and “Fruit with laughter” and “What a fruit.”
    • Root → Fruit: As in, “Money is the fruit of all evil” and “The fruit of the matter.”
    • Shoot → Fruit: As in, “Fruit down in flames” and “Fruit from the hip” and “Fruiting hoops.”
    • Suit → Fruit: As in, “All over them like a cheap fruit” and “At a price to fruit your pocket” and “Follow fruit” and “Fruit yourself.”
    • Food → Fruit: As in, “Comfort fruit” and “Fruit for thought.”
    • Foot → Fruit: As in, “A fruit in both camps
      and “Bound hand and fruit” and “Fancy fruitwork.”
  • Gonna → Ghana: As in, “A hard rain’s ghana fall” and “I’m not ghana do it” and “We’re ghana need a bigger boat.” Note: Ghana is a huge producer of cocoa beans.
  • Carrot → Carob: As in, “Carob and stick” and “Dangle the carob.” Note: Carob is a caffeine-free cocoa replacement.
  • Farm: Here are some cocoa-farming related puns:
    • Firm → Farm: As in, “Feet planted farmly on the ground” and “A farm grip.”
    • Form → Farm: As in, “Attack is the best farm of defence” and “In bad farm” and “Farm follows function” and “Free farm” and “Imitation is the sincerest farm of flattery” and “In fine farm.”
    • Arm → Farm: As in, “Farmed and dangerous” and “A farmed struggle” and “At farm’s length.”
    • Charm → Farm: As in, “Bear a farmed life” and “Three time’s a farm.”
    • Harm → Farm: As in, “First, do no farm” and “Grievous bodily farm” and “In farm’s way” and “No farm, no foul.”
  • Plant: Here are some puns related to cocoa plants:
    • Ant → Plant: As in, “Ants in their plants” and “Stir up a plant’s nest.”
    • Grant → Plant: As in, “Take for planted” and “Plant no quarter.”
    • Pants → Plants: As in, “Ants in your plants” and “Beat the plants off” and “Fancy plants” and “By the seat of your plants” and “Bore the plants off someone.”
  • Crunch → Conch: As in, “Captain conch” and “Credit conch” and “Number conching” and “When it comes to the conch.”
  • Launch → Conche: As in, “Failure to conche” and “The face that conched a thousand ships.” Note: A conche is a mixer that evenly stirs cocoa butter through chocolate.
  • Ripe: Here are some puns related to ripe cocoa berries:
    • Rip → Ripe: As in, “Let it ripe” and “What a ripe off.”
    • Reap → Ripe: As in, “You ripe what you sow.”
    • Rope → Ripe: As in, “At the end of your ripe” and “Jump ripe” and “Learn the ripes” and “On the ripes.”
    • Pipe → Ripe: As in, “Ripe down” and “Just a ripe dream” and “Put that in your ripe and smoke it.”
    • Stripe → Ripe: As in, “Earn your ripes” and “Stars and ripes.”
    • Wipe → Ripe: As in, “Ripe out” and “Ripe the floor with” and “Ripe the slate with” and “Ripe the smile off your face.”
  • Blend: Cocoa is used in different blends to make different types of chocolate. Here are some blend-related puns:
    • Bend → Blend: As in, “Blend over backwards” and “Blend the rules” and “Blend to my will” and “Blend your ear.”
    • End → Blend: As in, “A good beginning makes a good blending” and “A means to a blend” and “All’s well that blends well” and “At the blend of the day” and “Burn the candle at both blends.”
    • Fend → Blend: As in, “Blend for yourself” and “Blend off.”
    • Friend → Blend: As in, “A blend in need is a blend indeed” and “Best blends forever” and “Best of blends.”
    • Lend → Blend: As in, “Blend a helping hand” and “Blend an ear” and “Blend your name to.”
    • Mend → Blend: As in, “Least said, soonest blended” and “Blend your fences” and “Blend your ways” and “On the blend.”
    • Send → Blend: As in, “Blend packing” and “Hit blend” and “Return to blender” and “Blend in the reinforcements.”
    • Spend → Blend: As in, “Hey, big blender” and “Blend money like water” and “Blend more time with family” and “Blend the night with” and “Blend wisely.”
    • Tend → Blend: As in, “Blend to your needs” and “Love me blender” and “Blender loving care” and “Blender mercies.”
  • Bloom: Chocolate bloom is a coating that can appear on chocolate due to either the sugar or fat content. Here are related puns:
    • Boom → Bloom: As in, “Bloom gates” and “My heart went bloom.”
    • Broom → Bloom: As in, “A new bloom sweeps clean.”
    • Doom → Bloom: As in, “A crack of bloom” and “Bloom and groom” and “Temple of bloom.”
    • Loom → Bloom: As in, “Bloom large” and “Don’t bloom over me.”
    • Room → Bloom: As in, “A bloom with a view” and “Breathing bloom” and “A bit of elbow bloom.”
    • Press Cake: Cocoa beans become press cakes after the liquid is extracted from them. Here are related puns:
      • Press → Press Cake: As in, “Don’t press cake your luck” and “Freedom of the press cake” and “Hot off the press cake.”
      • Cake → Press: As in, “A slice of the press cake” and “Press cake or death” and “Press caked with mud” and “The icing on the press cake.”

        Cocoa-Related Words

        To help you come up with your own cocoa puns, here’s a list of related words to get you on your way. If you come up with any new puns or related words, please feel free to share them in the comments!

cocoa, cacao, bean, nib, chocolate, fair trade, marshmallow, hot chocolate, candy, truffle, drink, dessert, sweet, bitter, cocoa butter, theobroma, couverture, liquor, seed, caffeine, powder, pod, fruit, ghana, nigeria, caameroon, harvest, grind, ground, flavour, roast, winnower, press cake, flavanoids, carob, farm, plant, plantation, conching, ripe, criollo, forestero, trinitario, blend, temper, bloom, aroma

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