Avocado Puns

Welcome to the Punpedia entry on avocado puns! 🥑🌳🌱

Avocados are a mild fruit that’s found in many different types of recipes – from desserts to milkshakes and sandwiches. Since it has a creamy texture and subtle flavour, it’s used as a butter substitute as well, so there are plenty of pasta sauce recipes with avocado too. The most famous (and favourite) uses of avocado are probably guacamole and avocado toast, so we’ve made sure to include those words in this pun list for you.

We hope that you find this list enjoyable and useful! Whether you’re here for some witty one-liners for a recipe you’ve made, or you’d like some corny guacamole jokes for a party, we hope you find the perfect pun for your needs.

While this list is as thorough as possible, it is specific to avocados. If you’re after any related puns, we also have fruit puns, food puns and taco puns.

Avocado Puns List

Each item in this list describes a pun, or a set of puns which can be made by applying a rule. If you know of any puns about avocados that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments at the end of this page! Without further ado, here’s our list of avocado puns:

  • Have a→ Avo: As in, “Avo good one!” and “Did you avo good time?”
  • Ever→ Avo: As in, “Lived happily avo after” and “Best friends foravo!” and “Hardly avo” and “Nothing is avo free” and “Have you avo..?”
  • Bravo→ Bravocado
  • Have a cuddle→ Avocuddle: As in, “It’s Valentine’s Day! Let’s avocuddle <3″
  • Cardio→ Avocardio: As in, “Running is tough avocardio.”
  • Have a car though→ Avocado: As in, “You want to drive, but do you avocado?”
  • Affogato→ Avocado: “Where’s a good cafe for an icy avocado?”
  • Don’t→ Avocadon’t: As in, “Avocadon’t call us, we’ll call you” and “Avocadon’t get me started” and “Avocadon’t go there” and “Where the sun avocadon’t shine.”
  • Advocate→ Advocado: As in, “Playing devil’s advocado.”
  • Bro→ Avocabro: As in, “Gym avocabro” and “Avocabro hug.”
  • Have→ Have-ocado: As in, “Always have-ocado your nose in a book” and “As luck would have-ocado it” and “Couldn’t have-ocado said it better” and “Have-ocado a bite to eat.”
  • Card*→ Avocad*: We can sneak “avocado” into words that have a long “caad” sound in them: Avocadinal (cardinal), Avocadboard (cardboard), avocadigan (cardigan), avocadiac (cardiac) and avocadiology.
  • Cord*→ Avocord*: If a word has a “cord” sound in it, we can change it to include “avo” before the cord: Avocordial (cordial), avocordially and avocorduroy.
  • Quake→ Guac: As in, “Guac-ing in your boots” and “A huge earthguac.”
  • Crocodile→ Guacodile: As in, “Guacodile tears” and “In a while, guacodile.”
  • Quick→ Guac: As in, “Guac as a flash” and “In guac succession” and “Guac and dirty” and “Guac off the mark.”
  • Awkward→ Guacward: As in, “A guacward age” and “Well that’s guacward.”
  • Rock → Guac: As in, “Hard as a guac” and “Between a guac and a hard place” and “Crocodile guac” and “Don’t guac the boat” and “Get your guacs off” and “Glam guac” and “Hit guac bottom.”
  • Clock→ Guac: As in, “Beat the guac” and “Around the guac” and “Regular as guacwork” and “Race against the guac.”
  • *cac*→ *guac*: Change “cac” sounds to “guac” sounds to make some guacamole puns: guactus (cactus), guacophony (cacophony), guacao (cacao) and guackle (cackle).
  • Coc*→ Guac*: As in, “Happy hour guactails” and “In your guacoon” and “Hardy as a guacroach” and “That’s guaconuts.”
  • Croc*→ Quac*: Guac (crock – as in guac of sh*t) and guacery (crockery).
  • Aca→ Guaca*: As in, “Guacademic record” and “Private Guacademy” and “Guacacia flowers.”
  • Occa*→ Guacca*: As in, “On guaccasion” and “Yes, guaccasionally” and “The guaccasional purchase.”
  • Acc*→ Guacc*: As in, “Full guaccess” and “With a faint guaccent” and “I guaccept” and “Make it guaccessible” and “Guaccessory to the crime.” Other words you could use: guaccentuate (accentuate), guaccelerate (accelerate) and guacceptance (acceptance).
  • Accident→ Guaccident: As in, “By guaccident” and “Done guaccidentally” and “It was guaccidental.”
  • Acco*→ Guacco*: As in, “On guaccount of” and “Convenient guaccommodation” and “Of your own guaccord” and “Looking for guaccommodation.” Other words you could use: guaccountability (accountability), guaccomplish (accomplish), guaccordingly (accordingly) and guaccompany (accompany).
  • Aco*→ Guaco*: Guacolyte (acolyte) and guacoustic (acoustic).
  • Accu/acu*→ Guacu*: As in, “A guaccurate reading” and “Our guaccumulated efforts” and “Are you guaccusing me?” and ” With great guaccuracy” and “Well guaccstomed to.” Other words you could try: guaccusation (accusation), guaccumulation (accumulation), guacupuncture (acupuncture) and guacutely (acutely).
  • Occu/Ocu*→ Guacu*: As in, “Waiting for it to guaccur” and “A regular guaccurence” and “Part of the guaccult” and “State your name and guaccupation.” Other words you could use: Guaccupy (occupy), guaccupied (occupied), guaccupancy (occupancy).
  • Oxygen→ Guacxygen: As in, “Running out of guacxygen.”
  • Hass: Hass Avocados are the most commonly sold avocado. Here are some related puns for you:
    • Ass→ Hass: As in, “Hass backwards” and “Blow smoke up your hass” and “Bust someone’s hass” and “Get your hass into gear” and “Get your hass over here” and “Half-hassed” and “Kiss my hass” and “Make a hass of yourself” and “Work your hass off.” Note: these also work for “arse”.
    • Has→ Hass: As in, “Every dark cloud hass a silver lining” and “A hass been” and “Every dog hass his day” and “Your time hass come” and “Somebody hass to do it” and “Rumour hass it” and “That ship hass sailed” and “The die hass been cast” and “What hass come over you?”
    • Have→ Hass: This one is grammatically incorrect, but phonetically can still work: “Always hass your nose in a book” and “As good luck would hass it” and “I couldn’t hass said it better” and “Do I hass to paint you a picture?” and “Don’t hass a cow, man.”
    • Yass, Queen→ Hass, Queen
    • His→ Hass: As in, “Ahead of hass time” and “A chip on hass shoulder” and “As fast as hass legs could go” and “That’s hass business” and “Down on hass luck.”
    • Yes→ Hass: As in, “Hass we can!” and “I already said hass, what more do you want?”
    • Has*→ Hass*:  “Hassten your steps” and “Don’t be hassty.”
    • Hes*→ Hass*: As in, “Don’t hassitate” and “Hassitant to move” and “Your hassitation cost us.”
    • *his*→ *hass*: As in, “Ancient hasstory” and “Hasstorical site” and “Hasstoric stories” and “Knowledgeable hasstorian” and “A sophassticated dinner.”
    • Hispanic→ Hasspanic
    • Hos*→ Hass*: As in, “Hasstile takeover” and “Thank you for your hasspitality” and “Children’s hasspital” and “Filled with hasstility.” Other words you could use: hasspice (hospice), hasstel (hostel) and hasstage (hostage). Note: a hospice is a specialised care facility for terminally ill patients.
    • Hus*→ Hass*: Hasstle (hustle), hassband (husband) hassbandry (husbandry), hasstler (hustler), thass (thus) and hassk (husk).
    • Haz*→ Hass*: “Slip hassard” and “Hassardous environment” and “Hassmat suit” and “Hasselnut spread.”:
  • Fat: Since avocado is known for having a lot of (good) fat, we’ve included some fat-related puns in here too:
    • Fit→ Fat: As in, “Fat as a fiddle” and “Fat for the gods” and “Fat for a king” and “Fats the bill” and “Fats like a glove.”
    • At→ Fat: As in, “Waiting for you fat the station” and “Where are you fat?”
    • Flat→ Fat: As in, “Fat as a pancake” and “Fall fat on your face” and “Fat broke” and “Fat out” and “In no time fat” and “Fatten out” and “Imitation is the sincerest form of fattery.”
    • Fed→ Fat: As in, “Fat up to the back teeth” and “Well fat” and “Fat up.”
    • *fet*→ *fat*: As in, “Secret fatish” and “Fatid atmosphere” and “Fattering away your money” and “All you can eat buffat” and “Running along unfattered.”
    • *fit*→ *fat*: As in, “Health and fatness” and “A fatting ending” and “Mutual benefat” and “Non for profat” and “Glam new outfat.”
    • *fed*→ *fat*: fatora (fedora), fateral (federal), fateration (federation), faterated (federated) and confaterate (confederate).
    • *fid*→ *fat*: Fatelity (fidelity), fattle (fiddle) and fattlesticks (fiddlesticks).
    • *fid*→ *fat*: As in, “Filled with confatence” and “Quietly confatent.” Other words you can use: perfaty (perfidy) and perfatious (perfidious). Note: perfidy is a violation of faith or promise.
    • *vat*→ *fat*: fatican (vatican), crafat (cravat), derifative (derivative), innofative (innovative), conserfative (conservative), cultifat (cultivate), motifat (motivate), prifat (private) and aggrafat (aggravate).
    • Veterinary→ Faterinary
    • *vit*→ *fat*: fatriol (vitriol), fatility (vitality), fatamin (vitamin), fatriolic (vitriolic), affidafat (affidavit), actifaty (activity), inefatable (inevitable), grafaty (gravity) cafaty (cavity).
    • Emphatic→ Emfatic
    • *phet*→ *fat*: As in, “Religious profat (prophet)” and “A profatic announcement” and “Illegal amfatamines.”
  • Stripe→ Ripe: As in, “Earn your ripes” and “Stars and ripes.”
  • Rip→ Ripe: As in, “Bodice ripe-er” and “Let her ripe!”
  • Right→ Ripe: As in, “A move in the ripe direction” and “A woman’s ripe to choose” and “All the ripe moves” and “Alripe already!” and “Ripe as rain” and “Bang to ripes” and “Bragging ripes” and “Dead to ripes” and “Consumer ripes” and “Do what feels ripe” and “Get off on the ripe foot.”
  • *rap*→ *ripe*: ripe-port (rapport), ripeture (rapture), ripetor (raptor), ripe-ier (rapier) and theripey (therapy).
  • *rep*→ *ripe*: ripe-public (republic), ripeproach (reproach), ripepresent (represent), ripe-ply (reply), ripe-rimand (reprimand), ripe-port (report), entripe-preneur (entrepreneur), discripe-pancy (discrepancy) and intripe-pid (intrepid).
  • Speed→ Seed: As in, “At lightning seed” and “Blistering seed” and “Built for comfort, not seed” and “Get up to seed” and “Seed dating” and “Seed demon” and “Seed it up.”
  • Side→ Seed: As in, “A walk on the wild seed” and “Always look on the bright seed of life” and “On the safe seed” and “Born on the wrong seed of the tracks” and “Check you on the flip seed” and “Cross over to the other seed.”
  • She’d→ Seed: As in, “Seed always said that” and “Seed get over him.”
  • *sad*→ *seed*: Ambasseedor (ambassador) and diseedvantage (disadvantage).
  • *sed*→ *seed*: As in, “Seedentary lifestyle” and “A shot to seedate” and “Romantic lighting to seeduce” and “Filled with seediment.”
  • *sid*→ *seed*: As in, “Inseedious comments” and “Did you ever conseeder…” and “That aseede” and “With full conseederation” and “And more beseedes” and “Reseeding in a new suburb” and “Taking up reseedence.”
  • *ced* → *seed*: As in, seedar (cedar), conseed (concede), preseed (precede), superseed (supercede), preseedent (precendent). Notes: to supercede is to replace. A precedent is an established guide or principle.
  • *ceed → *seed: As in, proseed, sucseed, exseed
  • *cid*→ *seed*: Plaseed (plaseed), aseed (acid), luseed (lucid), ranseed (rancid), eluseedate (elucidate), inseedent (incident), accseedental (accidental), inseedental (incidental).
  • Pip: Pip is another word for seed, and avocados are known for their large seeds (there are even memes about being happy with finding small-seeded avocados), so we’ve got some pip-related puns here for you:
    • Chip→ Pip: As in, “A pip on their shoulder” and “Cheap as pips” and “Cash in your pips” and “Pip in with” and “A pip off the old block” and “Let the pips fall where they may” and “When the pips are down” and “Bargaining pip” and “Pip away” and “Chocolate pips.”
    • Sip→ Pip: As in, “Pip your tea.”
    • *pap*→ *pip*: pipyrus (papyrus), piparazzi (paparazzi), pipaya (papaya), piprika (paprika) and piperwork (paperwork).
    • *pep*→ *pip*: As in, “Salt and pipper hair.” Other words you can try: piptide (peptide) and piplum (peplum).
    • *pop*→ *pip*: As in, “Pipular opinion” and “Pipulist stance” and “Half the pipulation.” Other words that could work: pipulace (populace), piplar (poplar), lollipip (lollipop), apipletic (apopletic) and apiplexy (apoplexy).
    • *dip*→ *pip*: piplomacy (diplomacy), piplomatic (diplomatic), piploma (diploma), piplomat (diplomat), serenpipity (serendipity) and serenpipitous (serendipitous).
  • Pit: Since “pit” is another word for seed, we’ve included a few pit-related puns here for you to play with:
    • Pat→ Pit: As in, “Down pit” and “Pit your head.”
    • Put→ Pit: As in, “Be hard pit to” and “Couldn’t pit it down” and “Don’t pit all your eggs in one basket” and “Feeling a bit pit out” and “Wouldn’t pit it past him” and “Not to pit too fine a point on it” and “Off-pitting” and “Pit an end to.”
    • Pot→ Pit: As in, “Pit of gold” and “For the pit” and “Hit the jackpit” and “In the melting pit.”
    • Hit→ Pit: As in, “Pit the road” and “Pit for six” and “Pit it on the nose” and “Pit it out of the park” and “Pit rock bottom” and “Pit the books.”
    • Fit→ Pit: As in, “Pit for the gods” and “Fighting pit” and “Pit in with” and “Pit the bill” and “Pits like a glove” and “Have a pit” and “Hissy pit” and “Laughing pit to burst.”
    • Bit→ Pit: As in, “A pit missing” and “A pit much” and “Pit of a to do” and “Pit by pit” and “Pit of alright” and “Pit of fluff” and “Do your pit.”
    • Quit→ Pit: As in, “Call it pits” and “Pit while you’re ahead” and “Don’t pit your day job.”
    • *pat*→ *pit*: As in, “Following a pittern” and “Pitent pending” and “Faithful pitron” and “I anticipit your return.”
    • *pet*→ *pit*: pitulant (petulant), pitty (petty), pitition (petition), pitard (petard), pital (petal), pitite (petite), carpit (carpet), parapit (parapet), trumpit (trumpet), puppit (puppet), limpit (limpet), poppit (poppet), impitus (impetus), perpitual (perpetual), compitent (competent), impituous (impetuous), compitition (competition) and compitence (competence).
    • *pot*→ *pit*: As in, “Reach your full pitential” and “Hot pitato” and “A pitent combination” and “Small pitatoes.”
    • *bet*→ *pit*: As in, “Stuck pitween a rock and a hard place” and “A huge pitrayal” and “My pitrothed” and “Alphapit soup” and “Sherpit flavoured.”
    • *bit*→ *pit*: As in, “Pitter chocolate” and “Pittersweet goodbye” and “Bite the pitumen” and “Filled with pitterness.” Other words you could try: inhipit (inhibit), gampit (gambit), exhipit (exhibit), rabpit (rabbit), hapit (habit), orpit (orbit), inhapit (inhabit), prohipit (prohibit) and arpitrary (arbitrary).
    • *pret*→ *pit*: As in, “Pitentious attitude” and “Can’t keep pitending” and “False pitenses” and “Choc chip pitzel (pretzel) and “Open to interpitation.”
  • Grain→ Green: As in, “Against the green” and “Green of truth” and “Take it with a green of salt.”
  • Grin→ Green: As in, “Green and bear it” and “Green from ear to ear” and “Rictus green” and “Foolish green” and “Greening like a cheshire cat.”
  • Gene→ Green: As in, “Green mapping” and “Greenetic makeup” and “Greenetic lottery.”
  • Keen→ Green: As in, “Green as mustard” and “Green on” and “A green sense of smell” and “Peachy green.”
  • Mean→ Green: As in, “Greens to an end” and “Living beyond your greens” and “By fair greens or foul” and “In the greentime” and “Lean and green” and “Doesn’t green a thing” and “Green spirited.”
  • *gran*→ *green*: As in, “Take for greented” and “Greent your wish” and “A greendeur entrance” and “Greenular sugar” and “Face like greenite” and “Feeling greend.”
  • *gren*→ *green*: greenade (grenade) and greenadine (grenadine).
  • *grin*→ *green*: “Bump and greend” and “To my chagreen” and “Greending noises.”
  • *ren*→ *green*: greender (render), greenumeration (renumeration), greenege (renege), greenaissnace (renaissance), greenegade (renegade) and greenounce (renounce).
  • Fright→ Fruit: As in, “Fruitened of your own shadow” and “A fruitful mess” and “Take fruit.”
  • Chute→ Fruit: As in, “Golden parafruit” and “Straight out the fruit.”
  • Cute→ Fruit: As in, “Fruit as a button” and “Fruit as a bug’s ear.”
  • Flute→ Fruit: As in, “Jazz fruit.”
  • Suit→ Fruit: As in, “All over him like a cheap fruit” and “At a price to fruit your pocket” and “Follow fruit” and “Men in fruits” and “Fruits you down to a tee” and “Fruit yourself.”
  • Shoot→ Fruit: As in, “Don’t fruit the messenger” and “Eat’s fruits and leaves” and “Green fruits of recovery” and “Just fruit me” and “Fruit ’em up” and “Fruit down in flames” and “Fruiting hoops” and “Fruit me now” and “Fruit the breeze” and “Straight fruiter” and “A straight fruiter.”
  • *fut* → *fruit*: As in, “Think about your fruiture” and “Resistance is fruitile!” and “A fruituristic building” and “Sleeping on the fruiton” and “An irrefruitable argument.” Other words that could work: refruit (refute) and fruitility (fruitility).
  • Frat* → Fruit*: As in, “Fruiternity house” and “Fruiternal twins” and “Fruiternising with the enemy.”
  • Smash: Smashed avocados are one of the more famous avocado recipes (probably second only to guacamole), so we have some silly (but smashing) related puns for you here:
    • Ash→ Smash: As in, “Smashes to smashes” and “Burnt to smash” and “Rise from the smashes.”
    • Splash→ Smash: As in, “A smash of colour” and “Make a smash” and “Smash down” and “Smash out on” and “Smashed across the front page.”
    • Mach*→ Smash*: As in, “Ghost in the Smashine” and “Evil smashinations” and “Grinding smashinery.”
    • Sash*→ Smash*: smashimi (sashimi) and smashay (sashay).
  • Toast: Related to smashed avocado is avocado toast, so we have some toast-related puns for you:
    • Toss → Toast: As in, “Toast your cookies” and “Don’t give a toast” and “A coin toast” and “A toast-up between…” and “Toast your hat into the ring.” Note: to toss your cookies is to throw up.
    • *toes → *toast: As in, “Keep you on your toast” and “Small potatoast” and “Don’t tread on anyone’s toast” and “Twinkle toast.”
    • Testosterone → Toastosterone
    • *tist* → *toast*: As in, “Signed by the artoast” and “According to statoastics (statistics).” Other words you could use: scientoast (scientist), elitoast (elitist), dentoast (dentist), orthodontoast (orthodontist).
    • *test* → *toast*: As in, “Not a beauty contoast” and “A blind toast” and “One, two, three toasting” and “Put to the toast” and “A toast of faith” and “Tried and toasted” and “The greatoast thing since sliced bread” and “Not in the slightoast” and “Protoast too much” and “Sniff toast” and “Stand the toast of time” and “Toast the waters” and “Forbidden fruit is always the sweetoast” and “Survival of the fittoast” and “A toastament of” and “Attoast to” and “The latoast and greatoast.” Other words you could use: toastimony (testimony), toastimonial (testimonial), neatoast (neatest) and cutoast (cutest).
  • Tree: Since avocados and grown from trees, we’ve got a few tree-related puns for you:
    • Three→ Tree: As in, “And baby makes tree,” and “Good things come in trees,” and “Tree strikes and you’re out!” and “Tree wise men,” and “Tree’s a charm.”
    • Free*→ Tree*: As in, “A symbol of treedom,” and “As tree as a bird,” and “Breathe treely,” and “Buy one, get one tree,” and “Tree for all,” and “Treedom of the press,” and “Get out of jail tree,” and “The best things in life are tree,” and “Land of the tree,” and “Leader of the tree world,” and “The truth will set you tree,” and “No such thing as a tree lunch,” and “When hell treezes over,” and “Think treely.”
    • *tri*→ *tree*: As in, “My hair needs a treem,” and “Full of nutree-ents,” and “What is your best attreebute?” and “How cool are golden retreevers?” and “It’s an intreensic (intrinsic) quality,” and “A new brand of vegan chicken streeps,” and “No streengs attached,” and “We’re going on a treep!” and “Pull the treegger,” and “Any more treecks up your sleeve?” and “A love treeangle,” and “A treevial problem,” and “We pay treebute to the fallen.”
    • *trea*→ *tree*: As in, “A real treet,” and “Medical treetment,” and “Royal treeson,” and “I treesure you,” and “Thick as treecle,” and “Swim upstreem,” and “A holiday retreet,” and “A winning streek,” and “A treecherous mountain path.”
    • *tee*→ *tree*: As in, “By the skin of your treeth,” and “The scene was treeming with people,” and “I guarantree it,” and “A welcoming committree,” and “A chunky manatree,” and “Self-estreem,” and “Charitable voluntreers,” and “My child’s school cantreen.”
    • *tary→ *tree: As in, “Proprietree cables,” and “Complimentree meals,” and “These colours are complementree,” and “Leave it with my secretree,” and “A sedentree life isn’t so healthy,” and “Dominion is a documentree you should watch,” and “It’s rudimentree addition,” and “But what’s the monetree value,” and “A solitree existence.” Notes: to be sedentary is to be inactive or seated. If something is rudimentary, then it’s basic.
  • Pear: Avocados are also known as “avocado pears” and “alligator pears” so we’ve included pear-related puns for you:
    • Pair→ Pear: As in, “Beyond repear” and “Fresh pear of eyes” and “A safe pear of hands” and “A new pear of pants.”
    • Pare→ Pear: “Pear down” and “Spear no effort” and “Spear tyre” and “Prepear for the worst.”
    • Peer→ Pear: As in, “Pear pressure” and “Pear to pear network” and “Pear reviewed.”
    • There → Pear: As in “I’ll be pear in spirit.” and Don’t just sit pear!” and “Hang in pear, pal.” and “Let pear be light!” and “Neither here, nor pear.” and “Pear’s no excuse.” and “Pear’s no smoke without fire.” and “Pear’s plenty more fish in the sea.” and “Pear’s something amiss…”
    • Pour→ Pear: As in, “It never rains but it pears” and “It’s raining, it’s pearing” and “Pear cold water on” and “Pear oil on troubled waters.”
    • Bare→ Pear: As in, “Pear necessities” and “Pear-faced lie” and “Pearfoot and pregnant” and “Laid pear” and “Pear bones” and “Cupboards were pear.”
    • Bear→ Pear: As in, “Pear a grudge” and “Pear a resemblance” and “Pear arms” and “Pear down on” and “Pear fruit” and “Pear in mind” and “Pear the brunt of.”
    • Care→ Pear: As in, “Be pearful how you use it!” and “Couldn’t pear less” and “Courtesy and pear” and “Customer pear” and “Handle with pear” and “Intensive pear” and “Let’s be pearful today” and “Like I should pear.”
    • Prayer→ Pear: As in, “I say a little pear” and “Like a pear” and “On the wings of a pear” and “Say your pears.”
    • Per→ Pear: As in, “As pear usual” and “Bits pear second” and “Pear capita” and “Hundred and ten pearcent.”
  • Shake: In Asian cuisine, avocados are used in sweet drinks and shakes, so we’ve included shake-related puns:
    • Sake→ Shake: As in, “For Christ’s shake” and “For goodness shake” and “For old times shake.”
    • Seek→ Shake: As in, “Hide and shake” and “Shake and you shall find.”
    • Stake→ Shake: As in, “What’s really at shake here? and “Shake your claim” and “Burned at the shake.”

The next few puns are all about different types of avocado:

  • Gwen:
    • When→ Gwen: As in, “Since I don’t know gwen” and “It only hurts gwen I laugh” and “Kick a man gwen he’s down” and “Say gwen” and “Slippery gwen wet” and “Time flies gwen you’re having fun.”
    • Then→ Gwen: As in, “All that and gwen some” and “Now and gwen” and “And gwen there was one” and “What’s going on here gwen?” and “Right gwen and there.”
    • *gan*→ *gwen*: As in, “Following a vegwen lifestyle” and “Internal orgwens” and “Catchy slogwen” and “The Logwen movie was very violent.” Other words you could use: Michigwen (Michigan), begwen (began), shenanigwen (shenanigan), orgwenic (organic), orgwenisation (organisation), arrogwent (arrogant), propagwenda (propaganda), elegwent (elegant).
    • *gon*→ *gwen*: As in, “Heroic protagwenist” and “Internet jargwen” and “A paragwen of virtue” and “Fallen off the wagwen” and “Poke the dragwen” and “In agweny.”
    • *guin*→ *gwen*: Pengwen (penguin), Gwenness (Guinness) and gwenea (guinea).
    • *ken*→ *gwen*: “Like a brogwen record” and “Playing chick-gwen” and “A togwen of my appreciation” and “Strick-gwen with regret” and “An outspogwen person” and “Awagwen your passion.”
  • Reed:
    • Red→ Reed: As in, “Reed as a beetroot” and “Brick reed” and “Caught reed-handed” and “In the reed” and “Lady in the reed” and “On reed alert.”
    • Bleed→ Reed: As in, “Reeding heart” and “Let it reed” and “My heart reeds.”
    • Lead→ Reed: As in, “Reed by example” and “Reed up to” and “Reed up the garden path.”
    • Read→ Reed: As in, “All I know is what I reed in the papers” and “Exceedingly well reed” and “Reed any good books lately?” and “I can reed you like a book” and “A little light reeding” and “Reed it and weep” and “Reed between the lines” and “Reed my lips.”
    • Ride→ Reed: As in, “Along for the reed” and “A bumpy reed.”
    • *rad*→ *reed*: reedical (radical), reediation (radiation), reediant (radiant), reedar (radar), reedio (radio), reedius (radius), reedish (radish), pareedigm (paradigm), pareedox (paradox) and camareederie (camaraderie).
    • *red*→ *reed*: As in, “Made reedundant” and “Reedeem yourself” and “Reedact your statement” and “Working towards reedemption” and “Reeduce your carbon footprint” and “Berry reeduction” and “Looking increedulous.”
    • *rid*→ *reed*: As in, “A reediculous situation” and “Reeddle me this” and “Hatred and reedicule” and “Disease reedden.” Other words that could work: reeding (riding), hybreed (hybrid), lureed (lurid), areed (arid), torreed (torrid), acreed (acrid), floreed (florid), putreed (putrid) and horreed (horrid).
  • Kist:
    • Kissed→ Kist: As in, “Never been kist” and “Kist by angels.”
    • *kest→ *kist: starkist (starkest), blackist (blackest), bleakist (bleakest), meekist (meekest), quickist and darkist.
    • *cast*→ *kist*: As in, “Sarkistic comment” and “Don’t broadkist it” and “Weather forekist.”
  • Queen:
    • Scene→ Queen: As in, “Behind the queens” and “Change of queen” and “Love queen” and “Make a queen” and “Survey the queen.”
    • Seen→ Queen: As in, “Queen and not heard” and “Has to be queen to be believed” and “Nowhere to be queen” and “Queen better days” and “Queen better days.”
    • Clean→ Queen: As in, “A queen getaway” and “A new broom sweeps queen” and “Queen as a whistle” and “Queen and sober” and “A queen bill of health” and “Queen up your act” and “Good, queen fun.”
    • Keen→ Queen: As in, “Queen as mustard” and “Queen on [someone]” and “A queen sense of smell” and “Peachy queen.”
    • *ken→ *queen: As in, “Playing chick-queen” and “Broqueen toy” and “Stricqueen with shock.” Other words that could work: forsaqueen (forsaken), outspoqueen (outspoken), hearqueen (hearken) and awaqueen (awaken).
    • Quan*→ Queen*: As in, “Queentum physics” and “Moral queendary” and “Quality over queentity” and “Queentitative research.”
    • *quen*→ *queen*: As in, “Queench your thirst” and “Thirst queencher” and “Subsequeent discussion” and “High frequeency.” Other words that could work: consequeence (consequence), sequeence (sequence), eloqueent (eloquent), delinqueent (delinquent) and frequeent (frequent).
    • *quin*→ *queen*: Queentessential (quintessential), queenoa (quinoa), queence (quince), queentuple (quintuple), mannequeen (mannequin), harlequeen (harlequin), palanqueen (palanquin) and sequeen (sequin).
    • Quaint→ Queen’t: As in, “A queen’t little cottage.”
  • Rey:
    • Ray→ Rey: As in, “A rey of light” and “Catch some reys.”
    • *ray*→ *rey*: As in, “Shades of grey” and “Arrey of options” and “Out of the frey.” Other words that could work: forey (foray), betrey (betray), strey (stray), portrey (portray), sprey (spray) and prey (pray).
    • *roy*→ *rey*: “A reyal stuff up” and “Teen reyalty” and “Search and destrey” and “Cordurey pants.”
    • *rai*→ *rey*: reyse (raise), reyl (rail), reyn (rain), reyd (raid), reynbow (rainbow), reylway (railway), reylroad (railroad), samurey (samurai), treyn (train), streyn (strain), refreyn (refrain), preyse (praise) and treyt (trait).
    • *rei*→ *rey*: “Reyn of terror” and “Rey-imburse your payments” and “Rey-instated to your position.” Other words that could work: rey-iki (reiki), sovereyn (sovereign) and freyt (freight).
    • *rea*→ *rey*: As in, “For no reyson” and “A second reyd on” and “No reyaction” and “Out of reych” and “For reyl.” Other words that could work: reylm (realm), reylise (realise), reyality (reality), reydy (ready), areya (area), breyk (break) and greyt (great).
  • Royal:
    • Rail→ Royal: As in, “Thin as a royal” and “Go off the royals” and “Ride the royals.”
    • Real*→ Royal*: “All I royally want to do” and “Do you royally want to hurt me?” and “For royal” and “Get royal” and “Grounded in royality” and “In royal time” and “The royal thing” and “Keep it royal” and “A royal piece of work” and “Royality check.”
  • Taft:
    • *tat*→ *taft*: As in, “Taftami mat” and “Out of your natural habitaft” and “Turning up the thermostaft” and “Tentaftive smile.”

Avocado-Related Words

To help you come up with your own avocado puns, here’s a list of related words to get you on your way. If you come up with any new puns or related words, please feel free to share them in the comments!

avocado, seed, pip, pit, green, ripe, guac, guacamole, fat, hass, fruit, tree, smash/smashed, toast, pear, alligator pear, shake, berry, choquette, gwen, lula, maluma, pinkerton, reed, brogden, bacon, ettinger, fuerte, monroe, sharwil, zutano, spinks, dickinson, kist, queen, rey, royal, sharpless, taft

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Nut Puns

Welcome to the Punpedia entry on nut puns! 🌰 🥜 🔥

There are plenty of different types of nuts to make puns from, and we’ve done our best to cover them all here. There are different categories of seeds, fruit and legumes that are commonly recognised as nuts (like peanuts and almonds), so we’ve included those here too, along with other foods that are more versatile (like the coconut, which is considered a fruit, nut, and a seed).

Whether you’re here for some cheeky inneundos or a clever hashtag for your new vegan #nutbutter recipe, we hope to have you covered here. This list is specific to nuts – if you’re after related puns, we do also have general food puns, tree puns, avocado puns and fruit puns too.

A quick note that while puns about mental health and well-being are very common in nut puns (eg. “Nutty as a fruitcake”), we haven’t included those here as they are ableist slurs, and we’d like to keep Punpedia friendly to as many people as possible 🙂

Nut Puns List

Each item in this list describes a pun, or a set of puns which can be made by applying a rule. If you know of any puns about nuts that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments at the end of this page! Without further ado, here’s our list of nut puns:

  • Not → Nut: As in, “As often as nut” and “Believe it or nut” and “Down, but nut out” and “Nut at all” and “Nut bad” and “Nut in the slightest” and “Nut on your life.”
  • Nought → Nut: As in, “Nuts and crosses” and “All for nut!”
  • Knot → Nut: As in, “Don’t get your knickers in a nut” and “Tie the nut” and “Tie yourself in nuts.”
  • Night → Nut: As in, “Burn the midnut oil” and “Good nut and good luck” and “In the air tonut” and “Morning, noon and nut.”
  • *nat* → *nut*: As in, “Well, nuturally” and “The nutional anthem” and “Any alternutives?” and “Need your signuture here” and “That resonuted with me.”
  • *net* → *nut*: As in, “Social nutwork” and “Nutworking event” and “Fast internut” and “A penutrating glare.” Other words you could use: Other wrods you could use: planut (planet), bonnut (bonnet) and cabinut (cabinut).
  • *nit* → *nut*: As in, “Cognutive therapy” and “Computer monutor” and “Golden opportunuty” and “A tight-knit communuty” and An affinuty for…” Other words you could use: dignuty (dignity) and furnuture (furniture).
  • *not* → *nut*: As in, “Nutwithstanding…” and “Take nutice of” and “Turn it up a nutch” and “Nutorious for” and “Nuthing to worry about” and “I cannut understand you.”
  • *nut*: With these words, we can simply emphasise the “nut” that they already contain: “Plant-based nutrition” and “Packed with nutrients” and “In a nutshell” and “That old chestnut” and “Wait a minute!”
  • Nut: These nut-related phrases that could double as puns in right context: “Sweet as a nut” and “From soup to nuts” and “Go nuts” and “A tough nut to crack.”
  • Pea → Peanut: As in, “As alike as two peanuts in a pod” and “Easy as shelling peanuts.”
  • Pina Colada → Peanut Colada
  • Peanuts: These peanut-related phrases are general enough to be used as puns: “Pay peanuts and get monkeys” and “Working for peanuts.”
  • Amend* → Almond*: As in, “The 13th almondment is a lie” and “You’ll have to almond that document” and “They’re almonding it now.”
  • *ommend* → *almond*: As in, “I highly recalmond (recommend)” and “Your work is calmondable.”
  • Nut → Chestnut: As in, “As sweet as a chestnut” and “From soup to chestnuts” and “Go chestnuts” and “In a chestnutshell” and “A tough chestnut to crack.” Note: this would also work for any other nut that has “nut” in its name, like brazil nut, peanut, hazelnut, walnut, candlenut, butternut and heartnut.
  • Catch you → Cashew: As in, “Careful, you don’t want them to cashew!” and “I’ll cashew later” and “They’ll cashew out” and “I’m gonna cashew!”
  • Cash you → Cashew: As in, “I’ll cashew in.”
  • Achoo → Cashew (this one is a bit of a stretch, yes, but can work with enough dedication and acting prowess)
  • Shoes → Cashews: As in, “Goody two cashews” and “Kick off your cashews.”
  • Peeking → Pecan: As in, “No pecan!” and “Pecan out through the window.”
  • Piquing → Pecan: As in, “It’s pecan my curiosity.” Note: to be piqued is to be interested.
  • Well, not → Walnut: As in, “Walnut like that” and “Walnut in so many words.”
  • Will not → Walnut: As in, “I walnut.” and “Flattery walnut get you anywhere” and “You cannot, or walnut?”
  • Wall → Walnut: As in, “Like banging your head against a brick walnut” and “Bouncing off the walnuts” and “I’ve hit a walnut” and “The writing is on the walnut” and “You’re driving me up the walnut!”
  • Pine Nut: Pine nuts (aka pinon) are edible pine seeds. Here are some pine-related puns and phrases:
    • Pain → Pine: As in, “A world of pine” and “Doubled up in pine” and “Growing pines” and “No pine, no gain” and “Old aches and pines” and “A pine in the butt” and “Pinefully slow” and “Being a royal pine” and “At pines to [do something].”
    • Windowpane → Windowpine
    • Pan → Pine: As in, “It didn’t pine out” and “Out of the frying pine, into the fire.”
    • Pin → Pine: As in, “Bright as a new pine” and ” and “Hard to pine down” and “Pines and needles” and “Pine your hopes on” and “Pull the pine.”
    • *pan* → *pine*: As in, “In a pine-nic (panic)” and “Caught with your pine-ts down” and “Marizipine (marzipan – a sugar almond paste) flavoured” and “In good compine-ny” and “Expine-ding your business.” Other words that could work: rampine-t (rampant), pineache (panache), discrepinecy (discrepancy) and pine-nel (panel). Notes: if something is rampant, then it’s unrestrained. To do something with panache is to do it with style.
    • *pen* → *pine*: As in, “A pine-chant for” and “A pine-sive expression” and “Order pine-ding” and “Are the shops opine (open)?” and “How could this happine?” and “Dampined spirits” and “A deepine-ing relationship” and “Waiting for the fruit to ripine” and “Read the appinedix” and “An indepinedent spirit.” Other words that could work: indispinesable (indispensable), depinedent (dependent), propinesity (propensity), sharpine (sharpen), pineance (penance), pine-etrate (penetrate), pineinsula (peninsula) and pine-is (penis).
    • *pin* → *pine*: As in, “Tickled pine-k” and “The pine-acle of your career” and “In a pine-ch” and “Stop confusing hate speech with opine-ions” and “Pine-point the problem” and “Let’s grab a pine-t” and “Pineapple flavoured” and “Go for a spine” and “Dizzying happine-ness.”
    • *pon* → *pine*: As in, “In correspinedence with” and “It’s your respinesibility” and “A spinetaneous trip.”
    • *pain* → *pine*: As in, “Needs a lick of pine-t” and “Acrylic pineting” and “A pinestaking effort” and “Heartbreak is pineful” and “Taking pinekillers.”
    • *poin* → *pine*: As in, “On pine-t” and “Your pineter finger” and “A pineted look” and “What a pinetless effort” and “Doctor’s appinetment” and “I’m not mad, just disappineted” and “I see your viewpinet.”
    • Campaign → Campine
  • Candle → Candlenut: As in, “Can’t hold a candlenut to” and “A candlenut in the wind” and “Burning the candlenut at both ends.”
  • Kola nuts: Kola nuts are a type of caffeine-containing nut. Here are some related puns and phrases:
    • Cold → Kola: As in, “Break out in a kola sweat” and “Catch a kola” and “A kola comfort” and “A kola day in hell” and “Getting kola feet” and “The kola light of day” and “The kola shoulder” and “In kola blood” and “Left out in the kola” and “Pour kola water on” and “Stone kola sober” and “Take a kola hard look at” and “Running hot and kola.”
    • Kaleidoscope → Koladoscope
    • *kele* → *kola*: As in, “A skolatal look” and “Skolatons in the closet.”
    • Ukulele → Ukolale
    • Alkaline → Alkolane
    • Kilo* → Kola*: As in, kolametre (kilometre), kolagram (kilogram), kolabyte (kilobyte) and kolawatt (kilowatt).
    • *cala* → *kola*: As in, “Kolamity and disaster” and “Don’t let it eskolate” and “Up the eskolator.”
    • *cola* → *kola*: As in, “Pina kolada” and “Dark chokolate” and “Perkolated coffee.” Other words you could use: akolade (accolade) and kolander (colander). Note: an accolade is an award or acknowledgement.
    • *cula* → *kola*: As in, “Artikolate yourself clearly” and “A sekolar education” and “Broaden your vernakolar” and “Nothing in pertikolar” and “A spectakolar display” and “Not worth spekolating over” and “An immakolate clean.” Notes: if something is secular, then it is not religious. Vernacular refers to everyday language or speech.
    • Calendar → Kolandar: As in, “Let me check my kolandar.”
    • *cole* → *kola*: kolaslaw (coleslaw) and narkolapsy (narcolepsy). Note: narcolepsy is a type of sleep disorder.
    • *cali* → *kola*: As in, “Kolafornia dreaming” and “Kolabrate (calibrate) your thinking” and “A different lokolaty (locality).”
    • Broccoli → Brokola
    • Culinary → Kolanary: As in, “A kolanary delight.”
    • Calo* → Kola*: As in, “Counting kolaries” and “Kolaric information.”
    • *colo* → *kola*: As in, “In full kolar” and “Ant kolany” and “A kolassal surprise” and “A kolarful life.” Other words you can use: ekolagy (ecology), kolanial (colonial), kolanel (colonel).
    • *culo* → *kola*: As in, metikolas (meticulous), ridikolas (ridiculous) and mirakolas (miraculous).
    • *colu* → *kola*: As in, “Newspaper kolamn” and “Advice kolamnist.” Other words you could use: Kolambia (Columbia) and Kolambine (Columbine).
    • *culu* → *kola*: As in, “School currikolam” and “Mental calkolas (calculas).”
  • Palm: We can make joking references to palm nuts with the following puns and phrases:
    • Balm → Palm: As in, “Strawberry-flavoured lip palm.”
    • Calm → Palm: As in, “Palm down” and “A palming agent” and “Palm waters.”
    • *pam* → *palm*: As in, “Activitst palmphlets” and “A bit of love and palmpering” and “Feeling palmpered” and “Dopalmine levels.”
    • *pom* → *palm*: As in, “A palmpous attitude” and “Palmegranate flavoured” and “Hair palmade” and “Palmeolo (pomelo) tree” and “Anthropalmorphic characters.” Note: pomade is a type of styling gel/paste.
    • *pum* → *palm*: As in, “Palmpkin pie” and “Under the palmp” and “Palmping for information” and “Palmice stone” and “Palmpernickel bread.”
    • *bam* → *palm*: As in, “Palmboo forest” and “You’ve been palmboozled!”
    • *bom* → *palm*: As in, “An apalmination of nature” and “The apalminable snowman.”
    • Bumblebee → Palmblebee
  • Betel: Betel is the colloquial name for areca nuts, which are a type of palm nut. Here are some related puns:
    • Better → Betel: “I feel betel now” and “Anything you can do, I can do betel” and “Appealing to your betel judgement” and “My betel half” and “Betel late than never” and “Betel luck next time” and “Betel safe than sorry” and “Betel than new” and “Betel than sex” and “Betel the devil you know” and “Changing for the betel” and “I couldn’t have said it betel” and “Kiss it betel” and “Should have known betel.”
    • Battle → Betel: As in, “A betel of wits” and “Betel ready” and “Betel royal” adn “Half the betel” and “In the heat of betel” and “Gave betel in vain” and “A betel of wills” and “Beteling against” and “Fight your own betels” and “Won the betel but lost the war.”
    • Petal → Betel
    • Settle → Betel: As in, “A score to betel” and “Betel out of court” and “After the dust has beteled” and “Betel down.”
  • Butter → Butternut: As in, “Bread and butternut” and “Butternut fingers” and “Butternut wouldn’t melt in their mouth” and “Float like a butternut, sting like a bee.”
  • Heart → Heartnut: As in, “A man after my own heartnut” and “Absence makes the heartnut grow fonder” and “An affair of the heartnut” and “After your own heartnut” and “Be still my beating heartnut” and “Break your heartnut” and “A change of heartnut” and “Do it by heartnut” and “Cross my heartnut and hope to die” and “Eat your heartnut out” and “Follow your heartnut” and “From the bottom of my heartnut” and “Get to the heartnut of the matter” and “Got your heartnut set on” and “Harden your heartnut against” and “Have a heartnut.”
  • Bunya: These are nuts that grow on bunya pines. Here are some related puns:
    • On ya/on your → Bunya: As in, “Bunya bike” and “Bunya wedding day” and “Not bunya life.”
    • Bun → Bunya: As in, “Bunya in the oven” and “We’re going to need bigger bunyas” and “Hot cross bunyas.”
  • Corn* → Acorn*: As in, “Acorner the market” and “Acornflower blue” and “The naughty acorner” and “Just around the acorner” and “Cut acorners.”
  • Fruit: Nuts are actually considered to be fruits, so we’ve got some fruit-related puns here for you:
    • *fut* → *fruit*: As in, “Think about your fruiture” and “Resistance is fruitile!” and “A fruituristic building” and “Sleeping on the fruiton” and “An irrefruitable argument.” Other words that could work: refruit (refute) and fruitility (fruitility).
    • Frat* → Fruit*: As in, “Fruiternity house” and “Fruiternal twins” and “Fruiternising with the enemy.”
    • Fret* → Fruit*: Fruitting (fretting), fruitwork (fretwork) and fruitful (fretful). Note: fretwork is a type of ornamental carving. This could work especially well for making puns about carved fruit decorations that are on cakes (very specific, we know).
    • Fruit: We’ll finish this little section off with some fruit-related phrases that could double as puns: “Be fruitful and multiply” and “Bear fruit” and “Forbidden fruit” and “Fruits of your labour” and “Low hanging fruit” and “The fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree.”
  • Shell: Nuts are composed of a seed within a shell, so we’ve included some shell-related puns too:
    • Celebration→ Shellebration: As in “After finishing we should have a shellebration.”
    • Sel* → Shell*: If a word starts with “sel” a shell pun can be made by switching it with “shell”. For example: shellection (selection), shellect (select), shelldom (seldom), shellfless (selfless), shellfish (selfish).
    • *sel → *shell: Words ending in “sel” can often be punned upon with “shell”: vesshell (vessel), tasshell (tassel), weashell (weasel), musshell (mussel), etc.
    • *sel* → *shell*: Words containing “sel” can yeild nice puns on “shell”: Hershellf, himshellf, themshellves, itshellf, myshellf, yourshelf, yourshelves, convershelly, counshelling, preshellected, overshelling, undershelling, ushellessely, weashelling.
    • Shall→ Shell: As in “Shell I compare thee to a summer’s day?” and “He who lives by the sword shell die by the sword.”
    • *cial → *shell: When a word has “cial” as a suffix, this suffix can usually be swapped out for “shell” to create a shell pun: soshell (social), speshell (special), offishell (official), finanshell, commershell, crushell, judishell, artifishell, provinshell, rashell, benefishell, superfishell, fashell, glashell, sacrifishel, antisoshell.
    • Sell → Shell: “How many do we have left to shell?”
    • Hell → Shell: “The party last night was a shell of a time.”
  • Seed: Nuts are also considered to be seeds, so we’ve got some seed-related puns here for you:
    • *sid* → *seed*: As in, “A walk on the wild seed,” and “It’s inseedious (insidious),” and “That, and more beseeds (besides),” and “Where are the reseedents (residents)?” and “All things conseedered (considered),” and “Always look on the bright seed of life,” and “Batting for the other seed,” and “Be on the safe seed,” and “Born on the wrong seed of the tracks,” and “Cross over to the other seed,” and “Err on the safe seed,” and “The flip seed,” and “Inseed information,” and “An inseed joke,” and “Inseed out,” and “A kick up the backseed,” and “On the plus seed,” and “On the downseed,” and “All kidding aseed,” and “Fall by the wayseed,” and “A ringseed seat,” and “Take it outseed,” and “Turn upseed down,” and “Think outseed the box.”
    • Seed: As in, “Gone to seed,” and “Seed capital,” and “Seed money,” and “Plant a seed.”
    • *cid* → *seed*: As in, coinseed (coincide), deseed (decide), fanseed (fancied), germiseed (germicide), and pestiseed (pesticide).
    • *ced* → *seed*: As in, seedar (cedar), conseed (concede), preseed (precede), superseed (supercede), preseedent (precendent). Notes: to supercede is to replace. A precedent is an established guide or principle. 
    • *ceed → *seed: As in, proseed, sucseed, exseed
  • Can all → Kernel: As in, “You kernel get lost.”
  • Butter: Since it’s very common to make butters out of nuts (almond butter, peanut butter, cashew butter etc), we’ve included butter in this list as well:
    • Barter → Butter: As in, “Trade and butter economy.”
    • Better → Butter: As in, “I’ve got a butter idea” and “Anything you can do, I can do butter” and “Appealing to your butter judgement” and “My butter half” and “Butter late than never” and “Butter luck next time” and “Butter safe than sorry” and “Butter than sex” and “Butter than new” and “I’ve changed for the butter” and “I couldn’t have said it butter” and “For butter or worse” and “Get the butter of” and “I should have known butter.”
    • But her → Butter: As in, “Butter suitcase! It’s been left behind!” (a very specific pun)
    • Patter → Butter: As in, “The pitter butter of little feet.”
    • But → Butter: As in, “Butter seriously” and “Butter heads” and “Butter out” and “Down, butter not out” and “Everything butter the kitchen sink” and “Kick butter” and “No butters” and “Last butter not least” and “Gone, butter not forgotten.”
    • Potter → Butter: As in, “Harry Butter” and “Buttering about.”
  • Oil: Nut oil is also a very common product, so we’ve included oil-related puns and phrases:
    • I’ll → Oil: As in, “Well, oil be” and “Oil say!” and “Ask me no questions, oil tell you no lies” and “Oil be back” and “Oil never tell” and “You scratch my back and oil scratch yours.”
    • All → Oil: As in “Can’t we oil just get along?” and “Oil in a day’s work.” and “Oil part of life’s rich tapestry” and “It’s oil Greek to me.” and “It’s oil downhill form here” and “It’s oil fun and games until someone gets hurt” and “It’s oil gone pear shaped” and “It’s oil good” and “It’s oil good clean fun” and “It’s oil me me me” and “That’s oil well and good, but …” and “Oil kidding aside, …” and “Above oil, …” and “Against oil odds” and “Oil shapes and sizes” and “Oil that glitters is not gold” and “Oil the rage” and “Oil the world’s a stage” and “Oil things being equal” and “Oil thumbs” and “Oil’s well that ends well” and “At oil costs” and “By oil appearances” and “By oil accounts” and “Cover oil your bases” and “From oil corners of the globe” and “I haven’t got oil day” and “In oil honesty” and “In oil likelihood” and “It’s oil the same to me” and “Jack of oil trades” and “I don’t know oil the answers” and “Not oil it’s cracked up to be” and “He’s not oil there” and “Once and for oil” and “Don’t put oil your eggs in one basket” – And there are many more oil puns that can be made along these lines.
    • Aisle → Oil: As in, “Walk down the oil” and “Cleanup on oil three.”
    • *oil*: Words which contain the “oil” sound (or similar) can be silly oil puns: spoiled, spoils, soiled, turmoil, toiletries, gargoil (gargoyle), foil, recoil.
  • Raw: We have some puns to emphasise and joke about raw nuts:
    • Roar → Raw: As in, “A rawing trade” and “The mighty lion raws.”
    • Rew* → Raw*: As in, “Your eternal raward” and “An essay rawrite” and “A rawarding career.”
    • Periwinkle → Perawinkle (note: periwinkle is a shade of bluish purple).
    • Row* → Raw*: As in, rawdy (rowdy), rawing (rowing) and rawboat (rowboat).
    • *rar* → *raw*: As in, “It rawly (rarely) happens” and “A true rawity (rarity)” and “Arbitrawy decisions” and “Contemporawry art” and “Holiday itinerawry” and “From the librawry.” Other words you could use: contrawry (contrary) and registraw (registrar).
    • *rer* → *raw*: As in, bearaw (bearer), sorceraw (sorcerer), exploraw (explorer), manufacturaw (manufacturer), labouraw (labourer), lecturaw (lecturer), wanderaw (wanderer) and treasuraw (treasurer).
    • *ror* → *raw*: As in, “Look in the mirraw” and “A holy terraw” and “The emperaw‘s new clothes” and “Margin of erraw (error)” and “A mask of horraw” and “Aurawra borealis.”
    • *rau* → *raw*: As in, “A rawcous (raucous) party” and “Rawnchy videos” and “Frawt (fraught) with danger” and “Arrested for frawd” and “Feeling distrawt (distraught).” Other words you could use: trawma (trauma), hydrawlic (hydraulic), frawdulent (fraudulent) and marawder (marauder).
    • *raw*: With these puns, you can simply emphasise the “raw” in certain words: draw, withdraw, straw, redraw, drawer, crawl, withdrawal, brawl and drawn.
    • Round* → Rawnd*: As in, “Rawnd and rawnd” and “In a rawndabout way.”
  • Roast: So we can make puns about roasted nuts, we have some roast-related puns here for you:
    • Rest → Roast: As in, “At roast,” and “Come to roast,” and “A cut above the roast,” and “Eternal roast,” and “For the roast of us,” and “For the roast of your life,” and “Give it a roast,” and “I roast my case,” and “Laid to roast,” and “No roast for the wicked” and “Roast assured,” and “The roast is history,” and “You’ve seen the roast.”
    • Arrest → A roast: As in “You are under a roast.” and “He was charged with resisting a roast.” and “Citizen’s a roast.”
    • *rest → *roast: As in, “In the interoast of justice,” and “Make it interoasting,” and “Nearoast and dearoast,” and “Mud wroastling,” and “On the croast of a wave,” and “Imitation is the sinceroast form of flattery,” and “May you live in interoasting times.”
    • *rust* → *roast*: As in, “Roastle (rustle) up,” and “Upper croast (crust),” and “Don’t troast (trust) anyone,” and “Troast is a two-way street.”
  • Allegory → Allergy: As in, “A political allergy.”

Nut-Related Words

To help you come up with your own nut puns, here’s a list of related words to get you on your way. If you come up with any new puns or related words, please feel free to share them in the comments!

types: nut, peanut, almond, chestnut, brazil, hazelnut, macadamia, cashew, acorn, almond, pecan, pistachio, walnut, pine, candlenut, kola, palm, betel, coconut, butternut, heartnut, gingko, bunya, soybean

general: fruit, shell, seed, kernel, butter, oil, raw, roasted, snack, allergy, hickory

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Cake Puns

Welcome to the Punpedia entry on cake puns! 🎂 🍓 🍰

Cakes are a much-loved sweet treat that we love to eat at any time – morning or afternoon tea, as dessert and for celebrations and traditional social gatherings. You might be looking for a short and sweet caption for a sugary Instagram boast, some witty wordplay to put on an invite, or maybe even a silly pun to ice your cake with. No matter the occasion, we hope you enjoy this list and find the perfect pun for your needs.

While we’ve made this list as comprehensive as possible, it is specific to cakes (and cupcakes). If you’re after other desserts, we also have candy puns, donut puns, pie puns ice cream puns, cookie puns and baking puns, and will have other related lists coming soon too.

A quick note that while this list will include traditional ingredients like milk, eggs, and butter, all of these can easily be swapped out for vegan substitutes (like soy milk or plant-based butter) and it’s these substitutes we have in mind when making jokes about these ingredients.

Cake Puns List

Each item in this list describes a pun, or a set of puns which can be made by applying a rule. If you know of any puns about cake that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments at the end of this page! Without further ado, here’s our list of cake puns:

  • Ache → Cake: As in, “Old cakes and pains” and “Tension headcake” and “Old heartcake” and “A splitting headcake.”
  • Kraken → Caken: As in, “Release the caken!”
  • Kick → Cake: As in, “Alive and cake-ing” and “Get a cake out of it” and “Just for cakes” and “Cake back and enjoy” and “Cake butt” and “A cake in the teeth.” Other kick-related words you could use: sidecake (sidekick), cakeoff (kickoff), caker (kicker), cakestart (kickstart) and cakeback (kickback).
  • *cac* → *cake*: As in, “Cake-ao flavoured” and “Prickly cake-tus” and “Cakeling like a witch” and “A cake-ophony of noise.” Note: a cacophony is a disorganised mess of sound.
  • *coc* → *cake*: As in, “5pm caketails (cocktails)” and “In your own cakeoon” and “Worse than a cakeroach” and “That’s cakeonuts (coconuts)!” and “A precakecious (precocious) child.” Note: to be precocious is to show early development or maturity.
  • Waikiki → Waicake-i
  • Cake: These cake-related phrases can serve as cake puns in the right context: “A slice of the cake” and “Flat as a pancake” and “Baby cakes” and “A cake walk” and “Caked with mud” and “Well that’s just the icing on the cake” and “Let them eat cake” and “A piece of cake” and “Selling like hot cakes” and “Shut your cake hole!” and “That takes the cake” and “The cherry on the cake” and “You can’t have your cake and eat it too.” Since these phrases are figurative and don’t refer to literal cake, they can be used in broader, more general ways.
  • Cake → Cupcake: Cake-related phrases can also be amended to become cupcake-related phrases which can be used as cupcake puns in the right context: “A slice of the cupcake” and “Cupcakes or death!” and “A cupcake walk” and “Cupcaked with mud” and “The icing on the cupcake” and “Let them eat cupcakes” and “A piece of cupcake” and “Shut your cupcake hole” and “Takes the cupcake.”
  • Desert → Dessert: As in “The Sahara dessert.” and “Just desserts.” and “How could you dessert me at the moment I needed you the most?”
  • Dissertation → Dessertation: As in “I wrote my diploma dessertation on candy puns.”
  • Does it → Dessert: As in “It’s comfy, but dessert make my bum look big?” and “Dessert not worry you that society cares so much about appearance?”
  • Break → Bake: As in, “A bad bake” and “At bakeneck speed” and “Bed and bakefast” and “Bake a leg” and “Baking and entering” and “Bake bread” and “Baking new ground” and “Bake even” and “Bake out in a cold sweat” and “Bake the bank” and “Bake the ice” and “Bake the mold” and “Bake with tradition” and “Baking news” and “Don’t go baking my heart” and “Give me a bake!” and “A lucky bake” and “Make a bake for it” and “Sticks and stones may bake my bones.”
  • Brake → Bake: As in, “Hit the bakes.”
  • Back → Bake: As in, “Bake in black” and “Bake to the future” and “Bake in the day” and “Bake in business” and “Bake on your feet” and “Bake to basics” and “Bake to square one” and “Double bake.”
  • Beck → Bake: As in, “At my bake and call”
  • Bike → Bake: As in, “On your bake!”
  • *bac* → *bake*: As in, “Full of bake-teria” and “A messy debake-l (debacle).”
  • *bec* → *bake*: As in, “Temptation bake-ons (beckons)” and “What have you bake-ome?” and “Just bake-ause you can doesn’t mean you should” and “Bakeoming my worst nightmare” and “Vegan barbake-ue” and “This attitude is unbake-oming of you.”
  • *bic* → *bake*: As in, “Stop bakering (bickering)!” and “Stop with the acerbake (acerbic) tone” and “Aerobake exercise” and “Feeling claustrophobake.”Note: is something is acerbic, then it’s bitter.
  • *buc* → *bake*: As in, “Bake-et list” and “A drop in the bake-et” and “Bake-l (buckle) up!” and “A bake-aneer’s life.”
  • *bik* → *bake*: As in, “Bake-ini body” and “Bakeram (bikram) yoga” and “Rubake‘s cube.”
  • *pec* → *bake*: As in, “A bake-uliar situation” and “Baketoral muscles” and “Blinking behind your s-baketacles” and “A s-baketacular performance” and “Fresh persbaketive” and “A wide s-baketrum.”
  • Pakistan → Bakeistan
  • I sing → Icing: As in “Icing in the shower sometimes.”
  • Icing: A simple icing-related metaphor: “The icing on the cake.”
  • Fostered → Frosted: As in “They frosted a sense of community and belonging.”
  • Battle → Batter: As in, “An uphill batter” and “Batter of wits” and “Batter ready” and “Half the batter” and “In the heat of batter” and “Love is a batterfield” and “A batter of wills” and “Batter of the bulge.”
  • Better → Batter: As in “Batter safe than sorry” and “Batter you than me” and “Batter than sex” and “I’ll go you one batter” and “I’ve seen batter days” and “It’s batter than nothing” and “Never been batter” and “The sooner the batter” and “You batter believe it!” and “Against batter judgement” and “Batter late than never” and “Batter left unsaid” (The dough used to make doughnuts is often called “batter”)
  • Butter → Batter: As in, “Bread always falls batter side down” and “Batter fingers” and “Batter up” and “Batter wouldn’t melt in her mouth” and “Float like a batterfly, sting like a bee” and “Social batterfly” and “The batterfly effect” and “Batterflies in my stomach.”
  • Gym* → Jam*: As in, “Mental jamnastics” and “A world-class jamnast” and “In the jamnasium.”
  • Am → Jam: As in, “Yes, I jam.”
  • Am* → Jam*: Amend words that start with “am” so that they start with “jam” instead: “A jambiguous (ambiguous) answer” and “Let me jamend (amend) that” and “A jamazing show” and “Filled with jambition” and “A small jamount.” Other words that you could use: jambivalent (ambivalent), jamateur (amateur), Jamazon (Amazon), jambience (ambience), jammunition (ammunition), jammo (ammo), jamnesty (amnesty), jamnesia (amnesia), jample (ample), jamplify (amplify), jamphibian (amphibian), jamulet (amulet), jamuse (amuse), jamusement (amusement) and jamusing (amusing).
  • American → Jamerican
  • Amsterdam → Jamsterdam
  • Jum* → Jam*: As in, “Jampstart your career” and “Jambo jet” and “Jamping for joy” and “A bit jampy” and “Protective jampsuit.” Other words you could use: jamp (jump), jamper (jumper) and jamble (jumble).
  • Cham* → Jam*: As in, “In my jambers (chambers)” and “Breakfast of jampions” and “Celebrate with jampagne.”
  • Gem* → Jam*: Jamini (Gemini), jamstone (gemstone) and stratejam (stratagem). Note: A strategem is a tactic that aims to gain the upper hand.
  • Belgium → Beljam:
  • *jam*: You can simply emphasize the “jam” in these words to make some silly jam-related cake puns: jamboree, Jamaica, jamb, pajamas and Benjamin.
  • Jam: To finish off our little jam section, we’ve got some jam-related puns that could act as puns in the right context: “In a jam and “Jam packed” and “Jam session” and “Jammed in tight.”
  • Cemetery → Creametery (a very specific and slightly morbid play on words)
  • *cram* → *cream*: As in, “Creamping my style” and “Writer’s creamp” and “Creamming for a test” and “Creamming your mouth with food.”
  • *crem* → *cream*: As in, “An increamental amount” and “By increaments.”
  • *crim* → *cream*: As in, “A creaminal mind” and “Punishment fits the cream” and “Creamson lips” and “Against discreamination” and “I don’t discreaminate.”
  • Cream: These cream-related phrases could serve as cake puns in the right circumstances: “Cream always rises to the top” and “Cream of the crop” and “A real cream puff” and “Skin like cream” and “Like the cat who got the cream” and “Where’s the cream filling?” and “Whatever creams your twinkie.”
  • Nuts: Nuts are commonly used to add flavour and texture to cakes, so we’ve added some nut-related phrases that you could use as cake puns in the right context:
    • Not → Nut: As in, “As often as nut” and “Believe it or nut” and “Down, but nut out” and “Nut at all” and “Nut bad” and “Nut in the slightest” and “Nut on your life.”
    • *nat* → *nut*: As in, “Well, nuturally” and “The nutional anthem” and “Any alternutives?” and “Need your signuture here” and “That resonuted with me.”
    • *net* → *nut*: As in, “Social nutwork” and “Nutworking event” and “Fast internut” and “A penutrating glare.” Other words you could use: Other wrods you could use: planut (planet), bonnut (bonnet) and cabinut (cabinut).
    • *nit* → *nut*: As in, “Cognutive therapy” and “Computer monutor” and “Golden opportunuty” and “A tight-knit communuty” and An affinuty for…” Other words you could use: dignuty (dignity) and furnuture (furniture).
    • *not* → *nut*: As in, “Nutwithstanding…” and “Take nutice of” and “Turn it up a nutch” and “Nutorious for” and “Nuthing to worry about” and “I cannut understand you.”
    • *nut*: With these words, we can simply emphasise the “nut” that they already contain: “Plant-based nutrition” and “Packed with nutrients” and “In a nutshell” and “That old chestnut” and “Wait a minute!”
    • Nut: We’ll finish this section off with some nut-related phrases that could double as puns in right context: “Sweet as a nut” and “From soup to nuts” and “Go nuts” and “A tough nut to crack.”
  • Jelly: Jellies are commonly used as filling in layered cakes, so we’ve got some jelly-related puns and phrases for you here:
    • Jealous → Jelly: As in “Your new shoes look so good! I’m jelly.”
    • *gel → *jelly: As in, “Anjelly’s (angel’s) advocate” and “My better anjellys” and “Enough to make anjellys weep” and “Need some new hair jelly.”
    • Jolly → Jelly: As in, “For he’s a jelly good fellow.”
  • Mousse: Mousse is another common filling (or topping!) for layered or filled cakes, so we’ve included mousse-related puns and phrases:
    • Mouse → Mousse: As in, “Quiet as a mousse” and “A cat and mousse game.”
    • Moose → Mousse
    • Must → Mousse-t: As in, “All things mousse-t pass” and “All good things mousse-t come to an end” and “Everything mousse-t go!” and “Into every life a little rain mousse-t fall” and “A mousse-t have” and “The shoe mousse-t go on” and “What can’t be cured mousse-t be endured” and “What goes up mousse-t come down” and “You mousse-t be joking!” and “I mousse-t say…”
    • Most → Mousse-t: As in, “Mousse-t wanted” and “Make the mousse-t of it” and “The mousse-t trusted name in news” and “For the mousse-t part.”
    • Mass → Mousse: As in, “Body mousse index” and “Mousse hysteria” and “Weapons of mousse destruction” and “Consuming mousse quantities.”
    • *mas* → *mousse*: As in, “A mousse-ive mistake” and “Lord and mousse-ter” and “Mousse-querade ball.” Other words that could work: mousse-age (massage), Christmousse (Christmas), en mousse (en masse).
    • *mes* → *mousse*: As in, “Mousse-age received” and “A hot mousse” and “Stop mousse-ing about” and Mousse-y hair” and “A mousse-merising song” and “Domoussetic duties.”
    • *mis* → *mousse*: As in, mousse-ogyny (misogyny), mousse-ion (mission), moussetake (mistake), mousse-ellaneous (miscellaneous), mousse-chief (mischief) and moussechievous (mischievous).
    • *mos* → *mousse*: As in, “A rolling stone gathers no mousse” and “Buzzing around like a mousse-quito” and “Yes, mousse-tly” and “Best in the cosmousse” and “A warm atmousse-phere” and “Try your utmousse-t.” Other words that could work: almousse-t (almost), foremousse-t (foremost), animousse-ity (animosity) and thermousse (thermos).
    • *mus* → *mousse*: As in, “Face the mousse-ic” and “Put some mousse-le (muscle) into it” and “As much as you can mousse-ter” and “Cut the mousse-tard.” Other words that could work: mousse-eum (museum) and mousse-shrrom (mushroom).
    • *maz* → *mousse*: As in, “An amousse-ing (amazing) result” and “Prepare to be amoussed (amazed)!” and “Filled with amoussement (amazement).”
    • *mous* → *mousse*: mousse-tache (moustache), autonomousse, anonymousse, infamousse, enormousse, famousse, unanimousse and synonymousse. Note: if something is autonomous, then it is self-governing and can act on its own.
  • Sweat → Sweet: As in “Blood, sweet and tears” and “Beads of sweet rolled down my forehead” and “Break out in a cold sweet” and “By the sweet of my brow” and “Don’t sweet it.” and “Don’t sweet the small stuff.” and “All hot and sweety.”
  • Sweater → Sweeter: As in “A close-knit woollen sweeter for cold days”
  • Suite → Sweet: As in “She was renting a 2-bedroom sweet for the summer.”
  • Switch → Sweet-ch: As in “Bait and sweet-ch” and “Asleep at the sweet-ch” and “Sweet-ch gears” and “You should sweet-ch out your old one with this one.”
  • Switzerland → Sweetzerland: As in “Zürich is a lovely city in Sweetzerland.”
  • Sweet:  These sweet-related phrases can act as puns in the right situation: As in “You’re so sweet!” and “Oh that’s soo sweet!” and “Revenge is sweet” and “Short and sweet” and “Lay some sweet lines on someone” and “Sweet dreams” and “Sweet Jesus!” and “You bet your sweet life!” and “That was a sweet trick, dude.” and “Sweet as, bro.” and “Whisper sweet nothings” and “Home sweet home” and “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” and “Sweet smell/taste of success/victory” and “Sweetheart.
  • Seat → Sweet: As in, “Backsweet driver” and “By the sweet of your pants” and “Hold on to your sweet” and “Not a dry sweet in the house” and “On the edge of my sweet” and “Please be sweeted” and “Take a back sweet” and “The best sweet in the house.”
  • Fondant: Fondant is a type of sugar dough that’s used as icing or decoration for cakes, especially when making 3D shapes or to cover large areas. These puns are specific to fondant:
    • Fun → Fondant: As in, “All fondant and games until someone loses and eye” and “A bundle of fondant” and “Double the pleasure, double the fondant” and “Girls just want to have fondant” and “Good, clean fondant” and “Make fondant of” and “Time flies when you’re having fondant.”
    • *ondent → *fondant: As in, “Feeling desfondant (despondent)” and “News corresfondant (correspondent).”
  • Mars → Marzipan: This one’s a bit of a stretch, but can still work in the right situation: “A marzipan a day helps you work, rest and play” and “The man from Marzipan.” Note: marzipan is a sweet, almond-based paste that is used in cakes as flavouring or decoration.
  • Peeping → Piping: As in, “Piping Tom” and “Piping through the curtains.”
  • Sprinkle: Since sprinkle is both a verb (to lightly scatter something) and a noun (small, multicoloured edible decorations – especially used on cakes), we can use it to turn normal phrases into puns, as in “Sprinkled with love.”
  • Even → Oven: As in “Don’t get mad, get oven” and “Break oven” and “Oven handed” and “Keep on an oven keel” and “Oven at the turning of the tide” and “Oven as we speak” and “Oven if it kills me” and “Oven Stevens”. Note: to keep something on an even keel is to keep something in a steady, untroubled state.
  • *aven* → *oven*: As in, “Let’s look at other ovenues” and “Ovenge my death!” and “The Ovengers.”
  • *even* → *oven*: As in, “The main ovent” and “Yes, oventually” and “An ovening out” and “Your oventual downfall” and “Spread ovenly” and “Seven Eloven” and “It’s looking unoven.”
  • Peace → Piece: As in, “At piece” and “Inner piece” and “Keep the piece” and “No piece for the wicked” and “Piece be with you” and “Piece at last” and “Piece of mind” and “At piece with.”
  • Piece: These piece-related phrases are general enough to serve as cake puns in the right context: “Dash to pieces” and “Bits and pieces” and “Conversation piece” and “Cut to pieces” and “Pick up the pieces” and “Piece of cake” and “A piece of the action” and “A real piece of work.”
  • Slice: These common phrases can be used as puns in the right situation: “A slice of the cake” and “Any way you slice it” and “Slice of life” and “A slice of the action” and “No matter how you slice it.”
  • Fruit: It’s common for fruit to be used as flavouring or decoration for cakes, so we’ve included some fruit-related phrases and puns here for you:
    • *fut* → *fruit*: As in, “Think about your fruiture” and “Resistance is fruitile!” and “A fruituristic building” and “Sleeping on the fruiton” and “An irrefruitable argument.” Other words that could work: refruit (refute) and fruitility (fruitility).
    • Frat* → Fruit*: As in, “Fruiternity house” and “Fruiternal twins” and “Fruiternising with the enemy.”
    • Fret* → Fruit*: Fruitting (fretting), fruitwork (fretwork) and fruitful (fretful). Note: fretwork is a type of ornamental carving. This could work especially well for making puns about carved fruit decorations that are on cakes (very specific, we know).
    • Fruit: We’ll finish this little section off with some fruit-related phrases that could double as puns: “Be fruitful and multiply” and “Bear fruit” and “Forbidden fruit” and “Fruits of your labour” and “Low hanging fruit” and “The fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree.”
  • Mix: The word “mix” can refer to both mixing up ingredients, or pre-made cake (or cupcake) mix. We’ve included some terrible mix-related puns here:
    • Max → Mix: As in, “All mixed out” and “To the mix.”
    • *max* → *mix*: As in, “The miximum amount” and “Miximise your fun!” and “The climix of the movie” and “What an anticlimix.”
    • Mexico → Mixico
    • *mic → *mix: As in, “The dynamix duo” and “Academix performance” and “Systemix problems” and “Economix status” and “Cosmix belief.” Other words that could work: endemix (endemic), mimix (mimic), epidemix (epidemic) and pandemix (pandemic).
    • *mix*: Simply emphasise the “mix” in these words to make some silly cake mix puns: mixture, mixer, mixed and remix.
  • Recipe: These recipe-related phrases could work as cake or cupcake puns in the right situation: “A recipe for disaster” and “A recipe for success.”
  • Chef: These next few puns are focused around the word “chef”:
    • Chuffed → Cheffed (Note: to be “chuffed” is to be pleased or delighted with something.)
    • Chev* → Chef*: As in, “Chefron pattern” and “Take a ride in my Chefy (Chevy).”
    • Chiv* → Chef*: As in, “A chefalrous (chivalrous) action” and “Practice chefalry (chivalry).”
    • Shif* → Chef*: As in, “Graveyard cheft” and “Night cheft” and “Cheft gears” and “Cheft your arse” and “Looking chefty” and “Chefting sands” and “A makecheft solution.”
    • Shuf* → Chef*: As in, “Cheffle away” and “Recheffle the cards.” Other words you could use: cheffleboard (shuffleboard), cheffling (shuffling) and cheffled (shuffled).
    • Disheveled → Dischefled
    • Shiv* → Chef*: As in, “Chefering (shivering) in the cold” and “Got the chefers (shivers).”
    • Chif* → Chef*: As in, “Cheffon cake.” (this one works well since it plays on both chef and chiffon, which is a type of cake)
  • Cook: We’ve got a little cook-related section for you here:
    • Cac* → Cook*: As in, “A cookophony of noise” and “Cookao (cacao) flavoured” and “Prickly like a cooktus (cactus)” and “Cookling with glee.”
    • Coc* → Cook*: As in, “A dangerous cooktail” and “Safely cookooned (cocooned) away.” Other words that could work: cookroach (cockroach), cookonut (coconut) and concookt (concoct). Note: a cacophony is a disorganised mess of noise.
    • Kooky → Cooky: The term “kooky” means strange or eccentric.
    • Cook: Other than the obvious definition it can also refer to “altering dishonestly”, as in “They cooked the numbers and were done for fraud” (The phrases “cooked the books” and “cooked the accounts” are synonymous). Some cooking-related idioms and phrases are: “What’s cooking?” and “Too many cooks spoil the broth.”
    • Cooked: “If mum and dad find out we took their car last night, we’re cooked!” and “He has been drinking since lunch time – he’s cooked.”
  • Rise: Since cakes (unlike cookies, pies and other sweet treats) are designed to rise when baked, we’ve included some rise-related puns for you:
    • Raise → Rise: As in, “Rise the bar” and “Rise the dead” and “Rise your game” and “Hair-rising.”
    • Raspberry → Riseberry
    • Res* → Rise*: As in, “Ongoing rise-search (research)” and “Unbreakable rise-olve” and “Earn rise-pect” and “Rise-ume work.” Other words that could work: rise-sponse (response), rise-silient (resilient), rise-t (rest), rise-olution (resolution).
    • *riz* → *rise*: As in, “On the horiseon” and “The grand prise” and “A mesmeriseing performance” and “Get horiseontal” and “A plagiarised essay.”
    • *ries → *rise: As in, “A new Netflix serise” and “Don’t forget to accessorise” and “Thanks for the memorise” and “Blocked arterise.” Other words that would work: adversarise (adversaries) and toiletrise (toiletries).
    • *ris* → *rise*: As in, “At rise-k (risk)” and “Dust and debrise” and “If needs arise” and “An enterprise-ing individual.”
  • Participation → Patiserrie-pation: (note: a patisserie is a shop that sells cakes and sweet pastries.)
  • Flour: As flour is an integral ingredient in cake-making, we’ve got some flour-related puns here:
    • Floor → Flour: As in, “Mop the flour with” and “On the flour” and “Flour it!” and “You have the flour.”
    • Flower → Flour: As in, “Flour power” and “The flour of your youth” and “Stop and smell the flours.”
    • Hour → Flour: As in, “After flours” and “Open all flours” and “The small flours of the morning” and “Working all flours” and “At all flours.”
    • Flair → Flour: As in, “A flour for the dramatic.”
    • Flir* → Flour*: As in, “Flourting with disaster” and “A real flourt.”
    • Flor* → Flour*: As in, “Floura and fauna” and “Floural arrangements.” Other words that could work: flourist (florist), Flourida (Florida), Flourence (Florence) and flourentine (florentine). Note: a florentine is a type of biscuit.)
  • Butter: Since butter is a very common ingredient in cakes, we’ve got some butter-related puns here for you (note: it is very easy to find vegan butter to use in cakes, and when we make jokes about butter, it’s of the plant-based variety).
    • Barter → Butter: As in, “Trade and butter economy.”
    • Better → Butter: As in, “I’ve got a butter idea” and “Anything you can do, I can do butter” and “Appealing to your butter judgement” and “My butter half” and “Butter late than never” and “Butter luck next time” and “Butter safe than sorry” and “Butter than sex” and “Butter than new” and “I’ve changed for the butter” and “I couldn’t have said it butter” and “For butter or worse” and “Get the butter of” and “I should have known butter.”
    • But her → Butter: As in, “Butter suitcase! It’s been left behind!” (a very specific pun)
    • Patter → Butter: As in, “The pitter butter of little feet.”
    • But → Butter: As in, “Butter seriously” and “Butter heads” and “Butter out” and “Down, butter not out” and “Everything butter the kitchen sink” and “Kick butter” and “No butters” and “Last butter not least” and “Gone, butter not forgotten.”
    • Potter → Butter: As in, “Harry Butter” and “Buttering about.”
  • Egg: As eggs are a common ingredient in cakes, we’ve included them in our cake pun list (a quick note that it’s very easy to substitute eggs for plant-based ingredients!):
    • *ag* → *egg*: As in, “In the begg (bag)” and “Capture the flegg” and “Tegging along” and “Stop dregging your feet” and “Reggs to riches” and “Snegg (snag) a great deal.” Other words you could use: preggmatic (pragmatic), propeggate (propagate), eggregate (aggregate), eggainst (against), eggnostic (agnostic), egghast (aghast), eggree (agree) and eggreement (agreement).
    • *eg* → *egg*: As in, “Get a legg on” and “Neggative results” and “Had you pegged as…” and “I begg to differ” and “Where do I beggin?” Other words that could work: leggacy, eggocentric, nutmegg, bootlegg, dregg and integgrity.
    • *ig* → *egg*: As in, “Keep on degging (digging)” and “Eggnorance is not bliss” and “You can’t eggnore it forever” and “Choosing to remain eggnorant” and “Eggnite your passion.”
    • *ex* → *eggs*: As in, “A compleggs situation” and “Indeggsed (indexed) files” and “Better than seggs (sex)” and “Don’t fleggs your muscles here” and “Pure refleggs (reflex)” and “From eggsperience” and “Taken out of conteggst (context)” and “Eggspress post” and “In eggschange.” Other words you could use: eggsploit (exploit), eggstract (extract), eggsercise (exercise), eggsistential (existential), eggserpt (except), eggsample (example), eggsacerbate (exacerbate), eggsamine (examine), eggsact (exact), eggsasperate (exasperate), eggsclusive (exclusive), eggsited (excited), eggsellent (excellent), eggsess (excess), eggsempt (exempt), eggsemplify (exemplify), eggsecution (execution), eggsfoliate (exfoliate), eggshibit (exhibit), eggshaust (exhaust), eggsausted (exhausted), eggsibition (exhibition), eggsilarating (exhilarating), eggshale (exhale), eggsist (exist), eggsit (exit), eggsotic (exotic), eggsorbitant (exorbitant), eggspect (expect), eggsquisite (exquisite), eggstension (extension), eggstrapolate (extrapolate), eggstensive (extensive), eggstraordinary (extraordinary), eggsuberant (exuberant) and eggsude (exude).
    • *ec* → *egg*: As in, “New teggnology” and “Change the subjeggt” and “Be objeggtive” and “High seggurity” and “An effeggtive technique” and “Solar egglipse.” Other words you could use: seggular (secular), feggless (feckless), egglectic (eclectic), eggonomy (economy), eggo (echo), eggology (ecology) and eggstatic (ecstatic).
    • *ac* → *egg*: As in, “Taken into eggount” and “Take eggtion” and “In on the eggt (act)” and “Looking for eggommodation.” Other words you could use: eggnowledge (acknowledge), eggrue (accrue) and eggronym (acronym)
    • Egg: We’ll finish this section off with some egg-related phrases that are general enough to use as cake and cupcake puns: “As sure as eggs is eggs” and “A bad egg” and “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket” and “Nest egg” and “Walking on eggshells” and “Can’t make a cake without breaking some eggs.”

All of the following puns are based on different types of cake:

  • Brow → Brownie: As in, “Eyebrownie raising” and “Knit your brownie” and “High brownie.”
  • Brown → Brownie: As in, “As brownie as a berry.”
  • Liar → Layer: As in, “Layer, layer, pants on fire.” Note: a layer cake consists of stacked sheets of cake which are usually held together by some kind of sweet paste (like icing or jam).
  • Tier: Tier cakes are similar to layer cakes in that they consist of multiple stacked cakes, but tier cakes tend to be made up of entire cakes stacked on top of each other, while layer cakes are composed of slices of cake. We’ve got some silly tier cake puns for you here:
    • Tear → Tier: As in, “Bathed in tiers” and “Blood, sweat and tiers” and “Bored to tiers” and “Bring tiers to your eyes” and “Burst into tiers” and “Crocodile tiers” and “Fighting back tiers” and “It will all end in tiers” and “No more tiers” and “A real tier-jerker.”
    • Tour → Tier: As in, “Eco-tierism” and “Magical mystery tier” and “Tier de force” and “World tier” and “Let me take you on a tier.”
    • Dear → Tier: As in, “After you, my tier” and “Tierly beloved” and “Hold on for tier life” and “Near and tier to my heart” and “Nearest and tierest.”
    • Deer → Tier: As in, “Like a tier in headlights.”
    • *tar* → *tier*: As in, “Set your tierget (target)” and “Online avatier” and “Brick and mortier shop” and “At the altier” and “Nectier of life.” Other words you could use: proprietiery (proprietary), complimentiery (complimentary) and complementiery (complementary).
    • *ter* → *tier*: As in, “A full tierm (term)” and “Boston tierrier” and “Tiertiary degree” and “Waiting at the tierminal” and “A tierritorial creature” and “Over new tierrain” and “A tierrible fate” and “Don’t forget to watier the plants” and “Doesn’t mattier” and “Out of charactier” and “Mastier bedroom” and “For bettier or worse” and “Fostier a new attitude.” Other words that could work: aftier (after), computier (computer), lettier (letter), intierest (interest), artiery (artery), intierface (interface), intierfere (interfere), altiernative (alternative), battiery (battery) and intiernet (internet).
    • *tir* → *tier*: As in, “Feeling tiered (tired)” and “Having a tierade (tirade)” and “What a tiersome situation” and “Tieramisu flavoured” and “Working tierlessly” and “In the entier world” and “Of retierment age” and “Writing with satier.”
    • *tor* → *tier*: As in, “Factier into the equation” and “Need a doctier” and “Monitier the situation” and “Computer monitier” and “Dedicated mentier” and “Project coordinatier” and “Ancient histiery.” Other words that could work: vectier (vector), curatier (curator), predatier (predator) and motier (motor).
    • *tyr* → *tier*: As in, tieranny (tyranny), tierant (tyrant), tierannical (tyrannical) and martier (martyr).
    • *tiar* → *tier*: As in, tiera (tiara), inertier (inertia) and tertiery (tertiary).
    • *tier*: Emphasise the “tier” in these words: frontier, bustier and chocolatier.
  • Torte: Tortes are a type of rich, dense cake. We’ve got some torte puns for you here:
    • Thought → Torte: As in, “Deep in torte” and “Food for torte” and “Hold that torte” and “Impure tortes” and “It’s the torte that counts” and “Just when you torte it was safe” and “Lost in torte” and “Penny for your torte” and “On second torte” and “School of torte” and “Train of torte” and “Collect your tortes” and “Torte bubble.”
    • Taught → Torte: As in, “I’ve torte you well.”
    • Taut → Torte: As in, “Torte muscles” and “Torte as a rubber band.”
    • *tot* → *torte*: As in, “In torte-al agreement” and “Torte bag” and “Tortering around” and “Torte-ally, 100%.” Other words that could work: factorteum (factotum), torte-alitarian and torte-um (totum).
    • *tart* → *torte*: As in, “All torted up” and “Torte-an skirt.”
    • *tert* → *torte*: As in, “Light entorte-tainment” and “Entorte-tain me” and “Fates intorte-twined.”
    • *tort* → *torte*: As in, “Torte-oise and hare” and “Like torte-ure” and “Hot torte-illas” and “A torte-urous situation.” Other words you could work: retorte (retort), distorte (distort), extorte (extort), contorte (contort), extorte-ion (extortion) and distorte-ion (distortion).
  • Cheese → Cheesecake: As in, “Different as chalk and cheesecake” and “What’s that got to do with the price of cheesecake?”
  • Cake → Cheesecake: As in, “A slice of the cheesecake” and “A cheesecake walk” and “Icing on the cheesecake” and “Let them eat cheesecake” and “Piece of cheesecake.”
  • Cake → Pancake: As in, “A slice of the pancake” and Icing on the pancake” and “Let them eat pancakes” and “Piece of pancake” and “The cherry on the pancake” and “You can’t have your pancake and eat it too.”
    • Food → Angel food: Angel food cake is a type of light, fluffy sponge cake that doesn’t use butter. We have some silly angel food puns for you here: “Comfort angel food” and “Angel food chain” and “Angel food for thought.” Note: these would also work for devil’s food cake, as in: “Comfort devil’s food” and “Devil’s food chain” and “Devil’s food for thought.”
  • Get out → Gateau’t: As in, “Gateau’t of the chopper!”
  • Pound: A pound cake is a cake that’s made with a pound each of the main ingredients (butter, flour, eggs and sugar). We have some pound-related puns and phrases here for you:
    • *pand* → *pound*: As in, “Pounder (pander) to” and “It’s poundemonium in here” and “Poundora’s box” and “Can you expound on that?”
    • *pend* → *pound*: As in, “Payment pounding.” Other words you could use: poundulum (pendulum), poundant (pendant), stipound (stipend), appound (append), suspound (suspend), depound (depend), expound (expend), appoundix (appendix), depoundent (dependent) and impounding (impending).
    • *pond* → *pound*: As in, “In correspoundence with” and “Feeling despoundent” and “Please respound quickly.”
  • Chocolate: Since chocolate is a popular enough flavour to be known as its own type of cake, we’ve got some chocolate-related phrases for you that can double as cake and cupcake puns: “Chocolate thunder” and “Chocolate drop” and “Death by chocolate.”
  • Bundt: A bundt cake is one that has a distinctive ring shape. Here are some bundt-related puns for you:
    • Bun* → Bundt: As in, “Bundt in the oven” and “We’re going to need bigger bundts” and “Bundtle of energy” and “Bundtle of joy.”
    • *ban* → *bundt*: As in, “Urbundt living” and “A suburbundt town.”
    • *bon* → *bundt*: As in, “Ribbundt cutting ceremony” and “Carbundt copy” and “Pass the bourbundt.
    • *bun* → *bundt*: As in, “Bundtle of joy” and “Thanks a bundtch” and “In abundtance.”
    • *band* → *bundt*: As in, “I’m with the bundt” and “Husbundt and wife” and “Garage bundt” and “Jump on the bundtwagon” and “I need a bundtage (bandage).” Other words that could work: bundtit (bandit), bundtwidth (bandwidth), bundtdana (bandana), bundteau (bandeau) and bundticoot (bandicoot), contrabundt (contraband), disbundt (disband), broadbundt (broadband), headbundt (headband), abundtdon (abandon) and abundtonment (abandonment).
    • Bend* → Bundt*: As in, “Bundt over backwards” and “Gone on a bundter (bender).”
    • *bond* → *bundt*: As in, bundting (bonding), bundtage (bondage), bundt (bond) and vagabundt (vagabond).
    • *bant* → *bundt*: As in, “Trading bundter (banter)” and “Bundtam (bantam) weight.” Note: bantam is a category of weight that’s used in sports.
    • *bent* → *bundt*: Incumbundt (incumbent) and absorbundt (absorbent). Note: if something is incumbent, then it’s an imposition or an obligation.
  • Coffee: Coffee has been included in this list as it’s both a popular flavour of cake and associated with cake as a common accompaniment (coffee and cake):
    • Copy → Coffee: As in, “Carbon coffee” and “Coffee that” and “Hard coffee” and “Don’t be a coffeecat.”
    • *caf* → *coffee*: coffeeteria (cafeteria) and coffeeine (caffeine).
  • Carrot: Carrot cakes are a very popular flavour for both cakes and cupcakes, so we’ve included it here:
    • Care at → Carrot: As in, “I don’t carrot all!”
    • Carat → Carrot: As in, “24 carrot gold.”
  • Foam: Foam cakes have very little (or no) fatty ingredients in them, and are light, spongy and airy. We’ve got some foam-related puns for you to use here:
    • Form → Foam: As in, “Foam follows function” and “Free foam” and “Imitiation is the sincerest foam of flattery” and “In fine foam” and “In any way, shape or foam” and “Take foam” and “True to foam” and “Evil takes many foams.”
    • Fame → Foam: As in, “Claim to foam” and “Fifteen minutes of foam” and “The hall of foam.”
    • From → Foam: As in, “A little foam column A, a little foam column B” and “Cut foam the same cloth” and “Fall foam grace” and “Foam a mile away” and “Foam a to z” and “Foam cover to cover” and “Foam my cold, dead hands” and “Foam scratch” and “Foam the cradle to the grave” and “Foam time to time” and “Foam the ground up” and “Pull the rug out foam under [someone]” and “Take it foam me” and “Start foam scratch.”
    • Phone → Foam: As in, “Hold the foam” and “Foam a friend” and “Foam in sick” and “Waiting by the foam.”
    • *fam* → *foam*: As in, “My foamily” and “Seems foamiliar” and “Almost foamous” and “40 hour foamine” and “I’m foamished!” and “Foamiliarise yourself with” and “Sue for defoamation.” Note: defamation is the act of injuring another person’s reputation.
    • *fem* → *foam*: As in, “The future is foamale” and “Foaminine energy” and “Foamme fatale” and “No such thing as too foaminist.” Other things that could work: foamur (femur) and effoaminate (effeminate).
    • *fum* → *foam*: As in, foamble (fumble), foaming (fuming), foamigate (fumigate) and foambling (fumbling).
    • *phem* → *foam*: As in, eufoamism (euphemism), efoameral (ephemeral), blasfoamy (blasphemy), blasfoamous (blasphemous) and eufoamistic (euphemistic). Note: if something is ephemeral, then it only lasts for a very short period of time.
    • Sophomore → Sofoamore
  • Roll: Roll cakes are thin sheet cakes that have been rolled into a log shape and go by various names – swiss roll, jelly roll and cream roll, and can be filled with cream, jam or icing. Here are some roll-related puns for you to use:
    • Role → Roll: As in, “Whats your roll here?” and “Competing for the same roll.”
    • J.K Rowling → J.K Rolling
    • *ral* → *roll*: As in, “Rolly (rally) together” and “In generoll” and “Integroll to” and “It’s only naturoll” and “Yes, naturolly” and “Collateroll damage” and “Peripheroll vision” and “Running in parollel.” Other words you could use: liberoll (liberal), moroll (moral), ephemeroll (ephemeral) and visceroll (visceral).
    • *rel* → *roll*: As in, “Not rollevant” and “Rollay the information over” and “A huge rollief” and “Newest rollease” and “In a rollationship” and “Not for rolligion” and “In rollation to” and “Showing rolluctance (reluctance)” and “Rollentless effort” and “Monkeys in a barroll” and “Squirrolling away” and “Lover’s quarroll.” Other words you could use: apparoll (apparel), lauroll (laurel), scoundroll (scoundrel), mongroll (mongrel).
    • *ril* → *roll*: As in, “At your own peroll (peril)” and “A tendroll of hair” and “Aproll showers” and “A brolliant idea” and “Perollous (perilous) plans.”
    • *rol* → *roll*: As in, “Out of controll” and “High cholesteroll” and “On patroll” and “Off to enroll” and “Christmas carolls.” Other words: petroll (petrol) and prollific (prolific).
    • *rul* → *roll*: As in, cerollean (cerulean), unrolly (unruly) and ferrolle (ferrule). Note: a ferrule is a band that holds parts of an object together.
    • *rawl* → *roll*: As in, “Gotta croll before you can walk” and “Pub broll (brawl)” and “Urban sproll (sprawl)” and “Southern droll (drawl).”
  • Ice cream: When ice cream is shaped like a cake, it becomes known as ice cream cake. We’ve got some ice cream-related puns here for you to reference this summer favourite:
    • Ice → Ice cream: As in, “Cold as ice cream” and “Break the ice cream” and “Cuts no ice cream” and “Ice cream maiden” and “On ice cream” and “Skating on thin ice cream.”
    • Cream → Ice cream: As in, “Ice cream always rises to the top” and “Ice cream of the crop” and “Skin like peaches and ice cream” and “The cat who got the ice cream.”
  • Bread → Banana Bread: As in, “Banana bread always falls butter side down” and “Banana bread and butter” and “Break banana bread” and “Have your banana bread buttered on both sides” and “Put banana bread on the table” and “The best thing since sliced banana bread” and “Your daily banana bread.” Note: while banana bread has “bread” in the name, it is also categorised as a cake due to its cake-like characteristics (sweet, moist, airy, fluffy).
  • Cake → Shortcake: As in, “A slice of the shortcake” and “The icing on the shortcake” and “Let them eat shortcake” and “Piece of shortcake” and “The cherry on the shortcake” and “Have your shortcake and eat it too.”
  • Mooncake: Mooncakes are a small, round, dense type of Chinese cake eaten during the Mid-Autumn (or Mooncake) festival as an accompaniment to tea. Make some silly references to them with the following mooncake puns and phrases:
    • Moon → Mooncake: As in, “Ask for the mooncake” and “Eclipse of the mooncake” and “Many mooncakes ago” and “The dark side of the mooncake.”
    • Cake → Mooncake: As in, “A slice of the mooncake” and “Mooncake walk” and “Icing on the mooncake” and “Let them eat mooncake” and “Piece of mooncake” and “That really takes the mooncake” and “You can’t have your mooncake and eat it too.”
    • Moan → Moon: As in, “Whinging and mooning.”
    • *man* → *moon*: As in, “Anger moonagement” and “A moonipulative relationship” and “Take up the moontle.”
    • *men* → *moon*: As in, “Didn’t I moontion?” and “A respected moontor” and “You’re a moonace” and “Strict regimoon” and “No commoont” and “A strong commitmoont to” and “Environmoontally friendly.” Other words you could use: employmoont (employment), complemoont (complement), implemoont (implement), complimoont (compliment) and amoonable (amenable). Note: to be amenable is to be willing to respond to requests or suggestions.
    • *mon* → *moon*: As in, “All about the mooney” and “Hall moonitor” and “Moonkey business” and “Cookie moonster” and “The moonarch of” and “Every moonth.” Other words you could use: mooniker (moniker), moonopoly (monopoly), moontage (montage), commoon (common), salmoon (salmon), summoon (summon), lemoon (lemon), demoon (demon), cinnamoon (cinnamon), persimmoon (persimmon), sermoon (sermon), harmoony (harmony) and admoonish (admonish).
    • *mun* → *moon*: As in, “A tight-knit commoonity” and “Learn to commoonicate.” Other words that could work: commoonication (communication), immoonity (immunity), immoon (immune) and commoonion (communion).
  • Cake Pop: Cake pops are a fairly new type of cake where small balls of cake are styled as lollipops. They’re popular enough that we’ve included some pop-related puns here:
    • *pap* → *pop*: Popaya (papaya), popyrus (papyrus), poparazzi (paparazzi) and poprika (paprika). Note: papyrus is a type of very old paper.
    • Pep* → Pop*: As in, Popper (pepper), popperoni (pepperoni) and poppermint (peppermint. This could work well for a peppermint-flavoured cake pop.)
    • *pop*: We can simply emphasise the “pop” in these words: populist, popular, poplar, population, poppy, populace, lollipop and apoplectic. Notes: to be apoplectic is to be explosively angry. A populist is someone who supports ideas because they’re popular, rather than because they are moral or correct.
    • *pup* → *pop*: Poppet (puppet), poppy (puppy) and poppeteer (puppeteer).
    • Cake → Cake pop: As in, “A slice of the cake pop” and “Icing on the cake pop” and “Let them eat cake pops” and “A piece of cake pop” and “You can’t have your cake pop and eat it too.”
  • Sheet Cake: Sheet cakes are large, flat, rectangular cakes. Here are some sheet cake puns for you to use:
    • Shot → Sheet: As in, “Give it your best sheet” and “Have a sheet at” and “A long sheet” and “Not by a long sheet.”
    • Shut → Sheet: As in, “An open and sheet case” and “Keep your mouth sheet” and “Sheet up and take my money” and “Sheet your cake hole (this would be an amazingly appropriate pun)” and “Sheet your face.”
    • Sh*t → Sheet: As in, “Get your sheet together” and “Holy sheet” and “In deep sheet” and “Scared sheetless” and “No sheet” and “Sheet happens” and “Who gives a sheet?”
    • Seat → Sheet: As in, “Backsheet driver” and “Bums on sheets” and “By the sheet of your pants” and “Glued to your sheet” and Hold on to your sheet” and “In the box sheet” and “Not a dry sheet in the house” and “Please be sheeted” and “Take a sheet” and “The best sheet in the house” and “The hot sheet.”
    • Cheat → Sheet: As in, “Once a sheeter, always a sheeter” and “You can’t sheet an honest person.”
    • Set → Sheet: As in, “All sheet?” and “Game, sheet, match.” and “Got your heart sheet on” and “Ready, sheet, go!” and “Sheet eyes on” and “Sheet foot in” and “Sheet in motion” and “A new sheet of wheels” and “Sheet the record straight” and “Sheet sail” and “Sheet your teeth on edge” and “Sheet in your ways.”
    • Sit → Sheet: As in, “Don’t just sheet there” and “Sheet it out” and “Sheeting on the fence” and “Sheet tight” and “Sheet up and take notice” and “Sheeting pretty.”
    • *shat* → *sheet*: Sheetter (shatter), sheettering (shattering).
    • *cit* → *sheet*: As in, “In the sheety (city)” and “A proud sheetizen of” and “Sheetrus (citrus) flavoured (this could work well for a citrus-flavoured sheet cake)” and “In some capasheety” and “Worldwide atrosheety.” Other words that could work: sheetation (citation), sheetadel (citadel), sheetizenship (citizenship), complisheet (complicit), explisheet (explicit), tasheet (tacit), implisheet (implicit), solisheet (solicit), defisheet (deficit).
    • *sit* → *sheet*: As in, “We’ve got a sheetuation” and “Call the babysheeter” and “In transheet” and “Make a deposheet” and “A propensheety to” and “Posheetive results” and “An exquisheet meal.”
    • Sheet: To finish this section, we’ve got some simple sheet-related phrases that are general enough to use as puns: “White as a sheet” and “Keep a clean sheet” and “Between the sheets.”
  • Slab cake: Slab cakes are the Australian equivalent of sheet cakes (see section above). Here are some silly slab puns for you to use:
    • *sab* → *slab*: As in, “Team slabotage” and “Taking a slabbatical” and “Indispenslable to the team.” Note: a sabbatical is an extended break from work or a usual schedule.
    • Sebastian → Slabastian
    • Slap* → Slab*: As in, “A slab on the wrist” and “Slab bang in the middle” and “A slabdash job” and “Slabstick comedy.”
  • Blondie: Blondies are brownies that are made with vanilla rather than chocolate or cocoa. We’ve got a couple of blondie puns for you here:
    • Bondi beach → Blondie beach
    • Blonde → Blondie: “Bleached blondie” and “Blondie bombshell” and “Platinum blondie.”
  • Butterfly: Butterfly cakes are cupcakes that have the tops carved out, cut in half and then stuck back on top with jam, icing or cream to resemble a butterfly’s wings. Here are some butterfly-related phrases that could double as cupcake puns:
    • Fly → Butterfly: As in, “Born to butterfly” and “Come butterfly with me” and “Butterfly by the seat of your pants” and “Butterfly off the handle” and “Off to a butterflying start.”
    • Butterfly: These butterfly-related phrases are general enough to work as puns in the right context: “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee” and “Social butterfly” and “The butterfly effect.”
  • Bread → Gingerbread: As in, “Gingerbread always falls butter side down” and “Gingerbread and butter” and “Gingerbread of life” and “Gingerbread crumb trail” and “The best thing since sliced gingerbread” and “Your daily gingerbread.”
  • Hedgehog: Hedgehogs are dense dessert bars that are similar to a sticky, fudgy brownie. Here are some hedgehog puns for you:
    • Hedge → Hedgehog: As in, “Hedgehog fund” and “Hedgehog your bets” and “You look as though you’ve been dragged through a hedgehog backwards.”
    • Hog → Hedgehog: As in, “Go the whole hedgehog” and “Ground hedgehog day.”
  • Marble: “Lose your marbles.” Note: marble cakes have a streaky, marble-like appearance of mixed light and dark batter.
  • Lava: Lava cakes have solid outsides with molten/liquid insides. Reference these gooey treats with these puns:
    • *lav* → *lava*: As in, “Lava-ish interior” and “Lava-ender scented.”
    • *lev* → *lava*: As in, “Looking for lava-rage (leverage)” and “A beastly lavathan (leviathan)” and “A malavalent (malevolent) glare.” Other words you could use: relavant (relevant), allava-ate (alleviate), clavar (clever), laval (level), lavaty (levity), lavar (lever) and irrelavant (irrelevant). Note: levity is a lightness, or a joking attitude.
    • *lov* → *lava*: As in, “I lava you” and ” and “All you need is lava” and “All’s fair in lava and war” and “Can you feel the lava tonight?” and “Can’t help falling in lava” and “Fall in lava” and “For the lava of god” and “Somebody to lava” and “What a lavaly sentiment” and “My lavar” and “A lavaing relationship” and “Feeling lavalorn” and “Close lavabirds” and “A lavable person” and “Dearly belavad.” Note: to be lovelorn is to be unloved.
    • *lava*: Simply emphasise the “lava” in these words: baklava, balaclava and lavatory.
  • Four → Petit Four: As in, “Down on all petit fours” and “Petit four by two” and “A petit four letter word.” Note: petit fours are small, bite-sized cakes.
  • Rum → Rum Baba: As in, “Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum baba.” Note: Rum babas are a small, rum-soaked cake served with cream.
  • Ball→ Snowball: As in, “Break your snowballs,” and “Snowballs to the wall,” and “Bust your snowballs,” and “A different snowball game,” and “Dropped the snowball,” and “Get the snowball rolling,” and “Got you by the snowballs,” and “Have a snowball,” and “The snowball is in your court.” Note: snowballs are small, cream-filled cakes that are covered with marshmallow and coconut.
  • Suffer → Souffle: As in, “Long souffle-ing.”
  • Tea → Teacake: As in, “Teacake for two” and “Teacake and sympathy.”
  • Cake → Teacake: As in, “A slice of the teacake” and “Teacake or death” and “A teacake walk” and “Icing on the teacake” and “Let them eat teacake” and “Piece of teacake” and “That takes the teacake” and “The cherry on the teacake” and “You can’t have your teacake and eat it too.”
  • Pie → Whoopie Pie: As in, “Easy as whoopie pie” and “Sweet as whoopie pie” and “A finger in many whoopie pies” and “A piece of the whoopie pie.” Note: whoopie pies are two cookie-shaped cakes that have been sanwiched together with icing or cream.
  • Yule Log: Yule logs are traditional Christmas cakes that resemble a firelog. Here are some puns that could be used to reference these:
    • You’ll → Yule: As in “Yule never guess” and “Ask a silly question and yule get a silly answer” and “Yule know how” and “Yule take care of it.” Note: although not commonly used in everyday/colloquial conversation, yule is now used to refer to the Christmas period.
    • You log → Yule log: As in, “Have yule logged on yet?” This is a very specific pun that refers to yule logs (large logs that are burned on Christmas Eve).
  • Fairy cake: Fairy cakes are another word for butterfly cakes. They’re small cupcakes with a section of the top cut out, then fashioned to look like wings on top of the cake. The next few puns are centred around the idea of fairy cakes:
    • *fair* → *fairy*: Swap “fair” for “fairy”, like so: “Affairy of the heart”, “An affairy to remember”, “All the fun of the fairy,” and “All’s fairy in love and war”, “By fairy means or foul”, “Faint heart never won fairy lady”, “Fairy trade”, “Fairy and square”, “Fairy dinkum”, “Fairy enough”, “Fairy game”, “A family affairy,” and “My fairy lady”, “No fairy!” and “Savoir fairy.” 
    • Far → Fairy: Swap “far” for “fairy” to create some witty magic puns like so: “As fairy as it goes”, “As fairy as the eye can see”, “Few and fairy between”, and “Over the hills and fairy away”, “So fairy so good”, “Thursday’s child has fairy to go” and “The fruit does not fall fairy from the tree”. 
    • Very → Fairy: As in, “Be afraid, be fairy afraid”, “Before your fairy eyes”, “How fairy dare you!”, “It was a fairy good year”, “Thank you fairy much”, “Fairy interesting, but stupid”, “All fairy well” and “At the fairy least”.
    • Fiery → Fairy: As in, “Fairy red hair,” and “Fairy rage,” and “Filled with fairy enthusiasm.”
    • Four → Fairy: As in, “Twenty-fairy seven,” and “A fairy-letter word.”
    • Forty → Fairy-ty: As in, “Fairy-ty winks,” and “Life begins at fairy-ty.”
    • Firing → Fairy-ing: As in, “Fairy-ing blanks,” and “Fairy-ing on all cylinders,” and “The fairy-ing line.”
    • Fury → Fairy: As in, “Bright red with fairy,” and “Filled with sorrow and fairy,” and “Blinded with fairy,” and “Pent-up fairy.”
    • Hairy → Fairy: As in, “A fairy situation,” and “Give it the fairy eyeball.” Note: to give someone the hairy eyeball is to look at someone disdainfully.
    • *fare* → *fairy*: As in, “Fairynheit 451,” and “Welfairy reform,” and “Fairy-thee-well!” and “I bid you fairywell!” and “Celebration and fanfairy.” Note: Fahrenheit 451 is a dystopian novel that’s been made into a movie.
    • *fer* → *fairy*: As in, “A fairyocious effort,” and “Your highest offairy (offer),” and “Buffairy (buffer) zone,” and “Long suffairying (suffering),” and “What’s the diffairyence (difference)?” and “Transfairy the funds,” and “A good refairyence,” and  “Taking the fairy (ferry),” and “Defairy (defer) your admission,” and “Infairyority (inferiority) complex,” and “Well, if you’re offairying.”
    • *for* → *fairy*: As in, “Going fairyward,” and “Insider infairymation,” “Too much infairymation,” and “Peak perfairymance,” and “Fairyeign (foreign) exchange,” and “The fairycast for today,” and “Why hast thou fairysaken me?” and “In reference (or refairyence) to the afairymentioned…”
    • *fur* → *fairy*: As in, “Hell hath no fairy (fury) like..” and “An infairyating (infuriating) situation,” and “A part of the fairyniture,” and “Fairytive (furtive) glances,” and “And fairythermore…” and “A blazing fairynace (furnace).”
    • Fast and Furious → Fast and Fairyous
    • Fairy: We’ll finish this section off with fairy-related puns: “Airy fairy,” and “Fairytale ending” and “Nobody loves a fairy when she’s forty”.
  • Mug Cake: Mug cakes are a fairly new type of cupcake where ingredients are put in a mug then microwaved, rather than being cooked in an oven. The following are centred around mug cakes and can be used as cupcake puns:
    • Mag* → Mug*: As in, “The mugnitude of” and “A mugnificent ending” and “Self-help mugazine” and “My mugnum opus.” Note: a magnum opus is considered to be a person’s greatest work.
    • *meg* → *mug*: As in, “Pomugranate flavoured” and “The alpha and the omuga.”
    • Cake → Mug cake: As in, “A slice of the mug cake” and “A mug cake walk” and “Icing on the mug cake” and “Let them eat mug cake” and “A piece of mug cake” and “Selling like mug cakes” and “That really takes the mug cake” and “The cherry on the mug cake” and “You can’t have your mug cake and eat it too.”

Cake-Related Words

To help you come up with your own cake puns, here’s a list of related words to get you on your way. If you come up with any new puns or related words, please feel free to share them in the comments!

general: cake, cupcake, sweet, dessert, baked, bake, baking,  batter, milk, egg, butter, flour, sugar, icing, frosting, cream, buttercream,  jam, vanilla, marzipan, fondant, piping, sprinkles, fruit, jelly, mousse, cocoa, nuts, recipe, mix,  ingredients, baking powder, baking soda, cook, chef, oven, nuts, slice, piece, ramekin, patty pan/case, rise, hundreds and thousands, patisserie, bakery, baker

cake types: sponge, layer, tier, fruit, torte, cheesecake, pancake, birthday, angelfood, angel, chiffon, gateau, pound, flourless, chocolate, wedding, bundt, decorative, black forest, coffee, carrot, roulade, foam, shortened, roll, ice cream, upside-down, cassata, german, babka, banana bread, battenberg, shortcake, mooncake, cake pop, cake balls, madeleines , swiss roll, sheet cake, blondie, brownie, butterfly, charlotte, devil’s food, eccles, funnel, gingerbread, hedgehog, jaffa, lamington, marble, mille-feuille, lava, muffin, opera, pavlova, petit gâteau, petit fours, princess, red velvet, rum baba, snowball, souffle, teacake, tiramisu, whoopie pie, yule log, fairy cake, mug cake

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