Pie Puns

Welcome to the Punpedia entry about pie puns! 🙂 Most of the pie puns in the list are on the word “pie” itself, so they’re applicable to apple pie, pumpkin pie and any other pie variety. There’s a few others towards the end of the list that play on pie-related concepts like “crust”, “filling”, “dessert”, etc. There’s a bunch of puns based on pie sayings like “Easy as pie” and “Pie in the sky”. Whatever your purpose in looking for pie puns, I hope you find this entry useful!

You might also like to visit the Punpedia entries on food puns, baking puns and cooking puns.

Pie Puns List

Each item in this list describes a pun, or a set of puns which can be made by applying a rule. If you know of any puns about pie that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments at the end of this page!

  • Pie: There are several phrases/idioms which contain the word “pie”: “Easy as pie” and “To eat humble pie” and “As sweet as pie” and “Pie in the sky” and “Pie-eyed” and “A piece of the pie” and “Sweetie pie” and “Cutie pie” and “Shut your pie hole” and “A finger in every pie” and “Pie chart / Pie graph”
  • Pi (π) → Pie: The Greek letter “pi” is commonly used in maths to represent the number which is the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle.
  • I → Pie: As in “Pie couldn’t care less.” and “Pie beg to differ” and “Pie beg your pardon!” and “Pie can feel it in my bones.” and “Pie kid you not.” and “Well, pie never!” and “Pie see what you did there.” and “Pie stand corrected.”
  • I’m → Pie’m: As in “Pie’m all ears” and “Pie’m outta here!”
  • Eye → Pie: As in “Beauty is in the pie of the beholder.” and “As far as the pie can see” and “Bird’s pie view” and “It caught my pie” and “A pie for a pie, a tooth for a tooth.” and “Pie of the Tiger” and “In the pie of the storm” and “Pie up the competition” and “I’ve got my pie on you” and “In the blink of a pie” and “In my mind’s pie” and “Keep a pie out for …” and “In the public pie” and “I spy with my little pie” and “Keep your pie on the ball” and “Sleep with one pie open” and “Turn a blind pie” and “Through the pie of a needle”
  • Buy → Pie: As in “The best that money can pie” and “Pie and sell” and “Pie one, get one free” and “Pie low, sell high” and “I need you to pie me some time”
  • Bye → Pie: As in “Goodpie, cruel world.” and “Goodpie and good riddance” and “Pie-pie for now (PPFN)” and “Hush a pie
  • By → Pie: As in “Bit pie bit” and “Abide pie the rules” and “I was taken pie surprise” and “We won pie a hair’s breadth” and “Pie a show of hand’s, who …” and “She was, pie all appearances, …” and “Pie all means” and “Pie any means necessary” and “Pie any stretch of the imagination” and “Pie hell or high water” and “Pie Jove” and “We need to do it all pie the book” and “Pie the same token” and “Day pie day” and “Fall pie the wayside” and “Hard done-pie
  • *bi* → *pie*: As in, apie-de (abide), antipie-otic (antibiotic), autopieography (autobiography), pie-as (bias), pie-polar (bipolar), piesexual (bisexual), pie-curious (bicurious), pie-ble (bible), piecarbonate (bicarbonate), pie-ceps (biceps), piecycle (bicycle), pie-odegradable (biodegradable), pie-odiversity (biodiversity), pieography (biography), pie-ological (biological), pieson (bison), pie-t (bite), Du-pie (Dubai), lullapie (lullaby) and sympieosis (symbiosis).
  • Prize → Pies: As in “Keep your eyes on the pies” and “A pies catch” and “My most piesed possession.”
  • Pause → Pies: As in “It was a tragedy that gave us all pies for thought.”
  • Pose → Pies: As in “Strike a pies” and “Pies a question” and “Will you pies for my painting?”
  • Poise → Pies: As in “Pies and good manners can be cultivated in a person.”
  • Piece → Pies: As in “Pies of the action” and “A nasty pies of work” and “A pies of my mind” and “A conversation pies” and “Pies of crap” and “You want a pies of me?” and “All of a pies” and “Speak your pies” and “Abbreviated pies of nothing”
  • Pirate → Pierate: As in “Online pieracy” and “Pierates attacked the harbour.”
  • Spy → Spie: As in “I spie with my little eye”
  • Piety: As in “Acts of piety and charity.” and “Piety and religious zeal are irrational and often harmful to society.”
  • *pie*: If a word contains the “pie” sound (or similar), we might be able to turn it into a terrible pie pun. Note that some puns of this type are already in the list (above and below this item), but I’ve included them again here so they’re all in one place. Here I use hyphens or underlines for cheesy emphasis, but you can of course present them however you like: occu-pie-d (occupied), pie-lot (pilot), piep (pipe), em-pie-re (empire), inspiered, pie-ous (pious), des-pie-t (despite), pie-l (pile), occu-pie, pien (pine), piety, spie (spy),  pient (pint), expiered (expired), pie-oneer, s-pie-der, s-pie-ces, alpiene, as-pie-ring (aspiring), com-pie-led, spiene, cons-pie-red, s-pie-tful, s-pie-ky, pie-racy, magpie, vampiere, pieneapple, ex-pie-ry, pers-pie-re, preoccu-pie-d, pie-romaniac, s-pie-derman, pie-thon, pie-pline.
  • Pie*: There are a couple of words that start with the letters “pie” but not with the “pie” sound. These aren’t phonetic puns, so you can’t speak them, but they may be useful still for written word play: piece, pieces, pier, pierce, piercing, piercings, pierced, piecemeal, piezoelectric.
  • P*: Words that simply start with “p” can sometimes be turned into terrible pie puns: pieticularly (particularly), piepose (purpose), piessibility (possibility), pievate (private), pietential (potential), piement (payment), pieblish (publish), piemary school, pieblication (publication), pieority (priority), piellution (pollution), piesuade (persuade), pielitics (politics), piesentation (presentation), piessession (possession), piem (poem), piesue (persue), piessenger (passenger), pied (pride), piecentage, pieliceman, pieception (perception), pieticipation, pieschology (psychology), piemanent marker, pieliamentary (parliamentary), pietrait (portrait), pie-ano (piano), pie-riod (period), pieliticians (politicians).
  • *ply/pli* → *pie*: As in, piewood (plywood), pieing (plying), pie-ers (pliers), pie-ometric (plyometric), ap-pie (apply), sup-pie (supply), com-pie (comply), re-pie (reply), sim-pie (simply), multipie (multiply), dee-pie (deeply).
  • Pilates → Pie-lates: As in, “There’s a big difference between yoga and pie-lates.”
  • Filling: The stuff inside a pie is called “filling”, but this word (of course) has other senses which might be potentially useful for pie puns: “That pie was very filling.” and “We’re filling the open positions with graduate students.” and “I’m filling the car with petrol.” and “Fillings are expensive at any dentist.”
  • Feeling → Filling: As in “I’ve got a bad filling about this…” and “I had a gut filling that something was wrong.” and “I’ve been filling blue lately.” and “Don’t say that. You’ll hurt his fillings.” and “Are you filling okay?” and “I’ve got mixed fillings about this.” and “No hard fillings.” and “I’m filling like a million bucks.”
  • Homemade: Since the term “homemade pie” is somewhat common, you may be able to get away with a pie pun by simply using the word “homemade” in some non-food sense – perhaps to describe something that is of poor quality.
  • Pewdiepie: This is the name of a famous YouTuber.
  • Sweet: As in “How sweet of you!” and “Revenge is sweet” and “Short, but sweet” and “Sweet dreams” and “Whisper sweet nothings”
  • Savour it → Savoury-t: As in “You shouldn’t take it for granted; savoury-t.”
  • Tart: A tart is similar to a pie except that it has an “open top” (no pastry “lid”). The term “tart” has also been used historically to refer to a prostitute and is still used as a slut-shaming term today (a derogatory term for women and girls who don’t conform to traditional expectations of sexual behaviour or dress).
  • Slice: Since pies are so commonly eaten in slices, you may be able to make a pie pun by simply mentioning the word “slice”, as in “No matter which way you slice it” and “Slice of the action”
  • Apple: Since apple pie is such a common variety of pie, you may be able to make a pie pun by just mentioning the word “apple” as in “You’re the apple of my eye” and “How do you like them apples?” and “Bad apple” and “The big apple” and “Apple of discord.” and “Apple’s new iPhone”
  • Desert → Dessert: As in “The Sahara dessert.” and “Just desserts.” and “How could you dessert me at the moment I needed you the most?”
  • Dissertation → Dessertation: As in “I wrote my diploma dessertation on candy puns.”
  • Does it → Dessert: As in “It’s comfy, but dessert make my bum look big?” and “Dessert not worry you that society cares so much about appearance?”
  • Trust → Crust: As in “Crust me, I’m a doctor.” and “That was a breach of crust.” and “He’s a crustworthy young man.”
  • Christ → Crust: As in “Crust has fallen, crust has risen.” and “Crust is a main figurehead in western mythology.”
  • Crusty: This term can refer to someone (especially an older person) who is bad-tempered.
  • Rusty → Crusty: As in “My punning skills are a little crusty, sorry.”
  • Just → Crust: As in “It’s crust not my day today.” and “It’s crust around the corner.” and “Crust add water.” and “It’s crust a matter of time.”
  • Cust* → Crust*: If a word begins with “cust”, swap it with “crust”: crustodian, crustomer, crustom, crustomary, crustody, crustard, crustodial, crustomise, crustomarily.
  • *ust* → *crust*: If a word has the “ust”, it can sometimes be made into a crust pun: crustice (justice), crustification (justification), crustachioed (mustachioed), crustainable (sustainable), crustainability (sustainability).
  • Break → Bake: As in, “A bad bake” and “At bakeneck speed” and “Bed and bakefast” and “Bake a leg” and “Baking and entering” and “Bake bread” and “Baking new ground” and “Bake even” and “Bake out in a cold sweat” and “Bake the bank” and “Bake the ice” and “Bake the mold” and “Bake with tradition” and “Baking news” and “Don’t go baking my heart” and “Give me a bake!” and “A lucky bake” and “Make a bake for it” and “Sticks and stones may bake my bones.”
  • Brake → Bake: As in, “Hit the bakes.”
  • Back → Bake: As in, “Bake in black” and “Bake to the future” and “Bake in the day” and “Bake in business” and “Bake on your feet” and “Bake to basics” and “Bake to square one” and “Double bake.”
  • Beck → Bake: As in, “At my bake and call”
  • Bike → Bake: As in, “On your bake!”
  • *bac* → *bake*: As in, “Full of bake-teria” and “A messy debake-l (debacle).”
  • *bec* → *bake*: As in, “Temptation bake-ons (beckons)” and “What have you bake-ome?” and “Just bake-ause you can doesn’t mean you should” and “Bakeoming my worst nightmare” and “Vegan barbake-ue” and “This attitude is unbake-oming of you.”
  • *bic* → *bake*: As in, “Stop bakering (bickering)!” and “Stop with the acerbake (acerbic) tone” and “Aerobake exercise” and “Feeling claustrophobake.”Note: is something is acerbic, then it’s bitter.
  • *buc* → *bake*: As in, “Bake-et list” and “A drop in the bake-et” and “Bake-l (buckle) up!” and “A bake-aneer’s life.”
  • *bik* → *bake*: As in, “Bake-ini body” and “Bakeram (bikram) yoga” and “Rubake‘s cube.”
  • *pec* → *bake*: As in, “A bake-uliar situation” and “Baketoral muscles” and “Blinking behind your s-baketacles” and “A s-baketacular performance” and “Fresh persbaketive” and “A wide s-baketrum.”
  • Pakistan → Bakeistan

Pie-Related Words

There are many more puns to be made than could be documented in this Punpedia entry, and so we’ve compiled a list of pie-related concepts for you to use when creating your own puns. If you come up with a new pun, please share it in the comments!

pie, pies, pastry, crust, apple pie, custard, pumpkin pie, pudding, dessert, dough, bake, cream, sweet, rhubarb, lemon meringue, pecan pie, blueberry, cherry, raspberry, pie chart, pie graph, tart, cobbler, humble pie, filling, savoury, piece of pie, homemade, slice, piece, quiche.

Did this Punpedia entry help you?

Did you find the pie-related pun that you were looking for? If so, great! Otherwise, please let us know what you were looking for in the comments, below! Are you looking for puns for text messages, facebook, twitter, or some other social media platform? Would you like to see more funny pie pun images? Or perhaps you just want more pie puns for your photo captions? Whatever the case, please let us know, and help us improve this Punpedia entry. If you’re got any pie puns (image or text) that aren’t included in this article, please submit them in the comments and one of our curators will add it as soon as possible. Thanks for visiting Punpedia 🙂

Apple Puns

Welcome to the Punpedia entry on apple puns! 🍎 🍏 Whether you’re looking for apple puns for captions, silly pickup lines or team/business names, we hope you find what you’re looking for.

Note that this entry is mainly focused on apple, the fruit, rather than Apple, the company. So while you wont find any Steve Jobs puns here, the puns in this entry that are specifically on the word “apple” itself could also be used in the context of Apple, the computer company.

You might also like to visit the Punpedia entries on fruit puns, banana puns, orange puns and watermelon puns.

Apple Puns List

Each item in this list describes a pun, or a set of puns which can be made by applying a rule. If you know of any puns about apples that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments at the end of this page!

  • Apple: As in “You’re comparing apples to oranges though.” and “You’re the apple of my eye.” and “He’s a bad apple.” and “She’s a rotten apple, that one.” and “The apple never falls far from the tree.” and “Apple of discord” and “As American as an apple pie.” and “How bout them apples?” or “How do you like them apples!” and “One bad apple spoils the barrel.” and “She’s one smart apple.” and “The Big Apple.” and “To polish the apple” and “You’ve really upset the apple cart now” and “Adam’s apple” and “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.”
  • Apply → Apple-eye / Apple-y: As in “Are you going to apple-eye for the job?” and “I’ve apple-eyed for several jobs.” and “Apple-y within” and “You need to apple-eye yourself if you want to get anywhere in life.” and “You need to apple-y for your driver’s license.”
  • Applic* → Apple-ic*: As in “The appleication form is easy to complete.” and “All apple-icants will be considered.” and “I don’t think that’s apple-icable in this situation.” and “You’ll need to make an apple-ication to the committee” and “Appleication of cool water should do the trick.”
  • Feel → Peel: As in “You can peel it in your bones.” and “I like the look and peel of the product.” and “I’m trying to get the peel for it.” and “These banana puns are making me peel unwell.” and “I peel a bit put out.” and “I’m peeling my age.” and “Peel the burn”
  • Peel: This word is sometimes used in ways which don’t refer to removing an outer covering: “The aeroplane peeled off from the rest of the formation and did a trick.” In general “peel off/out” means to move away quickly (especially with screeching tires, if it refers to a car).
  • Appeal → Appeel / A peel: “He’s so appeeling!” and “The court allowed one final a peel.” and “You need to a peel to their sense of honour.” and “I’m trying to appeel to your better judgement” and “They have 48 hours to appeel the decision.”
  • Appeal → Apple: As in “The prospect is apple-ing.” and “Apple to their blind patriotism.”
  • Pillar → Peeler: As in “You are a peeler of strength in our community.”
  • Skin: As in “Lucky I’ve got thick skin.” and “He’s all skin and bones.” and “Beauty is only skin-deep” and “By the skin of my teeth” and “I feel comfortable in my own skin.” and “She’s got skin in the game.” and “It’s no skin off my nose.” and “I almost jumped out of my skin!” and “It makes my skin crawl.”
  • Skim → Skin: As in “I was just skin-reading the comments here.”
  • Core: As in “That kid is rotten to the core.” and “That band is hardcore.” and “I prefer soft-core stuff.” and “What is the Earth’s inner core made of?” and “This exercise strengthens your core.” and “Our company is guided by 3 core principles.” and “The school should have the interests of its children at its core.” and “The core members always attend the meetings.” and “Core inflation is up 1.7 percent since last year” and “I’m mostly into emocore and mathcore music.” and “Core blimey!”
  • Caught → Cored: As in “Cored in the act” and “I was cored in the middle” and “I cored a cold from him” and “Like a deer cored in the headlights” and “Something cored my eye as we were crossing the street.” and “Cored between the devil and the deep blue sea” and “Cored unawares” and “Caught with my pants down” and “Cored in crossfire” and “You cored me off my guard.”
  • Chord → Cored: As in “It struck a cored with me.”
  • Court→ Cored: As in “I’ll see you in cored.” and “Order in the cored!” and “The ball is in your cored now.”
  • Course→ Cores: As in “I’m doing a university cores in computational neuroscience.”
  • *cor* → *-core-*: If a word contains the “cor” sound (or similar) then we can make a terrible apple core pun: “A core-tionary tale.” and “That’s be-cores I’m cool.” and “Accoredingly, we will move the meeting to Thursday.” and “Proceed with core-tion” and “She died from unknown coreses” and “He coresed an uproar with his latest staff cuts.” and “I love the core-us of that song.” and “We core-dially invite you to join us in celebrating …” and “My new core-dless drill is so handy.” and “The police will core-don off the area soon.” and “A core-porate job” and “These core-perations are the heart of our economy.” and “We go to our live core-espondent in the field.” and “It core-esponds to a shrinking middle class.” and “The core-pses of the poor animals were buried in the field.” and “We were es-core-ted to the main chamber.” and “There has been some discored amongst our members.” and “We’ve sent it over to our head-core-ters.” and “The temperature reached a re-cored high today.” and “The score was 22 to 7 after the first quarter.”
  • Name / Title → Apple-ation: The word “appellation” means “name” or “title”.
  • Aptly → Applely: As in “Religion has been applely called ‘the opium of the people.'”
  • App will → App’ll / Apple: As in “This app’ll help you track your time and make you more productive – you should download it.”
  • *ap will → *ap’ll / *apple: As in “This chap’ll help you find your way home.” and “A loud enough clap’ll wake me up.” and “This strapple help secure the load during the trip.” and “Any more of this crapple make us go mad!” and “Another mishap’ll doom this company.” and “This trapple be sure to catch one.” and “A single tap’ll make the bell ring loudly.” and “The gap’ll be hard to jump but we have no choice.” and “Each lap’ll use up a litre of fuel.” and “This map’ll help guide us to the treasure.” and “The handicap’ll make up for it.” and “Each flap’ll lift us higher and higher.” and “That rap’ll make it to the charts in no time.” and “A nap’ll refresh you and give you more energy.” and “A light slapple wake me up.”
  • A pl* → Apple-*: As in “There’s apple-ace I know not far from here.” and “That’s apple-us (a plus)” and “It’s apple-easure that I feel somewhat guilty about.” and “We’re going to see apple-ay at the theatre tonight.” and “It was nothing special. Just apple-ain old brick house.” and “She was apple-ainly spoken, intelligent person.” and “After eating we went for apple-easant stroll through the park.” and “We had apple-an, but we weren’t sure how to carry it out.” and “It was apple-easing sight.” and “It was apple-ant our botanist had never seen before.” and “Can you get apple-ate for our new guest?” and “Apple-anned extension to the highway will be finished by summer.” and “It was apple-easing evening.” and “Apple-easantly designed garden.” and “Apple-ayer from the other team was injured.” and “Apple-anet in a nearby solar system” and “We saw apple-ume of smoke on the horizon.” and “Do you have apple-astic cup for little Olivia?” – You can create many more puns like this by using this list of words starting with “pl”.
  • Eye → Pie: As in “Beauty is in the pie of the beholder.” and “A bird’s pie view’ and “We’re in the pie of the storm” and “Pies pie with my little pie” and “In the blink of a pie” and “Keep a pie out for …” and “We see pie to pie.” and “I’ve got a pie on you.” and “Something caught my pie” and “Pie-popping”
  • I → Pie: As in “Pie think you’re right.” and “Pie’m not so sure about that.”
  • Granny: Since Granny Smith apples are so widely known, you might be able to make an apple pun by simply using the word “granny” in your writing/speech.
  • Or should I → Orchard I: As in “I should stop making apple puns now… orchard I?”
  • Saw → Seed: As in “It took me a while, but I eventually seed her point of view.”
  • Seed: As in “It planted a seed of hope in their minds.” and “We got more seed capital from investors.”
  • Pink lady: This refers to a particular variety of apple. If you can somehow work the words “pink” and “lady” into your prose/speech in close proximity then you’ve got a sneaky apple pun: “I prefer pink, but that lady thinks yellow would suit it better.”
  • Downside is → Down ciders: As in “One down ciders that we’ll need to redo a lot of work.”
  • Alongside her → Along cider: As in “Her dog was running happily along cider.”
  • Beside her → Be cider: As in “Her dog stood happily be cider.”
  • Inside her → In cider: As in “She always keeps an apple in cider backpack.”
  • Insider → In cider: As in “We got some in cider information from an anonymous executive.”
  • Decided → Decidered / De-cider-d: As in “I’ve decidered to start an apple farm.”
  • Fruitful: As in “This has been a very productive and fruitful discussion.”
  • Just → Juiced: As in “I’m juiced around the corner.” and “Juiced in time.” and “Juiced the ticket.” and “Juiced this once.”
  • Fruity: Other than referring to actual fruit, this term also has several slang definitions including being flamboyant or “bouncy”. It may also refer to someone who is considered crazy in some respect.
  • Sweet: As in “You’re so sweet!” and “Oh that’s soo sweet!” and “Revenge is sweet” and “Short and sweet” and “Lay some sweet lines on someone” and “Sweet dreams” and “Sweet Jesus!” and “You bet your sweet life!” and “That was a sweet trick, dude.” and “Sweet as, bro.” and “Whisper sweet nothings” and “Home sweet home” and “Rose by any other name would smell as sweet” and “Sweet smell/taste of success/victory” and “Sweetheart
  • Got another apple pun? Please post it in the comments below! 🙂

Apple-Related Words

There are many more puns to be made than could be documented in this Punpedia entry, and so we’ve compiled a list of apple-related concepts for you to use when creating your own puns. If you come up with a new pun, please share it in the comments!

apple, apples, fruit, orchard, peel, skin, peeler, cider, apple cider, granny smith, apple sauce, apple pie, fruit tree, crabapple, apple juice, crunchy, sweet, apple core, core, seed, apple seed, pippin, pip, pome, rotten apple, costard, sweeting, redstreak, pare, paring, biffin, alligator apple, golden delicious, fuji, red delicious, mcintosh, gala, braeburn, pink lady, honeycrisp, empire, sampion, ambrosia, pomaceous, malus, toffee apple, candy apple, apple strudel, apple cider vinegar, russet

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Did you find the apple-related pun that you were looking for? If so, great! Otherwise, please let us know what you were looking for in the comments, below! Are you looking for puns for text messages, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, or some other social media platform? Would you like to see more funny apple pun images? Or perhaps you just want more apple puns for your photo captions? Whatever the case, please let us know, and help us improve this Punpedia entry. If you’re got any apple puns (image or text) that aren’t included in this article, please submit them in the comments and one of our curators will add it as soon as possible. Thanks for visiting Punpedia 🙂