Pie Puns

Welcome to the Punpedia entry about pie puns! 🙂 Most of the pie puns in the list are on the word “pie” itself, so they’re applicable to apple pie, pumpkin pie and any other pie variety. There’s a few others towards the end of the list that play on pie-related concepts like “crust”, “filling”, “dessert”, etc. There’s a bunch of puns based on pie sayings like “Easy as pie” and “Pie in the sky”. Whatever your purpose in looking for pie puns, I hope you find this entry useful!

You might also like to visit the Punpedia entries on food puns, baking puns and cooking puns.

Pie Puns List

Each item in this list describes a pun, or a set of puns which can be made by applying a rule. If you know of any puns about pie that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments at the end of this page!

  • Pie: There are several phrases/idioms which contain the word “pie”: “Easy as pie” and “To eat humble pie” and “As sweet as pie” and “Pie in the sky” and “Pie-eyed” and “A piece of the pie” and “Sweetie pie” and “Cutie pie” and “Shut your pie hole” and “A finger in every pie” and “Pie chart / Pie graph”
  • Pi (π) → Pie: The Greek letter “pi” is commonly used in maths to represent the number which is the ratio of the circumference to the diameter of a circle.
  • I → Pie: As in “Pie couldn’t care less.” and “Pie beg to differ” and “Pie beg your pardon!” and “Pie can feel it in my bones.” and “Pie kid you not.” and “Well, pie never!” and “Pie see what you did there.” and “Pie stand corrected.”
  • I’m → Pie’m: As in “Pie’m all ears” and “Pie’m outta here!”
  • Eye → Pie: As in “Beauty is in the pie of the beholder.” and “As far as the pie can see” and “Bird’s pie view” and “It caught my pie” and “A pie for a pie, a tooth for a tooth.” and “Pie of the Tiger” and “In the pie of the storm” and “Pie up the competition” and “I’ve got my pie on you” and “In the blink of a pie” and “In my mind’s pie” and “Keep a pie out for …” and “In the public pie” and “I spy with my little pie” and “Keep your pie on the ball” and “Sleep with one pie open” and “Turn a blind pie” and “Through the pie of a needle”
  • Buy → Pie: As in “The best that money can pie” and “Pie and sell” and “Pie one, get one free” and “Pie low, sell high” and “I need you to pie me some time”
  • Bye → Pie: As in “Goodpie, cruel world.” and “Goodpie and good riddance” and “Pie-pie for now (PPFN)” and “Hush a pie
  • By → Pie: As in “Bit pie bit” and “Abide pie the rules” and “I was taken pie surprise” and “We won pie a hair’s breadth” and “Pie a show of hand’s, who …” and “She was, pie all appearances, …” and “Pie all means” and “Pie any means necessary” and “Pie any stretch of the imagination” and “Pie hell or high water” and “Pie Jove” and “We need to do it all pie the book” and “Pie the same token” and “Day pie day” and “Fall pie the wayside” and “Hard done-pie
  • *bi* → *pie*: As in, apie-de (abide), antipie-otic (antibiotic), autopieography (autobiography), pie-as (bias), pie-polar (bipolar), piesexual (bisexual), pie-curious (bicurious), pie-ble (bible), piecarbonate (bicarbonate), pie-ceps (biceps), piecycle (bicycle), pie-odegradable (biodegradable), pie-odiversity (biodiversity), pieography (biography), pie-ological (biological), pieson (bison), pie-t (bite), Du-pie (Dubai), lullapie (lullaby) and sympieosis (symbiosis).
  • Prize → Pies: As in “Keep your eyes on the pies” and “A pies catch” and “My most piesed possession.”
  • Pause → Pies: As in “It was a tragedy that gave us all pies for thought.”
  • Pose → Pies: As in “Strike a pies” and “Pies a question” and “Will you pies for my painting?”
  • Poise → Pies: As in “Pies and good manners can be cultivated in a person.”
  • Piece → Pies: As in “Pies of the action” and “A nasty pies of work” and “A pies of my mind” and “A conversation pies” and “Pies of crap” and “You want a pies of me?” and “All of a pies” and “Speak your pies” and “Abbreviated pies of nothing”
  • Pirate → Pierate: As in “Online pieracy” and “Pierates attacked the harbour.”
  • Spy → Spie: As in “I spie with my little eye”
  • Piety: As in “Acts of piety and charity.” and “Piety and religious zeal are irrational and often harmful to society.”
  • *pie*: If a word contains the “pie” sound (or similar), we might be able to turn it into a terrible pie pun. Note that some puns of this type are already in the list (above and below this item), but I’ve included them again here so they’re all in one place. Here I use hyphens or underlines for cheesy emphasis, but you can of course present them however you like: occu-pie-d (occupied), pie-lot (pilot), piep (pipe), em-pie-re (empire), inspiered, pie-ous (pious), des-pie-t (despite), pie-l (pile), occu-pie, pien (pine), piety, spie (spy),  pient (pint), expiered (expired), pie-oneer, s-pie-der, s-pie-ces, alpiene, as-pie-ring (aspiring), com-pie-led, spiene, cons-pie-red, s-pie-tful, s-pie-ky, pie-racy, magpie, vampiere, pieneapple, ex-pie-ry, pers-pie-re, preoccu-pie-d, pie-romaniac, s-pie-derman, pie-thon, pie-pline.
  • Pie*: There are a couple of words that start with the letters “pie” but not with the “pie” sound. These aren’t phonetic puns, so you can’t speak them, but they may be useful still for written word play: piece, pieces, pier, pierce, piercing, piercings, pierced, piecemeal, piezoelectric.
  • P*: Words that simply start with “p” can sometimes be turned into terrible pie puns: pieticularly (particularly), piepose (purpose), piessibility (possibility), pievate (private), pietential (potential), piement (payment), pieblish (publish), piemary school, pieblication (publication), pieority (priority), piellution (pollution), piesuade (persuade), pielitics (politics), piesentation (presentation), piessession (possession), piem (poem), piesue (persue), piessenger (passenger), pied (pride), piecentage, pieliceman, pieception (perception), pieticipation, pieschology (psychology), piemanent marker, pieliamentary (parliamentary), pietrait (portrait), pie-ano (piano), pie-riod (period), pieliticians (politicians).
  • *ply/pli* → *pie*: As in, piewood (plywood), pieing (plying), pie-ers (pliers), pie-ometric (plyometric), ap-pie (apply), sup-pie (supply), com-pie (comply), re-pie (reply), sim-pie (simply), multipie (multiply), dee-pie (deeply).
  • Pilates → Pie-lates: As in, “There’s a big difference between yoga and pie-lates.”
  • Filling: The stuff inside a pie is called “filling”, but this word (of course) has other senses which might be potentially useful for pie puns: “That pie was very filling.” and “We’re filling the open positions with graduate students.” and “I’m filling the car with petrol.” and “Fillings are expensive at any dentist.”
  • Feeling → Filling: As in “I’ve got a bad filling about this…” and “I had a gut filling that something was wrong.” and “I’ve been filling blue lately.” and “Don’t say that. You’ll hurt his fillings.” and “Are you filling okay?” and “I’ve got mixed fillings about this.” and “No hard fillings.” and “I’m filling like a million bucks.”
  • Homemade: Since the term “homemade pie” is somewhat common, you may be able to get away with a pie pun by simply using the word “homemade” in some non-food sense – perhaps to describe something that is of poor quality.
  • Pewdiepie: This is the name of a famous YouTuber.
  • Sweet: As in “How sweet of you!” and “Revenge is sweet” and “Short, but sweet” and “Sweet dreams” and “Whisper sweet nothings”
  • Savour it → Savoury-t: As in “You shouldn’t take it for granted; savoury-t.”
  • Tart: A tart is similar to a pie except that it has an “open top” (no pastry “lid”). The term “tart” has also been used historically to refer to a prostitute and is still used as a slut-shaming term today (a derogatory term for women and girls who don’t conform to traditional expectations of sexual behaviour or dress).
  • Slice: Since pies are so commonly eaten in slices, you may be able to make a pie pun by simply mentioning the word “slice”, as in “No matter which way you slice it” and “Slice of the action”
  • Apple: Since apple pie is such a common variety of pie, you may be able to make a pie pun by just mentioning the word “apple” as in “You’re the apple of my eye” and “How do you like them apples?” and “Bad apple” and “The big apple” and “Apple of discord.” and “Apple’s new iPhone”
  • Desert → Dessert: As in “The Sahara dessert.” and “Just desserts.” and “How could you dessert me at the moment I needed you the most?”
  • Dissertation → Dessertation: As in “I wrote my diploma dessertation on candy puns.”
  • Does it → Dessert: As in “It’s comfy, but dessert make my bum look big?” and “Dessert not worry you that society cares so much about appearance?”
  • Trust → Crust: As in “Crust me, I’m a doctor.” and “That was a breach of crust.” and “He’s a crustworthy young man.”
  • Christ → Crust: As in “Crust has fallen, crust has risen.” and “Crust is a main figurehead in western mythology.”
  • Crusty: This term can refer to someone (especially an older person) who is bad-tempered.
  • Rusty → Crusty: As in “My punning skills are a little crusty, sorry.”
  • Just → Crust: As in “It’s crust not my day today.” and “It’s crust around the corner.” and “Crust add water.” and “It’s crust a matter of time.”
  • Cust* → Crust*: If a word begins with “cust”, swap it with “crust”: crustodian, crustomer, crustom, crustomary, crustody, crustard, crustodial, crustomise, crustomarily.
  • *ust* → *crust*: If a word has the “ust”, it can sometimes be made into a crust pun: crustice (justice), crustification (justification), crustachioed (mustachioed), crustainable (sustainable), crustainability (sustainability).
  • Break → Bake: As in, “A bad bake” and “At bakeneck speed” and “Bed and bakefast” and “Bake a leg” and “Baking and entering” and “Bake bread” and “Baking new ground” and “Bake even” and “Bake out in a cold sweat” and “Bake the bank” and “Bake the ice” and “Bake the mold” and “Bake with tradition” and “Baking news” and “Don’t go baking my heart” and “Give me a bake!” and “A lucky bake” and “Make a bake for it” and “Sticks and stones may bake my bones.”
  • Brake → Bake: As in, “Hit the bakes.”
  • Back → Bake: As in, “Bake in black” and “Bake to the future” and “Bake in the day” and “Bake in business” and “Bake on your feet” and “Bake to basics” and “Bake to square one” and “Double bake.”
  • Beck → Bake: As in, “At my bake and call”
  • Bike → Bake: As in, “On your bake!”
  • *bac* → *bake*: As in, “Full of bake-teria” and “A messy debake-l (debacle).”
  • *bec* → *bake*: As in, “Temptation bake-ons (beckons)” and “What have you bake-ome?” and “Just bake-ause you can doesn’t mean you should” and “Bakeoming my worst nightmare” and “Vegan barbake-ue” and “This attitude is unbake-oming of you.”
  • *bic* → *bake*: As in, “Stop bakering (bickering)!” and “Stop with the acerbake (acerbic) tone” and “Aerobake exercise” and “Feeling claustrophobake.”Note: is something is acerbic, then it’s bitter.
  • *buc* → *bake*: As in, “Bake-et list” and “A drop in the bake-et” and “Bake-l (buckle) up!” and “A bake-aneer’s life.”
  • *bik* → *bake*: As in, “Bake-ini body” and “Bakeram (bikram) yoga” and “Rubake‘s cube.”
  • *pec* → *bake*: As in, “A bake-uliar situation” and “Baketoral muscles” and “Blinking behind your s-baketacles” and “A s-baketacular performance” and “Fresh persbaketive” and “A wide s-baketrum.”
  • Pakistan → Bakeistan

Pie-Related Words

There are many more puns to be made than could be documented in this Punpedia entry, and so we’ve compiled a list of pie-related concepts for you to use when creating your own puns. If you come up with a new pun, please share it in the comments!

pie, pies, pastry, crust, apple pie, custard, pumpkin pie, pudding, dessert, dough, bake, cream, sweet, rhubarb, lemon meringue, pecan pie, blueberry, cherry, raspberry, pie chart, pie graph, tart, cobbler, humble pie, filling, savoury, piece of pie, homemade, slice, piece, quiche.

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Bread Puns

Welcome to the Punpedia entry on bread puns! 🍞 Bread is one of the more popular topics for word play on the internet, probably because there are so many different types of breads, all with unusual foreign names that are great for making puns with. This entry covers all the well-known bread puns, plus quite a few more that haven’t been used-to-death yet. It also includes toast puns and until Punpedia gets big enough to warrant distinct entries for them, this is the entry for baking puns / bakery puns too.

You might also like to visit the Punpedia entries on food puns, donut puntspasta puns, potato puns, cooking puns, cake puns, baking puns and pizza puns.

Bread Puns List

Each item in this list describes a pun, or a set of puns which can be made by applying a rule. If you know of any puns about bread that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments at the end of this page!

  • She better → Ciabatta: The term “ciabatta” is pronounced like “shi-batta” and refers to a floury-crusted Italian bread. Examples: “Ciabatta study hard if she wants to pass the test.” and “Ciabatta be quick, we’re nearly sold out!”
  • None → Naan: As in “I don’t want naan of that.” and “A jack of all trades and a master of naan.” and “Naan the wiser.” and “Naan of your business!” and “Second to naan.”
  • No one → Naan: As in “Naan’s home at the moment, but you can leave a message after the tone.”
  • Nan → Naan: As in, “Meet my naan,” and “My naan’s a great cook.”
  • Grain: As in “I’m going to go against the grain here and say …” and “There’s a grain of truth in what he’s saying.” and “I’d take it with a grain of salt.”
  • Rain → Grain: As in, “Right as grain,” and “Chasing grainbows,” and “Come grain or shine,” and “Grain on my parade,” and “Make it grain,” and “Graindrops keep falling on my head,” and “Graining cats and dogs,” and “Singin’ in the grain,” and “Somewhere over the grainbow,” and “Spitting with grain.” Notes: to chase rainbows is to go after unrealistic things. To rain on someone’s parade is to ruin a happy moment for them.
  • Grey → Grain: As in, “Fifty shades of grain,” and “A grain area,” and “Grain is the new black,” and “Grain matter,” and “Shades of grain.” Note: shades of grey refers to the complexity of a situation.
  • Brain → Grain: As in, “All brawn and no grains,” and “Beat your grains out,” and “Grain dead,” and “Grain fart,” and “Grain teaser,” and “Grain wave,” and “Grainstorming session,” and “Got it on the grain,” and “Hare grained,” and “A no-grainer,” and “Pick your grains,” and “Rack your grains,” and “It’s not grain surgery.”
  • Grind → Grain-d: As in, “Bump and grain-d,” and “Daily grain-d,” and “Grain-d down,” and “Grain-d to a halt,” and “Nose to the grain-dstone,” and “Don’t like the bastards grain-d you down.” Note: to have your nose to the grindstone is to work hard.
  • Gain → Grain: As in, “Capital grains,” and “Grain an advantage,” and “Ill-gotten grains,” and “No pain, no grain,” and “Nothing ventured, nothing grained.” Note: a capital gain is a profit from the sale of a capital asset (like stock or real estate).
  • *gain* → *grain*: As in, “Agrainst all odds,” and “Agrainst the clock,” and “Bar-grain basement,” and “Come a-grain?” and “A fool’s bar-grain,” and “Here we go a-grain,” and “More than you bar-grained for,” and “Now and a-grain,” and “A race agrainst time,” and “You can say that a-grain,” and “Back agrainst the wall.”
  • *ray* → *grain*: Change the “ray” sound in some words to “grain”: grain-ciously (graciously), engrainve (engrave), grain-dation (gradation), grain-dient (gradient), immi-grain-tion (immigration), ingrain-dient (ingredient).
  • Serial → Cereal: As in “There’s a cereal killer on the loose.”
  • Surreal → Cereal: As in “The view from the summit was cereal.” and “I love impressionism and cereal art.”
  • Stone → Scone: As in “The philosopher’s scone.” and “Leave no scone unturned.” and “Sticks and scones may break my bones …”
  • Its/It’s going → ‘Scone: As in “Scone to be a lot of fun!” and “Scone swimmingly.”
  • Its/It’s gone → ‘Scone: As in “It’s not coming back son. Scone.” and “Scone worse than we expected.”
  • *s can’t → Scone’t: “This scone’t go on much longer.”
  • Wheat: As in, “Separate the wheat from the chaff.” Note: to separate the wheat from the chaff is to separate the valuable from the worthless.
  • White → Wheat: As in, “A wheater shade of pale,” and “A wheat knight,” and “Wheat as a ghost,” and “Wheat as a sheet,” and “Great wheat shark,” and “Like wheat on rice,” and “Little wheat lie,” and “Men in wheat coats,” and “Not everything is black and wheat,” and “Wheat water rafting.” Note: like white on rice refers to a very close situation.
  • Sweet → Swheat: As in, “Home swheat home,” and “Swheat dreams,” and “Swheat nothings,” and “A swheat tooth,” and “Swheaten the pot,” and “Swheaten the deal,” and “Swheatheart,” and “Take the bitter with the swheat,” and “Short but swheat.”
  • Sweat → Swheat: As in, “Blood, swheat and tears,” and “Beads of swheat,” and “Break out in a cold swheat,” and “Don’t swheat it,” and “Running with swheat,” and “My new swheater,” and “Swheating bullets,” and “Swheat it out.”
  • Weight → Wheat: As in, “Pull your wheat,” and “Punching above your wheat,” and “Throw your wheat around,” and “Watch your wheat,” and “A wheat off my mind,” and “Worth your wheat in gold,” and “A dead wheat.”
  • *ate* → *wheat*: As in, evacu-wheat (evacuate), fluctu-wheat (fluctuate), and gradu-wheat (graduate).
  • Wait → Wheat: As in “Wheat a second…” and “I am lying in wheat.” and “Wheat and see.”
  • We t* → Wheat: As in “Wheat talked about this last night.” and “Wheat took our time.”
  • We’d → Wheat: As in “Wheat love for you to join us!”
  • What → Wheat: As in “Wheatever, man.” and “Wheat are you up to today?”
  • Bred → Bread: As in “Perfect table manners! You’re well bread.” and “My dog is a pure bread.”
  • Brad → Bread: As in “When’s Bread Pitt’s next film coming out?”
  • Bread: As in: “Bread always falls butter side down,” and “Bread and butter,” and “Bread of life,” and “Break bread,” and “Half a loaf is better than no bread,” and “Have your bread buttered on both sides,” and “Put bread on the table,” and “Take bread out of someone’s mouth,” and “The greatest thing since sliced bread,” and “A hair’s breadth.”
  • Read → B-read: As in, “All I know is what I b-read in the papers,” and “Exceedingly well b-read,” and “A good b-read,” and “B-read any good books lately?” and “I can b-read you like a book,” and “A bit of light b-reading,” and “B-read ’em and weep,” and “B-read between the lines,” and “B-read my lips,” and “At the b-ready,” and “I can’t b-read minds.”
  • Bed → Bread: As in, “Bread and breakfast,” and “A bread of nails,” and “Between you, me and the breadpost,” and “Get into bread with,” and “Get out of the wrong side of the bread,” and “You’ve made your bread, now lie in it,” and “Don’t go to bread on an argument,” and “Breadtime,” and “In bread with,” and “Wet the bread,” and “Get out of bread!” Notes: if something is between you, me and the bedpost, then it’s a secret. 
  • Bled → Bread: As in, “My papercut bread all over the place.”
  • Bride → Bread: As in, “Always the breadsmaid, never a bread,” and “Blushing bread,” and “Bread to be,” and “Father of the bread,” and “Here comes the bread.” 
  • Roll: As in “We’re on a roll!” and “Ready to roll?” and “She’s a great roll model.” and “Traditional gender rolls are lame.” and “Did she make the honour roll?”
  • Loaf: As in “Stop loafing around! Get up and do something!” (To “loaf” is to waste time and laze about)
  • Laugh → Loaf: As in “Loafter is the best medicine.” and “And he loafed right in my face.” and “I’m loafing my head off.”
  • Love → Loaf: As in “I loaf you <3″ and “The world needs more loaf.”
  • Life → Loaf: As in “Loaf is like a box of chocolates.” and “All walks of loaf.” and “It was a loaf-changing experience.” and “As large as loaf.” and “Living the high loaf.” and “Hold on for dear loaf!” and “Loaf coach” and “Loaf in the fast lane.” and “Loaf support.” and “Loaf’s too short.” and “I had the time of my loaf!”
  • Rap → Wrap: As in “That was an epic wrap battle.” (Playing on the flat-bread sandwich alternative)
  • Rapper → Wrapper: “She hit it big and is now a world famous wrapper.”
  • Do not → Donut: As in “I donut want to get into a pun battle with you.” and “Donut tempt me.”
  • Bit of (Bit ‘a) → Pita: “Don’t make a blind pita difference.”
  • Why → Rye: “Rye do you ask?” and “Rye do bread puns make me giggle?” and “Rye hast thou forsaken me?” and “Rye are you doing this to me?”
  • Wry → Rye: “A rye smile.” and “With rye Scottish wit.” (Rye is a type of grain used to make bread)
  • Rye: Words that contain the “rye” sound can be made into terribly silly bread puns: alryete, bryete, Bryean (Bryan), circumscryebed, compryesed, contryeved, copyryete, cryesis, cryeterion, cryeme, dryevers, descryebe, enterpryese, depryeved, fryeday, fryed, fryetened, pryeceless, pryemarily, pryevacy, pryeority, pryez, ryenocerous, ryeteous, ryetfully, ryevalries, samurye, subscryebed, surpryesingly, tryeangle, ryeting, tryeumph, rye-fle.
  • Riled up→ Rye-led up: As in “Jeez, calm down. No need to get rye-led up!”
  • Least→ Yeast: As in “Last, but not yeast.” and “Yeast common denominator.” and “It’s the yeast I could do.”
  • East→ Yeast: As in “I’m heading over yeast for a holiday.”
  • Need → Knead: As in “Only on a knead-to-know basis.” and “A friend in knead is a friend indeed.” and “You knead your head examined.”
  • Needy → Kneady: As in “He’s a bit kneady.”
  • Kneed → Knead: As in “He was knead in the chest during his rugby match.”
  • Get → Baguette: As in “Buy one, baguette one free.” and “I think I can baguette away with it.” and “Baguette cracking!” and “I’m trying to baguette into the habit of it.” and “Baguette out of my hair!”
  • Forget → Baguette: As in “Ahh, baguette it – you wouldn’t understand.” and “Lest we baguette.” and “Don’t baguette your towel!”
  • Toast: Can refer to the raising of glasses at a gathering to honour something: “Let’s call a toast.” It also has a slang usage: “You are toast.” Meaning “I’m going to beat you” at some competition (or physically).
  • *oast*→ *toast*: If a word contains the “toast” sound, a toast pun can sometimes be made: toastcard (postcard), toastess (hostess), toastline (coastline), toastdoctoral (postdoctoral), toastmortem (postmortem), toastmodern (postmodern), toastpone (postpone), Toastbusters.
  • Come → Crumb: As in “Crumb to think of it…” and “Crumb to your senses” and “Crumb again?” and “Crumb hell or high water.” and “Crumb out of your shell” and “Crumb rain or shine” and “Do you crumb here often?” and “An idea whose time has crumb.” and “The best is yet to crumb.” and “What has crumb over you?” and “Oh crumb on.”
  • Ban me → Bánh mì: The term “bánh mì” refers to any kind of Vietnamese bread. Examples: “What are you going to do? Bánh mì from making bread puns?”
  • Trust → Crust: As in “Crust me, I’m a doctor.” and “That was a breach of crust.” and “He’s a crustworthy young man.”
  • Christ → Crust: As in “Crust has fallen, crust has risen.” and “Crust is a main figurehead in western mythology.”
  • Crusty: This term can refer to someone (especially an older person) who is bad-tempered.
  • Rusty → Crusty: As in “My punning skills are a little crusty, sorry.”
  • Just → Crust: As in “It’s crust not my day today.” and “It’s crust around the corner.” and “Crust add water.” and “It’s crust a matter of time.”
  • Cust* → Crust*: If a word begins with “cust”, swap it with “crust”: crustodian, crustomer, crustom, crustomary, crustody, crustard, crustodial, crustomise, crustomarily.
  • *ust* → *crust*: If a word has the “ust”, it can sometimes be made into a crust pun: crustice (justice), crustification (justification), crustachioed (mustachioed), crustainable (sustainable), crustainability (sustainability).
  • Leaving → Leaven: “Leaven” is another term for “rising agent”: the ingredient added to make bread rise (usually yeast). Examples: “You’re leaven me here all by myself?” and “Oh, you’re leaven so early?!”
  • Rise: This is a reference to bread “rising” during the yeast fermentation process Examples: “More bread puns? I will rise to that challenge.” and “Rise from the ashes.” and “Rise and shine.” and “The sun has risen.”
  • Wasting time → Loafing around: As in “Stop loafing around and do something useful!”
  • Grainy: Other than referring to grain (the crop food, of course), this can refer to a texture or to a low resolution photograph: “Your profile picture is a bit grainy.”
  • Hot cross buns → Hot cross puns: This one’s a sort of “meta” bread pun.
  • Crumby: This is slang for “dirty”, “poor quality” and related concepts.
  • Money → Dough: The term “dough” is slang for money in some places.
  • *do*→ *dough*: Any word which contains the “dough” sound (or similar) can be made into an easy dough pun: abdoughmen (abdomen), Adoughbe (Adobe), adoughlescence, aficionadoughs, anecdoughtal, antidoughte, avacadough, bulldoughzer, commandough, condoughlences, crescendough (crescendo), doughmain, doughnation, doughnor, doughsage, doughze, Indoughnesian, innuendough, landoughners, Macedoughnian, overshadough, meadough, Orlandough, pseudough, shadough, taekwondough, tornadough, windough, widough, tuxedough.
  • Do→ Dough: As in “I dough what I can.” and “What are you doughing right now?”
  • Ingrained: As in “It was ingrained in me from a young age.”
  • *bun*: Words that contain the “bun” sound, or a similar sound can be made into a bread bun pun: absorbunt, abundance, abundantly, bunal (banal), bunality, bunevolence, bunignly, bunocular, bunanza, bourbun, bunch, bundle, bunny, bunting, bunyan, cabunets, combunation, cubun, disturbunce, husbund, incumbunts, Lebunon, Robunson, urbun, urbunization.
  • Pun → Bun: As in “No bun intended.”
  • *pun* → *bun*: Some words containing the “pun” sound can be made into terrible bread puns: particibunts (participants), perbundicular (perpendicular), Jabunese, occubunts (occupants), combunsation, bundits, bunishment, weabunry, sbunge (sponge).
  • Spread: As in “Spread your wings.” and “It spread like wildfire.” and “Stop spreading rumours.”
  • Slice: As in “It’s a lie no matter how you slice it.” and “Slice of the action”.
  • Awry → A rye: As in “Many youthful romances go a rye” and “I got the impression that something was a rye.”
  • Inbred → Inbread: As in “Inbread dogs are more likely to be unhealthy.”
  • Loafers: As in “My new pair of loafers are so cosy!”
  • Bed → Bread: As in “Bread and breakfast” and “Don’t let the bread bugs bite!”
  • Self-loathing → Self-loaving: As in “Excessive punning can lead to self-loaving.”
  • Hybrid → High bread: As in “I’m going to buy a high bread because it’s cheaper and more environmentally friendly.”
  • Jam: As in “My sandwich is jam-packed.” and “All seven of us were jammed into the same car.”
  • PunpernickelPumpernickel is a type of bread.
  • Patriarchy → Pastryarchy: As in “Down with the pastryarchy!” and “We live in a pastryarchy.”
  • Pain: France is famous for its breads and “pain” means “bread” in French, so this is an easy, but subtle pun.
  • Better → Butter: As in, “I’ve got a butter idea” and “Anything you can do, I can do butter” and “Appealing to your butter judgement” and “My butter half” and “Butter late than never” and “Butter luck next time” and “Butter safe than sorry” and “Butter than sex” and “Butter than new” and “I’ve changed for the butter” and “I couldn’t have said it butter” and “For butter or worse” and “Get the butter of” and “I should have known butter.”
  • Barter → Butter: As in, “Trade and butter economy.”
  • But her → Butter: As in, “Butter suitcase! It’s been left behind!” (a very specific pun)
  • Patter → Butter: As in, “The pitter butter of little feet.”
  • But → Butter: As in, “Butter seriously” and “Butter heads” and “Butter out” and “Down, butter not out” and “Everything butter the kitchen sink” and “Kick butter” and “No butters” and “Last butter not least” and “Gone, butter not forgotten.”
  • Potter → Butter: As in, “Harry Butter” and “Buttering about.”
  • Better → Breader: As in “Breader off dead.” and “The sooner the breader.”
  • Sentences → Sandwiches: As in “It’s crazy! We always finish each others sandwiches.” (Made somewhat possible as a pun by the Disney movie “Frozen”)
  • Mild → Mould/Mold: As in “I had a mold distrust of this man.” and “I’m moldly annoyed.”
  • Old → Mould/Mold: As in “Out with the mold and in with the new.” and “Up to your mold tricks I see.” and “The good mold days.”
  • Call her → Challah: This is a special type of Jewish ceremonial bread that is pronounced like “ka-la”. Example: “You should challah tonight when she finishes work.”
  • All of → Challah: As in “Challah these bread puns are cracking me up!”
  • Glue ten → Gluten: As in “If we gluten of these together we’ll have a nice chain of them.”
  • Even → Oven: As in “I don’t care about profit, I’ll be happy if we break oven.” and “Keep an oven keel.” and “I’m going to get oven with him.” Note: to keep an even keel is to keep something steady and balanced.
  • Often → Oven: As in “Do you come here oven?” and “Every so oven.”
  • Glaze: As in “The prospect makes my eyes glaze over with boredom.”
  • Graze → Glaze: As in “It just glazed the surface.” and “I’ll be fine, it’s just a glaze.”
  • Barely → Barley: As in “I’m barley getting by.” Note: barley is a type of cereal grain.
  • Waffle: As in “He just kept waffling on and on.”
  • Nothin’ → Muffin: As in “All or muffin.” and “Here goes muffin!” and “I will stop at muffin to …” and “You ain’t seen muffin yet.” and “We’ve got muffin in common.”
  • Make → Bake: As in “I can’t bake head or tail of it.” and “Enough to bake you sick.” and “Bake believe” and “It’ll bake a world of difference.” and “Just trying to bake ends meet.” and “Bake a name for yourself.”
  • Making → Baking: As in “A legend in the bakin’” and “This is history in the baking” and “You’re baking a fool of yourself.”
  • Floor → Flour: As in “A bread pun battle? I’ll mop the flour with you.”
  • Crap → Crepe: As in “I don’t give a crepe.” and “What a load of crepe.” and “Cut the crepe.”
  • Creepy → Crepe-y: As in “This music is crepe-y
  • Crack a → Cracker: As in “These baking puns made me cracker smile.”
  • Pan → Pen: “Pan” means bread in Japanese and Spanish. Examples: “The pan is mightier than the sword.” and “Put pan to paper.”
  • Brought → Brot: “Brot” means loaf in German. Examples: “I brot you into this world.” and “It was later brot to light that …”
  • Penny → Pane: “Pane” (pronounced “pahn-eh”) means bread in Italian. Examples: “Pane for your thoughts” and “It cost me a pretty pane.”
  • Flower → Flour: As in “Remember to stop and smell the flours.”
  • Adore → Adough: “I adough you.”
  • Don’t → Doughn’t: As in “Doughn’t fall for it.”
  • Though → Dough: As in “You look as dough you’ve seen a ghost!”
  • Hour → Flour: As in “We could go on for flours.” and “The plane leaves in one flour.” and “I’m on a flourly wage.”
  • Flair → Flour: As in, “A flour for the dramatic.”
  • Flir* → Flour*: As in, “Flourting with disaster” and “A real flourt.”
  • Flor* → Flour*: As in, “Floura and fauna” and “Floural arrangements.” Other words that could work: flourist (florist), Flourida (Florida), Flourence (Florence) and flourentine (florentine). Note: a florentine is a type of biscuit.)
  • Maze → Maize: As in “It’s a complicated maize to navigate.”
  • Amaze/amazing → Amaize/amaize-ing: As in, “What an amaize-ing effort!” and “You never cease to amaize me.”
  • *mise → *maize: As in, minimaize (minimise), surmaize (surmise), victimaize (victimise), compromaize (compromise), customaize (customise), maximaize (maximise).
  • Again → A grain: As in “Come a grain?” and “Never a grain.” and “Time and time a grain.” and “Now and a grain.”
  • Sour though → Sourdough: As in “The look he gave me was very sourdough.”
  • Puffy: As in “His eyes were puffy and full of tears.”
  • Red → Bread: As in “Walking down the bread carpet.” and “That was a bread herring.”
  • Ready → Bready: As in “Bready, get set, go!” and “Bready to roll.” and “Battle bready.” and “Get bready to rumble!” and “I was born bready.”
  • Readily → Breadily: As in “The island is breadily accessible by canoe.” and “I’ll breadily admit that I was wrong in that decision.”
  • Redhead → Breadhead: As in “Many of the greatest Scottish warriors were Breadheads.”
  • Head → Bread: As in “All the fame has gone to his bread.” and “You need to have your bread examined.” and “From bread to toe.” and “Keep your bread above water.” and “That went straight over my bread.” and “They both went bread to bread.” and “I couldn’t make bread or tail of it.”
  • Crumble: As in “Kingdoms will crumble.” and “The crumbling ruins.”
  • Rumble/Grumble → Crumble: As in “They hear the crumbling of the thunder. ” and “Talking about bread is making my stomach crumble.”
  • Its / It’s → Oats / Oat’s: As in “Oat’s just a matter of time.” and “Oat’s a shame.” and “Oat’s nothing personal” and “Oat’s worth oats weight in gold.” and “Takes oats toll.” and “A life of oats own.”
  • Ought → Oat: As in “You oat to say sorry.” and “Five minutes oat to be enough time.”
  • Sub: As in “That joke was sub-par.” and “It wasn’t terrible, just sub-optimal.”
  • Sub*: Words that start with “sub” (referencing the type of sandwich) are easy bread puns: sublime, submissive, subdivision, subcommittee, subconscious, subcontinent, subdue, subgroup, subjected, subject, subjectivity, submersible, submit, subscriber, subscription, subsequent, subliminal, subordinated, subsection, submarine, substance, substitution, subtract, subvert, suburbia, suburb, subtitles, subtraction, substrate, subsidy.
  • *sub*: If a word contains the “sub” sound, there could be a very forced bread pun opportunity: accessubility, admissuble, incomprehesuble, disubility, flexsubility, irresponsubility, possubility, enforsuble, taxsuble, unsubstantiated.
  • Stale: As in “All these bread memes are stale.”
  • Pun per nickel → Pumpernickel: As in “I could tell you more bread puns but it’ll be one punpernickel.”
  • Whole meal → Wholemeal: As in “Bread is great, but you should eat it with other foods, not as a wholemeal in itself.”
  • Homemade: Homemade bread may be impressed into people’s minds strongly enough to make a subtle use of “homemade” a bread pun.
  • Half-baked: This means “not completely planned or thought out”. For example: “Half-baked bread puns ought to be illegal.”
  • Rusty → Rusky: This refers to a hard “twice-baked” bread. Examples: “My bread pun skills are a little rusky.”
  • Pow → Pau: This is a type of Chinese steamed bun with filling. Words containing the “pow” sound can be simple pau puns: pauerpuff girls, pauerless, pauerful, pauder, pauerhouse, pauer, pauerboat.
  • Seedy: This is a describing word for someone or something that is morally questionable, foul, or dirty. Examples: “So many seedy people hanging around that place.”
  • Raise: As in “I’ve been working at the bakery for two years now and haven’t recieved a raise.” and “Raise the dead.”
  • Peace of mind → Pizza mind: Pizza puns can sometimes classify as bread puns, but it depends on the specific context.
  • Pit us → Pitas: As in “He’s trying to pitas against each other.”
  • Way back → Zweiback: This is a type of hard twice-baked bread. Its main pronunciation sounds like “swee-back” or “zwee-back” which sounds a bit like “way back”. Example: “Zweiback in the day, puns were cheap.”

Bread-Related Phrases

Common phrases, idioms and cliches which are related to bread can be used for some subtle and witty word play. Here is a list of the bread themed phrases that we’ve found so far:

  • loaf about
  • bread winner
  • it’s my bread and butter
  • born and bred
  • break bread
  • butter face
  • butter fingers
  • cake walk
  • cast bread upon the waters
  • crumb of comfort
  • knuckle sandwich
  • piece of cake
  • takes the cake
  • as flat as a pancake
  • as nutty as a fruit cake
  • the cherry on the cake
  • you can’t have your cake and eat it too
  • bread always falls buttered side down
  • put bread on the table
  • the best thing since sliced bread
  • you are toast
  • the toast of the town
  • one slice short of a loaf
  • take it with a grain of salt
  • go against the grain
  • hasn’t a grain of sense
  • she/he knows what side his bread is buttered on
  • that’s the way the cookie crumbles
  • drive for show and putt for dough
  • she’s/he’s on a roll
  • melt like butter
  • raking in the dough
  • separate the wheat from the chaff
  • rock and roll
  • a few sandwiches short of a picnic
  • upper crust
  • a baker’s dozen
  • against the grain

Bread-Related Words

There are many more puns to be made than could be documented in this Punpedia entry, and so we’ve compiled a list of bread-related concepts for you to use when creating your own puns. If you come up with a new pun, please share it in the comments!

stale, bake, baked, toasted, unleavened, leaven, crusty, French, moldy, wholemeal, multigrain, homemade, whole-wheat, wheat, grain, barley, rye, naan, sub, crumble, oat, bread, puffy, maize, flour, dough, baking, muffin, waffle, glaze, challah, gluten-free, brot, roti, butter, spread, jam, sandwich, pastry, pumpernickel, slice, bun, loaf, hot-cross buns, crust, bánh mì toast, baguette, knead, yeast, pita, donut, scone, roll, ciabatta, sourdough, crepe, glaze, white, brown, rusk, toaster, breadbasket, matzo, corn bread, pone, wafer, bagel, tortilla, manchet, French toast, challah, zwieback, brioche, chapati, fruitbread, ramekin, pizza, pita, focaccia, bannock, raise, rise, rising, soggy, crumpet, crummy, soda bread, pretzel, cake, slice, bread bin, chapatti, bakehouse, paste, breadcrumbs, fairy bread, bread knife, sub, submarine sandwich, burrito, margarine, yeast extract, cereal, flatbread, crouton, breadstick, durum, bread machine, leavening agent, crispbread, bran, starch, quinoa, pumpkin bread.

Bread Jokes

If you’re looking for some very corny bread jokes, you’ve come to the right place. All of these one-liner-style bread jokes use puns in their punchline. Some are phonetic puns, others are based on a slang phrase or cliche related to bread.

  • What did the baker say to his assistant after he caught him stealing money from the till? – That was a breach of crust.
  • What did the Indian chef say to the nosey employee? – It’s naan of your business!
  • Why doesn’t bread like warm weather? – Things get toasty!
  • Why aren’t bread jokes funny? – Because they always get mould.
  • What did the baker get for her mother on Mother’s Day? – Flours
  • What is a baker’s favourite Beatles song? – “Loaf is all you need”
  • When does sourdough bread rise? – When you yeast expect it.
  • What did the butter say to the bread? – I’m on a roll!
  • Why does everyone need bread and water? – Loaf makes the world go round.
  • What did one slice of bread say to the other slice of bread when he saw some butter and jam on the table? – We’re toast!
  • Why was the baker in a panic? – He was in a loaf or death situation.
  • What did the baker say to the lazy assistant? – Stop loafing around and get over here!
  • What did the baker’s assistant say to her partner after her first day on the job?  – It’s a crumb-y place to work.
  • How was the bakers assistant paid? – On a flourly wage.
  • What type of car did the baker buy? – A high bread car
  • Where did the baker get her baking skills? – They were in grained in her from a young age.

Bread Pun Images

Below is a collection of bread-related visual puns and meme-type images. If you’ve created your own visual bread puns or found one that we’ve missed, please post us a link in the comments section 🙂

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Did you find the bread-related pun that you were looking for? If so, great! Otherwise, please let us know what you were looking for in the comments, below! Are you looking for puns for text messages, Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, or some other social media platform? Would you like to see more funny bread pun images? Or perhaps you just want more bread puns for your photo captions? Whatever the case, please let us know, and help us improve this Punpedia entry. If you’re got any bread puns (image or text) that aren’t included in this article, please submit them in the comments and one of our curators will add it as soon as possible. Thanks for visiting Punpedia 🙂