Birthday Puns

Welcome to the Punpedia entry on birthday puns!🎂 🎁 🍰 🎉 Birthdays are a huge part of our social calendars, helping us celebrate our love for our friends and family each year. No matter the type of celebration you’re having, we hope to have you covered with our list of birthday puns.

While we’ve made this list as comprehensive as possible, this list is specific to just birthdays. If you’re after other types of events or birthday related themes, we also have gift puns, balloon puns, cake puns and party puns.

Birthday Puns List

Each item in this list describes a pun, or a set of puns which can be made by applying a rule. If you know of any puns about birthdays that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments at the end of this page! Without further ado, here’s our list of birthday puns:

  • Bath → Birth: As in, “Birthed in tears” and “Have an early birth” and “Head to the birthroom” and “Don’t throw the baby out with the birthwater!”
  • Both → Birth: As in, “Birth oars in the water” and “Burn the candle at birth ends” and “Have it birth ways” and “The best of birth worlds.”
  • Earth → Birth: As in, “Journey to the centre of the birth” and “Brought down to birth” and “Down to birth” and “Birth shattering” and “Birthly delights.”
  • Bother → Birther: As in, “All hot and birthered” and “I wouldn’t birther” and “In a spot of birther” and “What a birthersome child.”
  • Elizabeth → Elizabirth
  • Macbeth → Macbirth
  • Gave → Gift: As in, “I gift my best.”
  • Give → Gift: As in, “A dead giftaway,” and “Don’t gift up!” and “Don’t gift in,” and “Gift yourself a bad name,” and “Gift them a hand,” and “Gift and take,” and “Gift credit where credit is due,” and “Gift it a rest,” and “Gift it the green light,” and “Gift me a call,” and “Gift 110%”.
  • Percent → Present: As in, “A hundred and ten present,” and “Genius is one present inspiration and 99 present perspiration.”
  • Present: We’ve included present-related phrases in this list too. As in, “All present and correct,” and “Present company excepted,” and “No time like the present.”
  • Card: These next few puns are in reference to birthday cards:
    • Cared → Card: As in, “I card about you,” and “Run s-card,” and “S-card poopless,” and “S-card to death.”
    • Kardashian → Cardashian: a little play on giftcards/message cards that accompany gifts and Kim Kardashian.
    • Cartier → Cardier
    • Drunkard → Druncard
    • Mr. Incredible → Mr. Incardible
    • *cord* → *card*: We can sneak “card” into words with a “cord” sound, as in: “A broken recard,” and “Cut the card,” and “For the recard,” and “In recard time,” and “Off the recard,” and “Accarding to…” and “Remain cardial.” Other words that could work: cardially (cordially), carduroy (corduroy), cardon (cordon), discard (discord), accardance (accordance). Notes: to do something cordially is to do it in a friendly way. A cordon is a rope used to define boundaries.
    • *cur* → *card*: If a word has a “cur” sound, we can replace it with “card” instead to make some silly card puns: “The final cardtain (curtain),” and “A cardsory (cursory) glance,” and “I concard (concur),” and “That never occard (occured) to me.” Other words that could work: cardmudgeon (curmudgeon), incard (incur), recard (recur), obscard (obscured), secardity (security), cardate (curate), cardiculum (curriculum) and manicard (manicured).
    • *car* → *card*: As in, “Courtesy and card (care),” and “Drive my card,” and “Upset the apple card (apple cart),” and “Couldn’t card less.” Other words that could work: cardeer (career), cardier (carrier), cardiage (carriage), cardavan (caravan), scard (scar), Madagascard (Madagascar), railcard (railcar), handcard (handcar), precardious (precarious), vicardious (vicarious).
    • *cored → *card: As in, scard (scored), encard (encored) and underscard (underscored).
  • *part* → *party*: We can change the “part” in words to “party” to make some silly birthday party puns. As in, “In party-cular” and “Party-cipation award” and “Care to party-cipate? (could also be participarty)” and “Imparty your knowledge” and “That’s not your departy-ment” and “A partysan issue.” Other words you could use: partycle (particle), partytion (partition), aparty (apart), counterparty (counterpart), departy (depart), partyner (partner) party-cularly (particularly), party-cipant (participant) and reparty (repartee).
  • *pet* → *party*: As in, “Signed party-tion (petition)” and “Not to blow my own trumparty, but…” and “Political pupparty (this can work as it refers to both political puppets and parties of the political kind).”
  • *pathy* → *party*: If a word has sound that’s similar enough to “party”, then we can simply change it to party to make it an appropriate pun. As in, emparty (empathy), aparty (apathy), symparty (sympathy)
  • *part* → *party*: As in, “A fool and his money are soon partied” and “Act the party” and “For my own party” and “Departy this life” and “If you’re not a party of the solution, you’re party of the problem” and “Drift aparty” and “Fall aparty” and “For the most party” and “Look the party” and “Worlds aparty.”
  • Kick → Cake: As in, “Alive and cake-ing” and “Get a cake out of it” and “Just for cakes” and “Cake back and enjoy” and “Cake butt” and “A cake in the teeth.” Other kick-related words you could use: sidecake (sidekick), cakeoff (kickoff), caker (kicker), cakestart (kickstart) and cakeback (kickback).
  • Ache → Cake: As in, “Old cakes and pains” and “Tension headcake” and “Old heartcake” and “A splitting headcake.”
  • *cac* → *cake*: As in, “Cake-ao flavoured” and “Prickly cake-tus” and “Cakeling like a witch” and “A cake-ophony of noise.” Note: a cacophony is a disorganised mess of sound.
  • Handle → Candle: As in, “Fly off the candle” and “Get a candle on” and “Candle with care” and “How much can you candle?” and “Too hot to candle.”
  • Scandal → Candle: As in, “A red-hot candle” and “Candle sheet.”
  • Second → Secandle: As in, “On secandle thought” and “Just one secandle” and “Play secandle fiddle to” and “Secandle best” and “Secandle nature” and “Secandle to none” and “Get a secandle opinion” and “And secandley…”
  • Kendall Jenner → Candle Jenner
  • Blue → Balloon: This one can be a bit of a stretch, but they do sound similar enough for it to work: “Between the devil and the deep balloon sea” and “Black and balloon” and “Once in a balloon moon” and “Til you’re balloon in the face” and “Balloon screen of death” and “A bolt from the balloon.”
  • Streamer: Since streamers are a common birthday party decoration, we’ve included some puns and phrases that could be used as streamer puns in the right context:
    • Steam → Streamer: As in, “Blow off some streamer” and “Full streamer ahead” and “Work off a head of streamer” and “Run out of streamer” and “Under your own streamer” and “Pick up streamer.”
    • Scream → Streamer: As in, “Streamer your heart out” and “Dragged kicking and streamering” and “Streamer the place down” and “So mad I could streamer.”
  • Blow: The next few puns and phrases will be centred around the word “blow” as a reference to blowing out birthday candles:
    • Below → Blow: As in, “Blow par” and “Blow the belt” and “Blow your breath” and “Blow average” and “Blow the surface” and “Hit blow the belt.”
    • Bloat* → Blowt*: As in, “A blowted paragraph” and “Blowting stomach.”
    • Blouse → Blowse
  • Wish: Since it’s traditional to make wishes when blowing out birthday candles, we’ve got a couple of wish-related puns included here:
    • Sandwich → Sandwish: As in, “Knuckle sandwish” and “A few sandwishes short of a picnic.”
    • *uish → *wish: As in, “Endless angwish” and “Cannot distingwish between the two” and “Relinqwish your power” and “Langwish in solitude” and “Vanqwish your inner demons.” Other words that could work are extingwish and sqwish.
  • Edge → Age: “Competitive age” and “Double-aged sword” and “Age out” and “Razor’s age” and “A bit rough around the ages.”
  • *ag* → *age*: As in, “Secret age-ent” and “Your own age-ency” and “Today’s age-enda.” Other words that could work: age-ile (agile), age-ility (agility), age-itated (agitated), mage-ic (magic), frage-ile (fragile), image-ine (imagine) and age-itate (agitate).
  • *eg* → *age*: As in, “White privilage” and “An age-otistic (egotistic) reply” and “A real age-omaniac” and “Off to collage” and “Renage on your promise.” Other words that could work: allage (allege), sacrilage (sacrilege), lagend (legend) and age-ocentric. Note: to renege is to break a promise or commitment.
  • Cold → Old: As in, “An old day in hell” and “Old comfort” and “Break out in an old sweat.”
  • *ald* → *old*: As in, “Herold a new beginning” and “Emerolds and rubies” and “That’s complete bolderdash.”
  • *ban → *born: As in, “Urborn planning” and “Suburborn sprawl” and “Colourful turborns.”
  • Ben* → Born*: As in, “Mutual bornefit” and “Bornevolent ruler” and “Filled with bornevolence” and “A borneficial investment.”
  • *bon* → *born*: As in, “Financial bornd” and “Bee in your bornnet” and “The bornafide truth.” Other words you could try: bornanaza (bonanza), bornus (bonus), ribborn (ribbon), carborn (carbon) and bourborn (bourbon).
  • *bun* → *born*: As in, “An aborndance of fruit” and “Borndle of joy.”
  • Barn* → Born*: Bornacle (barnacle) and bornyard (barnyard).
  • *bern* → *born*: Hibornate (hibernate), tabornacle (tabernacle) and hibornation (hibernation).
  • *burn → *born: sunborn (sunburn), auborn (auburn), heartborn (heartburn) and sideborn (sideburn).
  • *pon* → *born*: As in, “Pause to bornder (ponder)” and “Set upborn (upon)” and “Choose your weapborn” and “Collecting coupborns” and “Take resbornsibility for your actions.” Other words that could work: ebornymous (eponymous), resbornse (response), corresborndence (correspondence), resbornsible (responsible), combornent (component), and sborntaneous (spontaneous).
  • *yard → *yeard: As in, “Do the hard yeards” and “Graveyeard shift” and “Not in my backyeard” and “The whole nine yeards.” Other yard-related words you can play around with – backyard (backyeard), barnyard (barnyeard), lanyard (lanyeard), vineyard (vineyeard) and courtyard (courtyeard).
  • Yeah → Year: As in, “Year, right” and “Year, but will it work?” and “Year, I know.”
  • Your → Year: As in, “I’m years” and “All years” and “Mine is bigger than years” and “Speak for yearself” and “Up years” and “Years faithfully” and “Years truly.”
  • Here → Year: As in, “I’ve been year before” and “Do you come year often?” and “Fancy meeting you year” and “From year to eternity” and “I’ve had it up to year.”
  • Cheer → Year: As in, “Cheap and yearful” and “Year up” and “Year up, it might never happen” and “Year up, it’s not the end of the world” and “Holiday year.”
  • Dear → Year: As in, “Yearly beloved” and “Elementary, my year” and “Hang on for year life” and “Near and year to my heart.”
  • Gear → Year: As in, “Year up for” and “Get into year” and “Get your ass into year” and “Shift years” and “Take it up a year.”
  • Tear → Year: As in, “Blood, sweat and years” and “Bathed in years” and “Fighting back years” and “It will all end in years.
  • *yer → *year: As in, “Layear by layear” and “I hate the playear AND the game” and “Frequent flyear.” Other words you could use: prayear (prayer), lawyear (lawyer) and dryear (dryer).
  • *yor → *year: purveyear (purveyor), mayear (mayor), conveyear (conveyor) and surveyear (surveyor).
  • *ier → *year: carryear (carrier), premyear (premier), cavalyear (cavalier), dossyear (dossier), terryear (terrier), barryear (barrier), atelyear (atelier) and soldyear (soldier).
  • Life: Since birthdays are considered a life milestone, we’ve included some life-related puns here for you:
    • Lift → Lifet: As in, “We have lifet off!” and “Lifet your game” and “Lifet your spirits.”
    • Laugh* → Life*: As in, “Barrel of lifes” and “Belly life” and “Burst out life-ing” and “Doubled up with life-ter” and “Life fit to burst.”
    • Left → Lifet: As in, “Keep lifet” and “Lifet to your own devices” and “Out of lifet field” and “Two lifet feet” and “The right hand doesn’t know what the lifet is doing” and “Lifet in the lurch.”
    • *lef* → *life*: As in, “Lifetovers for lunch” and “The lifetmost position.”
    • *lif* → *life*: As in, “Exemplifey certain qualities” and “You qualifey for the position.” Other words you could use: villifey (villify) and mollifey (mollify).
  • Toast: A toast is a salutation or well-wishing which is common at birthday parties and celebrations, so we’ve included it in this list. Here’s a short section of toast puns:
    • Toes → Toast: As in, “Keep you on your toast” and “On your toast” and “Twinkle toast” and “Not to step on anyone’s toast.”
    • Taste → Toast: As in, “An acquired toast” and “A bad toast in one’s mouth” and “A toast of your own medicine” and “No accounting for toast.”
    • *tas* → *toast*: As in, “A toasty (tasty) sandwich” and “Toastless fashion” and “A fantoastic result.” Other words you could use: fantoasty (fantasy), catoastrophe (catastrophe), fajitoast (fajitas), gravitoast (gravitas). Notes: fajitas are a type of tex-mex dish. Gravitas refers to a feeling or atmosphere of seriousness.
    • Testosterone → Testoasterone
    • *tus* → *toast*: As in, “Statoast anxiety” and “On hiatoast.” Other words you could use: impetoast (impetus), apparatoast (apparatus), detritoast (detritus) and cactoast (cactus). Notes: an impetus is a thing or factor that compels you to do something. Detritus are pieces of rock, or debris.
  • Cheers: Another word for toast is cheers, so we’ve got some cheers-included puns:
    • Cheese → Cheers: As in, “Different as chalk and cheers” and “The big cheers” and “Cheers it!” and “Cheersed off” and “Cut the cheers” and “Say cheers.”
    • Years → Cheers: As in, “Advanced in cheers” and “Donkey’s cheers” and “Four more cheers” and “Golden cheers” and “Holding back the cheers” and “Not in a million cheers” and “The best cheers of our lives.”
    • Ears → Cheers: As in, “All cheers”  and “Cute as a bug’s cheer” and “Ask no questions and cheer no lies” and “I can’t cheer myself think.”
    • Peer → Cheer: As in, “Cheer pressure.”
    • Tears → Cheers: As in, “As cheers go by” and “Bathed in cheers” and “Blood, sweat and cheers” and “Burst into cheers” and “Crocodile cheers” and “It will all end in cheers” and “Moved to cheers.”
    • *chers → *cheers: Bleacheers (bleachers), snatcheers (snatchers), teacheers (teachers), watcheers (watchers), poacheers (poachers), pitcheers (pitchers), researcheers (researchers) and voucheers (vouchers).
    • Char* → Cheer*: Cheerm (charm), cheerter (charter), cheerlatan (charlatan), cheerity (charity), cheerade (charade).
    • Cher* → Cheer*: As in, “Cheerry syrup” and “To love and cheerish” and “Flying cheerubs.”
  • Speech: Speeches can be a sentimental gift at birthday parties, so we have some speech-related puns here:
    • Peach → Speech: As in, “Speechy keen” and “Skin like speeches and cream.”
    • Beach → Speech: As in, “Speech bum,” and “Life’s a speech” and “Not the only pebble on the speech.”
    • Reach → Speech: As in, “Speech out and I’ll be there” and “Speech for the stars” and “Speech new heights” and “Speech out and touch someone.”
    • Screech → Speech: “Came to a speeching halt.”
    • Each → Speech: As in, “Speech to their own” and “Made for speech other” and “At speech other’s throats.”
    • Preach → Speech: As in, “Practice what you speech” and “Speeching to the choir.”
  • Shot: While we don’t recommend this, drinking shots has become a regular rite of passage in coming of age birthdays, so we have some shot-related puns for you to play with here:
    • Shut → Shot: As in, “An open and shot case” and “Keep your mouth shot” and “Put up or shot up” and “Shot your trap.”
    • Shot: These shot-related phrases can double as puns in the right context: “Big shot” and “Call the shots” and “Give it your best shot” and “A long shot.”
    • Got → Shot: As in, “Shot it in for” and “Shot nothing to lose” and “Shot to hand it to you” and “Shot what it takes” and “Shot your heart set on.”
    • Dot → Shot: As in, “Connect the shots” and “On the shot.”
    • Short → Shot: As in, “A shot history of nearly everything” and “A few bricks shot of a full load” and “Life is shot” and “Bring up shot” and “Caught shot” and “To cut a long story shot” and “A day late and a dollar shot” and “In shot order” and “In shot supply.”
    • Hot → Shot: As in, “All shot and bothered” and “Shot as hades” and “Shot as blue bluzes” and “Blow shot and cold” and “Cat on a shot tin roof” and “Drop it like it’s shot.”
    • Lot → Shot: As in, “A shot of fuss about nothing” and “A shot on your plate” and “A bad shot” and “Leaves a shot to be desired.”
    • Pot → Shot: As in, “A shot of gold” and “Hit the jackshot” and “Melting shot.”
    • Ricochet → Ricoshot
    • *sot* → *shot*: As in, “Beshotted with” and “An eshoteric tome” and “Mushroom rishotto.”
  • Drink: Drinks are such a huge part of birthday and party culture that it’s become a termed activity (“birthday drinks” rather than “meet up for drinks”). As such, we’ve got a few drink-related puns here for you:
    • Blink → Drink: As in, “Drink and you’ll miss it” and “It’s on the drink.”
    • Link → Drink: As in, “The missing drink” and “You are the weakest drink.”
    • Trick → Drink: As in, “Box of drinks” and “Dirty drinks” and “Every drink in the book” and “Never misses a drink” and “One drink pony” and “Drinks of the trade.”
  • Bash: Parties can sometimes be called a “bash”, so we’ve included some bash-related puns in here for you:
    • *bis* → *bash*: As in, refurbash (refurbish), cannabash (cannabis), rubbash (rubbish) and bashop (bishop).
    • *bas* → *bash*: As in, “You b*shtard” and “Don’t keep all your eggs in one bashket” and “Saved to the databash” and “On the bashis of..” Other words you could use: bashic (basic), bashin (basin), bashtion (bastion), bombashtic (bombastic).
    • *pas* → *bash: As in, “Bashion for fashion” and “Bashive aggressiveness” and “Bashionate about” and “Combashion fatigue.”
    • *pish* → *bash*: As in, “A sheepbash expression” and “Sheepbashly nodded” and “An impbash grin” and “Waspbash reply.”
    • Bach* → Bash*: “Bashellor pad” and “Bashelorette party.”
  • Gala: Since galas are another word for party and are commonly used in birthday contexts, we’ve got some gala-related puns and phrases for you to play with:
    • Gelato → Galato
    • *gula* → *gala*: As in, “A regalar occurrence” and “Singalar phrasing” and “Regalation codes” and “Rectangalar format” and “Irregalar visits.”
    • *gale → *gala: “Let me regala you with the tales of my glory” and “Sings like a nightingala.”
    • *gali* → *gala*: As in, “Galaleo’s findings” and “An egalatarian society” and “Practicing frugalaty.”
    • *gala*: You can simply emphasise the “gala” that already exists in these words: galaxy and galactic.

Birthday-Related Words

To help you come up with your own birthday puns, here’s a list of related words to get you on your way. If you come up with any new puns or related words, please feel free to share them in the comments!

general: birthday, happy birthday, birth, day, birthdate, party, cake, candle, wick, balloons, streamers, blow (out the candles), wish, birthday song, cake-cutting, wishes, age, aging, older, old, born, year, song, gift, present, card, celebration, life, anniversary, toast, cheers, speech, pass the parcel, musical chairs, musical statues, tradition, shots, drink, legal, blowout, shindig, commemoration, occasion, bash, gala

birthday types: sweet sixteen, 21st, 18th, quinceanera, bar mitzvah, bat mitzvah, golden birthday, grand birthday, half-birthday, unbirthday, surprise, coming of age, centenary

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Cake Puns

Welcome to the Punpedia entry on cake puns! 🎂 🍓 🍰

Cakes are a much-loved sweet treat that we love to eat at any time – morning or afternoon tea, as dessert and for celebrations and traditional social gatherings. You might be looking for a short and sweet caption for a sugary Instagram boast, some witty wordplay to put on an invite, or maybe even a silly pun to ice your cake with. No matter the occasion, we hope you enjoy this list and find the perfect pun for your needs.

While we’ve made this list as comprehensive as possible, it is specific to cakes (and cupcakes). If you’re after other desserts, we also have candy puns, donut puns, pie puns ice cream puns, cookie puns and baking puns, and will have other related lists coming soon too.

A quick note that while this list will include traditional ingredients like milk, eggs, and butter, all of these can easily be swapped out for vegan substitutes (like soy milk or plant-based butter) and it’s these substitutes we have in mind when making jokes about these ingredients.

Cake Puns List

Each item in this list describes a pun, or a set of puns which can be made by applying a rule. If you know of any puns about cake that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments at the end of this page! Without further ado, here’s our list of cake puns:

  • Ache → Cake: As in, “Old cakes and pains” and “Tension headcake” and “Old heartcake” and “A splitting headcake.”
  • Kraken → Caken: As in, “Release the caken!”
  • Kick → Cake: As in, “Alive and cake-ing” and “Get a cake out of it” and “Just for cakes” and “Cake back and enjoy” and “Cake butt” and “A cake in the teeth.” Other kick-related words you could use: sidecake (sidekick), cakeoff (kickoff), caker (kicker), cakestart (kickstart) and cakeback (kickback).
  • *cac* → *cake*: As in, “Cake-ao flavoured” and “Prickly cake-tus” and “Cakeling like a witch” and “A cake-ophony of noise.” Note: a cacophony is a disorganised mess of sound.
  • *coc* → *cake*: As in, “5pm caketails (cocktails)” and “In your own cakeoon” and “Worse than a cakeroach” and “That’s cakeonuts (coconuts)!” and “A precakecious (precocious) child.” Note: to be precocious is to show early development or maturity.
  • Waikiki → Waicake-i
  • Cake: These cake-related phrases can serve as cake puns in the right context: “A slice of the cake” and “Flat as a pancake” and “Baby cakes” and “A cake walk” and “Caked with mud” and “Well that’s just the icing on the cake” and “Let them eat cake” and “A piece of cake” and “Selling like hot cakes” and “Shut your cake hole!” and “That takes the cake” and “The cherry on the cake” and “You can’t have your cake and eat it too.” Since these phrases are figurative and don’t refer to literal cake, they can be used in broader, more general ways.
  • Cake → Cupcake: Cake-related phrases can also be amended to become cupcake-related phrases which can be used as cupcake puns in the right context: “A slice of the cupcake” and “Cupcakes or death!” and “A cupcake walk” and “Cupcaked with mud” and “The icing on the cupcake” and “Let them eat cupcakes” and “A piece of cupcake” and “Shut your cupcake hole” and “Takes the cupcake.”
  • Desert → Dessert: As in “The Sahara dessert.” and “Just desserts.” and “How could you dessert me at the moment I needed you the most?”
  • Dissertation → Dessertation: As in “I wrote my diploma dessertation on candy puns.”
  • Does it → Dessert: As in “It’s comfy, but dessert make my bum look big?” and “Dessert not worry you that society cares so much about appearance?”
  • Break → Bake: As in, “A bad bake” and “At bakeneck speed” and “Bed and bakefast” and “Bake a leg” and “Baking and entering” and “Bake bread” and “Baking new ground” and “Bake even” and “Bake out in a cold sweat” and “Bake the bank” and “Bake the ice” and “Bake the mold” and “Bake with tradition” and “Baking news” and “Don’t go baking my heart” and “Give me a bake!” and “A lucky bake” and “Make a bake for it” and “Sticks and stones may bake my bones.”
  • Brake → Bake: As in, “Hit the bakes.”
  • Back → Bake: As in, “Bake in black” and “Bake to the future” and “Bake in the day” and “Bake in business” and “Bake on your feet” and “Bake to basics” and “Bake to square one” and “Double bake.”
  • Beck → Bake: As in, “At my bake and call”
  • Bike → Bake: As in, “On your bake!”
  • *bac* → *bake*: As in, “Full of bake-teria” and “A messy debake-l (debacle).”
  • *bec* → *bake*: As in, “Temptation bake-ons (beckons)” and “What have you bake-ome?” and “Just bake-ause you can doesn’t mean you should” and “Bakeoming my worst nightmare” and “Vegan barbake-ue” and “This attitude is unbake-oming of you.”
  • *bic* → *bake*: As in, “Stop bakering (bickering)!” and “Stop with the acerbake (acerbic) tone” and “Aerobake exercise” and “Feeling claustrophobake.”Note: is something is acerbic, then it’s bitter.
  • *buc* → *bake*: As in, “Bake-et list” and “A drop in the bake-et” and “Bake-l (buckle) up!” and “A bake-aneer’s life.”
  • *bik* → *bake*: As in, “Bake-ini body” and “Bakeram (bikram) yoga” and “Rubake‘s cube.”
  • *pec* → *bake*: As in, “A bake-uliar situation” and “Baketoral muscles” and “Blinking behind your s-baketacles” and “A s-baketacular performance” and “Fresh persbaketive” and “A wide s-baketrum.”
  • Pakistan → Bakeistan
  • I sing → Icing: As in “Icing in the shower sometimes.”
  • Icing: A simple icing-related metaphor: “The icing on the cake.”
  • Fostered → Frosted: As in “They frosted a sense of community and belonging.”
  • Battle → Batter: As in, “An uphill batter” and “Batter of wits” and “Batter ready” and “Half the batter” and “In the heat of batter” and “Love is a batterfield” and “A batter of wills” and “Batter of the bulge.”
  • Better → Batter: As in “Batter safe than sorry” and “Batter you than me” and “Batter than sex” and “I’ll go you one batter” and “I’ve seen batter days” and “It’s batter than nothing” and “Never been batter” and “The sooner the batter” and “You batter believe it!” and “Against batter judgement” and “Batter late than never” and “Batter left unsaid” (The dough used to make doughnuts is often called “batter”)
  • Butter → Batter: As in, “Bread always falls batter side down” and “Batter fingers” and “Batter up” and “Batter wouldn’t melt in her mouth” and “Float like a batterfly, sting like a bee” and “Social batterfly” and “The batterfly effect” and “Batterflies in my stomach.”
  • Gym* → Jam*: As in, “Mental jamnastics” and “A world-class jamnast” and “In the jamnasium.”
  • Am → Jam: As in, “Yes, I jam.”
  • Am* → Jam*: Amend words that start with “am” so that they start with “jam” instead: “A jambiguous (ambiguous) answer” and “Let me jamend (amend) that” and “A jamazing show” and “Filled with jambition” and “A small jamount.” Other words that you could use: jambivalent (ambivalent), jamateur (amateur), Jamazon (Amazon), jambience (ambience), jammunition (ammunition), jammo (ammo), jamnesty (amnesty), jamnesia (amnesia), jample (ample), jamplify (amplify), jamphibian (amphibian), jamulet (amulet), jamuse (amuse), jamusement (amusement) and jamusing (amusing).
  • American → Jamerican
  • Amsterdam → Jamsterdam
  • Jum* → Jam*: As in, “Jampstart your career” and “Jambo jet” and “Jamping for joy” and “A bit jampy” and “Protective jampsuit.” Other words you could use: jamp (jump), jamper (jumper) and jamble (jumble).
  • Cham* → Jam*: As in, “In my jambers (chambers)” and “Breakfast of jampions” and “Celebrate with jampagne.”
  • Gem* → Jam*: Jamini (Gemini), jamstone (gemstone) and stratejam (stratagem). Note: A strategem is a tactic that aims to gain the upper hand.
  • Belgium → Beljam:
  • *jam*: You can simply emphasize the “jam” in these words to make some silly jam-related cake puns: jamboree, Jamaica, jamb, pajamas and Benjamin.
  • Jam: To finish off our little jam section, we’ve got some jam-related puns that could act as puns in the right context: “In a jam and “Jam packed” and “Jam session” and “Jammed in tight.”
  • Cemetery → Creametery (a very specific and slightly morbid play on words)
  • *cram* → *cream*: As in, “Creamping my style” and “Writer’s creamp” and “Creamming for a test” and “Creamming your mouth with food.”
  • *crem* → *cream*: As in, “An increamental amount” and “By increaments.”
  • *crim* → *cream*: As in, “A creaminal mind” and “Punishment fits the cream” and “Creamson lips” and “Against discreamination” and “I don’t discreaminate.”
  • Cream: These cream-related phrases could serve as cake puns in the right circumstances: “Cream always rises to the top” and “Cream of the crop” and “A real cream puff” and “Skin like cream” and “Like the cat who got the cream” and “Where’s the cream filling?” and “Whatever creams your twinkie.”
  • Nuts: Nuts are commonly used to add flavour and texture to cakes, so we’ve added some nut-related phrases that you could use as cake puns in the right context:
    • Not → Nut: As in, “As often as nut” and “Believe it or nut” and “Down, but nut out” and “Nut at all” and “Nut bad” and “Nut in the slightest” and “Nut on your life.”
    • *nat* → *nut*: As in, “Well, nuturally” and “The nutional anthem” and “Any alternutives?” and “Need your signuture here” and “That resonuted with me.”
    • *net* → *nut*: As in, “Social nutwork” and “Nutworking event” and “Fast internut” and “A penutrating glare.” Other words you could use: Other wrods you could use: planut (planet), bonnut (bonnet) and cabinut (cabinut).
    • *nit* → *nut*: As in, “Cognutive therapy” and “Computer monutor” and “Golden opportunuty” and “A tight-knit communuty” and An affinuty for…” Other words you could use: dignuty (dignity) and furnuture (furniture).
    • *not* → *nut*: As in, “Nutwithstanding…” and “Take nutice of” and “Turn it up a nutch” and “Nutorious for” and “Nuthing to worry about” and “I cannut understand you.”
    • *nut*: With these words, we can simply emphasise the “nut” that they already contain: “Plant-based nutrition” and “Packed with nutrients” and “In a nutshell” and “That old chestnut” and “Wait a minute!”
    • Nut: We’ll finish this section off with some nut-related phrases that could double as puns in right context: “Sweet as a nut” and “From soup to nuts” and “Go nuts” and “A tough nut to crack.”
  • Jelly: Jellies are commonly used as filling in layered cakes, so we’ve got some jelly-related puns and phrases for you here:
    • Jealous → Jelly: As in “Your new shoes look so good! I’m jelly.”
    • *gel → *jelly: As in, “Anjelly’s (angel’s) advocate” and “My better anjellys” and “Enough to make anjellys weep” and “Need some new hair jelly.”
    • Jolly → Jelly: As in, “For he’s a jelly good fellow.”
  • Mousse: Mousse is another common filling (or topping!) for layered or filled cakes, so we’ve included mousse-related puns and phrases:
    • Mouse → Mousse: As in, “Quiet as a mousse” and “A cat and mousse game.”
    • Moose → Mousse
    • Must → Mousse-t: As in, “All things mousse-t pass” and “All good things mousse-t come to an end” and “Everything mousse-t go!” and “Into every life a little rain mousse-t fall” and “A mousse-t have” and “The shoe mousse-t go on” and “What can’t be cured mousse-t be endured” and “What goes up mousse-t come down” and “You mousse-t be joking!” and “I mousse-t say…”
    • Most → Mousse-t: As in, “Mousse-t wanted” and “Make the mousse-t of it” and “The mousse-t trusted name in news” and “For the mousse-t part.”
    • Mass → Mousse: As in, “Body mousse index” and “Mousse hysteria” and “Weapons of mousse destruction” and “Consuming mousse quantities.”
    • *mas* → *mousse*: As in, “A mousse-ive mistake” and “Lord and mousse-ter” and “Mousse-querade ball.” Other words that could work: mousse-age (massage), Christmousse (Christmas), en mousse (en masse).
    • *mes* → *mousse*: As in, “Mousse-age received” and “A hot mousse” and “Stop mousse-ing about” and Mousse-y hair” and “A mousse-merising song” and “Domoussetic duties.”
    • *mis* → *mousse*: As in, mousse-ogyny (misogyny), mousse-ion (mission), moussetake (mistake), mousse-ellaneous (miscellaneous), mousse-chief (mischief) and moussechievous (mischievous).
    • *mos* → *mousse*: As in, “A rolling stone gathers no mousse” and “Buzzing around like a mousse-quito” and “Yes, mousse-tly” and “Best in the cosmousse” and “A warm atmousse-phere” and “Try your utmousse-t.” Other words that could work: almousse-t (almost), foremousse-t (foremost), animousse-ity (animosity) and thermousse (thermos).
    • *mus* → *mousse*: As in, “Face the mousse-ic” and “Put some mousse-le (muscle) into it” and “As much as you can mousse-ter” and “Cut the mousse-tard.” Other words that could work: mousse-eum (museum) and mousse-shrrom (mushroom).
    • *maz* → *mousse*: As in, “An amousse-ing (amazing) result” and “Prepare to be amoussed (amazed)!” and “Filled with amoussement (amazement).”
    • *mous* → *mousse*: mousse-tache (moustache), autonomousse, anonymousse, infamousse, enormousse, famousse, unanimousse and synonymousse. Note: if something is autonomous, then it is self-governing and can act on its own.
  • Sweat → Sweet: As in “Blood, sweet and tears” and “Beads of sweet rolled down my forehead” and “Break out in a cold sweet” and “By the sweet of my brow” and “Don’t sweet it.” and “Don’t sweet the small stuff.” and “All hot and sweety.”
  • Sweater → Sweeter: As in “A close-knit woollen sweeter for cold days”
  • Suite → Sweet: As in “She was renting a 2-bedroom sweet for the summer.”
  • Switch → Sweet-ch: As in “Bait and sweet-ch” and “Asleep at the sweet-ch” and “Sweet-ch gears” and “You should sweet-ch out your old one with this one.”
  • Switzerland → Sweetzerland: As in “Zürich is a lovely city in Sweetzerland.”
  • Sweet:  These sweet-related phrases can act as puns in the right situation: As in “You’re so sweet!” and “Oh that’s soo sweet!” and “Revenge is sweet” and “Short and sweet” and “Lay some sweet lines on someone” and “Sweet dreams” and “Sweet Jesus!” and “You bet your sweet life!” and “That was a sweet trick, dude.” and “Sweet as, bro.” and “Whisper sweet nothings” and “Home sweet home” and “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” and “Sweet smell/taste of success/victory” and “Sweetheart.
  • Seat → Sweet: As in, “Backsweet driver” and “By the sweet of your pants” and “Hold on to your sweet” and “Not a dry sweet in the house” and “On the edge of my sweet” and “Please be sweeted” and “Take a back sweet” and “The best sweet in the house.”
  • Fondant: Fondant is a type of sugar dough that’s used as icing or decoration for cakes, especially when making 3D shapes or to cover large areas. These puns are specific to fondant:
    • Fun → Fondant: As in, “All fondant and games until someone loses and eye” and “A bundle of fondant” and “Double the pleasure, double the fondant” and “Girls just want to have fondant” and “Good, clean fondant” and “Make fondant of” and “Time flies when you’re having fondant.”
    • *ondent → *fondant: As in, “Feeling desfondant (despondent)” and “News corresfondant (correspondent).”
  • Mars → Marzipan: This one’s a bit of a stretch, but can still work in the right situation: “A marzipan a day helps you work, rest and play” and “The man from Marzipan.” Note: marzipan is a sweet, almond-based paste that is used in cakes as flavouring or decoration.
  • Peeping → Piping: As in, “Piping Tom” and “Piping through the curtains.”
  • Sprinkle: Since sprinkle is both a verb (to lightly scatter something) and a noun (small, multicoloured edible decorations – especially used on cakes), we can use it to turn normal phrases into puns, as in “Sprinkled with love.”
  • Even → Oven: As in “Don’t get mad, get oven” and “Break oven” and “Oven handed” and “Keep on an oven keel” and “Oven at the turning of the tide” and “Oven as we speak” and “Oven if it kills me” and “Oven Stevens”. Note: to keep something on an even keel is to keep something in a steady, untroubled state.
  • *aven* → *oven*: As in, “Let’s look at other ovenues” and “Ovenge my death!” and “The Ovengers.”
  • *even* → *oven*: As in, “The main ovent” and “Yes, oventually” and “An ovening out” and “Your oventual downfall” and “Spread ovenly” and “Seven Eloven” and “It’s looking unoven.”
  • Peace → Piece: As in, “At piece” and “Inner piece” and “Keep the piece” and “No piece for the wicked” and “Piece be with you” and “Piece at last” and “Piece of mind” and “At piece with.”
  • Piece: These piece-related phrases are general enough to serve as cake puns in the right context: “Dash to pieces” and “Bits and pieces” and “Conversation piece” and “Cut to pieces” and “Pick up the pieces” and “Piece of cake” and “A piece of the action” and “A real piece of work.”
  • Slice: These common phrases can be used as puns in the right situation: “A slice of the cake” and “Any way you slice it” and “Slice of life” and “A slice of the action” and “No matter how you slice it.”
  • Fruit: It’s common for fruit to be used as flavouring or decoration for cakes, so we’ve included some fruit-related phrases and puns here for you:
    • *fut* → *fruit*: As in, “Think about your fruiture” and “Resistance is fruitile!” and “A fruituristic building” and “Sleeping on the fruiton” and “An irrefruitable argument.” Other words that could work: refruit (refute) and fruitility (fruitility).
    • Frat* → Fruit*: As in, “Fruiternity house” and “Fruiternal twins” and “Fruiternising with the enemy.”
    • Fret* → Fruit*: Fruitting (fretting), fruitwork (fretwork) and fruitful (fretful). Note: fretwork is a type of ornamental carving. This could work especially well for making puns about carved fruit decorations that are on cakes (very specific, we know).
    • Fruit: We’ll finish this little section off with some fruit-related phrases that could double as puns: “Be fruitful and multiply” and “Bear fruit” and “Forbidden fruit” and “Fruits of your labour” and “Low hanging fruit” and “The fruit doesn’t fall far from the tree.”
  • Mix: The word “mix” can refer to both mixing up ingredients, or pre-made cake (or cupcake) mix. We’ve included some terrible mix-related puns here:
    • Max → Mix: As in, “All mixed out” and “To the mix.”
    • *max* → *mix*: As in, “The miximum amount” and “Miximise your fun!” and “The climix of the movie” and “What an anticlimix.”
    • Mexico → Mixico
    • *mic → *mix: As in, “The dynamix duo” and “Academix performance” and “Systemix problems” and “Economix status” and “Cosmix belief.” Other words that could work: endemix (endemic), mimix (mimic), epidemix (epidemic) and pandemix (pandemic).
    • *mix*: Simply emphasise the “mix” in these words to make some silly cake mix puns: mixture, mixer, mixed and remix.
  • Recipe: These recipe-related phrases could work as cake or cupcake puns in the right situation: “A recipe for disaster” and “A recipe for success.”
  • Chef: These next few puns are focused around the word “chef”:
    • Chuffed → Cheffed (Note: to be “chuffed” is to be pleased or delighted with something.)
    • Chev* → Chef*: As in, “Chefron pattern” and “Take a ride in my Chefy (Chevy).”
    • Chiv* → Chef*: As in, “A chefalrous (chivalrous) action” and “Practice chefalry (chivalry).”
    • Shif* → Chef*: As in, “Graveyard cheft” and “Night cheft” and “Cheft gears” and “Cheft your arse” and “Looking chefty” and “Chefting sands” and “A makecheft solution.”
    • Shuf* → Chef*: As in, “Cheffle away” and “Recheffle the cards.” Other words you could use: cheffleboard (shuffleboard), cheffling (shuffling) and cheffled (shuffled).
    • Disheveled → Dischefled
    • Shiv* → Chef*: As in, “Chefering (shivering) in the cold” and “Got the chefers (shivers).”
    • Chif* → Chef*: As in, “Cheffon cake.” (this one works well since it plays on both chef and chiffon, which is a type of cake)
  • Cook: We’ve got a little cook-related section for you here:
    • Cac* → Cook*: As in, “A cookophony of noise” and “Cookao (cacao) flavoured” and “Prickly like a cooktus (cactus)” and “Cookling with glee.”
    • Coc* → Cook*: As in, “A dangerous cooktail” and “Safely cookooned (cocooned) away.” Other words that could work: cookroach (cockroach), cookonut (coconut) and concookt (concoct). Note: a cacophony is a disorganised mess of noise.
    • Kooky → Cooky: The term “kooky” means strange or eccentric.
    • Cook: Other than the obvious definition it can also refer to “altering dishonestly”, as in “They cooked the numbers and were done for fraud” (The phrases “cooked the books” and “cooked the accounts” are synonymous). Some cooking-related idioms and phrases are: “What’s cooking?” and “Too many cooks spoil the broth.”
    • Cooked: “If mum and dad find out we took their car last night, we’re cooked!” and “He has been drinking since lunch time – he’s cooked.”
  • Rise: Since cakes (unlike cookies, pies and other sweet treats) are designed to rise when baked, we’ve included some rise-related puns for you:
    • Raise → Rise: As in, “Rise the bar” and “Rise the dead” and “Rise your game” and “Hair-rising.”
    • Raspberry → Riseberry
    • Res* → Rise*: As in, “Ongoing rise-search (research)” and “Unbreakable rise-olve” and “Earn rise-pect” and “Rise-ume work.” Other words that could work: rise-sponse (response), rise-silient (resilient), rise-t (rest), rise-olution (resolution).
    • *riz* → *rise*: As in, “On the horiseon” and “The grand prise” and “A mesmeriseing performance” and “Get horiseontal” and “A plagiarised essay.”
    • *ries → *rise: As in, “A new Netflix serise” and “Don’t forget to accessorise” and “Thanks for the memorise” and “Blocked arterise.” Other words that would work: adversarise (adversaries) and toiletrise (toiletries).
    • *ris* → *rise*: As in, “At rise-k (risk)” and “Dust and debrise” and “If needs arise” and “An enterprise-ing individual.”
  • Participation → Patiserrie-pation: (note: a patisserie is a shop that sells cakes and sweet pastries.)
  • Flour: As flour is an integral ingredient in cake-making, we’ve got some flour-related puns here:
    • Floor → Flour: As in, “Mop the flour with” and “On the flour” and “Flour it!” and “You have the flour.”
    • Flower → Flour: As in, “Flour power” and “The flour of your youth” and “Stop and smell the flours.”
    • Hour → Flour: As in, “After flours” and “Open all flours” and “The small flours of the morning” and “Working all flours” and “At all flours.”
    • Flair → Flour: As in, “A flour for the dramatic.”
    • Flir* → Flour*: As in, “Flourting with disaster” and “A real flourt.”
    • Flor* → Flour*: As in, “Floura and fauna” and “Floural arrangements.” Other words that could work: flourist (florist), Flourida (Florida), Flourence (Florence) and flourentine (florentine). Note: a florentine is a type of biscuit.)
  • Butter: Since butter is a very common ingredient in cakes, we’ve got some butter-related puns here for you (note: it is very easy to find vegan butter to use in cakes, and when we make jokes about butter, it’s of the plant-based variety).
    • Barter → Butter: As in, “Trade and butter economy.”
    • Better → Butter: As in, “I’ve got a butter idea” and “Anything you can do, I can do butter” and “Appealing to your butter judgement” and “My butter half” and “Butter late than never” and “Butter luck next time” and “Butter safe than sorry” and “Butter than sex” and “Butter than new” and “I’ve changed for the butter” and “I couldn’t have said it butter” and “For butter or worse” and “Get the butter of” and “I should have known butter.”
    • But her → Butter: As in, “Butter suitcase! It’s been left behind!” (a very specific pun)
    • Patter → Butter: As in, “The pitter butter of little feet.”
    • But → Butter: As in, “Butter seriously” and “Butter heads” and “Butter out” and “Down, butter not out” and “Everything butter the kitchen sink” and “Kick butter” and “No butters” and “Last butter not least” and “Gone, butter not forgotten.”
    • Potter → Butter: As in, “Harry Butter” and “Buttering about.”
  • Egg: As eggs are a common ingredient in cakes, we’ve included them in our cake pun list (a quick note that it’s very easy to substitute eggs for plant-based ingredients!):
    • *ag* → *egg*: As in, “In the begg (bag)” and “Capture the flegg” and “Tegging along” and “Stop dregging your feet” and “Reggs to riches” and “Snegg (snag) a great deal.” Other words you could use: preggmatic (pragmatic), propeggate (propagate), eggregate (aggregate), eggainst (against), eggnostic (agnostic), egghast (aghast), eggree (agree) and eggreement (agreement).
    • *eg* → *egg*: As in, “Get a legg on” and “Neggative results” and “Had you pegged as…” and “I begg to differ” and “Where do I beggin?” Other words that could work: leggacy, eggocentric, nutmegg, bootlegg, dregg and integgrity.
    • *ig* → *egg*: As in, “Keep on degging (digging)” and “Eggnorance is not bliss” and “You can’t eggnore it forever” and “Choosing to remain eggnorant” and “Eggnite your passion.”
    • *ex* → *eggs*: As in, “A compleggs situation” and “Indeggsed (indexed) files” and “Better than seggs (sex)” and “Don’t fleggs your muscles here” and “Pure refleggs (reflex)” and “From eggsperience” and “Taken out of conteggst (context)” and “Eggspress post” and “In eggschange.” Other words you could use: eggsploit (exploit), eggstract (extract), eggsercise (exercise), eggsistential (existential), eggserpt (except), eggsample (example), eggsacerbate (exacerbate), eggsamine (examine), eggsact (exact), eggsasperate (exasperate), eggsclusive (exclusive), eggsited (excited), eggsellent (excellent), eggsess (excess), eggsempt (exempt), eggsemplify (exemplify), eggsecution (execution), eggsfoliate (exfoliate), eggshibit (exhibit), eggshaust (exhaust), eggsausted (exhausted), eggsibition (exhibition), eggsilarating (exhilarating), eggshale (exhale), eggsist (exist), eggsit (exit), eggsotic (exotic), eggsorbitant (exorbitant), eggspect (expect), eggsquisite (exquisite), eggstension (extension), eggstrapolate (extrapolate), eggstensive (extensive), eggstraordinary (extraordinary), eggsuberant (exuberant) and eggsude (exude).
    • *ec* → *egg*: As in, “New teggnology” and “Change the subjeggt” and “Be objeggtive” and “High seggurity” and “An effeggtive technique” and “Solar egglipse.” Other words you could use: seggular (secular), feggless (feckless), egglectic (eclectic), eggonomy (economy), eggo (echo), eggology (ecology) and eggstatic (ecstatic).
    • *ac* → *egg*: As in, “Taken into eggount” and “Take eggtion” and “In on the eggt (act)” and “Looking for eggommodation.” Other words you could use: eggnowledge (acknowledge), eggrue (accrue) and eggronym (acronym)
    • Egg: We’ll finish this section off with some egg-related phrases that are general enough to use as cake and cupcake puns: “As sure as eggs is eggs” and “A bad egg” and “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket” and “Nest egg” and “Walking on eggshells” and “Can’t make a cake without breaking some eggs.”

All of the following puns are based on different types of cake:

  • Brow → Brownie: As in, “Eyebrownie raising” and “Knit your brownie” and “High brownie.”
  • Brown → Brownie: As in, “As brownie as a berry.”
  • Liar → Layer: As in, “Layer, layer, pants on fire.” Note: a layer cake consists of stacked sheets of cake which are usually held together by some kind of sweet paste (like icing or jam).
  • Tier: Tier cakes are similar to layer cakes in that they consist of multiple stacked cakes, but tier cakes tend to be made up of entire cakes stacked on top of each other, while layer cakes are composed of slices of cake. We’ve got some silly tier cake puns for you here:
    • Tear → Tier: As in, “Bathed in tiers” and “Blood, sweat and tiers” and “Bored to tiers” and “Bring tiers to your eyes” and “Burst into tiers” and “Crocodile tiers” and “Fighting back tiers” and “It will all end in tiers” and “No more tiers” and “A real tier-jerker.”
    • Tour → Tier: As in, “Eco-tierism” and “Magical mystery tier” and “Tier de force” and “World tier” and “Let me take you on a tier.”
    • Dear → Tier: As in, “After you, my tier” and “Tierly beloved” and “Hold on for tier life” and “Near and tier to my heart” and “Nearest and tierest.”
    • Deer → Tier: As in, “Like a tier in headlights.”
    • *tar* → *tier*: As in, “Set your tierget (target)” and “Online avatier” and “Brick and mortier shop” and “At the altier” and “Nectier of life.” Other words you could use: proprietiery (proprietary), complimentiery (complimentary) and complementiery (complementary).
    • *ter* → *tier*: As in, “A full tierm (term)” and “Boston tierrier” and “Tiertiary degree” and “Waiting at the tierminal” and “A tierritorial creature” and “Over new tierrain” and “A tierrible fate” and “Don’t forget to watier the plants” and “Doesn’t mattier” and “Out of charactier” and “Mastier bedroom” and “For bettier or worse” and “Fostier a new attitude.” Other words that could work: aftier (after), computier (computer), lettier (letter), intierest (interest), artiery (artery), intierface (interface), intierfere (interfere), altiernative (alternative), battiery (battery) and intiernet (internet).
    • *tir* → *tier*: As in, “Feeling tiered (tired)” and “Having a tierade (tirade)” and “What a tiersome situation” and “Tieramisu flavoured” and “Working tierlessly” and “In the entier world” and “Of retierment age” and “Writing with satier.”
    • *tor* → *tier*: As in, “Factier into the equation” and “Need a doctier” and “Monitier the situation” and “Computer monitier” and “Dedicated mentier” and “Project coordinatier” and “Ancient histiery.” Other words that could work: vectier (vector), curatier (curator), predatier (predator) and motier (motor).
    • *tyr* → *tier*: As in, tieranny (tyranny), tierant (tyrant), tierannical (tyrannical) and martier (martyr).
    • *tiar* → *tier*: As in, tiera (tiara), inertier (inertia) and tertiery (tertiary).
    • *tier*: Emphasise the “tier” in these words: frontier, bustier and chocolatier.
  • Torte: Tortes are a type of rich, dense cake. We’ve got some torte puns for you here:
    • Thought → Torte: As in, “Deep in torte” and “Food for torte” and “Hold that torte” and “Impure tortes” and “It’s the torte that counts” and “Just when you torte it was safe” and “Lost in torte” and “Penny for your torte” and “On second torte” and “School of torte” and “Train of torte” and “Collect your tortes” and “Torte bubble.”
    • Taught → Torte: As in, “I’ve torte you well.”
    • Taut → Torte: As in, “Torte muscles” and “Torte as a rubber band.”
    • *tot* → *torte*: As in, “In torte-al agreement” and “Torte bag” and “Tortering around” and “Torte-ally, 100%.” Other words that could work: factorteum (factotum), torte-alitarian and torte-um (totum).
    • *tart* → *torte*: As in, “All torted up” and “Torte-an skirt.”
    • *tert* → *torte*: As in, “Light entorte-tainment” and “Entorte-tain me” and “Fates intorte-twined.”
    • *tort* → *torte*: As in, “Torte-oise and hare” and “Like torte-ure” and “Hot torte-illas” and “A torte-urous situation.” Other words you could work: retorte (retort), distorte (distort), extorte (extort), contorte (contort), extorte-ion (extortion) and distorte-ion (distortion).
  • Cheese → Cheesecake: As in, “Different as chalk and cheesecake” and “What’s that got to do with the price of cheesecake?”
  • Cake → Cheesecake: As in, “A slice of the cheesecake” and “A cheesecake walk” and “Icing on the cheesecake” and “Let them eat cheesecake” and “Piece of cheesecake.”
  • Cake → Pancake: As in, “A slice of the pancake” and Icing on the pancake” and “Let them eat pancakes” and “Piece of pancake” and “The cherry on the pancake” and “You can’t have your pancake and eat it too.”
    • Food → Angel food: Angel food cake is a type of light, fluffy sponge cake that doesn’t use butter. We have some silly angel food puns for you here: “Comfort angel food” and “Angel food chain” and “Angel food for thought.” Note: these would also work for devil’s food cake, as in: “Comfort devil’s food” and “Devil’s food chain” and “Devil’s food for thought.”
  • Get out → Gateau’t: As in, “Gateau’t of the chopper!”
  • Pound: A pound cake is a cake that’s made with a pound each of the main ingredients (butter, flour, eggs and sugar). We have some pound-related puns and phrases here for you:
    • *pand* → *pound*: As in, “Pounder (pander) to” and “It’s poundemonium in here” and “Poundora’s box” and “Can you expound on that?”
    • *pend* → *pound*: As in, “Payment pounding.” Other words you could use: poundulum (pendulum), poundant (pendant), stipound (stipend), appound (append), suspound (suspend), depound (depend), expound (expend), appoundix (appendix), depoundent (dependent) and impounding (impending).
    • *pond* → *pound*: As in, “In correspoundence with” and “Feeling despoundent” and “Please respound quickly.”
  • Chocolate: Since chocolate is a popular enough flavour to be known as its own type of cake, we’ve got some chocolate-related phrases for you that can double as cake and cupcake puns: “Chocolate thunder” and “Chocolate drop” and “Death by chocolate.”
  • Bundt: A bundt cake is one that has a distinctive ring shape. Here are some bundt-related puns for you:
    • Bun* → Bundt: As in, “Bundt in the oven” and “We’re going to need bigger bundts” and “Bundtle of energy” and “Bundtle of joy.”
    • *ban* → *bundt*: As in, “Urbundt living” and “A suburbundt town.”
    • *bon* → *bundt*: As in, “Ribbundt cutting ceremony” and “Carbundt copy” and “Pass the bourbundt.
    • *bun* → *bundt*: As in, “Bundtle of joy” and “Thanks a bundtch” and “In abundtance.”
    • *band* → *bundt*: As in, “I’m with the bundt” and “Husbundt and wife” and “Garage bundt” and “Jump on the bundtwagon” and “I need a bundtage (bandage).” Other words that could work: bundtit (bandit), bundtwidth (bandwidth), bundtdana (bandana), bundteau (bandeau) and bundticoot (bandicoot), contrabundt (contraband), disbundt (disband), broadbundt (broadband), headbundt (headband), abundtdon (abandon) and abundtonment (abandonment).
    • Bend* → Bundt*: As in, “Bundt over backwards” and “Gone on a bundter (bender).”
    • *bond* → *bundt*: As in, bundting (bonding), bundtage (bondage), bundt (bond) and vagabundt (vagabond).
    • *bant* → *bundt*: As in, “Trading bundter (banter)” and “Bundtam (bantam) weight.” Note: bantam is a category of weight that’s used in sports.
    • *bent* → *bundt*: Incumbundt (incumbent) and absorbundt (absorbent). Note: if something is incumbent, then it’s an imposition or an obligation.
  • Coffee: Coffee has been included in this list as it’s both a popular flavour of cake and associated with cake as a common accompaniment (coffee and cake):
    • Copy → Coffee: As in, “Carbon coffee” and “Coffee that” and “Hard coffee” and “Don’t be a coffeecat.”
    • *caf* → *coffee*: coffeeteria (cafeteria) and coffeeine (caffeine).
  • Carrot: Carrot cakes are a very popular flavour for both cakes and cupcakes, so we’ve included it here:
    • Care at → Carrot: As in, “I don’t carrot all!”
    • Carat → Carrot: As in, “24 carrot gold.”
  • Foam: Foam cakes have very little (or no) fatty ingredients in them, and are light, spongy and airy. We’ve got some foam-related puns for you to use here:
    • Form → Foam: As in, “Foam follows function” and “Free foam” and “Imitiation is the sincerest foam of flattery” and “In fine foam” and “In any way, shape or foam” and “Take foam” and “True to foam” and “Evil takes many foams.”
    • Fame → Foam: As in, “Claim to foam” and “Fifteen minutes of foam” and “The hall of foam.”
    • From → Foam: As in, “A little foam column A, a little foam column B” and “Cut foam the same cloth” and “Fall foam grace” and “Foam a mile away” and “Foam a to z” and “Foam cover to cover” and “Foam my cold, dead hands” and “Foam scratch” and “Foam the cradle to the grave” and “Foam time to time” and “Foam the ground up” and “Pull the rug out foam under [someone]” and “Take it foam me” and “Start foam scratch.”
    • Phone → Foam: As in, “Hold the foam” and “Foam a friend” and “Foam in sick” and “Waiting by the foam.”
    • *fam* → *foam*: As in, “My foamily” and “Seems foamiliar” and “Almost foamous” and “40 hour foamine” and “I’m foamished!” and “Foamiliarise yourself with” and “Sue for defoamation.” Note: defamation is the act of injuring another person’s reputation.
    • *fem* → *foam*: As in, “The future is foamale” and “Foaminine energy” and “Foamme fatale” and “No such thing as too foaminist.” Other things that could work: foamur (femur) and effoaminate (effeminate).
    • *fum* → *foam*: As in, foamble (fumble), foaming (fuming), foamigate (fumigate) and foambling (fumbling).
    • *phem* → *foam*: As in, eufoamism (euphemism), efoameral (ephemeral), blasfoamy (blasphemy), blasfoamous (blasphemous) and eufoamistic (euphemistic). Note: if something is ephemeral, then it only lasts for a very short period of time.
    • Sophomore → Sofoamore
  • Roll: Roll cakes are thin sheet cakes that have been rolled into a log shape and go by various names – swiss roll, jelly roll and cream roll, and can be filled with cream, jam or icing. Here are some roll-related puns for you to use:
    • Role → Roll: As in, “Whats your roll here?” and “Competing for the same roll.”
    • J.K Rowling → J.K Rolling
    • *ral* → *roll*: As in, “Rolly (rally) together” and “In generoll” and “Integroll to” and “It’s only naturoll” and “Yes, naturolly” and “Collateroll damage” and “Peripheroll vision” and “Running in parollel.” Other words you could use: liberoll (liberal), moroll (moral), ephemeroll (ephemeral) and visceroll (visceral).
    • *rel* → *roll*: As in, “Not rollevant” and “Rollay the information over” and “A huge rollief” and “Newest rollease” and “In a rollationship” and “Not for rolligion” and “In rollation to” and “Showing rolluctance (reluctance)” and “Rollentless effort” and “Monkeys in a barroll” and “Squirrolling away” and “Lover’s quarroll.” Other words you could use: apparoll (apparel), lauroll (laurel), scoundroll (scoundrel), mongroll (mongrel).
    • *ril* → *roll*: As in, “At your own peroll (peril)” and “A tendroll of hair” and “Aproll showers” and “A brolliant idea” and “Perollous (perilous) plans.”
    • *rol* → *roll*: As in, “Out of controll” and “High cholesteroll” and “On patroll” and “Off to enroll” and “Christmas carolls.” Other words: petroll (petrol) and prollific (prolific).
    • *rul* → *roll*: As in, cerollean (cerulean), unrolly (unruly) and ferrolle (ferrule). Note: a ferrule is a band that holds parts of an object together.
    • *rawl* → *roll*: As in, “Gotta croll before you can walk” and “Pub broll (brawl)” and “Urban sproll (sprawl)” and “Southern droll (drawl).”
  • Ice cream: When ice cream is shaped like a cake, it becomes known as ice cream cake. We’ve got some ice cream-related puns here for you to reference this summer favourite:
    • Ice → Ice cream: As in, “Cold as ice cream” and “Break the ice cream” and “Cuts no ice cream” and “Ice cream maiden” and “On ice cream” and “Skating on thin ice cream.”
    • Cream → Ice cream: As in, “Ice cream always rises to the top” and “Ice cream of the crop” and “Skin like peaches and ice cream” and “The cat who got the ice cream.”
  • Bread → Banana Bread: As in, “Banana bread always falls butter side down” and “Banana bread and butter” and “Break banana bread” and “Have your banana bread buttered on both sides” and “Put banana bread on the table” and “The best thing since sliced banana bread” and “Your daily banana bread.” Note: while banana bread has “bread” in the name, it is also categorised as a cake due to its cake-like characteristics (sweet, moist, airy, fluffy).
  • Cake → Shortcake: As in, “A slice of the shortcake” and “The icing on the shortcake” and “Let them eat shortcake” and “Piece of shortcake” and “The cherry on the shortcake” and “Have your shortcake and eat it too.”
  • Mooncake: Mooncakes are a small, round, dense type of Chinese cake eaten during the Mid-Autumn (or Mooncake) festival as an accompaniment to tea. Make some silly references to them with the following mooncake puns and phrases:
    • Moon → Mooncake: As in, “Ask for the mooncake” and “Eclipse of the mooncake” and “Many mooncakes ago” and “The dark side of the mooncake.”
    • Cake → Mooncake: As in, “A slice of the mooncake” and “Mooncake walk” and “Icing on the mooncake” and “Let them eat mooncake” and “Piece of mooncake” and “That really takes the mooncake” and “You can’t have your mooncake and eat it too.”
    • Moan → Moon: As in, “Whinging and mooning.”
    • *man* → *moon*: As in, “Anger moonagement” and “A moonipulative relationship” and “Take up the moontle.”
    • *men* → *moon*: As in, “Didn’t I moontion?” and “A respected moontor” and “You’re a moonace” and “Strict regimoon” and “No commoont” and “A strong commitmoont to” and “Environmoontally friendly.” Other words you could use: employmoont (employment), complemoont (complement), implemoont (implement), complimoont (compliment) and amoonable (amenable). Note: to be amenable is to be willing to respond to requests or suggestions.
    • *mon* → *moon*: As in, “All about the mooney” and “Hall moonitor” and “Moonkey business” and “Cookie moonster” and “The moonarch of” and “Every moonth.” Other words you could use: mooniker (moniker), moonopoly (monopoly), moontage (montage), commoon (common), salmoon (salmon), summoon (summon), lemoon (lemon), demoon (demon), cinnamoon (cinnamon), persimmoon (persimmon), sermoon (sermon), harmoony (harmony) and admoonish (admonish).
    • *mun* → *moon*: As in, “A tight-knit commoonity” and “Learn to commoonicate.” Other words that could work: commoonication (communication), immoonity (immunity), immoon (immune) and commoonion (communion).
  • Cake Pop: Cake pops are a fairly new type of cake where small balls of cake are styled as lollipops. They’re popular enough that we’ve included some pop-related puns here:
    • *pap* → *pop*: Popaya (papaya), popyrus (papyrus), poparazzi (paparazzi) and poprika (paprika). Note: papyrus is a type of very old paper.
    • Pep* → Pop*: As in, Popper (pepper), popperoni (pepperoni) and poppermint (peppermint. This could work well for a peppermint-flavoured cake pop.)
    • *pop*: We can simply emphasise the “pop” in these words: populist, popular, poplar, population, poppy, populace, lollipop and apoplectic. Notes: to be apoplectic is to be explosively angry. A populist is someone who supports ideas because they’re popular, rather than because they are moral or correct.
    • *pup* → *pop*: Poppet (puppet), poppy (puppy) and poppeteer (puppeteer).
    • Cake → Cake pop: As in, “A slice of the cake pop” and “Icing on the cake pop” and “Let them eat cake pops” and “A piece of cake pop” and “You can’t have your cake pop and eat it too.”
  • Sheet Cake: Sheet cakes are large, flat, rectangular cakes. Here are some sheet cake puns for you to use:
    • Shot → Sheet: As in, “Give it your best sheet” and “Have a sheet at” and “A long sheet” and “Not by a long sheet.”
    • Shut → Sheet: As in, “An open and sheet case” and “Keep your mouth sheet” and “Sheet up and take my money” and “Sheet your cake hole (this would be an amazingly appropriate pun)” and “Sheet your face.”
    • Sh*t → Sheet: As in, “Get your sheet together” and “Holy sheet” and “In deep sheet” and “Scared sheetless” and “No sheet” and “Sheet happens” and “Who gives a sheet?”
    • Seat → Sheet: As in, “Backsheet driver” and “Bums on sheets” and “By the sheet of your pants” and “Glued to your sheet” and Hold on to your sheet” and “In the box sheet” and “Not a dry sheet in the house” and “Please be sheeted” and “Take a sheet” and “The best sheet in the house” and “The hot sheet.”
    • Cheat → Sheet: As in, “Once a sheeter, always a sheeter” and “You can’t sheet an honest person.”
    • Set → Sheet: As in, “All sheet?” and “Game, sheet, match.” and “Got your heart sheet on” and “Ready, sheet, go!” and “Sheet eyes on” and “Sheet foot in” and “Sheet in motion” and “A new sheet of wheels” and “Sheet the record straight” and “Sheet sail” and “Sheet your teeth on edge” and “Sheet in your ways.”
    • Sit → Sheet: As in, “Don’t just sheet there” and “Sheet it out” and “Sheeting on the fence” and “Sheet tight” and “Sheet up and take notice” and “Sheeting pretty.”
    • *shat* → *sheet*: Sheetter (shatter), sheettering (shattering).
    • *cit* → *sheet*: As in, “In the sheety (city)” and “A proud sheetizen of” and “Sheetrus (citrus) flavoured (this could work well for a citrus-flavoured sheet cake)” and “In some capasheety” and “Worldwide atrosheety.” Other words that could work: sheetation (citation), sheetadel (citadel), sheetizenship (citizenship), complisheet (complicit), explisheet (explicit), tasheet (tacit), implisheet (implicit), solisheet (solicit), defisheet (deficit).
    • *sit* → *sheet*: As in, “We’ve got a sheetuation” and “Call the babysheeter” and “In transheet” and “Make a deposheet” and “A propensheety to” and “Posheetive results” and “An exquisheet meal.”
    • Sheet: To finish this section, we’ve got some simple sheet-related phrases that are general enough to use as puns: “White as a sheet” and “Keep a clean sheet” and “Between the sheets.”
  • Slab cake: Slab cakes are the Australian equivalent of sheet cakes (see section above). Here are some silly slab puns for you to use:
    • *sab* → *slab*: As in, “Team slabotage” and “Taking a slabbatical” and “Indispenslable to the team.” Note: a sabbatical is an extended break from work or a usual schedule.
    • Sebastian → Slabastian
    • Slap* → Slab*: As in, “A slab on the wrist” and “Slab bang in the middle” and “A slabdash job” and “Slabstick comedy.”
  • Blondie: Blondies are brownies that are made with vanilla rather than chocolate or cocoa. We’ve got a couple of blondie puns for you here:
    • Bondi beach → Blondie beach
    • Blonde → Blondie: “Bleached blondie” and “Blondie bombshell” and “Platinum blondie.”
  • Butterfly: Butterfly cakes are cupcakes that have the tops carved out, cut in half and then stuck back on top with jam, icing or cream to resemble a butterfly’s wings. Here are some butterfly-related phrases that could double as cupcake puns:
    • Fly → Butterfly: As in, “Born to butterfly” and “Come butterfly with me” and “Butterfly by the seat of your pants” and “Butterfly off the handle” and “Off to a butterflying start.”
    • Butterfly: These butterfly-related phrases are general enough to work as puns in the right context: “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee” and “Social butterfly” and “The butterfly effect.”
  • Bread → Gingerbread: As in, “Gingerbread always falls butter side down” and “Gingerbread and butter” and “Gingerbread of life” and “Gingerbread crumb trail” and “The best thing since sliced gingerbread” and “Your daily gingerbread.”
  • Hedgehog: Hedgehogs are dense dessert bars that are similar to a sticky, fudgy brownie. Here are some hedgehog puns for you:
    • Hedge → Hedgehog: As in, “Hedgehog fund” and “Hedgehog your bets” and “You look as though you’ve been dragged through a hedgehog backwards.”
    • Hog → Hedgehog: As in, “Go the whole hedgehog” and “Ground hedgehog day.”
  • Marble: “Lose your marbles.” Note: marble cakes have a streaky, marble-like appearance of mixed light and dark batter.
  • Lava: Lava cakes have solid outsides with molten/liquid insides. Reference these gooey treats with these puns:
    • *lav* → *lava*: As in, “Lava-ish interior” and “Lava-ender scented.”
    • *lev* → *lava*: As in, “Looking for lava-rage (leverage)” and “A beastly lavathan (leviathan)” and “A malavalent (malevolent) glare.” Other words you could use: relavant (relevant), allava-ate (alleviate), clavar (clever), laval (level), lavaty (levity), lavar (lever) and irrelavant (irrelevant). Note: levity is a lightness, or a joking attitude.
    • *lov* → *lava*: As in, “I lava you” and ” and “All you need is lava” and “All’s fair in lava and war” and “Can you feel the lava tonight?” and “Can’t help falling in lava” and “Fall in lava” and “For the lava of god” and “Somebody to lava” and “What a lavaly sentiment” and “My lavar” and “A lavaing relationship” and “Feeling lavalorn” and “Close lavabirds” and “A lavable person” and “Dearly belavad.” Note: to be lovelorn is to be unloved.
    • *lava*: Simply emphasise the “lava” in these words: baklava, balaclava and lavatory.
  • Four → Petit Four: As in, “Down on all petit fours” and “Petit four by two” and “A petit four letter word.” Note: petit fours are small, bite-sized cakes.
  • Rum → Rum Baba: As in, “Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum baba.” Note: Rum babas are a small, rum-soaked cake served with cream.
  • Ball→ Snowball: As in, “Break your snowballs,” and “Snowballs to the wall,” and “Bust your snowballs,” and “A different snowball game,” and “Dropped the snowball,” and “Get the snowball rolling,” and “Got you by the snowballs,” and “Have a snowball,” and “The snowball is in your court.” Note: snowballs are small, cream-filled cakes that are covered with marshmallow and coconut.
  • Suffer → Souffle: As in, “Long souffle-ing.”
  • Tea → Teacake: As in, “Teacake for two” and “Teacake and sympathy.”
  • Cake → Teacake: As in, “A slice of the teacake” and “Teacake or death” and “A teacake walk” and “Icing on the teacake” and “Let them eat teacake” and “Piece of teacake” and “That takes the teacake” and “The cherry on the teacake” and “You can’t have your teacake and eat it too.”
  • Pie → Whoopie Pie: As in, “Easy as whoopie pie” and “Sweet as whoopie pie” and “A finger in many whoopie pies” and “A piece of the whoopie pie.” Note: whoopie pies are two cookie-shaped cakes that have been sanwiched together with icing or cream.
  • Yule Log: Yule logs are traditional Christmas cakes that resemble a firelog. Here are some puns that could be used to reference these:
    • You’ll → Yule: As in “Yule never guess” and “Ask a silly question and yule get a silly answer” and “Yule know how” and “Yule take care of it.” Note: although not commonly used in everyday/colloquial conversation, yule is now used to refer to the Christmas period.
    • You log → Yule log: As in, “Have yule logged on yet?” This is a very specific pun that refers to yule logs (large logs that are burned on Christmas Eve).
  • Fairy cake: Fairy cakes are another word for butterfly cakes. They’re small cupcakes with a section of the top cut out, then fashioned to look like wings on top of the cake. The next few puns are centred around the idea of fairy cakes:
    • *fair* → *fairy*: Swap “fair” for “fairy”, like so: “Affairy of the heart”, “An affairy to remember”, “All the fun of the fairy,” and “All’s fairy in love and war”, “By fairy means or foul”, “Faint heart never won fairy lady”, “Fairy trade”, “Fairy and square”, “Fairy dinkum”, “Fairy enough”, “Fairy game”, “A family affairy,” and “My fairy lady”, “No fairy!” and “Savoir fairy.” 
    • Far → Fairy: Swap “far” for “fairy” to create some witty magic puns like so: “As fairy as it goes”, “As fairy as the eye can see”, “Few and fairy between”, and “Over the hills and fairy away”, “So fairy so good”, “Thursday’s child has fairy to go” and “The fruit does not fall fairy from the tree”. 
    • Very → Fairy: As in, “Be afraid, be fairy afraid”, “Before your fairy eyes”, “How fairy dare you!”, “It was a fairy good year”, “Thank you fairy much”, “Fairy interesting, but stupid”, “All fairy well” and “At the fairy least”.
    • Fiery → Fairy: As in, “Fairy red hair,” and “Fairy rage,” and “Filled with fairy enthusiasm.”
    • Four → Fairy: As in, “Twenty-fairy seven,” and “A fairy-letter word.”
    • Forty → Fairy-ty: As in, “Fairy-ty winks,” and “Life begins at fairy-ty.”
    • Firing → Fairy-ing: As in, “Fairy-ing blanks,” and “Fairy-ing on all cylinders,” and “The fairy-ing line.”
    • Fury → Fairy: As in, “Bright red with fairy,” and “Filled with sorrow and fairy,” and “Blinded with fairy,” and “Pent-up fairy.”
    • Hairy → Fairy: As in, “A fairy situation,” and “Give it the fairy eyeball.” Note: to give someone the hairy eyeball is to look at someone disdainfully.
    • *fare* → *fairy*: As in, “Fairynheit 451,” and “Welfairy reform,” and “Fairy-thee-well!” and “I bid you fairywell!” and “Celebration and fanfairy.” Note: Fahrenheit 451 is a dystopian novel that’s been made into a movie.
    • *fer* → *fairy*: As in, “A fairyocious effort,” and “Your highest offairy (offer),” and “Buffairy (buffer) zone,” and “Long suffairying (suffering),” and “What’s the diffairyence (difference)?” and “Transfairy the funds,” and “A good refairyence,” and  “Taking the fairy (ferry),” and “Defairy (defer) your admission,” and “Infairyority (inferiority) complex,” and “Well, if you’re offairying.”
    • *for* → *fairy*: As in, “Going fairyward,” and “Insider infairymation,” “Too much infairymation,” and “Peak perfairymance,” and “Fairyeign (foreign) exchange,” and “The fairycast for today,” and “Why hast thou fairysaken me?” and “In reference (or refairyence) to the afairymentioned…”
    • *fur* → *fairy*: As in, “Hell hath no fairy (fury) like..” and “An infairyating (infuriating) situation,” and “A part of the fairyniture,” and “Fairytive (furtive) glances,” and “And fairythermore…” and “A blazing fairynace (furnace).”
    • Fast and Furious → Fast and Fairyous
    • Fairy: We’ll finish this section off with fairy-related puns: “Airy fairy,” and “Fairytale ending” and “Nobody loves a fairy when she’s forty”.
  • Mug Cake: Mug cakes are a fairly new type of cupcake where ingredients are put in a mug then microwaved, rather than being cooked in an oven. The following are centred around mug cakes and can be used as cupcake puns:
    • Mag* → Mug*: As in, “The mugnitude of” and “A mugnificent ending” and “Self-help mugazine” and “My mugnum opus.” Note: a magnum opus is considered to be a person’s greatest work.
    • *meg* → *mug*: As in, “Pomugranate flavoured” and “The alpha and the omuga.”
    • Cake → Mug cake: As in, “A slice of the mug cake” and “A mug cake walk” and “Icing on the mug cake” and “Let them eat mug cake” and “A piece of mug cake” and “Selling like mug cakes” and “That really takes the mug cake” and “The cherry on the mug cake” and “You can’t have your mug cake and eat it too.”

Cake-Related Words

To help you come up with your own cake puns, here’s a list of related words to get you on your way. If you come up with any new puns or related words, please feel free to share them in the comments!

general: cake, cupcake, sweet, dessert, baked, bake, baking,  batter, milk, egg, butter, flour, sugar, icing, frosting, cream, buttercream,  jam, vanilla, marzipan, fondant, piping, sprinkles, fruit, jelly, mousse, cocoa, nuts, recipe, mix,  ingredients, baking powder, baking soda, cook, chef, oven, nuts, slice, piece, ramekin, patty pan/case, rise, hundreds and thousands, patisserie, bakery, baker

cake types: sponge, layer, tier, fruit, torte, cheesecake, pancake, birthday, angelfood, angel, chiffon, gateau, pound, flourless, chocolate, wedding, bundt, decorative, black forest, coffee, carrot, roulade, foam, shortened, roll, ice cream, upside-down, cassata, german, babka, banana bread, battenberg, shortcake, mooncake, cake pop, cake balls, madeleines , swiss roll, sheet cake, blondie, brownie, butterfly, charlotte, devil’s food, eccles, funnel, gingerbread, hedgehog, jaffa, lamington, marble, mille-feuille, lava, muffin, opera, pavlova, petit gâteau, petit fours, princess, red velvet, rum baba, snowball, souffle, teacake, tiramisu, whoopie pie, yule log, fairy cake, mug cake

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Firework Puns

Welcome to the Punpedia entry on firework puns! 🌟 🎆 ✨🔥

Fireworks are used in many different cultural celebrations throughout the year, helping us mark the time in notable and social ways. Whether you’re ringing in the New Year, celebrating Chinese New Year, or living it up during Diwali, we hope you find the perfect pun for your social media, party invites and pun threads.

We’ve made this list as comprehensive as possible, this list is specific just to fireworks. If you’re after events where fireworks are commonly used, we’ve got entries for party puns and New Year’s puns too.

Fireworks Puns List

Each item in this list describes a pun, or a set of puns which can be made by applying a rule. If you know of any puns about fireworks that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments at the end of this page! Without further ado, here’s our list of firework puns:

  • Fair → Flare: As in, “All’s flare in love and war” and “By flare means or foul” and “Flare trade” and “Flare and square” and “Flare enough” and “Flare market value” and “No flare!” and “You can’t say flarer than that.”
  • Fare → Flare: As in, “Class warflare” and “Psychological warflare” and “Standard flare” and “How are you flare-ing (faring)?”
  • Flair → Flare: As in, “A flare for the dramatic.”
  • Very → Flarey: As in, “Be flarey afraid” and “Before your flarey eyes” and “How flarey dare you” and “A flarey good year” and “Thank you flarey much” and “Flarey special” and “Flarey well” and “At the flarey least” and “Eflarey (every) inch.”
  • Pang → Bang: As in, “Bangs of conscience” and “Bangs of jealousy.”
  • Pyro: The prefix “pyro” is to do with fire, and is found in words like “pyrotechnics” (which means that something is related to fireworks), so we’ve included it in this list.
    • Paro* → Pyro*:  If a word has a “paro” sound or similar, we can replace it with “pyro”, as in: “On pyrole (parole)” and “Song pyrody (parody) and “Pyroxsms (paroxysms) of laughter.” Note: A paroxysm is a sudden and random outburst.
    • *pero* → *pyro*: As in, “My pyrogative” and “Hydrogen pyroxide” and “A prospyrous venture” and “Parent chapyrone” and “Vegan Peppyroni pizza.” Note: hydrogen peroxide is a chemical compound commonly used as bleach.
    • Pirouette → Pyroette (A pirouette is a dance move where you turn a circle on the tips of your toes.)
    • *poro* → *pyro*: pyrous (porous), pyrosity (porosity),  osteopyrosis (osteoporosis), vapyrous (vaporous). Note: if something is porous, then it has lots of tiny holes that let fluids and gases through (like a sponge).
    • Sapporo → Sappyro (Sapporo is a city in Japan).
    • Payroll → Pyroll: As in, “The pyroll manager.”
    • *para* → *pyro*: As in, “A taste of pyrodise” and “Fool’s pyrodise” and “A pyrodigm shift” and “Running pyrollel” and “The pyrometers (parameters) of…” and “Honesty is pyromount to a relationship” and “Pyrogon of virtue” and “Rain on my pyrode (parade)” and “Herein lies the pyrodox” and “My love, my pyromour” and “In dispyrote locations.” Notes: a paramour is a secret or illicit lover. If things are disparate, then they are separate or apart. A paradox is a statement which contradicts itself.
    • *pera* → *pyro*: As in, “Tropical tempyrotures” and “Your co-opyrotion is appreciated” and “It’s impyrotive that…” and “Smooth opyrotor.”
    • *pira* → *pyro*: As in, “The pyrote’s (pirate’s) life for me” and “Circling like pyronhas” and “While convenient, pyrocy (piracy) is illegal” and “I aspyro (aspire) to…” and “Serve as inspyrotion (inspiration),” and “Conspyrocy theories” and “Inspyrotional pictures” and “The respyrotory system.”
    • *pare* → *pyro*: As in, “In pyronthesis” and “It’s become appyront (apparent) that…” and “Appyrontly so, but…” and “Transpyroncy in business is important.”
    • *pire → *pyro: As in, “You inspyro me” and “Running the empyro (empire)” and “As it transpyro-ed” and “Expyrory date” and “Conspyro-ring with” and “Acting umpyro” and “Vampyro movies.”
    • Singapore → Singapyro
    • *pari* → *pyro*: As in, “Gender dispyroty (disparity)” and “In compyrosin with…” and “Cast out as a pyro-ah (pariah).” Notes: disparity means inequality. A pariah is someone who has been outcast from society.
    • *peri* → *pyro*: As in, “Around the pyrometer (perimeter)” and “In my pyropheral (peripheral) vision” and “In the pyrophery of” and “Impyro-al or metric?”
    • *piri* → *pyro*: As in, “A spyrotual experience” and “An inspyro-ing speech.”
  • Fire → Fireworks: As in, “Get on like a house on fireworks” and “Come on baby, light my firework” and “Fight fire with fireworks” and “Light a firework under [someone]” and “Play with fireworks” and “Ring of fireworks” and “When you play with fireworks, you get burned.” Note: to light a fire under someone is to motivate them to move faster.
  • Sprinkler → Sparkler: As in, “A new sparkler system” and “Turn the sparklers on.” Note: a sparkler is a small hand-held firework.
  • Sparkling → Sparkler-ing: As in, “Sparkler-ing mineral water” and “Sparkler-ing repartee.” Note: if someone’s repartee is sparkling, then they’re a witty conversationalist.
  • Fire → Firecracker: As in, “Come on baby, light my firecracker” and “Come home to a real firecracker” and “Fight fire with firecracker” and “Firecracker and brimstone” and “Play with firecrackers and get burned.”
  • Gun → Gunpowder: As in, “Jump the gunpowder” and “Smoking gunpowder.” Notes: to jump the gun is to begin something too soon.
  • *star*: Pyrotechnic stars are pellets which contain powders and compounds that burn or spark a certain way and are a part of all aerial-type fireworks, so we’ve included star-related puns and phrases in this list. We’ll start off with words that you can emphasise the “star” in: “Can we start?” and “In stark relief” and “A new tech startup” and “Stop staring” and “I didn’t mean to startle you” and “This pasta is very starchy” and “A starter kit” and “You bastard!” and “Doesn’t cut the mustard.” Notes: if something doesn’t cut the mustard, then it isn’t good enough. If something is in stark relief, then it’s been made very obvious.
    • *ster* → *star*: As in, “A starn attitude” and “This area is starile” and “Turn up the stareo” and “Staroids are illegal in sports” and “Aim for the starnum” and “You monstar” and “Addiction is a cruel mastar” and “Fostar kids” and “Am I on the registar?” and “A bolstaring attitude” and “A sinistar presence” and “Mustar the courage” and “Work rostar” and “A cocky roostar” and “It’s unhealthy to judge people based on stareotypes.” Note: to bolster is to support or strengthen something.
    • Stir → Star: As in, “Cause a star” and “Shaken, not starred” and “Star the pot” and “Star up trouble” and “Star-crazy.”
    • Stir* → Star*: Starrup (stirrup) and starring (stirring).
    • *stor* → *star*: As in, “I need to go to the stare (store)” and “My favourite stary” and “A starm brewing” and “Put in starage” and “A two-starey house” and “A convoluted staryline” and “We don’t have to live like our ancestars” and “Impostar syndrome” and “Seed investars” and “Histarical fiction” and “You’re distarting the truth.”
    • Sturdy → Stardy: As in, “A stardy table.”
    • Star: These star-related phrases could serve as a pyrotechnic star or firework pun in the right context. As in, “A star is born” and “Born under a lucky star” and “Catch a falling star” and “Get a gold star” and “Guiding star” and “Written in the stars” and “Reach for the stars” and “A rising star” and “Star wars,” and “Star crossed lovers” and “Star quality” and “Starstruck” and “Stars in your eyes” and “When you wish upon a star” and “My lucky star” and “Seeing stars.”
  • Sky → Skyrocket: A skyrocket is a type of firework that’s launched into the sky. You can refer to them in your sparkling wordplay with these puns and phrases: “Lucy in the skyrocket with diamonds” and “Skyrocket high” and “The skyrocket’s the limit” and “Aim for the skyrocket.”
  • Rocket → Skyrocket: As in, “It’s not skyrocket science” and “Pocket skyrocket.”
  • Rock → Skyrocket: As in, “Hard as a skyrocket” and “Solid as a skyrocket” and “Between a skyrocket and a hard place” and “Get your skyrockets off.”
  • Shall → Shell: An aerial shell is a type of firework, so we’ve included them in this list, starting with some shell-related puns: “Ask and you shell receive” and “You shell not pass” and “When shell we meet again?” and “Speak of the devil and they shell appear” and “I shell return.”
    • Shell: These shell-related phrases can be used as firework puns in the right context: “Come out of your shell” and “Crawl back into your shell” and “Drop a bombshell” and “Hard shell” and “In a nutshell” and “Shell out.”
    • Shill → Shell: As in, “Lose a shelling, find sixpence.” Note: this means to gain something more valuable than you lost.
    • Ariel → Aerial
    • *shal* → *shell*: As in, “Shellow waters” and “Chopped shellots (shallots).”
    • *shel* → *shell*: Emphasise the “shel” in certain words by adding another “l”: “Put it on the shellf” and “Seeking shellter” and “Let’s shellve the topic for now” and “Allergic to shellfish” and “A shelltered upbringing.” Other words you could use: bushell (bushel), shellving, shellac.
    • Shoul* → Shell*: As in, “The cold shellder” and “Broad shellders” and “Chip on one’s shellder” and “A good head on one’s shellders” and “A shellder to cry on” and “You shelldn’t have” and “Zig when you shelld zag” and “You shelld try harder.”
    • *shield* → *shelld*: As in, “Shelld from the truth” and “Stop shellding them” and “Look out the windshelld.”
    • *sal* → *shell*: As in, “At your disposhell (disposal)” and “I have a proposhell for you” and “A univershell issue” and “Colosshell problems” and “Dress rehershell” and “Take with a grain of shellt (salt)” and “A shelliant (salient) point.” Other words you could use: shellamander (salamander), shellacious (salacious), shellmon (salmon), perushell (perusal), appraishell (appraisal) and reprishell (reprisal). Notes: if something is salient, then it’s relevant. To be salacious is to be lustful. A reprisal is a sort of retaliation.
    • *sel* → *shell*: As in, “A shellect few” and “Shelling like hot cakes” and “Apply yourshellf” and “Shelldom (seldom) done” and “Weashell (weasel) words” and “A shellfless act” and “Shellf-righteousness” and “Keep your own counshell.” Other words you could use: caroushell (carousel), chishell (chisel), morshell (morsel). Notes: weasel words are words that are used to make statements vague or misleading. To keep one’s counsel is to keep your own matters private.
    • *sil* → *shell*: As in, “Ask a shelly question and get a shelly answer” and “Scared shelly” and “Shellver screen” and “Tonshell hockey.” Other words you could use: reshellient (resilient), utenshell (utensil), fosshell (fossil) and shellouette (silhouette). Notes: a “silver screen” is a cinema screen. Tonsil hockey is a colloquial term for French kissing.
    • *sol* → *shell*: As in, “Pour gashelline on the fire” and “Shelld down the river” and “You’re either part of the shellution or part of the problem” and “A shellid house for shifting sands” and “Abshellute power corrupts abshellutely.” Notes: to sell someone down the river is to betray and cause extreme difficulty for them.
    • *sul* → *shell*: As in, “Unexpected reshellts (results)” and “A shelltry night.” Note: sultry means hot and humid.
    • *cel* → *shell*: As in, “A padded shell” and “Loud shellebrations” and “An expensive shellphone” and “In the shellar (cellar)” and “A-list shellebrity” and “Canshell my order” and “Part and parshell” and “A canshelled event”. Other words you could use: shellestial (celestial), shellsius (celsius), exshell (excel), exshellent and mishellaneous (miscellaneous). Note: if something is part and parcel, then it’s accepted as an integral and important part of a larger whole.
    • *cil* → *shell*: As in, “I’ll penshell it in” and “Fashellitate conversation” and “New fashellities.”
    • *tual* → *shell*: As in, “Virtshell reality” and “An intellectshell” and “Mutshell (mutual) agreement” and “A spiritshell experience” and “Be punctshell” and “Conceptshell drawings” and “It’ll happen eventshelly.” Other words you could use: ritshell (ritual), actshell (actual), virtshelly (virtually), perpetshell (perpetual) and actshelly (actually).
    • *cial* → *shell*: As in, “A crushell (crucial) point” and “Speshell treatment” and “Soshell butterfly” and “Mutually benefishell” and “Commershell use” and “Superfishell concerns” and “An offishell announcement” and “Finanshell troubles” and “Artifishell intelligence” and “Not espeshelly.” Note: if something is mutually beneficial, then it benefits all parties involved.
    • *tial* → *shell*: As in, “Hidden potenshell” and “Essenshell oils” and “Existenshell crisis” and “A substanshell portion” and “An inishell estimate” and “I’m parshell (partial) to…” and “Spashell (spatial) awareness” and “Impressive credenshells.” Note: a credential is evidence of certain privileges or status.
    • Controversial → Controvershell: As in, “A controvershell episode.”
  • Wheel → Catherine Wheel: A Catherine Wheel is a type of firework that rotates when it’s lit. We can make some silly puns about them by adding “Catherine” to wheel-related phrases: “Put the catherine wheels in motion” and “Hell on catherine wheels” and “Reinvent the catherine wheel.” Note: hell on wheels refers to a situation that is aggressively tough and wild.
  • Catherine, will → Catherine, wheel: As in, “Catherine, wheel you do it?”
  • *fuse*: Emphasise the “fuse” in certain words: refuse, diffuse, defuse, infuse, confuse, profuse, confused and profusely.
  • *fes* → *fuse*: As in, “A profuseional job” and “The writer’s manifuseto” and “Art fusetival” and “In the profusesion of…” and “A dreamlike manifusetation.” Notes: a manifesto is a public document of intentions or policies. A manifestation is the embodiment of something; a tangible thing.
  • *faz* → *fuse*: As in, “Doesn’t fuse (faze) me” and “Left unfused.”
  • *few* → *fuse*: As in, “Breaking curfuse (curfew)” and “Fuser (fewer) and fuser.”
  • *fac* → *fuse*: As in, “Fuse-ilitating conversation” and “New and updated fuse-ilities” and “A crumbling fuse-ade (facade).” Note: a facade is a “face”; or a front of something.
  • Confucius → Confusecius (Confucius was an old Chinese philosopher.)
  • Fuse: We’ve also added some fuse-related phrases that could act as explosively terrible firework puns in the right context: “Blow a fuse” and “Light their fuse” and “A short fuse.”
  • Bang: Some bang-related phrases that could substitute as puns in the right context: “A bigger bang for your buck” and “Bang goes nothing” and “Bang on about” and “Bang out of order” and “Get a bang out of [something]” and “Go out with a bang” and “A bang-up job” and “The whole shebang.” Notes: “Bang-up” means good. The “whole shebang” refers to something that included everything, almost to the top of going overboard.
  • *bing → *bang: These ones are a bit silly, but can still work as wordplay: “Mind-numbang (numbing)” and “Climbang the ladder of success” and “A throbbang headache” and “Absorbang information” and “A disturbang realisation” and “Check the plumbang.”
  • *bung* → *bang*: As in, “An abandoned bangalow (bungalow)” and “Bangled (bungled) the entire operation” and “You bangling idiot” and “Cowabanga!”
  • Bank* → Bang-k*: As in, “Safe as a bang-k” and “A bang-k you can bang-k on” and “Break the bang-k” and “Laughing all the way to the bang-k” and “Piggy bang-k” and “The bang-k of mum and dad” and “Declare bang-kruptcy.”
  • Banger: While “bang” can refer to the noise a firework makes, bangers specifically refers to a type of firework. We can joke about these with these phrases and puns: “Tofu bangers and mash” and “A real head banger.”
  • *far* → *flare*: flarewell (farewell), neflareious (nefarious), welflare (welfare), fanflare (fanfare) and airflare (airfare).
  • Ferocious → Flareocious
  • *fair* → *flare*: As in, “An afflare of the heart” and “Away with the flare-ies” and “Tooth flarey” and “Unflare-ly done” and “In all flareness” and “Flareytale wedding” and “Unflare situation.”
  • *var* → *flare*: As in, “Garden flare-iety” and “Your mileage may flarey” and “Flare-iety is the spice of life” and “Flare-ious opinions” and “Countless flare-iables.”
  • *pher* → *flare*: flare-omone (pheromone), photograflare (photographer), philosoflare (philosopher), periflare-al (peripheral), atmosflare (atmosphere), paraflare-nalia (paraphernalia) and periflarey (periphery).
  • *flir* → *flare*: As in, “A relentless flare-t (flirt)” and “A flare-tatious meeting.”
  • *flor* → *flare*: flare-ist (florist), flare-al (floral) and Flarence (Florence).
  • *flur* → *flare*: As in, “Flare-ies (flurries) of snow.”
  • Pin → Pinwheel: Pinwheels are types of firework that form a sort of spinning wheel. We can refer to them in our wordplay with these puns and phrases: “Bright as a new pinwheel” and “Neat as a new pinwheel” and “Hard to pinwheel down” and “Pinwheels and needles” and “Pull the pinwheel” and “Could have heard a pinwheel drop.”
    • Wheel → Pinwheel: As in, “Asleep at the pinwheel” and “Hell on pinwheels” and “Reinvent the pinwheel” and “A new set of pinwheels” and “Pinwheels of fate” and “Pinwheeling and dealing.” Note: hell on wheels refers to a situation which is aggressively tough and wild.
  • Rock → Rocket: As in, “Between a rocket and a hard place” and “Don’t rocket the boat” and “Rocket and roll” and “Rocket your world” and “Solid as a rocket” and “Get your rockets off” and “Have rockets in your head.”
  • Rickety → Rockety: As in, “Rockety old staircase” and “Frail, rockety legs.” Note: rickety means weak or of poor construction.
  • Racket → Rocket: As in, “Tennis rocket” and “Quit making such a loud rocket!”
  • Ache → Cake: Cakes are a type of firework which are made up of other smaller fireworks, so we’ve included them in our list: “Old cakes and pains” and “A splitting headcake” and “Old heartcake.”
    • *quake → *cake: As in, “Caking in your boots” and “It’s an earthcake!”
    • Cake: Some cake-related phrases that could serve as firework puns: “A slice of the cake” and “Piece of cake” and “You can’t have your cake and eat it too” and “The cherry on the cake” and “That takes the cake” and “Flat as a pancake” and “Baby cakes” and “Cake or death” and “A cake walk” and “Caked with mud” and “Icing on the cake” and “Let them eat cake.” Note: a cake walk is something considered to be very easy.
    • *cac* → *cake*: As in, “Spiky like a cake-tus (cactus)” and “A cake-ophony (cacophony) of noise” and “Cake-ao (cacao) powder” and “Cake-ling (cackling) to herself.” Other words you could use: efficake-cious (efficacious) and perspicake-cious (perspicacious). Notes: a cacophony is a random mess of sounds. To be efficacious is to be very effective. To be perspicacious is to be very perceptive, with keen insight.
    • Cicada → Cicakeda (a cicada is a type of insect.)
    • *coc* → *cake*: As in, “A precake-cious child” and “Cake-onut flavoured.” Note: to be precocious is to show ability or development beyond your years.
    • Macaque → Macake (a macaque is a type of monkey.)
  • Crossette: A crossette is a type of firework that contains multiple smaller stars that create a criss-cross effect when fired. Make some punny references to them with these puns and phrases:
    • Cross → Crossette: As in, “As crossette as two sticks” and “Crossette to the other side” and “Crossette my heart and hope to die” and “Crossette purposes” and “Crossette swords with” and “Crossette your fingers” and “Dot the i’s and crossette the t’s” and “Noughts and crossettes” and “Why did the chicken crossette the road?” Note: to have cross purposes is to have conflicting intentions.
    • Across → Acrossette: As in, “Acrossette the board” and “Come acrossette” and “Walking acrossette.”
    • Cassette → Crossette: As in, “Crossette tape” and “Crossette player.” Note: a cassette is a type of audio recording format.
  • Dalliance → Dahliance: Dahlias are a type of firework with larger explosive stars than can travel longer than usual, so they’re included in this list: “An unhappy dahliance” and “Their dahliance didn’t last long.” Note: a dalliance is a sexual relationship, usually of the illicit kind.
  • Pony → Peony: Peonies are another type of firework which we’ve included in this list: “One-trick peony” and “Show peony” and “Peony up.” Notes: a one-trick pony is someone who is specialised in only one skill or area. To pony up is to pay money; especially to settle a debt.
    • Phony → Peony: As in, “Peony merchandise” and “A peony character.” Other phony-inclusive words that could work: cacopeony (cacophony) and sympeony (symphony).
    • Penny → Peony: As in, “A peony saved is a peony earned” and “Cost a pretty peony” and “Earn an honest peony” and “Peony for your thoughts” and “Peony pinching.” Note: if someone is penny-pinching, then they’re frugal.
    • *pony* → *peony*: As in, peonytail (ponytail) and epeonymous (eponymous).
    • *pany → *peony: As in, “Good compeony” and “Misery loves compeony” and “Part compeony with” and “Present compeony excepted” and “Two’s compeony, three’s a crowd” and “Keep someone compeony” and “Accompeony [someone] to the shops.”
    • Peni* → Peony*: As in, peony-tentiary (penitentiary), peony-cillin (penicillin) and peony-tence (penitence). Notes: penitentiary is another word for prison. To show penitence is to show regret and to repent for past wrongdoing.
    • *pene* → *peony*: As in, peony-trate (penetrate), peony-tration (penetration) and impeony-trable (impenetrable).
    • *puni* → *peony*: impeony-ty (impunity) and peony-tive (punitive). Note: impunity means “without punishment” and if something is punitive, then it’s punishable.
  • Dye them → Diadem: This is an extremely terrible and specific pun that plays on diadems, which are a type of firework: “If your jeans are faded, you can diadem a different colour.”
  • Fish: Fish are another type of firework that we’ve included in this list:
    • *fash* → *fish*: As in, “Fishionably late” and “A passion for fishion” and “An unfishionable jacket.”
    • *fasc → *fish*: fishism (fascism), fishist (fascist), fishinating (fascinating), fishinate (fascinate), fishinated (fascinated) and fishination (fascination).
    • *fac* → *fish*: As in, “Fishilitate (facilitate) conversation” and “A crumbling fishade (facade)” and “The fishility (facility) to…” and “Stop acting fishetious (facetious).” Note: a facade is a “face” or the front of something. To be facetious is to be flippant; to respond to serious things with purposely inappropriate humour.
    • *fes* → *fish*: As in, “Fishtival atmosphere” and “A fishtering (festering) wound” and “Fishtooned (festooned) with ribbons” and “Bustling fishtivity” and “A real profishional” and “Online manifishto” and “The manifishtation of” and “A profishor of” and “In the profishion of…” Other words that could work: profish (profess), confish (confess), confishion (confession). Notes: a manifestation is something made tangible or apparent to the senses. A manifesto is a public document of values. To festoon something is to decorate it; particularly with hanging things. The festival/fish puns mentioned here could work quite well since fireworks tend to happen at festivals and celebrations.
    • *fisc* → *fish*: As in, “In the last fishcal year” and “Confishcated goods” and “My gameboy was confishcated.” Note: if something is fiscal, then it’s related to finance.
    • *fic* → *fish*: As in, “Step into my offish” and “That will suffish” and “Increasing effishency” and “He went that way, offisher” and “Sacrifishial goods” and “It’s Facebook offishial.”
    • *fiss* → *fish*: fishure (fissure), fishion (fission), fishy. Note: a fissure is a crack or split. Fission is the act of splitting or dividing.
    • *phis* → *fish*: As in, fishing (phishing), Memfish (Memphis), sofishticated (sophisticated) and sofishtication (sophistication).
    • *vas* → *fish*: As in, “Defishtating (devastating) news” and “Completely defishtated.”
    • *ves* → *fish*: As in, “Undergoing infishtigation (investigation)” and “A complete trafishty (travesty).”
    • *vis* → *fish*: As in, “A lafish (lavish) dinner” and “Fisheral (visceral) reaction” and “Our fishion (vision) for the future.” Other words that could work: fishual (visual), pelfish (pelvis), fishcous (viscous).
    • *fish*: Emphasise the “fish” in these words: selfish, jellyfish, standoffish.
  • Horsetail: Horsetails are another type of firework (also known as waterfall shells) that we’ve included in this list:
    • Tail → Horsetail: As in, “Can’t make head or horsetail of it” and “Heads I win, horsetails you lose” and “Heads or horsetails.”
    • Horse → Horsetail: As in, “Hold your horsetails!”
  • Waterfall: Waterfalls/waterfall shells are another name for horsetail fireworks, and are included in this list too:
    • Water → Waterfall: As in, “Blow out of the waterfall” and “Bridge over troubled waterfall” and “Clear blue waterfall” and “Come hell or high waterfall” and “Fish out of waterfall (this one could work quite well since fish are a type of firework as well)” and “Get into hot waterfall” and “In deep waterfall” and “Just add waterfall!”
    • Fall → Waterfall: As in, “Waterfall between the cracks” and “Waterfall by the wayside.”
  • Kamuro: A kamuro is a type of firework that displays a dense burst of silver or gold stars. We’ve included kamuro puns here:
    • Camera → Kamuro: As in, “Kamuro shy” and “Lights, kamuro, action” and “The kamuro doesn’t lie” and “The kamuro loves you” and “Smile, you’re on candid kamuro.”
  • Mine: A mine is a type of ground firework, and we’ve added some puns for it here:
    • Main → Mine: As in, “The mine event” and “Your mine chance” and “My mine man.”
    • *min* → *mine*: As in, “A positive mine-dset” and “A healthy mine-d” and “No drinking for mine-ors” and “Immine-nent doom” and “Undermine-ing my work” and “Carefully examine” and “A helpful remine-der.”Other words you could use: calamine and mine-utiae (minutiae). Note: minutiae are minor details.
    • *main* → *mine*: As in, “Minetain appearances” and “Routine minetenance” and “Minestream fashion” and “All that remines (remains).” Other words that could work: minestay (mainstay), mineland (mainland), mineframe (mainframe) and remineder (remainder).
    • *man* → *mine*: As in, “Humine treatment” and “A germine (germane) issue” and “Perminenent changes” and “Perminenently, from now on.” Note: if something is germane, then it’s relevant.
    • *men* → *mine*: As in, “New workout regimine” and “Exercises for the abdomine” and “A fine specimine” and “Seeking employmine-t” and “No commine-t” and “Complemine-tary colours” and “A lifelong commitmine-t” and “A healthy environmine-t.” Other words that could work: implemine-t (implement), phenomine-on (phenomenon), complimine-t (compliment) and amineable (amenable). Note: if something is amenable, then it’s easy to change.
  • Cherry (Bomb): Cherry bombs are a type of round, small firework. We’ve included related puns and phrases here:
    • Bomb → Cherry bomb: As in, “Drop a cherry bombshell (this works quite well as fireworks are also referred to as bombs and/or shells)” and “Looks like it was hit by a cherry bomb.”
    • Cherry → Cherry bomb: As in, “The cherry bomb on the cake” and “Another bite of the cherry bomb” and “Life is just a bowl of cherry bombs” and “Red as a cherry bomb.”
  • Bucket → Bouquet: Bouquet shells are a type of multi-explosion firework. We can refer to them with these silly puns: “Bouquet and spade holiday (could work nicely as fireworks tend to be part of holiday celebrations)” and “Couldn’t carry a tune in a bouquet” and “Bouquet list” and “Bouquet-ing down (this works as firework stars tend to look like they’re “raining down”).”
  • Palm: Palms are fireworks which explode in large tendrils, showing a palm-tree like effect. We’ve included palm-related puns and phrases here for you:
    • Pamela → Palmela
    • *pom* → *palm*: As in, “Hair palmade (pomade)” and “A palmpous (pompous) man” and “Palmegranate flavoured.” Other words you could use: palmpadour (pompadour), palmelo (pomelo) and anthropalmorphic (anthropomorphic).  Notes: a pompadour is a 1950s hairstyle.
    • *pum* → *palm*: As in, “Palmpkin spice latte” and “Feeling palmped” and “A slice of palmpernickel.” Note: pumpernickel is a type of bread.
    • *pam* → *palm*: As in, dopalmine (dopamine) and palmphlet (pamphlet).
    • Alabama → Alapalma
    • Abomination → Apalmination: As in, “An earthly apalmination” and “The apalminable snowman.”
    • *balm* → *palm*: As in, “Palmy tropical weather” and “Treated by an empalmber.” Note: an embalmer is someone who treats corpses with preservatives.
    • Parm* → Palm*: As in, “Topped with coconut palmesan” and “Soy palmigiana (parmigiana).”
    • *perm* → *palm*: As in, “If the weather palmits” and “Palmanent changes” and “Palmeating through the office” and Palmission slip.” Other suitable words: palmeable (permeable), palmissive (permissive) and palmutation (permutation). Note: a permutation is one version of something. If something is permeating, then it’s making its way through.
    • Palm: We’ll finish this section off with some palm-related phrases: “Face palm moment” and “Grease your palm” and “In the palm of your hand” and “Itchy palms” and “Palm off.” Notes: if you palm something off, then you’ve gotten rid of it. To grease someone’s palm is to bribe them.
  • Ring: Rings are fireworks that have stars arranged in a ring shape, with special variations to make hearts, smiley faces and clovers. We’ve got some ring puns for you here:
    • *rang* → *ring*: As in, “Boomering effect” and “Oringe flavoured” and “Estringed family members.”
    • *rink* → *ring-k*: As in, “Skating ring-k” and “Dring-k like a fish” and “On the bring-k of” and “Shringking violet” and “Binge dringking.” Other words you could use: spring-kle (sprinkle), springkling (sprinkling), wring-kle (wrinkle) and tring-ket (trinket).
    • *rank* → *ring-k*: As in, “Ring-k and file” and “Break ring-k” and “Rise through the ring-ks” and “Fring-kincense (frankincense).”
    • Wing → Ring: As in, “Earned your rings” and “Ring it” and “Ringman” and “Draw-ring lots” and “Taken under [someone’s] ring.”
    • *ring*: We’ll finish this section off with some words that contain the word “ring”: “A dead ringer” and “Through the wringer” and “Wringing your hands” and “Hair in ringlets” and “Ringing the bell” and “The group’s ringleader” and “Bring your own” and “Spring cleaning” and “Bearing bad news” and “String along.” Other words you could use: engineering, caring, boring, cringe and fringe.
  • Candle → Roman Candle: Roman candles are a type of traditional firework that we’ve included in this list: “Burn the roman candle at both ends” and “Can’t hold a roman candle to” and “Roman candle in the wind” and “I’d rather light a roman candle than curse the dark” and “Not worth the roman candle.”
  • *solute* → *salute*: Salutes are a type of firework designed to make a loud bang, rather than focusing on visuals. Here are some firework puns specific to them: “You’re either part of the salute-ion, or part of the problem” and “Absalute power corrupts absalutely” and “New Year’s resalute-ions” and “The dissalutetion of the group” and Be resalute in your goals.”
  • Spied Her → Spider: As in, “I spider sneaking away.” Note: Spiders are fireworks that have stars that travel in very straight and flat trajectories.
  • Time → Time Rain: As in, “A good time rain was had by all” and “All in good time rain” and “All the time rain in the world” and “As time rain goes by” and “At this moment in time rain” and “At time rains like this” and “A bad time rain” and “Better luck next time rain” and “Buy some time rain” and “Fall on hard time rains” and “From the beginning of time rain” and “The gift of time rain.” Note: time rain is the effect creating by slow-burning stars that make a sizzling noise.
    • Rain → Time Rain: As in, “Right as time rain” and “Come time rain or shine” and “Don’t time rain on my parade” and “Fire and time rain” and “A hard time rain’s gonna fall” and “Into every life a little time rain must fall” and “It never time rains but it pours” and “Make it time rain” and “Purple time rain” and “Set fire to the time rain” and “Singing in the time rain” and “Spitting with time rain.”
  • Will → Willow: Willow fireworks have a soft, dome-shaped effect – similar to a weeping willow. As in, “Accidents willow happen” and “Against your willow” and “Bend to my willow” and “Flattery willow get you nowhere” and “Free willow” and “I willow always love you” and “If anything can go wrong, it willow” and “Ill willow” and “It willow blow over” and “Last willow and testament.”
    • *wallow → *willow: As in, “A bitter pill to swillow” and “Swillow your pride” and “Willowing in misery.”
  • Ball → Smoke ball: Smoke balls are a type of small firework that emits smoke rather than sparks, and are largely for consumer (rather than commercial) use: “A brand new smoke ballgame” and “By the smoke balls” and “Cold enough to freeze your smoke balls” and “Dropped the smoke ball” and “Get the smoke ball rolling” and “Have a smoke ball” and “On the smoke ball” and “Run with the smoke ball” and “The smoke ball is in your court” and “Up to your smoke balls in..”
  • Tender → Tinder: As in, “Tinder loving care” and “Tinder is the night.”
  • Tinned → Tinder: As in, “Tinder vegetables.”
  • Park → Spark: As in, “Spark my car” and “At central spark” and “Hit it out of the spark” and “Nosy sparker” and “A walk in the spark.”
  • Bark → Spark: As in, “Spark at the moon” and “Sparking mad” and “Sparking up the wrong tree” and “Spark worse than your bite.” Other words that include “bark” – emspark (embark) and disemspark (disembark).
  • Pakistan → Sparkistan
  • Pakora → Sparkora (pakora is a dish where vegetables are deep fried in batter.)
  • *spok* → *spark*: As in, “Very outsparken” and “A bespark (bespoke) suit” and “I spark too soon” and “The sparksperson for…” and “Have you sparken to them?”
  • *park* → *spark*: As in, “Sparking my car” and “Within the ballspark” and “An expensive carspark” and “You double-sparked (double-parked) me!” Other words you could use: theme spark (theme park), sparka (parka) and sparkour (parkour).
  • *pec* → *spark*: As in, “From a different persparktive” and “Resparkt my wishes” and “A prosparktive (prospective) employee” and “The colour sparktrum” and “Just sparkulation (speculation)” and “Sparktacles (spectacles) wearer.”
  • *pic* → *spark*: Consparkuous (conspicuous) and desparkable (despicable).
  • *perc* → *spark*: As in, “The coffee’s sparkolating (percolating)” and “The sparkussion (percussion) section.”
  • Baklava → Sparklava (baklava is a type of Middle-Eastern sweet pastry.)
  • Spark: Some spark-related words and phrases that could be used as firework puns in the right context: “Bright spark” and “Creative spark” and “Put a sparkle in your eye” and “A spark of genius” and “Watch the sparks fly.”
  • Assemblies → Assemblaze
  • Blaze: Some blaze-related phrases that could work as wordplay: “Cold as blue blazes” and “Blaze a trail” and “Go out in a blaze of glory” and “Go to blazes” and “Why the blazes..?”
  • *blas* → *blaze*: As in, “Had a blaze-t” and “Such blazephemy!” and “You’ll get blaze-ted by the teacher.”
  • *blis* → *blaze*: As in, “At blazetering (blistering) speed” and “Blazefully (blissfully) unaware” and “Rock the establazement!” and “Establazed in 1990.”
  • Blizzard → Blaze-ard
  • *blaz* → *blaze*: As in, “An innovative trailblazer” and “Lend me your blazer” and “Emblaze-oned across her chest.”
  • Fool → Fuel: As in, “April Fuel!” and “Fuel around” and “A fuel and his money are soon parted” and “A fuel’s errand” and “Fuel’s gold” and “Fuel’s paradise” and “I pity the fuel” and “Make a fuel of yourself” and “Nobody’s fuel” and “Play the fuel” and “Shut up, fuel” and “Tom fuelery.”
  • Few → Fuel: As in, “A fuel bricks short of a full load” and “Fuel and far between” and “For a fuel dollars more” and “Had a fuel” and “Knock back a fuel” and “A person of fuel words” and “Say a fuel words” and “Take a fuel deep breaths” and “To name but a fuel.”
  • Full → Fuel: As in, “At fuel pelt” and “Fuel house” and “Come fuel circle” and “Fuel of holes” and “At fuel blast” and “Fuel of beans” and “Fuel of themselves” and “Fuel steam ahead!” and “In fuel swing” and “In the fuellness of time” and “You know fuel well” and “Fuel of misery” and “On a fuel stomach” and “Pick your battles carefuelly” and “Glass half fuel.”
  • *fel* → *fuel*: As in, “A fine fuellow” and “One fuel swoop” and “Felafuel kebab” and “Duffuel bag.” Other words you could use: fuelony (felony) and fuellowship (fellowship – like “Fuellowship of the Rings”)
  • *ful* → *fuel*: As in, “Fuelfil your side of the bargain” and “A beautifuel moment” and “Feeling gratefuel” and “An awfuel situation.” Other words that you could use: fuelfillment, wonderfuel, wistfuel, thoughtfuel, sucessfuel, dreadfuel, faithfuel and insightfuel.
  • *fle → *fuel: These ones are a bit of a stretch, but can still work in the right situation and with enough conviction: baffuel (baffle), waffuel (waffle), stifuel (stifle), trifuel, shuffuel, kerfuffuel, rifuel (rifle), ruffuel, scuffuel and raffuel.
  • Fuel: Some fuel-related phrases to add sparks to your wordplay: “Add fuel to the flames” and “Fuel for thought.”
  • Flesh → Flash: As in, “My flash and blood” and “Flash out” and “Makes my flash crawl” and “In the flash” and “The spirit is willing but the flash is weak.”
  • *flus* → *flash*: As in, “Flashed cheeks” and “You’re flashtering (flustering) me.”
  • *fas* → *flash*: As in, “A passion for flashion” and “A flashinating article” and “You flashinate me” and “Flashionably late” and “A flashtidious (fastidious) character.”
  • Infrastructure → Inflashtructure
  • *fresh* → *flash*: As in, “I’m flash out of” and “A flash pair of eyes” and “Flash start” and “Like a breath of flash air” and “Flash as a daisy” and “What flash hell is this?” and “Break for reflashments” and “Reflash (refresh) the page.” Other words you could use: flashwater (freshwater), reflasher (refresher) and flashman (freshman).
  • Frustration → Flashtration: As in, “Take your flashtrations out on..” Other related words: flashtrating (frustrating), flashtrated (frustrated) and flashtrate (frustrate).
  • Flash → Flash Powder: Flash powder is used in fireworks to create loud noises and flashes. Here are some related words and phrases: “Quick as flash powder.” and ”
    • Powder → Flash Powder: As in, “Flash powder your nose.”
  • Star → Mag star: Mag stars are the brightest stars used in fireworks. We can use phrases like these to include them in our jokes: “A mag star is born” and “Born under a lucky mag star” and “Catch a falling mag star” and “Get a gold mag star” and “My guiding mag star” and “It’s written in the mag stars” and “Reach for the mag stars” and “Rising mag star” and “Mag star quality” and “Mag star struck” and “Mag stars in your eyes” and “Thank your luck mag stars” and “My lucky mag star.”
  • Let → Light: As in, “Light me help you” and “Don’t light the bastards grind you down” and “Just light it be” and “It won’t light you down” and “Light it go” and “Light it all hang out” and “Light it slip through your fingers” and “Light loose” and “Light me be brief” and “Light me count the ways” and “Light me make one thing perfectly clear” and “Light nature take its course” and “Light off some steam” and “Light your hair down.”
  • Lied → Light: As in, “I never light to you” and “You light about the small things.”
  • *lat* → *light*: As in, “A well articulighted speech” and “A palightable (palatable) meal” and “Blightant (blatant) misogyny” and “Chocolight (chocolate) flavoured.” Other words you could use: lightent (latent), lighteral (lateral), lightitude (latitude), inflightable (inflatable), correlightion (correlation), revelightion (revelation), relightive (relative), translightor (translator), escalightor (escalator).
  • *lit* → *light*: As in, “A polight (polite) stare” and “Polightely passing by” and “Satellight images.”
  • *lyt* → *light*: As in, “Analightical (analytical) thinking” and “Filled with electrolights (electrolytes).”
  • Light: Some light-related phrases that could substitute as puns: “Light as a feather” and “Blinded by the light” and “Brought to light” and “City lights (“city lights” could refer to fireworks)” and “The cold light of day (as opposed to the exciting light of fireworks at nighttime)” and “Go out like a light” and “In the clear light of day.”
  • *light*: We’ll finish this light-related section off with words already contain the word “light”: lighting, lightning, lightbulb (“a lightbulb moment”), lightweight (“a lightweight drinker”), lighthearted, lighthouse, flight, blight, plight, alight, delight, highlight, slight, twilight, spotlight.
  • Born → Burn: As in, “A star is burn” and “Burn to fly” and “Burn free” and “Burn this way” and “Burn again.”
  • *barn* → *burn*: As in, burnacle (barnacle) and burnyard (barnyard).
  • *born* → *burn*: As in, “Stubburn as a mule” and “My firstburn child.” Other words that could work: reburn (reborn), newburn (newborn)
  • Borneo → Burneo
  • *bun* → *burn*: As in, “Burn in the oven” and “Easter Burnny.” Other words you could use: burndle (bundle), burnch (bunch), burnk (bunk), burnting (bunting), burngalow (bungalow), aburndant (abundant), aburndance (abundant) and ramburnctious (rambunctious). Note: to be rambunctious is to be noisy and energetic.
  • *pern* → *burn*: burnicious (pernicious), suburnatural (supernatural), suburnova (supernova), pumpburnickel (pumpernickel). Note: pumpernickel is a type of bread.
  • *burn*: Emphasise the “burn” in certain words: burner, burnish, burning, burnout, sunburn, auburn, heartburn, Hepburn and sideburn.
  • So → Show: We’ve included show-related puns as “show” refers to “light show”, which is what fireworks are: “Show on and show forth” and “Can’t believe you’d go show far” and “If I do say show myself” and “Not show fast” and “Show far, show good” and “Show be it” and “Show long as” and “Show much for” and “Show there” and “Show and show (so and so).”
    • Sew → Show: As in, “Show me back together” and “Showing kit.”
    • Sow → Show: As in, “You reap what you show” and “Show the seeds of doubt.”
    • Slow → Show: As in, “Painfully show” and “Show on the uptake” and “Showly but surely” and “Show but sure” and “Can’t show down” and “In show motion” and “A show day.”
    • *chau* → *show*: As in, “Showffeuring (chauffering) around” and “Showvinistic (chauvinistic) behaviour.”
    • *tial → *showl: As in, “A potenshowl (potential) candidate” and “A substanshowl amount” and “Existenshowl crisis” and “Increased substanshowlly“.
    • *tion* → *shown*: As in, “A walking dicshownary (dictionary)” and “Informashown technology” and “The implicashowns of which…” Other words that you could use: innovashown (innovation), transishown (transition), funcshown (function) and funcshowning (functioning).
    • Show: We’ll finish this show-related section off with show-related phrases to use in your firework puns: “All over the show” and “Get the show on the road” and “Give the show away.” Some words that include the word “show”: shower, showcase, showdown, showboat and showroom.
  • Play → Display: Since fireworks are also referred to as “light displays”, we’ve included some display-related puns: “Work, rest and display” and “All work and no display” and “Child’s display” and “Come out and display” and “Fair display” and “The games people display” and “Instant display” and “It’s good to display together” and “It’s not whether you win or lose, it’s how you display the game” and “A level displaying field.”
    • This play* → Display*: As in, “Display-er is cheating.”
  • Rapport → Report: Report is another word for the loud banging noises that accompany fireworks, so we’ve included it in this list: “A strong report” and “Establishing a good report with the students.”
  • Hum → Hummer: As in, “Hummer it and I’ll play it” and “Hummering and hawing.” Note: a hummer is a tiny firework that is known for whizzing and humming.
  • Hammer → Hummer: As in, “Hummer it home” and “Put the hummer down” and “Took a real hummering” and “Like using a sledgehummer to crack a nut” and “When all you have is a hummer, everything looks like a nail” and “Come under the hummer” and “Hummerhead shark” and “Get hummered.”
  • Bang → Whiz-bang: Whiz-bangs are another type of firework we’ve included in this list: “A bigger whiz-bang for your buck” and “Whiz-bang on about” and “You’re whiz-bang out of order” and “Like whiz-banging your head against a brick wall” and “All whiz-banged up” and “Go out with a whiz-bang” and “Slap whiz-bang in the middle.”
  • Wiz* → Whiz*: Whizzes can refer to whiz-bangs and also to the whizzing noise that fireworks make: “We’re off to see the whizard” and “The whizard of oz” and “School of witchcraft and whizardry.”
    • Was → Whiz: As in, “As I whiz saying” and “Before it whiz cool” and “I whizn’t going to say anything, but…” and “What whiz that?”
    • Wasabi → Whizabi
    • *wis* → *whiz*: As in, “Pearls of whizdom” and “A twhizt (twist) of fate” and “Whizhful thinking” and “A whiztful (wistful) expression.” Other words you could use: whizp (wisp), whizpy (wispy), whizteria (wisteria).
    • Wisconsin → Whizconsin
    • Whis* → Whiz*: As in, “Bells and whiztles” and “Blow the whiztle” and “Whizk away” and “Whiztle-blower” and “Clean as a whiztle” and “The cat’s whizkers” and “Nighttime whizpers” and “Drown in whizkey.”
    • *quis* → *qwhiz*: As in, “Exqwhizite (exquisite) taste” and “A recent acqwhizition (acquisition)” and “Course prereqwhizites (prerequisites)” and “An inqwhizitive mind.”
    • Question → Qwhiztion: As in, “A loaded qwhiztion” and “Ask a silly qwhiztion, get a silly answer” and “Ask no qwhiztions and hear no lies” and “Call into qwhiztion” and “Frequently asked qwhiztions” and “Out of the qwhiztion” and “Qwhiztion everything.”
    • Quiz → Qwhiz: As in, “A qwhizzical expression.”
  • Whistle: A few whistle-related phrases so you can reference the whistling noises fireworks make in your wordplay: “Bells and whistles” and “Clean as a whistle” and “Wet your whistle.”
  • Last → Blast: As in, “At long blast” and “At the blast minute” and “Breathe your blast” and “Built to blast” and “Blast resort” and “Famous blast words” and “Free at blast” and “To the blast drop” and “Any blast requests?” and “You haven’t heard the blast of” and “Blast but not least” and “Blast call” and “Blast chance” and “Blast ditch effort” and “Blast gasp” and “Blast in, first out” and “Blast laugh” and “Blast minute” and “A blasting impression” and “On your blast legs” and “Peace at blast” and “Blast I heard” and “The blast straw.”
  • Past → Blast: As in, “Wouldn’t put it blast them” and “Blast its sell-by date” and “The distance blast.”
  • *bas* → *blast*: As in, blastard (bastard), bomblastic (bombastic) and alablaster (alabaster).
  • *bust* → *blast*: As in, “Blast a move” and “Spontaneous comblastion.” Other words you could use: blockblaster (blockbuster), dustblaster (dustbuster), filiblaster (filibuster) and roblast (robust). Notes: Filibuster refers to tactics used to delay proceedings of legislative bodies.
  • *blist* → *blast*: “At blastering speed” and “Blastering barnacles.”
  • *past* → *blast*: As in, “Greener blastures (pastures)” and “Favourite blasttime.” Other words you could use: blastel (pastel), blastor (pastor), blastry (pastry), blastoral (pastoral), blastiche (pastiche). Note: a pastiche is a piece of art that imitates the work of a previous artist. If something is pastoral, then it relates to rural life and scenes.
  • *plast* → *blast*: As in, blaster (plaster), blastic (plastic), blasticity (plasticity) and blastered (plastered).
  • *plist* → *blast*: As in, “Overly simblastic (simplistic).” Other related words: simblastically (simplistically) and oversimblastic (oversimplistic).
  • Blasphemy → Blastphemy
  • Clitoris → Glitteris (we’re using the word “glitter” to refer to the glittering nature of fireworks as they fade away.)
  • *bow* → *blow*: As in, “Over the rainblow” and “Elblowed in the face” and “Ready your crossblow.”
  • Plausible → Blowsible: As in, “Blowsible deniability.”
  • Blow: These blow-related phrases will let you refer to the explosions of the fireworks: “Any way the wind blows” and “Blow up” and “Blow a fuse” and “Blow off some steam” and “Blow out of the water” and “Blow your mind” and “Soften the blow.” Some blow-related words: blowhard, blowback, blown, blowout, blowfish and deathblow.
  • *ble → *blew: These puns focus on the word “blew” as a variation of the explosive-related “blow”, as in, “On the tablew” and “Be humblew” and “Not feasiblew” and “A vulnerablew child.” Other words you could use: viablew (viable), amenablew (amenable), inevitablew (inevitable), sensiblew (sensible), formidablew (formidable), tangiblew (tangible).
  • Bloom → Blewm: As in, “Come into blewm” and “A late blewmer.”
  • Blue* → Blew*: blewbird (bluebird), blewprint (blueprint), blewberry (blueberry).
  • Bloom → Boom: As in, “Come into boom” and “A late boomer.”
  • *boo → *boom: As in, taboom (taboo), bamboom (bamboo), bugaboom (bugaboo) and peekaboom (peekaboo). Note: a bugaboo is an imagined fear.
  • Boo → Boom: As in, “Wouldn’t say boom to a ghost.”
  • Fire → Backfire: As in, “All backfired up” and “Ball of backfire” and “Come on baby light my backfire” and “Come home to a real backfire” and “Backfire and rain” and “Backfire away” and “Backfire in the hole” and “Backfire in your belly” and “Backfire storm” and “Get on like a house on backfire” and “In the line of backfire” and “Play with backfire.”
  • Fame → Flame: As in, “Claim to flame” and “Fifteen minutes of flame.”
  • Aim → Flame: As in, “Flame to please” and “Take flame” and “Flame high.”
  • *fam* → *flame*: As in, “Flame-ous last words” and “Almost flame-ous” and “Flame-ily (family) man” and “Looks flame-iliar.” Other words you can use: inflame-ous (infamous) and deflame-ation (defamation).
  • *fem* → *flame*: flame-inine (feminine) and flame-inism (feminism).
  • *flam* → *flame*: flame-boyant (flamboyant), flame-ingo (flamingo), flame-enco (flamenco) and inflame-ation (inflammation).

Firework-Related Words

To help you come up with your own firework puns, here’s a list of related words to get you on your way. If you come up with any new puns or related words, please feel free to share them in the comments!

General: firework, pyrotechnic, sparklers, firecracker, (pyrotechnic) star, explosive, explosion, gunpowder, black powder, skyrocket, combustion, combustible, aerial shell, catherine wheel, pyro, fuse, banger, bang, pinwheel, rocket, cake, smoke ball, crossette, chrysanthemum, dahlia, diadem, peony, fish, horsetail, waterfall shell, kamuro, mine, cherry bomb, bouquet shell, palm, ring, roman candle, cannon cracker, cracker, salute, spider, time rain, willow, backfire, flammable, flame, flare, tinder, ignite, spark, blaze,  fuel, flashpowder, oxidiser, mag star, celebration, light, show, display, burn, report, hummer, whizz, whizbang, whistle, pollution, blast, glitter, flicker

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