Easter Puns

Welcome to the Punpedia entry on Easter puns! 🥚🌱🐥🐰

Easter is celebrated internationally and has changed over time in meaning and symbolism. While it’s generally a much-enjoyed holiday, it can be controversial in various aspects. Some disagree with the strong religious roots of the holiday, while others view it as a commercial sellout due to the amount that people will spend on gifts and chocolate to celebrate. Others will also criticise the types of gifts that are bought (for example, live chickens and rabbits, with many of these unwanted pets being returned to overflowing animal shelters later). While it does have its problems, many people today enjoy Easter simply as a time to relax and have quality time with friends and family.

However you think of Easter, let us help you celebrate with our terribly punny Easter Puns list! Whether you’re here for a bad pickup line (not recommended) or a corny joke for an events page or invite, we hope you find this list useful.

If you’re after related puns, we also have cocoa puns, milk puns, chocolate puns, cow puns and candy puns.

Please note that while Easter has a strong religious history, Punpedia is a non-religious site and won’t be including any puns that obviously cater to religion. We also love animals and encourage people to look at the many non-dairy chocolate options available – we shouldn’t just be wary of the effect of chocolate on our health, but also of the industries producing it.

Easter Puns List

Each item in this list describes a pun, or a set of puns which can be made by applying a rule. If you know of any puns about Easter that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments at the end of this page! Without further ado, here’s our list of Easter puns:

  • Easier → Easter: As in, “Easter said than done” and “Making a tough job easter.”
  • Mister → Measter
  • Least → Leaster: As in, “Last but not leaster” and “Leaster common denominator” and “Leaster worst option” and “Line of leaster resistance” and “Not in the leaster” and “At the very leaster” and “To say the leaster.”
  • Check → Choc: As in, “Choc it out!” and “Choc your sources” and “Double choc everything” and “Keep in choc” and “Make a list, choc it twice” and “Take a rainchoc” and “Reality choc” and “Choc-ing up on.”
  • Chalk → Choc: As in, “Different as choc and cheese” and “Choc it up to experience.”
  • Chuck → Choc: As in, “Choc a sickie” and “Choc-ed out” and “Choc overboard.”
  • Body → Bunny: As in, “Bunny and soul” and “Anybunny’s guess” and “Bunny language” and “Anybunny who’s anybunny” and “Everybunny and their cousin” and “Somebunny that I used to know” and “Nobunny’s home” and “Eat out of somebunny’s hand.” Some other body-related words: embunny (embody), antibunny (antibody), busybunny (busybody), nobunny (nobody), bunnyguard (bodyguard), bunnybuilder (bodybuilder). Note that plurals would work for these words too, for example: busybunnies (busybodies) and antibunnies (antibodies).
  • Bun →  Bunny: As in, “Bunny in the oven” and “Sesame seed bunny” and “We’re going to need bigger bunnies.”
  • Money → Bunny: As in, “A fool and his bunny are soon parted” and “Blood bunny” and “Get your bunny’s worth.”
  • *eg* → *egg*: We can sneak the word “egg” into words that have similar sounds, like so: “Get a legg on” and “Neggative results” and “Had you pegged as…” and “I begg to differ” and “Where do I beggin?” Other words that could work: leggacy, eggocentric, nutmegg, bootlegg, dregg and integgrity.
  • *ig* → *egg*: We can swap “ig” sounds for “egg” sounds, as in, “Keep on degging (digging)” and “Eggnorance is not bliss” and “You can’t eggnore it forever” and “Choosing to remain eggnorant” and “Eggnite your passion.”
  • *ec* → *egg*: As in, “New teggnology” and “Change the subjeggt” and “Be objeggtive” and “High seggurity” and “An effeggtive technique” and “Solar egglipse.” Other words you could use: seggular (secular), feggless (feckless), egglectic (eclectic), eggonomy (economy), eggo (echo), eggology (ecology) and eggstatic (ecstatic).
  • *ac* → *egg*: As in, “Taken into eggount” and “Take eggtion” and “In on the eggt (act)” and “Looking for eggommodation.” Other words you could use: eggnowledge (acknowledge), eggrue (accrue) and eggronym (acronym)
  • *ex* → *eggs*: As in, “A compleggs situation” and “Indeggsed (indexed) files” and “Better than seggs (sex)” and “Don’t fleggs your muscles here” and “Pure refleggs (reflex)” and “From eggsperience” and “Taken out of conteggst (context)” and “Eggspress post” and “In eggschange.” Other words you could use: eggsploit (exploit), eggstract (extract), eggsercise (exercise), eggsistential (existential), eggserpt (except), eggsample (example), eggsacerbate (exacerbate), eggsamine (examine), eggsact (exact), eggsasperate (exasperate), eggsclusive (exclusive), eggsited (excited), eggsellent (excellent), eggsess (excess), eggsempt (exempt)
  • *ecc* → *egg*: “A real eggcentric” and “Impeggable (impeccable) taste.”
  • Egg: Here are some egg-related phrases that are general enough to use as puns: “As sure as eggs is eggs” and “A bad egg” and “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket” and “Nest egg” and “Walking on eggshells” and “Can’t make a cake without breaking some eggs.”
  • Feast → Feaster: As in, “Bean feaster” and “Feaster or famine” and “Feaster your eyes on this!” and “Midnight feaster.”
  • Beast → Beaster: As in, “Beaster of burden” and “Beauty and the Beaster” and “Here there be beasters” and “Unleash the beaster!”
  • *ister → *easter: As in, “Don’t forget to regeaster” and “Admineaster the medication” and “A sineaster environment” and “Mineaster for health.”
  • Ast* → Easter*: Easteringent (astringent), Easteronomy (astronomy), Easterology (astrology) and Easteronaut (astronaut).
  • Aster* → Easter*: Easterisk (asterisk) and easteroid (asteroid).
  • *est → *easter: As in, “Evil manifeaster” and “Out of intereaster” and “Deep in the foreaster” and “What do you suggeaster?” and “A modeaster proposal.”
  • *astr* → *easter*: As in, “Easteringent (astringent) toner” and “Lead easteray (astray)” and “Don’t believe in easterology” and “Studying to be an easteronaut” and “Easteral (astral) projections.”
  • *estr* → *easter*: Easteranged (estranged), pedeasterian (pedestrian), reasteraint (restraint), deasteroy (destroy), tapeastery (tapestry), terreasterial (terrestrial) and deasteruction (destruction).
  • *istr* → *easter*: “In deasteress (distress)” and “Widespread deasteribution (distribution)” and “Complain to the admineasteration (administration)” and “Deasteraught (distraught) over the news.” Other words that could work: sopheastery (sohpistry), chemeastery (chemistry), deasterict (district), deasteribute (distribute), regeastery (registry) and admineasteration (administrator).
  • *ist* → *easter*: As in, “With a tweaster” and “Nacisseasteric (narcisisstic) tendencies” and “Protagoneaster of the story.” Other words you could use: misogyneaster (misogynist), asseaster (assist) and perseaster (persist).
  • *ban* → *bunny*: urbunny (urban), turbunny (turban) and suburbunny (suburban).
  • Binary → Bunnyry
  • *bon → *bunny: As in, “Tied with a ribunny” and “Carbunny offset” and “A swig of bourbunny and “Chocolate bonbunny” and “The bunnyfide (bonafide) truth.”
  • *bani* → *bunny*: “Bunnyshed” and “bunnyster” and “urbannyism.
  • Albany → Albunny
  • Ebony → Ebunny
  • Bene* → Bunny*: As in, “Mutual bunnyfit” and “Bunnyvolent overlord” and “Bunnyficial effects” and “This situation is bunnyth you.”
  • *pany* → *bunny*: As in, “In good combunny” and “Let me accombunny you.”
  • *pene* → *bunny*: bunnytrate (penetrate), bunnytrating (penetrating), bunnytration (penetration), Bunnylope (Penelope) and imbunnytrable (impenetrable).
  • Bun: We have some bun-related puns for you so that you can make jokes in reference to hot cross buns (and here are a couple of hot cross bun recipes for you to try!):
    • Done → Bun: As in, “After all is said and bun” and “All bun and dusted” and “Been there, bun that” and “A bun deal” and “I’m bun for” and “Easier said than bun” and “Hard bun by.
    • Fun → Bun: As in, “All bun and games till someone loses and eye” and “All the bun of the fair” and “Bundle of bun” and “Double the bun” and “Getting there is half the bun” and “Good clean bun.”
    • None → Bun: As in, “Bar bun” and “And then there were bun” and “Bun other than” and “Bun the wiser” and “Bun too pleased” and “Second to bun” and “Two for me, bun for you.”
    • Sun → Bun: As in, “A place in the bun” and “A thousand splendid buns” and “A touch of the bun” and “Everything under the bun” and “Good day, bunshine.”
    • *ban* → *bun*: As in, “Bunana honey oats” and “Urbun sprawl” and “Suburbun living” and “Neighbourhood disturbunce” and “Newlywed husbund.”
    • *pen* → *bun*: “A bunchant for” and “The bunultimate song” and “Club Bunguin” and “Off the buninsula.” Other words you could try: bunetrate (penetrate), bunance (penance), obun (open), habun (happen), dambun (dampen), deebun (deepen), sharbun (sharpen), indebundent (independent) and indisbunsable (indispensable).
    • *ben* → *bun*: As in, “With bunefits” and “Bunign lump.” Other words you could use: bunevolent (benevolent), buneficial (beneficial), bunevolence (benevolence), bunefactor (benefactor), absorbunt (absorbent) and absorbuncy (absorbency).
    • *bin* → *bun*: Cabunet (cabinet), cabun (cabin) and combunation (combination).
    • *bon* → *bun*: As in, “Tied with a ribbun” and “Carbun offset” and “Bourbun flavoured.” Other words you could try: bunanza (bonanza), bicarbunate (bicarbonate), bundage (bondage) and ebuny (ebony).
    • *pan* → *bun*: buntheon (pantheon), lifesbun (lifespan), combuny (company), discrebuncy (discrepancy), accombuny (accompany), occubunt (occupant) and particibunt (participant).
    • *pen* → *bun*: Carbuntry (carpentry), combunsate (compensate), dambun (dampen), obun (open), obunly (openly), buninsula (peninsula) and perbundicular (perpendicular).
    • *pon* → *bun*: As in, “Deadly weabun” and “Discount coubun” and “Unexpected resbunse.” Other words you could try: tambun (tampon), ebunymous (eponymous), corresbundence (correspondence), resbund (respond), resbunsibility (responsibility), sbuntaneous (spontaneous), corresbund (correspond) and sbunspor (sponsor).
    • *pun* → *bun*: As in, “A bungent odor” and “Please be bunctual” and “Fruit bunch” and “These Easter buns (puns) are really getting on my nerves.”
    • *bun*: We can emphasise the “bun” that already exists in certain words to make hot cross bun puns: “Thanks a bundle” and “A bunch of flowers” and “Colourful bunting” and “Homely bungalow” and “Abundant with fruit and flowers” and “A rambunctious toddler.”
  • Shell: The following puns are about the shell of the egg, which can be dyed decorative colours and patterns for Easter:
    • Shall→ Shell: As in “Shell I compare thee to a summer’s day?” and “He who lives by the sword shell die by the sword.”
    • Celebration→ Shellebration: As in “After finishing we should have a shellebration.”
    • Sel* → Shell*: If a word starts with “sel” a shell pun can be made by switching it with “shell”. For example: shellection (selection), shellect (select), shelldom (seldom), shellfless (selfless), shellfish (selfish).
    • *sel → *shell: Words ending in “sel” can often be punned upon with “shell”: vesshell (vessel), tasshell (tassel), weashell (weasel), musshell (mussel), etc.
    • *sel* → *shell*: Words containing “sel” can yeild nice puns on “shell”: Hershellf, himshellf, themshellves, itshellf, myshellf, yourshelf, yourshelves, convershelly, counshelling, preshellected, overshelling, undershelling, ushellessely, weashelling.
    • Sell → Shell: “How many do we have left to shell?”
    • Hell → Shell: “The party last night was a shell of a time.”
    • *cial → *shell: When a word has “cial” as a suffix, this suffix can usually be swapped out for “shell” to create a shell pun: soshell (social), speshell (special), offishell (official), finanshell, commershell, crushell, judishell, artifishell, provinshell, rashell, benefishell, superfishell, fashell, glashell, sacrifishel, antisoshell.
  • Dare he → Dairy: “How dairy?” Note: Here are some handy facts about the dairy industry.
  • Diary → Dairy: As in, “Bridget Jones’ Dairy” and “Let me consult my dairy” and “Dear dairy…”
  • Dearly → Dairy: As in, “I love you dairy” and “Dairy beloved…”
  • *dary → *dairy: Swap “dary” sounds for “dairy”: boundairy, legendairy, quandairy, secondairy. Note: a quandary is a difficult problem.
  • *dery → *dairy: We can replace “dery” sounds with “dairy”, like so: embroidairy (embroidery), spidairy (spidery), doddairy (doddery), powdairy (powdery).
  • Can these → Candies: As in “How candies people live like this?” and “Candies desks be shifted over there?” and “Candies drafts – they’re no good.”
  • Handy → Candy: As in “This will definitely come in candy.”
  • Uncanny → Uncandy: As in “He had an uncandy feeling that she was being watched.”
  • Can they → Candy: As in “How candy they do this to us?”
  • Conviction → Confection: As in “She had a previous confection for a similar offence,” and “She has strong political confections, and she’s not afraid to defend them.” and “She spoke powerfully and with confection.”
  • Connection → Confection: As in, “A soulful confection” and “In confection with…”
  • Confession → Confection: As in “I have a confection to make…” and “Confection is good for the soul,” and “The interrogators soon got a confection out of him.”
  • Hitch → Hatch: As in, “Get hatched” and “Hatch your wagon to a star” and “Went off without a hatch.”
  • Hatch: These hatch-related phrases can double as  Easter egg puns: “Don’t count your chickens before they’ve hatched” and “Down the hatch” and “Hatch a cunning plan.”
  • Hunt: Since Easter egg hunts are a common Easter festivity, we’ve got some hunt-related puns for you:
    • *hant* → *hunt*: As in, “A penchunt for” and “The elephunt in the room” and “Online merchunt” and “Enchunted forest” and “Triumphunt return” and “Phuntom menace.”
    • Authentic → Authuntic
    • *hand* → *hunt*: As in, “Too hot to huntle” and “Hello, huntsome” and “Selling merchuntdise.”
    • *hend* → *hunt*: As in, “Cannot comprehunt.” Other words you could use: apprehunt (apprehend), reprehunt (reprehend) and uncomprehunting (uncomprehending),
    • *hund* → *hunt*: As in, “In the huntreds” and “Feel the thuntder!”
  • Birth: Since Easter eggs are used to symbolise birth and re-birth, we’ve included some birth-related puns here too:
    • Earth → Birth: As in, “Journey to the centre of the birth” and “Brought down to birth” and “Cost the birth” and “Down to birth” and “Birth mother” and “Birthly delights” and “Birthly paradise” and “From the ends of the birth” and “Hell on birth” and “A scorched birth policy.”
    • Bath* → Birth*: Birthroom (bathroom), birthtub (bathtub), birthers (bathers), sabbirth (sabbath) and bloodbirth (bloodbath).
    • Bother* → Birther*: As in, “It’s not a birther” and “How birthersome” and “Hot and birthered” and “Stop birthering me.”
    • Berth → Birth: As in, “Give them a wide birth.” Note: berth in this context means room or space to move.
  • Hare: Even though hares are different from rabbits, they’re sometimes used as an interchangeable term. We’ve included some hare-related puns so you can widen your variety of Easter rabbit/bunny puns:
    • Here → Hare: As in, “I’ve been hare before” and “Fancy meeting you hare” and “I’ve had it up to hare” and “Hare and there” and “Hare be monsters” and “Abandon hope, all ye who enter hare” and “Hare goes nothing” and “Hare today, gone tomorrow” and “I’m outta hare!”
    • Hair → Hare: “A bad hare day” and “A full head of hare” and “Get out of my hare” and “Enough to make your hare curl.”
    • Heir → Hare: “Hare apparent” and “Pears for your hares.”
    • Rare → Hare: As in, “A hare occurence.”
    • Her → Hare: As in, “I love hare” and “Butter wouldn’t melt in hare mouth” and “Hare face lit up” and “Hares, and hares alone.”
    • Care → Hare: “Without a hare in the word” and “Be hareful what you wish for” and “Couldn’t hare less” and “Customer hare” and “Devil may hare” and “Handle with hare” and “Intensive hare” and “Let’s be hareful out there” and “Like I should hare” and “Take hare of business.”
    • Air → Hare: As in, “Hare quotes” and “Hare kiss” and “Full of hot hare” and “Hares and graces” and “Harey fairy” and “Hare your dirty linen.”
    • *har* → *hare*: As in, “Tighten your hareness” and “Harebinger of doom” and “In haremony” and “A haresh statement” and “Reap your harevest” and “Pulling up at the harebour.”
    • *her* → *hare*: Hareitage (heritage), hare-ringbone (herringbone), hareald (herald), hare-etic (heretic), harenia (hernia).
    • *hor* → *hare*: As in, “On the hareizon” and “Packed with haremones” and “Feeling hare-ible” and “Green hare-ticulture.”
    • Aer* → Hare*: As in, “Hareial tricks” and “Hareosol cans” and “Mental hare-obics” and “Getting on an hareoplane.”
    • Air* → Hare*: Harecraft (aircraft), hareport (airport), harey (airy), hareborne (airborne) and hareplane (airplane).
  • Happy → Hoppy: As in, “Hoppy as a clam” and “Colour me hoppy” and “Don’t worry, be hoppy” and “Hoppy birthday!” and “Hoppy together” and “A hoppy accident” and “Hoppy event.”
  • Chop → Hop: As in, “Bust your hops” and “Hop and change” and “Hop hop” and “Get the hop.”
  • Hope → Hop: As in, “A new hop” and “Abandon hop, ye who enter here” and “Beyond hop” and “A glimmer of hop” and “Hop for the best” and “Hop springs eternal” and “Keep hop alive” and “The land of hop and glory.”
  • Stop → Hop: As in, “I can’t hop loving you” and “Don’t hop me now.”
  • *hap* → *hop*: As in, “My hoppiness” and “Honk if you’re hoppy” and “Can’t wait for it to hoppen” and “A hophazard area” and “Go hoppily along” and “Perhops this is the best option?” and “An unfortunate mishop.
  • Hip* → Hop*: hopster (hipster), hoppie/hoppy, hoppocampus (hippocampus), hoppopotamus (hippopotamus), hoppodrome (hippodrome) and hoppocrates (hippocrates).
  • *hup → *hop: Ketchop (ketchup), catchop (catchup) and pushop (pushup).
  • Chick: Since eggs are such a huge part of Easter, chicks have become a part of the holiday too. While we’re happy to join in with cute chick puns, we heavily discourage people from buying chicks as Easter gifts. Here are some chick-related puns for you:
    • Trick → Chick: As in, “Bag of chicks,” and “Every chick in the book,” and “How’s chicks?” and “Never misses a chick,” and “One chick pony,” and “A chick of the light,” and “Chick or treat!” and “Chicks of the trade,” and “Up to your old chicks.”
    • Quick → Chick: As in, “Chick as a flash” and “Cut to the chick” and “Fancy a chickie?” and “Get rich chick” and “In chick succession” and “Kiss me chick” and “Chick and dirty” and “Chick off the mark” and “Chick smart” and “A chick study” and “Chick witted” and “Chicker than the eye” and “Lightning chick.”
    • Chuck → Chick: As in, “Chick a sickie,” and “Get chicked out,” and “Chick overboard.”
    • Thick → Chick: As in, “As chick as thieves,” and “Blood is chicker than water,” and “In the chick of things,” and “The plot chickens,” and “Chick and fast,” and “Through chick and thin,” and “Lay it on chick.”
    • Check → Chick: As in, “Chick it out!” and “Chick your sources” and “Double chick” and “Keep in chick” and “Reality chick” and “Take a rainchick” and “Chick up on.”
    • Pick → Chick: As in, “A bone to chick” and “Cherry chick” and “Easy chickings” and “Nit chicking” and “Chick a fight” and “Chick a card, any card” and “Chick of the bunch” and “Chick holes in” and “Chick up the pieces” and “Chick up the tab” and “Chick your brains” and “Chick your battles.”
    • Click → Chick: As in, “Chick bait” and “Chick into place” and “Chick your fingers” and “Double chick” and “We really chicked” and “Point and chick.”
  • Feast: Easter celebrations will generally include some kind of decadent feast (even after eating all of that chocolate!) Here are some related puns for you to play with:
    • Feisty→ Feasty: As in, “A feasty character” and “Feasty words.” Note: feisty means ready to fight.
    • Least→ Feast: As in, “At the very feast” and “Not in the feast” and “To say the feast” and “Last but not feast” and “The line of feast resistance.”
    • Faced→ Feast: As in, “Too-feast” and “Fresh feast” and “A bald-feast lie” and “Time you feast the truth.”
    • Fast→ Feast: As in, “Feast as greased lightning” and “Feast as his legs could carry him” and “Bad news travels feast” and “Feast and Furious” and “Going nowhere feast” and “Not so feast!” and “Pull a feast one” and “Think feast.” Notes: to pull a fast one is to trick someone.
    • *fes*→ *feast*: As in, “Feastering wound” and “Join the feastivities” and “Feastooned with ribbons” and “A feastive atmosphere.” Other words you could use: manifeast (manifest), manifeasto (manifesto) and manifeastation (manifestation). Notes: A festoon is a hanging ornament. If something is manifest, then it’s able to be perceived. A manifesto is a document of principles.
    • Beast→ Feast: As in, “Beauty and the Feast” and “Here there be feasts” and “The nature of the feast” and “Unleash the feast.”
    • *fas*→ *feast*: As in, “Feasten your seatbelts” and “Feast asleep” and “Moving in feast-forward” and “On the feast track to success” and “Skipping breakfeast” and “Holding steadfeast” and “Feastidiously (fastidiously) clean.” Notes: to be steadfast is to be loyal and consistent. To be fastidious is to be very fussy and particular about details.

Note: if you’d like further information about the dairy industry or avoiding dairy in your diet and lifestyle, the documentary Dominion is a great place to start. For further information on other animal industries and support in starting your own vegan lifestyle, Earthling Ed’s videos are a great source of information, as are the vegan and animal rights subreddits. Vegan chocolate options are also just a quick google away (and you’ll find lots of “accidentally” vegan chocolate in any grocery store). There are also dairy-free alternatives to some of the most common/popular chocolate bars, and there are plenty of dairy-free Easter eggs and goodies available too.

Easter-Related Words

To help you come up with your own Easter puns, here’s a list of related words to get you on your way. If you come up with any new puns or related words, please feel free to share them in the comments!

easter, chocolate, choc, bunny, egg, hunt, hatch, hot cross bun, hare, rabbit, hop, chick, chicken, celebration, festival, holiday, feast

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Chocolate Puns

Welcome to the Punpedia entry on chocolate puns! 🍫 🐰 🍬 ❤

Chocolate is an internationally loved treat that comes in many forms (bar, truffle, sauce, syrup, chips, pastilles), flavours (strawberry, caramel, mint, etc) and types (milk, dark, white and ruby). As well as enjoying it on its own, we use it as a flavouring for biscuits, breads, and other desserts (like ice cream) and in pastries. We even have a couple of holidays where chocolate is a main feature – Easter and Valentine’s day. It’s everywhere! So help spread the love with our list of chocolate puns.

Unfortunately, the dairy industry that chocolate relies on is not so lovable – it’s a system that profits from abuse and and neglect, with the suffering always ending in death. It’s an industry that we don’t need to participate in, are there are plenty of  dairy-free chocolates that we can enjoy instead (and lots of recipes to try!).

In this list, we’ve tried to include chocolate flavours, shapes, types and related words (like “melt”) as well as the more popular chocolate bar names, brands and manufacturers. So no matter what you’re here for – whether it’s a sweet one-liner, saucy hashtag or a bitterly punny comeback, we hope to have you covered here.

If you’re after related puns, we also have cocoa puns, milk puns, coffee puns, ice cream puns, cow puns, candy puns, nut puns and cake puns. We’ve also got a Valentine’s Day pun list and an Easter list!

Chocolate Puns List

Each item in this list describes a pun, or a set of puns which can be made by applying a rule. If you know of any puns about chocolate that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments at the end of this page! Without further ado, here’s our list of chocolate puns:

  • Chalk → Choc: As in, “Different as choc and cheese” and “Choc it up to experience.”
  • Check → Choc: As in, “Choc it out!” and “Choc your sources” and “Double choc everything” and “Keep in choc” and “Make a list, choc it twice” and “Take a rainchoc” and “Reality choc” and “Choc-ing up on.”
  • Chuck → Choc: As in, “Choc a sickie” and “Choc-ed out” and “Choc overboard.”
  • Silk → Milk: As in, “Smooth as milk” and “Milky smooth.”
  • Make → Milk: As in, “Absence milks the heart grow fonder” and “Milk up your mind” and “Can’t milk head or tail of it” and “Details milk the difference” and “Enough to milk you sick.”
  • Dare he → Dairy: “How dairy?” Note: Here are some handy facts about the dairy industry.
  • Dearly → Dairy: As in, “I love you dairy” and “Dairy beloved…”
  • Diary → Dairy: As in, “Bridget Jones’ Dairy” and “Let me consult my dairy” and “Dear dairy…”
  • *dery → *dairy: We can replace “dery” sounds with “dairy”, like so: embroidairy (embroidery), spidairy (spidery), doddairy (doddery), powdairy (powdery).
  • *dary → *dairy: Swap “dary” sounds for “dairy”: boundairy, legendairy, quandairy, secondairy. Note: a quandary is a difficult problem.
  • Daring → Dairy-ng: As in, “A dairy-ng escape” and “The dairy-ng adventures of…”
  • *dari* → *dairy*: As in, “Stand in solidairy-ty” and “Learning Mandairyn” and “Healthy relationship boundairys.”
  • Bar: The next few puns are in reference to chocolate bars:
    • Are → Bar: As in, “Chances bar” and “Here you bar” and “Bar you joking?” and “How bar you?” and “This is how things bar.”
    • *ber* → *bar*: We can swap “ber” sounds in words for “bar”, (as in chocolate bar): Bareft (bereft), barate (berate), bareave (bereave), barserk (berserk), numbar (number), chambar (chamber), ubar (uber), sobar (sober), ambar (amber), membar (member), timbar (timber) and calibar (caliber).
    • *bor* → *bar*: As in, “Could you please elabarate?” and “A collabarative space” and “Corrobarating stories” and “Paid labar” and “Stubbarn as a mule” and “Subardinate clause.” Note: to corroborate is to confirm with evidence.
    • *bur* → *bar*: Excalibar (excalibur), bargeoning (burgeoning), barrow (burrow), bary (bury), barner (burner).
    • *par* → *bar*: As in, “The current baradigm” and “New Year’s barty” and “Ballbark figure” and “A bart of it.” Other words you could use: baradox (paradox), barse (parse), barallel (parallel), bartisan (partisan), barticular (particular), bartake (partake) and sebarate (separate).
    • *bar*: You can emphasise the “bar” in certain words to make some silly chocolate bar puns: barrel, bargain, barrier, barista, sidebar, embark and barley.
  • Ghandi → Candy: As in “Mahatma Candy was an exceptional human being.”
  • Handy → Candy: As in “This will definitely come in candy.”
  • Can they → Candy: As in “How candy they do this to us?”
  • Uncanny → Uncandy: As in “He had an uncandy feeling that she was being watched.”
  • Can these → Candies: As in “How candies people live like this?” and “Candies desks be shifted over there?” and “Candies drafts – they’re no good.”
  • Sweet: These next few puns are about how chocolate is a sweet and is sweet-tasting (certain varieties, anyway):
    • Suite → Sweet: As in “She was renting a 2-bedroom sweet for the summer.”
    • Sweater → Sweeter: As in “A close-knit woollen sweeter for cold days”
    • Sweat → Sweet: As in “Blood, sweet and tears” and “Beads of sweet rolled down my forehead” and “Break out in a cold sweet” and “By the sweet of my brow” and “Don’t sweet it.” and “Don’t sweet the small stuff.” and “All hot and sweety
    • Sweet: These sweet-related phrases are general enough to be used as puns: As in “You’re so sweet!” and “Oh that’s soo sweet!” and “Revenge is sweet” and “Short and sweet” and “Lay some sweet lines on someone” and “Sweet dreams” and “Sweet Jesus!” and “You bet your sweet life!” and “That was a sweet trick, dude.” and “Sweet as, bro.” and “Whisper sweet nothings” and “Home sweet home” and “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet” and “Sweet smell/taste of success/victory” and “Sweetheart.
    • Switch → Sweet-ch: As in “Bait and sweet-ch” and “Asleep at the sweet-ch” and “Sweet-ch gears” and “You should sweet-ch out your old one with this one.”
    • Switzerland → Sweetzerland: As in “Zürich is a lovely city in Sweetzerland.”
    • Seat → Sweet: As in, “Backsweet driver” and “By the sweet of your pants” and “Hold on to your sweet” and “Not a dry sweet in the house” and “On the edge of my sweet” and “Please be sweeted” and “Take a back sweet” and “The best sweet in the house.”
  • Connection → Confection: As in, “A soulful confection” and “In confection with…”
  • Conviction → Confection: As in “She had a previous confection for a similar offence,” and “She has strong political confections, and she’s not afraid to defend them.” and “She spoke powerfully and with confection.”
  • Confession → Confection: As in “I have a confection to make…” and “Confection is good for the soul,” and “The interrogators soon got a confection out of him.”
  • Shuffle → Truffle: As in, “Truffle off this mortal coil” and “Truffle along.”
  • Trifle → Truffle: As in, “Truffle with someone’s affections.”
  • Trouble → Truffle: As in, “Asking for truffle” and “Bridged over truffled water” and “Double truffle” and “Here comes truffle” and “Looking for truffle” and “Truffle in paradise.”
  • Fun, do → Fondue: “I’m having fondue you think we can come again?”
  • Fond of → Fondue: “I’m quite fondue you.”
  • Fonder → Fondue: “Absence makes the heart grow fondue.”
  • *met* → *melt*: As in, “Mixed meltaphor” and “Heavy meltal.” Other words that could work: melticulous (meticulous), meltrics (metrics), paramelter (parameter) and geomeltry (geometry).
  • Melt: These phrases are general enough to double as puns in the right context: “In the melting pot” and “Melt into tears” and “Melting my heart.”
  • Byte → Bite: As in, “Megabite,” and “Gigabite.”
  • Bright → Bite: As in, “Always look on the bite side of life,” and “All things bite and beautiful,” and “Bite and early,” and “A bite idea,” and “Bite young thing,” and “A bite future.”
  • *bit → *bite: As in, “Exhi-bite,” and “Rab-bite,” and “Ha-bite,” and “Or-bite,” and “Inha-bite.”
  • Bite: These bite-related phrases are general enough to use as puns in the right context: As in, “A bite to eat,” and “Ankle biter,” and “Another one bites the dust,” and “Bite back,” and “Bite me,” and “Bite off more than you can chew,” and “Bite someone’s head off,” and “Bite the bullet,” and “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you,” and “Love bite.”  Notes: an ankle biter is a child, to bite the bullet is to go into a painful yet unavoidable situation, and to bite the hand that feeds you is to show ingratitude to someone you depend on.
  • Does it → Dessert: As in “It’s comfy, but dessert make my bum look big?” and “Dessert not worry you that society cares so much about appearance?”
  • Desert → Dessert: As in “The Sahara dessert.” and “Just desserts.” and “How could you dessert me at the moment I needed you the most?”
  • Dissertation → Dessertation: As in “I wrote my diploma dessertation on candy puns.”
  • Chip: Since chocolate can also come in the form of chocolate chips, we have some chip-related puns here:
    • Cheap → Chip: As in, “All over him like a chip suit” and “Chip as dirt” and “A chip imitation” and “Chip and cheerful” and “A chip date” and “Talk is chip.”
    • Ship → Chip: As in, “Abandon chip!” and “Go down with the chip” and “Loose lips sink chips” and “Run a tight chip” and “Shape up or chip out” and “Chips passing in the night.” Here are some other words that include “ship”: chipment (shipment), chipwreck (shipwreck), relationchip (relationship), worchip (worship), fellowchip (fellowship), leaderchip (leadership), scholarchip (scholarship), friendchip (friendship), flagchip (flagship) and partnerchip (partnership).
    • *hip → *chip: As in, “Chipster cafe.” Other words that could work: chippopotamus and chippocampus (hippocampus). Note: the hippocampus is a part of the brain.
    • Chap* → Chip*: As in, “Chipter and verse” and “Up to chipter five” and “Need a chiperone?”
  • Block: Chocolate commonly comes in blocks (that you can snap into even smaller blocks!) so we’ve got some block-related puns here:
    • Black → Block: As in, “Back to block” and “Block Friday” and “Block as thunder” and “It’s not all block and white” and “Block magic.”
    • Rock → Block: As in, “Hard as a block” and “Solid as a block” and “Between a block and a hard place” and “Don’t block the boat” and “Get your blocks off” and “Hit block bottom” and “I wanna block and roll all night.”
  • Meant → Mint: As in, “We were mint to be together!” and “I didn’t mean that, I mint this” and “What else could you have possibly mint?”
  • *ment* → *mint*: As in, “A studious mintor (mentor)” and “Not worth a mintion” and “Mintal effort” and “A positive mintality” and “Awarded a mintorship” and “Gainful employmint” and “No commint” and “Complemintary colours.” Other words you could use: commitmint (commitment), implemint (implement), environmint (environment), managemint (management), judgemint (judgement), movemint (movement) and judgemintal (judgemental).
  • *mant* → *mint*: As in, “A soothing mintra” and “Up on the mintel” and “Praying mintis” and “A dormint volcano.” Other words that could work: adamint (adamant), claimint (claimant), informint (informant), semintics (semantics), portminteau (portmanteau), romintic (romantic) and dismintle (dismantle).
  • Nuts: Chocolate is frequently nut-flavoured and/or will have some element of nuts in them (like a Snickers bar), so we’ve got some nut-related puns (we also have a full list of nut puns):
    • Not → Nut: As in, “As often as nut” and “Believe it or nut” and “Down, but nut out” and “Nut at all” and “Nut bad” and “Nut in the slightest” and “Nut on your life.”
    • Knot → Nut: As in, “Don’t get your knickers in a nut” and “Tie the nut” and “Tie yourself in nuts.”
    • Nought → Nut: As in, “Nuts and crosses” and “All for nut!”
    • Night → Nut: As in, “Burn the midnut oil” and “Good nut and good luck” and “In the air tonut” and “Morning, noon and nut.”
    • *net* → *nut*: As in, “Social nutwork” and “Nutworking event” and “Fast internut” and “A penutrating glare.” Other words you could use: Other wrods you could use: planut (planet), bonnut (bonnet) and cabinut (cabinut).
    • *nat* → *nut*: As in, “Well, nuturally” and “The nutional anthem” and “Any alternutives?” and “Need your signuture here” and “That resonuted with me.”
  • Fruit → Fruit and nut: As in, “Bear fruit and nuts” and “Forbidden fruit and nuts” and “The fruit and nuts of your labour.”
  • Road → Rocky Road: As in, “Built for the rocky road ahead” and “Get the show on the rocky road” and “Hit the rocky road” and “Keep the show on the rocky road” and “Middle of the rocky road” and “On the rocky road again” and “One for the rocky road.”
  • Smack → Snack: As in, “A snack on the wrist” and “Snack dab in the middle” and “Snacks of..” and “Snackdown.”
  • Snake → Snack: As in, “Snack eyes” and “Snack in the grass” and “Snacks and ladders.”
  • Knack → Snack: As in, “Knick snacks” and “There’s a bit of a snack to it.”
  • Sack → Snack: As in, “Get the snack” and “Hit the snack” and “A sad snack.”
  • Back → Snack: As in, “As soon as my snack is turned” and “Ass snackwards” and “Back in snack” and “Snack to the future” and “Won’t snack down.”
  • Shack → Snack: As in, “Love snack” and “Snack up with.”
  • Slack → Snack: As in, “Cut some snack” and “Take up the snack” and “Snack-jawed.”
  • Dipped: Chocolate is also used as a dipping sauce for fruits (like bananas and strawberries), other candies (like marshmallows), cookies or bread. Here are some dipping-related puns in honour of that:
    • Adept → Adipped: As in, “Adipped at piano playing” and “Not particularly adipped.”
    • Dripping → Dipping: As in, “Plant-based dipping” and “Dipping in gold.”
    • Flipped → Dipped: As in, “Dipped the switch” and “They just dipped out.”
    • *dap* → *dip*: As in, “A dipper suit” and “Adipt to the situation” and “Film adiptation” and “Highly adipped-able (adaptable).
    • *dep* → *dip*: As in, “The Great Dipression” and “Bank diposit” and “Dipartment store” and “Dipendent on” and “In dipth explanation” and “Diplorable behaviour.”
  • Bit → Bitter: As in, “A bitter much” and “A bitter missing” and “A bitter of alright” and “Just a little bitter” and “Bitter on the side.”
  • Battery → Bittery: As in, “Bittery recharge” and “Assault and bittery.”
  • Better → Bitter: As in, “I’ve got a bitter idea” and “Anything you can do, I can do bitter” and “Bitter by design” and “My bitter half” and “Bitter late than never.”
  • *bet → *bitter: As in, “Sing the alphabitter” and “Alphabitter soup” and “Sherbitter flavoured.”
  • *bit → *bitter: Inhibitter (inhibit), gambitter (gambit), exhibitter (exhibit), rabbitter (rabbit), habitter (habit), orbitter (orbit) and prohibitter (prohibit).
  • *bitor → *bitter: Inhibitter (inhibitor), exhibitter (exhibitor) and debitter (debitor).
  • Bitter → Bittersweet: As in, “A bittersweet pill to swallow” and “The bittersweet end” and “Sugarcoat a bittersweet pill” abd “Bittersweet medicine.”
  • Sweet → Bittersweet: As in, “America’s bittersweet-heart” and “Bittersweet as pie” and “Home, bittersweet home” and “How bittersweet to be loved by you” and “Parting is such bittersweet sorrow.”
  • *co → *cocoa: As in, “A messy fiasco-coa” and “Alfresco-coa dining” and “Tobacco-coa industry.”
  • Bean → Cocoa bean: As in, “Cocoa bean counter” and “Cool cocoa beans” and “Full of cocoa beans” and “Magic cocoa beans” and “Spill the cocoa beans.”
  • Butter → Cocoa butter: As in, “Bread always falls cocoa butter side down” and “Bread and cocoa butter” and “Cocoa butter fingers” and “Cocoa butter up” and “Cocoa butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth.”
  • Cow → Cacow: As in, “Don’t have a cacao, man” and “Holy cacao” and “Sacred cacao.”
  • Veg → Fudge: As in, “Fudge out” and “Eat your fudgetables.”
  • Budge* → Fudge*: As in, “Quarterly fudget” and “Out of our fudget” and “Won’t fudge.”
  • *fug* → *fudge*: As in, “Taking refudge” and “An escaped fudge-itive.
  • Easter: Since Easter is a holiday that is largely dependent on chocolate, we’ve got some Easter-related puns here that could double as chocolate puns in the right context:
    • Easier → Easter: As in, “Easter said than done” and “Making a tough job easter.”
    • Aster* → Easter*: Easterisk (asterisk) and easteroid (asteroid).
    • *ister → *easter: As in, “Don’t forget to regeaster” and “Admineaster the medication” and “A sineaster environment” and “Mineaster for health.”
    • Ast* → Easter*: Easteringent (astringent), Easteronomy (astronomy), Easterology (astrology) and Easteronaut (astronaut).
    • *est → *easter: As in, “Evil manifeaster” and “Out of intereaster” and “Deep in the foreaster” and “What do you suggeaster?” and “A modeaster proposal.”
  • Egg: Since chocolate eggs are a wildly popular (especially through Easter) treat, we’ve included egg-related puns here (we also have a full list of egg puns):
    • Beg → Egg: As in, “Egg a favour” and “Egg the question” and “I egg to differ” and “Egg, borrow or steal” and “I egg your pardon?” and “Sit up and egg.”
    • *ig* → *egg*: We can swap “ig” sounds for “egg” sounds, as in, “Keep on degging (digging)” and “Eggnorance is not bliss” and “You can’t eggnore it forever” and “Choosing to remain eggnorant” and “Eggnite your passion.”
    • *ec* → *egg*: As in, “New teggnology” and “Change the subjeggt” and “Be objeggtive” and “High seggurity” and “An effeggtive technique” and “Solar egglipse.” Other words you could use: seggular (secular), feggless (feckless), egglectic (eclectic), eggonomy (economy), eggo (echo), eggology (ecology) and eggstatic (ecstatic).
    • *eg* → *egg*: We can sneak the word “egg” into words that have similar sounds, like so: “Get a legg on” and “Neggative results” and “Had you pegged as…” and “I begg to differ” and “Where do I beggin?” Other words that could work: leggacy, eggocentric, nutmegg, bootlegg, dregg and integgrity.
  • Must → Mousse-t: As in, “All things mousse-t pass” and “All good things mousse-t come to an end” and “Everything mousse-t go!” and “Into every life a little rain mousse-t fall” and “A mousse-t have” and “The shoe mousse-t go on” and “What can’t be cured mousse-t be endured” and “What goes up mousse-t come down” and “You mousse-t be joking!” and “I mousse-t say…”
  • Most → Mousse-t: As in, “Mousse-t wanted” and “Make the mousse-t of it” and “The mousse-t trusted name in news” and “For the mousse-t part.”
  • Mass → Mousse: As in, “Body mousse index” and “Mousse hysteria” and “Weapons of mousse destruction” and “Consuming mousse quantities.”
  • Mouse → Mousse: As in, “Quiet as a mousse” and “A cat and mousse game.”
  • Moose → Mousse
  • For plenty of other mousse puns, see our cake pun list.
  • It’s a wrap → It’s syrup (this one is very specific and refers to chocolate syrup.)
  • Nib: Nibs are cocoa beans that have been roasted and then cracked into smaller pieces. Here are some related puns:
    • *nab* → *nib*: Amenible (amenable), untenible (untenable), sustainible (sustainable), reasonible (reasonable) and sustainibility (sustainability).
    • Inebriated → Inibriated
    • Nobility → Nibility
    • Anybody → Anibody
  • Sweet → Semisweet: As in, “Ain’t she semisweet?” and “America’s semisweetheart” and “Semisweet as a nut” and “Childhood semisweetheart” and “Home semisweet home” and “Revenge is semisweet” and “Short and semisweet” and “Semisweet dreams.” Note: semisweet is a category or type of chocolate.
  • Dark: These next few puns are about dark chocolate (and here’s a dark chocolate recipe to try!):
    • Duck → Dark: As in, “Dark the question” and “Darking and diving” and “Lord love a dark.”
    • Dakota → Darkota
    • *dec* → *dark*: As in, “Suffering a darkline (decline)” and “Royal darkree (decree)” and “Darkadent dessert” and “Dust and darkay” and “Follow social darkorum.”
    • *dic → *dark: Sporadark (sporadic), orthopedark (orthopedic), medark (medic), nomadark (nomadic), periodark (periodic), acidark (acidic), episodark (episodic), darktionary (dictionary), predarkament (predicament), indarkate (indicate), vindarkate (vindicate) and dedarkate (dedicate).
    • *doc* → *dark*: As in, “Is there a darktor in the building?” and “Political darktrine” and “A black and white darkument” and “Dominion is an important darkumentary.” Other words that could work: darkumentation (documentation) and edarkation (education).
  • White: These next few puns are in reference to white chocolate (and here’s a tasty looking white chocolate recipe to try):
    • What → White: As in, “And white not” and “Do white comes naturally” and “For white it’s worth” and “Guess white?” and “White’s going on here then?” and “I’ll have white she’s having” and “It’s not white you think” and “White a feeling” and “So white?” and “White are friends for?” and “White a wonderful world” and “White becomes of the broken-hearted?” and “White can’t be cured must be endured.”
    • Write → White: As in, “Nothing to white home about” and “A white off.”
    • Right → White: As in, “A move in the white direction” and “A woman’s white to choose” and “All the white moves” and “Animal whites” and “White as rain” and “Bang to whites” and “Barge white in” and “Bragging whites.”
    • Rite → White: As in, “Last whites” and “White of passage.”
    • *what* → *white*: Whitever (whatever), whitesoever (whatsoever), whitenot (whatnot) and somewhite (somewhat).
  • You be → Ruby: “Will ruby using this space?” and “Will ruby going to the shops later?” Ruby chocolate is a new type of chocolate that was released late 2017.
  • Almond: Almonds can be added to chocolate and chocolate can be made from almond milk, so we’ve got a few almond puns here:
    • *ommend* → *almond*: As in, “I highly recalmond (recommend)” and “Your work is calmondable.”
    • Amend* → Almond*: As in, “The 13th almondment is a lie” and “You’ll have to almond that document” and “They’re almonding it now.”
  • Aren’t you → Orange you: As in “Orange you glad to see me?” Note: this is a reference to orange flavoured chocolates.
  • Straw → Strawberry: As in, “The last strawberry” and “Clutching at strawberries.” (note: this is a reference to strawberry flavoured chocolates, or chocolate-dipped strawberries. )
  • Paste: Chocolate paste is used as a spread and a filling and is very popular, so we’ve got some paste- related puns here (and here’s a chocolate paste recipe!):
    • Past → Paste: As in, “Blast from the paste” and “Wouldn’t put it paste them” and “I’m paste caring” and “Paste its sell-by date” and “The distant paste” and “Ghost from your paste” and “Quarter paste four.”
    • Post → Paste: As in, “I’ll keep you pasted” and “Pipped at the paste” and “Paster boy.” Note: to be pipped at the post is to be overcome at the final moment or by a very small gap.
    • *past* → *paste*: As in, “A paste-oral scene” and “Flaky pastery” and “Out in the paste-ure.” Other words that could work: paste-or (pastor), paste-a (pasta) and paste-l (pastel).
    • *pest* → *paste*: As in, “Famine and paste-ilence” and “Stop paste-ering me!” and “Toxic paste-icide.” Other words that could work: tempaste (tempest), deepaste (deepest), cheapaste (cheapest) and tapaste-try (tapestry).
    • *pist* → *paste*: Philanthropaste (philanthropist), therapaste (therapist) and escapaste (escapist)
    • *post* → *paste*: As in, “For pasterity (posterity)” and “Pastepone a date” and “Hunched paste-ure (posture)” and “A pastehumous award.” Other words that could work: pasterior (posterior), compaste (compost), outpaste (outpost), signpaste (signpost), lamppaste (lamppost), goalpaste (goalpost) and prepasterous (preposterous).
  • Fondant: Fondant is a type of sugar dough that’s used as icing or decoration for desserts and is commonly either found in small chocolates or are chocolate flavoured. These puns are specific to fondant:
    • *ondent → *fondant: As in, “Feeling desfondant (despondent)” and “News corresfondant (correspondent).”
    • Fun → Fondant: As in, “All fondant and games until someone loses and eye” and “A bundle of fondant” and “Double the pleasure, double the fondant” and “Girls just want to have fondant” and “Good, clean fondant” and “Make fondant of” and “Time flies when you’re having fondant.”
  • Baking: Baking chocolate is a type of unsweetened chocolate that is made and used specifically for cooking. Here are some relevant puns:
    • Aching → Baking: As in, “My baking head” and “My heart is baking.”
    • Breaking → Baking: “Baking and entering” and “Baking news” and “You’re baking my heart” and “Ground-baking” and “Heart-baking.”
  • Cream: Chocolate can be filled with cream or used as a flavouring for cream, so we’ve included a few cream-related puns:
    • Crime → Cream: As in, “Cream and punishment” and “Cream against nature” and “Cream doesn’t pay” and “A cream of passion” and “If you can’t do the time, don’t do the cream” and “Partners in cream” and “The perfect cream” and “A victimless cream.”
    • Dream → Cream: As in, “I have a cream” and “Beyond my wildest creams” and “Broken creams” and “Cream on” and “Cream big” and “A cream come true” and “I wouldn’t cream of it” and “In your creams.”
    • *crim* → *cream*: As in, “Smooth creaminal” and “Blushing creamson” and “Don’t discreaminate against” and “Racial discreamination.”
    • *crem* → *cream*: creamation (cremation), creamate (cremate), increamental (incremental), increament (increment) and increamentally (incrementally).
  • Tamper → Temper: As in, “Tempering with evidence” and “Bad temper.” Note: to temper chocolate is to increase the shine and durability of it by heat treating it.

This section is dedicated to the different brands, names and manufacturers of chocolate:

  • Twix: Twix is a chocolate consisting of a biscuit base topped with caramel and then covered in chocolate sold in the UK, US and Australia. Here are related puns (and here’s a recipe for your own homemade Twix bars):
    • Tricks → Twix: As in, “Bag of twix” and “Dirty twix” and “That does the twix” and “Every twix in the book” and “How’s twix?” and “Never misses a twix” and “One twix pony” and “A twix of the light” and “Twix or treat” and “Twix of the trade” and “Up to your old twix” and “Teaching an old dog new twix.”
    • Ticks → Twix: As in, “Twix all the right boxes.”
    • Pixel → Twixel: As in, “Twixel perfect.”
  • Reese’s: This is a peanut butter and chocolate treat produced by Hershey. Here are related puns (and here’s a tasty-looking recipe for you to make your own peanut butter cups at home):
    • *res* → *reese*: As in, “Reese-search assistant” and “Steely reese‘olve” and “Give reese‘pects to” and “Hand in your reese‘ume” and “Reese‘ume your activities” and “A diplomatic reese‘ponse” and “Reese’ist arrest” and “At rees‘t.” Other words that could work: reese‘ilient (resilient), reese’olution (resolution), reese’cind (rescind), reese‘ilience (resilience), intereese‘t (interest), preese‘nt (present).
    • *ris* → *reese*: As in, “Social awareness is one the reese (rise)” and “Is it worth the reese’k?” and “Reese’que (risque) photos” and “Mushroom reese‘otto.” Other words that could work: hubreese (hubris), ireese (iris), debreese (debris), clitoreese (clitoris), Pareese (Paris), areese (arise) and heureesetic (heuristic). Note: hubris is pride or arrogance and a heuristic is an approach to solving a problem.
    • *rac* → *reese*: As in, “Stinking of reese’ism (racism)” and “Reese’ing heartbeat” and “Reese’y lingerie.”
    • *rec* → *reese*: As in, “Digital reese‘iept (receipt)” and “Break for reese‘ess” and “Gratefully reese‘ieved” and “Your contribution is appreese’iated.”
    • Capricious → Capreese‘ious: (note: if someone is capricious, they are impulsive and unpredictable)
    • *reas* → *reese*: As in, “Give me a good reese‘on” and “I can’t reese‘onably doubt that” and “Within a reese‘onable timeframe” and “Increese‘ing chances.” Other words that could work: pancreese (pancreas), creese (crease), treese‘on (treason), greese (grease), decreese (decrease).
  • Sneakers → Snickers (Note: Snickers bars are a popular chocolate that has peanuts and nougat in it. Here is an incredible looking Snickers recipe for you to try.)
  • Bury → Cadbury: As in, “Cadbury the hatchet” and “Cadbury your head in the sand” and “Cadbury yourself in work.” Note: Cadbury is a British confectionary best known for their chocolates (like Freddo Frogs and Caramello Koalas)
  • Mars: Mars bars are chocolate bars with a nougat base that’s topped with a caramel layer then coated in chocolate. Here are related puns (and here’s a Mars bar recipe for you to try):
    • Bars → Mars: As in, “Behind mars.”
    • *mas* → *mars*: As in, “Lord and marster” and “Behind a marsk” and “Ship’s marst” and “Marssive misunderstanding.”
    • *mas* → *mars*: As in, “Booked a marssage” and “Marsquerade ball” and “Night before Christmars” and “Fuzzy pyjamars.”
    • *maz* → *mars*: As in, “Amarsing job!” and “Ordered from Amarson.”
    • *mis* → *mars*: As in, “Optimars your life” and “Customars your purchase.” Other words that could work: epitomars (epitomise), optimarsation (optimisation), minimars (minimise), maximars (maximise) and atomars (atomise).
    • *mus* → *mars*: As in, “All marscle” and “As much as you can marster” and “Magic marshrooms” and “If you marst.” Other words that could work: marstard (mustard), marslin (muslin) and marseum (museum).
  • Bounty: This is bar of coconut covered in milk or dark chocolate, depending on the variety. Related puns abounty (abound. And here’s a Bounty recipe for you to have a go at):
  • Bound → Bounty: As in, “By leaps and bountys” and “Duty bounty” and “Honour bounty” and “Muscle bounty.” Note: Bounty is a bar of coconut covered in milk or dark chocolate, depending on the variety (here’s a Bounty recipe for you to have a go at)
  • Kitkat: Kitkats are a chocolate-covered wafer bar manufactured by Nestle that are available in different varieties (milk, dark, white, green tea. And here’s a Kitkat recipe you might like).
    • Kit → Kitkat: As in, “Get your kitkat off” and “Kitkat and caboodle” and “A serious bit of kitkat.” Note: to have “the whole kit and caboodle” is to have everything.
    • Cat → Kitkat: As in, “Kitkat on a hot tin roof” and “Kitkat got your tongue?” and “Kitkats have nine lives” and “A kitkat in hell’s chance” and “Cool kitkat” and “Curiousity killed the kitkat” and “Let the kitkat out of the bag.”
    • Kettle → Kitkattle: As in, “The pot calling the kitkattle black” and “A different kitkattle of fish” and “Put the kitkattle on.”
    • *cat* → *kitkat*: As in, “Nice kitkatch (catch)!” and “Not in this kitkategory” and “Kitkater to you” and “A major kitkatastrophe.”
  • Lindt: Lindt is a Swiss chocolate company best known for their chocolate truffles. Here are some lindt-related jokes for you to use:
    • *lit* → *lindt*: As in, “In the lindterature” and “Yes, lindterally” and “A lindtany of problems” and “Kitty lindter” and “A lindteral translation of” and “Lindtigation issues” and “Splindt both ways” and “A sunlindt room.” Other words that could work: moonlindt (moonlit), twilindt (twilit), facilindtate (facilitate), facilindty (facility), qualindty (quality), humilindty (humility), liabilindty (liability), polindtics (politics), realindty (reality) and accountabilindty (accountability).
    • *lant* → *lindt*: As in, “Petulindt tone” and “Remain vigilindt” and “A gallindt horse” and “Surgical implindt.” Other words that could work: transplindt (transplant), assailindt (assailant), philindthropy (philanthropy), nonchalindt (nonchalant) and lindtern (lantern).
    • *lent* → *lindt*: As in, “Malevolindt actions” and “Ambivalindt feelings.” Other words that could work: benevolindt (benevolent), prevalindt (prevalent), equivalindt (equivalent), talindt (talent), excellindt (excellent) and insolindt (insolent).
    • *lunt* → *lindt*: Volindteer (volunteer), volindtary (voluntary), involindtary (involuntary), volindtarily (voluntarily) and volindteering (volunteering).
  • Rolo: Rolos are small cylindrical chocolates with a caramel centre. We’ve got some rolo-related puns here (and a rolo recipe that you might enjoy):
    • Roll → Rolo: As in, “I wanna rock and rolo all night” and “Let the good times rolo” and “On a rolo” and “Ready to rolo” and “Rolo off the tongue” and “Rolo out the red carpet” and “Rolo up your sleeves” and “Rolo with the punches” and “Stop, drop and rolo.”
    • Roller → Rolo: As in, “Emotional rolo coaster” and “High rolo.”
    • Role → Rolo: As in, “A starring rolo” and “What’s your rolo in the company?”
    • *ral → *rolo: As in, “In generolo” and “Integrolo to the team” and “A viscerolo reaction.” Other words that could work: naturolo (natural), ephemerolo (ephemeral), morolo (moral), collaterolo (collateral), liberolo (liberal), peripherolo (peripheral) and temporolo (temporal). Notes: if something is visceral, then it’s to do with internal organs, or a bodily response. Ephemeral means to last for only a short while.
    • *rel → *rolo: Squirrolo (squirrel), barrolo (barrel), apparolo (apparel), quarrolo (quarrel), laurolo (laurel), scoundrolo (scoundrel) and mongrolo (mongrel).
    • *rol* → *rolo*: As in, “Losing controlo” and “On patrolo” and “Enrolo in your course” and “Christmas carolos” and “Low cholesterolo” and “Low on petrolo.”
    • *rela* → *rolo*: As in, “My rolotives are visiting” and “In rolotion to” and “A rocky rolotionship” and “Highly rolotable” and “Rolotively common” and “In corrolotion with” and “That doesn’t corrolote.”
    • *roll* → *rolo*: Trolo (troll), drolo (droll), strolo, enrolo, scrolo, payrolo, bankrolo and steamrolo. Note: if something is droll then it’s funny.
    • *role → *rolo: As in, “Up for parolo” and “The whole rigmarolo” and “Eggplant casserolo.” Note: a rigmarole is an unnecessarily complex procedure.
  • Picnic: Picnics are chocolate bars that consist of nougat, caramel, biscuit, puffed rice and peanuts covered in milk chocolate. Here are some related puns for you (and a picnic recipe you might like to try):
    • Pick → Picnic: As in, “I’ve got a bone to picnic with you” and “Cherry picnic” and “Easy picnic-ings” and “Hand picnic-ed” and “Picnic a card, any card” and “Picnic a fight” and “Picnic and choose” and “Picnic holes in” and “Picnic me up” and “Picnic of the bunch” and “Picnic off one by one.”
    • Picnic: These picnic-related phrases are general enough to work as chocolate puns in the right context: “A few sandwiches short of a picnic” and “It’s no picnic.”
    • *pic → *picnic: As in, “An epicnic tale” and “That’s off-topicnic” and “Philanthropicnic gestures.” A couple of other words that could work: myopicnic (myopic) and misanthropicnic (misanthropic)
    • Nic* → Pic-nic*: Pic-nickel (nickel), pic-nickname (nickname), pic-nickelback and pic-nickleodeon.
  • Haigh’s: Haigh’s is an Australian chocolate company, so we’ve included some related puns:
    • Hey → Haigh: As in, “Heigh big spender” and “Haigh good lookin'” and “Haigh presto!”
    • Hay → Haigh: As in, “Go haighwire” and “Like looking for a needle in a haighstack” and “Make haigh while the sun shines” and “Roll in the haigh.”
    • High → Haigh: As in, “Ain’t no mountain haigh enough” and “An all-time haigh” and “Haigh as a kite” and “Come hell or haigh water” and “Flying haigh” and “Get off your haigh horse” and “Haigh and dry” and “Haigh and mighty” and “Haigh five” and “Haigh maintenance” and “Haigh minded” and “It’s haigh time that…” and “Hold your head up haigh” and “Searching haigh and low.”
  • Nestle: Nestle is a food and drink company that manufactures popular chocolates like Milky Bars, Kitkats and Smarties, so we’ve included some related puns here:
    • Nest → Nestle: As in, “A nestle of vipers” and “Empty nestle syndrome” and “Feather your nestle” and “Leave the nestle” and “Love nestle” and “Nestle egg” and “Stir up a hornet’s nestle.”
    • *nest → *nestle: As in, “In earnestle (earnest)” and “To be completely honestle” and “A dishonestle salesperson” and “Bring me your finestle orange juice” and “The soonestle flight.”
  • Crunchie: Crunchies are a bar of honeycomb toffee coated in milk chocolate. Here are some related puns (and a Crunchie recipe for you to enjoy!):
    • Crunch → Crunchie: As in, “Crunchie time” and “Number crunchie” and “When it comes to the crunchie.”
    • Munchie → Crunchie: As in, “The midnight crunchies.”
    • Scrunch → Crunchie: As in, “Crunchie up your face in agony.”
  • Aero: Aero is a chocolate made by Nestle that has a bubbly, airy texture. Here are some related puns:
    • *aro* → *aero*: As in, “They’re not aeround anymore” and “Aerouse your interest” and “A tantalising aeroma.” Other words that could work: aerose (arose), aeromatic (aromatic), aeromatherapy (aromatherapy), aeromantic (aromantic), paerody (parody) and caerousel (carousel).
    • *ero* → *aero*: “Land aerosion” and “Aerotic show” and “Aeroded trust” and “Aerogenous zones” and “Don’t be a haero (hero).” Other words that could work: zaero (zero), onaerous (onerous), prepostaerous (preposterous), genaerous (generous), daerogatory (derogatory) and treachaerous (treacherous).
  • Kisses: Hershey’s kisses are small, bite-sized chocolates in a teardrop shape. We’ve got some related puns for you here (and a Kisses recipe too!):
    • Kisses: These kiss-related phrases are general enough to use as puns: “Air kisses” and “French kisses” and “Kisses of life” and “Save your kisses for me” and “Hugs and kisses.”
    • *cus → *kiss/es: As in, “Don’t lose fokiss (focus)” and “Lokiss of control (locus)” and “Filled with mukiss (mucus).” Other words you could use: caukiss (caucus), cirkiss/es (circus/es), abakiss (abacus), hibiskiss (hibiscus), hokiss (hocus).
  • Dove: This is known as a Galaxy bar in the UK, Ireland and India and is made by Mars. Here are related puns for you to play with:
    • Love → Dove: As in, “Addicted to dove” and “All you need it dove” and “All’s fair in dove and war” and “I dove her” and “Brotherly dove” and “Can you feel the dove tonight?” and “Crazy in dove” and “Fall in dove” and “For dove or money” and “Hungry for dove.”
    • Dive → Dove: As in, “Deep dove” and “Crash dove” and “Take a dove” and “Dove right in.”
    • Dave → Dove
    • *dav* → *dove*: Affidove-it (affidavit) and cadover (cadaver). Note: an affidavit is a signed document that contains a sworn statement.
    • *dev* → *dove*: As in, “In dovelopment” and “The best we’ve doveloped” and “The dove-il is in the details” and “A dove-iation from the norm.” Other words you could use are: dovelop (develop), dove-ise (devise), dove-oid (devoid), dove-olve (devolve), dove-ious (devious) and dove-iate (deviate).
    • *div* → *dove*: As in, “A doverse society” and “Value in doversity” and “To forgive is dove-ine” and “Controversial issues causing dove-ision” and “Up to each indove-idual.”
  • Joy → Almond Joy: As in, “Beside myself with almond joys” and “A bundle of almond joy” and “Almond joys to the world” and “Jump for almond joy” and “Pride and almond joy.” Note: Almond Joys are a bar similar to the Bounty bar – a little slab of coconut topped with two almonds and covered in milk chocolate. Here’s a recipe for you to make your own Almond Joys at home.
  • Boost: This is a round, milk chocolate bar that’s filled with caramel and biscuit. Here are related puns:
    • Best → Boost: As in, “All the boost” and “Your boost record” and “Be the boost you can be” and “Boost friend” and “Boost in class” and “Do your level boost” and “Doing what we do boost.”
    • Boost: These boost-related phrases are general enough to use as puns in the right context: “Booster shot” and “Ego boost” and “Give me a boost.”
    • Bust → Boost: As in, “Boost a move” and “Boost someone’s ass” and “Gone boost” and “Hustle and boostle.”
    • *bast* → *boost*: boostion (bastion), boostard (bastard), booste (baste), bomboostic (bombastic) and alabooster (alabaster).
    • Bestow → Boostow
    • Boston → Booston
    • *bust* → *boost*: As in, “A roboost relationship” and “Blockbooster sellout.” Other words that could work: comboost (combust) and comboostion (combustion).
  • Cherry Ripe: Cherry ripes are thin bars of cherry and coconut coated in dark chocolate. Here are some related puns to play with (and a recipe to try!):
    • Cherry → Cherry Ripe: As in, “A second bite of the cherry ripe” and “The cherry ripe on the cake” and “Life is just a bowl of cherry ripes” and “The cherry ripe on top.”
  • Chomp: Chomp bars are a mix of wafer and caramel that’s then coated in milk chocolate. We have a few chomp-related puns here for you:
    • Jump → Chomp: As in, “Bungee chomp“and “Get the chomp on” and “Hop, skip and chomp” and “Go chomp in a lake” and “Chomp at the chance” and “Don’t chomp down my throat” and “Chomp for joy” and “Chomp in with both feet” and “Chomp out of your skin” and “Chomp the gun” and “One chomp ahead of” and “Take a running chomp.”
    • Champ → Chomp: As in, “Chomp at the bit” and “The people’s chomp” and “The reigning chomp.”
    • Chump → Chomp: As in, “Chomp change” and “Like a chomp.”
    • Champ* → Chomp*: As in, “Reigning chompion” and “Expensive chompagne” and “In for the chompionship.”
    • *comp* → *chomp*: As in, “Two’s chompany, three’s a crowd” and “Chomplementing colours” and “Catcalling is not a chompliment” and “Chomplex issues” and “Learn to chompromise” and “Chompound problems.” Other words that could work: chomprehensive (comprehensive), chomprise (comprise), chomputer (computer) and chomplicit (complicit).
  • Daim: Daim bars are a Swedish candy with almond and caramel covered in milk chocolate. Here are some Daim-related puns for you to play with (and a recipe to try):
    • Damn → Daim: As in, “Daim straight” and “Daimed if you do, daimed if you don’t” and “Frankly my dear, I don’t give a daim” and “I’ll be daimed” and “One daim thing after another” and “Daim by association” and “Pretty daim quick.”
    • Them → Daim: As in, “Don’t encourage daim” and “How do you like daim apples?” and “I call daim as I see em” and “Let daim eat cake” and “Seen one, seen daim all” and “Us versus daim” and “You can’t win daim all.”
    • Dim → Daim: As in, “A daim view” and “Daim bulb” and “The daim and distant past.”
    • *dam* → *daim*: As in, “What’s the daimage?” and “Daimp, dark cave” and “Pay for the daimages” and “Daimpen their spirits”and “Fundaimental principles.” Other words that could work: adaimant (adamant), Amsterdaim (Amsterdam), Adaim (Adam), madaim (madam) and daimask (damask). Note: damask is a type of silk.
    • *dem* → *daim*: As in, “In daimand” and “The villain’s daimise” and “Sullen daimeanour” and “Let me daimonstrate.” Other words that could work: daimocracy (democracy), daimentia (dementia), daimographic (demographic), tandaim (tandem), diadaim (diadem) and condaimn (condemn).
    • *dim* → *daim*: “A whole new daimension” and “Daiminish your joy” and “Two daimensional” and “A daiminuitive person.” Other words you could try: impedaiment (impediment), rudaimentary (rudimentary), embodaiment (embodiment) and condaiment (condiment).
    • *dom* → *daim*: As in, “Not your daimain” and “Daimestic chores” and “Daiminion is an important documentary” and “Daiminant personalities” and “Falling like daiminoes.” Other words you could use: daiminance (dominance), wisdaim (wisdom), freedaim (freedom), randaim (random), kingdaim (kingdom), seldaim (seldom), boredaim (boredom) and condaim (condom).
  • Dream: Dream is a white chocolate bar manufactured by Cadbury. Here are some silly Dream-related puns you can use (and a recipe for white chocolate you can try):
    • Deem → Dream: As in, “Do you dream it sufficient?” and “Redream yourself.”
    • Team → Dream: As in, “Dream player” and “Take one for the dream” and “Dream spirit” and “Together we make a great dream.”
    • Cream → Dream: As in, “Dream always rises to the top” and “Dream of the crop” and “Dream puff” and “Dreamy, smooth, refreshing” and “Skin like peaches and dream.”
    • Seams → Dream: As in, “Bulging at the dreams” and “Bursting at the dreams” and “Fall apart at the dreams.”
    • Stream → Dream: As in, “Fresh as a mountain dream” and “Fast internet dreaming.”
    • *dem* → *dream*: As in, “List of dreamands” and “Met their dreamise” and “A sullen dreameanour” and “Onset of dreamentia” and “Let me dreamonstrate” and “Know your dreamographic.”
    • *dram* → *dream*: As in, “Being dreamatic” and “Dreamatically announced” and “Filled with melodreama.”
  • Flake: Flakes are a chocolate bar made of thinly folded and layered milk chocolate. We’ve included some related puns here for you:
    • Fake → Flake: As in, “Flake it till you make it” and “Flake friends” and “Flake branded goods.”
    • Fleck → Flake: As in, “A flake of dust” and “Small flakes of gold.”
    • *flec* → *flake*: As in, “Flaked with gold” and “Vocal inflake-tion” and “An honest reflake-tion” and “Deflake-t an argument” and “Reflake-tive of your actions.”
    • *flic* → *flake*: As in, “Global conflake-t” and “Mental afflake-tion” and “Inflake-t pain” and “Feeling conflake-ted.”
  • More → Moro: As in, “Bite off moro than you can chew” and “Come back for moro” and “Dare for moro” and “A few dollars moro” and “Couldn’t agree moro” and “Less is moro” and “One moro thing” and “Moro or less.” Note: A Moro bar is a caramel and nougat layered chocolate bar.
  • Writer → Ritter: As in, “Paperback ritter” and “Ritter’s cramp.” Note: Ritter Sport is a brand of chocolate.
  • S’mores: A s’more is a snack consisting of layers of graham cracker, chocolate and marshmallow and is typically heated slightly until the chocolate and marshmallow are melted slightly before eating. Hershey’s has a s’mores flavoured candy bar, so we’ve got s’more puns here for you to enjoy (and a recipe you might like):
    • More → S’more: As in, “Bite off s’more than you can chew” and “Come back for s’more” and “Dare for s’more” and “One s’more time” and “For a few dollars s’more” and “Couldn’t agree s’more” and “One s’more thing” and “Less is s’more” and “S’more money than sense.”
    • Score → S’more: As in, “Know the s’more” and “S’more a goal” and “A s’more to settle.”
    • Some more → S’more: “Would you like s’more?”
    • Mor* → S’more*: As in, “A s’more-ose expression” and “Paying the s’more-gage” and “Brick and s’moretar store” and “Stop, you s’more-on (moron).” Other words that could work: s’more-al (moral), s’more-phology (morphology), s’more-bid (morbid), s’more-ale (morale), s’more-over (moreover) and s’moreso (moreso).
  • Time → Time out: As in, “One more time out” and “A brief history of time out” and “A good time out was had by all” and “At time outs like this…” Note: a Time Out is a chocolate bar made by Cadbury.
  • Top Deck: Top Decks are a type of chocolate bar made of a milk chocolate base and white chocolate tops. Here are some related puns (and a top deck-related recipe for you to try):
    • Top → Top Deck: As in, “Blow your top deck” and “Come out on top deck” and “Cream always rises to the top deck” and “From top deck to toe” and “Go over the top deck.”
    • Deck → Top Deck: As in, “All hands on top deck” and “Clear the top decks” and “A top deck of cards” and “Hit the top deck.”
  • Smart → Smarties: As in, “Smartie thinking” and “Smartie enough” and “One smartie cookie” and “Quick smartie” and “Smartie arse” and “Street smartie” and “Smartie casual.”

Note: if you’d like further information about the dairy industry or avoiding dairy in your diet and lifestyle, the documentary Dominion is a great place to start. For further information on other animal industries and support in starting your own vegan lifestyle, Earthling Ed’s videos are a great source of information, as are the vegan and animal rights subreddits. Vegan chocolate options are also just a quick google away (and you’ll find lots of “accidentally” vegan chocolate in any grocery store). There are also dairy-free alternatives to some of the most common/popular chocolate bars.

Chocolate-Related Words

To help you come up with your own chocolate puns, here’s a list of related words to get you on your way. If you come up with any new puns or related words, please feel free to share them in the comments!

general: chocolate, choc, milk, dark, white, ruby, bar, dairy, candy, sweet, confectionary, family bar, belgium, bite, hot chocolate, chips, block, egg, truffle, couverture, fondue, mousse, syrup, fudge, mint, hazelnut, almond, coffee, orange, strawberry, caramel, peanut butter, nuts, ganache, praline, fruit and nut, rocky road, cocoa, cocoa bean, cocoa butter, cacao, nibs, semisweet, bitter, bittersweet, raw chocolate, compound, modeling, paste, fondant, easter, chocolatier, dipped, melt, valentine, dessert, fair trade, organic, snack, baking, cream, brownie, brown, theobroma, temper, tempering/tempered

names: twix, snickers, mars, bounty, milky way, kitkat, rolo, picnic, toblerone, guylian, lindt, cadbury, ferrero rocher, reese’s, haigh’s, koko black, nestle, crunchie, aero, hershey’s, m&m’s, crunch, malteser, kisses, dove, freddo frog, caramello koala, kinder surprise, almond joy, baby ruth, boost, cherry ripe, chokito, chomp, curly wurly, daim, dream, flake, kinder bueno, lindor, milky bar, moro, ritter, smores, tim tam, time out, top deck, twirl, wonka bar, smarties

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