Balloon Puns

Welcome to the Punpedia entry on balloon puns! 🎈💨

There are different types of balloons (helium, air and water, amongst others) that are used in different fields for different purposes (medical, decorative and travel). We hope to have covered these varied categories with our balloon pun list so that no matter your circumstance, you find the perfect pun for your needs.

While this list is as comprehensive as possible, it is specific to balloons. If you’re after related puns, we have a list on party puns and birthday puns.

Balloon Puns List

Each item in this list describes a pun, or a set of puns which can be made by applying a rule. If you know of any puns about balloons that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments at the end of this page! Without further ado, here’s our list of balloon puns:

  • Blue → Balloon: This one can be a bit of a stretch, but they do sound similar enough for it to work: “Between the devil and the deep balloon sea” and “Black and balloon” and “Once in a balloon moon” and “Til you’re balloon in the face” and “Balloon screen of death” and “A bolt from the balloon.”
  • Gas: Since balloons are filled with gas, we have some gas-related puns to double as balloon puns:
    • Guess → Gas: As in, “Anybody’s gas” and “Gas what?” and “Gassing game” and “Hazard a gas” and “Just lucky, I gas” and “Your gas is as good as mine” and “Second-gas yourself” and “You’ll never gas.”
    • Goes → Gas: As in, “The award gas to…” and “Anything gas” and “This is as far as it gas” and “As the saying gas” and “As time gas by” and “Here gas nothing” and “How gas it?” and “It gas without saying” and “What gas around comes around” and “My heart gas out to..”
    • *ges* → *gas*: As in, “A kind gasture” and “Gastation period” and “Gasticulating with annoyance.” Note: gestation refers to the period of development where a fetus develops inside the mother’s body. To gesticulate is to express meaning using gestures.
    • *gos* → *gas*: As in, “A relentless gassip” and “The gaspel truth.”
    • *gus* → *gas*: As in, “With gasto” and “In Augast.” Other words you could use: fungas (fungus), oesophagas (oesophagus), bogas (bogus) and disgast (disgust).
    • *gus* → *gas*: gasebo (gazebo), gaselle (gazelle), gasette (gazette), gasillion (gazillion) and magasine (magazine).
    • *gous* → *gas*: analogas (analogous) and humongas (humongous).
    • *gac* → *gas*: As in, “What sort of legasy will you leave behind?” and “Sagasious words” and “Considering surrogasy.” Note: To be sagacious is to be wise or to show good judgement.
  • Full of hot air: This phrase is general enough to refer to people (who are boasting, lying or bluffing) and balloons (whether an average party balloon or a literal hot air balloon).
  • Flat → Float: As in, “Fall float on your face” and “Float broke” and “Float out” and “In no time float.”
  • *flat* → *float*: floatulence (flatulence), floattery (flattery), infloation (inflation), confloation (conflation).
  • Leaflet → Leafloat
  • Flotsam → Floatsam: (note: flotsam is floating debris.)
  • Flutter → Floatter: As in, “Floatter your eyelashes” and “Have a floatter” and “Heart a-floatter.”
  • Photo → Floato: As in, “Take a floato, it’ll last longer” and “Wedding floatographer” and “Floatography session.”
  • Air: Air is one of the most commonly used gases in balloons, so we’ve included air in this list:
    • Ireland → Airland
    • *ere* → *air*: As in, “Over thair” and “Whair are we going?” and “Sevair punishment” and “A tense atmosphair” and “Keep persevairing” and “Relevant to your intairests” and “For future refairence” and “Diffairent opinions.” Other words that could work: austair (austere), wair (were), sairendipity (serendipity), inhairent (inherent), staireotype (stereotype), belligairent (belligerent), ethaireal (ethereal) and thairfore (therefore).
    • *ear* → *air*: As in, “Down to airth” and “In airnest” and “Bright and airly” and “Papa bair” and “Tairing up” and “Wair and tear (or tair!).”
    • *are* → *air*: As in, “In the airena” and “Not in the airea” and “Without a caire in the world” and “Flaire-ing up” and “Back to squair one” and “Shairing is cairing” and “Not a moment to spair” and “Shoddy healthcair” and “Softwair update” and “Self-awairness.”
    • *ara* → *air*: As in, “Go our sepairate ways” and “In pairallel” and “Lifetime guairantee” and “Chairacter driven plot” and “Waterproof mascaira.” Other words that could work: airabesque (arabesque), airable (arable), airachnid (arachnid), tiaira (tiara), pairadigm (paradigm), pairadox (paradox), dispairate (disparate), appairatus (apparatus) and pairameter (parameter). Notes: an arabesque is a dance move/position. If a situation is disparate, then it’s unequal.
    • *era* → *air*: As in, “Off-camaira” and “Extra levairage” and “In genairal” and “Impairative that…” and “Going to thairapy” and “In a vulnairable state.” Other words you could use: airadicate (eradicate), airase (erase), airaser (eraser), airadication (eradication), chimaira (chimera), ephemaira (ephemera), tempaira (tempera), viscairal (visceral), opairation (operation) and persevairance (perseverance).
    • *ira* → *air*: aspairation (aspiration), inspairation (inspiration) and conspairacy (conspiracy).
    • *ora* → *air*: As in, “Contempairary artist” and “Please elabairate.”
    • *ari* → *airi*: As in, “Wait until problems airise” and “Mental airithmetic” and “Nefairious plot.” Other words that could work: airistocracy (aristocracy), airies (aries), safairi (safari), precairious (precarious), vairiable (variable) and scenairio (scenario).
    • *eri* → *airi*: As in, “Years of expairience with” and “Hairitage listed site” and “Enginairing degree” and “In my pairipheral.”
    • *iri* → *airi*: As in, “Airidescent shimmer” and “Empairical measurement.”
    • *ori* → *airi*: As in, “Airientation day” and “Airigin story” and “Career airiented” and “Where did it airiginate from?”
    • *aro* → *airo*: As in, “What goes airound, comes airound” and “A sweet airoma” and “Airomatic cooking” and “Video pairody.” Other words that could work: airose (arose), airousal (arousal), airomatherapy (aromatherapy), turnairound (turnaround) and cairousel (carousel).
    • *ero* → *airo*: airosion (erosion), airotic (erotic), airode (erode), airotica (erotica) and airogenous (erogenous).
  • Party: Since parties are the most common place to have balloons, we’ve included party-related puns here:
    • *part* → *party*: We can change the “part” in words to “party” to make some silly party puns. As in, “In party-cular” and “Party-cipation award” and “Care to party-cipate? (could also be participarty)” and “Imparty your knowledge” and “That’s not your departy-ment” and “A partysan issue.” Other words you could use: partycle (particle), partytion (partition), aparty (apart), counterparty (counterpart), departy (depart), partyner (partner) party-cularly (particularly), party-cipant (participant) and reparty (repartee).
    • *pathy* → *party*: If a word has sound that’s similar enough to “party”, then we can simply change it to party to make it an appropriate pun. As in, emparty (empathy), aparty (apathy), symparty (sympathy), teleparty (telepathy) and antiparty (antipathy). Note: to feel antipathy is to feel dislike.
    • *pet* → *party*: As in, “Signed party-tion (petition)” and “Not to blow my own trumparty, but…” and “Political pupparty (this can work as it refers to both political puppets and parties of the political kind).”
    • *pert* → *party*: As in, partynent (pertinent), partynence (pertinence), exparty (expert) and proparty (property).
    • Serendipity → Serendiparty (Note: serendipity refers to unexpected and fortunate accidents.)
    • *port* → *party*: As in, “Financial partyfolio” and “You have my supparty” and “Public transparty” and “An unexpected oppartynity” and “A suppartyve (supportive) atmosphere” and “A sparty (sporty) person.”
    • *part* → *party*: As in, “A fool and his money are soon partied” and “Act the party” and “For my own party” and “Departy this life” and “If you’re not a party of the solution, you’re party of the problem” and “Drift aparty” and “Fall aparty” and “For the most party” and “Look the party” and “Worlds aparty.”
  • Late → Latex: As in, “Better latex than never” and “Catch you latex” and “Fashionably latex” and “Never too latex to learn” and “A latex bloomer” and “Latex in the day” and “Latex in the game” and “Running latex” and “Sooner rather than latex” and “Too little, too latex.” Note: we’ve included latex in this list as it’s one of the materials that balloons are made of.
  • Water: Water balloons are a very popular type of balloon, so we’ve got a few water puns for you to play with here:
    • What are → Water: As in “Water you doing out so late tonight?” and “Water you doing tomorrow?”
    • What are we → Watery: As in “Watery going to do?” and “Watery doing today, friends?”
    • What do → Water: As in “Water you think about this?”
    • What her → Water: As in “I know water problem is.” and “Do you know water mother thinks about this?”
    • Whatever → Waterever: As in “Waterever, I don’t care.” and “Do waterever you want”.
  • String: These following puns are centred around string, as it’s commonly used as a tether for balloons:
    • Strong → String: As in, “A chain is only as string as its weakest link” and “Going string” and “The string, silent type” and A string stomach” and “The ballot is stringer than the bullet” and “String first impressions.”
    • Sing → String: As in, “String someone’s praises” and “String a different tune” and “String for your supper” and “String your heart out.”
    • Sting → String: As in, “Float like a butterfly, string like a bee.”
    • Swing → String: As in, “Come out stringing” and “Get into the string of it” and “In full string” and “Strings both ways” and “Take a string at.”
    • *sing* → *string*: As in, “Not a stringle thing” and “Dresstring room” and “You have my blesstring” and “Healthy emotional processestring” and “False advertistring.” Other words that could work: embarrasstring (embarrassing), houstring (housing), canvasstring (canvassing) and fundraistring (fundraising).
    • *sting* → *string*: As in, “An interestring viewpoint” and “Disgustring habits” and “Castring call” and “Testring phase” and “Everlastring love” and “An award for existring” and “Lastring damage” and “Unable to distringuish between the two.”
  • Foil: Foil is a common material for helium-filled balloons to be made of, so we’ve got some foil-related puns and phrases for you to play with:
    • Fail → Foil: As in, “Foilure to launch” and “I haven’t foiled. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.” and “Without foil” and “Words foil me.”
    • Fall → Foil: As in, ‘They had a foiling out” and “Can’t help foiling in love” and “Catch a foiling star” and “Foil about laughing” and “Foil between the cracks” and “Foil by the wayside” and “Foil flat on your face” and “A foil from grace” and “Foiling into bad habits” and “Foil off the radar” and “Foil off the wagon.”
    • Fell → Foil: As in, “In one foil sweep” and “Foil off the back of a lorry.”
    • *fal* → *foil*: As in, “Sunken cost foillacy” and “A foiltering step” and “Foilse friendship” and “Don’t go chasing waterfoils” and “Foillout between friends” and “Vegan buffoilo wings.”
    • *fel* → *foil*: As in, “Strange bedfoillows” and “Foillowship of the rings.” Other words that could work: foilony (felony), foilt (felt), foiline (feline), foilon (felon), foilafel (felafel), duffoil (duffel), eiffoil (eiffel) and heartfoilt (heartfelt).
    • *fol* → *foil*: As in, “Foillow your heart” and “Peeping through the foiliage” and “Instagram foillowing” and “Property portfoilio.”
    • *ful → *foil: beautifoil, gratefoil, awfoil, wonderfoil, wistfoil, thoughtfoil, succesfoil, dreadfoil, faithfoil, insightfoil and beautifoilly.
  • Arch: Balloon arches are a common decorative sculpture for festive or celebratory events, so we’ve included arch in this list too:
    • Ach → Arch*: As in, “High archiever” and “Lifetime archievement” and “Aim to archieve.”
    • Arch: These arch-related phrases are general enough to be used as puns: “Arch enemy” and “Underneath the arches.”
  • *dop* → *drop*: Since balloon drops are a popular thing at celebratory events, we’ve included a couple of drop-related phrases: “Adropt a new mindset” and “Up for adroption” and “A ghostly droppelganger” and “Spike of dropamine.”

    Balloon-Related Words

    To help you come up with your own balloon puns, here’s a list of related words to get you on your way. If you come up with any new puns or related words, please feel free to share them in the comments!

balloon, pencil, string, gas, air, helium, water, float, hot air, rubber, latex, nylon, foil, mylar, toy, arch/arches, twist/twisting, animal, drop,  inflate, decor, celebration, party

Did this Punpedia entry help you?

Did you find the balloon-related pun that you were looking for? If so, great! Otherwise, please let us know what you were looking for in the comments below! Are you looking for word play for text messages, Facebook, Twitter or some other social media platform? Would you like to see some funny balloon pun pictures? Or perhaps you just want more balloon puns for your photo captions? Whatever the case, please let us know, and help us improve this Punpedia entry. If you’ve got any balloon puns (image or text) that aren’t included in this article, please submit them in the comments and one of our curators will add it as soon as possible. Thanks for visiting Punpedia! 🙂✨



Frog Puns

This entry is all about frog puns! Topics related to frogs like tadpoles and toads are also included. Interestingly, the term “toad” is just a “folk taxonomy” which is based mostly on the visual appearance of the animal. Some “toad” species are more closely related to frogs than to other toads. If there’s enough demand, toads may eventually get their own entry.

You might also like to check out the Punpedia entries on on otter punsfish punsturtle puns, beach puns and squid puns for some more water-themed word play.

As with all entries on Punpedia, if you’ve got a great frog pun, you can post it in the comments and one of our curators will add it to this entry.

Frog Puns List

Each item in this list of frog puns is either a simple word-swap (e.g. froggy → foggy) or it may be a general rule from which multiple puns can be made. In the case of general rules, the asterisks sign (*) represents one or more letters.

  • Riveting → Ribbeting: “This documentary is ribbeting!”
  • Rivet → Ribbet: “We need more ribbets to connect the steel beams.”
  • Forgot → Frogot: “Sorry, I completely frogot!”
  • Forgotten → Frogotten: “I’ve frogotten all the lyrics!”
  • Forgetfulness → Frogetfulness: “My frogetfulness is the reason I was fired.”
  • Forgiveness → Frogiveness: “I’m sorry. Can I have your frogiveness?”
  • Forgave → Frogave: “Oh, I frograve you for that a long time ago!”
  • Forgo → Frogo: “We need to frogo some of our privileges so that we can help others in need.”
  • Unforgettable → Unfrogettable: “That holiday was completely unfrogettable.”
  • Fragment → Frogment: “I’ve still got a frogment of hope left.”
  • Fragrance → Frogrance: “Oh, that frogrance has a lovely smell.”
  • Friggin’ → Froggin’: “This is froggin’ awesome!”
  • Frugal → Frogal: “I’m only buying necessities – I’m trying to be frogal.” (Terrible! :P)
  • Towed → Toad: “If you park here, your car will be toad.”
  • Told → Toad: “I toad you kids to get off my lawn!”
  • Toed → Toad: “I prefer open-toad shoes.”
  • Today → Toaday: “Toaday is the big day!”
  • Toddler → Toaddler: “Toaddlers are so cute! Always toaddling about and falling over.”
  • Totalitarianism → Toadalitarianism: “The toadalitarian regime lasted for 14 years.”
  • Totally → Toadally: “Frog puns are toadally awesome.”
  • Total → Toadal: “We have thirty two dollars and ten cents in toadal.”
  • Fib → Am-fib-ian: (Corniness level: maximum) “Are you telling am-fib-ians?”
  • Girls → Gills: Frogs don’t have gills, but tadpoles do – you might have to use this one with care.
  • Depend → depond: “Can I depond on you or not?”
  • Appendix → Appondix: “The graph is in the appondices.”
  • Compendium → Compondium : “A well organised compondium of useful information.”
  • Dependence → Depondence : “I’ve developed a depondence on frog puns over the years.”
  • Perpendicular → Perpondicular : “Perpondicular lines are at 90 degree angles to one another.”
  • Suspended → Susponded : “I was susponded for excessive frog pun usage.”
  • Hop: “I’m just going to hop over to the shops, do you want anything?”
  • Hopping: “He’s hopping mad!”
  • Hop → Hope: “I hop to one day start a charity.”
  • Hoping → Hopping: “I’m hopping this frog pun isn’t too shameful.”
  • Come here to → Kermit: If “come here to” is pronounced in a very slurred accent (“kerm ere’ ta”), then it sounds a little like “kermit”. Use carefully!
  • Commit → Kermit: “We’re in a kermitted relationship.” and “Happily, the number of people kermitting suicide is falling.”
  • Hermit → Kermit: “Yeah, an old kermit lives in that house.”
  • Bug: “Will you please stop bugging me?”
  • Paddling: “We used to receive a paddling for acting up in class.”
  • Cloak → Croak: “I need a water-proof croak for winter.”
  • Froggy: This term is an adjective for anything with has some froglike characteristics: “The old seargent’s gruff, froggy voice.”
  • Foggy → Froggy: “It’s really froggy on the roads tonight, drive carefully.”

That’s all the frog puns we have so far! There’s lots more to be made and we need your help! The list of frog-related words below is just to get you started. Please submit any and all frog puns in the comments to help improve this Punpedia entry.

  • ? → Webbed
  • ? → Webbed feet
  • ? → Protruding eyes
  • ? → Rainforest
  • ? → Tongue
  • ? → Frogger
  • ? → Pepe
  • ? → Croak
  • ? → Croaker
  • ? → Croaking
  • ? → Frogspawn
  • ? → Batrachian
  • ? → Frog-eyed
  • ? → Insectivore
  • ? → Poison dart
  • ? → Tadpole
  • ? → Tree-frog
  • ? → Bullfrog
  • ? → Metamorphosis
  • ? → Pollywog

If you’re after more aquatic-ish animal word play, check out our entries on otter punsfrog puns and crab puns. We’ve also got a more general water puns entry too!

Thanks for visiting Punpedia 🙂

Turtle Puns

This entry is all about turtle puns! There are also a sprinkle of tortoise puns too, so be careful if you’re looking for specifically turtle-based puns (tortoise are completely land-based, turtles mostly live in or around water). As you’ll see, there are a lot of “shell”-based puns to be made, and also a few puns using the names of different turtle species/families.

You might also like to check out the Punpedia entries on on otter punsfrog punsfish punsshark puns, beach puns and squid puns for some more water-based word play.

As with all entries on Punpedia, if you’ve got a great turtle pun, you can post it in the comments and one of our curators will add it to this entry.

Turtle Puns List

Each item in this list of turtle puns is either a simple word-swap (e.g. total → turtle) or it may be a general rule from which multiple puns can be made. In the case of general rules, the asterisks sign (*) represents one or more letters.

  • Total→ Turtle: “I am in turtle awe of her skills.”
  • Totally→ Turtley: “Turtley!” and “This is turtley amazing!”
  • Totalitarian→ Turtleitarian: “It’s a cruel turtle-itarian regime.”
  • Celebration→ Shellebration: As in “After finishing we should have a shellebration.”
  • Startle → Sturtle: “Oh! You sturtled me!” and “That was sturtling news.”
  • Turtle-neck: A “turtle-neck” is a high, close-fitting neck on a shirt. Can be used as a turtle pun with the right context.
  • Sel* → Shell*: If a word starts with “sel” a shell pun can be made by switching it with “shell”. For example: shellection (selection), shellect (select), shelldom (seldom), shellfless (selfless), shellfish (selfish).
  • *sel → *shell: Words ending in “sel” can often be punned upon with “shell”: vesshell (vessel), tasshell (tassel), weashell (weasel), musshell (mussel), etc.
  • *sel* → *shell*: Words containing “sel” can yeild nice puns on “shell”: Hershellf, himshellf, themshellves, itshellf, myshellf, yourshelf, yourshelves, convershelly, counshelling, preshellected, overshelling, undershelling, ushellessely, weashelling.
  • Shall→ Shell: As in “Shell I compare thee to a summer’s day?” and “He who lives by the sword shell die by the sword.”
  • *cial → *shell: When a word has “cial” as a suffix, this suffix can usually be swapped out for “shell” to create a shell pun: soshell (social), speshell (special), offishell (official), finanshell, commershell, crushell, judishell, artifishell, provinshell, rashell, benefishell, superfishell, fashell, glashell, sacrifishel, antisoshell.
  • Sell → Shell: “How many do we have left to shell?”
  • Hell → Shell: “The party last night was a shell of a time.”
  • Flip her → Flipper: As in “Don’t you dare flip her off! That’s rude!” and “We’re going to need to flip her on her belly before the surgery.”
  • Flip out → Flipper-t: “Woah! No need to flipper-t about my bad turtle puns.”
  • Taught us → Tortoise: “Our parents tortoise to be kind to animals.”
  • Tore this → Tortoise: “Turtle puns tortoise family apart.”
  • Bleak → Beak: Many turtles have beak-like mouths – “The outlook is beak.”
  • Riddle → Ridley: Refers to a type of small turtle that lives in tropical seas – “Ridley me this!” and “She speaks in ridleys.”
  • A → Loggerhead: Refers to a species of large marine turtle. Also used as an insult for someone who speaks or behaves unintelligently: “That news anchor is a bit of a loggerhead.”
  • Snapping: A “snapping turtle” is a type of turtle known for its aggression and powerful jaw. The term “snapping” is also used for quick and irritable speech: “The teacher was intermittently snapping at her.”
  • Snap in → Snapping: Refers to a type of turtle. “To snap in quarters.”
  • Napping → Snapping: “Did I wake you up? Na, I was jus’ snapping.”
  • A → Leatherback: Refers to a very large black turtle with a thick leathery shell.
  • Stinkpot: Refers to a species of turtle which can defensively produce a foul smell. Can also refer to a contemptible or foul smelling person or thing: “Jason, you stinkpot! Stop making turtle puns.”
  • Plaster on → Plastron: Refers to the underside part of a turtle’s (or tortoise’s, or snake’s) shell: “You may need to put some plastron after I beat you in this pun battle.”
  • S’cute → Scute: A “scute” refers to large bony or horny plate as on an armadillo or turtle: “Aww, scute how he walks all wobbly like that.”
  • Slow: Although many turtles are quite fast (The pacific leatherback turtle can swim as fast as 34 km/h), the “turtles are slow” stereotype may allow you to use the word “slow” as a turtle pun in the right context.
  • Mutant: The series Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles may be well-known enough for the word “mutant” to constitute a turtle pun in the right context.
  • Mossback: A “mossback” can refer to a very old turtle that, because of its age, has grown moss on its back. It can also refer to a very conservative person; one with old-fashioned views.
  • Hair → Hare: Because of the fame of the Tortoise and the Hare story, one might be able to make a subtle turtle/tortoise pun (with the right context) by switching “hair” for “hare“.

As you can see our turtle puns list is still short! Below is a list of turtle-related words that we still need puns for. If you’d like to help us out, please post suggestions in the comments! Also, this source of turtle-related words may be handy (as might this source).

  • ? → Hawksbill: Refers to a small, endangered tropical sea turtle.
  • ? → Reptile: All turtles and tortoises are reptiles.
  • ? → Carapace: Refers to the hard upper shell of a turtle, crustacean, or arachnid.
  • ? → Raphael: A fictional turtle from TMNT.
  • ? → Michaelangelo: A fictional turtle from TMNT.
  • ? → Donatello: A fictional turtle from TMNT.
  • ? → Leonardo: A fictional turtle from TMNT.
  • ? → Genbu: Refers to a mythical turtle in Japanese Mythology.
  • ? → Kurma: Means “turtle” in Sanskrit and refers to the Hindu Turtle God.
  • ? → Great A’Tuin: Refers to the “World Turtle” that helps carry the world in the Discworld series of novels by Terry Pratchet.
  • ? → Mock turtle: Refers to a fictional turtle in “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland” by Lewis Carroll (wiki).
  • ? → Galapagos: Galapagos tortoises are a species of giant tortoise found on the Galapagos islands.
  • ? → Anapsid: Refers to “a primitive reptile having no opening in the temporal region of the skull; all extinct except turtles”
  • ? → Sea turtle
  • ? → Tortoiseshell

If you’re after more aquatic-ish animal word play, check out our entries on otter punsfrog puns and crab puns. And we’ve got a more general water puns entry too!

Thanks for visiting Punpedia 🙂