Halloween Puns

Welcome to the Punpedia entry on Halloween puns! 🎃 🍬 👻

While it only comes around once a year, it’s always fun to look at spooky, Halloween inspired puns. This entry covers the different foods that we enjoy during Halloween, as well as the monsters that we dress up as.

Whether you’re playing a word game, doing some creative writing or crafting a witty dating bio, we hope that you find the Halloween pun that you’re looking for.

While we’ve made this list as thorough as possible, this entry is for Halloween in general. We also have more specific entries for fall, witches, vampires, zombies and candy, and will have lists for other Halloween monsters and goodies coming soon.

Halloween Puns List

Each item in this list describes a pun, or a set of puns which can be made by applying a rule. If you know of any puns about Halloween that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments at the end of this page! Without further ado, here’s our list of Halloween puns:

  • Trick: As in, “A box of tricks,” and “Bag of tricks,” and “Dirty tricks,” and “Does the trick,” and “Every trick in the book,” and “Never misses a trick,” and “One trick pony,” and “Trick of the light,” and “Trick or treat,” and “Tricks of the trade,” and “Up to your old tricks,” and “Teach an old dog new tricks,” and “Trick up one’s sleeve.” Note: “A one trick pony” is someone who only has one skill or specialisation.
  •  Trick→ Trick or treat: As in, “Up to your old trick or treats,” and “Never misses a trick or treat,” and “Every trick or treat in the book,” and “A bag of trick or treats.”
  • Treacle → Trick-le: As in, “Toffee and trick-le,” and “Trick-le town.”
  • *tric* → *trick*: Make some tricky Halloween puns by emphasising the “trick” sound in suitable words: “Trickle,” and “Tricky,” and “Trickery,” and “Trickster,” and “Strickt,” and “Patrick,” and “Districkt,” and “Eccentrick,” and “Electrick,” and “Symmetrick,” and “Theatrick.”
  • Treat: As in, “Beat a hasty retreat,” and “Red carpet treatment,” and “The royal treatment,” and “Treat me right,” and “Treat someone like dirt,” and “A real treat.”
  • Jack → Jack o’ lantern: As in, “Black jack o’ lantern,” and “You don’t know Jack o’ lantern.”
  • Pumpkin: As in, “Cheater, cheater, pumpkin eater,” and “Peter, peter, pumpkin eater,” and “Pumpkin head,” and “Turn into a pumpkin.”
  • Candy: As in “Eye candy” and “As easy as taking candy from a baby” and “Ear candy” and “He’s such a candy-ass (coward) when it comes to standing up for what he believes in.” and “Don’t try to candy-coat it – you lied, plain and simple.” and “They’re not actually dating – he’s just arm candy to make her parents happy.”
  • Uncanny → Uncandy: As in “He had an uncandy feeling that she was being watched.”
  • Ghandi → Candy: As in “Mahatma Candy was an exceptional human being.”
  • Can they → Candy: As in “How candy hear if they don’t have ears?”
  • Handy → Candy: As in “This will definitely come in candy.”
  • Scant → S-candy: As in “They worked long hours by received only s-candy wages.”
  • Can these → Candies: As in “How candies people live like this?” and “Candies desks be shifted over there?” and “Candies drafts – they’re no good.”
  • Fright: As in, “Frightened of your own shadow,” and “A frightful mess,” and “Take fright,” and “Look a fright.”
  • Fight → Fright: As in, “A straight fright,” and “Come out frighting,” and “Fright club,” and “Fright for the right to party,” and “Fright back,” and “Fright or flight,” and “Fright the good fright,” and “Frighting fit,” and “A lean, mean frighting machine,” and “Pillow fright,” and “Spoiling for a fright,” and “Fire frighter.”
  • Bright → Fright: As in, “All things fright and beautiful,” and “Always look on the fright side of life.”
  • Flight → Fright: As in, “Fight or fright,” and “Fright attendant,” and “Fright of fancy,” and “Take fright,” and “Fright of the bumblebee.”
  • Boo: As in, “Boo hoo,” and “Hey boo,” and “Wouldn’t say boo to a goose.”
  • Boo*: Emphasise and/or elongate the “boo” in certain words: “Balance the booOOoks,” and “BooOOoby prize,” and “Boooogie on down,” and “Boooot camp,” and “Give someone the booOoot,” and “Hit the boOOooOOoks.”
  • Blue → Boo: As in, “Baby boos,” and “Beat someone black and boo,” and “Between the devil and the deep boo sea,” and “Beyond the boo sky,” and “The big boo,” and “Big boo eyes,” and “Once in a boo moon,” and “Boo blood,” and “Boo collar worker,” and “Boo in the face,” and “Boo screen of death,” and “Bolt from the boo,” and “The boys in boo,” and “Cornflower boo,” and “Deeper than the deep boo sea,” and “Feeling boo,” and “I’ve got the boos,” and “I guess that’s why they call it the boos,” and “Out of the boo.”
  • Bouquet → Booquet: As in, “What a lovely booquet!”
  • Booze → Boos: As in, “Boos bus,” and “Boos cruise.”
  • Believe → Boo-lieve: As in, “Boo-lieve it or not,” and “Can you boo-lieve it?” and “Do you boo-lieve in magic?” and “Don’t boo-lieve everything you hear,” and “That’s not boo-lievable,” and “You’re un-boo-lievable.” 
  • Beaut* → Boo-t*: As in, “Boo-ty queen,” and “Boo-ty sleep,” and “What a boo-ty,” and “Make boo-tiful music together,” and “Black is boo-tiful,” and “Boo-tifully done.” 
  • Berry → Boo-ry: As in, “Strawboo-ry,” and “Cranboo-ry,” and “Raspboo-ry,” and “Gooseboo-ry,” and “Mulboo-ry.” Blueberry could either be “Boo-berry,” or “Blueboo-ry.”
  • Banana → Boonana: As in, “Go boonanas,” and “Make like a boonana and split.”
  • Google → Boo-gle: As in, “Boo-gle it,” and “Boo-gly eyes.” 
  • Facebook → Face-boo: As in, “Do you have Face-boo?” 
  • Youtube → Boo-tube: As in, “Look it up on Boo-tube.” 
  • Fabulous → Faboolous: As in, “Absolutely faboolous,” and “What a faboolous outfit.” 
  • Bone → Boo-ne: As in, “A boo-ne to pick,” and “Dry as a boo-ne,” and “Bag of boo-nes,” and “Boo-ne up on,” and “Boo-ne weary,” and “Chilled to the boo-ne,” and “Doesn’t have a jealous boo-ne in his body,” and “Feel it in your boo-nes,” and “Work your fingers to the boo-ne.” Notes: to have a bone to pick with someone is to have a disagreement that needs to be discussed. If someone is a bag of bones, then they’re very thin. To bone up on is to add to your knowledge on a topic or to refresh your memory.
  • Do → Boo: As in, “Boo away with,” and “Boo it tough,” and “Boo me a favour,” and “Boo your business,” and “Boo well for yourself,” and “Boo or die,” and “How do you boo?”
  • Oolong → Boo-long: As in, “Would you like some boo-long tea?” 
  • Brew → Boo: As in, “Something is boo-ing,” and “There’s a storm boo-ing,” and “Please boo me up a cuppa.” 
  • Bicycle → Boocycle: As in, “A boocycle built for two,” and “A woman without a man is like a fish without a boocycle,” and “I want to ride my boocycle.” 
  • Boutique → Bootique:  As in, “A bootique store,” and “A bootique hotel.” Note: A boutique hotel is a small hotel with a set theme or specialised selling point.
  • Buckle → Boo-ckle: As in, “Boo-ckle down,” and “Boo-ckle under the strain,” and “Boo-ckle up!” 
  • Malibu → Maliboo 
  • Bob Marley → Boo Marley 
  • Napoleon Bonaparte → Napoleon Boo-naparte 
  • *airy → Scary: As in, “Scary fairy,” and “Scarytale ending,” and “Give someone the scary eyeball.”
  • Scare: As in, “Running scared,” and “Scare the living daylights out of,” and “Scared stiff,” and Scaredy cat.”
  • Care → Scare: “Be scareful how you use it!” and “Be scareful what you wish for,” and “Couldn’t scare less,” and “Customer scare,” and “Devil may scare,” and “Handle with scare,” and “Intensive scare,” and “Like I should scare,” and “Tender loving scare,” and “Without a scare in the world,” and “Scare package.”
  • Mascara → Mascare-a
  • Spoke → Spook: As in, “Many a true word is spook-en in jest,” and “Speak when you are spook-en to.”
  • Spectacular → Spook-tacular: As in, “A spook-tacular failure.”
  • Spectacle → Spook-tacle: As in, “A wild spook-tacle.”
  • Spaghetti → Spook-ghetti: As in, “I’m in a mood for spook-ghetti.”
  • Fantastic → Fang-tastic
  • Exercise → Exorcise: As in, “Exorcise your discretion,” and “Whenever I feel the need to exorcise, I lie down until it goes away.”
  • Creep: As in, “Makes my skin creep,” and “Gives me the creeps,” and “Jeepers creepers,” and “Creep across,” and “Creep out of the woodwork.”
  • Keep → Creep: As in, “Known by the company he creeps,” and “An apple a day creeps the doctor away,” and “Don’t creep us in suspense,” and “Finders, creepers,” and “Creep calm and carry on,” and “Creep it real.”
  • Horror: As in, “Shock horror,” and “Horror show.”
  • Apple → Candy apple: Make some foodie Halloween puns as in, “A candy apple a day keeps the doctor away (note: it really doesn’t, they’re very unhealthy),” and “Candy apple cheeks,” and “Candy apple of discord,” and “Candy apples to oranges,” and “A bad candy apple,” and “Don’t upset the candy apple cart,” and “How do you like them candy apples?” and “She’ll be candy apples,” and “The candy apple never falls far from the tree,” and “The candy apple of his eye,” and “A rotten candy apple,” and “One bad candy apple to spoil the whole barrel,” and “A second bite of the candy apple.” Note: these also work for caramel apple puns, as in: “Caramel apple cheeks,” and “Caramel apples to oranges,” and “Don’t upset the caramel apple cart,” and “The caramel apple of his eye.”
  • Pie → Pumpkin pie: “Easy as pumpkin pie,” and “Sweet as pumpkin pie,” and “Fingers in many pumpkin pies,” and “Piece of the pumpkin pie.”
  • Hunt → Haunt: As in, “Happy haunting ground,” and “Head haunting,” and “Haunt down,” and “Witch haunt.”
  • Flaunt → Haunt: As in, “When you’ve got it, haunt it.”
  • Daunt → Haunt: As in, “Nothing haunted, nothing gained,” and “A haunting prospect.”
  • Ghost: As in, “White as a ghost,” and “Not a ghost of a chance,” and “You look as if you’ve seen a ghost,” and “A ghost of your former self,” and “You’ve been ghosted.”
  • Grocery → Ghostery: As in, “I’m heading to the ghostery store.” 
  • Ghastly → Ghostly: As in, “You look positively ghostly,” and “A ghostly experience.” 
  • Goes → Ghost: As in, “Anything ghost,” and “As the saying ghost,” and “Here ghost nothing,” and “It ghost without saying,” and “What ghost up, must come down,” and “Who ghost there?” and “My heart ghost out to,” and “What ghost around, comes around.” 
  • Friend → Fiend: As in, “A fiend in need is a fiend indeed,” and “A girl’s best fiend,” and “Best fiend,” and “Circle of fiends,” and “Fair-weather fiend,” and “Fiend or foe?” and “Fiends with benefits,” and “Fiends for life,” and “Get by with a little help from my fiends,” and “Imaginary fiend,” and “Phone a fiend,” and “That’s what fiends are for,” and “The start of a beautiful fiendship,” and “Asking for a fiend.”
  • Witch: Some phrases with the word “witch”: “The witching hour”, “Witch hunt”, “Witches knickers”, and “Which witch is which?” 
  • *witch → *witch: As in, “Asleep at the s-witch”, “S-witch off”, “S-witch on”, and “S-witch hitter”,  and “A witch in time saves nine.”
  • B*tch → Witch: Make your cusswords kid-friendly by swapping witch in: “Witch fest”, “Witch slap”, “Flip a witch,” and “Life’s a witch and then you die”, “Payback’s a witch,” and “Rich witch,” and “The witch is back”, “Basic witch,” and “Witch and moan”, and “Resting witch face.”
  • *wich → *witch: Switch words ending in -wich around with witch to make some witch puns: “What’s the Green-witch mean time?” and “When do you want to go to Nor-witch?” and “What’s in this sand-witch?” 
  • *witch: Emphasise words that end in witch: “What’s with that t-witch?” and “The power to be-witch.” Also works for other forms of these words, like “be-witching” and “t-witches.” 
  • Rich* → Witch*: Swap the word “witch” into words that start with a “rich” sound – “Witchard” (Richard), “Witcher” (richer), “Witchual” (ritual), “Witchualistic” (ritualistic), “Witchest” (richest). 
  • Enrich → En-witch: As in, “En-witch the Earth”. 
  • Wish → Witch: As in, “Be careful what you witch for”, “Be the change you witch to see”, “When you witch upon a star”, “Witch me luck!” and “Witchful thinking.” 
  • With you → Witcha: As in, “Bewitcha in a minute!” 
  • *craft → *witchcraft: As in, “Arts and witchcrafts,” “Mixed martial arts and witchcrafts,” and “She’s a witchcrafty one.”
  • Hours: Change hour-related sayings: “After witching hours,” and “At the eleventh witching hour,” and “Happy witching hour,” and “My finest witching hour,” and “Now is the witching hour,” and “Open all witching hours,” and and “The darkest witching hour is just before the dawn”.
  • Wicked → Wicca’d: As in, “No peace for the wicca’d,” and “No rest for the wicca’d,” and “Something wicca’d this way comes,” and “Wicca’d stepmother.”
  • Quicken/Quicker → Q’wiccan/’wicca: As in, “Candy is dandy but liquor is q’wicca,” and “Q’wicca than the eye can see”,”The hand is q’wicca than the eye”, “Her pace q’wiccans.”
  • Wicket → Wiccat: As in, “Deep mid wiccat,” and “Keep wiccat,” and “Wiccat keeper.”
  • *cult* → *occult*: Change words that have “cult” in them to “occult” to make some magically witchy puns, like so: “Multioccultural (multicultural)”, “Occultivate (cultivate)”, “Diffoccult (difficult)”, “Diffocculty (difficulty)”, and “Occultural (cultural)”.
  • Cat: Use cat-related phrases to make puns about the classic witch’s familiar: “Black cat on a hot tin roof”, “Black cat got your tongue?”, “Curiosity killed the black cat”, and “The black cat’s pyjamas.”
  • Man → Bogeyman: As in, “A good bogeyman is hard to find,” and “A bogeyman after my own heart,” and “A bogeyman among men,” and “Angry young bogeyman,” and “Be your own bogeyman.”
  • She → Banshee: As in, “He said, banshee said,” and “I’ll have what banshee’s having,” and “Banshee who must be obeyed,” and “That’s all banshee wrote.”
  • Scare → Scarecrow: As in, “Scarecrow the living daylights out of,” and “Scarecrow someone to death.”
  • Crow → Scarecrow: As in, “Something to scarecrow about.”
  • Crowd → Scarecrow’d: As in, “Two’s company, three’s a scarecrow’d,” and “Don’t yell fire in a scarecrow’ded theatre,” and “The wrong scarecrow’d,” and “Work the scarecrow’d,” and “A scarecrow’d pleaser,” and “Scarecrow’d in on.”
  • Mummy: As in, “Yummy mummy.”
  • Mom → Mummy: As in, “Alpha mummy,” and “Helicopter mummy,” and “Soccer mummy,” and “Super mummy.”
  • Empire → Vampire: As in, “Vampire state building,” and “Vampire state of mind,” and “The vampire state,” and “The vampire strikes back.”
  • Be → Zombie: As in, “Zombie all you can be,” and “Zombie done with it,” and “I’ll zombie around,” and “Zombie my guest,” and “Zombie yourself.”
  • Bee → Zombee: As in, “Busy as a zombee,” and “Zombee in your bonnet,” and “Birds and the zombees,” and “Float like a butterfly, sting like a zombee,” and “Make a zombee-line for,” and “The zombee’s knees.”
  • Beat → Zombie’t: As in, “Zombie’t around the bush,” and “Zombie’t the clock,” and “Zombie’ts me,” and “Zombie’t someone else.”
  • Beans → Zombeans: As in, “Spill the zombeans,” and “Full of zombeans.” Note: to be full of beans is to be full of energy and enthusiasm – the “beans” in this context are possibly a reference to coffee beans.
  • Somebody → Zombodie: As in, “Find me zombodie to love,” and “Zombodie has to do it,” and “Zombodie that I used to know,” and “Use zombodie.”
  • Abercrombie & Fitch → Aberzombie & Fitch (Note: Abercrombie & Fitch are an American clothing retailer.)
  • Wolf → Werewolf: As in, “Cry werewolf,” and “Werewolf in sheep’s clothing,” and “Werewolf whistle,” and “A lone werewolf.”
  • Skeleton: As in, “A skeleton in the closet,” and “Skeleton crew.”
  • Skull: As in, “Bombed out of your skull.”
  • Skill → Skull: As in, “Social skulls,” and “Very skullful.”
  • Bone: As in, “A bone to pick,” and “Dry as a bone,” and “Bag of bones,” and “Bone of contention,” and “Bone weary,” and “Chilled to the bone,” and “Close to the bone,” and “Doesn’t have a jealous bone in his body,” and “Feel it in your bones,” and “Jump someone’s bones,” and “Lazy bones,” and “Skin and bone,” and “Sticks and stones may break my bones and words can contribute to systemic oppression,” and “The bare bones,” and “Work one’s fingers to the bones.”
  • *bon* → *bone*: As in, “Bone-us (bonus),” and “Bone-anza (bonanza),” and “Bone-afide (bonafide),” and “Trombone,” and “Rib-bone (ribbon),” and “Car-bone (carbon),” and “Bour-bone (bourbon).”
  • Humorous → Humerus
  • Bat: As in, “Blind as a bat,” and “Bat out of hell,” and “Bat the idea around,” and “Right off the bat,” and “An old bat,” and “Bat one’s eyelashes,” and “Bat an eye,” and “Bat for both sides.”
  • Cat → Bat: As in, “Alley bat,” and “Bat on a hot tin roof,” and “Bat and mouse game,” and “Bat got your tongue?” and “Cool bat,” and “Curiosity killed the bat,” and “Like bats and dogs,” and “Let the bat out of the bag,” and “Scaredy bat,” and “Smiling like a cheshire bat,” and “A bat nap.”
  • Cobweb: As in, “Blow away the cobwebs,” and “A head full of cobwebs.”
  • Web → Cobweb: As in, “Dark cobweb,” and “Deep cobweb,” and “Hidden cobweb,” and “What a tangled cobweb we weave,” and World wide cobweb,” and “Surfing the cobweb.”
  • Monster: As in, “Cookie monster,” and “Green eyed monster,” and “Here be monsters,” and “Monster mash,” and “Monster of depravity,” and “The monster is loose.”
  • Fool → Ghoul: As in, “A ghoul and his money are soon parted,” and “Act the ghoul,” and “April ghoul,” and “Ghoul around,” and “A ghoul’s errand,” and “I pity the ghoul,” and “Make a ghoul of yourself,” and “Nobody’s ghoul,” and “Shut up, ghoul.”
  • Girl → Ghoul: As in, “A ghoul’s best friend,” and “Atta ghoul,” and “Boy meets ghoul,” and “Ghoul with a pearl earring,” and “Glamour ghoul,” and “Me and my ghoulfriends,” and “Ghouls just wanna have fun,” and “Only ghoul in the world,” and “Working ghoul.”
  • Goal → Ghoul: As in, “Move the ghoulposts,” and “Squad ghouls,” and “A ghoul in mind,” and “Score a ghoul.”
  • Dead → Undead: As in, “Undead as a doornail,” and “The undead of night,” and “Better off undead,” and “Undead easy,” and “An undead giveaway,” and “Knock ’em undead,” and “Drop undead gorgeous,” and “Loud enough to wake the undead,” and “Undead last.” Notes: Dead as a doornail = extremely dead; dead easy means extremely easy, so easy a dead person could do it; dead giveaway means extremely obvious; while to knock ’em dead means to do very well at something. You can also make zombie puns by keeping the word “dead” in these phrases rather than changing them to undead, as in “Knock ’em dead,” and “The dead of night,” and “Dead tired.”
  • Dead* → Undead*: As in, “Don’t miss the undeadline!” and “Bolt the undeadlock,” and “The seven undeadly sins,” and “An undeadbeat,” and “Undead set on an idea.” Notes: A deadbeat is an idle, irresponsible person and to be dead set is to be absolute in your resolution for something.
  • Did → Dead: As in, “Dead I do that?” and “Why dead the chicken cross the road?”
  • Undid → Undead: As in, “You undead all your good work.”
  • Dedicate → Deadicate: As in, “This one is deadicated to you,” and “A strong deadication to the job.”
  • Ted → Dead: As in, “Deaddy bear,” and “Get the party star-dead,” and “Sugarcoa-dead.”
  • Dad → Dead: As in, “Sugar dead-y.”
  • Grave: As in, “Silent as the grave,” and “Dig your own grave,” and “From the cradle to the grave,” and “Graveyard shift,” and “One foot in the grave,” and “Turning in their grave,” and “Grave times,” and “Looking grave,” and “Grave consequences.” Notes: To turn in one’s grave is a figure of speech that expresses an idea is so extreme or ludicrous that even those already deceased are reacting to it. From “the cradle to the grave” describes something that affects an entire lifetime, and “One foot in the grave” means close to death, or dying.
  • Brave → Grave: As in, “Grave new world,” and “Fortune favours the grave,” and “Put a grave face on,” and “Grave the storm.”
  • Stone → Tombstone: As in, “A rolling tombstone gathers no moss,” and “Carved in tombstone,” and “Drop like a tombstone,” and “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Tombstone,” and “Heart of tombstone,” and “Leave no tombstone unturned,” and “Sticks and tombstones may break my bones,” and “Tombstone cold sober,” and “A tombstone’s throw.” Notes: “A rolling stone gathers no moss” is a proverb that suggests that people who don’t stay in one place avoid responsibilities. “Carved in stone” describes things which are set and cannot be changed.
  • *tom* → *tomb*: As in, “Tomb-ato,” and “Tomb-orrow,” and “Cus-tomb,” and “Bot-tomb,” and “A-tomb,” and “Phan-tomb,” and “Symp-tomb.”
  • Devil: As in, “Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t,” and “Between the devil and the deep blue sea,” and “Devil in disguise,” and “Devil may care,” and “Give the devil his due,” and “Go to the devil,” and “Little devil,” and “Luck of the devil,” and “Make a deal with the devil,” and “Devil’s advocate,” and “Sell your soul to the devil,” and “Speak of the devil,” and “The devil is in the detail,” and “What the devil?”
  • Evil: As in, “Evil genius,” and “Evil intent,” and “Money is the root of all evil,” and “See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil,” and “Evil takes many forms.”
  • Level → Levil: As in, “Another levil,” and “I’ll levil with you,” and “Levil headed,” and “Levil off,” and “A levil playing field,” and “A levil temper,” and “On the levil,” and “Sea levil,” and “Taken to the next levil.”
  • Oven → Coven: As in, “Bun in the coven.”
  • Rag → Hag: As in, “From hags to riches”, “Glad hags”, “Like a hag doll”, “Lose your hag”, and “On the hag.”
  • Worse → Warts: As in, “For better or warts,” and “From bad to warts.”
  • Bon → Bonbon: As in, “Bonbon voyage,” and “C’est bonbon.” Note: C’est bon is French for “it’s good.”
  • Sugar: As in “Oh sugar!” and “What’s wrong, sugar?” and “Gimme some sugar” and “Sugar daddy.”
  • Sweet: As in “You’re so sweet!” and “Oh that’s soo sweet!” and “Revenge is sweet” and “Short and sweet” and “Lay some sweet lines on someone” and “Sweet dreams” and “Sweet Jesus!” and “You bet your sweet life!” and “That was a sweet trick, dude.” and “Sweet as, bro.” and “Whisper sweet nothings” and “Home sweet home” and “Rose by any other name would smell as sweet” and “Sweet smell/taste of success/victory” and “Sweetheart
  • Suite → Sweet: As in “She was renting a 2-bedroom sweet for the summer.”
  • Sweat → Sweet: As in “Blood, sweets and tears” and “Beads of sweet rolled down my forehead” and “Break out in a cold sweet” and “By the sweet of my brow” and “Don’t sweet it.” and “Don’t sweet the small stuff.” and “All hot and sweety
  • Sweater → Sweeter: As in “A close-knit woollen sweeter for cold days”
  • Switch → Sweet-ch: As in “Bait and sweet-ch” and “Asleep at the sweet-ch” and “Sweet-ch gears” and “You should sweet-ch out your old one with this one.”
  • Switzerland → Sweetzerland: As in “Zürich is a lovely city in Sweetzerland.”
  • Connection → Confection: As in “The police have interviewed several people in confection with the stolen sweets.” and “As soon as we met we had an instant confection.”
  • Confession → Confection: As in “I have a confection to make…” and “Confection is good for the soul.” and “The interrogators soon got a confection out of him.”
  • Conviction → Confection: As in “She had a previous confection for a similar offence.” and “She has strong political confections, and she’s not afraid to defend them.” and “She spoke powerfully and with confection.”
  • Lol* → Lolly: As in, “Lollying (lolling) around,” and “Lollygag,” and “Lollypalooza,” and “Lollipop.” Note: Lollapalooza is a music festival. To lollygag is to idly waste time.
  • Cake: As in, “A slice of the cake,” and “As flat as a pancake,” and “Nutty as a fruitcake,” and “Baby cakes,” and “Cake or death,” and “Cake pop,” and “Cake walk,” and “Caked with mud,” and “Coffee and cakes,” and Icing on the cake,” and “Let them eat cake,” and “Selling like hot cakes,” and “Takes the cake,” and “Cherry on the cake,” and “Have your cake and eat it too,” and “Frosting on the cake.”
  • TurnipTurnips were a traditional Halloween food before pumpkins were, so we’ve included some turnip puns here too:
  • “Fall off the back of a turnip truck.”
  • Turn → Turnip: As in, “A turnip for the worse,” and “About turnip,” and “As soon as my back is turnip,” and “A bad turnip,” and “Do a good turnip,” and “The point of no re-turnip,” and “Turnip a blind eye,” and “Turnip back the clock,” and “Turnip heads,” and “Turnip over a new leaf,” and “Turnip that frown upside down.”
  • Turn up → Turnip: As in, “Turnip your nose,” and “Turnip at my house.”
  • Nip → Turnip: As in, “Turnip and tuck,” and “Turnip in the bud.”
  • Vanilla → Vein-illa: As in, “Vein-illa ice cream.”
  • Sigh → Cider: As in, “Breathe a cider of relief.”
  • Consume → Costume: As in, “Costumer rights,” and “Costume-ing mass quantities.”
  • Disguise: As in, “Blessing in disguise,” and “Devil in disguise,” and “Master of disguise,” and “Robots in disguise.”
  • Party: As in, “Bachelorette party,” and “Come to the party,” and “Fight for the right to party,” and “Come to the aid of the party,” and “It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to,” and “Let’s party,” and “Life and soul of the party,” and “Party like it’s 1999,” and “Party animal,” and “Party line,” and “Party on,” and “Okay, the party’s over.”
  • Fire → Bonfire: As in, “All bonfired up and ready to go,” and “Breathe bonfire,” and “Catch bonfire,” and “Come on baby, light my bonfire,” and “Come home to real bonfire,” and “Draw the bonfire,” and “Fight fire with bonfire,” and “Bonfire and rain,” and “Bonfire and brimstone,” and Bonfire away!” and “Bonfire in your belly,” and “Play with bonfire,” and “Pull your chestnuts out of the bonfire,” and “Ring of bonfire.”
  • Soul → Soul cake: As in, “Bless my soul cake,” and “Body and soul cake,” and “Brevity is the soul cake of wit,” and “Heart and soul cake,” and “A lost soul cake,” and “Save our soul cakes.” Note: A soul cake is a small cake traditionally made on Halloween.
  • Cry → Scry: As in, “A scry for help”, “A shoulder to scry on”, “Big girls don’t scry”, “Scry from the heart”, “Scry into your beer”, “Scry your heart out”, “It’s my party and I’ll scry if I want to”, “Smile and the world smiles with you, scry and you scry alone” and “I don’t know whether to laugh or scry.” Note: to scry is to predict the future, usually with a crystal ball or other reflective object. 
  • Dousing → Dowsing: As in, “They’re dowsing the fire!” Note: Dowsing is a type of divination – historically in the context of trying to find underground minerals, but more commonly today used to refer to spiritual, witchy divination. 

Halloween-Related Words

To help you come up with your own Halloween puns, here’s a list of related words to get you on your way. If you come up with any new puns or related words, please feel free to share them in the comments!

halloween, all hallow’s eve, all saint’s eve, october 31st, trick or treat, guising, jack-o’-lantern, pumpkin, candy, candy apple, candy pumpkin, caramel apple, apples, candy corn, caramel corn, mulled wine, pumpkin pie, rutabaga, soul cake, cake, turnip, bonbon, sweets, lolly, cider, toffee, pranks, trick, haunted, costume, party, bonfire, apple bobbing, witch, mummy, vampire, zombie, werewolf, skeleton, frankenstein, devil, scarecrow, black cat, grim reaper, dracula, bat, cobweb, spider, monsters, ghouls, ghosts, saints, fiend, bogeyman, hobgoblin, lycanthrope, poltergeist, banshee, skull, corpse, bone, goblins, grave, tombstone, scary, spooky, fright, creepy, horror, holiday, fancy dress, divination, crystal ball, full moon

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