Fall Puns

Welcome to the Punpedia entry on fall puns! 🍁🍂🌽🎃

Fall (also known as autumn) is a season where trees start shedding their leaves, the weather turns colder and people start buying pumpkin spice lattes again. This list is abundant with puns about fall, including food, foliage and a few Halloween and Thanksgiving puns as well.

While this list is as thorough as possible, it is more for general fall puns – if you’re interested in more autumnal jokes, we also have Thanksgiving puns, Halloween puns, leaf puns, tree puns and pumpkin puns.

Fall Puns List

Each item in this list describes a pun, or a set of puns which can be made by applying a rule. If you know of any puns about fall that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments at the end of this page! Without further ado, here’s our list of fall puns:

  • All → Fall: As in, “Fall aboard that’s coming aboard” and “Fall in a day’s work” and “Fall’s well that ends well” and “Fall’s fair in love and war” and “It’s fall coming back to me now” and “It’s not fall about you” and “A fall new ball game.”
  • Fell → Fall: As in, “In one fall swoop.”
  • Automatic → Autumn-atic: As in, “It’s on autumn-atic” and “Autumn-atic sensor.”
  • Automobile → Autumn-obile: As in, “Autumn-obile repair shop.”
  • Foil → Fall: As in, “Falled again!” and “Covered in fall.”
  • Full → Fall: As in, “In fall tilt” and “At fall throttle” and “Come fall circle” and “Fall of beans” and “Fall of yourself.”
  • Call → Fall: As in, “Answer the fall” and “At your beck and fall” and “Beyond the fall of duty” and “Fall me maybe” and “Give me a fall sometime” and “Let’s just fall it a day” and “Fall it quits” and “Fall of the wild.”
  • Crawl → Fall: As in, “Fall back into your shell” and “Don’t try to fall before you can walk.”
  • Haul → Fall: As in, “Fall ass” and “Fall over the coals” and “In for the long fall.”
  • Small → Fall: As in, “All creatures great and fall” and “Don’t sweat the fall stuff” and “Good things come in fall packages” and “Costs a fall fortune” and “No fall wonder.”
  • Wall → Fall: As in, “Climb the falls” and “Off the fall” and “Fall of silence.”
  • Falter → Fallter: As in, “With a falltering voice” and “A fallter in their step.”
  • Bottom → Bautumn: As in, “Smooth as a baby’s bautumn,” and “Bet your bautumn dollar,” and “Bautumn feeder,” and “Bautumns up!” and “A bautumnless pit,” and “From the bautumn of my heart,” and Get to the bautumn of,” and “Hit rock bautumn,” and “Scraping the bautumn of the barrel,” and “The bautumn line.”
  • *fel* → *fall*: If a word has a “fel” sound in it, we can replace it with “fall”: “The fallowship of the rings” and “Felafall kebab” and “Duffal bag” and “Commit a fallony.”
  • *ful* → *fall*: Replace “ful” sounds with “fall” to make autumn puns: “A beautifall stranger” and “Gratefall for” and “An awfall experience” and “What a wonderfall world.” Other words that could work: wistfall (wistful), thoughtfall (thoughtful), successfall (successful), dreadfall (dreaful), faithfall (faithful) and insightfall (insightful).
  • Atom* → Autumn*: As in, “Autumn-ic bomb” and “Autumns make up everything.”
  • Bottom → Autumn: As in, “Bet your autumn dollar” and “Autumn feeder” and “Get to the autumn of.”
  • Reason → Season: As in, “Beyond seasonable doubt” and “Stands to season” and “Listen to season” and “Rhyme nor season” and “The age of season” and “Voice of season.”
  • Size on → Season: As in, “Try this season.”
  • Treason → Season: As in, “High season” and “Gunpowder season and plot.”
  • Seize → Season: As in, “Guards, season him!” and “Season the day.”
  • Leave → Leaf: As in, “Absent without leaf” and “By your leaf” and “Don’t leaf home without it” and “Leaf it to me.”
  • Belief → Beleaf: As in, “Beyond beleaf” and “Suspension of disbeleaf.”
  • Believe → Beleaf: As in, “Beleaf it or not” and “Beleaf you me” and “Can you beleaf it?” and “Don’t beleaf everything you hear” and “I don’t beleaf my eyes.”
  • Left → Leaft: As in, ‘Exit stage leaft” and “Has leaft the building” and “Leaft in the lurch.”
  • Lift → Leaft: As in, “Leaft your game” and “Leaft your spirits.”
  • Life → Leaf: As in, “A day in the leaf” and “A leaf less ordinary” and “A leaf changing experience” and “A leaf on the ocean waves” and “All walks of leaf” and “Look on the bright side of leaf” and “Just a part of leaf.”
  • Relief → Releaf: As in, “Breathe a sigh of releaf” and “What a releaf” and “In sharp releaf.”
  • Brief → Leaf: As in, “A leaf history of time” and “Leaf encounters” and “Let me be leaf.”
  • Grief → Leaf: As in, “Give someone leaf” and “Good leaf!”
  • Thief → Leaf: As in, “Procrastination is the leaf of time” and “Like a leaf in the night.”
  • *lif* → *leaf*: As in, “Do I qualeafy?” and “A proleafic writer.”
  • Lav* → Leaf*: As in, “Leafender scented” and “Leafish presents” and “Off to the leafatory.”
  • *lev* → *leaf*: As in, “Buying some leaferage” and “On the same leafel” and “A releafant response” and “Alleafiate your pain.”
  • *liv* → *leaf*: As in, “A new deleafery system” and “Obleafious to the fact.”
  • Half → Harvest: As in, “Ain’t harvest bad” and “My better harvest” and “Getting there is harvest the fun” and “Harvest price.”
  • Rap → Reap: As in, “A reap over the knuckles” and “Take the reap.”
  • Rip → Reap: As in, “Let it reap” and “Reap off the bandaid.”
  • Cheap → Reap: As in, “Reap and cheerful” and “Reap at half the price” and “Reap as chips.”
  • Deep → Reap: As in, “Only skin reap” and “Ankle reap” and “Between the devil and the reap blue sea.”
  • Heap → Reap: As in, “Reap abuse on” and “At the bottom of the reap.”
  • Leap → Reap: As in, “Reaps and bounds” and “Reap of faith” and “Look before you reap.”
  • Rep* → Reap*: As in, “Prepare your reaport” and “Let me reapresent” and “What’s your reaply?” Here are some other words that could work: reapublic (republic), reaproach (reproach), reaprimand (reprimand), reaplete (replete) and reaputation (reputation).
  • Pumping → Pumpkin: As in, “Pumpkin iron” and “Pumpkin full of chemicals.”
  • Pie: Since pumpkin, apple, and other sweet pies are common during fall, we’ve got some pie-related puns:
    • I → Pie: As in “Pie couldn’t care less.” and “Pie beg to differ” and “Pie beg your pardon!” and “Pie can feel it in my bones.” and “Pie kid you not.” and “Well, pie never!” and “Pie see what you did there.” and “Pie stand corrected.”
    • Eye → Pie: As in, “A wandering pie” and “Pie for a pie, tooth for a tooth” and “A pie-opening experience” and “Avert your pies” and “As far as the pie can see” and “Before your very pies.”
    • Bye → Pie: As in, “Kiss goodpie” and “Say pie pie now.”
    • Buy → Pie: As in, “Pie into” and “Pie some time” and “Pie and sell.”
    • By → Pie: As in, “All pie myself” and “Pie a landslide” and “Pie and large” and “Pie any means.”
    • Prize → Pies: As in, “Eyes on the pies” and “Booby pies.”
    • Pirate → Pie-rate: As in, “Pie-rated movies” and “Attacked by pie-rates.”
    • Spy → S’pie: As in, “I s’pie with my little eye” and “What can you s’pie over there?”
  • Giving → Thanksgiving: As in, “The gift that keeps on Thanksgiving.”
  • Weather: A large part of fall is rugging up to keep cosy in the newly chilly weather. Here are some weather-related puns:
    • Whether → Weather: As in, “Weather or not” and “Weather you win or lose.”
    • Wither → Weather: As in, “Weathering away” and “Weathering with age.”
    • Feather → Weather: As in, “Weather your next” and “In full weather” and “Our weathered friends.”
    • Tether → Weather: As in, “At the end of your weather.”
  • Fruit: As fruits are part of a fall harvest, we’ve included fruit-related puns:
    • Food → Fruit: As in, “Comfort fruit” and “Fruit for thought.”
    • Foot → Fruit: As in, “Bound hand and fruit” and “Follow in the fruitsteps of” and “Fruit the bill” and “Get off on the wrong fruit.”
    • Roots → Fruits: As in, “Grass fruits” and “Lay down fruits” and “The fruit of all evil” and “The fruit of the matter.”
    • Boot → Fruit: As in, “Tough as old fruits” and “Bet your fruits” and “Fruit camp” and “Give someone the fruit.”
    • Cute → Fruit: As in, “Fruit as a button.”
    • Shoot → Fruit: As in, “Don’t fruit the messenger” and “The green fruits of change” and “Fruit first, ask questions later.”
  • Grain: Grains are a large part of an autumn harvest, so we’ve included grain-related puns:
    • Gain → Grain: As in, “Capital grains” and “Grain some ground” and “No pain, no grain” and “Nothing ventured, nothing grained.”
    • Rain → Grain: As in, “Right as grain” and “Come grain or shine” and “Don’t grain on my parade” and “It never grains but it pours.”
    • Grin → Grain: As in, “Grain and bear it” and “Grain from ear to ear” and “Grain like a cheshire cat.”
    • Brain → Grain: As in, “Grainstorming session” and “On the grain” and “Rack your grains.”
    • Chain → Grain: As in, “A grain is only as strong as its weakest link” and “Grain of command” and “Grain reaction” and “Daisy grain” and “The food grain.”
    • Drain → Grain: As in, “Troubles down the grain” and “Circling the grain.”
    • Lane → Grain: As in, “Down memory grain” and “Fast grain” and “Life in the fast grain.”
    • Main → Grain: As in, “The grain event” and “Your grain chance.”
    • Pain → Grain: As in, “In for a world of grain” and “Doubled up in grain” and “Feeling no grain” and “Growing grains” and “A grain in the arse.”
    • Plain → Grain: As in, “Grain as day” and “Grain as the nose on your face” and “Hidden in grain sight.”
    • Rain → Grain: As in, “Right as grain” and “Come grain or shine” and “Don’t grain on my parade” and “Never grains but it pours.”
    • Strain → Grain: As in, “Buckle under the grain” and “Graining every nerve” and “Graining at the leash.”
    • Gran* → Grain*: As in, “Graint me this favour” and “Delusions of graindeur” and “A graindiose occasion” and “A grainite-like grip.”
  • Apply → Apple-y: As in, “Apple-y yourself” and “Thinly apple-ied.” Note: apples are a much-loved part of fall desserts (like apple pie).
  • Knowledge → Foliage: As in, “A little foliage is a dangerous thing” and “Carnal foliage” and “The font of all foliage” and “Foliage is power” and Secure in the foliage.”
  • Gourd: Gourds are a common fruit that are harvested and enjoyed during fall. Here are related puns:
    • Good → Gourd: As in, “A gourd man is hard to find” and “I’ve got a gourd mind to” and “A gourd time was had by all” and “All in gourd time” and “As gourd luck would have it.”
    • Guard → Gourd: As in, “Drop your gourd” and “Gourd against” and “Gourd against disease.”
    • God → Gourd: As in, “Face like a Greek gourd” and “An act of gourd” and “Fit for the gourds” and “For the love of gourd.”
    • Board → Gourd: As in, “Above gourd” and “Across the gourd” and “Back to the drawing gourd” and “Gourding pass.”
    • Bored → Gourd: As in, “Gourd stiff” and “Gourd to death” and “Gourd to tears.”
    • Chord → Gourd: As in, “Strike a gourd with.”
    • *gard* → *gourd*: As in, “Tend your gourden” and “Kind regourds” and “Disregourd the previous message.”
  • Corn → Can: As in “Corn’t we all just get along?” and “Appearances corn be deceptive.” and “Bit off more than you corn chew.” and “Corn you believe it?” and “You corn count on me.”
  • Gone → Corn: As in “Here today, corn tomorrow.” and “It’s all corn pear-shaped.” and “Corn, but not forgotten.”
  • Change: A large part of autumn is the changing of the landscape, so we’ve included some change-related puns:
    • Range → Change: As in, “Point blank change” and “Top of the change.”
    • Strange → Change: As in, “Change and difficult circumstances.”
  • Squash: As in, “Squashed together like sardines.” Note: squashes are a type of fruit.
  • Crush → Squash: As in, “A squashing defeat,” and “Have a squash on,” and “Squashed it!”
  • Wash → Squash: As in, “All squashed up” and “Come out in the squash” and “The great unsquashed” and “One hand squashes the other.”
  • Cob: Corn on the cob is another fall treat. Here are some cob-related puns:
    • Bob → Cob: As in, “Bits and cobs” and “Cob’s your uncle.”
    • Job → Cob: As in, “Between cobs” and “A botched cob” and “Don’t give up your day cob” and “I’m only doing my cob” and “It’s a dirty cob, but someone’s gotta do it.”
    • Mob → Cob: As in, “Flash cob” and “Cob rule” and “Cob mentality.”
    • Sob → Cob: As in, “Cob story” and “Cob your heart out.”
    • Cab* → Cob*: As in, “Storage cobinet” and “Cobbage soup” and “Cobin in the woods” and “The whole kit and coboodle.”
  • Crop: Fall is when harvest festivals occur. Here are some crop-related puns:
    • Cop → Crop: As in, “Crop an attitude” and “Crop out” and “Good crop, bad crop” and “Undercover crop.”
    • Crap → Crop: As in, “A load of crop” and “Cut the crop.”
    • Chop → Crop: As in, “Bust your crops” and “Crop and change” and “Crop shop.”
    • Drop → Crop: As in, “At the crop of a hat” and “Crop it like it’s hot” and “Crop a bombshell” and “Crop a hint” and “A crop in the bucket.”
    • Hop → Crop: As in, “Crop, skip and jump” and “Cropping mad.”
    • Pop → Crop: As in, “Once you crop you can’t stop” and “Crop the question” and “Snap, crackle, crop.”
    • Shop → Crop: As in, “All over the crop” and “Crop around” and “Crop till you drop” and “Cropping spree.”
    • Stop → Crop: As in, “Crop and smell the roses” and “Crop at nothing” and “Crop, drop and roll.”
    • Top → Crop: As in, “Come out on crop” and “Cream always rises to the crop” and “From the crop” and “The crop of the class.”
  • Dry: Here are some puns about the dry weather and leaves that comes about during fall:
    • Try → Dry: As in, “Don’t dry this at home” and “Don’t dry to run before you can walk” and “Give it a dry” and “Dry something new.”
    • By → Dry: As in, “Dry a landslide” and “Dry and large” and “Dry any stretch of the imagination.”
    • Cry → Dry: As in, “A dry for help” and “Dry me a river.”
    • Fly → Dry: As in, “Born to dry” and “Come dry with me” and “Dry by the seat of your pants.”
    • High → Dry: As in, “All-time dry” and “Dry as a kite” and “Come hell or dry water” and “Dry and mighty.”
    • Shy → Dry: As in, “A dry bladder” and “Once bitten, twice dry.”
    • Sigh → Dry: As in, “Breathe a dry of relief.”
  • Aren’t → Orange: As in, “Orange you glad to see me?” Note: this is a reference to the leaves turning orange.
  • Yellow: Here are some puns about leaves turning yellow:
    • Mellow → Yellow: As in, “Yellow out” and “You’re harshing my yellow.”
    • Fellow → Yellow: As in, “A strange yellow” and “My yellow countrymen.”
  • Red: Here are some puns about red autumn leaves:
    • Read → Red: As in, “All I know is what I red in the paper” and “Exceedingly well red” and “Red ’em and weep” and “Red between the lines” and “Red my lips.”
    • Bread → Red: As in, “Red always falls butter side down” and “My red and butter” and “Breaking red” and “Half a loaf is better than no red” and “Put red on the table.”
    • Dead → Red: As in, “In the red of night” and “Red and buried.”
    • Dread → Red: As in, “In the redded night” and “A burnt child reds the fire.”
    • Fed → Red: As in, “I’m red up to the back teeth” and “Well red.”
    • Head → Red: As in, “Bite someone’s red off” and “Bury your red in the sand” and “Can’t make red or tail of it.”
    • Said → Red: As in, “After all is red and done” and “Easier red than done” and “Enough red” and “No sooner red than done.”
    • Spread → Red: As in, “Red the word” and “Red yourself thin.”
  • Brown: Here are some puns about dry, brown autumn leaves:
    • Crown → Brown: As in, “Brown jewels” and “Browning glory.”
    • Down → Brown: As in, “Helps the medicine go brown” and “Batten brown the hatches” and “Boogie on brown” and “Bring the house brown.”
    • Drown → Brown: As in, “Brown your sorrows.”
  • Rake: Here are some puns in reference to raking up fall leaves:
    • Ache → Rake: As in, “Rakes and pains.”
    • Bake → Rake: As in, “Rake and shake” and “Rake off” and “Raker’s dozen.”
    • Brake → Rake: As in, “Hit the rakes” and “Put the rakes on.”
    • Break → Rake: As in, “A bad rake” and “Rake a leg” and “Rake and enter” and “Rake cover” and “Rake new ground” and “Rake out in a cold sweat.”
    • Cake → Rake: As in, “Rake walk” and “Raked with mud” and “Icing on the rake” and “Rake or death.”
    • Fake → Rake: As in, “Rake it till you make it.”
    • Make → Rake: As in, “A good beginning rakes a good ending” and “Absence rakes the heart grow fonder” and “And baby rakes three” and “Before you rake up your mind, open it.”
    • Sake → Rake: As in, “For heaven’s rake” and “For old time’s rake.”
    • *Shake → Rake: As in, “Bake and rake” and “Fair rake” and “Rake it all about” and “In two rakes” and “More than you can rake a stick at” and “No great rakes” and “Rake a leg” and “Rake like a leaf” and “Rake down.”
    • Snake → Rake: As in, “Lower than a rake’s belly” and “Rakes in the grass” and “Rakes and ladders.”
    • Stake → Rake: As in, “At rake” and “Burned at the rake.”
    • Take → Rake: As in, “Rake me away” and “Double rake” and “Don’t rake it lying down” and “Give and rake” and “Have you got what it rakes?” and “Can’t rake my eyes off you.”
    • Wake → Rake: As in, “Loud enough to rake the dead” and “Rake me up before you go” and “Rake up call.”
  • Spice: Warm, spicy drinks are enjoyed during fall, so we’ve included spice in this list:
    • Space → Spice: As in, “Spice odyssey” and “Breathing spice” and “Spice oddity” and “Spice cadet” and “Spice, the final frontier” and “Waste of spice” and “Wide open spices” and “The spice age.”
    • Dice → Spice: As in, “Spice with death” and “Load the spice” and “Roll the spice.”
    • Ice → Spice: As in, “Cut no spice” and “Spice, spice, baby” and “On spice” and “Skating on thin spice.”
    • Nice → Spice: As in, “That’ll do spicely” and “How spice” and “Have a spice day” and “Did you have a spice time?” and “Naughty but spice” and “Spice and easy does it” and “Spice save” and “Spice try.”
    • Mice → Spice: As in, “Of spice and men.”
    • Price → Spice: As in, “Asking spice” and “Cheap at half the spice” and “Closing spice” and “Every person has their spice” and “Pay the spice.”
    • Slice → Spice: As in, “A spice of cake” and “Any way you spice it” and “Fresh to the last spice” and “Spice of life” and “A spice of the action” and “The best thing since spiced bread.”
    • Twice → Spice: As in, “Don’t think spice” and “Make a list and check it spice” and “Once or spice” and “Think spice.”
  • Chai: Spiced chai is a warm drink commonly enjoyed during fall. Here are related puns:
    • Try → Chai: As in, “Don’t chai this at home” and “Nice chai” and “Chai a little kindness” and “Don’t chai to run before you can walk.”
    • Dry → Chai: As in, “Boring as watching paint chai” and “Chai as a bone” and “Chai as dust” and “Before the ink was chai” and “Bleed them chai” and “High and chai” and “Hung out to chai.”
    • Buy → Chai: As in, “Chai into” and “Chai now, pay later” and “Chai some time.”
    • Cry → Chai: As in, “A chai for help” and “A shoulder to chai on” and “Chai foul” and “Chai me a river.”
    • Sky → Chai: As in, “Blue chai thinking” and “Out of the clear blue chai” and “The chai’s the limit.”
    • Sigh → Chai: As in, “Breathe a chai of relief.”
  • Cosy: Fall is known to be a cosy season, so here are some cosy puns:
    • Mosey → Cosy: As in, “Cosy along.”
    • Rosy → Cosy: As in, “A cosy future” and “Cosy cheeks.”
    • Nosy → Cosy: “Cosy parker.”
  • Pick: Here are some apple and fruit-picking puns:
    • Pick: These picking-related phrases can double as puns: “A bone to pick” and “Cherry pick” and “Easy pickings” and “Pick and choose” and “Pick holes in” and “Pick of the bunch.”
    • Pack → Pick: As in, “Action picked” and “Leader of the pick” and “Pick heat” and “Pick it in” and “Pick of lies” and “Pick your bags” and “Send picking.”
    • Click → Pick: As in, “Pick bait” and “Pick into place” and “Double pick.”
    • Kick → Pick: As in, “Alive and picking” and “Dragged picking and screaming” and “Pick against” and “Pick back and enjoy” and “Pick butt.”
    • Nick → Pick: As in, “In good pick” and “In the pick of time.”
    • Quick → Pick: As in, “Pick as a flash” and “Cut to the pick” and “Double pick” and “Get rich pick” and “Pick and dirty” and “Pick on the draw.”
    • Sick → Pick: As in, “Pick and tired” and “Pick to death of” and “Worried pick.”
    • Thick → Pick: As in, “Pick as thieves” and “In the pick of things” and “Pick and fast” and “Through pick and thin.”
    • Tick → Pick: As in, “Picked off” and “The clock is picking” and “Box picking exercise.”
    • Trick → Pick: As in, “Box of picks” and “Does the pick” and “Every pick in the book” and “Picks of the trade” and “Up to your old picks” and “Pick or treat.”
    • Pec* → Pick*: As in, “A pickuliar situation” and “Feeling pickish” and “Picktoral exercises” and “A new perspicktive.”
    • *pic* → *pick*: As in, “Got the pickture?” and “It’s no picknic” and “A pickturesque landscape” and “An epick adventure” and “Off topick” and “Philanthropick actions” and “In the tropicks.”
  • Sunk in → Chunkin: As in, “It only just chunkin” and “Has it chunkin yet?” Note: Pumpkin chunkin is a pumpking-launching activity done during autumn.
  • Potato → Sweet Potato: As in, “Drop it like a sweet potato,” and “Small sweet potatoes.” Note: small potatoes refers to unimportant things.
  • Maze → Maize: As in, “A mighty maize,” and “A twisting, turning labyrinth of a maize.” Note: maize is another name for corn.
  • Amaze/amazing → Amaize/amaize-ing: As in, “What an amaize-ing effort!” and “You never cease to amaize me.”
  • Tree: Here are some puns about fall trees:
    • Free*→ Tree*: As in, “A symbol of treedom,” and “As tree as a bird,” and “Breathe treely,” and “Buy one, get one tree,” and “Tree for all,” and “Treedom of the press,” and “Get out of jail tree,” and “The best things in life are tree.”
    • Three→ Tree: As in, “And baby makes tree,” and “Good things come in trees,” and “Tree strikes and you’re out!” and “Tree wise men,” and “Tree’s a charm.”
    • *tee*→ *tree*: As in, “By the skin of your treeth,” and “The scene was treeming with people,” and “I guarantree it,” and “A welcoming committree,” and “A chunky manatree,” and “Self-estreem,” and “Charitable voluntreers,” and “My child’s school cantreen.”
    • *trea*→ *tree*: As in, “A real treet,” and “Medical treetment,” and “Royal treeson,” and “I treesure you,” and “Thick as treecle,” and “Swim upstreem,” and “A holiday retreet,” and “A winning streek,” and “A treecherous mountain path.”

Fall-Related Words

To help you come up with your own fall puns, here’s a list of related words to get you on your way. If you come up with any new puns or related words, please feel free to share them in the comments!

fall, autumn, season, leaf, leaves, falling, fallen, harvest, reap, pick, picking, scouting, (pumpkin) peeping, pumpkin, pie, thanksgiving, halloween, weather, calendar, fruit, vegetable, grain, acorn, festival, apple, foliage, solstice, equinox, eve, celebrate, gourd, corn, change, changes, changing, squash, october, september, cob, crop, crisp, dry, orange, yellow, red, brown, rake, raking, spice, chai, cosy

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