Words containing the “per” sound or similar

This is an appendix entry of Punpedia. For actual Punpedia entries, head over to the homepage. Here are some words containing something similar to a “per” sound:

present, purpose, paper, particular, property, proper, opportunity, spring, particularly, presented, emperor, papers, upper, separate, whispered, supper, protect, protection, production, temper, proceed, properly, pursued, purposes, desperate, separated, deeper, operation, operations, purple, newspaper, preparing, pursuit, hypertext, purchase, opportunities, whisper, preparations, temporary, preparation, newspapers, protected, pursue, springs, temperature, purchased, copper, purse, particulars, inspiration, separation, promotion, paperwork, corporation, prosperous, temperament, contemporary, imperfect, apparatus, superstition, pursuing, pepper, whispering, shepherd, supernatural, parole, expert, pearls, superb, productions, desperately, properties, paroles, superstitious, dispersed, keeper, housekeeper, protecting, productive, superficial, transportation, pursuits, spur, temporal, spurs, superfluous, whispers, operate, slippers, purposely, cooper, superintendent, shepherds, impertinent, purchasing, slippery, tempered, corporal, exasperated, operating, temperance, cheaper, inseparable, separating, operated, imperfectly, pur, supervision, incorporated, desperation, rupert, skipper, incomparable, emperors, vapor, superstitions, experimental, uppermost, spurred, corporations, prosper, prerogative, purchases, expiration, cooperation, superseded, pursuers, pearl, separates, keepers, parental, troopers, imperceptible, disperse, sharper, worshippers, experts, operator, impersonal, purport, aspiration, aperture, drapery, protective, superhuman, comparable, harper, hampered, reparation, stupor, respiration, taper, interspersed, pursues, superman, prospered, purchaser, paralysis, sleeper, draperies, tempers, prepares, corporate, imperfection, helper, pauper, imperfections, trooper, imperceptibly, spurious, irreparable, exasperating, leopard, parisians, pearly, tapers, innkeeper, purge, suppers, distemper, tapering, purses, wrapper, exasperation, piper, cowper, slipper, opportune, parishioners, operative, prerogatives, hamper, purged, hopper, super, vapors, intemperate, improperly, paraded, supercilious, trapper, shopkeepers, spurned, operates, incomparably, sleepers, purgatory, trappers, dispersion, evaporation, contemporaries, supersede, shopkeeper, impervious, torpor, superlative, corp, temperatures, helpers, apparitions, purchasers, paupers, evaporated, sporadic, superbly, inspirations, spurn, leper, cooperate, scampered, contemporaneous, operators, incorporation, hooper, pampered, storekeeper, viper, repartee, parochial, pursuer, grasshopper, jeopardy, dispersing, separately, pursuant, operatic, purring, grasshoppers, incorporate, gaspar, superficially, spurt, whimpering, temperaments, tampered, aspirant, dapper, inseparably, pursed, parade, purcell, coppers, spurring, draper, jasper, sheppard, caspar, purser, juniper, operatives, capers, bumper, parading, pyramidal, cooperative, aspirations, exasperate, stopper, purposeless, purporting, scampering, purplish, valparaiso, apparition, superstructure, doorkeeper, lepers, parenthesis, leopards, steeper, scamper, caper, damper, impersonation, peppers, roper, tampering, whimper, aspirants, evaporate, desperadoes, promotions, inopportune, copernicus, paradis, sperm, tamper, superintendents, superimposed, purging, parfums, shepard, supervise, bookkeeper, incorporating, purr, gamekeeper, copperfield, prospering, housekeepers, purdy, parades, vipers, desperado, papered, reaper, purveyor, peppermint, respiratory, temperamental, tempering, capernaum, vesper, hampers, chaparral, unhampered, particularity, improper, tipperary, spurted, supervisor, purported, supervised, hyperbole, purposeful, peppered, clipper, dipper, hesper, repertory, obstreperous, tupper, parisienne, dispersal, purloined, aspersions, repertoire, speranza, parentheses, coppery, purports, spurning, wrappers, pipers, separations, superseding, interloper, pariah, parishioner, paradiso, supervising, purvis, hampering, spurts, inoperative, whopper, corpora, purdie, flapper, evaporating, tapered, spurns, jumper, purples, jeopardize, camper, aspersion, cooperating, skippers, temporize, clapper, simper, superlatives, culpepper, supervisors, harpers, pamper, impersonality, purveyors, copernican, bumpers, chopper, parabola, temporizing, prospers, evaporates, kaspar, casper, pearse, spurting, larkspur, sweeper, protections, shippers, recuperate, chaperone, innkeepers, parenthetically, separateness, separatists, snapper, contemporaneously, disparate, kemper, recuperation, impersonated, irreparably, separatist

Dog Puns

Welcome to the Punpedia entry on dog puns! 🐶 The puns in the list below play on a breed of dog, or on a dog-related concept (collar, puppy, etc.). There’s also a big list of dog-related words at the bottom of the list to help you come up with your own dog puns (please share them in the comments!).

Dog Puns List

Each item in this list describes a pun, or a set of puns which can be made by applying a rule. If you know of any puns about dogs that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments at the end of this page! Without further ado, here’s the list of dog puns:

  • Dog: There are quite a few phrases and idioms that directly use the word “dog”: “Dog eat dog” and “Barking dogs seldom bite” and “As crooked as a dog’s hind leg” and “As sick as a dog” and “Dog days” and “Dog in the manger” and “Dog tired” and “Dog’s bollocks” and “Dog’s breakfast” and “Don’t keep a dog and bark yourself” and “Every dog has her/his day” and “Give a dog a bad name” and “Hot diggety dog” and “The dog ate my homework” and “The tail wagging the dog” and “Work like a dog” and “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks” and “A shaggy dog story” and “A sly dog” and “Call off the dogs” and “Everybody and their dog” and “Doggie paddle”
  • Rough → Ruff: As in “Ruff and tumble” and “Ruff around the edges” and “Diamond in the ruff” and “Ruff stuff” and “Take the ruff with the smooth” and “Ruff someone up”
  • Might → Mutt: As in “With all my mutt” and “Mutt as well” and “Mutt makes right” and “It mutt have been worse” and “Try as I mutt
  • Massive → Mastiff: As in “It was a mastiff waste of time.” and “The queue is mastiff!”
  • Least → Leashed: As in “It’s the leashed I could do.” and “At the very leashed.” and “Last but not leashed” and “The path of leashed resistance” and “When you leashed expect it” and “Not in the leashed” and “To say the leashed
  • Bite: As in “Don’t bite the hand that feeds you” and “Bite the big one” and “A bite to eat” and “Love bite” and “Bite someone’s head off” and “Bite back” and “Bite me”
  • Dogmatic / Dogmatism: As in “It’s this sort of dogmatism that’s tearing our country apart.”
  • Dawg → Dog: As in “What’s up dog.”
  • Puppy: “He’s one sick puppy” and “Puppy love” and “Look at these puppies” and “Puppy fat” and “Hush puppies
  • Hound: As in “They hounded me for days before I finally gave in.” and “Hold with the hare and run with the hounds (To be hypocritical or duplicitous)”
  • Hand → Hound: As in “It wasn’t hounded to me on a silver platter” and “A bird in the hound is worth two in the bush” and “This is getting out of hound” and “We’ve got the upper hound” and “In the palm of your hound” and “Right hound man” and “Take your hound in marriage”
  • Wolf: As in “The boy who cried wolf” and “Wolf whistle” and “Wolf something down (eat fast)” and “Wolf in sheep’s clothing” and “A lone wolf” and “Hold a wolf by the ears” and “Sell wolf tickets (originally ‘woof’ tickets)” – and a related wolf-related phrase is “Alpha female/male“.
  • Pack: (In reference to a pack of wild dogs or a pack of wolves) “Leader of the pack” and “Pack a punch” and “Pack heat” and “Pack your bags” and “Six pack
  • Donation → Dalmatian: As in “A small monthly dalmatian to a charity.”
  • ‘kay, nine → Canine: As in “‘kay, nine should be enough anyway.”
  • Collar: “Blue/white collar workers” and “Hot under the collar
  • Husky: “He had a slow, husky voice.”
  • Has led → ‘sled: As in “This map ‘sled us down the wrong path.”
  • Patch → Pooch: As in “My business has been going through a rough pooch lately.” and “That cut looks bad but the doc will pooch it up nicely.”
  • Corny → Corgi: As in “Sorry that my dog puns are so corgi.”
  • Heel: “Archilles’ heel” and “Turn on your heel” and “Under the heel of” and “Brought to heel” and “Head over heels” and “Dig your heels in” and “They’re on our heels” and “Well-heeled” and “Cool your heels
  • Tail: As in “To chase one’s tail” and “Heads or tails” and “Get off my tail!” and “Has the world by the tail” and “Can’t make heads or tails of it” and “With one’s tail between one’s legs” and “To work your tail off”
  • Chase: As in “Chase around after” and “Cut to the chase” and “A wild-goose chase” and “Chasing rainbows” and “Chase down”
  • Fetch: As in “You’re looking quite fetching tonight!” and “Can you fetch me a pen please?” and “All I did during my internship was fetch and carry for the manager.”
  • Bagel →Beagle: As in “I’ll just get a coffee and beagle, thanks.”
  • Boggle →Beagle: As in “It’s mind-beagle-ing.”
  • Neutral → Neuter-al: As in “I don’t really have an opinion on this – I’m neuter-al.”
  • Breed: “Hatred breeds hatred” and “A dying breed” and “A rare breed” and “Familiarity breeds contempt”
  • Mongrel: This refers to a dog which is a cross between diverse breeds (the opposite of a purebred), but if often used to describe someone in a derogatory manner: “That mongrel kid stole the pie from my window sill!”
  • Lab: This is short for Labrador, and also (obviously) to a place where scientific research is done (i.e. a “science lab”). These two meaning could be played with to create a dog pun with common phrase like “Lab report” and “Science lab
  • Retriever: If you can use the word “retriever” in its literal sense rather than in reference to a dog breed, that might constitute a dog pun.
  • Retrieve her → Retriever: As in “She went to retriever hat, since she dropped it from the balcony by accident.”
  • Guide: A pun on guide dogs might be possible by simply using the word “guide” in the right context.
  • Sniff: “Sniff around” and “Nothing to be sniffed at” and “Sniff out something (e.g. the truth)”
  • Terror → Terrier: As in “Reign of terrier” and “Terrierism” and “A holy terrier
  • Tear your → Terrier: As in “Don’t terrier self up about it”
  • Peg → Pug: As in “Like a square pug in a round hole” and “That took him down a pug or two” and “Don’t try to pug the blame on me!”
  • Up → Pup: As in “We got it back pup and running in no time.” and “She had an ace pup her sleeve” and “It’s not all it’s cracked pup to be” and “It doesn’t quite add pup.” and “Barking pup the wrong tree” and “I’m pup against a brick wall” and “I’m pup to my ears in (something)” and “It all blew pup in my face.” and “Bottoms pup!’
  • Pom or Iranian → Pomeranian: As in “It was an unusual accent and the line wasn’t good, but they were either a Pom or Iranian.” (Terrible! :D)
  • Bull: “Oh that’s utter bull and you know it.” and “What a load of bull
  • Spinal → Spaniel: As in “I have to take my dog in for a spaniel cord operation on Tuesday.”
  • Border of California → Border of Colliefornia
  • Border: As in “That’s bordering on rude.”
  • Schnauzer: This sounds a bit like “schnoz” – a slang word for nose, so perhaps a puns could be made there.
  • Pincher → Pinscher
  • Pinch her → Pinscher
  • Retailer → Rottweiler: As in “Myer is a rottweiler of clothes, accessories and related products.”
  • Bark: “Their bark is worse than their bite.” and “You’re barking up the wrong tree” and “She’s barking mad”
  • Pure bread → Purebred: As in “They’re so unhealthy, they’ve got a diet that’s basically purebred.”
  • Spits → Spitz: As in “I do so much to help him and he just spitz in my face like that.”
  • Doggedly: This means “in a manner that shows tenacity and grim persistence.”
  • Bitch: This is the term often used by breeders to refer to a female dog. It has obvious slang meanings to which could be used for word play.
  • How’ll (How will) → Howl: As in “Howl we be able to make up the lost time?”
  • Well → Whelp: As in “Whelp, I guess it’s time to go home.” (the term “whelp” is a synonym for puppy.)
  • Cur-*: The term “cur” refers to an aggressive dog, or one that is not healthy. If a word starts with “cur” a pun can sometimes be made of it: cur-ently, cur-iculum, cur-ency, cur-ve, cur-tain, cur-l, cur-se.
  • Mush: This is the term used to encourage sled dogs to go, or to go faster, or to refer to a sledding journey. It also refers to “a soft, wet, pulpy mass” the the process of mashing to make such a mass.
  • Much → Mush: As in “Thank you so mush.” (Spoken with an accent)
  • Sick → Sic: To “sic” is to set a dog onto someone (especially a dog trained to attack). In the right context a pun on “sick” could probably be made. Some idioms/phrases: “You make me sic.” and “Sic to death of (something)” and “Sic to one’s stomach” and “I was worried sic.” and “They called in sic
  • Yep → Yap: As in “Yap, I agree.”
  • Whip it → Whippet: As in “Whippet. Whippet good.”
  • Cable → Kibble: As in “Kibble TV” and “We need to bury this kibble under the lawn.”
  • Yelp: As well as referring to a dog’s bark of distress, this can refer to Yelp (the company), or to a short sharp cry from a human.
  • Flee → Flea: As in “The thief fleaed from the crime scene on foot.”
  • Fee → Flea: As in “Have you paid your annual fleas?”
  • Bad zoo → Shih Tzu: As in “Tickets of entry were nearly 50 bucks and it turned out to be a Shih Tzu
  • Pointer: “Let me give you a few pointers” and “I need a laser pointer for my presentation.”
  • Wag: “They wagged school”
  • Applause → Appaws: As in “A round of appaws.”
  • Melancholy → Melancollie
  • Call → Collie: As in “I’ll collie you back later.”
  • Subwoofer
  • R?f* → Ruff: If a word begins with “ruf”, “ref”, “rof” or similar, it can often be turned into a silly dog puns: rufferals (referrals), ruffle (raffle), rufferee, rufference, rufferendum, ruffinement, rufflection, rufflectors, rufformation, ruffreshingly, ruffurbishment, ruffuted, ruffugee, ruffrigerator, ruffled.
  • Wine → Whine: As in “Whining and dining.”
  • Dark → Bark: As in “Come to the Bark Side, Luke.” and “It’s getting a bit bark, shall we start heading home?”
  • Thug → Pug: As in “Pug life.”
  • Puddle → Poodle: As in “Don’t step in that poodle!” and “”
  • Pop → Pup: As in “Pup-corn”
  • Pause → Paws: “Let’s paws and reflect.”
  • For → Fur: “Fur the love of god!” and “Fur real?” and “A fur effort” and “Good-fur-nothing” and “A penny fur your thoughts” and “Bat fur the other side” and “Our fur the count” and “Spoiled fur choice” and “Worse fur wear” and “Can’t see the forest fur the trees” and “Cause fur alarm” and “Different strokes fur different folks” and “Dollar fur dollar” and “Fur what it’s worth” and “Fur instance, …” and “Fur the time being” and “Asking fur trouble” and “Taken fur granted” and “Too close fur comfort” and “Fish fur a compliment” and “Fur better or for worse” and “Fur crying out loud!” and “Fur good measure” and “Fur one thing, …” and “Fur the fun of it” and “Fur your information” and “A sight fur sore eyes”
  • Poor → Paw: “Oh you paw thing.”
  • Positively → Pawsitively: “Processed and red meats have been pawsitively linked to several common cancers.”
  • Position → Pawsition: “I’m not in a pawsition to comment on that.”
  • Possible → Pawssible: “That’s simply not pawssible!”
  • Possession → Pawsession: “Charged for pawsession of narcotics.”
  • Posture → Pawsture: “I need to pay more attention to my pawsture.”
  • Posh → Pawsh: “This party is too pawsh for me.”
  • Postulate → Pawstulate: “We can only pawstulate that he escaped via the window.”
  • Posterity → Pawsterity: “The names were recorded for pawsterity.”
  • Posthumously → Pawsthumously: “He was granted the nobel prize pawsthumously.”
  • *por* → *paw*: If a word contains the “por” sound (or similar) we can usually replace it with “paw” to make a silly dog pun: airpawt, appawled, appawntment, coupawns, dispropawtionately, depawtation, downpaw (downpour), depawted, expawted, impawted, impawtance, impawssibility, passpawt, pawtal, pawtability, pawtfolio, pawtion, pawtland, pawtray, pawtrayal, pawsterior, propawtionally, purpawted, self-pawtrait, repawter, unsuppawted, suppawter, transpawting.
  • Underdog
  • Watchdog: This term is often used in a non-dog sense, for example “A government watchdog organisation to prevent corruption.”
  • Degrade → Dograde: As in “These puns are very dograding.”
  • Dignity → Dognity: As in “I’ve lost all dognity at this point.” and “I’ll at least try to make a dognified exit.”
  • *dog*: If a word contains “dig”, “dag”, “derg” or similar sounds, a very silly dog pun cans ometimes be made: indognantly (indignantly), indognation (indignation), madogascar, undograduate, pedogogical, pro-dog-al, undoground, undogone (undergone).
  • *pet*: If a word contains the “pet” sound, it may work as a silly pet pun: competitive, competitor, petri dish, parapet, petrochemical, petrol, petticoat, pipet (pipette), repetitive.
  • *fur*: If a word contains the “fur” sound (or similar), we can make silly fur puns: a-fur-mative, di-fur-ent, further, infurmation, offur, effurt, furget, furgotten, comfurt, suffur, furm (firm), furnish, furgive, comfurtable, confurm, furmly, Afurica, Oxfurd, furever, furniature, philosofur, furbidden, transfur, confurmation, diffur, furtile, furbid, confurence, confurred, uncom-fur-table, furgiven, furlorn (forelorn), confurm, furbade, confur, furnace, furocity, transfurmation, infur, infurence, defur, furthermore, furtively, furvently, cifur (cipher), furthest, biografur, affurm, furvent, furmentation, photografur, vocifurous, unfurled, afurism (aphorism), perifural (peripheral), chaufur (chauffeur).

Dog-Related Words

There are many more puns to be made than could be documented in this Punpedia entry, and so we’ve compiled a list of dog-related concepts for you to use when creating your own puns. If you come up with a new pun, please share it in the comments!

pet, puppy, hound, wolf, dachshund, great dane, ruff, poodle, man’s best friend, dalmatian, Irish wolfhound, canis, K9, canine, sled dog, husky, pack, pooch, doggie, doggy, chihuahua, corgi, guard dog, heel, tail, chase, fetch, artificial selection, bull terrier, canidae, beagle, neuter, breed, guide dog, mongrel, Labrador, golden retriever, sniff, yorkshire terrier, terrier, bloodhound, domesticated, chase after, pug, mutt, pup, dingo, mastiff, pomeranian, bulldog, spaniel, border collie, collie, english mastiff, schnauzer, dobermann, rottweiler, schipperke, pinscher, cocker spaniel, keeshond, shaggy, basset hound, mammal, purebred, bow-wow, bark, greyhound, spitz, seeing eye dog, companion, german shepard, pedigree, bull mastiff, sniffer dog, animal shelter, dog wash, doggedly, mad dog, bitch, howl, kennel, whelp, cur, sheepdog, watchdog, woof, lapdog, mush, boxer, police dog, sic, yap, dogged, dog tired, muzzle, leash, whippet, bandog, kibble, yelp, blue heeler, fleas, collar, basset hound, shih tzu, pitbull, bull terrier, jack russell, shetland sheepdog, pointer, bichon frise, st. bernard, alaskan mamalute, maltese, lhasa apso, akita, boston terrier, papillion, bernese mountain dog, bite, wag, paws, whine, bone, watchdog, underdog

Did this Punpedia entry help you?

Did you find the dog-related pun that you were looking for? If so, great! Otherwise, please let us know what you were looking for in the comments, below! Are you looking for word play for text messages, facebook, twitter, or some other social media platform? Would you like to see some funny dog pun images? Or perhaps you just want more dog puns for your photo captions? Whatever the case, please let us know, and help us improve this Punpedia entry. If you’re got any dog puns (image or text) that aren’t included in this article, please submit them in the comments and one of our curators will add it as soon as possible. Thanks for visiting Punpedia 🙂

Donut Puns

Welcome to the Punpedia entry on donut puns! 🍩 Maybe you’d prefer to call them doughnut puns – either way, this page has quite a few of them. There are of course the famous “do not” puns, but as you go down the list you’ll see a bunch of others based around donut-related concepts like “frosting” and “torus”. Whether you’re crafting cheesy donut pick up lines, trying to think up a cute caption for your Instagram photo, or whatever else, I hope you find this entry useful! 🙂

You might also like to check out the Punpedia entries on food puns, bread puns, cake punscooking puns and candy puns.

Donut Puns List

Each item in this list describes a pun, or a set of puns which can be made by applying a rule. If you know of any puns about donuts that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments at the end of this page! Without further ado, here’s the list of donut puns:

  • Don’t / Do not → Donut: As in “Donut fret about it” and “I donut care” and “Donut hold your breath” and “Donut sweat it” and “Donut knock it until you’ve tried it” and “The do’s and donut’s” and “Donut give up your day job” and “Donut mention it!” and “Donut mind me” and “Donut look a gift horse in the mouth” and “Donut rain on my parade” and “Donut worry, be happy!” and “Donut ask…” and “Donut give a hoot” and “Donut call us, we’ll call you” and “Donut sweat it!” and “Damned if I do, damned if I donut” and “Donut cry over spilled milk” and “Donut even think about it” and “Donut get me wrong” and “Donut hand me that line” and “Donut give me any of your lip!” and “Donut kill the messenger” and “Donut mind if I do” and “Donut rock the boat” and “Donut spend it all at once” and “You donut know half of it”
  • Adore → Adough: “I adough you.”
  • Don’t → Doughn’t: As in “Doughn’t fall for it.”
  • Though → Dough: As in “You look as dough you’ve seen a ghost!”
  • Money → Dough: The term “dough” is slang for money in some places.
  • *do*→ *dough*: Any word which contains the “dough” sound (or similar) can be made into an easy dough pun: abdoughmen (abdomen), Adoughbe (Adobe), adoughlescence, aficionadoughs, anecdoughtal, antidoughte, avacadough, bulldoughzer, commandough, condoughlences, crescendough (crescendo), doughmain, doughnation, doughnor, doughsage, doughze, Indoughnesian, innuendough, landoughners, Macedoughnian, overshadough, meadough, Orlandough, pseudough, shadough, taekwondough, tornadough, windough, widough, tuxedough.
  • Do→ Dough: As in “I dough what I can.” and “What are you doughing right now?”
  • Floor → Flour: As in “A donut pun battle? I’ll mop the flour with you.”
  • Glaze: As in “The prospect makes my eyes glaze over with boredom.”
  • Graze → Glaze: As in “It just glazed the surface.” and “I’ll be fine, it’s just a glaze.”
  • Craze → Glaze: “A whole new fashion glaze.”
  • Friday → Fried dough: As in “Wednesday, Thursday or fried dough is fine for me.” and “Thank goodness it’s fried dough.”
  • Tried → Fried: As in, “Don’t knock it til you’ve fried it” and “Fried and tested.”
  • Afraid → Afried: As in, “Afried of your own shadow” and “I’m afried so” and “Be afried, be very afried” and “Everything you were afried to ask” and “Who’s afried of the big bad wolf?”
  • Sugarcoat: As in “She’s very straightforward. She doesn’t sugarcoat the truth.” and “They tend to sugar-coat it to make it more appealing to the masses.”
  • I sing → Icing: As in “Icing in the shower sometimes.”
  • Fostered → Frosted: As in “They frosted a sense of community and belonging.”
  • Cream / Kreme / Creme: “We got creamed in the last match of the tournament” and “Kreme of the crop” and “Like the cat that got the creme
  • Cemetery → Creametery (a very specific and slightly morbid play on words)
  • *cram* → *cream*: As in, “Creamping my style” and “Writer’s creamp” and “Creamming for a test” and “Creamming your mouth with food.”
  • *crem* → *cream*: As in, “An increamental amount” and “By increaments.”
  • *crim* → *cream*: As in, “A creaminal mind” and “Punishment fits the cream” and “Creamson lips” and “Against discreamination” and “I don’t discreaminate.”
  • Crispy → Krispy: The “Krispy Kreme” franchise is world famous which is where this bit of word play comes from. You might even get away with using “krisp” instead of crisp as in “Burnt to a krisp“.
  • Jam: “Traffic jam” and “We’ve got a jam session tomorrow afternoon” and “Jam packed”
  • Gem → Jam: As in, “A hidden jam” and “You’re a real jam.”
  • Jealous → Jelly: As in “Your new shoes look so good! I’m jelly.”
  • Jolly → Jelly: As in, “For he’s a jelly good fellow.”
  • *gel → *jelly: As in, “Anjelly’s (angel’s) advocate” and “My better anjellys” and “Enough to make anjellys weep” and “Need some new hair jelly.”
  • Dunk in → Dunkin: As in “He got a slam dunkin the last few seconds of the match.”
  • Taurus → Torus: As in “I’m a torus, but I don’t believe in astrology.”
  • Tourist → Torus: As in “It’s a very popular torus destination.”
  • Terrace → Torus: As in “We sat out on the torus and watched the sunset.”
  • Whole → Hole: As in “The hole truth and nothing but the truth” and “The hole 9 yards” and “The hole shebang” and “This is a hole new ball game” and “Go the hole hog” and “The hole picture” and “The hole wide world” and “A hole new world”
  • Hill → Hole: As in, “Head for the holes!” and “It’s all downhole from here” and “King of the hole” and “Make a mountain out of a molehole” and “Over the hole.”
  • Ring: “It has a ring to it” and “My ears are ringing” and “Ring around for …” and “Ring the bell” and “Thrown into the ring
  • Wring → Ring: As in, “Ringing your hands” and “Put through the ringer.”
  • Wrong → Ring: As in, “Barking up the ring tree” and “Born on the ring side of the tracks” and “Get off on the ring foot” and “Going down the ring way” and “How ring can you be?” and “If anything can go ring, it will” and “If this is ring, I don’t want to be right” and “Jumping to the ring conclusion” and “Rubbed the ring way.”
  • Circle: As in “A vicious circle” and “Come full circle” and “Circle-jerk” and “The inner circle” and “Go round in circles” and “Run circles around”
  • Fried: As in “My brain is fried” and “I’m fried.”
  • Fly → Fry: As in “A no-fry zone has been declared by the military.” and “Just a fry on the wall.”
  • Fry: There are a couple of frying-related idioms (since donuts are deep-fried): “Small fry” and “Bigger fish to fry
  • Cry → Fry: As in “Don’t fry over spilt milk” and “A shoulder to fry on” and “Fry like a baby” and “A far fry from …” and “Fry fowl” and “Battle fry.”
  • Better → Batter: As in “Batter safe than sorry” and “Batter you than me” and “Batter than sex” and “I’ll go you one batter” and “I’ve seen batter days” and “It’s batter than nothing” and “Never been batter” and “The sooner the batter” and “You batter believe it!” and “Against batter judgement” and “Batter late than never” and “Batter left unsaid” (The dough used to make doughnuts is often called “batter”)
  • Butter → Batter: As in, “Bread always falls batter side down” and “Batter fingers” and “Batter up” and “Batter wouldn’t melt in her mouth” and “Float like a batterfly, sting like a bee” and “Social batterfly” and “The batterfly effect” and “Batterflies in my stomach.”
  • Battle → Batter: As in, “An uphill batter” and “Batter of wits” and “Batter ready” and “Half the batter” and “In the heat of batter” and “Love is a batterfield” and “A batter of wills” and “Batter of the bulge.”
  • Sweet: As in “You’re so sweet!” and “Oh that’s soo sweet!” and “Revenge is sweet” and “Short and sweet” and “Lay some sweet lines on someone” and “Sweet dreams” and “Sweet Jesus!” and “You bet your sweet life!” and “That was a sweet trick, dude.” and “Sweet as, bro.” and “Whisper sweet nothings” and “Home sweet home” and “Rose by any other name would smell as sweet” and “Sweet smell/taste of success/victory” and “Oh, sweetheart.”
  • Suite → Sweet: As in “She was renting a 2-bedroom sweet for the summer.”
  • Sweat → Sweet: As in “Blood, sweet and tears” and “Beads of sweet rolled down my forehead” and “Break out in a cold sweet” and “By the sweet of my brow” and “Don’t sweet it.” and “Don’t sweet the small stuff.” and “All hot and sweety.”
  • Sweater → Sweeter: As in “A close-knit woollen sweeter for cold days”
  • Desert → Dessert: As in “The Sahara dessert.” and “Just desserts.” and “How could you dessert me at the moment I needed you the most?”
  • Dissertation → Dessertation: As in “I wrote my diploma dessertation on donut puns.”
  • Does it → Dessert: As in “It’s comfy, but dessert make my bum look big?” and “Dessert not worry you that society cares so much about appearance?”
  • So close → Sucrose: As in “Sucrose yet so far.”
  • Sugar: As in “Oh sugar!” and “What’s wrong, sugar?” and “Gimme some sugar” and “Sugar daddy”
  • Cruel → Cruller: As in, “Cruller and unusual punishment” and “Cruller to be kind” and “Don’t be cruller.”
  • Snake → Snack: As in, “Snack eyes” and “Snacks and ladders” and “What a snack.”
  • Sprinkle: Since sprinkle is both a verb (to lightly scatter something) and a noun (small, multicoloured edible decorations – especially used on cakes), we can use it to turn normal phrases into puns, as in “Sprinkled with love.”

Donut-Related Words

There are many more puns to be made than could be documented in this Punpedia entry, and so we’ve compiled a list of donut-related concepts for you to use when creating your own puns. If you come up with a new pun, please share it in the comments!

donut, doughnut, dessert, custard, dough, snack, treat, sweet, icing, frosting, frosted, cream, jam, jelly, dunkin, beignet, torus, toroidal, cinnamon, kreme, krispy kreme, krispy, glaze, glazed, hole, holes, malasada, bomboloni, ring, ring-shaped, circle, filled, filling, sprinkles, deep-fried, fried, sugar, annulus, berliner, batter, sinker, cruller, olykoek, bakery, chocolate, coffee, topping, tim hortons, fritter, Dutchie

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