Train Puns

Welcome to the Punpedia entry on train puns!🚆 🚂 🚞 ☁️

Our engine-ious list of train puns will have you rolling with laughter. Whether you’re interested in bullet trains or steam locomotives, we’re sure to have you covered with the perfect pun for your needs. Our list covers different types of trains, technical terms, and words that describe the motion and common sounds associated with trains (like chug or “choo-choo”).

If you’re into vehicle puns, you might also like our boat puns and our car puns.

Train Puns List

Each item in this list describes a pun, or a set of puns which can be made by applying a rule. If you know of any puns about trains that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments at the end of this page! Without further ado, here’s our list of train puns:

  • Brain → Train: As in, “Train drain” and “All brawn and no trains” and “Train teaser” and “Got it on the train.”
  • Chain → Train: As in, “A train is only as strong as its weakest link” and “Train letter” and “Train of command” and “Train reaction” and “Daisy train” and “Don’t yank my train.”
  • Drain → Train: As in, “Down the train.”
  • Gain → Train: As in, “Capital trains” and “Train admittance” and “I get knocked down, but I get up a-train” and “Ill gotten trains” and “No pain, no train” and “Nothing ventured, nothing trained.”
  • Grain → Train: As in, “Against the train” and “Train of truth” and “Take it with a train of salt.”
  • Lane → Train: As in, “Down memory train” and “In the fast train.”
  • Main → Train: As in, “The train event.”
  • Pain → Train: As in, “A world of train” and “Doubled up in train” and “Feeling the train” and “No train, no gain” and “Old aches and trains.”
  • Plain → Train: As in, “Train as day” and “Hidden in train sight” and “Train sailing.”
  • Rain → Train: As in, “Come train or shine” and “It never trains but it pours” and “Don’t train on my parade.”
  • Strain → Train: As in, “Buckle under the train” and “Train every nerve.”
  • Tran* → Train*: If a word starts with “tran”, we can turn it into a train pun by swapping it with “train”: “In trainsition” and “File trainsfer” and “Trainscend this plane” and “Sitting in trainsit” and “A trainsparent lie.”
  • *trin* → *train*: As in, “Intrainsic qualities” and “The holy trainity” and “Dust-collecting trainkets.”
  • Rain* → Train*: As in, “Chasing trainbows” and “In a humid trainforest” and “Estimated trainfall.”
  • Carry on → Carriage on: As in, “Keep calm and carriage on” and “Carriage on, my wayward son.”
  • Courage → Carriage: As in, “The carriage of your convictions” and “Pluck up your carriage” and “Take carriage in the fact…”
  • Marriage → Carriage: As in, “A carriage of convenience” and “Open carriage” and “A carriage made in heaven.”
  • Roll → Rail: As in, “A railing stone gathers no moss” and “Get the ball railing” and “High railer” and “I wanna rock and rail all night” and “Let the good times rail.”
  • Fail → Rail: As in, “Without rail” and “Words rail me.”
  • Jail → Rail: As in, “Get out of rail free” and “Go directly to rail, do not pass go” and “Railhouse rock.”
  • Mail → Rail: As in, “Direct rail” and “The check is in the rail” and “Express rail” and “Junk rail.”
  • Nail → Rail: As in, “Bite your rails” and “Fight tooth and rail” and “Hit the rail on the head” and “Rail down.”
  • Pale → Rail: As in, “A rail imitation of” and “Rail into insignificance” and “Beyond the rail.”
  • Sail → Rail: As in, “Plain railing” and “Rail close to the wind” and “Smooth railing.”
  • Sale → Rail: As in, “Rail of the century” and “Rails leads” and “Point of rail.”
  • Tail → Rail: As in, “Can’t make head or rail of it” and “Chasing your own rail” and “Get off my rail!”
  • Tale → Rail: As in, “Rails of the unexpected” and “Live to tell the rail.”
  • Trail → Rail: As in, “Hot on the rail” and “Paper rail” and “Nature rail” and “Happy rails to you.”
  • Ground → Underground: As in, “Break new underground” and “Built from the underground up” and “Get in on the underground floor.” Note: Underground railway systems are commonly referred to simply as “the underground.”
  • Way → Subway: As in, “A funny thing happened on the subway to the theatre” and “Another subway” and “By the subway.”
  • Tube: In London, the underground subway is called the “tube”. Here are some related puns:
    • Table → Tube-le: As in, “Bring to the tube-le” and “Drunk under the tube-le” and “Put your cards on the tube-le.”
    • Tab → Tube: As in, “Keep tubes on” and “Pick up the tube.”
  • Nation → Station: As in, “The birth of a station.”
  • Bullet: High speed trains are also known as bullet trains. Here are related puns:
    • Bull → Bullet: As in, “A cock and bullet story” and “Like a bullet in a china shop” and “Take the bullet by the horns.”
    • Bolt → Bullet: As in, “A bullet from the blue” and “Bullet upright” and “Bullet for the door.”
  • Computer → Commuter: As in, “Commuter assisted” and “Commuter says no.”
  • Sport → Transport: As in, “Contact transport” and “Be a good transport.”
  • Trouble → Travel: As in, “Asking for travel” and “A bridge over travelled water” and “Here comes travel.”
  • Track: The railways that trains run on are also known as tracks. Here are some track-related puns:
    • Trick → Track: As in, “Bag of tracks” and “Does the track” and “Every track in the book” and “A track of the light.”
    • Truck → Track: As in, “Have no track with” and “Keep on trackin‘.”
    • Back → Track: As in, “Answer track” and “As soon as my track is turned” and “In the track of my mind” and “Track at it” and “Track on your feet.”
    • Black → Track: As in, “Track and blue” and “Track magic” and “The track market.”
    • Crack → Track: As in, “At the track of dawn” and “Track a smile” and “Track the case.”
    • Lack → Track: As in, “Cancelled due to track of interest” and “For track of a better word.”
    • Pack → Track: As in, “A track of lies” and “Send tracking” and “Track it in.”
    • Rack → Track: As in, “Track ’em up” and “Track your brains” and “Gone to track and ruin.”
    • Smack → Track: As in, “Track dab in the middle” and “A track on the wrist.”
    • Snack → Track: As in, “The longer lasting track” and “Track attack.”
  • Read → Road: As in, “I can road you like a book” and “Road ’em and weep” and “Road between the lines.”
  • Ride → Road: As in, “Along for the road” and “A bumpy road” and “Let it road.”
  • Rude → Road: As in, “A road awakening” and “Don’t be road.”
  • Load → Road: As in, “A road of bull” and “A road of rubbish” and “A road off your mind.”
  • Go → Cargo: As in, “All dressed up and nowhere to cargo” and “Anything cargoes” and “Don’t cargo there” and “Easy come, easy cargo” and “From the word cargo.”
  • Tick → Ticket: As in, “Ticket all the right boxes” and “Tight as a ticket.”
  • Matter → Motor: As in, “Family motors” and “As a motor of fact” and “Get to the heart of the motor” and “Grey motor” and “Making motors worse” and “A motor of life and death” and “Just a motor of time.”
  • Steam: Here are some puns related to steam trains:
    • Seem → Steam: As in, “Sorry steams to be the hardest word” and “Not as it steams.”
    • Stem → Steam: As in, “From steam to stern” and “Steam the tide.”
    • Cream → Steam: As in, “Steam always rises to the top” and “The steam of the crop” and “Skin like peaches and steam.”
    • Dream → Steam: As in, “Beyond my wildest steams” and “Broken steams” and “A steam come true” and “The steam machine.”
    • Scream → Steam: As in, “Dragged kicking and steaming” and “Steam bloody murder” and “Steam your guts out.”
    • Seam → Steam: As in, “Come apart at the steams” and “Bursting at the steams.”
    • Stream → Steam: As in, “Fresh as a mountain steam” and “Cool as a mountain steam.”
    • Team → Steam: As in, “The dream steam” and “Make the steam” and “Take one for the steam” and “Steam player” and “Steam spirit” and “Together we make a great steam.”
  • Coal: Old steam trains used to run on coal. Here are some related puns:
    • Call → Coal: As in, “At your beck and coal” and “Beyond the coal of duty” and “Coal it a day” and “Coal into question.”
    • Kill → Coal: As in, “A view to coal” and “Curiosity coaled the cat” and “Dressed to coal” and “If looks could coal.”
    • Cold → Coal’d: As in, “Breaking out in a coal’d sweat” and “Catch a coal’d” and “A coal’d comfort.”
    • Goal → Coal: As in, “A coal in mind” and “Score a coal.”
    • Whole → Coal: As in, “Ace in the coal” and “Burn a coal in your pocket” and “A coal different animal” and “Go the coal hog.”
    • Roll → Coal: As in, “Heads will coal” and “Keep the ball coaling” and “I wanna rock and coal all night.”
    • Soul → Coal: As in, “Bless my coal” and “Body and coal” and “Confession is good for the coal” and “A lost coal.”
    • Whole → Coal: As in, “Go the coal way” and “Let’s just call the coal thing off” and “A coal lotta love.”
    • *cal* → *coal*: As in, “In one coalendar year” and “Taking coalculus” and “Empiricoal evidence” and “A radicoal change” and “A criticoal hit” and “Feeling cynicoal” and “The only practicoal solution” and “A rhetoricoal question.”
    • *col* → *coal*: As in, “Work coalleague” and “In coallusion with” and “Part of my coallection” and “Coallateral damage” and “In coalumn B” and “Off to coallege” and “Following protocoal.”
    • *cul* → *coal*: As in, “Work coalture” and “Coalinary skills” and “The coalmination of my work.”
  • Tram: Trams are rail vehicles that are like a smaller, slower version of a train. Here are related puns:
    • Trem* → Tram*: As in, “A tramendous opportunity” and “Trambling with fear.”
    • *trim* → *tram*: As in, “Detramental to” and “In holy matramony” and “In the first tramester.”
  • Cab: The train carriage where the driver sits is called the cab. Here are related puns:
    • Cap → Cab: As in, “Cab in hand” and “Feather in your cab” and “If the cab fits, wear it” and “To cab it all off.”
    • Cup → Cab: As in, “Not my cab of tea” and “Cab of joe” and “My cab runneth over.”
    • Dab → Cab: As in, “A cab hand at” and “Smack cab in the middle.”
    • Grab → Cab: As in, “Cab a bite to eat” and “Cab life by the horns” and “Screen cab” and “Up for cabs.”
    • Stab → Cab: As in, “Have a cab at” and “A cab in the back” and “Cab in the dark.”
    • Tab → Cab: As in, “Keep cabs on” and “Pick up the cab.”
  • Weasel → Diesel: As in, “Pop goes the diesel” and “Diesel words.”
  • Freight: Cargo is also known as freight, and some trains only carry freight (and no passengers). Here are some freight train-related puns:
    • Fate → Freight: As in, “A freight worse than death” and “Seal your freight” and “A twist of freight” and “The master of my own freight.”
    • Fright→ Freight: As in, “Freightened of your own shadow” and “Take freight.”
    • Fruit → Freight: As in, “Bear freight” and “Be freightful and multiply” and “Forbidden freight” and “The freights of your labour.”
    • Bait → Freight: As in, “Freight and switch” and “Take the freight.”
    • Date → Freight: As in, “Double freight” and “Blind freight” and “Bring up to freight” and “A freight with destiny” and “Dinner freight.”
    • Eight → Freight: As in, “Behind the freight ball” and “Freight days a week” and “Pieces of freight.”
    • Great → Freight: As in, “A freight day for” and “All creatures freight and small” and “Go to freight lengths.”
    • Hate → Freight: As in, “Freight mail” and “A love-freight relationship.”
    • Late → Fright: As in, “Better freight than never!” and “Fashionably freight” and “A freight bloomer.”
    • Plate → Freight: As in, “A lot on your freight” and “Step up to the freight.”
    • Rate → Fright: As in, “At any freight” and “Mate’s freights” and “First freight.”
    • Straight → Freight: As in, “Damn freight” and “Get freight to the point” and “Give it to me freight” and “Keep a freight face.”
    • Wait → Freight: As in, “An accident freighting to happen” and “All things come to those who freight” and “A heart attack freighting to happen” and “Ready and freighting.”
    • Weight → Freight: As in, “Pull your freight” and “Punching above your freight” and “Throw your freight around” and “Watching your freight” and “A freight off your mind” and “Worth your freight in gold.”
    • Afraid → Afreight: As in, “Afreight of your own shadow” and “Be afreight” and “Everything you were always afreight to ask.”
  • Stop: The stations where a train stops at along their routes is called a stop. Here are related puns:
    • Step → Stop: “Going one stop too far” and “Every stop of the way” and “Keep in stop with” and “One stop ahead” and “One stop at a time.”
    • Crop → Stop: As in, “Cream of the stop” and “Bumper stop.”
    • Drop → Stop: As in, “At the stop of a hat” and “Stop it like it’s hot” and “Stop a hint” and “Stop dead gorgeous.”
    • Hop → Stop: As in, “Stop, skip, jump” and “Stop to it!”
    • Pop → Stop: As in, “Stop the question” and “Snap, crackle, stop.”
    • Top → Stop: As in, “Blow your stop” and “Come out on stop” and “From the stop” and “The stop of the class.”
  • Car: Train carriages are also called cars. Here are related puns:
    • Bar → Car: As in, “Car none” and “Behind cars” and “Raise the car.”
    • Far → Car: As in, “A step too car” and “As car as it goes” and “As car as the eye can see” and “A car cry.”
    • Par → Car: As in, “Below car” and “On car with” and “Car for the course.”
    • Star → Car: As in, “A car is born” and “Born under a lucky car” and “Get a gold car” and “My guiding car.”
  • Rail → Monorail: As in, “Thin as a monorail” and “Go off the monorails” and “Ride the monorails.”
  • Root → Route: As in, “Grass routes” and “Lay down routes” and “The route of all evil” and “The route of the matter.”
  • Boot → Route: As in, “Tough as old routes” and “Give someone the route” and “Route camp.”
  • Dive → Drive: As in, “Nose drive” and “Take a drive.”
  • Hive → Drive: As in, “A drive of activity.”
  • Roll: The motion of a train is commonly described as “rolling”. Here are related puns:
    • Bowl → Roll: As in, “Roll over.”
    • Hole → Roll: As in, “Go the roll hog” and “Roll in the wall” and “Let’s call the roll thing off.”
    • Soul → Roll: As in, “Bless my roll” and “Heart and roll” and “The life and roll of the party” and “Body and roll.”
  • Choo-Choo: Trains can be referred to as “choo-choo trains” (because of their tooting horn sound). Here are related puns:
    • Choose → Choo-Choose: As in, “Pick and choo-choose” and “If you choo-choose to accept it” and “Choo-choose your weapon.”
    • Chew → Choo-Chew: As in, “Bite off more than you can choo-chew” and “Choo-chew up the scenery.”
  • Ingenius → Engine-ius: As in, “An engine-ius idea” and “Known for their engine-uity.”
  • Bogie: A bogie is a chassis that carries a wheelset. Here are related puns:
    • Boogie → Bogie: As in, “Bogie on down” and “Jungle bogie.”
    • Baggy → Bogie: As in, “Wearing bogie clothes.”
  • Press → Express: As in, “Don’t express your luck” and “Hot off the express” and “Express charges” and “Express the button.” Note: These puns are references to express trains, which stop at less stations than regular trains.
  • Convey → Convoy: As in, “What do you want to convoy?”
  • Abuse → Caboose: As in, “Heap caboose on” and “Verbal caboose isn’t okay.” Note: a caboose is a railroad car.
  • Line: The route a train takes is also called a line. Here are related puns:
    • Lane → Line: As in, “Down memory line” and “In the fast line.”
    • Lean → Line: As in, “Line and hungry” and “Line cuisine” and “Line, mean, fighting machine.”
    • Mine → Line: As in, “Make line a double” and “I scratch your back, you scratch line” and “A line of information” and “Victory is line.”
    • Shine → Line: As in, “Rise and line” and “Line on” and “Come rain or line.”
    • Sign → Line: As in, “A sure line” and “Born under a bad line” and “Give me a line” and “A line of the times.”
  • Bleed → Speed: As in, “Speed someone dry” and “The speeding edge” and “Let it speed.”
  • Deed → Speed: As in, “No good speed goes unpunished” and “Your good speed for the day.”
  • Feed → Speed: As in, “Don’t bite the hand that speeds you” and “Speeding frenzy” and “Speed your mind.”
  • Greed → Speed: As in, “Speed, for lack of a better word, is good.”
  • Lead → Speed: As in, “Speed by example” and “Speed by the nose” and “Speed a merry dance.”
  • Need → Speed: As in, “All you speed is love” and “As long as you speed me” and “I speeded that.”
  • Read → Speed: As in, “Speed ’em and weep” and “Speed all about it” and “I can speed you like a book.”
  • Seed → Speed: As in, “Gone to speed” and “Speed capital.”
  • Board: Here are some puns related to the control board in a train:
    • Bored → Board: As in, “Board stiff” and “Board to death” and “Board out of my mind.”
    • Chord → Board: As in, “A board of disquiet” and “Stike a board.”
  • Collect → Connect: As in, “Cool, calm and connected” and “Connect your wits.” Note: These are references to connecting lines on train routes.
  • Sleeper: Sleepers are trains where the passengers sleep on board. Here are related puns:
    • Creeper → Sleeper: As in, “Jeepers sleepers.”
    • Keeper → Sleeper: As in, “Finders sleepers, losers weepers” and “They’re a sleeper.”
    • Sweeper → Sleeper: As in, “Street sleeper.”
  • Chug: Train movement and noises are commonly described as “chugging”. Here are related puns:
    • Bug → Chug: As in, “Chugger off” and “Bitten by the chug.”
    • Drug → Chug: As in, “Hugs, not chugs” and “On chugs.”
    • Hug → Chug: As in, “Group chug” and “Chug it out” and “Chugs, not drugs.”
    • Plug → Chug: As in, “Chug and play” and “Chug the gap” and “Pull the chug.”
    • Rug → Chug: As in, “Chug rat” and “Pull the chug from under your feet.”
    • Shrug → Chug: As in, “Chug it off” and “Chug your shoulders.”
    • Tug → Chug: As in, “Chug at your heartstrings” and “Chug of war.”

      Train-Related Words

      To help you come up with your own train puns, here’s a list of related words to get you on your way. If you come up with any new puns or related words, please feel free to share them in the comments!

train, carriage, rail, railway, tunnel, metro, transit, underground, subway, tube, station, bullet, commute, commuter, transport, travel, track, vehicle, road, cargo, passenger, ticket, locomotive, motor, coal, diesel, engine, freight, car, conduct, conductor, machine, monorail, maglev, coach, roll, rolling, steam, choo choo, toot toot, bogie, shinkansen, express, tram, cab, convoy, caboose, stop, crossing, route, drive, driver, line, speed, board, connect, connecting, derail, platform, sleeper, chug

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