Harry Potter Puns

Welcome to the Punpedia entry on Harry Potter Puns! ✨🧙

As well as bringing you a collection of magical puns from the Harry Potter universe, we also have separate entries for witch puns, elf puns and magic puns.

We’ve made this list as varied and comprehensive as possible, with puns ranging from the locations in the Harry Potter universe, to character names, to types of spells and more.

Please note that while we have included the phrases “mudblood”, “pureblood”, and “half-blood” in our related words list, we haven’t provided any puns for them as they are intended as oppressive, discriminatory insults in the novels and are widely considered to be analogies for racism, and any puns including those words would feel very much like a racist pun.

Harry Potter Puns List

Each item in this list describes a pun, or a set of puns which can be made by applying a rule. If you know of any puns about alpacas that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments at the end of this page! Without further ado, here’s our list of Harry Potter puns:

  • Harry: To kick off, here are some common phrases that use the name “Harry”, which you can use to make your own Harry Potter puns in the right context: “Dirty Harry,” “Flash Harry,” and “Tom, Dick and Harry.”
  • Hairy → Harry: As in, “Give it the harry eyeball,” and “Things are looking a bit harry.”
  • Hurry → Harry: As in, “Harry up! We’re going to miss Dumbledore’s speech!”
  • Potter: Make some references to the other meanings that the word “potter” has: “Potter about” (to wander around), “Potter’s clay,” and “Potter’s field.” 
  • Bought her → Potter: As in, “They Potter a new book.” 
  • Spot her → S-Potter: As in, “Can you s-Potter?” and “I need a s-Potter for this exercise.”
  • Particular → Pottercular: As in, “This pun topic is very Pottercular.” 
  • *pot → *potter:  Place “potter” onto words ending with “pot”: “Crack-potter” (crackpot), “Flower-potter” (flowerpot), “Jack-potter” (jackpot), “suns-potter” (sunspot), “Tea-potter” (teapot)
  • Hippopotamus → HippoPottermus: As in, “That hippoPottermus really likes Harry Potter puns.”
  • Pot o’ → Potter: As in, “Would you like a Potter tea?”
  • Patina → Potty-na: As in, “The Potty-na on that Mirror of Erised is just breathtaking.” (Note: “Patina” refers to a thin layer of tarnish caused by oxidation).
  • Potty: Reference Harry Potter’s nickname (Potty, Potty Wee Potter) with these phrases that contain “potty”: “Potty-mouthed,” and “Potty trained,” and “Gone potty.”
  • Danger → Granger: As in, “A little knowledge is a grangerous thing,” “Armed and grangerous,” and “Grangerous liaisons,” and “These Hermione Granger puns are grangerously cheesy,” and “Live grangerously,” and “Out of granger,” and “stranger granger.” 
  • Stranger → Granger: As in, “Don’t be a granger,” and “Perfect granger,” and “Granger danger,” and “Granger than fiction,” and “Granger things have happened,” and “Grangers in the night,” and “Grangers on a train,” and “The kindness of grangers,” and “Total granger,” and “The truth is granger than fiction.”
  • Wrong → Ron: As in, “Barking up the ron tree,” and “From the ron side of the tracks,” and “Get off on the ron foot,” and “Go down the ron way,” and “If anything can go ron, it will,” and “If this is ron, I don’t want to be right,” and “In the ron,” and “It went down the ron way,” and “Jumping to the ron conclusions,” and “There’s nothing ron with that,” and “(To be) rubbed the ron way,” and “The right place at the ron time,” and “Two rons don’t make a right,” and “What’s ron with this picture?” and “Fall into the ron hands.”
  • Bon → Ron: As in, “Ron voyage” and “Ron appetit.”
  • Run → Ron: As in, “A river rons through it,” and “Blade Ronner,” and “Born to ron,” and “Don’t try to ron before you can walk,” and “He’s gone and done a ronner,” and “A dry ron,” and “We had a good ron,” and “Hit and ron,” and “In the long ron,” and “In the ronning,” and “Don’t let your imagination ron riot,” and “My cup ronneth over,” and “Ron for your life,” and “Take a ronning jump.”
  • *ron: Emphasize words that end with “ron” – “Squad-ron,” and “Elect-ron,” and “Ba-ron,” and “I-ron,” and “Saff-ron,” and “Cit-ron,” and “Gridi-ron,” and “He-ron.” 
  • Weasel → Weasley: As in, “Pop goes the weasley,” and “Weasley and stoat,” and “A bag of weasleys.” 
  • Weaselly → Weasley: As in, “But he’s such a weasley character..”
  • Easily → Weasily: As in, “A fool and his money are weasily parted,” or “Flies off the handle weasily,” and “Don’t worry, you’ll weasily deal with this.” 
  • Measle → Weasle: As in, “He’s got the weasles,” and “What a weasley (measly) meal,” and “This is the weasliest (measliest) thing you’ve ever made.”
  • Adore → Dumble-adore: As in, “I Dumble-adore you,” or “That was Dumble-adorable.”
  • Door → Dumbledoor: As in, “As dead as a dumbledoornail,” and “As one dumbledoor closes, another one opens,” and “At death’s dumbledoor,” and “Beat a path to your dumbledoor,” and “Behind closed dumbledoors,” and “The boy next dumbledoor,” and “Begone and never darken my dumbledoors again,” and “Foot in the dumbledoor,” and “My dumbledoor is always open,” and “An open dumbledoor policy” and “Don’t let the dumbledoor hit you on the way out.” 
  • Seriously → Severus-ly: As in, “Severus-ly though, ten points from Gryffindor,” and “But severus-ly folks, give us a hand.” Also works for serious – “Stop joking around! I’m severus.” 
  • Snake → Snape: As in, “Lower than a Snape’s belly,” and “Snape eyes,” and “Snape in the grass,” and “Snapes and ladders,” and “Snapes alive,” and “Snape oil,” and “Snapes on a Plane.” 
  • Ape → Snape: As in, “Rise of the Planet of the Snapes.” 
  • Shape → Snape: As in, “All snapes and sizes,” and “Bent out of snape,” and “Get into snape,” and “Keep in snape,” and “Ship snape,” and “The snape of things to come,” and “It’s all pear-snaped,” and “In any way, snape or form,” and “Whip into snape.” 
  • Grapevine → Snapevine: As in, “I heard it through the snapevine,” and “Sour snapes” and “The snapes of wrath.”
  • *ape → E-snape: As in, “That was a narrow e-snape!” and “The great e-snape,” and “Fire e-snape,” and “Their mouths were asnape (agape)” and “What a beautiful landsnape (landscape)” and “This is all looking shipsnape (shipshape)”.
  • Snap → Snape: As in, “A snape decision,” and “Snape happy,” and “Snape out of it,” and “Snape someone’s head off,” and “Snape to it!” and “Snape, crackle and pop” and “A cold snape,” and “It’s a snape,” and “Snape (one’s) fingers” and “Make it snape-y!” 
  • *snip → *snape: As in, “Fine words butter no parsnapes (parsnips).”
  • Snapchat → Snapechat: As in, “What’s your snapechat?”
  • Severe → Severus: As in, “It was a really severus accident.” 
  • Several → Severus: As in, “There were severus factors involved.” 
  • Sever → Severus: As in, “Don’t severus that cord!” 
  • *all → McGonagall: Add “McGonagall” to words ending in “all” – “McGonagallop” (gallop), “McGonagallows” (gallows), “McGonagall-bladder” (gall-bladder), “McGonagallant” (gallant), “McGonagallantry” (gallantry), “McGonagalleon” (works for both the pirate ship and the gold coin in the Harry Potter universe), “McGonagallery” (gallery), and “McGonagalley” (galley)
  • Serious → Sirius: As in, “Sirius as a heart attack,” and “Sirius money,” and “You cannot be sirius,” and “But siriusly,” and “Dead sirius.”
  • Mysterious → Myst-sirius: As in, “That was a really myst-sirius novel.” 
  • Series → Sirius: As in, “It’s the world sirius!”
  • Siri is → Sirius: As in, “Sirius extremely smart.”
  • Syria’s → Sirius: As in, “Sirius in a lot of trouble, and has been for a long time.” (Siriusly though, it’s not a laughing matter and you should definitely look into the Syrian crisis and see what you can do to help)
  • Black: Here are some black-related phrases for you to make some sirius puns with (get it? Serious/sirius puns?): “As black as coal/ink/pitch/night,” and  “Back to black,” and “Black Friday,” and “Black and blue,” and “Black comedy,” and “- is the new black, and “Black tie,” and “In a black mood,” and “Little black book,” and “Little black dress,” and “Paint it black,” and “Pot calling the kettle black,” and “Two blacks don’t make a white” and a nice important one to finish off, “Black lives matter.”
  • Rue This → Rubeus: As in, “You will rubeus day!”
  • Haggard → Hagrid: As in, “The last few weeks of work have got me looking really hagrid.” (Note: “Haggard” is an adjective meaning pale, exhausted and worn-down).
  • Adore → Gryffin-adore: As in, “I Griffyn-adore Harry Potter.” 
  • Endorphin → Gryffindorphin: As in, “Exercising is great for gryffindorphins.” (Note: endorphins are a feelgood chemical)
  • Endorse → Gryffindorse: As in, “A glowing gryffindorsement,” and “I gryffindorse it,” and “They have been gryffindorsed.”
  • Shuffle → S-hufflepuff: Remember that this can work for all forms of the word shuffle – as in, “Give the cards a s-hufflepuff,” and “They’ve been s-hufflepuffed,” “But how many s-hufflepuffs?” and “They definitely need re-shufflepuffing” and “Every day I’m s-hufflepuffing.”
  • Kerfuffle → Kerfhufflepuff: As in, “These Harry Potter puns are sure to cause a great kerfhufflepuff.” 
  • Perfection → Hufflepuffection: As in, “These corny puns are hufflepuffection.”
  • Raven → Ravenclaw: As in, “Quoth the Ravenclaw.”
  • Awesome → Ravenclawesome: As in, “These magical puns are Ravenclawesome.”
  • Slither in → Slytherin: As in, “Can I slytherin (to your bed/chamber of secrets)?”
  • Blithering → Slythering: As in, “The slythering idiot!” (Blithering meaning to talk in a foolish, aimless way)
  • Crap → Crabbe: As in, “What a load of crabbe,” and “Cut the crabbe,” and “I’m just going to the crabbe-r,” and “Stop crabbe-ing around,” and “Do bears crabbe in the woods?” and “Don’t crabbe where you eat,” and “Holy crabbe,” and “These are some really crabbe-y puns.” 
  • Grab → Crabbe: As in, “Crabbe a bite to eat,” and “Crabbe their attention,” “Crabbe life by the horns,” and “Screen crabbe,” and “Up for crabbes,” and “Crabbe life by the throat,” and “Crabbe a chair,” and “Crabbe bag,” and “Crabbe some rays,” and “How does that crabbe you?” Don’t forget that this will also work for grabbed (crabbe-d) and grabbing (crabbe-ing). 
  • Crab/by → Crabbe/y: As in, “Don’t be so crabbe-y!” and “Those crabbes are very cute.”
  • Girl → Goyle: As in, “A goyle’s best friend” and “All-American goyle,” and “Atta goyle!” and “Baby goyle,” and “Boy meets goyle,” and “California goyles,” “Diamonds are a goyle’s best friend,” and “Goyle next door,” and “Goyle with a pearl (or poyle) earring,” and “Goyle power,” and “Goyles just wanna have fun,” “That’s what little goyles are made of,” and “The ‘It’ goyle,” and “What’s a goyle to do?” and “Working goyle,” and “You go, goyle” and “Goyleboss” (girlboss).
  • Gold → Goyle-d: As in, “A pot of goyle-d,” and “All that glitters is not goyle-d,” and “As good as goyle-d” and “Five goyle-den rings” and “Fool’s goyle-d” and “Get a goyle-d star” and “Go for goyle-d” and “Goyle-d digger,” and “Goyle-den years,” and “A goyle-den opportunity,” and “A heart of goyle-d,” and “Pure goyle-d,” and “Silence is goyle-den,” and “Sitting on a goyle-dmine,” and “The goyle-den gate bridge” and “The goyle-den mean” and “The streets of London are paved with goyle-d” and “Worth your weight in goyle-d.”
  • Cold → Goyle’d: As in, “as goyle’d as ice” and “Break out in a goyl’d sweat” and “Go goyle’d turkey” and “A goyle’d day in hell”, “Goyle’d feet”, “Goyle’d light of day”, “The goyle’d shoulder”, “Hard, goyle’d cash”, “In goyle’d blood”, “Left out in the goyle’d,” and “Stone goyle’d sober”, “The goyle’d war”, and “They’re out goyle’d!”
  • Coil → Goyle: As in, “Shuffle off this mortal goyle.” Also works for other forms of “coil” – recoil (re-goyle) and “uncoil” (un-goyle).
  • Curl → Goyle: As in, “Goyle up and die”, “Goyle your lip”, “Enough to make your hair goyle,” and “Make someone’s toes goyle,” and “Have ’em by the short and goyle-lies.” 
  • Coyly → Goyle-ly: As in, “She goyle-ly said that she loves me”. 
  • God → Godric: As in, “A face like a Greed Godric,” and “An act of Godric” and “As Godric is my witness”, “A child of Godric” and “For the love of Godric,” and “Godric forbid” and “Honest to Godric,” among many others.
  • Witch: Some phrases with the word “witch”: “The witching hour”, “Witch hunt”, “Witches knickers”, and “Which witch is which?” 
  • Switch → Witch: Replace or emphasise the words “switch” and “witch” in these common phrases: “Asleep at the s-witch,” and “S-witch off”, “S-witch on”, and “S-witch hitter”. 
  • *wich → *witch: Switch words ending in -wich around with witch: “What’s the Green-witch mean time?” and “When do you want to go to Nor-witch?” and “What’s in this sand-witch?” 
  • B*tch → Witch: Make your cusswords kid-friendly by swapping witch in: “Witch fest,” and “Witch slap,” and “Flip a witch,” and “Life’s a witch and then you die” and “Payback’s a witch,” and “Rich witch,” and “The witch is back,” and “Basic witch,” and “Witch and moan,” and “Resting witch face.”
  • *witch: Emphasise words that end in witch: “What’s with that t-witch?” and “The power to be-witch.” Also works for other forms of these words, like “be-witching” and “t-witches.” 
  • Rich* → Witch*: Swap the word “witch” into words that start with a “rich” sound – “Witchard” (Richard), “Witcher” (richer), “Witchual” (ritual), “Witchualistic” (ritualistic), “Witchest” (richest). 
  • Enrich → En-witch: As in, “en-witch the Earth”. 
  • Hours: Change hour-related sayings: “After witching hours,” and “At the eleventh witching hour,” and “Happy witching hour,” and “My finest witching hour,” and “Now is the witching hour” and “Open all witching hours” and “The darkest witching hour is just before the dawn.”
  • Magic: Magic-related phrases: “Every little thing she does is magic” and “It’s a kind of magic,” and “Magic Johnson”, “Magic beans”, “Magic carpet ride”, “Magical mystery tour”, “Make some magic,” and “The magic number”, “Wave your magic wand”, and “Work one’s magic.”
  • *agi* → *magic*: Use words with the soft “agi” sound in them: “Magic-tive (adjective)”, “Magic-sterial (magisterial)”, and “Imagic-nation (imagination)”. 
  • Spell: Some spell-related phrases: “Cast a spell” and “How do you spell relief?” and “Spell it out”, “Be under (someone’s) spell,” and “Break the spell,” and “A dry spell” and “It spells trouble”, “Spelling bee”, and “Back in a spell!”
  • Smell → Spell: As in, “Come up spelling of roses”, “I spell a rat”, “A keen sense of spell,” and “A rose by any other name would spell just as sweet”, “Spell ya later”, “Spells like teen spirit”, Stop and spell the roses”, “The sweet spell of success”, “Tastes as good as it spells,” and “Whoever spelled it, dealt it”. Also works for other forms of smell – spelly (smelly) and spelling (smelling). 
  • Stellar → Spellar: As in, “What a spellar performance from England!”
  • Expel → Ex-spell: As in, “I don’t want to be ex-spelled!”
  • Spill → Spell: As in, “Spell the beans,” and “Spell your guts,” and “Cry over spelled milk,” and “Spell the tea,” and “He took a spell.”
  • Book → Spellbook: As in, “A room without spellbooks is like a body without a soul”, “Always have your nose in a spellbook,” and “Spellbook worm”, “By the spellbook,” and “Every trick in the spellbook,” and “Read any good spellbooks lately?” and “His life’s an open spellbook” and “Hit the spellbooks,” and “Little black spellbook,” and “So many spellbooks, so little time”, and “Don’t judge a spellbook by its cover”.  
  • Curse: Some curse-related phrases to make witch puns out of: “Commentator’s curse,” and “I’d rather light a candle than curse the dark,” and “Curses!”
  • *curse*: Use words that already have “curse” in them: “Curseor (cursor)”, “Precurseor (precursor)”, “Accursed,” and “Curseive (cursive)”, “Recurseion (recursion)”, and “Excurseion (excursion)”. 
  • Course → Curse: As in, “But of curse,” and “A correspondence curse,” and “Of curse you can”, “Crash curse,” and “In due curse,” and “Let nature take its curse,” and “A matter of curse” and “On a collision curse,” and “Par for the curse,” and “Run its curse,” and “The curse of true love never did run smooth”. 
  • Chant: Use words either related to or containing “chant”: “Chantal,” and “Chanted,” and “Disenchanted,” and “Disenchantment,” and “Enchanting” and “Merchant,” and “Penchant.” 
  • Can’t → Chant: As in, “An offer one chant refuse”, “Chant get enough”, “Chant stand it”, “I chant hear you!”, “It chant be helped”, “You chant say fairer than that”, “Chant see beyond the end of one’s nose”, “Don’t make promises you chant keep”, “Those who can have a moral obligation to do for those who chant,” and “If you chant stand the heat, get out of the kitchen”.
  • Wand: Related phrases: “Goosey goosey gander, whither shall I wand-er?” and “Wave your magic wand.”
  • *wand*: Emphasise the “wand” in certain words: “Qwandaries (quandaries)”, “Rwanda“, “Sqwander (squander)”,  “Taekwando (taekwondo)”, “Wander“, “Wanderer,” and “Wanderlust.”
  • Want → Wand: As in, “All I really wand to do,” and “Any way you wand it,” and “Do you really wand to hurt me?” and “Do you wand the good news or the bad news?” and “Everything you always wand-ed,” and “Girls just wand to have fun,” and “It’s my party and I’ll cry if I wand to.”
  • *ora/orer → *auror: Change words with an “ora” or “orer” sound to make puns about aurors: “A great explauror (explorer)”, “Unexplainable hauror (horror)”, “She works as an art restauror (restorer)”, “I’m going to see the Aurora Borealis”, and “You probably shouldn’t buy that fedauror (fedora)”. 
  •  Phoenix: Related phrases: “Phoenix from the flames”, and  “rise like a phoenix from the ashes”.
  • Chamber of Secrets: This one has plenty of pick up lines associated with it due to the references to a secret, private location that has a giant snake living in it – for example, “I’d like to Slytherin to your Chamber of Secrets.” You can come up with others on your own.
  • Bedchamber → Bedchamber of Secrets: Add “of Secrets” to the end of “bedchamber” to make some inadvisable puns. 
  • 9 & 3/4: Whenever someone makes a reference to a number, throw 9 & 3/4 in there. For example, instead of “10/10, would recommend”, you would have 9 & 3/4 /10, would recommend”, or “On a scale of 1 – 10, how much do I like Harry Potter puns? Definitely 9 & 3/4.”
  • *Prince → *Half-Blood Prince: Insert the term “half-blood” into these phrases about princes to make some Harry Potter puns that reference the sixth book (Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince): “A (half-blood) prince among men, “(Half-blood) prince of darkness”, “Someday my (half-blood) prince will come”. 
  • Owl: Owls are similar to newts in that they have multiple meanings that you can take advantage of – it can mean the real life bird, the magical creature in Harry Potter, a way to get mail in Harry Potter (as in, “Did you get my owl?”) and an acronym (O.W.Ls) for wizarding exams. Here are some owl-related phrases to help you make an owly Harry Potter pun: “As wise as an owl,” and “Night owl,” and “The owl without a vowel”. 
  • *owl → owl: Replace or emphasise the word “owl” in words that end in “owl”: “Bowl over”, “Neither fish nor fowl,” and “On the prowl.”
  • *owl → *owl: Make some corny Potter puns by emphasising words that end in “owl” (including “oul”) sounds, like “Cowl,” and “fowl” (for both “fowl” and “foul”), “growl,” and “howl,” and “jowl,” and “prowl,” and “scowl,” and “towl” (as in “towel”), “trowl” (as in “trowel”)
  • Aisle → Owl: As in, “Clean up in owl 3!” (Or perhaps 9-3/4 would be more appropriate)
  • I’ll → Owl: As in, “Owl get to it right away.”
  • Muddle → Muggle: As in, “Muggle-headed”, “Muggle along”, and “They’re all muggled up!” 
  • Smuggle → S-muggle: Emphasise the “muggle” sound in “smuggle”, like so: “Budgie s-muggler.” Also works for other forms of the word – “S-muggle,” and “S-muggleing,” and “S-muggle-d.” 
  • Smugly → S-muggley: As in, “Malfoy s-muggley reported the incident to his father.”
  • Quaff → Quaffle: As in, “He quaffled pint after pint”. (Note: to quaff is to drink)
  • Waffle → Quaffle: As in, “That vegan quaffle house is amazing”, and “This teacher never stops quaffling (waffling)”. 
  • Dobbed → Dobby-ed: As in, “They were dobby-ed in to the police”. 
  • Lizard → Wizard: As in, “Flat out like a wizard drinking”, “Lounge wizard,” and “The wizard king”. 
  • Wizard → Hedge Wizard: As in, “The Hedge Wizard of Oz”, and “We’re off to see the hedge wizard.” Note: A hedge wizard is a type of “small-time” wizard.
  • Wizard → Triwizard: As in, “The Triwizard of Oz”, and “We’re off to see the Triwizard.” Good for multi-fandom puns.
  • Grim old place → Grimmauld Place: As in, “What a truly grimmauld place”.
  • Parcel → Parseltongue: Replace “parcel” in these phrases with “parseltongue”: “Good things come in small parseltongues,” and “Part and parseltongue,” and “Pass the parseltongue.” 
  • Tongue → Parseltongue: As in, “Acid parseltongue,” and “Bite your parseltongue,” and “Cat got your parseltongue?” and “Mother parseltongue,” and “Roll off the parseltongue,” and “Slip of the parseltongue,” and “The gift of parseltongues.”
  • Profess her → Professor: As in, “She’s about to professor love for corny Harry Potter puns”. 
  • Nocturnally → Knockturn Alley: As in, “These creatures live knockturn alley.” 
  • Fork → Fawkes: As in, “Fawkes out!” and “Knife and fawke it,” and “Speaking with a fawke-d tongue” and “Fawke off” and “Fawke it over” and “Stick a fawke in it”. 
  • F*ck → Fawkes: As in, “Clusterfawke,” and “I don’t give a flying fawke,” and “For fawke’s sake”, “Fawke!” and “Fawkebuddy,” and “Fawke my life” and “I’ve fawke-d it up” and “What the actual fawke?”
  • Malf* → Malfoy-*: As in, “A wardrobe malfoy-nction,” and “It’s malfoy-med (malformed)”, and “A malfoymation” (malformation).
  • Guinea → Ginny: As in, “The ginny pig state”, and “Worth a ginny a box”. 
  • Geneva → Ginny-va: As in, “As stated in the Ginny-va Convention…”
  • Never → Neville: There are far too many phrases and idioms that use the word “never” for me to list all of the examples here, but here’s a selection to start you off: “Always the bridesmaid, neville the bride”, and “Neville the twain shall meet”, “The city that neville sleeps”, “Begone and neville darken my doors again”, “Better late than neville,” and “An elephant neville forgets”, “It’s now or neville,” and “Well! I neville!” and “Neville a dull moment” and “Neville gonna give you up!”
  • Devil → Neville: As in, “Better the Neville you know than the Neville you don’t”, “Between the Neville and the deep blue sea”, “Neville in disguise”, “Neville may care”, “A Neville of a time”, “Neville’s food cake”, “Neville’s advocate”, “Speak of the Neville,” and “The Neville wears Prada”, “The Neville is in the detail”, “The Neville made me do it” and “What the Neville?”
  • Navel → Neville: As in, “I love neville oranges”, and “I’m going to get a neville piercing”.
  • Naval → Neville: As in, “The neville treaty was very long-winded”. 
  • Shame → Seamus: As in, “Seamus on you”, “The walk of Seamus,” and “Name and Seamus,” and “Put to Seamus” and “What a crying Seamus.”
  • Deem → Dean: As in, “I Dean you worthy”, and “Redean yourself”.
  • Radical → Radical-iffe: As in, “This series is radical-iffe.” 
  • Ema* → Emma*: Make some puns by changing words that start with “ema”-“Emmanate (emanate)”, “Emmagrant (emigrant)”, “Emmanence (eminence)”, and “Emmanent (emanent)”.
  • *ema* → *emma*: Reference Hermione/Emma Watson by changing words with an “ema” sound in them, as in: “Chemmacal (chemical)”, “Cemmatery (cemetery)”, “Demmagogue (demagogue)”, “Demmacratic (democratic)”, “Dilemma,” and “Femmanine (feminine)”, “Hemmasphere (hemisphere)”, and “Remmady (remedy)”.
  • Rolling → Rowling: As in, “A rowling stone gathers no moss”, “Get the ball rowling,” and “Like a rowling stone”, “Rowling in it”, “Rowling in the deep”, “Rowling in dough”, “She is bankrowling (bankrolling) me”, “Rowling out the red carpet”, “Stop rowling your eyes”, and “Rowling up my sleeves”. 
  • *awling/owling → *rowling: As in, “My baby is crowling! (crawling)”, “Your cat is growling,” and “You’re being very controwling,” and “Could you stop your prowling?”
  • Floor → Fleur: As in, “Cross the fleur,” and “Hold the fleur,” and “Mop the fleur with”, “Murder on the dance fleur” and “Fall to the fleur,” and “Fleur it!”, “Fleur-ed,” and “On the cutting room fleur,” and “Rolling (Rowling) on the fleur laughing”, and “So clean you could eat off the fleur.” 
  • Flora → Fleura: As in, “Fleura and fauna”.
  • Florist → Fleurist: As in, “Give the fleurist a call”, and “This fleuristry (floristry) course looks very expensive”. 
  • L’oreal → F’leureal: As in, “Looking for skincare by F’leureal? Too bad, all we have is some lame puns.” 
  • Flirt → Fleur’t: As in, “Fleur’ting with disaster”, “They’re a real fleur’t.” Also works with other forms of flirt – flirted (fleur’ted), flirtatious (fleur’tatious), flirtation (fleur’tation).
  • Lily: Here are some lily-related phrases: “Lily-white,” and “Lily-of-the-valley,” and “Lily-livered.” 
  • Moon: Related phrases for you to make some Lupin puns with: “Ask for the moon,” and “Bark at the moon,” and “A blue moon,” and “Chasing moonbeams,” and “East of the sun and west of the moon,” and “Eclipse of the moon,” and “Fly me to the moon,” and “Honeymoon period”, “Many moons ago”, “Moonlight serenade”, “Once in a blue moon,” and “Over the moon,” and “The dark side of the moon,” and “The cow jumped over the moon,” and “The man in the moon,” and “Phases of the moon” and “They danced by the light of the moon” and “Moon-walking,” “Blood moon”, “Moon about”, and “Reach for the moon.”
  • Money → Moony: As in, “A fool and his moony are soon parted”, “A tonne of moony,” and “Blood moony,” and “Easy moony,” and “For love or moony,” and “Funny moony” and “Get your moony’s worth”, “Hush moony,” and “I’m not made of moony” and “In the moony,” and “Mad moony,” and “Moony back guarantee”, “Moony can’t buy you love”, “Moony doesn’t grow on trees”, “Moony talks”, “Moony is no object”, “Moony is power”, “Time is moony” and “Moony is the root of all evil”, “Moony isn’t everything”, “Spend moony to make moony,” and “Moony makes the world go ’round”, “Moony to burn”, “More moony than sense”, “New moony,” and “Old moony,” and “On the moony,” and “Show me the moony,” “Shut up and take my moony,” and “Value for moony.”
  • Ream us → Remus: As in, “The boss is gonna remus when he finds this!” 
  • Molly: Some Molly-related sayings for you to play with: “Mollycoddled,” and “Good golly, Miss Molly.”
  • Marvellous → Marvolous: As in, “This Voldemort pun is truly marvolous.”
  • Madagascar → Mad-eyegascar: As in, “Did you like the new Mad-eyegascar movie?” 
  • Moody: Use jokes or phrases that have the word “moody” in them, as in: “Why did Barty Crouch stop drinking? Because it was making him moody.”
  • Maddening → Mad-eyening: As in, “This is a mad-eyening amount of puns”, “These Moody puns are mad-eyeningly funny”. 
  • Mad* → Mad-eye*: Sneak “Mad-eye” into names that begin with “Mad” – “Mad-eyeline” (Madeline), and “Mad-eyeson” (Madison).
  • Mood: Related phrases: “In the mood,” and “In a black mood,” and “A person of many moods.” 
  • Dragon: This refers to a cranky person and a magical beast in the Harry Potter universe. Here are some related phrases to help you make some magical puns: “Chase the dragon,” and “Dragon slayer”, “Slay the dragon,” and “Feed the dragon.”
  • Dragging → Dragon: As in, “He’s really dragon on again”. 
  • Roll → Troll: As in, “A trolling stone gathers no moss”, “A trolling ball gathers no moss”, “Heads will troll,” and “High troller,” and “I wanna rock and troll all night!” and “On a troll,” and “Ready to troll?” and “Troll in the hay”, “Troll up your sleeves”, “Troll with the punches”, “All trolled into one”, and the best one – “Trolling in the deep”. 
  • *roll* → *troll*: Mess with words with “roll” in them by replacing “roll” with “troll” like so: “Emotional troller-coaster,” and “Troll-ey boy”, and “Trolls-royce.” 
  • Peeve: As in, “My pet peeves.” 
  • Peter: Some Peter-related phrases for fans of Pettigrew puns: “Peter, Peter, pumpkin eater”, “Peter Piper”, “Peter out”, “Rob Peter to pay Paul”, and “Peter Pan syndrome”.
  • But he grew → Pettigrew: As in, “I thought he was done with his growth spurt, Pettigrew even taller”. 
  • Keeper: Get some Quidditch puns in with these keeper related phrases – “Am I my brother’s keeper?” and “Finders, keepers,” and “That’s a keeper.”  
  • Filch: “They filched from my office!”
  • Bill: Related sayings: “A clean bill of health”, “Fit the bill,” and “Foot the bill,” and “Phony as a three-dollar bill,” and “Sell someone a bill of goods”, “Bulk bill,” and “Silly billy!”
  • Broom: Change broom-related phrases for broomstick puns: “A new broomstick sweeps clean”, and “Marry over the broomstick.” 
  • Room → Broom: As in, “A broom with a view”, “Smallest broom in the house”, “Standing broom only”, and “This is my broommate.”  
  • Stick: Change stick-related phrases for broomstick puns: “As cross as two broomsticks,” and “Better than a poke in the eye with a sharp broomstick,” and “Carrot and broomstick,” and “Every broomstick has two ends”, “Five, six, pick up broomsticks,” and “Got hold of the wrong end of the broomstick,” and “In the broomsticks,” and “More than you can shake a broomstick at”, “Short end of the broomstick,” and “Speak softly and carry a big broomstick,” and “Broomstick in the mud”, and “Broomsticks and bones may break my bones and words can contribute to systemic oppression”.
  • Nut → Knut: Replace “nut” with “knut” (a type of coin in Harry Potter): “As knutty as a fruit cake”, “As sweet as a knut,” and “Do your knut,” and “From soup to knuts,” and “Go knuts,” and “In a knutshell,” and “That old chestknut,” and “Some kind of knut,” and “A tough knut to crack”, “Knuts and bolts”, “If you pay pea-knuts, you get monkeys”, “Drives me knuts,” and “You can put that where the monkey keeps his knuts.” Dont forget that you can also replace the usual nuts with knuts – brazil knuts, candleknut, chestknut, hazelknut, hickory knut, kola knut, pea-knut, pine knut, and walknuts. Knutella (Nutella) isn’t a nut but it works too. 
  • Knot → Knut: As in, “Cut the gordian knut,” and “Dont get your knickers in a knut,” and “Tie the knut,” and “Tie yourself in knuts.”
  • Not → Knut: As in, “And whatknut,” and “As often as knut,” and “Believe it or knut,” and “It all came to knutting,” and “Down but knut out”, “Good for knutting”, “Let’s knut and say we did”, “Knut a chance,” “Knut a minute too soon”, “Knut a pretty sight”, “Knut all it’s cracked up to be”, “Knut bad”, “Knut by any means”, “Last but knut least”, “Waste knut, want knut”, and “Knut a soul”.
  • Knit → Knut: As in, “Guerrilla knutting,” and “Knut one, purl one”, “Knut your brow”, and “Stick to your knutting.”
  • Sick → Sickle: As in, “As sickle as a dog”, “Enough to make you sickle,” and “In sickle-ness and in health”, “Morning sickle-ness,” and “On the sickle list”, “Phone in sickle,” and “Sickle and tired”, “Sickle to the stomach”, and “Worried sickle.” 
  • *cycle/sicle → *sickle: As in, “A bisickle (bicycle) built for two”, “A woman without a man is like a fish without a bisickle (bicycle)”, “Let’s blow this popsickle (popsicle) stand!”, “What massive isickles” (icicles), “I want to ride my trisickle” (tricycle), and “This is farsickle!” (farcical – something ridiculous or absurd – a farce)
  • Secluded → Sickle-uded: As in, “It’s very dark and sickle-uded in here.”
  • Gall*→ Galleon: As in, “What a galleont (gallant) horse”, and “This is 30 galleons (gallons)”. 
  • Remember → Remembrall: As in, “Affair to remembrall,” and “If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remembrall anything”, and “Remembrall when?”
  • Charm: Some charm-related phrases to help you make some Harry Potter puns on the fly: “Charm the birds out of the trees”, “Lead a charmed life”, “Southern charm,” and “Third time’s a charm,” and “Works like a charm.”
  • Harm → Charm: As in, “First, do no charm,” and “In charm’s way,” and “No charm done,” and “No charm, no foul,” and “Wouldn’t charm a fly.”
  • Giant: Here are some giant related phrases: “Gentle giant,” and “Make giant strides”, “On the shoulders of giants,” and “Sleeping giant,” and “One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind”.
  • See her → Seer: As in, “Where did she go? I can’t seer!”
  • See → Seer: As in, “As far as the eye can seer,” and “Be the change you wish to seer in the world”, “Can’t seer beyond the end of your nose”, Can’t seer the wood for the trees”, “Come up and seer me sometime”, “I can seer clearly now”, and “I could seer you a mile off”.
  • *ear → Seer: As in, “All seers,” and “As cute as a bug’s seer” and “Don’t believe everything you seer (hear)”.
  • Sear → Seer: As in, “Would you like some seered eggplant?”
  • Sheer → Seer: As in, “Seer madness!” and “Seer stockings”.
  • Sear → Seer: As in, “It is seer-ing hot around here”.
  • Wh*re → Horcrux: As in, “Boo you horcrux.” There are other related phrases but we deemed them too offensive for inclusion and advise that you don’t use them either. 
  • Self-*→ Elf-*: As in, “Have some elf-conficence,” and “She’s got good elf-control.” Other words that would work with this format: elf-contained, elf-deceiving, elf-deprecating, elf-determination, elf-enrichment, elf-governing, elf-help, elf-improvement, elf-perpetuating, elf-portrait, elf-sufficient.
  • *self→ *elf: As in, “Be your-elf,” and “An elf-made business owner,” and “Apply your-elf,” and “Pull your-elf together,” and “I didn’t do it my-elf.” Note: this also works for the plural forms of both self and elf – as in, “Apply your-elves (apply yourselves),” and “Pull your-elves together.”
  • Self*→ Elf*: As in, “An elfish (selfish) person,” and “Elfless (selfless) bravery,” and “I won’t stand for such elfishness (selfishness).”
  • *alf*→ *elf*: As in, elfalfa (alfalfa), elfredo (alfredo), behelf (behalf – as in, “On behelf of”), and melfunction (malfunction – as in, “Why is the computer melfunctioning?”)
  • Selfie→ Elfie: As in, “Take an elfie,” and “Use an elfie stick.”
  • Health→ Helf: As in, “A helfy mind in a helfy body,” and “Bad for your helf,” and “A clean bill of helf,” and “Glowing with helf,” and “In sickness and in helf,” and “A picture of helf,” and “Take a helf-y interest,” and “Ill helf,” and “In the pink of helf,” and “Helfy as a horse.” Note: if you’re in the pink of health, then you’re in very good condition.
  • Wealth→ Welf: As in, “Rolling in welf,” and “Redistribution of welf,” and “Share the welf.”
  • Alphabet→ Elfabet: As in, “Elfabet soup,” and “Do you know your elfabet?”
  • Effin’ → Elfin: As in, “Elfin hell,” and “Not another elfin word!” Note: Effin’ is shorthand slang for f*cking.
  • Effed → Elfed: As in, “I elfed up,” and “It’s completely elfed.” Note: Effed is shorthand slang for f*cked (in the context that something is thoroughly ruined).
  • Half → Helf: As in, “Ain’t helf bad,” and “My better helf,” and “Getting there is helf the fun,” and “Helf a second,” and “Helf asleep,” and “Helfway to paradise,” and “Not helf the man I used to be,” and “How the other helf lives,” and “Glass helf empty,” and “Got helf a mind to…” and “Meet helfway,” and “Too clever helf bad.”
  • Halve → Helve: As in, “A problem shared is a problem helved,” and “Go helves,” and “By helves,” and “Do by helves.”
  • Awful → Elful: As in, “God elful,” and “Something elful has happened!”
  • Elephant → Elfant: As in, “An elfant never forgets,” and “Don’t think of pink elfants,” and “The elfant in the room,” and “A memory like an elfant,” and “When elfants make war, it’s the mice that suffer.”
  • Telephone → Telelfone: As in, “Hanging up the telelfone,” and “Waiting by the telelfone,” and “Hold the telelfone.”
  • Eavesdropping → Elvesdropping: As in, “Caught elvesdropping,” and “Elvesdropping on.”
  • *ella* → *elfa: As in, “Under the umbrelfa of,” and “Let a smile be your umbrelfa,” and “A classic novelfa (novella),” and “A spicy vegan paelfa (paella),” and “An a capelfa (capella) choir,” and “Miscelfaneous (miscellaneous) goods,” and “A stelfar (stellar) review,” and “A constelfation (constellation) of stars,” and “Down in the celfar (cellar),” and “A late cancelfation (cancellation).”
  • *ilf* → *elf*: As in, “Welfully disobedient,” and “Extremely skelful,” and “Pelfering the office supplies.” Note: to pilfer is to repeatedly steal small amounts.
  • *ulf* → *elf*: As in, “The Gelf (Gulf) of Mexico,” and “Engelfed in emotion,” and “Felfilled wishes,” and “Waiting for felfilment.” Note: to engulf is to completely surround and cover something.
  • *aff* → *elf*: As in, “Offer elffordances,” and “State of elffairs,” and “Links and elffiliates,” and “Brimming with elffection,” and “An elffluent family.” Other words that could work: elffected (affected), elffable (affable), elfford (afford), elffirm (affirm), elffinity (affinity), and elffect (affect). Notes: to be affable is to be easy to talk to. Affluence is an abundance of riches or wealth.
  • *eff* → *elf*: As in, “Elf off,” and “Or other words to that elffect,” and “Side elffects,” and “Spare no elffort,” and “Waiting to take elffect,” and “An elffective insult.” Other words that could work: elfficacy (efficacy), elfficient (efficient), elfficiency, elffusive. Notes: Effusiveness is an expression of great emotion or enthusiasm. Efficacy is the power to produce a desired effect.
  • *iff* → *elf*: “And now for something completely delfferent,” and “Delffuse the tension,” and “What’s the delfference?” and “A delfficult situation.” Other words that could work: plaintelff (plaintiff), tarelff (tariff), sherelff (sheriff), clelff (cliff), delfferentiate (differentiate), indelfferent (indifferent) and delffident (diffident). Notes: to be diffident is to not have confidence in your abilities. To differentiate is to discern a difference between things.
  • *off* → *elf*: As in, “A load elff your mind,” and “All bets are elff,” and “Back elff,” and “Bite elff more than you can chew,” and “Bite someone’s head elff,” and “Blow elff some steam,” and “Bouncing elff the walls,” and “A chip elff the old block,” and “Dance your socks elff,” and “Fall elff the wagon,” and “Fly elff the handle,” and “Fly elff the shelves,” and “Get it elff your chest,” and “Get elff lightly,” and “Get elff on the wrong foot,” and “Could see you a mile eff,” and “Learned elff by heart,” and “Let’s call the whole thing elff,” and “Like water elff a duck’s back.” Other off-related or inclusive words that could work: elffset (offset), elffice (office), elffer (offer), elfficial (official), elffensive (offensive), elffence (offence), elfficer (officer).
  • Afghanistan → Elfghanistan
  • Africa → Elfrica
  • *af* → *elf*: As in, “Elfter all,” and “Elfter my own heart,” and “Chase elfter,” and “A delfening silence,” and “Happily ever elfter,” and “Offer elffordances,” and “Selfty first,” and “Be elfraid, be very elfraid.” Other suitable words: elficionado (aficionado), elfire (afire), elfield (afield), bonelfide (bonafide), elfloat (afloat), elflame (aflame), elflutter (aflutter), lelflet (leaflet), elforementioned (aforementioned), elforesaid (aforesaid), elfoul (afoul), elfoot (afoot), elforethought (aforethought), pinelfore (pinafore), elfresh (afresh), elftermath (aftermath), elfterward (afterward), elftershave (aftershave), elfternoon (afternoon), elfterglow (afterglow), elfterthought (afterthought) and elfterlife (afterlife). Note: an aficionado is a lover of a certain activity. If something is bonafide, then it’s genuine and real.
  • *ef* → *elf*: As in, “For your benelfit,” and “For future relference,” and “Conditioned relflex,” and “Relflect badly on,” and “Delfault back on,” and “Cultural artelfacts.” Other words that could work: nelfarious (nefarious), delfer (defer), benelfactor (benefactor), delfamation (defamation), delfence (defence), prelfer (prefer), delfeat (defeat), delfinition (definition), delfine (define), delfinitely (definitely), benelficial (beneficial), delfiant (defiant) and delficit (deficit). Notes: a benefactor is one that provides help or advantages.
  • If → Elf: As in, “As elf there was no tomorrow,” and “As elf,” and “Elf I do say so myself,” and “Elf looks could kill,” and “Elf need be,” and “Elf nothing else,” and “Elf only,” and “Elf the shoe fits,” and “No elfs or buts,” and “Elf it’s the last thing I do,” and “Elf it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
  • Of → Elf: As in, “15 minutes elf fame,” and “A life elf its own,” and “Ahead elf one’s time,” and “At the top elf one’s lungs,” and “Bag elf tricks,” and “Barrel elf laughs,” and “Best elf both worlds,” and “Best elf the bunch,” and “Beyond the call elf duty,” and “Blink elf an eye,” and “Bored out elf your mind,” and “Bundle elf joy,” and “Breath elf fresh air,” and “By the skin elf your teeth,” and “By no stretch elf the imagination,” and “Chip elf the old block,” and “Figure elf speech.”
  • *of* → *elf*: As in, “A paid prelfessional,” and “Favourite prelfessor,” and “Chosen prelfession,” and “Gaining prelfit (profit),” and “Prelfitable ventures,” and “Camelflage pants,” and “Prelfound thoughts,” and “Ecelfriendly and organic,” and “Elfentimes (oftentimes),” and “Bleeding prelfusely.” Note: profusely means in large amounts.
  • *av* → *elve*: As in, “An elverage result,” and “Elveant-garde art,” and “Causing an elvealanche,” and “List your elveailability,” and “Elvert your eyes,” and “All about the elveacado,” and “Elveoiding you,” and “Selveory snacks.” Other words that could work: elveatar (avatar), elvearice (avarice), carelvean (caravan), aggrelveate (aggravate), elverse (averse), elvenue (avenue), elvenge (avenge), elve-iation (aviation), elve-ian (avian), pelvelova (pavlova), elveow (avow), endelveor (endeavour). Notes: avant-garde means “cutting edge”. Avarice is greed, in particular for wealth or gain. To be averse is to dislike something. To endeavour is to make an effort.
  • *ev* → *elve*: As in, “A late delveloper,” and “Software delveloper,” and “Current elvents,” and “Turn of elvents,” and “Positive relveiews (reviews),” and “Hide the elveidence,” and “Hard elveidence,” and “Annual elvealuations,” and “Elveade conversation,” and “Looking elveasive,” and “Elveacuate the building,” and “A prelvealent issue,” and “Elven Steven,” and “Break elven,” and “Don’t get mad, get elven,” and “An elven chance,” and “Elven handed,” and “Elven in the best of times,” and “Elvery breath you take,” and “Elvery little bit helps,” and “Elverything under the sun,” and “Elvery one and his brother,” and “Thinking of you elveryday,” and “It’ll happen elventually,” and “The elvening news,” and “Elveil (evil) twin.”
  • *iv* → *elve/elf*: As in, “Feeling mot-elve-ated (motivated),” and “A fresh perspectelf,” and “Take the initiatelf,” and “It is imperatelf that…” Other words that could work: ambelfalent (ambivalent), derelfative (derivative), equelvealent (equivalent) and comprehenselve (comprehensive), elveory (ivory), frelveolous (frivolous), delveorce (divore), delveulge (divulge), relveulet (rivulet). Notes: to be ambivalent is to feel different, contradictory things at once.
  • *ov* → *elve*: As in, “Elvercome with emotion,” and “All elver (over) the show,” and “A bridge elver troubled water,” and “Get elver yourself,” and “A standing elveation,” and “A grave elversight (oversight),” and “The elverall scheme of things.” Other words that could work: elverlook (overlook), elversee (oversee), elverwhelm (overwhelm), elverlate (ovulate), elverride (override), elvert (overt), innelveation (innovation), pelvelova (pavlova) and supernelvea (supernova). Note: to be overt is to do something in secret or quietly.
  • Profit → Prophet: As in, “Paper prophet,” and “Prophet margin”, “Windfall prophets,” and “Turn a prophet.”
  • *oo → *Brew: Use words that rhyme with “brew” or have an “oo” sound, as in: “Everything I brew, I brew it for you”, “Brew away with”, “Brew me a favour,” and “You’re brewing my head in!” and “Brew or die”, “Brewberries (blueberries)”, “Out of the brew (blue)”, “Knock back a brew (few)”, “You will brew the day! (rue)”.
  • Beauty → Brewty: As in, “Brewty is only skin-deep”, “A thing of brewty is a joy forever”, “Brewty and the beast”, “Brewty is in the eye of the beholder”, “Brewty is truth”, “You’re brewtiful,” and “I need my brewty sleep”, “That’s the brewty of it”, and “The perception of brewty is a moral test”.
  • Bro* → Brew*: As in, “Am I my brewther’s keeper?”, “Big brewther is watching you”, “O brewther, where art thou?”, “Like a brewken record”, “A brewken vessel”, “That will definitely get us some brewnie points”, “Go for brewke,” and “Knit one’s eyebrews,” and “Raised eyebrews,” and “If it ain’t brewke, don’t fix it”, and “Brew, do you even lift?”
  • Dig → Diggory: As in, “As cold as a well diggory’s arse”, “Can you diggory it?”, and “Diggory deep”.
  • Digger → Diggory: As in, “Gold diggory.” 
  • Victor → Viktor: As in, “To the viktor goes the spoils”, “Viktor viktoria,” and “Snatch viktor-y from the jaws of defeat”, “Viktor-y at sea”, and “V for viktor-y!” Also works for “victories” (viktor-ies) and “victorious” (viktor-ious).
  • Crumb → Krum: As in, “A trail of breadkrums,” and “Cake krums,” and “That’s the way the cookie krumbles.”
  • Crummy → Krummy: As in, “These are some truly krummy puns”. 
  • Rum → Krum: As in, “Yo ho ho and a bottle of krum!”
  • Fulcrum → Fulkrum: As in, “A lack of shame is the fulkrum of the pun community”.  (Note: A fulcrum is a pivot or point which supports the whole).
  • Desire → Erised: As in, “A streetcar named Erised,” and “Burning erised,” and “Heart’s erised,” and “Leaves a lot to be derised,” and “Object of erised.” 
  • Creature → Kreacher: As in, “All kreachers great and small”, “Kreacher comforts”, “Kreacher of habit”, and “Not a kreacher was stirring”, and “Kreacher of the night”.
  • Strange → Lestrange: As in, “Doctor Lestrangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb”, “Don’t be a lestranger,” and “I’m a lestranger here myself”, “Perfect lestranger,” and “Lestrange bedfellows”, “Lestranger danger”, “Lestranger than fiction”, “Lestranger things have happened”, “How lestrange,” and “Truth is lestranger than fiction”.
  • Estranged → Lestranged: As in, “This is my lestranged wife”. (Note: Estranged means to become separated from (or to become a stranger)).
  • Luna*: Emphasise words that start with “Luna”: “It’s luna-cy!” and “Full of luna-tics.”
  • Purse → Percy: As in, “The public percy,” and “Hold the percy strings”, “I percy-ed my lips”, and “Lighten someone’s percy.”
  • Afraid → A-Fred: As in, “‘Fred not, little bro”, and “Be a-fred! Be very a-fred!”
  • Gorgeous → George-ous: As in, “Drop dead george-ous.” 
  • Agog → Aragog: As in, “They were all aragog.”
  • Dear → Deer: Reference Harry Potter’s parents in your wordplay by replacing “dear” with “deer”, as in: “After you, my deer,” and “Deerly beloved”, “Elementary, my deer Watson,” “Frankly my deer, I don’t give a damn”, “Hang on for deer life”, “Nearest and deerest,” and “Oh deer,” and “You are very deer to me.”
  • Marauder → Maraudeer: As in, “James was one of the founders of the Maraudeer’s Map.” (Note: A marauder is someone who roams about looking for adventure and plunder).
  • Ridiculous → Riddikulus: As in, “From the sublime to the riddikulus,” and “How riddikulus!”
  • Squirrel → S-quirrell: As in, “S-quirrelled away”, “A real s-quirrelly guy”. 
  • Umbrage → Umbridge: As in, “She took umbridge at his remarks about You-Know-Who”. (Note: Umbrage can mean a few things, but in this case it means to a feeling of offence and annoyance).
  • Mundungus: Meaning both a very foul-smelling tobacco, and the name of a character in Harry Potter (Mundungus Fletcher). Use them and their meanings interchangeably. 
  • Achoo → Accio: Replace a normal sneezing sound with the famous incantation for a summoning charm.
  • Augment → Aguamenti: As in, “Aguamenti’d reality.” (Note: To augment something is to increase it).
  • Apparent → Apparate: As in, “Apparately space isn’t the final frontier”, and “Heir apparate.”
  • Stupefy: This is both a spell in Harry Potter and an actual word in real life (meaning to stun or daze – which is what the spell does). Make some jokes by playing around with their meanings. 
  • Silence → Silencio: Replace the word “silence” with “silencio” (the silence-inducing spell) in these silence-related phrases: “Conspiracy of silencio,” and “Deafening silencio,” and “Lapse into silencio,” and “Radio silencio,” and “Silencio is golden”, “The silencio of the lambs”, “The sound of silencio,” and “The silencio was deafening” and “Wall of silencio.” 
  • Alert → Gellert: As in, “Intruder gellert!”, “On red gellert” and, “Gellert the masses!”
  • Friends → Firenze: As in, “Best firenze forever”, “Best of firenze,” and “Champagne for my real firenze, real pain for my sham firenze,” and “Circle of firenze,” and “False firenze,” and “Firenze with benefits”, “How to win firenze and influence people”, “Keep your firenze close and enemies closer”, “That’s what firenze are for”, “Firenze in high places”, and “Say hello to my little firenze.” There are way more friends puns to be made (hello Friends/Harry Potter crossover puns!) but I’ll let you get creative with those. 
  • Flying: Use these flying-related phrases in the right context – “Flying without wings”, “Flying blind”, “Flying high”, “Get off to a flying start”, “Passed with flying colours”, and “The flying dutchman”.
  • Pensive → Pensieve: As in, “You’re looking very pensieve today”. 
  • Penny* → Pensieve*: Use words that have “Penny” in them to make pensieve-related puns, like so: “Pensieve (penny) for your thoughts?”, and “We’re going to Pensieve-ania (Pennsylvania)”.  
  • *pensive/pansive → *pensieve: As in, “Inexpensieve. And built to stay that way”, “Reassuringly expensieve,” and “These city views are expensieve (expansive).” 
  • Bomb: Change bomb-related phrases to make dungbomb puns: “Dungbomb out”, “Doctor Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Dungbomb,” and “Drop a dungbombshell,” and “Looks like a dungbomb hit it”, “Box office dungbomb,” and “Drop a dungbomb,” and “Sit on a time dungbomb.”
  • Swamp → Swhomp: Reference the whomping willow by changing words with the “omp” sound. As in, “It’s smelling a bit swhompy (swampy) in here”. 
  •  Squib: Squib is a homophone with a few different meanings (an explosive, a short, witty piece of writing, or a sketched concept) – take advantage of these and make some new puns by swapping their meanings around. 
  • Newt: Newts have got three meanings here – the first is a lizard which exists in the real world, the second is a magical creature which exists in the Harry Potter world, and the third is the acryonym (N.E.W.Ts) for wizarding exams. Take advantage of these multiple meanings to make some magic puns. 
  • Fuddy-duddy → Fuddy-Dudley (A reference to Harry Potter’s cousin Dudley Dursley).
  • Vermin → Vernon: As in, “What’s the difference between pests and vernon?”
  • Fudge: As in, “Let’s not fudge the issue”. 
  • Locket → Lockhart: As in, “A shining, golden lockhart.” 
  • Century → Centaur-y: As in, “Sale of the centaur-y,” and “Turn of the centaur-y.”
  • *veal → *veela: Replace the “veal” sound in words with “veela”, like so: “I refuse to reveela my sources”, and “Veela (veal) is unethical”.   
  • Luscious → Lucius: As in, “Look at Rapunzel’s lucius tresses”. 
  • Crucial → Crucio’l: As in, “It is crucio’l that we get all of these puns in as many conversations as possible”. 
  • Legitimate → Legilimens: As in, “This document is legilimens,” and “My dearly beloved illegilimens child”. 
  • Maximum → Maxime-um: Reference Madam Maxime in your Potter puns: “Maxime-um potential!” and “I am putting maxime-al effort into these lame puns”, “I am a maxime-alist,” and “I am ready to see some maxime-isation.”
  • I love her → Oliver: A self-explanatory reference to Oliver Wood. “You can’t keep us apart! Oliver!”
  • Olive → Oliver: As in, “They extended an oliver branch of peace”.
  • *row → *robe: Use words that have the “row” sound in them to make some robe puns, as in: “Robe-ot” (robot), “Robe-ust” (robust), “Robe-oat” (rowboat), “Aerobeic” (aerobic), “Bathrobe”, “Microbe”, “Probe”, and “Wardrobe”. There are many other “row/robe” words, so be creative! 
  • Regular → Regulus: As in, “As regulus as clockwork”, “Just a regulus guy”, and “On a regulus basis”. Also works for “irregular” – as in, “Highly irregulus.” 
  • Roman → Ronan: As in “A ronan holiday”, and “When in Rome, do as the ronans.”
  • Bane:  As in, “The bane of my life”. 
  • Wink → Winky: As in, “Forty winkys,” and “I have not slept a single winky,” “Nudge nudge, winky winky,” and “In the winky of an eye”.
  • Mango → Mungo: As in, “I have a mungo tree in my garden”, and “This sorbet is mungo flavoured”.
  • Mung → Mungo: As in, “These mungo beans are very sweet”.
  • Imperial → Imperio: As in, “Cultural imperio-lism,” and “The imperio summer palace”.
  • Gobblin’ → Goblin: As in, “Goblin down breakfast and showing no signs of slowing down”. 
  • *ware → *were: Make some werewolf references by replacing “ware” sounds with the “were” spelling: “I was una-were,” and “I am well a-were,” “Are you going to were that?” 
  • Cold Run → Cauldron: As in, “I woke up at five this morning for some cardio training. It made for a very cauldron.” 
  • Called Ron → Cauldron: As in, “Why isn’t he replying? I swear I cauldron yesterday”, and “Why does Harry Potter get confused between a mixing pot and his best friend? Because they’re both cauldron.”  
  • B*tch → Snitch: Make your cusswords kid-friendly with this replacement. As in, “Snitchfest,” and “Snitch slap”, “Flip a snitch,” and “Life’s a snitch and then you die”, “Payback’s a snitch,” and “Rich snitch,” and “The snitch is back”, “Basic snitch,” and “Snitchin’,” and “Resting snitch face”, and “I got 99 problems and a snitch ain’t one”.
  • Stitch → Snitch: As in, “A snitch in time saves nine”, “Has us in snitches,” and “Not a snitch on”, and “Pick up snitches.” 
  • Snatch → Snitch: As in, “Body snitcher,” and “Cradle snitcher,” and “Snitched away”, and “Snitching victory from the jaws of defeat”. 
  • Sellotape → Spellotape: As in, “Please hand me the spellotape.” 
  • Ear: Change ear-related phrases to make some extendable ear puns, like so: “All extendable ears,” and “Coming out of your extendable ears,” and “Fall on deaf extendable ears,” and “Music to my extendable ears,” and “My extendable ears were burning”, “Out of extendable earshot” and “Friends, Romans, countrymen, lend me your extendable ears” and “Grin from extendable ear to extendable ear” and “Have your extendable ears chewed off”, “I’m all extendable ears,” and “In one extendable ear and out the other”. There are plenty of other ear-related phrases out there, so be creative.
  • Riddle: Some riddle-related phrases: “A riddle wrapped up in an enigma”, “Riddle me this”, “His excuse was riddled with holes”, and “What a riddler.”
  • Water: Change water-related phrases to make gillywater puns. There are many more than what we’ve listed here, so be creative: “As dull as gillywater,” and “Blood is thicker than gillywater,” and “Bridge over troubled gillywater,” and “Come hell or high gillywater,” and “Dead in the gillywater,” and “In hot gillywater,” and “Just add gillywater,” and “Like a duck to gillywater,” and “Like a fish out of gillywater,” and “Like gillywater off a duck’s back”, “Muddy the gillywaters,” and “Oil and gillywater don’t mix”, “Still gillywaters run deep”, “Throw the baby out with the gillywater,” and “You can lead a horse to gillywater but you can’t make it drink”.
  • Fire: Change fire-related phrases to make firewhisky puns: “All firewhisky’d up and ready to go!”, “Ball of firewhisky,” and “Baptism of firewhisky,” and “Breathe firewhisky,” and “Come on baby light my firewhisky,” and “Fight fire with firewhisky,” and “Firewhisky and brimstone”, Get on like a house on firewhisky,” and “Light a firewhisky under him”, “Play with firewhisky,” and “Ring of firewhisky” and “Where’s the firewhisky?”
  • Fire → Gubraithian Fire: As in, “Ball of gubraithian fire”, “Baptism of gubraithian fire”, “Breathe gubraithian fire”, “Come on baby light my gubraithian fire”, “Come home to a real gubraithian fire”, “Fight fire with gubraithian fire”, “Out of the frying pan, into the gubraithian fire”, “Ring of gubraithian fire”, and “Set the world on gubraithian fire”. There are many more fire-related phrases, so be creative. 
  • Rock: Change rock-related phrases to make rock cake puns: “As hard as a rock cake,” and “Solid as a rock cake,” and “Between a rock cake and a hard place”, “Get your rock cakes off”, and “In a world surrounded by windows, we’re handing out rock cakes.”
  • Cake: Change cake-related phrases to make rock cake puns: “As nutty as a rock cake,” and “Icing on the rock cake,” and “Let them eat rock cake,” and “Piece of rock cake,” and “Selling like rock cakes,” and “Takes the rock cake,” and “The cherry on the rock cake,” and “You can’t have your rock cake and eat it too”.
  • Disparate → Disapparate: As in, “They occupy disapparate worlds”. (Note: Disparate means divided or separate).
  • Pinch → Splinch: As in, “In a splinch,” and “Penny splinching,” and “Splinch, punch, for the first day of the month”, and “Take with a splinch of salt”. 
  • Heck → Hex: As in, “For the hex of it”, and “Oh, hex!”
  • Exception → Hexception: As in, “I never forget a face, but in your case I’ll make an hexception,” and “There’s an hexception to every rule.” 
  • Checks → C-hex: As in, “C-hex and balances.”
  • Confound → Confundus: Works especially well if it’s “confound us” instead of just “confound”, like so – “Heck! That will confundus!”
  • Engorge → Engorgio: As in, “Wow. Look at that thing engorgio.” 
  • Impervious → Impervius: As in, “This cup really is impervius to heat”. 
  • Repair → Reparo: As in, “It’s beyond reparo,” and “Running reparos,” or “In bad need of reparo.” 
  • Reproduce → Reparo-duce: As in, “Do you think you could reparo-duce this drawing?”
  • Obscure → Obscuro: As in, “That topic is pretty obscuro,” and “My view is obscuro’d.”
  • Protein → Protean: As in, “This protean shake is delicious!”
  • Quiet → Quietus: As in, “All quietus on the Western front”, “Anything for a quietus life”, “As quietus as a mouse”, “Quietus before the storm”, and “So quietus you could hear a pin drop”. 
  • Quiet us → Quietus: As in, “How dare they think they can quietus? We will never stop sharing puns!” 
  • Demented → Dementor’d: As in, “They were dementor’d with worry”. 
  • Impediment → Impedimenta: As in, “You’re impedimenta-ing me!”, and “A speech impedimenta.”
  • Cuppa → Kappa: As in, “Would you like a kappa tea?” 
  • Reduce → Reducio: As in, “In reducio’d circumstances”, and “Reducio to tears”. 
  • Sonorous → Sonoros: As in, “They read aloud with a sonoros and musical voice”.
  • Evanescence → Evanesco-nce: As in, “Evanesco-nce has nice vocals”. (Note: Evanescence means to be in a vanishing state).
  • Relationship → Relashio-nship: As in, “Love-hate relashio-nship,” and “A good working relashio-nship.”
  • Relation → Relashio-n: As in, “Special relashio-ns,” and “My family relashio-n.”
  • Inferior → Inferi-or: As in, “Inferi-ority complex”.
  • Crap → Crup: As in, “A load of crup,” and “Bunch of crup,” and “Cut the crup,” and “The crupper,” and “Do bears crup in the woods?” and “You scared the crup out of me!” 
  • *rupt → Crup’t: Mix “crup” into words with the “rupt” sound in them – “crup’t” (corrupt), “intercrup’t” (interrupt), “discrup’t” (disrupt)
  • Crop → Crup: As in, “Cream of the crup,” and “I was crupped out of that photo!” “Crup up”, and “Bumper crup.”
  • Know him → Gnome: As in, “Do you gnome? He looked familiar.”
  • Sniff → S’niffler: As in, “S’niffler out the truth” and “S-niffler test”.
  • Sinks → Sphinx: As in, “My heart sphinx..”
  • Gargle → Nargle: As in, “Take this, and nargle this”. 
  • Marrow → Merrow: As in, “Frozen to the merrow.” 
  • Silky → Selkie: As in, “Selkie smooth”.
  • Private → Privet: As in, “My privet hell”, “Her privet life”, “Privet parts”, and “Privet eye”. 
  • Zonked → Zonko’d: As in, “She’s really zonko’d out after all that studying”. 
  • Pussyfoot → Puddifoot: As in, “Puddifoot around”.
  • Diagonally → Diagon Alley: As in, “As you can see, this slopes diagon alley.” 
  • *uell → Quill: Replace the “uell” sound in words with “quill”. As in, “Extra teachers were called in to quill (quell) the disturbance”, “I haven’t seen the prequill” (prequel), “But I have seen the sequill” (sequel).
  • *kil → *quill: Replace the “kil/kill” sound in words with “quill” – “Quill” (kill), “Aquill-es heel” (achilles heel), “Quillometre” (kilometre), “Quillpatrick” (kilpatrick), “Squillet” (skillet), “Squillful” (skillful), and “Painquillers,” (painkillers).
  • Ill → Quill: As in, “Quill advised”, “Quill at ease”, “Quill effects”, “Quill fated”, Quill gotten gains”, “Quill repute”, “Quill temper”, “Quill will”, and “Never speak quill of the dead”.
  • *wil → *quill: Use words that have a “wil” sound in them to make quill-related puns: “Bequillder” (bewilder), “Qwilt” (wilt), “Tranquill” (tranquil), “I quill,” (I will), “Unquill,” (until), “Quill-t” (quilt), “Unquilling” (unwilling), “House of quill repute” (ill), “Quillderness” (wilderness), “Quilling” (willing). Keep in mind that there are plenty more words with the “wil” sound, and that this will also work for other forms of the words provided (like bewilder, bewildered, bewildering).
  • Names with *wil: As above, look for words with the “wil” sound in them, but this time specifically for names. As in: “Jacquillyn” (Jacquelyn), “Quillbur” (Wilbur), “Quillbert” (Wilbert), “Quillberforce” (Wilberforce), “Quillhelmina” (Wilhelmina), “Quilliam” (William).
  • Key → Portkey: As in, “A golden portkey can open any door”, “Fear is the portkey,” “Portkey to your heart”, “Lock them up and throw away the portkey,” “Skeleton portkey,” “Portkeys to the kingdom”, and “Under lock and portkey.”
  • Porky → Portkey: As in, “He’s telling portkey pies!”
  • Time → Time-turner: As in, “Ahead of his time-turner,” “Been around the block a few time-turners,” and “Buy some time-turners.”
  • Butter → Butterbeer: As in, “Bread and butterbeer,” and “Butterbeer fingers”, and “Butterbeer wouldn’t melt in her mouth”.
  • Butterfly → Butterbeer: As in, “I have butterbeer in my stomach”, “The butterbeer effect”, “Social butterbeer,” and “Float like a butterbeer, sting like a bee”.
  • Beer → Butterbeer: As in, “Butterbeer belly”, “Butterbeer goggles”, “Champagne tastes on a butterbeer budget”, “Cry into your butterbeer”, “I’m only here for the butterbeer”, “If you’ve got the time, we’ve got the butterbeer”, “Life’s not all butterbeer and skittles”, and “Hold my butterbeer!”
  • Death → Death Eater: As in, “Death Eaters on the Orient Express”, “Give me liberty or give me death eaters,” and “Nothing is certain but death eaters and taxes”, and “Till death eater do us part”.  
  • Beat → Beater: As in, “Beater ’round the bush”. 
  • *eater → *beater: Change words with the “eeter” sound to make beater puns. As in, “Where’s the b-eatery? (eatery)”, “Beater-nal sunshine (eternal)”, and “For all beater-nity (eternity)”.
  • Beetroot → Beateroot: As in, “As red as a beateroot.”
  • Bitter → Beater: As in, “A beater pill to swallow”, “The beater end”, “Sugarcoat a beater pill”, and “Beatersweet.”
  • Better → Beater: As in, “A beater idea”, “Anything you can do, I can do beater,” and “Appeal to your beater judgement”, “Beater half”, “Beater late than never”, “Beater luck next time”, “Beater safe than sorry”, “Beater than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick”, “Beater than new”, “Beater the devil you know”, “Beater you than me”, “Change for the beater,” and “Couldn’t have said it beater,” and “Get the beater of”, “Should have known beater,” and “Kiss it beater.” There are many more phrases with the word “better”, so look around and be creative!  
  • *flu → *floo: Change words with the “flu” sound in them to make floo powder puns: “One floo over the cuckoo’s nest”, “The last one floo away”, “Whistle and floote (flute)”, “Under the inflooence (influence)”, “He’s got the floo (flu)”, and “My floo (flue) needs fixing”. 
  • Gaunt: Reference Voldemort’s family with these gaunt-related phrases: “Run the gauntlet,” and “Take up the gauntlet.”
  • Daunt → Gaunt: As in, “A gaunting prospect”, “Ungaunted, she carried on”.
  • Spew → S.P.E.W: As in, “S.P.E.W your guts”, and “It S.P.E.Wed all over the floor”.  
  • Pick → Pixie: We’ve compiled some pixie-related puns and phrases for you here: “Pixie on someone your own size,” and “A bone to pixie,” and “Pixie a fight,” and “Pixie and choose,” and “Pixie of the bunch,” and “Pixie up the pieces,” and “Pixie me up.”
  • *pic → *pixie: As in, “An epixie adventure,” and “Off-topixie,” and “Myopixie (myopic) decisions,” and “Philantropixie actions.” Note: myopic means short-sighted. Philanthropic means for public good.
  • *pac* → *pixie*: As in, “Beyond capixiety (capacity),” and “Lower the opixiety (opacity).”
  • Pixel* → Pixie*: As in, “Pixie perfect,” and “Pixielated,” and “20 megapixies,” and “Blurry and pixielated.”
  • *partment → *parchment: As in, “They’re not from our deparchment (department)”, “Would you like to come upstairs to my aparchment (apartment)?”, and “It’s in the wrong comparchment (compartment)”. 
  • Stone → Gobstone: As in, “A rolling gobstone gathers no moss”, “As cold as any gobstone,” and “Carved in gobstone,” and “Dropped like a gobstone,” and “Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Gobstone,” and “Heart of gobstone,” and “Hellfire and gobstone,” and “Leave no gobstone unturned”, “People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw gobstones,” and “Sticks and gobstones may break my bones”, “Cast the first gobstone,” and “You cannot get blood from a gobstone.” 
  • Fire → Firebolt: As in, “Come on baby light my firebolt,” and “Come home to a real firebolt,” and “Fight fire with firebolt.”
  • Borrow → Burrow: As in, “Beg, burrow or steal”, “Living on burrowed time”, “Don’t burrow trouble”, and “Something old, something new, something burrowed, something blue”. 
  • Ditch → Quidditch: As in, “A last quidditch effort”. 
  • Chocolate: Change chocolate-related phrases to make chocolate frog puns: “As queer as a chocolate frog,” and “Death by chocolate frog” and “Life is like a box of chocolate frogs.”
  • Nimble → Nimbus: As in, “Jack be nimbus, Jack be quick”. 
  • Imbecile → Nimbusile: As in, “You giant nimbusile!”
  • Dribble → Drooble: As in, “You’re droobleing everywhere!”
  • Quadruple → Quadrooble: As in, “This is quadrooble the price the last time I visited”.
  • Blaze → Blaise: Make some Quidditch puns by referencing Blaise Zabini – “As cold as blue Blaises,” and “Blaise a trail”, “Go out in a Blaise of glory”, “Go to Blaises!” and “Why the Blaises…?” and “It was set a-blaise.” 
  • Beetle → Beedle: As in, “Beedlejuice,” and “What a beautiful beedle.” 

Harry Potter-Related Words

To help you come up with your own Harry Potter wordplay, here’s a list of Harry Potter-related words to get you started. If you come up with any new puns, please feel free to share them in the comments!

Since there are so many words that are related to Harry Potter and his literary universe, we’ve split this section up into little sub-categories for your ease of use.

Book Titles: The Philosopher’s Stone, The Chamber of Secrets, The Prisoner of Azkaban, The Triwizard Tournament, The Order of the Phoenix, The Half-Blood Prince, The Deathly Hallows

General: witch, wizard, magic, The Boy Who Lived, Undesirable No. 1, the Master of Death, lightning scar, the Boy Who Lied, Potty, Potty Wee Potter, wizarding wireless network, owl post, muggle, squib, mudblood, pureblood,halfblood

Houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, house cup, sorting hat, common room, dormitory, great hall, head of house, house ghost, mascot, head boy, head girl, badger, lion, eagle, serpent

Characters and Names: Harry Potter, Voldemort, Tom Marvolo Riddle, Lily Potter, James Potter, Albus Dumbledore, Severus Snape, Hermione Granger, Ron Weasley, Draco Malfoy, Minerva McGonagall, Mad-Eye Moody, Ludo Bagman, Bathilda Bagshot, Phineas Black, Sirius Black, Lavender Brown, Cho Chang, Penelope Clearwater, Vincent Crabbe, Gregory Goyle, Ginny Weasley, Colin Creevey, Fleur Delacour, Cedric Diggory, Remus Lupin, Aberforth Dumbledore, Dudley Dursley, Marge Dursley, Petunia Dursley, Vernon Dursley, Arabella/Mrs. Figg, Argus Filch, Peeves, Mundungus Fletcher, Professor Flitwick, Cornelius Fudge, Marvolo Gaunt, Gregorovitch, Ollivander, Fenrir Greyback, Gellert Grindelwald, Professor Grubbly-Plank, Godric Gryffindor, Rubeus Hagrid, Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, Prongs, Madam Hooch, Mafalda Hopkirk, Angelina Johnson, Lee Jordan, Professor Karkaroff, Viktor Krum, Bellatrix Lestrange, Gilderoy Lockhart, Neville Longbottom, Luna Lovegood, Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Malfoy, Madam Malkin, Griselda Marchbanks, Madam Maxime, Ernie Macmillan, Pansy Parkinson, Padma Patil, Parvati, Peter Pettigrew, Scabbers, Peverell brothers, Madam Pince, Madam Pomfrey, Professor Quirrell, Helena Ravenclaw, The Bloody Baron, Rowena Ravenclaw, Demelza Robins, Rookwood, Newt Scamander, Rufus Scrimgeour, Kingsley Shacklebolt, Stan Shunpike, Rita Skeeter, Horace Slughorn, Salazar Slytherin, Alicia Spinnet, Professor Sprout, Dean Thomas, Nymphadora Tonks, Sybill Trelawney, Dolores Umbridge, Emmeline Vance, Romilda Vane, Moaning Myrtle, Arthur Weasley, Molly Weasley, Bill Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Percy Weasley, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Oliver Wood, Blaise Zabini, Aragog, Bane, Beedle the Bard, Bogrod, Buckbeak, Sir Cadogan, Crookshanks, Dobby, Errol, Fang (the boarhound), The Fat Friar, The Fat Lady, Fawkes, Firenze, Fluffy, Griphook, Grawp, Hedwig, Kreacher, Regulus Black, Magorian, Nagini, Nearly Headless Nick, Norbert/Norberta, Pigwidgeon, Madam Rosmerta, Ronan, Scabbers, Trevor, Winky, Celestina Warbeck, Nicolas Flamel, Scabbers

Spells/Magic: transfiguration, spell, defence against the dark arts, charms, potions, astronomy, history of magic, herbology, flying, arithmancy, muggle studies, divination, ancient runes, care of magical creatures, alchemy, unbreakable vow, priori incantatem, aberto, accio, age line, aguamenti, alarte ascendare, alohomora, anapneo, aparecium, apparate, aqua eructo, arania exumai, arresto momentum, ascendio, avada kedavra, avis, metamorphmagus, patronus, unforgivable curse, imperio, crucio, amortentia,  wolfsbane, parseltongue, dark mark, dark magic, seer, prophecy, legilimency, occlumency, legilimens, occlumens, disapparate, splinching, caterwauling charm, jinx, hex, curse, inferiusm episkey, refula, tergeo, vulnera sanentur, sectumsempra, reparifors, skele-gro, pepperup potion, dr. ubbly, phoenix tears, dragon pox, spattergroit, mumblemumps, scrofungulus, oblivate, locomotor, locomotor mortis, maxima, lumos, confundus, petrificus totalus, protego, stupefy, wingardium leviosa, levioso, revelio, n.e.w.t, o.w.l, bubble-head charm, cheering charm, felix felicis, tarantallegra, expelliarmus, dissendium, engorgio, incendio, fidelius charm, glisseo, duro, homonculus charm, hover charm, illegibilus, impertubable charm, impervius, colloportus, locomotor, reparo, mobiliarbus, mobilicorpus, muffliato, obscuro, oculus reparo, protean charm, quietus, riddikulus, scourgify, diffindo, reducio, silencio, sonoros, stupefy, tergeo, rictusempra, waddiwasi, finestra, evanesco, sherbet lemon, confringo, conjunctivitis curse, expulso, morsmordre, bat-bogey hex, impedimenta, liberacorpus, oppugno, relashio

Magical Beings: dementors, merpeople, goblin, acromantula, basilisk, pixie, werewolf, troll, dragon, giant, thestral, boggart, owl, centaur, house-elf, unicorn, phoenix, hippogriff, leprechaun, animagi, banshee, veela, blast-ended skrewt, manticore, inferi, bowtruckle, chimaera, doxy, hungarian horntail, norwegian ridgeback, swedish short-snout, fairy, flobberworm, ghoul, giant squid, gnome, griffin, grindylow, hinkypunk, imp, kappa, kneazle, murtlap, niffler, puffskein, pygmy puff, sphinx, poltergesit, bicorn, cockatrice, blibbering humdinger, crunple-horned snorkack, freshwater plimpies, heliopath, nargle, wrackspurt,  obscurus, crup, merrow, selkie, siren, red cap, salamander

Places/Locations: Hogwarts, Beauxbatons, Durmstrang, castle, Forbidden Forest, Black Lake, Owlery, Astronomy Tower, Room of Requirement, Shrieking Shack, Leaky Cauldron, Privet Drive, Ministry of Magic, Hogwart’s Express, Hogsmeade, the Burrow, Zonko’s Joke Shop, The Hog’s Head, The Three Broomsticks, Honeyduke’s Platform 9-3/4, Diagon Alley, Eeylops Owl Emporium, Florean Fortescue’s Ice Cream Parlour, Flourish and Blotts, Gringotts, Madam Malkin’s, Godric’s Hollow, Number 12 Grimmauld Place, Hagrid’s Hut, Knockturn Alley, Borgin and Burkes, Little Hangleton, House of Gaunt, Riddle Manor, Malfoy Manor, Shell Cottage, Spinner’s End, St. Mungo’s Hospital, Azkaban, Little Whinging, Dervish and Banges, Gladrag’s Wizardwear, Scrivenshaft’s Quill Shop, Madam Puddifoot’s, Nurmengard

Food and Drink: Bertie Bott’s Every Flavour Beans, butterbeer, sugar quills, Drooble’s Best Blowing Gum, chocolate frogs, pumpkin pasties, cauldron cakes, liquorice wands, pepper imps, jelly slugs, fizzing whizbees, cockroach cluster, fudge flies, acid pop, gillywater, firewhisky, rock cake

Items/Objects: sickle, galleon, knut, wand, robe, familiar, howler, put-outer, unicorn hair, phoenix feather, dragon heartstring, invisibility cloak, marauder’s map, elder wand, resurrection stone, horcrux, foe-glass, probity probe, remembrall, revealer, secrecy sensor, sneakoscope, Mirror of Erised, whiz-bangs, skiving snackboxes, nosebleed nougat, fainting fancies, fever fudge, blood blisterpods, puking pastilles, headless hat, trick wand, ton-tongue toffee, canary cream, u-no-poo, extendable ears, decoy detonator, dungbombs, pensieve, Whomping Willow, broomsticks, floo powder, Knight Bus, portkeys, time-turner, quill, parchment, cauldron, gubraithian fire, omnioculars, spellotape

Plants: bubotuber, devil’s snare, dittany, dirigible plum, fanged geranium, flitterbloom, flutterby bush, gillyweed, gurdyroot, honking daffodil, mandrake, abyssinian shrivelfig, bouncing bulb, mimbulus mimbletonia, puffapod, screechsap, venamous tentacula, whomping willow, sopophorous bean, belladonna, valerian, hellebore, hemlock, knotgrass 

Jobs: arithmancer, astronomer, auror, broom maker, curse-breaker, healer, herbologist, high inquisitor, gamekeeper, knight bus conductor, minister for magic, muggle relations, obliviator, potioneer, professor, unspeakable

Events: quidditch world cup, triwizard tournament, yule ball, house cup

Organisations: Dumbledore’s Army, Weasley’s Wizard Wheezes, Gellert Grindelwald’s Army, Inquisitorial Squad, International Confederation of Wizards, Death Eaters, Order of the Phoenix, Weird Sisters, the Daily Prophet, S.P.E.W

Games and Toys: Quidditch, exploding snap, duelling, gobstones, headless hunt, wizard skittles, wizard’s chess, fanged frisbee, toy broomstick, screaming yo-yo

Quidditch: quidditch, chaser, beater, keeper, seeker, quaffle, bludger, golden snitch, broomstick, Nimbus 2000, Nimbus 2001, Firebolt

Related works: Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them, Quidditch Through the Ages, The Tales of Beedle the Bard, Pottermore, The Cursed Child, Hogwarts: An Incomplete and Unreliable Guide, A Very Potter Musical, Potter Puppet Pals

Fandoms: Harry Potter Alliance, The Leaky Cauldron, MuggleNet, LeakyCon, Wizard Rock, Wrockstock, My Immortal

Meta: J.K Rowling, Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Rupert Grint, Tom Felton, Matthew Lewis, Maggie Smith

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