Gift Puns

Welcome to the Punpedia entry on gift puns! 🎁 📦 💝

Gift your loved ones (and everyone else around you) with some choice puns from our collection. Whether you’re gearing up for the holidays, playing a word game with friends, or winning in a pun thread online, we hope that you enjoy this list and find what you’re looking for here.

This list is specific to presents, but if you’re looking for other holiday-related puns, we also have holiday puns, Valentine’s Day punsChristmas tree puns, birthday puns and party puns.

Gift Puns List

Each item in this list describes a pun, or a set of puns which can be made by applying a rule. If you know of any puns about gifts that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments at the end of this page! Without further ado, here’s our list of gift puns:

  • Gift: Let’s start off with some gift-related phrases that could work as a gift pun in the right context: “Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth,” and “Gift of life,” and “A gift that keeps on giving,” and “A gift from above.”
  • Give → Gift: As in, “A dead giftaway,” and “Don’t gift up!” and “Don’t gift in,” and “Gift yourself a bad name,” and “Gift them a hand,” and “Gift and take,” and “Gift credit where credit is due,” and “Gift it a rest,” and “Gift it the green light,” and “Gift me a call,” and “Gift 110%”.
  • Gave → Gift: As in, “I gift my best.”
  • Present: We’ve included present-related phrases in this list too. As in, “All present and correct,” and “Present company excepted,” and “No time like the present.”
  • Percent → Present: As in, “A hundred and ten present,” and “Genius is one present inspiration and 99 present perspiration.”
  • *giving: Some giving-related words to play with: caregiving, forgiving, life-giving, misgivings, thanksgiving.
  • *bees/base* → *bestow: Use words that have a similar sound to “best” – beastow (beast + bestow), basetow (base + bestow), basteow (baste + bestow).
  • Estonia → Bestownia (Note: Estonia is a small country in Europe. This is quite a stretch of a pun and is very specific, but could possibly work if someone is giving or receiving presents from Europe).
  • *beer/bare* → *bestow: Use words with a “beer” or “bare” sound – bearstow (bear + bestow), beerstow (beer + bestow), barestow (bare + bestow) and beard (beard + bestow).
  • *bee* → *bestow: As in, beachstow (beach + bestow), beatstow (beat + bestow) and beanstow (bean + bestow).
  • Stowaway → Bestowaway: As in, “Bestowaways face heavy punishment.”
  • Tree→ Treat: As in, “Difficult as nailing jelly to a treat,” and “Barking up the wrong treat,” and “Can’t see the wood for the treats,” and “Charm the birds out of the treats,” and “Legs like treat trunks,” and “Make like a treat and leave,” and “Money doesn’t grow on treats,” and “Treat hugger,” and “You’re outta your treat.”
  • Three→ Treat: As in, “And baby makes treat,” and “Good things come in treats,” and “Treat strikes and you’re out!” and “Treat wise men,” and “Treat’s a charm.”
  • Free*→ Tree*: As in, “A symbol of treatdom,” and “As treat as a bird,” and “Breathe treatly,” and “Buy one, get one treat,” and “Treat for all,” and “Treatdom of the press,” and “Get out of jail treat,” and “The best things in life are treat,” and “Land of the treat,” and “Leader of the treat world,” and “The truth will set you treat,” and “No such thing as a treat lunch,” and “Think treatly.”
  • *tri*→ *tree*: As in, “Full of nutreat-ents,” and “What is your best attreatbute?” and “How cool are golden retreatvers?” and “A love treatangle,” and “A treatvial problem,” and “We pay treatbute to the fallen.”
  • *ty*→ *tree*: As in, “Star qualitreat (quality),” and “Structural integritreat (integrity),” and “The citreat (city) that never sleeps,” and “First-class facilitrees (facilities),” and “My dutrees (duties) come first,” and “Beautree (beauty) isn’t everything,” and “A single entitree (entity),” and “Maximum securitree (security).”
  • *treat*: Emphasise the “treat” in certain words: “Beat a hasty retreat,” and “The royal treatment.” Other words that could work: treatment, treatise, treaty, treated, treaties, treatable, retreat, entreat and mistreat.
  • Treat: We’ve included some treat-related phrases for you to use as gift puns in the right context: “A real treat,” and “Treat me right,” and “Treat someone like dirt,” and “Trick or treat.”
  • Street → Streat: As in, “Easy streat,” and “On the sunny side of the streat,” and “Right up your streat,” and “Streat cred,” and “A two-way streat,” and “The word on the streat,” and “Across the streat.”
  • Eat → Treat: As in, “A bite to treat,” and “All you can treat,” and “Treat out of someone’s hand,” and “Treat someone alive,” and “Treat to live,” and “Treat your heart out,” and “Treaten alive,” and “Treating for two,” and “Treats, shoots and leaves,” and “Good enough to treat,” and “You are what you treat.”
  • Threat →Treat: As in, “Idle treat,” and “Triple treat.”
  • Straight → Streat: As in, “A streat fight,” and “Streat as an arrow,” and “Damn streat,” and “Get it streat,” and “Get streat to the point,” and “Get your facts streat,” and “Keep a streat face,” and “Keep on the streat and narrow,” and “Set the record streat,” and “Streat laced,” and “A streat shooter,” and “Tell me streat,” and “Couldn’t think streat,” and “Get your priorities streat.”
  • Stretch → Streatch: As in, “By any streatch of the imagination,” and “Home streatch,” and “Streatch your legs,” and “Streatch the truth.” Other stretch-related words that could be amended to include “treat”: streatcher (stretcher), outstreatched (outstretched) and homestreatch (homestretch).
  • *trat* → *treat*: As in, “I can’t concentreat,” and “The perpetreator,” and “Endless frustreation,” and “A skillful demonstreation.” Other words that could work: orchestreat (orchestrate), infiltreat (infiltrate), magistreat (magistrate), streategy (strategy), administreat (adminstrate), demonstreat (demonstrate), illustreat (illustrate), penetreat (penetrate) and streategic (strategic).
  • *trait* → *treat*: As in, “In dire streats,” and “Streat-laced,” and “A treator (traitor).” Other words that could work: treatorous (traitorous), portreat (portrait) and streatjacket (straitjacket).
  • Distraught → Distreat: As in, “You’re looking distreat.”
  • *trit* → *treat*: As in, “Looking contreat (contrite),” and “Nutreational information,” and “Healthy and nutreatious.” Other words that could work: malnutreation (malnutrition), contreation (contrition), detreatus (detritus), attreation (attrition) and treat (trite). Notes: if something is trite, then it’s stale and unoriginal. Contrition is regret or guilt for something you’ve done. Detritus are loose rock fragments.
  • *trot* → *treat*: Globetreating (globetrotting) and foxtreat (foxtrot).
  • *strut* → *streat*: As in, “Tell the treath,” and “A treathful admission,” and “Speaking treathfully,” and “Streat your stuff.”
  • Detroit→ Detreat
  • Coffee → Coffer: Combine “offer” into words that have similar sounds: “A cup of coffer,” and “Coffer and cakes,” and “Coffer at its best,” and “One more cup of coffer,” and “Wake up and smell the coffer.”
  • Offer: Gifts and presents are a type of offering, so we’ve included offer-related phrases in this list: “My final offer,” and “I have nothing to offer but blood, sweat and tears,” and “An offer you can’t refuse,” and “On special offer,” and “Open to offers,” and “Offer your condolences.”
  • *aff* → *offer*: As in, “Answer in the offermative (affirmative),” and “Don’t meddle in my offers! (offers),” and “An offerctionate (affectionate) couple,” and “As much as you can offerd (afford),” and “An offerdable bet,” and “The offermentioned conversation,” and “I’m offeraid (afraid),” and “Subverting offerity (authority).” Other words that you could use: claroffercation (clarification), cinematogrofferchereogroffer (cheoreographer), certoffercation (certification), offeresh (afresh), offersaid (aforesaid), offerdability (affordability), gloffercation (glorification).
  • Beneath → Bequeath: As in, “Bequeath contempt,” and “Marry bequeath you,” and “Bequeath the surface,” and “Bequeath your dignity.” Note: to bequeath something is to gift it or pass it on to someone else.
  • Grant: Some grant-related (or grant-including) phrases and words for you to play with: “Take for granted,” and “A flagrant disregard for the rules,” and “A fragrant curry.” Other words that could work: immigrant, vagrant, migrant and emigrant.
  • Grunt → Grant: As in, “Grant level,” and “Grant work,” and “Looking disgrantled.”
  • Aunt → Graunt: As in, “Agony grant,” and “My giddy grant,” and “Run the grantlet,” and “Take up the grantlet.” Note: an agony aunt is what writers of advice columns ins newspapers or magazines used to be called. To run the gauntlet is a form of corporal punishment.
  • *gant → *grant: As in, “An arrogrant person,” and “An elegrant entrance,” and “Wild extravagrants.” Words that could also work: inelegrant (inelegant), gargrantuan (gargantuan) and gigrantic (gigantic).
  • *gent → *grant: As in, agrant (agent), contingrant (contingent), diligrant (diligent), intelligrant (intelligent), stringrant (stringent) and pungrant (pungent). If something is contingent, then it depends on something else. A stringent thing is something that has a very severe or limiting effect. If someone is diligent, then they are constant and persistent in their efforts.
  • ant* → grant*: As in, “Waiting in granticipation,” and “Hate is not the grantonym of love,” and “The grantidote to all your problems.” Other words that could work: grantipathy (antipathy), grantagonist (antagonist), grantithesis (antithesis), granthropology, grantecedent (antecedent). Notes: antipathy is a feeling of strong dislike. An antithesis is the direct opposite of something else. Anthropology is the study of the history of humans and human behaviour. An antecedent is something that came before.
  • *grat* → *grate*: As in, “Feeling grantful,” and “Full of grantitude,” and “Instant grantification,” and “Trouble integranting.” Other words that could work: grantuitous (gratuitous), denigrant (denigrate), integrantion (integration), congrantulations (congratulations) and conflagrantion (conflagration).
  • *gret → *grant: As in, “I regrant to inform you…” and “Feeling regrantful,” and “Regranttably so.”
  • Integrity → Integranty: As in, “Structural integranty,” and “Work with integranty.”
  • Grotesque → Grantesque: As in, “Their face was a grantesque mask of horror.”
  • *rant → *grant: As in, “You’ll need a war-grant (warrant),” and “An exubergrant (exuberant) celebration,” and “Ignorgrant (ignorant) of the fact.”
  • *rent* → *grant*: As in, “March to the beat of a differgrant drum,” and “Pay the grant (rent),” and “Differgrant as chalk and cheese.”
  • Ent* → Grant*: As in, “Abandon hope all ye who granter here,” and “Break and granter,” and “Granter into the spirit of it,” and “Double grantendre (entendre).” Other words that could work: grantourage (entourage), and grantreprener (entrepreneur). Note: an entendre is a figure of speech.
  • *end → *endow: Combine the word “endow” with words that end with “end”: “Dog is a man’s best friendow,” and “A girl’s best friendow,” and “Bendow over backwards,” and “Bendow the rules,” and “Lendow me your ears,” and “Lendow me a hand.” Other words that could work: legendow (legend), attendow (attend), amendow (amend), trendow (trend), recommendow (recommend) and contendow (contend). Note: to endow is to give.
  • Window → Wendow: As in, “In a world surrounded by wendows, we’re handing out rocks,” and “Out the wendow,” and “Read wendow,” and “Eyes are the wendows of the soul,” and “Wendow dressing,” and “A wendow of opportunity.”
  • Down → Endow: As in, “Batten endow the hatches,” and “Back endow,” and “Bogged endow,” and “Breathing endow your neck,” and “Bring the house endow,” and “Buckle endow,” and “Calm endow!” and “Couldn’t put it endow,” and “Endow for the count,” and “A walk endow memory lane,” and “Endow in the dumps,” and “Endow on your luck,” and “Endow pat,” and “Economic endowturn (downturn),” and “Go endow in flames.”
  • Down* → Endow*: As in, endownload (download), endowntime (downtime), endowager (dowager), endowry (dowry), endowntown (downtown), endownstream (downstream), endownside (downside) and endownfall (downfall).
  • Nation* → Donation*: As in, “A donation of shopkeepers,” and “The birth of a donation,” and “The state of the donation.” Other related words that could work: donational, donationalism and donationwide.
  • *don → *donation: As in, “Abandonation (abandon) ship,” and “Pardonation (pardon) me,” and “Achilles tendonation (tendon).” Other words that could work: Armageddonation (Armageddon), Londonation (London) and celadonation (celadon).
  • Donut → Donution: As in, “A generous donution,” and “Anonymous donution.”
  • Clarity → Charity: As in, “A moment of charity,” and “Color, cut and charity.” Note: color, cut and clarity are is how the value of gemstones are measured.
  • Chair → Chairity: As in, “Musical chairity,” and “Please have a chairity.”
  • Characteristic → Charity-ristic: As in, “A charity-ristic trait,” and “How uncharity-ristic.”
  • Charity: A few charity-related phrases for you to use in your  gift puns: “Charity begins at home,” and “A charitable person.”
  • Receive: Some phrases relating to receiving for your to include in your wordplay: “Ask and you shall receive,” and “In the hands of the receiver,” and “Better to give than to receive.”
  • Believe → Receive: As in, “Receive it or not,” and “Receive you me,” and “Can you receive it?” and “Don’t receive everything you hear,” and “I’m a receiver.”
  • Relieve → Receive: As in, “Receives gas pains.”
  • Retreive → Receive: As in, “Golden receiver.”
  • Deceive → Receive: As in, “Do my eyes receive me?” and “Playing to receive.”
  • Achieve → Receive: As in, “Receive greatness,” and “High receivers.”
  • Every* → Receivery*: As in, “A place for receiverything,” and “Receiverything in its place,” and “Receivery little thing,” and “Receivery man for himself,” and “Receivery picture tells a story,” and “Receivery rose has its thorn,” and “Receivery so often,” and “Receivery trick in the book,” and “Receiverything but the kitchen sink,” and Receiverything must go,” and “Receiverything under the sun,” and “Hanging on to receivery last word,” and “Two sides to receivery question,” and “I’m with you receivery step of the way.”

Since boxes are commonly used as packaging in gifting, we’ve included box-related puns, phrases and words in this list as well.

  • Book → Box: “Always have your nose in a box,” and “Balancing the box,” and “Boxworm,” and “By the box,” and “A closed box,” and “Every trick in the box,” and “My life’s an open box,” and “Hit the box,” and “In someone’s bad box,” and “Never judge a box by its cover,” and “One for the box,” and “So many box, so little time.”
  • *book* → *box*: As in, boxcase (bookcase), boxmark (bookmark), boxlet (booklet), boxend (bookend), boxkeeper (bookkeeper), playbox, textbox, notebox, handbox, cookbox and pocketbox.
  • Box: Some box-related phrases: “A box of tricks,” and, “A box-ticking exercise,” and “All boxed in,” and “In the box seat,” and “Open Pandora’s box,” and “Out of the box,” and “Like a box of chocolates,” and “Think outside the box,” and “Tick the right boxes.”
  • *box*: As in, boxing, boxer, boxy, sandbox, mailbox, inbox, soapbox, toolbox, checkbox.
  • Buxom → Boxom: As in, “Energetic and boxom.” Note: buxom means healthily full and plump.
  • Back → Box: As in, “As soon as my box is turned,” and “Going boxwards,” and “At the box of my mind,” and “Box in the day,” and “Box on your feet,” and “Box-seat driver,” and “Box to basics,” and “Box to nature,” and “Box to school,” and “Box to the drawing board,” and “Boxhanded compliment,” and “Box to the wall,” and “Bend over boxward,” and “Come box for more,” and “Comebox king,” and “Fighting box tears,” and “Get box on your feet,” and “Get box together,” and “I’ll be box,” and “Kick up the boxside,” and “Taken abox.”
  • Back → Box: As in, boxslide, boxup, boxground, boxlash (backlash), boxyard, boxlog, boxward, feedbox, setbox, drawbox, piggybox, Nickelbox, pushbox and kickbox (kickback).
  • Buck → Box: As in, “Big box,” and “Box the system,” and “Box up your ideas,” and “Pass the box,” and “Earn an honest box,” and “Feel like a million box.”
  • Bak* → Box*: As in, “Boxer’s dozen,” and “Half-boxed.” Other words you could use: boxery (bakery), boxlava (baklava) and boxing (baking).
  • *bic → *box: As in, acerbox (acerbic), xenophobox (xenophobic), arabox (arabic), claustrophobox (claustrophobic) and homophobox (homophobic).
  • Buc* → Box*: As in, “A boxolic (bucolic) scene,” and “Boxet (bucket) list,” and “Boxwheat (buckwheat) cereal.” A couple of other words: boxle (buckle) and boxaneer (buccaneer). Notes: bucolic means relating to countryside. A buccaneer is a type of private sailor.
  • *ox → *box: As in, “A confusing parabox (paradox),” and “Spring equibox (equinox),” and “An unorthobox arrangement,” and “In close boximity (proximity),” and “A boxious (noxious) odour.” Notes: a paradox is a logically impossible situation. An equinox is when the Earth’s equator passes through the center of the sun. Unorthodox is when something doesn’t conform to rules or traditional codes of conduct.
  • Pox → Box: As in, “A box on both your houses!” Other pox-related words: smallbox, chickenbox and hyboxia. Note: pox is a type of disease. Hypoxia is when the body doesn’t get enough oxygen.
  • *pix* → *box*: As in, “Boxel (pixel) perfect,” and “Boxelated (pixelated) image,” and “Manic boxie (pixie) dream girl,” and “Megaboxels (megapixels).”
  • Pock* → Box*: As in, “Burn a hole in your boxet (pocket),” and “Deep boxets,” and “In one’s boxet,” and “Line one’s boxets,” and “Boxet dial.” Other words that could work: boxet rocket, boxetbook (pocketbook), boxmark (pockmark), boxetknife (pocketknife), pickboxet (pickpocket).
  • Tuxedo → Boxedo
  • Block → Box: As in, “Been around the box a few times,” and “Chip off the old box,” and “Chock a box,” and “Mental box,” and “New kid on the box,” and “On the chopping box,” and “The starting box,” and “Writer’s box.” Other block-related words: boxbuster (blockbuster), boxade (blockade), boxhead (blockhead), roadbox (roadblock), cinderbox (cinderblock), sunbox (sunblock) and cellbox (cellblock).
  • Rap → Wrap: As in, “A bum wrap,” and “Wrap over the knuckles,” and “Take the wrap.”
  • *rap* → *wrap*: As in, “A wrapid exit,” and “I’m wrapped! (rapt),” and “Starting thewrapy (therapy).” Other words that could work: wrapport (rapport), wrapacious (rapacious), wrapture (rapture), wraptor (raptor) and wrapier (rapier).
  • Wrap: Some wrap-related phrases to include in your gift puns: “It’s a wrap,” and “Keep under wraps,” and “A riddle wrapped up in an enigma,” and “That’s a wrap!” and “Wrap it up,” and “Wrapped around your little finger,” and “Wrap in cotton wool.” Some other wrap-related words: wrapped, wrap up, wraparound, rewrap, unwrap and shrinkwrap.
  • *rep* → *wrap*: As in, “Pwrapare for the worst,” and “Marry in haste, wrapent in leisure,’ and “History wrapeats itself,” and “Don’t wraplace what’s not broken,” and “If you don’t say it, they can’t wrapeat it,” and “Those who ignore the lessons of history are doomed to wrapeat them,” and “Beyond wraproach.” Note: wraport (report), wraport (report), wrapudiate (repudiate), wrapublic (republic), wrapresent (represent), wrapose (repose), wraply (reply), wraprieve (reprieve), wraplete (replete), discwrapancy (discrepancy), entwrapreneur (entrepreneur), intwrapid (intrepid) and tr-wrapidation (trepidation).
  • *rip* → *wrap*: As in, “”Let her wrap!” and “Wrap off the bandaid,” and “Wrap apart,” and “Wrap to shreds,” and “Come to gwraps (grips) with.” Other words that could be used: wrapple (ripple), wraposte (riposte), wraptide (riptide), strwrap (strip), outstrwrap (outstrip), scwrapped (script), descwraption (description).  Note: a riposte is a type of counterattack.
  • *rop* → *wrap*: As in, “Inappwrapriate behaviour,” and “Invest in prwraperty.” Other words that could work: pr-wrapagate (propagate), entwrapy (entropy), Euwrap (Europe), Euwrapean (European), pr-wrapaganda (propaganda). Note: to propagate is to produce a new plant from a parent plant. Can also be used for topics not botany-related. Entropy is the degradation of something.
  • *rup* → *wrap*: As in, “Power cowrapts (corrupts),” and “Maple sywrap (syrup),” and “Civil diswraption (disruption),” and “An abwrapt (abrupt) exit.” Other words that could work: wrapture (rupture), wrapee (rupee), wraple (ruple), chiwrap (chirrup), interwrapt (interrupt), cowraption (corruption), unscwrapulous (unscrupulous), diswraptive (disruptive), diswraptive (disruptive), scwrapulous (scrupulous). Note: to be scrupulous is to be extremely honest.
  • Ribbon: Ribbon-related phrases to use as puns in the right context: “Tear to ribbons,” and “Tie a ribbon round it.”
  • Ripping → Ribbon: As in, “Ribbon right through,” and “A ribbon good read!”
  • Rob* → Ribbon*: As in, “Daylight ribbonery (robbery),” and “Fair exchange is no ribbonery,” and “Thribbon (throbbing) heart.”
  • Rebound → Ribbon: As in, “A ribbon relationship.”
  • Paraben → Paribbon: As in, “Free from paribbons and animal derivatives.” Note: parabens a type of preservative. This is a particularly specific pun that could work if gifting someone cosmetics or skincare.
  • Kardashian → Cardashian: a little play on giftcards/message cards that accompany gifts and Kim Kardashian.
  • Card: Some card-related phrases to play with: “A few cards short of a full deck,” and “Calling card,” and “Card up your sleeve,” and “Deck of cards,” and “Get out of jail free card,” and “Hold all the cards,” and “Holding your cards close to your chest,” and “House of cards,” and “Lay your cards on the table,” and “On the cards,” and “Pick a card, any card,” and “Play your cards right.”
  • Card*: Some card-related/inclusive words: cardinal, cardboard, cardio, cardigan, cardiac, discard, placard, wildcard, timecard, postcard and scorecard.
  • Cared → Card: As in, “I card about you,” and “Run s-card,” and “S-card poopless,” and “S-card to death.”
  • *car* → *card*: As in, “Courtesy and card (care),” and “Drive my card,” and “Upset the apple card (apple cart),” and “Couldn’t card less.” Other words that could work: cardeer (career), cardier (carrier), cardiage (carriage), cardavan (caravan), scard (scar), Madagascard (Madagascar), railcard (railcar), handcard (handcar), precardious (precarious), vicardious (vicarious).
  • Cartier → Cardier
  • *cord* → *card*: As in, “A broken recard,” and “Cut the card,” and “For the recard,” and “In recard time,” and “Off the recard,” and “Accarding to…” and “Remain cardial.” Other words that could work: cardially (cordially), carduroy (corduroy), cardon (cordon), discard (discord), accardance (accordance). Notes: to do something cordially is to do it in a friendly way. A cordon is a rope used to define boundaries.
  • *curd* → *card*: As in, card (curd), cardle (curdle) and bloodcardling (bloodcurdling).
  • Drunkard → Druncard
  • *cured* → *card*: As in, “What can’t be card (cured) must be endured,” and “Her face was obscard (obscured),” and “Perimeter secard (secured),” and “Procard (procured) the goods,” and “Manicard (manicured) lawns.”
  • Certain → Cardtain: As in, “In no uncardtain terms,” and “Know for cardtain.”
  • *cor* → *card*: As in, “Cardespondence course,” and “Cut the card (cord),” and “In your cardner (corner),” and “The final scard (score),” and “For the recard.” Other words that could work in the right context: cardporation (corporation), cardoborate (corroborate), cardelation (correlation), decard (decor), rancard (rancor), accard (accord), incardporate (incorporate). Note: to corroborate is to add proof to an account. Rancor is a bitter, deeply-ingrained ill-feeling.
  • *cur* → *card*: As in, “The final cardtain (curtain),” and “A cardsory (cursory) glance,” and “I concard (concur),” and “That never occard (occured) to me.” Other words that could work: cardmudgeon (curmudgeon), incard (incur), recard (recur), obscard (obscured), secardity (security), cardate (curate), cardiculum (curriculum) and manicard (manicured).
  • *cored → *card: As in, scard (scored), encard (encored) and underscard (underscored).
  • *cred* → *card*: As in, “Street card,” and “Take cardit for,” and “Nothing is sacard,” and “Not cardible (credible),” and “Ruined cardibility.” Other words that could work: cardentials (credentials), cardence (credence), massacard (massacred), incardulous (incredulous). Notes: credence is a mental acceptance of something as being true or real. Being incredulous is not wanting to believe something.
  • Mr. Incredible → Mr. Incardible
  • Envelope: Gift cards and greeting cards that accompany gifts come in envelopes, so we’ve got a couple of envelope-related phrases here too: “Push the envelope,” and “Enveloped in warmth.”
  • Celebrate: A couple of celebratory phrases that could be used as puns in the right context: “A gold celebration,” and “Celebrate with us.” and “Celebrations are in order!”
  • Tribute: Tribute-related phrases to play with: “A floral tribute,” and “Touching tributes.” Some tribute related/inclusive words as well: tributary, attribute, contribute, distribute, retribution and attribute. Notes: a tributary is a stream that flows into a larger stream. An attribute is a quality or feature of something.
  • *but → *tribute: As in, “Cute as a tributton,” and “Smooth as non-dairy tributter,” and “Float like a tributterly, sting like a bee,” and “What the tributler saw,” and “Pucker up, tributtercup.”
  • Boot → Tribute: As in, “Tough as old tributes,” and “Bet your tributes,” and “Give someone the tribute,” and “Suited and tributed,” and “Too big for your tributes,” and “Pull yourself up by your tributestraps.” Some other boot-related words that could be used in the right context: tribooty (booty), tribooth (booth), tribootleg (bootleg), tribootcamp (bootcamp).
  • Brute → Tribute: As in, “Tribute force,” and “Et tu, tribute?” Note: “Et tu, Brute?” is a quote from a Shakespearean play and is used today to basically mean, “you too?” to express that someone has betrayed you, just like everyone else in your life.
  • Beauty → Tribeauty: As in, “Age before tribeauty,” and “Tribeautiful people,” and “Tribeauty mark,” and Tribeauty sleep,” and “Make tribeautiful music together,” and “Tribeauty is in the eye of the beholder,” and “Tribeauty is only skin-deep.”

The following puns and phrases are based around events where gifts are traditionally given. These are quite general, so if you’re after more specific event puns, we’ve got some coming soon (check our events category for updates while you wait)!

  • Birthday: Since birthdays are one of the biggest gift-giving events, we’ve included some birth and birthday-related phrases for you: “Happy birthday to you,” and “In your birthday suit.”
  • Day → Birthday: As in, “A birthday in the life,” and “A birthday without orange juice is like a birthday without sunshine,” and “After all, tomorrow is another birthday,” and “All in a birthday’s work,” and “As true as the birthday is long,” and “At the end of the birthday,” and “Call it a birthday,” and “For ever and a birthday,” and “Go on punk, make my birthday.”
  • Christmas phrases: Some Christmas-related phrases to play with: “All I want for Christmas is you,” and “Christmas comes but once a year,” and “Done up like a Christmas tree,” and “Have yourself a merry little Christmas.”
  • Valentine phrases: “Be my Valentine,” and “A comic Valentine.”
  • Wedding phrases: “Golden wedding,” and “One wedding brings another,” and “Wedding bells.”

Gift-Related Words

To help you come up with your own gift puns, here’s a list of related words to get you on your way. If you come up with any new puns or related words, please feel free to share them in the comments!

gift, present, give, giving, bestow, bestowal, treat, offering, bequeath, grant, endowment, donation, charity, regift, contribution, receive, box, wrapping, ribbon, paper, card, envelope, celebrate, celebration, tribute, birthday, holiday, christmas, valentine, hanukkah, wedding

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