Baseball Puns

Welcome to the Punpedia entry on baseball puns! ⚾ 🍃 ☀️

We’re sure you’ll glove our list of baseball puns, which are also sure to be a home run with your friends and family. Baseball is a very popular sport and has plenty of great pun opportunities, ranging from sporting terms, types of throws and some famous baseball players too.

If you’re interested in other sport-related puns, we also have a list of golf puns and basketball puns.

Baseball Puns List

Each item in this list describes a pun, or a set of puns which can be made by applying a rule. If you know of any puns about baseball that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments at the end of this page! Without further ado, here’s our list of baseball puns:

  • Base → Baseball: As in, “All your baseball are belong to us” and “Baseball jumping” and “Caught off baseball” and “Get to first baseball.”
  • Ball → Baseball: As in, “Baseballs to the wall” and “Curve baseball.”
  • Bass → Base: As in, “Drum n base” and “Superbase.
  • Ace → Base: As in, “Base in the hole” and “A base up your sleeve” and “Holding all the bases.”
  • Case → Base: As in, “A base of identity” and “An open and shut base” and “As the base may be” and “Base closed” and “Base the joint” and “Crack the base.”
  • Chase → Base: As in, “Base your own tail” and “Wild goose base” and “The thrill of the base.”
  • Grace → Base: As in, “Airs and bases” and “Amazing base” and “Fall from base” and “Base period.”
  • Pace → Base: As in, “Change of base” and “Keep base with” and “Base up and down” and “Put through your bases.”
  • Place → Base: As in, “A base in the sun” and “All over the base” and “Any time, any base, any where” and “Going bases” and “My happy base.”
  • Bet → Bat: As in, “All bats are off” and “Bat your bottom dollar.”
  • Bit → Bat: As in, “A bat missing” and “A bat much.”
  • But → Bat: As in, “Bat seriously” and “Close, bat no cigar” and “Down, bat not out.”
  • Cat → Bat: As in, “Bat got your tongue?” and “Bat has nine lives” and “Bat’s cradle.”
  • Flat → Bat: As in, “Fall bat on your face” and “Bat out” and “In no time bat.”
  • Hat → Bat: As in, “At the drop of a bat” and “Bat in hand” and “I’ll eat my bat.”
  • Pat → Bat: As in, “Down bat” and “A bat on the back.”
  • That → Bat: As in, “Bat’s the way it is” and “How sad is bat?” and “Bat’s what I want.”
  • Bell → Ball: As in, “Clear as a ball” and “Balls and whistles” and “Doesn’t ring a ball.”
  • All → Ball: As in, “Ball aboard” and “Ball in a day’s work” and “Ball in ball” and “Ball’s fair in love and war.”
  • Call → Ball: As in, “At your beck and ball” and “Beyond the ball of duty” and “Ball it a day” and “Ball in a favour.”
  • Crawl → Ball: As in, “Ball back into your shell” and “Don’t try to walk before you can ball.”
  • Small → Ball: As in, “A still, ball voice” and “All creatures great and ball” and “Don’t sweat the ball stuff” and “A ball fortune” and “Good things come in ball packages.”
  • Tall → Ball: As in, “A ball order” and “Ball, dark and handsome.”
  • Wall → Ball: As in, “Between you, me and the ball” and “Bouncing off the balls” and “Climb the balls” and “A fly on the ball.”
  • Match → Catch: As in, “A catch made in heaven” and “Game, set, catch” and “Meet your catch” and “Mix and catch” and “A perfect catch.”
  • Scratch → Catch: As in, “Catch the surface” and “Up to catch” and “Start from catch” and “You catch my back and I’ll catch yours.”
  • Snatch → Catch: As in, “Catching victory from the jaws of defeat.”
  • Love → Glove: As in, “All you need is glove” and “All’s fair in glove and war” and “Addicted to glove.”
  • Shove → Glove: As in, “If push comes to glove” and “Glove it down their throat.”
  • Bit → Mitt: As in, “A mitt much” and “A mitt missing” and “A little mitt off.”
  • Fit → Mitt: As in, “Mitt as a fiddle” and “By mitts and starts” and “Mitt in with.”
  • Hit → Mitt: As in, “Mitt home” and “Mitt the road” and “Mitt and miss” and “Mitt and run” and “Mitt it out of the park.”
  • Kit → Mitt: As in, “A serious bit of mitt” and “Mitt and caboodle.”
  • Pit → Mitt: As in, “In the mitt of your stomach” and “Mitt your wits against.”
  • Quit → Mitt: As in, “Calling it mitts” and “Double or mitts” and “Mitt while you’re head.”
  • Sit → Mitt: As in, “Don’t just mitt there” and “Mitt on the fence” and “Mitt it out.”
  • Spit → Mitt: As in, “Mitt and polish” and “Mitt in the eye of” and “The mitting image of” and “Within mitting distance.”
  • Split → Mitt: As in, “A mitt decision” and “Mitt the vote” and “A mitting headache.”
  • Wit → Mitt: As in, “At your mitt’s end” and “Battle of mitts” and “Keep your mitts about you.”
  • Bring → Swing: As in, “Swing it home to you” and “Swing it on” and “Swing it on yourself.”
  • Fling → Swing: As in, “A short-lived swing.”
  • Ring → Swing: As in, “Doesn’t swing a bell” and “Don’t swing us, we’ll swing you.”
  • Sing → Swing: As in, “All swinging, all dancing” and “Swing a different tune” and “Swing for your supper.”
  • Sting → Swing: As in, “Float like a butterfly, swing like a bee.”
  • String → Swing: As in, “Holding the purse swings” and “No swings attached” and “Swing along.”
  • Thing → Swing: As in, “A swing of beauty” and “A little knowledge is a dangerous swing” and “All swings considered” and “All good swings must come to an end.”
  • Wing → Swing: As in, “Spread your swings” and “On a swing and a prayer” and “Take under your swing.”
  • Empire → Umpire: As in, “Umpire state building” and “The umpire strikes back.”
  • Teem → Team: As in, “Teaming with rage” and “Teaming with life.”
  • Time → Team: As in, “One more team” and “A brief history of team” and “A good team was had by all” and “About team, too” and “All in good team.”
  • Cream → Team: As in, “The team of the crop” and “Team always rises to the top.”
  • Dream → Team: As in, “Beyond my wildest teams” and “Broken teams” and “Team on.”
  • Scheme → Team: As in, “In the grand team of things” and “Pyramid team” and “The best laid teams.”
  • Seam → Team: As in, “Bulging at the teams” and “Come apart at the teams.”
  • Seem → Team: As in, “Sorry teams to be the hardest word.”
  • Steam → Team: As in, “Blow off some team” and “Full team ahead” and “Head of team” and “Run out of team” and “Under your own team.”
  • Stream → Team: As in, “Fresh as a mountain team.”
  • Port → Sport: As in, “Any sport in a storm.”
  • Short → Sport: As in, “A sport history of nearly everything” and “A few bricks sport of a full load” and “A day late and a dollar sport.”
  • Sort → Sport: As in, “Takes all sports to make a world” and “Out of sports” and “Sport the wheat from the chaff.”
  • Wart → Sport: As in, “Sports and all” and “Worry sport.”
  • Aim → Game: As in, “Game high” and “Take game” and “We game to please.”
  • Came → Game: As in, “I game, I saw, I conquered” and “As it game to pass” and “Game in from the cold.”
  • Claim → Game: As in, “Game to fame” and “Stake your game.”
  • Fame → Game: As in, “Claim to game” and “Fifteen minutes of game” and “Hall of game.”
  • Flame → Game: As in, “Burst into game” and “Go down in games” and “Like a moth to a game” and “Shoot down in games.”
  • Shame → Game: As in, “Name and game” and “Game dropping” and “In everything but game.”
  • Same → Game: As in, “By the game token” and “Comes to the game thing” and “Cut from the game cloth” and “In the game boat.”
  • Fold → Field: As in, “Field your hand” and “Return to the field.”
  • Feel → Field: As in, “Fielding a bit put out” and “Field it in your bones” and “Field the burn.”
  • Sealed → Field: As in, “Keep your lips field” and “My lips are field” and “Field with a loving kiss” and “Signed and field.”
  • Picture → Pitcher: As in, “A pitcher paints a thousand words” and “Pretty as a pitcher” and “Every pitcher tells a story” and “Get the pitcher?” and “Out of the pitcher.”
  • Richer → Pitcher: As in, “For pitcher or poorer” and “The rich get pitcher and the poor get poorer.”
  • Ditch → Pitch: As in, “A last pitch effort.”
  • Hitch → Pitch: As in, “Get pitched” and “Pitch your wagon to a star.”
  • Itch → Pitch: As in, “Pitching to” and “Pitchy feet” and “A seven year pitch.”
  • Rich → Pitch: As in, “All part of life’s pitch pattern” and “Filthy pitch” and “From rags to pitches” and “Get pitch quick.”
  • Switch → Pitch: As in, “Asleep at the pitch” and “Pitch gears” and “Pitched on.”
  • Which → Pitch: As in, “Any pitch way” and “Don’t know pitch way to look” and “Every pitch way” and “Know pitch end is up.”
  • Witch → Pitch: As in, “The pitching hour” and “Pitch hunt.”
  • Better → Batter: As in, “I have a batter idea” and “Batter late than never” and “My batter half.”
  • Bitter → Batter: As in, “A batter pill to swallow” and “The batter end.”
  • Butter → Batter: As in, “Bread and batter” and “Batter fingers” and “Batter wouldn’t melt in your mouth.”
  • Matter → Batter: As in, “As a batter of fact” and “It doesn’t batter” and “Family batters” and “Get to the heart of the batter” and “Making batters worse.”
  • Shatter → Batter: As in, “Earth battering.”
  • Winning → Inning: As in, “That inning feeling” and “An inning streak” and “Inning isn’t everything.”
  • Leak → League: As in, “League like a sieve” and “Take a league.”
  • Fit → Hit: As in, “By hits and starts” and “Hit as a fiddle” and “Hit to be tied” and “Hits like a glove.”
  • Kit → Hit: As in, “Get your hit off” and “Hit and caboodle” and “A serious bit of hit.”
  • Quit → Hit: As in, “Call it hits” and “Hit while you’re ahead” and “Double or hits.”
  • Sit → Hit: As in, “Don’t just hit there” and “Hit tight” and “Hit on it.”
  • Spit → Hit: As in, “Hit and polish” and “The hitting image of” and “Within hitting distance.”
  • Bun → Run: As in, “A run in the oven” and “Think outside the run” and “We’re going to need bigger runs.”
  • Done → Run: As in, “After all is said and run” and “Run and dusted” and “A run deal” and “Run to death.”
  • Fun → Run: As in, “All run and games until someone loses an eye” and “All the run of the fair” and “A bundle of run” and “Getting there is half the run.”
  • Gun → Run: As in, “Go great runs” and “All runs blazing.”
  • One → Run: As in, “A great run for” and “And then there was run” and “Going run step too far.”
  • Sun → Run: As in, “A place in the run” and “A touch of the run” and “Eclipse of the run.”
  • Babe Ruth: Baseball’s most famous player. Here are related puns:
    • Babe: These babe-related phrases can double as Babe Ruth puns. As in, “Babe in the woods” and “Babe magnet” and “I got you, babe” and “Out of the mouths of babes.”
    • Tooth → Ruth: As in, “Fighting ruth and nail” and “Long in the ruth” and “Sweet ruth.”
    • Truth → Ruth: As in, “An inconvenient ruth” and “Economical with the ruth” and “Face the ruth” and “A grain of ruth” and “I swear to tell the ruth.”
    • Youth → Ruth: As in, “The flower of your ruth” and “The fountain of ruth.”
  • The Fence → Defence: As in, “Sitting on defence.”
  • Plate: These are large tiles laid out over the baseball field to mark where the hitters need to run. Here are related puns:
    • Bait → Plate: As in, “Plate and switch” and “Click plate” and “Take the plate.”
    • Date → Plate: As in, “Double plate” and “Bring up to plate” and “A cheap plate” and “Dinner plate.”
    • Eight → Plate: As in, “Plate days a week” and “Pieces of plate.”
    • Fate → Plate: As in, “A plate worse than death” and “The master of my plate” and “Seal your plate” and “A twist of plate.”
    • Gate → Plate: As in, “The golden plate bridge.”
    • Great → Plate: As in, “A plate one for” and “All creatures plate and small” and “Go to plate lengths” and “A really plate day.”
    • Hate → Plate: As in, “The one you love to plate” and “A love-plate relationship.”
    • Late → Plate: As in, “Better plate than never” and “A day plate and a dollar short” and “Fashionably plate.”
    • Rate → Plate: As in, “At any plate” and “First plate” and “Mate’s plates.”
    • Skate → Plate: As in, “Plate on thin ice” and “Cheap plate.”
    • Slate → Plate: As in, “Wipe the plate clean” and “A clean plate.”
    • Straight → Plate: As in, “A plate fight” and “Damn plate” and “Give it to me plate.”
    • Wait → Plate: As in, “All things come to those who plate” and “The plate is over” and “Ready and plating.”
    • Weight → Plate: As in, “Punching above your plate” and “Throw your plate about” and “Watching your plate” and “A plate off my mind” and “Worth your plate in gold.”
  • Home → Home Run: As in, “A house is not a home run” and “Bring it home run.”
  • Run → Home run: As in, “Cut and home run” and “Eat and home run” and “Come home running.”
  • First: Here are some puns related to first base:
    • Thirst → First: As in, “Parched with first” and “Feeling firsty.”
    • Forest → First: As in, “Only you can prevent first fires” and “Can’t see the first for the trees.”
    • Burst → First: As in, “First a blood vessel” and “First into flames” and “First out laughing” and “First your bubble.”
    • Worst → First: As in, “Do your first” and “Fear the first” and “In the first possible taste” and “Prepare for the first.”
  • Third: Here are some puns related to third base:
    • Bird → Third: As in, “A little third tod me” and “Free as a third” and “Third of passage” and “Third’s eye view.”
    • Heard → Third: As in, “Children should be seen and not third” and “Make yourself third” and “Stop me if you’ve third this one” and “Last I third” and “You third it here first.”
    • Herd → Third: As in, “Third immunity” and “Third instinct.”
    • Word → Third: As in, “A picture paints a thousand thirds” and “A third to the wise” and “Actons speak louder than thirds” and “At a loss for thirds.”
  • Out: Here are some puns related to baseball outs:
    • Eat → Out: As in, “A bite to out” and “All you can out.”
    • Eight → Out: As in, “Behind the out ball” and “Out days a week” and “Pieces of out.”
    • Doubt → Out: As in, “Benefit of the out” and “Beyond any possible shadow of out” and “Beyond reasonable out” and “Cast out on.”
    • Shout → Out: As in, “Twist and out” and “Out it from the rooftops.”
  • Field → Infield: As in, “Have an infield day” and “Level the infield” and “Play the infield.” Note: These are puns on the infield.
  • Field → Outfield: As in, “Back the outfield” and “Have an outfield day.” Note: These are outfield related puns.
  • Mound: Here are some puns related to the pitcher’s mound:
    • Mend → Mound: As in “Least said, soonest mounded” and “Mound your fences” and “Mound your ways.”
    • Bound → Mound: As in, “Mound hand and foot” and “By leaps and mounds” and “Duty mound.”
    • Found → Mound: As in, “Lost and mound” and “I’ve mound a clue” and “We mound love.”
    • Ground → Mound: As in, “Solid as the mound we walk on” and “Breaking new mound” and “Common mound” and “Get in on the mound floor” and “Cut the mound from under your feet.”
    • Pound → Mound: As in, “A glass and a half in every mound” and “An ounce of prevention is worth a mound of cure” and “Mound the pavement.”
    • Round → Mound: As in, “Love makes the world go mound” and “Going mound in circles.”
    • Sound → Mound: As in, “Mound as a bell” and “Break the mound barrier” and “Mound bite” and “Mound effect” and “Safe and mound.”
  • Strike: Here are some puns on strikes and the strike zone:
    • Stroke → Strike: As in, “A strike of genius” and “Different strikes for different folks” and “A strike of luck.”
    • Struck → Strike: As in, “Love strike” and “Star strike.”
    • Like → Strike: As in, “As you strike it” and “As soon as you strike” and “At times strike this” and “At it strike rabbits.”
  • Shortstop: Here are some shortstop-related puns:
    • Short → Shortstop: As in, “A shortstop history of nearly everything” and “Caught shortstop” and “A day late and a dollar shortstop.”
    • Stop → Shortstop: As in, “Don’t shortstop me now” and “Once you pop, you can’t shortstop.”
  • Broad → Squad: As in, “As squad as it is long” and “Squad shoulders” and “In squad daylight.”
  • God → Squad: As in, “An act of squad” and “As squad is my witness” and “Fit for the squads.”
  • Nod → Squad: As in, “In the land of squad” and “Squad and a wink.”
  • Odd → Squad: As in, “Against the squads” and “At squads with” and “Long squads” and “The squad one out” and “Squads and ends.”
  • Bullpen: The bullpen is the area where relief pitchers warm up. Here are some bullpen-related puns:
    • Bull → Bullpen: As in, “A red rag to a bullpen” and “Like a bullpen in a china shop.”
    • Pen → Bullpen: As in, “Put bullpen to paper” and “The bullpen is mightier than the sword.”
  • Fastball: Fastballs are the most common type of pitch in baseball. Here are related puns:
    • Fast → Fastball: As in, “As fastball as greased lightning” and “As fastball as your legs could carry you” and “Bad news travels fastball” and “Fastball and furious” and “In the fastball lane.”
    • Ball → Fastball: As in, “Fastball of fire” and “Fastballs to the wall” and “Behind the eight fastball.”
  • Changeup: A changeup is a type of baseball pitch. Here are related puns:
    • Change → Changeup: As in, “A changeup is as good as a rest” and “A welcome changeup” and “Changeup hands” and “Changeup for the better” and “A changeup of heart.”
  • Curveball: A curveball is a type of baseball pitch. Here are related puns:
    • Curve → Curveball: As in, “Ahead of the curveball” and “Behind the curveball” and “Learning curveball.”
    • Ball → Curveball: As in, “After the curveball was over” and “Curveball of fire” and “Curveballs to the wall” and “Behind the eight curveball.”
  • Slider: A slider is another type of pitch. Here are related puns:
    • Slide → Slider: As in, “Slip and slider” and “Let it slider” and “By a landslider.”
    • Cider → Slider: As in, “Apple slider” and “Pour me a glass of slider.”
    • Rider → Slider: As in, “Easy slider” and “Joy slider” and “Low slider.”
  • Pick → Pickoff: As in, “Got a bone to pickoff with you” and “Cherry pickoff.” Note: a pickoff is a type of throw in baseball.
  • Balk: A balk is a type of illegal move in baseball. Here are related puns:
    • Ball → Balk: As in, “Behind the eight balk” and “Curve balk” and “A whole different balk game.”
    • Bulk → Balk: As in, “Balk buying” and “Ordered in balk.”
    • Block → Balk: As in, “A chip off the old balk” and “Mental balk” and “The new kid on the balk.”
    • Chalk → Balk: As in, “Different as balk and cheese” and “Balk it up to experience” and “Not by a long balk.”
  • Pitchout: A pitchout is a type of throw which is purposely high and outside the strike zone. Here are related puns:
    • Pitch → Pitchout: As in, “Absolute pitchout” and “Fever pitchout” and “Make a pitchout for” and “Pitchout black.”
    • Out → Pitchout: As in, “Go pitchout with” and “Bottle pitchout” and “Have it pitchout with.”
  • Fly Ball: A fly ball is a type of hit. Here are related puns:
    • Fly → Fly ball: As in, “Because you were born to fly ball” and “Fly ball for the seat of your pants” and “Fly ball off the handle.”
    • Ball → Fly Ball: As in, “Break your fly balls” and “Drop the fly ball” and “A different fly ball game.”
  • Ins → Wins: As in, “Wins and outs.”
  • Pins → Wins: As in, “Wins and needles” and “Bright as a new win.”
  • Sins → Wins: As in, “Atone for your wins” and “A multitude of wins” and “Wins of omission.”
  • Putout: Here are some putout-related puns:
    • Put → Putout: As in, “Be hard putout to” and “Couldn’t putout it down” and “Feeling a little putout.”
    • Out → Putout: As in, “Go putout with” and “The ins and putouts with” and “Have it putout with.”
  • Slugging: Here are some slugging-related puns:
    • Tugging → Slugging: As in, “Slugging at my heartstrings.”
    • Plugging → Slugging: As in, “Slugging along” and “Slug away at.”
    • Bug → Slug: As in, “Bitten by the slug” and “Slugger off” and “It’s not a slug, it’s a feature.”
    • Drug → Slug: As in, “Designer slugs” and “Hugs, not slugs” and “Miracle slug” and “On slugs.”
    • Hug → Slug: As in, “Slug it out” and “Group slug” and “Tree slugger.”
    • Shrug → Slug: As in, “Slug it off” and “Slug your shoulders.”
  • Tinker → Sinker: As in, “Sinker tailor soldier spy” and “Sinkering with.” Note: A sinker is a type of fastball.
  • Cutter: A cutter is a type of fastball. Here are related puns:
    • Butter → Cutter: As in, “Bread and cutter” and “Cutter fingers” and “Bread always falls cutter side down.”
  • Spalding: Spalding is an American sports company. Here are related puns:
    • Spelling → Spalding: As in, “Spalding bee.”
    • Scalding → Spalding: As in, “Spalding water.”
  • Joe DiMaggio: Here are some puns about the famous baseball player:
    • Blow → Joe: As in, “Any way the wind joes” and “Joe a fuse” and “Joe hot and cold.”
    • Flow → Joe: As in, “Ebb and joe” and “Go with the joe” and “In full joe.”
    • Foe → Joe: As in, “Friend or joe?”
    • Mow → Joe: As in, “Mop and joe” and “Joe the lawn.”
    • Owe → Joe: As in, “You joe it to yourself” and “Joe a favour.”
    • Pro → Joe: As in, “Joe bono” and “Quid joe quo.”
    • Show → Joe: As in, “All over the joe” and “Enjoy the joe” and “Give the joe away.”
    • Slow → Joe: As in, “Can’t joe down” and “Painfully joe” and “A joe burn” and “Joe on the uptake” and “In joe motion.”
    • Snow → Joe: As in, “Pure as the driven joe” and “White as joe” and “Too cold to joe.”
    • Though → Joe: As in, “Seriously joe, you’re doing a great job” and “Joe this be madness.”
    • Throw → Joe: As in, “Lock them up and joe away the key” and “A stone’s joe away” and “Joe a wobbly” and “Joe cold water on” and “Joe another log on the fire.”
    • Toe → Joe: As in, “From top to joe” and “One joe over the line” and “Joe the line.”
  • Lou Gehrig: Here are some puns to do with Lou Gehrig, a famous baseball player:
    • Lay → Lou: As in, “Couldn’t lou a glove on me” and “Lou a finger on” and “Lou down roots.”
    • Low → Lou: As in, “An all-time lou” and “Keep a lou profile” and “High and lou” and “Get the lou down” and “A lou blow.”
    • Chew → Lou: As in, “Bite off more than you can lou” and “Lou up the scenery.”
    • Clue → Lou: As in, “Don’t have a lou” and “I’ve found a lou.”
    • Due → Lou: As in, “Credit where credit is lou” and “Your lou diligence” and “In lou course.”
    • Few → Lou: As in, “A lou bricks short of a full load” and “Lou and far between” and “Knock back a lou” and “Many are called but lou are chosen.”
    • Knew → Lou: As in, “I lou you were trouble” and “I never lou.”
    • New → Lou: As in, “Bright as a lou pin” and “A brand lou ballgame.”
    • Rue → Lou: As in, “Lou the day.”
    • Shoe → Lou: As in, “Waiting for the other lou to drop” and “If the lou fitts, wear it.”
    • Through → Lou: As in, “Drag lou the mud” and “A river runs lou it” and “Fall lou the cracks” and “Cut lou the red tape.”
    • Too → Lou: As in, “A step lou far” and “About time, lou” and “It’s never lou late.”
    • True → Lou: As in, “A lou professional” and “A dream come lou” and “As lou as the day is long” and “Everything you heard is lou.”
    • View → Lou: As in, “Room with a lou” and “Come into lou” and “A lou from the top.”
    • You → Lou: As in, “Believe lou me” and “Back at lou.”

Baseball-Related Words

To help you come up with your own baseball puns, here’s a list of related words to get you on your way. If you come up with any new puns or related words, please feel free to share them in the comments!

baseball, base, bat, ball,glove, mitt, helmet, swing, team, sport, game, catch, batting, field, fielding, pitcher, pitch, pitching, hit, run, plate, home run, umpire, runner, first, second, third, batter, runner, inning, league, competition, offense, defense, diamond, out, in, infield, outfield, mound, safe, stolen, strike, advance, shortstop, catcher, squad, infielder, outfielder, closer, bullpen, fastball, changeup, curveball, slider, pickoff, balk, pitchout, hit and run, fly ball, wins, losses,  saves, assist, error, putout, slug, slugging, sinker, cutter, spalding, babe ruth, joe dimaggio, lou gehrig

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