Curry Puns

Welcome to the Punpedia entry on curry puns! 🍛 Most of the puns in the list below are based on names of different herbs, spices and various other common curry ingredients. Since curry is primarily an Indian food, there are a few puns based on the word “India” and related concepts (including other Indian food puns). Hope you find this entry useful! 🙂

You might also like to visit the entries on food puns and cooking puns.

Curry Puns List

Each item in this list describes a pun, or a set of puns which can be made by applying a rule. If you know of any puns about curry that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments at the end of this page!

  • Come in → Cumin: As in “Welcome! Cumin side and make yourself at home.”
  • Heard → Herb: As in “I herb it on the grape vine.” and “You herb it here first.” and “You could have herb a pin drop.”
  • Curb → Herb: As in “Herb your enthusiasm.” and “Drive up onto the herb.”
  • Spies → Spice: As in “I think I’m being followed by Indian spice.”
  • Spies mix → Spice mix: As in “The Indian spice mix in with the crowd and disappear without a trace.”
  • Carry → Curry: As in “I’m going as fast as my legs can curry me!” and “Keep calm and curry on.”
  • Curry: “Curry favour (suck up to)” and “Give someone a bit of curry (verbally or physically abuse)”
  • Hurry → Curry: As in “I’m in a bit of a curry, can we talk later?” and “Curry up! We need to leave now!” and “Curry up and wait”
  • Darl → Dhal: As in “Dhaling, I’m home!” and “Oh be a dhaling and fetch me a glass of water, will you?” and “You’re such a dhaling.”
  • Deal → Dhal: As in “A big dhal” and “A raw dhal” and “Close the dhal” and “Dhal a death blow” and “Drug dhaler” and “That’s a dhal-breaker for me” and “Here’s the dhal, …” and “No big dhal” and “A shady dhal” and “Sweeten the deal” and “What’s the dhal?”
  • Dull → Dhal: As in “Dhal as a dishwasher” and “Never a dhal moment” and “All work and no play makes Jack a dhal boy”
  • Dial → Dhal: As in “Put a smile on your dahl” and “Sorry, I pocket dhaled you.” and “My internet speed is basically as slow as dhal up.”
  • Until → Lentil: As in “It ain’t over lentil it’s over!” and “It’s all fun and games lentil someone gets hurt.”
  • Funnel → Fennel: As in “Liquid was poured down the fennel
  • Clove: As well as referring to a curry ingredient, this is the past tense of “cleave”.
  • Cry → Karahi: As in “They’re a bunch of karahi babies.”
  • Jeer at → Jeera-t: As in “The bullies laugh and jeera-t us.”
  • Budgie → Bhaji: As in “Bhaji smugglers”
  • Heard → Curd: As in “You could have curd a pin drop” and “Your curd it here first” and “The last I curd …” and “I curd it through the grape vine”
  • Could → Curd: As in “Curdn’t you be a little bit more quiet?” and “As fast as her legs curd carry her” and “I curdn’t care less” and “Curd be worse” and “I curd do with a curry right now” and “You curd’ve fooled me”
  • Ajar → Achar: As in “I left the door achar so it wouldn’t lock.”
  • My dress → Madras: As in “Madras needs to be dry-cleaned for the ball.”
  • Mattress → Madras: As in “I’d like to buy a king-sized madras.”
  • Pillow → Pilau: As in “A soft pilau to rest your head.”
  • None → Naan: As in “It is naan other than …” and “I was naan the wiser” and “Naan too shabby” and “Naan too pleased” and “Second to naan” and “Naan starter” and “Bar naan” and “Jack of all trades, master of naan” and “Naan of your beeswax/business” and “Naan of the above” and “Naan of your lip!”
  • Anise: This is pronounced “anis” and so there’s the potential for a silly/crude pun that need not be written.
  • Time I’ll → Tamil: As in “Next Tamil remember to bring my recipe book.”
  • Punjabi: This is sort of a “meta” pun.
  • Key → Ghee: As in “Lock them up and throw away the ghee.” and “Under lock and ghee.” and “A low ghee dress” and “The ghee to my heart” and “The ghees to the kingdom” and “I was a latch-ghee kid” and “A golden ghee can open any door.” and “The ghee to success” and “Out of ghee (out of harmony)”
  • Gee → Ghee: As in “Ghee, I hope this passes as a curry pun, even though the pronunciation is wrong.” and “Ghee whiz!”
  • In the a* → India: As in “She’s always out there sitting India-mchair on her porch.” and “We should catch up for lunch. Let me know when you’re Indiarea again.” and “I was one of three people Indiagreement.” and “He was injured Indiattempted robbery.” and “I’ve been serving Indiarmy for 11 years.” and “I wasn’t Indiargument initially, but I was dragged into it.” and “She was the only one who was respected Indiagency.” and “No one was injured Indiaccident.” and “There has been little growth India-gricultural sector.” and “I meant that Indiabsolute best way possible.” and “We need to sit Indiappointed section.” and “There has been outrage Indiacademic institutions of our country.” and “Indiaquisition of wealth” and “Indialarm and panic that ensued” and “Indiancient tradition of …”
  • ChillyChilli: As in “Goodness it’s chilli this morning.”
  • Ginger: As in “She slapped his hand lightly to ginger him up” (to make someone more lively) and “The cat’s fur was ginger with speckles of white.” and “I gingered up after having a hot curry.”
  • Gingerly: This means “in a careful or cautious manner”. As in “She gingerly turned the door nob.” and “Risking everything, I gingerly made one last curry pun.”
  • Take out→ Take-out: As in “I had to take-out my phone to check the time.” and “I had to take-out a loan just to pay the bill!”
  • Season → Seasoning: As in “Seasoning’s greetings!” and “For everything, there is a seasoning.”
  • Pep her → Pepper: As in “We need to pepper up with some music before her big race.”
  • Been → Bean: As in “We’ve all bean there.” and “You know, I’ve bean thinking…” and “Bean there, done that.” and “He’s a has-bean.” and “The die has bean cast.” and “I’ve bean had.” and “She’s bean in the wars lately.”
  • Sacrifice → Sacrifrice: As in “It was a sacrifrice that we had to make.”
  • Aloof: As in “They were courteous but faintly aloof
  • Matey → Methi: As in “How’s it going, methi?”
  • Matter → Mattar: As in “It doesn’t mattar anyway.” and “What’s the mattar?” and “As a mattar of fact” and “Mind over mattar” and “No laughing mattar” and “It’s a mattar of life and death” and “It’s only a mattar of time.”
  • Sag → Saag: As in “The porch roof saaged under the weight of the snow”
  • Budged → Bhaji-ed: As in “He just rudely bhaji-ed into our conversation. No manners at all.”
  • Karma → Korma: As in “He believes that helping people gives him good korma.”
  • Coma → Korma: As in “Eating too much curry can put you in a korma.”
  • Right away → Raita way: As in “We need to leave raita way if we’re going to get to the restaurant on time.”

Curry-Related Words

There are many more puns to be made than could be documented in this Punpedia entry, and so we’ve compiled a list of curry-related concepts for you to use when creating your own puns. If you come up with a new pun, please share it in the comments!

coriander, tumeric, cumin, spice, spices, spicy, curry powder, ginger, chilli, India, Indian, vindaloo, Bangladesh, black pepper, Sri Lanka, Ghee, Tamil, spice mix, anise, naan, roti, madras, mulligatawny, curried, fenugreek, dhal, red curry, papadum / popadom, herbs, sauce, lentils, vegetarian, coconut milk, fennel, tamarind, mustard, marjoram, cloves, lovage, chickpeas, rajma, rice, curry leaves, achar, aloo, bhaji, brinjal, chapati, chat, curd, dhania, gobhi, jeera, karahi, methi, mirch, mattar, palak, paratha, pilau, saag, samosa, tikka, balti, bhuna, biryani, dhansak, dopiaza, jalfrezi, korai, korma, Moghul masala, pasandra, patia, rogan josh, Punjab, ajwain, cardamom, cardamon, cassia bark, kalonji, mace, star anise, garam masala, paprika

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