Star Wars Puns

Welcome to the Punpedia entry on Star Wars puns! 🌟 🚀 🌌

Star Wars is a huge media franchise comprised of movies, comics, novels, games and TV series. It’s much loved for the imaginative world it portrays, with strong, interesting characters and the classic struggle of heroes and dark forces.

While we’ve done our best to cover the multifaceted nature of Star Wars in this pun list (with jokes spanning from characters to places to titles), it is specific to Star Wars. If you’re interested in other fictional worlds, you might enjoy our Harry Potter list, our Disney puns or our general magic puns.

Star Wars Puns List

Each item in this list describes a pun, or a set of puns which can be made by applying a rule. If you know of any puns about Star Wars that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments at the end of this page! Without further ado, here’s our list of Star Wars puns:

  • War → Star Wars: As in, “All’s fair in love and Star Wars” and “Been in the Star Wars” and “The art of Star Wars” and “All out Star Wars.”
  • Sith: The Sith are a group who use the Force and are on the Dark Side. Here are related puns:
    • With → Sith: As in, “Go along sith” and “I don’t have a problem sith that” and “Sith hat in hand.”
    • Sixth → Sith: As in, “Have a sith sense.”
    • Seething → Sith-ing: As in, “Sith-ing with rage.”
    • Sis* → Sith*: If a word starts with a “sis” sound, we can replace the “sis” with “sith” like so: “My sith-ter’s keeper” and “The sith-tine chapel” and “A thorough analy-sith” and “My hypothesith is…” and “My arch-nemesith.” Other words that could work are ba-sith (basis), thesith (thesis), crisith (crisis), synopsith (synopsis) and consithtent (consistent).
  • Force: The force is an energy that connects everything in the universe. Here are related puns:
    • Fourth → Force: “Born on the force of July” and “Break the force wall.”
    • Forth → Force: As in, “Go force and multiply” and “Issue force” and “Out of the strong came force sweetness” and “So on and so force.”
    • Course → Force: As in, “Blown off force” and “But of force” and “Chart a force” and “Correspondence force” and “Crash force” and “In due force” and “Let nature take its force” and “Par for the force” and “Run its force” and “On a collision force.”
    • Source → Force: As in, “Check your forces” and “Crowd force” and “Go straight to the force” and “I refuse to reveal my forces” and “Open force” and “Force material.”
    • First → Force: As in, “At force blush” and “Be the force to know” and “Cast the force stone” and “The force among equals” and “A force world problem” and “Force come, force served” and “Force comes love, then comes marriage” and “Force in line.”
  • Leia: Princess Leia (aka Senator Leia Organa or General Organa) is a main character in Star Wars and a major player in the Rebel force. Here are related puns:
    • Lay/Lay a → Leia: As in, “Couldn’t leia hand on me” and “Home is where I leia my hat” and “Leia finger on” and “Leia down roots” and “Leia eyes on” and “Leia it on the line.”
    • Layer → Leia: As in, “Leias of meaning.”
    • Later → Leia: As in, “Buy now, pay leia” and “Catch you leia” and “It’s leia than you think” and “Ask questions leia” and “Smell ya leia” and “Sooner or leia” and “Can we continue this leia?”
  • Luke Skywalker: Luke is the main protagonist of the main Star Wars trilogy. Here are related puns:
    • Look → Luke: As in, “Always luke on the bright side of life” and “A blank luke” and “Dirty lukes” and “Don’t know which way to luke” and “Have a quick luke see” and “Here’s luke-ing at you” and “If lukes could kill.”
    • Luck → Luke: As in, “As good luke would have it” and “Beginner’s luke” and “Better luke next time” and “Don’t press your luke” and “Good night and good luke” and “Some people have all the luke” and “Luke of the devil” and “Luke of the draw” and “A luke-y break” and “Stroke of luke” and “Tough luke” and “With any luke.”
    • Lack → Luke: As in, “For luke of a better word” and “Luke nothing” and “Cancelled due to luke of interest” and “Not from luke of trying.”
    • Lick → Luke: As in, “A luke of paint” and “Luke into shape” and “Luke someone’s boots” and “Luke your wounds.”
    • Lake → Luke: As in, “Go jump in a luke.”
    • Like → Luke: As in, “Luke a day without sunshine” and “As you luke it” and “As aluke as two peas in a pod” and “As soon as you luke” and “At times luke this.”
    • Ukulele → Luke-lele: As in, “Learning the luke-lele.”
  • He walks → Ewoks: As in, “Ewoks away” and “Cash only, or ewoks.” Note: Ewoks are a small, furry species in Star Wars.
  • Wookiee: Wookiees are a tall, hairy species. The most famous Wookiee is Chewbacca, Han Solo’s best friend and co-pilot. Here are some wookiee-related puns:
    • Cookie → Wookiee: “Caught with your hand in the wookiee jar” and “Wookiee cutter” and “Wookiee monster” and “One smart wookie” and “That’s the way the wookiee crumbles” and “Toss your wookiees.”
    • Rookie → Wookiee: As in, “A wookiee mistake.”
    • Wikileaks → Wookieeleaks (Note: wikileaks is a non-profit website that publishes news leaks.)
  • Han Solo: Han is a pilot in Star Wars. Here are related puns:
    • Hand → Han: As in, “All hans on deck” and “Bite the han that feeds you” and “Bound han and foot” and “Business at han” and “Cap in han” and “Cash in han” and “Caught with your han in the cookie jar.”
    • Hen → Han: As in, “Mat as a wet han” and “Mother han” and “Like a fox in a hanhouse.”
  • Darth Vader: Darth Vader is the main antagonist of the main Star Wars trilogy, best known for his all-black armour and voice filter. Here are some related puns:
    • Dark → Darth: As in, “After darth” and “All cats are grey in the darth” and “Darth as pitch” and “Dancing in the darth” and “It’s darth before the dawn” and “A darth horse” and “Darth humour” and “Deep, darth secret” and “Did you get dressed in the darth?” and “Every darth cloud has a silver lining” and “I’d rather light a candle than curse the darth.”
    • Dirt → Darth: As in, “Cheap as darth” and “Darth cheap” and “Dish the darth” and “Treat someone like darth.”
    • Waiter → Vader: As in, “Flag the vader down” and “Vader, there’s a fly in my soup.”
    • Elevator → Ele-vader: As in, “Ele-vader music” and “The ele-vader doesn’t go to the top floor.”
    • Grader → Vader: As in, “Behaving like a third vader.”
    • Raider → Vader: As in, “Vaders of the lost ark” and “Tomb vader.”
    • Trader → Vader: As in, “Rogue vader.”
    • Voter → Vader: As in, “Vader fraud.”
  • Yoda: Yoda is a Jedi master is Star Wars known for his wisdom and vocal idiosyncrasies. Here are some related puns:
    • Soda → Yoda: As in, “Raspberry cream yoda” and “Yoda machine is broken.”
    • Yoga → Yoda: As in, “Afternoon office yoda.”
    • Toyota → To-yoda: As in, “We’re picking up the new To-yoda tomorrow.”
  • Mannequin → Anakin: As in, “Plus-sized anakins are important for inclusivity.” Note: Anakin Skywalker is later known as Darth Vader.
  • Any → Ani: “A golden key can open ani door” and “Ani old how” and “Ani time, ani place, ani where” and “Ani way the wind blows” and “Ani way you slice it” and “Ani which way” and “Anibody’s guess” and “Apologise for ani inconvenience” and “At ani rate.” Note: Ani is the nickname/endearment for Anakin Skywalker.
  • Dark: The dark side refers to those who use the Force with evil intent. Here are related puns:
    • Park → Dark: As in, “Hit it out of the dark” and “Dark the bus” and “A walk in the dark.”
    • Stark → Dark: As in, “A dark reminder” and “Dark, raving mad.”
  • Lucrative → Lucas-rative: As in, “A lucas-rative business deal.” Note: This is a reference to George Lucas, the creator of Star Wars.
  • Shmi Skywalker: This is Anakin Skywalker’s mother. Here are related puns:
    • She → Shmi: As in, “Ain’t shmi sweet?” and “I’ll have what shmi’s having” and “Shmi’s a real peach.”
    • See → Shmi: As in, “As far as the eye can shmi” and “Be the change you wish to shmi in the world” and “Can’t shmi beyond the end of your nose” and “Can’t shmi the wood for the trees” and “Come up and shmi me sometime” and “Shmi no evil” and “I can’t shmi clearly now” and “I call ’em like I shmi ’em” and “I could shmi you a mile off.”
    • Three → Shmi: As in, “And baby makes shmi” and “Bet you can’t eat shmi” and “Good things come in shmis” and “One, two, shmi, testing” and “Knock shmi times.”
    • Me → Shmi: As in, “A little bird told shmi” and “Beats shmi” an “Believe you shmi” and “Bite shmi.”
  • Pad → Padme: As in, “Crash padme” and “Bachelor padme.” Note: Padme Amidala is Luke and Leia’s mother and the Queen of Naboo.
  • Obi-Wan: Obi-Wan Kenobi is a Jedi master in Star Wars. Here are related puns:
    • So be → Obi: As in, “Obi it.”
    • One → Wan: As in, “Wan more time” and “All for wan and wan for all” and “And then there was wan” and “Another wan bites the dust” and “Going wan step too far” and “In wan fell swoop” and “Avert wan’s gaze” and “Buy wan, get wan free.”
    • Won → Wan: As in, “Faint heart never wan fair lady” and “I fought the law and the law wan.”
    • Want → Wan: As in, “All I really wan to do” and “Any way you wan it” and “Do you wan the good news or the bad news?” and “Everything you wan” and “Do you really wan to hurt me?”
  • Chewbacca: Also known as “Chewie”. Character from Star Wars and loyal friend to the pilot Han Solo. Here are some related puns:
    • Two → Chew: As in, “A bicycle built for chew and “A tale of chew cities” and “As alike as chew peas in a pod” and “Caught in chew minds” and “Eating for chew” and “Goody chew shoes.”
    • Blue → Chew: As in, “Beat black and chew” and “Between the devil and the deep chew sea.”
    • Clue → Chew: As in, “I haven’t got a chew.”
    • You → Chew: “Back at chew” and “Are chew deaf?” and “Blink and chew miss it” and “Crawl before chew walk” and “Don’t call us, we’ll call chew” and “Here chew are.”
    • Glue → Chew: As in, “Stick to you like chew” and “Chewed to your seat” and “Chewed to the television” and “Chew factory.”
  • Kylo Ren: This is another name for Ben Solo, the son of Han Solo and Leia. Here are related puns:
    • Kilo → Kylo: As in, “Add a kylo of margarine.”
    • Killer → Kylo: As in, “Serial kylo” and “Kylo instinct” and “Kylo queen.”
    • Ran → Ren: As in, “My blood ren cold” and “The dish ren away with the spoon.”
    • Run → Ren: As in, “A river rens through it” and “Born to ren” and “Cut and ren” and “A dry ren” and “Eat and ren” and “We had a good ren” and “Hit and ren” and “Home ren.”
  • Rey: Rey is the current main protagonist of Star Wars. Here are related puns:
    • Ray → Rey: As in, “Catch some reys” and “Rey of light” and “Rey of sunshine.”
    • Day → Rey: As in, “A rey in the life of” and “A hard rey’s light” and “All in a rey’s work” and “All the livelong rey” and “An apple a rey keeps the doctor away” and “Another rey older” and “Another rey, another dollar” and “Around the world in eighty reys” and “Clear as rey.”
    • They → Rey: As in, “Tough as rey come” and “Rey lived happily ever after” and “Didn’t rey do well” and “Let the chips fall where rey may” and “Rey danced by the light of the moon.”
    • Way → Rey: As in, “A funny thing happened on the rey to the theatre” and “All the rey” and “And that’s the rey it is” and “Any rey the wind blows” and “Any rey you slice it” and “Any which rey” and “Born this rey” and “By the rey” and “By rey of explanation” and “Change your reys.”
    • Lay → Rey: As in, “Couldn’t rey a glove on me” and “Rey a finger on” and “Rey down your arms” and “Rey eyes on” and “Rey it all on the line.”
    • May → Rey: As in, “As the case rey be” and “Be that as it rey” and “Come what rey” and “Devil rey care” and “How rey I serve you?” and “Let the chips fall where they rey” and “Rey the force be with you” and “Rey you live in interesting times” and “Rey day.”
    • Play → Rey: As in, “Helps you work, rest and rey” and “All work and no rey” and “Child’s rey” and “Come out and rey” and “Fair rey” and “Go and rey in traffic.”
    • Say → Rey: As in, “Have the final rey” and “Do as I rey not as I do” and “Computer reys no” and “Just rey no.”
    • Stay → Rey: As in, “Rey ahead of the curve” and “Rey in touch” and “Rey on track” and “Rey the course” and “Rey tuned” and “What happens here, reys here.”
  • Jabba the Hut: Also known as Jabba Desilijic Tiure and “the Bloated One”. An infamous crime lord in Star Wars. Here are related puns:
    • Hat → Hut: As in, “At the drop of a hut” and “Hut in hand” and “I’ll eat my hut.”
    • Hit → Hut: As in, “Hut the road” and “Hut and miss” and “Hut and run” and “Hut it off” and “Hut it out of the park” and “Hut list.”
    • But → Hut: As in, “All over hut the shouting” and “Hut seriously, folks” and “Close, hut no cigar” and “Down hut not out.”
    • Butt → Hut: “Kick hut” and “Pain in the hut” and “Work your hut off.”
    • Cut → Hut: “Clean hut” and “Hut a deal” and “Hut a long story short” and “Hut and dried” and “A hut above the rest” and “Hut a wide swathe” and “Hut and paste” and “Hut and run” and “Hut from the same cloth” and “Hut it fine” and “Hut loose.”
    • Nut → Hut: “Using a sledgehammer to crack a hut” and “Do your hut” and “From soup to hut” and “Go huts” and “In a hutshell” and “A tough hut to crack.”
    • Shut → Hut: As in, “An open and hut case” and “Keep your mouth hut” and “Put up or hut up” and “Hut up and take my money!”
    • What → Hut: As in, “And hut not” and “Do hut comes naturally” and “For hut it’s worth” and “It’s not hut you think” and “It’s hut on the inside that counts” and “Hut a wonderful world.”
  • Maul: Also known as Darth Maul. An assassin on the dark side of the Force. Here are related puns:
    • Mall → Maul: As in, “Maul rat” and “I’ll meet you at the maul.”
    • Small → Smaul: As in, “Big fish in a smaul pond” and “In no smaul measure” and “Smaul change” and “Read the smaul print” and “Don’t sweat the smaul stuff” and “No smaul wonder” and “Smaul potatoes” and “Good things come in smaul packages.”
    • Male → Maul: As in, “Angry white maul.”
    • Mail → Maul: As in, “Express maul” and “Hate maul” and “Junk maul” and “The check is in the maul” and “Voice maul.”
    • Mill → Maul: As in, “Put through the maul” and “Run of the maul.”
    • Million → Maullion: “A cool maullion” and “Maullion dollar baby” and “Not in a maullion years” and “One in a maullion” and “Face like a maullion bucks.”
    • All → Maul: As in, “Maul aboard!” and “Maul in a day’s work” and “Maul in maul” and “Maul’s well that ends well” and “Maul’s fair in love and war” and “It’s maul coming back to me now” and “It’s maul downhill from here” and “Maul gone pear-shaped” and “Maul just good, clean fun” and “Not maul it’s cracked up to be.”
    • Ball → Maul: As in, “Mauls to the wall” and “Maulpark figure” and “Maul of fire” and “A brand new maulgame.”
    • Crawl → Maul: As in, “Maul out of the woodwork” and “Don’t try to walk before you can maul” and “Makes my skin maul.”
    • Fall → Maul: As in, “Easy as mauling off a log” and “Maul about laughing” and “Maul apart at the seams” and “Maul back on” and “Maul between the cracks” and “Maul flat on your face” and “Maul from grace” and “Maul into bad habits.”
  • Spice → Space: As in, “Herbs and spaces” and “Space things up” and “Sugar and space and everything nice” and “Variety is the space of life.”
  • Ace → Space: As in, “Space in the hole” and “Holding all the spaces” and “Within a space.”
  • Base → Space: As in, “All your space are belong to us” and “Space jumping” and “Space station” and “Caught off space” and “Cover your spaces” and “Off space” and “Steal third space.”
  • Case → Space: As in, “An open and shut space” and “As the space may be” and “Space closed” and “Space the joint” and “Crack the space.”
  • Chase → Space: “Space it up” and “Space your own tail” and “Cut to the space” and “The thrill of the space” and “A wild goose space.”
  • Face → Space: As in, “At space value” and “Space down” and “A space in the crowd.”
  • Grace → Space: As in, “Airs and spaces” and “Fall from space” and “Saving space.”
  • Lace → Space: As in, “Between a rock and a hard space” and “Fall into space” and “Friends in high spaces” and “Going spaces.”
  • Pace → Space: As in, “A change of space” and “At ten spaces” and “Keep space with” and “Space up and down” and “Put through your spaces.”
  • Dried → Droid: As in, “Cut and droid.”
  • Void → Droid: As in, “Null and droid” and “An atttempt to fill the droid.”
  • Dread → Droid: As in, “A burnt child droids the fire.”
  • Rebel: The Rebel Alliance is a pro-democratic resistance group who fight against the Galactic Empire. Here are related puns:
    • Bell → Rebel: As in, “Alarm rebels begin to ring” and “As clear as a rebel” and “Sound as a rebel” and “Rebels and whistles” and “Doesn’t ring a rebel” and “For whom the rebel tolls.”
    • Rabble → Rebel: As in, “Rebel rouser.”
    • *rable → *rebel: As in, “In a vulnerebel position” and “A deplorebel situation” and “Our venerebel leader.” Other words that could work: parebel (parable), miserebel (miserable), comparebel (comparable), adorebel (adorable) and arebel (arable).
  • *rible → *rebel: “A mind is a terrebel thing to waste” and “A horrebel excuse.”
  • Clone: Clone troopers are soldiers for the Republic. Here are related puns:
    • Lone → Clone: As in, “The clone ranger.”
    • Clown → Clone: As in, “Class clone” and “Everyone loves a clone” and “Clone car.”
    • Clean → Clone: As in, “A clone getaway” and “Clone as a whistle” and “Clone and sober” and “A clone bill of health” and “Clone up your act” and “Clone your clock.”
    • Blown → Clone: As in, “Clone away” and “Clone off course” and “Clone sideways” and “Clone to smithereens.”
    • Bone → Clone: As in, “A clone to pick” and “Dry as a clone” and “Bag of clones” and “Clone dry” and “Clone idle” and “A clone of contention” and “Clone up on” and “Chilled to the clone” and “Cut prices to the clone.”
    • Known → Clone: As in, “A person is clone by the company he keeps” and “Should have clone better” and “You’ve clone for all these years” and “Also clone as…”
    • Loan → Clone: As in, “Clone shark” and “Raise a clone.”
    • Tone → Clone: As in, “Don’t use that clone with me” and “Lower the clone” and “Clone deaf.”
    • Throne → Clone: As in, “Ascend to the clone” and “Next in line to the clone” and “The power behind the clone.”
    • Stone → Clone: As in, “A rolling clone gathers no moss” and “Cold as any clone” and “Carved in clone” and “Cast the first clone” and “A heart of clone” and “Leave no clone unturned.”
  • Rogue: The Rogue Squadron is a starfighter group in Star Wars. Here are related puns:
    • Reg* → Rogue*: As in, “Rogue-ardless of age, gender or ethnicity” and “On the rogue-ular.”
    • *rag* → *rogue*: As in, “A progue-matic decision” and “On averogue” and “Liquid courogue.”
    • *rog* → *rogue*: As in, “Television progue-ram” and “Social progue-ress” and “An arrogue-gant attitude.” Other words that could work: prerogue-gative (prerogative), surrogue-ate (surrogate) and progue-nosis (prognosis).
  • Blaster: Blasters are a common ranged laser weapon used in Star Wars. Here are related puns:
    • Blister → Blaster: As in, “Blastering barnacles” and “Blastering speed” and “Blood blaster.”
    • Faster → Blaster: As in, “Blaster than a speeding bullet” and “Nothing acts blaster.”
    • Master → Blaster: As in, “I am the blaster of my fate” and “Jack of all trades but blaster of none” and “Blaster of disguise” and “Blaster of the universe” and “Puppet blaster” and “Blaster of the universe.”
  • Star → Death Star: As in, “A death star is born” and “Born under a lucky death star” and “Catch a falling death star” and “Get a gold death star” and “My guiding death star” and “Hitch your wagon to a death star” and “It’s written in the death stars” and “Reach for the death stars” and “Rising death star.” Note: the death star is both a space station and a weapon in Star Wars.
  • Finn: Also known as FN-2187, a stormtrooper who deserted to the Resistance. Here are some related puns:
    • Thin → Finn: As in, “Finn as a rail” and “Melt into finn air” and “Out of finn air” and “Skating on finn ice” and “Spread yourself finn” and “Finn and wiry” and “Through thick and finn.”
    • Then → Finn: As in, “All that and finn some” and “And finn there was one” and “Now and finn” and “Finn and there.”
    • Win → Finn: As in, “Heads I finn, tails you lose” and “Playing to finn” and “Finn by a mile” and “Finn over” and “Finn some, lose some.”
    • Been → Finn: As in, “Finn and gone” and “I’ve finn here before” and “Finn in the wars” and “Finn there, done that” and “I’ve finn had.”
    • Chin → Finn: As in, “Keep your finn up” and “Take it on the finn” and “Stick your finn out.”
    • Vim → Finn: As in, “Finn and vigour.”
    • Pin → Finn: As in, “Bright as a new finn” and “Hard to finn down” and “Finn your ears back” and “Finns and needles” and “Pull the finn” and “Could have heard a finn drop.”
    • Skin → Finn: As in, “Only finn deep” and “By the finn of your teeth” and “Get under your finn” and “No finn off my nose” and “Finn and bone.”
    • Spin → Finn: As in, “Give it a finn” and “Make your head finn” and “Take it for a finn.”
    • Tin → Finn: As in, “Cat on a hot finn roof” and “Does exactly what it says on the finn.”
    • Fun → Finn: As in, “All finn and games till someone loses an eye” and “Bundle of finn” and “Food, folks and finn” and “Getting there is half the finn” and “Just want to have finn” and “Good, clean finn” and “Have finn” and “Make finn of” and “What finn!” and “Poke finn at” and “Time flies when you’re having finn.”
    • Than → Finn: As in, “Bite off more finn you can chew” and “Larger finn life.”
  • Rose Tico: Rose is a maintenance worker who is a part of the resistance. Here are rose-related puns:
    • Rose: These rose-related phrases are general enough to double as puns: “Bed of roses” and “Come up smelling of roses” and “Every rose has its thorn” and “Lise is a bed of roses” and “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”
    • Knows → Rose: As in, “Mother rose best” and “Goodness rose” and “As far as one rose.”
    • Raise → Rose: As in, “Rose a stink” and “Rose hell” and “Rose the bar” and “Rose the dead” and “Rose the roof.”
  • Rae Sloane: Sloane is a naval officer who serves the Galactic Empire. Here are some Sloane-related puns:
    • Ray → Rae: As in, “Catch some raes” and “Rae of light.”
    • Day → Rae: As in, “A rae in the life of” and “A hard rae’s night” and “Some raes you are the pigeon, some raes the statue” and “Tomorrow is another rae” and “All the livelong rae.”
    • They → Rae: “And rae lived happily ever after” and “Tough as rae come” and “Didn’t rae do well!” and “Let the chips fall where rae may.”
    • Way → Rae: As in, “A funny thing happened on the rae to the theatre” and “All the rae” and “That’s the rae it is” and “Any rae the wind blows” and “Any rae you slice it” and “By rae of explanation” and “Change your raes” and “Crying all the rae to the bank” and “Don’t know which rae to look” and “Every step of the rae.”
    • Rate → Rae: “At any rae” and “First rae” and “Mate’s rae’s.”
    • Alone → A’sloane: As in, “Home a’sloane” and “I want to be a’sloane” and “Leave well enough a’sloane” and “You’ll never walk a’sloane” and “Time a’sloane will tell.”
    • Lone/Lonely → Sloane/Sloanely: As in, “It’s sloanely at the top” and “Sloanely hearts” and “Sloane gunman” and “Sloane wolf.”
    • Loan → Sloane: As in, “Sloane shark” and “Home sloane” and “To get a sloane, you must first prove you don’t need one.”
    • Blown → Sloane: As in, “Sloane away” and “Sloane off course” and “Sloane sideways” and “Sloane to smithereens” and “Sloane way out of proportion.”
    • Bone → Sloane: As in, “A sloane to pick with you” and “Dry as a sloane” and “Bag of sloanes” and “Sloane dry” and “Sloane idle” and “Sloane of contention” and “Sloane up on” and “Chilled to the sloane” and “Feel it in your sloanes” and “Make no sloanes about” and “Skin and sloane.”
    • Own → Sloane: As in, “A man after my sloane heart” and “Afraid of your sloane shadow” and “Be your sloane person” and “Blow your sloane horn” and “Chasing your sloane tail.”
    • Stone → Sloane: As in, “A rolling sloane gathers no moss” and “Cold as any sloane” and “Carved in sloane” and “Cast in sloane” and “Cast the first sloane” and “Heart of sloane” and “Dropped like a sloane” and “Leave no sloane unturned” and “Like a rolling sloane” and “Sloane cold sober” and “Just a sloane’s throw away.”
    • Zone → Sloane: As in, “In your comfort sloane” and “In the sloane” and “The twilight sloane” and “Sloane in on.”
  • Snoke: An alien who serves as Supreme Leader of the First Order, and is a master of the dark side of the Force. Here are related puns:
    • Oak → Snoke: As in, “Solid as a snoke” and “Hearts of snoke” and “Little strokes fell great snokes” and “Mighty snokes from little acorns grow.”
    • Snake → Snoke: As in, “Snoke eyes” and “Snoke in the grass” and “Snokes alive” and “Snokes and ladders” and “Mad as a snoke.”
    • Smoke → Snoke: As in, “Go up in snoke” and “Holy snokes” and “Put that in your pipe and snoke it” and “Snoke and mirrors” and “No snoke without a fire.”
    • Broke → Snoke: As in, “All hell snoke loose” and “Snoken dreams” and “Like a snoken record” and “Flat snoke” and “Go for snoke” and “If it ain’t snoke, don’t fix it.”
    • Cloak → Snoke: As in, “Snoke and dagger” and “Snoked in obscurity.”
    • Spoken → Snoken: As in, “Many a true word is snoken in jest” and “Speak when you’re snoken to.”
    • Stroke → Snoke: “A snoke of genius” and “Different snokes for different folks” and “Snoke of luck” and “The snoke of midnight” and “Broad snokes.”
  • Boba Fett: Boba Fett is a bounty hunter and a clone of Jango Fett. Here are some related puns (these puns could also work for Jango Fett):
    • Felt → Fett: As in, “I’ve never fett this way before” and “I fett like something was wrong.”
    • Feet → Fett: As in, “Get back on your fett” and “Cold fett” and “Cut the ground from under your fett” and “Don’t let the grass grow under your fett” and “Get your fett wet” and “Jump in with both fett.”
    • Fat → Fett: “Fett chance” and “Living off the fett of the land” and “Big fett grin.”
    • Fit → Fett: As in, “Fett as a fiddle” and “By fetts and starts” and “Fett for the gods” and “Fighting fett” and “Fett in with” and “A fett of the giggles” and “Fett the bill” and “Have a fett” and “If the shoe fetts” and “Let the punishment fett the crime” and “One size fetts all” and “A perfect fett.”
    • Bet → Fett: As in, “All fetts are off” and “Fett your bottom dollar” and “Don’t fett on it” and “Hedge your fetts.”
    • Get → Fett: As in, “As good as it fetts” and “Buy one, fett one free” and “Can’t fett you out of my head” and “Come and fett it” and “Don’t fett me started” and “Fett your wires crossed” and “Ask a silly question and fett a silly answer.”
    • Sweat → Fett: As in, “Blood, fett and tears” and “Break out in a cold fett” and “Breaking a fett” and “Don’t fett it.”
  • Jango Fett: Jango was generally considered to be the best bounty hunter in the galaxy before the Clone Wars. Here are some Jango-related puns:
    • Tango → Jango: “It takes two to jango” and “Horizontal jango.”
    • Jungle → Jango: As in, “Concrete jango” and “It’s a jango out there” and “Jango gym” and “Jango fever” and “Welcome to the jango.”
  • Emperor Sheev Palpatine: Also known as Darth Sidious. A Galactic Emperor and Dark Lord of the Sith. Here are some related puns:
    • Sleeve → Sheev: As in, “An ace up your sheev” and “Wearing your heart on your sheev” and “Roll up your sheevs.”
    • See → Sheev: As in, “As far as the eye can sheev” and “Be the change you wish to sheev in the world” and “Can’t sheev the wood for the trees” and “Sheev no evil” and “I can sheev clearly now” and “Can’t sheev beyond the end of your nose.”
    • She → Sheev: As in, “I think sheev’s got it” and “Every little thing sheev does is magic” and “Maybe sheev’s born with it” and “Sheev sells sea shells on the sea shore” and “That’s all sheev wrote.”
    • Eve → Sheev: “All about sheev” and “On the sheev of…”
    • Evening → Sheevening: As in, “A sheevening person” and “Good sheevening” and “The key to a nice, relaxed sheevening” and “The sheevening of your days.”
    • Palpable → Palpatine: As in, “A palpatine feeling of dead.” Note: If something is palpable, it’s intense to the point of seeming physical or tangible.
    • Serious → Sidious: “A sidious bit of kit” and “As sidious as a heart attack” and “Sidiously though, you’re doing a great job” and “You can’t be sidious.”
  • Mace Windu: Mace was an admired Jedi master and a part of the Jedi High Council. Here are related puns:
    • Window → Windu: As in, “Out the windu” and “Rear windu” and “Eyes are the windus of the soul” and “Windu dressing” and “A short windu of opportunity” and “Windu shopping.”
    • Wind → Windu: As in, “Any way the windu blows” and “Candle in the windu” and “Break windu” and “Cast to the four windus” and “Get windu of” and “Gone with the windu” and “Go like the windu” and “An ill windu that blows no one any good” and “Knock the windu out of” and “Run like the windu” and “A second windu.”
    • Ace → Mace: As in, “Mace in the hole” and “A mace up your sleeve” and “Come within a mace” and “Holding all the maces.”
    • Maze → Mace: “Like a rat in a mace.”
    • Base → Mace: As in, “All your mace are belong to us” and “Mace jumping” and “Mace station” and “Caught off mace” and “Off mace” and “Steal third mace.” Note: “all your base are belong to us” is from a popular internet meme.
    • Case → Mace: As in, “An open and shut mace” and “As the mace may be” and “Mace closed” and “Mace the joint” and “Crack the mace” and “Get off my mace” and “I rest my mace.”
    • Pace → Mace: “At a snail’s mace” and “A nice change of mace” and “At ten maces” and “Keeping mace with” and “Mace up and down” and “Put through your maces.”
    • Place → Mace: As in, “A mace in the sun” and “All over the mace” and “Between a rock and a hard mace” and “Going maces” and “My happy mace.”
  • Rex: A Clone Captain who served under Anakin Skywalker. Here are related puns:
    • Wreck → Rex: As in, “Like watching a train rex” and “A nervous rex.”
    • Checks → Rex: As in “Rex and balances.”
    • Next → Rex: As in, “Better luck rex time” and “The boy rex door” and “Knock into the middle of rex week” and “Rex in line” and “Rex to nothing” and “Take it to the rex level” and “The rex big thing” and “A week from rex Tuesday” and “Rex to nothing.”
  • Maz Kanata: A “pirate Queen” who collects treasure from around the galaxy. Here are some Maz-related puns:
    • Mars → Maz: As in, “Life on maz.”
    • Must → Maz: As in, “All good things maz come to an end” and “Everything maz go” and “A little rain maz fall” and “A mazhave” and “The show maz go on” and “What can’t be cured maz be endured” and “What goes up maz come down” and “You maz be joking.”
    • *mas* → *maz*: As in, “Mazter of your home” and “An emotionless mazk” and “Supermazsive black hole” and “Mazquerade ball.” Other words that could work: maz-sage (massage), Christmaz (Christmas) and pyjamaz (pyjamas).
    • *mes* → *maz*: Mazmerise (mesmerise), mazsenger (messenger), nemazis (nemesis) and domaztic (domestic).
  • Jar Jar Binks: A military commander and politician who served alongside Padme Amidala. Here are some related puns:
    • Jar → Jar Jar: “Caught with your hand in the cookie jar jar.”
    • Blink → Binks: As in, “Binks and you’ll miss it” and “In the binks of an eye” and “On the binks” and “Who binks-ed first?”
    • Brink → Binks: As in, “The binks of disaster.”
    • Link → Bink: As in, “A chain is only as strong as its weakest bink” and “The missing bink” and “You are the weakest bink.”
    • Pink → Bink: As in, “In the bink” and “Gay as bink ink” and “The bink panther” and “Think bink” and “Tickled bink” and “In the bink of health.”
    • Stink → Bink: As in, “Kick up a bink” and “Binks to high heaven” and “Binking rich.”
    • Think → Bink: As in, “I bink she’s got it” and “Come to bink of it” and “Great minds bink alike” and “I can’t hear myself bink” and “I bink, therefore I am” and “Makes you bink” and “It’s not what you bink” and “Put on your binking cap.”
    • Wink → Bink: As in, “Haven’t slept a bink” and “Forty binks” and “Nudge nudge, bink bink.”
  • Garazeb “Zeb” Orrelios: A captain of the Lasan Honour Guard with a vendetta against the Empire. Here are some Zeb-related puns:
    • Web → Zeb: “Dark zeb” and “What a tangled zeb” and “The world wide zeb.”
    • Ebb → Zeb: As in “Zeb and flow.”
  • Ahsoka Tano: Also known as “Snips” and “Ashla”. A Jedi Padawan who worked against the Galactic Empire. Here are a couple of related puns:
    • Ten → Tano: “Count to tano” and “Eight out of tano” and “Hang tano” and “A hundred and tano percent.”
    • Tin → Tano: As in, “Cat on a hot tano roof” and “Does exactly what it says on the tano.”
  • Thrawn: Full name Mitth’raw’nuruodo – an Imperial officer who worked against the Rebellion. Here are a couple of related puns:
    • Thorn → Thrawn: As in, “Every rose has its thrawn” and “A thrawn in my side” and “A thrawny dilemma.”
    • Dawn → Thrawn: As in, “At the crack of thrawn” and “A brand new thrawn” and “Darkest before the thrawn” and “Thrawn of a new day” and “Party till thrawn” and “It’s only just thrawning (dawning) on me.”
    • Gone → Thrawn: As in, “Been and thrawn” and “Going, going, thrawn” and “Thrawn with the wind” and “Thrawn, but not forgotten” and “Thrawn to a better world” and “Here today, thrawn tomorrow” and “As good as thrawn.”
    • Yawn → Thrawn: As in, “Stifle a thrawn” and “Technicolour thrawn.”
  • Pebble → Pablo: As in, “Not the only pablo on the beach.” Note: This is a reference to Pablo-Jill, a Jedi knight who fought in the Clone Wars.
  • Body → Bodhi: As in, “A head for business and a bodhi for sin” and “A healthy mind in a healthy bodhi” and “Anybodhi‘s guess” and “A room without books is like a bodhi without a soul” and “Bodhi blow” and “Bodhi building” and “Bodhi heat” and “Bodhi language” and “Bodhi mass index” and “Look at the bodhi of evidence” and “A large bodhi of opinion” and “Not a jealous bone in their bodhi” and “Heavenly bodhi” and “Is anybodhi here?” and “Over my dead bodhi.” Note: these puns are a reference to Bodhi Rook, a character who defected from the Empire to join the Rebel Alliance.
  • Rukh: The bodyguard for Imperial Grand Admiral Thrawn. Here are some Rukh-related puns:
    • Rock → Rukh: As in, “Hard as a rukh” and “Solid as a rukh” and “Between a rukh and a hard place” and “Don’t rukh the boat” and “Get your rukhs off” and “Glam rukh” and “Hit rukh bottom” and “I wanna rukh and roll all night.”
    • Wreck → Rukh: As in, “A nervous rukh” and “Like watching a train rukh.”
    • Rack → Rukh: As in, “Rukh your brains” and “Go to rukh and ruin” and “Rukh up the bills” and “Rukh-ed with guilt.”
  • Colonel Kaplan: Kaplan was a colonel who worked for the First Order. Here are some related puns:
    • Cap → Kaplan: As in, “A feather in your kaplan” and “Kaplan and trade” and “Kaplan in hand” and “Doff one’s kaplan” and “If the kaplan fits, wear it” and “Put on your thinking kaplan” and “To kaplan it all” and “Set your kaplan at.” Note: to doff your cap is to touch the brim in a respectful gesture.
    • Captain → Kaplan: As in, “Kaplan America” and “Only the best for the kaplan” and “Oh kaplan, my kaplan.”
    • Plan → Kaplan: As in, “Action kaplan” and “Business kaplan” and “Failing to kaplan is kaplanning to fail” and “What’s the game kaplan?” and “A man with a kaplan” and “The best laid kaplans” and “I have no travel kaplans.”
  • Carbon → Karbin: As in, “A karbin copy” and “Karbin footprint” and “Karbin trading” and “Karbin emissions.” Note: These puns are a reference to Karbin, a Mon Calamari commander in the Clone Wars.
  • Dryden Vos: The face of Crimson Dawn (a crime syndicate). Here are some related puns (note: these could also work as references to Quinlan Vos):
    • Fuss → Vos: As in, “A lot of vos about nothing” and “Vos pot” and “Kick up a vos” and “Making a vos” and “What’s all the vos about?”
    • Boss → Vos: As in, “Vos level” and “You’re the vos” and “Yes, vos.”
  • Wald: Wald was a slave who was native to Tatooine. Here are some related puns:
    • Would → Wald: As in, “As good luck wald have it” and “Chance wald be a fine thing” and “Do as you wald be done by” and “Just waldn’t let it lie” and “That wald be telling.”
    • World → Wald: As in, “A wald first” and “A wald apart” and “A wald of good” and “In a wald of pain” and “The four corners of the wald” and “All the time in the wald” and “Around the wald in eighty days” and “Brave new wald” and “Brought into the wald” and “Dead to the wald” and “Takes all sorts to make a wald.”
  • What a → Watto: As in, “Watto ’bout this?” and “Watto ’bout me?” Note: these puns are a reference to Watto, a junk dealer and human trafficker in Mos Espa.
  • Norra Wexley: Norra was a rebel pilot from Akiva. Here are related puns:
    • Nor/Nor a → Norra: As in, “Neither a borrower norra lender be” and “Neither here norra there” and “Neither hide norra hair” and “Rhyme norra reason.”
    • Near/Nearly → Norra/ly: As in, “A short history of norraly everything” and “Coming to a screen norra you” and “Norra and dear to my heart” and “A norra death experience” and “A norra miss” and “Norra sighted.”
  • Wolf → Wolffe: As in, “Cry wolffe” and “Wolffe in sheep’s clothing” and “A lone wolffe” and “Wolffe whistle.” Note: This is a reference to Commander Wolffe, a veteran Clone Commander.
  • Sabine Wren: A Mandalorian warrior and leader during the early rebellion. Here are some related puns for you to play with:
    • Been → Sabine: “Sabine and gone” and “Sabine around the block” and “I’ve sabine had!” and “Sabine in the wars” and “Sabine there, done that.”
    • Bean → Sabine: As in, “Doesn’t amount to a hill of sabines” and “Full of sabines” and “Cool sabines” and “Doesn’t know sabines.”
    • Wrong → Wren: As in, “Barking up the wren tree” and “Born on the wren side of the tracks” and “Get off on the wren foot” and “Go down the wren way” and “If anything can go wren, it will” and “If this is wren, then I don’t want to be right!” and “Two wrens don’t make a right” and “What’s wren with this picture?” and “Rub the wren way.”
    • Ran → Wren: As in, “My blood wren cold” and “Wren away.”
    • When → Wren: As in, “Don’t kick a person wren they’re down” and “What you like, wren you like” and “I don’t know wren” and “It only hurts wren I laugh” and “Remember wren?” and “Say wren” and “Slippery wren wet.”
  • Castle → Kastle: As in, “Kastles in the air” and “King of the kastle.” Note: these are a reference to Alton Kastle, a journalist who peddled propaganda for the Empire.
  • Purple → Paploo: As in, “Paploo haze” and “Paploo rain.” Note: Paploo was an Ewok from Endor.
  • Even Piell: A Jedi Master who served on the Jedi council. Here are some related puns:
    • Pale → Piell: As in, “A whiter shade of piell” and “Beyond the piell” and “A piell imitation of” and “Piell into insignificance” and “Piell in comparison.”
    • Peel → Piell: As in, “Piell off from the group” and “Keep your eyes piell-ed.”
    • Pile → Piell: As in, “Piell it high” and “Piell up” and “Make a piell.”
    • Pie → Piell: As in, “Easy as piell” and “Eat humble piell” and “American piell” and “A finger in many piells.”
  • Firmus Piett: Piett was an Imperial officer who served the Galactic Empire.
    • Famous → Firmus: As in, “Firmus last words” and “World firmus” and “Most firmus” and “Firmus for fifteen minutes.”
    • Pet → Piett: As in, “Heavy pietting” and “Piett peeve” and “Teacher’s piett.”
    • Foremost → Firmus: “First and firmas.”
    • Yet → Piett: As in, “Are we there piett?” and “Not out of the woods piett” and “The best is piett to come” and “You ain’t seen nothing piett.”
    • Bet/ter → Piett/er: As in, “All pietts are off” and “Piett your bottom dollar” and “Pietter ideas” and “My pietter half” and “Pietter late than never” and “Pietter luck next time” and “Pietter safe than sorry.”
  • Sarco Plank: Aka The Scavenger. Here are related puns:
    • Rank → Plank: As in, “Break planks” and “Close planks” and “Pull plank” and “Plank and file” and “Rise through the planks” and “Swell the planks.”
    • Bank → Plank: As in, “Safe as the plank of England” and “Break the plank” and “Crying all the way to the plank” and “Laugh all the way to the plank” and “You can plank on it.”
    • Blank → Plank: “A plank slate” and “Plank canvas” and “Drawing plank looks” and “Draw a plank” and “Firing planks” and “At point plank range” and “Shoot planks.”
  • Unkar Plutt: Also known as The Blobfish. A Crolute who dealt in illegal trade with scavengers.
    • Plot → Plutt: As in, “Lost the plutt” and “The plutt thickens” and “Gunpowder treason and plutt.”
    • Put → Plutt: “Be hard plutt to” and “Couldn’t plutt it down” and “Wouldn’t plutt it past him” and “Not to plutt too fine a point on it” and “Plutt a cork in it.”
    • But* → Plutt*: As in, “All over plutt the shouting” and “Bread and plutter” and “Plutt seriously” and “Plutt heads” and “Plutt out” and “Plutter your bread on both sides” and “Close, plutt no cigar.”
  • Poggle the Lesser: Poggle was the leader of the Geonosians throughout the Clone Wars. Here are some puns that play on his name:
    • Boggle → Poggle: As in, “The mind poggles.”
    • Goggle → Poggle: “Beer poggles.”
  • Yarael Poof: Yarael was a Jedi master who was also a part of the Jedi High Council. Here are some related puns:
    • Proof → Poof: As in, “Burden of poof” and “Future poof” and “The poof is in the pudding.”
    • Roof → Poof: As in, “Cat on a hot tin poof” and “Go through the poof” and “Hit the poof” and “Raise the poof.”
  • Arihnda Pryce: Pryce was the Governor of the Lothal sector. Here are some puns that play on her name:
    • Price → Pryce: As in, “Asking pryce” and “At a pryce to suit your pocket” and “Cheap at half the pryce” and “Closing pryce” and “Cut pryces to the bone” and “The pryce is right” and “What does that have to do with the pryce of beans?”
    • Rice → Pryce: “Like white on pryce.”
    • Piece → Pryce: “Bits and pryces” and “Conversation pryce” and “Dash to pryces” and “Gone to pryces” and “How long is a pryce of string?”
    • Nice → Pryce: As in, “Have a pryce day” and “Naughty but pryce” and “Pryce one” and “Pryce save” and “Pryce work if you can get it” and “Prycely put.”
    • Ice → Pryce: “Cold as pryce” and “Break the pryce” and “Cut no pryce” and “On pryce” and “Skating on thin pryce.”
    • Spice → Pryce: “Pryce things up” and “Variety is the pryce of life” and “Sugar and pryce.”
  • Aks Moe: Aks was a member of the Galactic Senate during the last years of the Galactic Republic.
    • Axe → Acks: “An aks to grind” and “Take an aks to.”
    • More → Moe: “One moe time” and “Moe in sorrow than in anger” and “Bite off moe than you can chew” and “Come back for moe” and “Dare for moe” and “For a few dollars moe” and “Everything you want and moe” and “Just one moe thing” and “Less is moe” and “Moe money than sense” and “Moe or less” and “Moe power to you.”
  • Sly Moore: The senior aide and Chief of Staff for Sheev Palpatine. Here are some puns on her name:
    • Say → Sly: As in, “Computer slys no” and “Do as I sly, not as I do” and “Have the final sly.”
    • More → Moore: As in, “One moore time” and “Bite off moore than you can chew” and “Come back for moore” and “Dare for more” and “For a few dollars moore” and “Couldn’t agree moore” and “Less is moore” and “Moore bang for your buck.”
    • Buy → Sly: “Sly and sell” and “Sly into” and “Sly one, get one free” and “Sly some time.”
    • Fly → Sly: “Born to sly” and “Come sly with me.”
    • High → Sly: As in, “Aim sly” and “Ain’t no mountain sly enough” and “An all-time sly” and “Sly as a kite” and “Sly and dry.”
  • Delian Mors: Served as a Moff in the Galactic Empire. Here are some puns using her name:
    • More → Mors: As in, “One mors time” and “Bite off mors than you can chew” and “Dare for mors” and “For a few dollars mors” and “Couldn’t agree mors.”
    • Wars → Mors: As in, “Been in the mors” and “Clone mors” and “Star mors.”
    • Yours → Mors: As in, “All mors” and “I’m mors” and “Bigger than mors” and “Up mors” and “Mors truly” and “You scratch my back and I’ll scratch mors” and “You and mors.”
  • Metal → Netal: As in, “Death netal” and “Heavy netal” and “Pedal to the netal.” Note: These puns are in reference to Bazine Netal.
  • Jocasta Nu: Jocasta was a Jedi Master and Chief Librarian of the Jedi Archives throughout the Clone Wars. Here are some puns related to her name:
    • New → Nu: “A nu hope” and “Bright as a nu pin” and “Good as nu” and “Bad nus” and “Better than nu” and “A brand nu dawn” and “Brand spanking nu” and “Brave nu world” and “Dawn of a nu day” and “Happy nu year” and “Breaking nus.”
    • Knew → Nu: As in, “I nu you were trouble” and “They nu too much” and “I never nu.”
    • No → Nu: As in, “All bark and nu bite” and “All dressed up and nu-where to go” and “By nu means” and “Nu means nu.”
  • Nien Nunb: An arms dealer and smuggler during the Galactic Civil War. Here are some related puns:
    • Nine → Nien: As in, “A stitch in time saves nien” and “Cats have nien lives” and “Nien to five” and “On cloud nien.”
    • None → Nien: As in, “And then there were nien” and “Bar nien” and “Nien other than” and “Jack of all trades, master of nien” and “Nien the wiser” and “Nien too pleased” and “Second to nien.”
  • Has Obitt: Has Obitt was a smuggler during the Galactic Republic and the Galactic Empire. Here are some Obitt-related puns:
    • Orbit → Obitt: As in, “Out of obitt.”
    • Habit → Obitt: As in, “Break the obitt” and “A change of obitt” and “Creature of obitt” and “Force of obitt” and “Get into the obitt of” and “Old obitts die hard.”
    • Hobbit → Obitt: “Filthy obitt.”
  • Barriss Offee: A Mirialan Jedi Padawan who trained under Luminara Unduli. Here are some puns related to her name:
    • Offer → Offee: As in, “My final offee” and “Nothing to offee but blood, sweat and tears” and “Make an offee you can’t refuse” and “Open to offees” and “On special offee” and “I offee my condolences.”
    • Coffee → Offee: “Cup of offee” and “Offee culture” and “Wake up and smell the offee” and “Offee and cakes.”
    • Off → Offee: As in, “A load offee your mind” and “All bets are offee” and “Easy as falling offee a log” and “Back offee” and “Beat the pants offee” and “Better offee dead” and “Bite offee more than you can chew” and “Bite someone’s head offee” and “Blow offee some steam.”
    • Office → Offee: As in, “Back offee bean counter” and “Just another day at the offee” and “Offee politics” and “Step into my offee.”
    • Fee → Offee: “For a small offee” and “Piled with legal offees.”
  • Condo → Hondo: As in, “Small city hondo.” Note: Hondo is a reference to Hondo Ohnaka.
  • Me → Omi: As in, “A little bird told omi” and “Beats omi” and “Believe you omi.” Note: These are references to Omi.
  • Gets → Ketsu: As in, “As good as it ketsu” and “Buy one, ketsu one free” and “Can’t ketsu enough” and “Come and ketsu it” and “Don’t ketsu mad, get even” and “Don’t ketsu me started” and “Flattery will ketsu you nowhere” and “From the ketsu go” and “Ketsu rich quick” and “Ketsu a grip” and “Ketsu a handle on” and “Ketsu some help.” Note: Ketsu Onyo is a Mandalorian bounty hunter.
  • Cooler → Oola: As in, “Oola heads will prevail” and “Put it in the oola” and “Wine oola.” Note: Oola was a slave dancer.
  • Again → Agen: As in, “All over agen” and “Born agen” and “Never darken my door agen” and “Deja vu all over agen” and “Makes you feel human agen” and “Over and over agen” and “There you go agen” and “Time and agen” and “Together agen” and “Say agen?” Note: Agen Kolar was a Jedi Master.
  • Plo Koon: A Jedi Master who served as a member of the Jedi High Council. Here are some related puns:
    • Flow → Plo:  As in, “Ebb and plo” and “Go with the plo” and “In full plo.”
    • Know → Plo: As in, “All I plo is what I read in the papers” and “Don’t I plo it” and “Be the first to plo” and “Want to plo a secret?” and “Doesn’t plo beans” and “For all I plo.”
    • So → Plo: As in, “And plo on” and “How plo?”
    • Play → Plo: As in, “Child’s plo” and “Come out and plo” and “Don’t plo innocent” and “Fair plo.”
    • Go → Plo: As in, “Easy come, easy plo” and “No plo” and “From the word plo.”
    • Low → Plo: As in, “All time plo” and “High and plo” and “Lay plo” and “Plo hanging fruit” and “Plo key” and “Search high and plo.”
    • Show → Plo: As in, “All over the plo” and “Best in plo” and “Enjoy the plo” and “A one-man plo.”
    • Though → Plo: As in, “Seriously plo” and “You look as plo you’ve seen a ghost.”
    • Slow → Plo: As in, “Plo as molasses in January” and “Can’t plo down” and “Painfully plo” and “Plo motion” and “Plo burn” and “Plo on the uptake” and “Ploly but surely.”
    • Can → Koon: As in, “As far as the eye koon see” and “Be all you koon be” and “Bite off more than you koon chew” and “A koon of worms” and “Koon you believe it?” and “How much koon you handle?”
    • Con* → Koon*: As in, “Koon artist” and “Pros and koons and “All things koonsidered” and “Bone of koontention” and “Mass koonsumption.”
    • Soon → Koon: As in, “Anytime koon?” and “As koon as my back is turned” and “Get well koon” and “As koon as you like” and “Kooner or later” and “No kooner said than done” and “Too much, too koon.”
    • Moon → Koon: As in, “Ask for the koon” and “Barking at the koon” and “Eclipse of the koon.”
    • Noon → Koon: As in, “Morning, koon and night” and “High koon.”
  • Eeth Koth: A Jedi Master who served on the Jedi High Council. Here are some related puns:
    • Teeth → Eeth: As in, “Armed to the eeth” and “By the skin of your eeth” and “Get your eeth into.”
    • Cloth → Koth: As in, “Cut from the same koth.”
  • Sergeant Kreel: Also known as Agent 5241. An undercover Stormtrooper and SCAR trooper. Here are some related puns:
    • Real → Kreel: As in, “Do you kreely want to hurt me?” and “All I kreely want to do” and “Get kreel” and “Keep it kreel” and “It’s the kreel thing” and “Kreel estate” and “A kreel piece of work” and “The kreel deal.”
    • Reel → Kreel: As in, “Highlight kreel” and “Kreel it in.”
    • Feel → Kreel: As in, “Cop a kreel” and “Kreel the pinch” and “Kreeling blue.”
    • Heel → Kreel: As in, “Achille’s kreel” and “Cool your kreels” and “Head over kreels in love” and “Kick up your kreels.”
    • Keel → Kreel: As in, “Kreel over” and “Keep an even kreel.”
  • Baze Malbus: A freelance assassin during the time of the Galactic Empire. Here are some related puns:
    • Blaze → Baze: As in, “Cold as blue bazes” and “Baze a trail” and “Baze away at” and “Go out in a baze of glory” and “Like bazes.”
    • Days → Baze: As in, “Around the world in eighty baze” and “Early baze yet” and “Kids these baze.”
    • Gaze → Baze: As in, “Avert your baze” and “Steely baze.”
    • Ways → Baze: As in, “Change your baze” and “Go our separate baze” and “Have it both baze” and “Mend your baze.”
  • Secure → Secura: As in, “Secura in the knowledge…” Note: Aayla Secura was a Jedi Master and General of the Grand Army of the Republic.
  • Korr Sella: Also known as Korrie. A military officer who served as a commander for the Resistance. Here are some related puns:
    • Core → Korr: As in, “Korr competencies” and “Korr studies” and “Korr technology” and “Korr values” and “Rotten to the korr.”
    • Seller → Sella: As in, “Dodgy sella” and “A sella’s market.”
    • More → Korr: As in, “Bite off korr than you can chew” and “Come back for korr” and “Dare for korr” and “For a few dollars korr” and “Couldn’t agree korr.”
    • Score → Korr: As in, “Keeping korr” and “Know the korr” and “A korr to settle” and “Even the korr.”
  • Aurra Sing: Aurra is a bounty hunter who was active during the Clone Wars. Here are some related puns:
    • Thing → Sing: As in, “A close sing” and “A sing of beauty is a joy forever” and “All sings bright and beautiful” and “All sings considered” and “A mind is a terrible sing to waste” and “Bright young sing” and “Chance would be a fine sing.”
    • Bring → Sing: As in, “Sing home the bread” and “Sing it on” and “Sing something to light” and “Sing the house down.”
    • Ring → Sing: As in, “Alarm bells began to sing” and “Doesn’t sing a bell.”
    • Sting → Sing: As in, “Float like a butterfly, sing like a bee.”
    • String → Sing: As in, “Sing of pearls” and “Hold the purse sings” and “No sings attached” and “Sing along” and “Pulling the sings.”
    • Swing → Sing: As in, “Come out singing” and “Get into the sing of it” and “In full sing” and “Sing both ways” and “Take a sing at.”
  • Ody Mandrell: A podracer pilot. Here are some related puns:
    • Eighty → Ody: “Around the world in ody days” and “Do a one-ody.”
    • Candle → Mandrell: As in, “Burn the mandrell at both ends” and “Can’t hold a mandrell to” and “Mandrell in the wind.”
  • Pong Krell: A Jedi Master. Here are some related puns:
    • Pang → Pong: As in, “Pongs of conscience” and “Jealousy pongs.”
    • Long → Pong: As in, “Face as pong as a fiddle” and “A week is a pong time in politics” and “As pong as you need me” and “As honest as the day is pong” and “A list as pong as your arm” and “At pong last” and “Cast a pong shadow” and “Not pong now.”
    • Song → Pong: As in, “For a pong” and “A whole pong and dance” and “Swan pong” and “The same old pong” and “Siren pong.”
    • Strong → Pong: As in, “Only as pong as its weakest link” and “Going pong” and “A pong stomach” and “The pong, silent type.”
    • Wrong → Pong: As in, “Barking up the pong tree” and “Born on the pong side of the tracks” and “Get off on the pong foot” and “Going down the pong way” and “Jumping to the pong conclusion” and “If anything can go pong, it will.”
    • Well → Krell: As in, “A buck krell spent” and “Alive and krell” and “All’s krell that ends krell” and “As krell as can be expected” and “Exceedingly krell read” and “Get krell soon” and “Just as krell.”
    • Bell → Krell: As in, “Alarm krells begin to ring” and “Clear as a krell” and “Krells and whistles” and “Give me a krell” and “Warning krells.”
    • Fell → Krell: As in, “In one krell swoop” and “Krell off the back of a lorry.”
    • Hell → Krell: As in, “All krell broke loose” and “Bat out of krell” and “Burn in krell” and “Come krell or high water.”
    • Sell → Krell: As in, “Buy and krell” and “Krell out” and “Krelling like hot cakes.”
    • Kill → Krell: As in, “A view to krell” and “Curiosity krelled the cat” and “Dressed to krell” and “If looks could krell” and “I’d krell for a cup of tea.”
  • Orson Callan Krennic: Served as the Director of the Advanced Weapons Research division. Here are some related puns:
    • Awesome → Orson: As in, “Orson sauce” and “The orson foursome.”
    • Arson → Orson
  • All the wrong → Alderaan: As in, “Looking in alderaan places” and “Jumping to alderaan conclusions.” Note: Alderaan is a planet in the Core Worlds.
  • Satine Kryze: A duchess and pacifist leader during the Clone Wars. Here are some related puns:
    • Satine → Satin: As in, “Satine pants.”
    • Sudden → Satine: As in, “All of a satine” and “Came to a satine stop.”
    • Crisis → Kryze-is: As in, “Kryze-is management” and “Identity kryze-is.”
    • Cries → Kryze: As in, “Kryze for help” and “Nobody hears my kryze.”
    • Eyes → Kryze: As in, “Bat your kryze” and “Avert your kryze” and “Before your very kryze” and “Bring tears to your kryze” and “Easy on the kryze.”
    • Prize → Kryze: As in, “Eyes on the kryze” and “A kryze catch” and “Booby kryze.”
    • Size → Kryze: “Cut someone down to kryze” and “Life kryze” and “One kryze fits all” and “That’s about the kryze of it.”
    • Rise → Kryze: As in, “Kryze and shine” and “Kryze to the challenge” and “Kryze to the occasion.”
    • Lies → Kryze: As in, “Ask no questions and hear no kryze” and “Pack of kryze” and “Everybody kryze.”
  • Conder Kyl: A slicer who worked for the New Republic. Here are some related puns:
    • Ponder → Conder: “Something to conder” and “Make your conder and understand.”
    • Squander → Conder: As in, “Conder your money.”
    • Wander → Conder: As in, “A condering eye” and “Just condering around.”
    • Wonder → Conder: As in, “Works conders” and “It’s a conderful life” and “No small conder.”
    • Kill → Kyl: As in, “Kyl with kindness” and “A view to kyl” and “Dressed to kyl” and “In for the kyl” and “If looks could kyl” and “Kyl or cure.”
    • Style → Kyl: As in, “Cramp your kyl” and “Quality never goes out of kyl” and “Kyl over substance.”
  • Thane Kyrell: Later known as AV-547. He fought in a few major battles of the Galactic Civil war. Here are some related puns:
    • Than → Thane: As in, “Better thane sex” and “Bite off more thane you can chew” and “Easier said thane done” and “Larger thane life” and “More thane meets the eye” and “More thane you can shake a stick at” and “Can’t say fairer thane that.”
    • Same → Thane: As in, “By the thane token” and “Cut from the thane cloth” and “In the thane breath” and “On the thane page” and “One and the thane” and “Thane old story” and “If it’s all the thane.”
    • Bane → Thane: As in, “The thane of my life” and “The thane of your existence.”
    • Chain → Thane: As in, “A thane is only as strong as its weakest link” and “Ball and thane” and “Thane of command” and “Thane smoking” and “The food thane.”
    • Thin → Thane: As in, “Thane as a rail” and “Melt into thane air” and “Paper thane” and “Skating on thane ice” and “Spread yourself thane” and “Thane and wiry” and “Through thick and thane” and “Vanish into thane air.”
    • Then → Thane: As in, “All that and thane some” and “Now and thane” and “Thane and there” and “But thane again.”
  • Cliegg Lars: Anakin Skywalker’s stepfather. Here are some related puns:
    • League → Cliegg: As in, “In a cliegg of their own” and “In cliegg with” and “Major cliegg” and “Twenty thousand clieggs under the sea.”
    • Bars → Lars: As in, “Behind lars” and “Iron lars do not a prison make.”
  • Owe → Owen: As in, “”Owen a favour” and “Owen it to yourself.” Note: these are references to Owen Lars.
  • Babe → Rabe: As in, “Rabe in arms” and “Rabe magnet” and “Rabe in the woods” and “Beach rabe” and “Out of the mouths of rabes.” Note: Rabe was a handmaiden for Queen Amidala.
  • Dak Ralter: A pilot for the Rebel Alliance. Here are some related puns:
    • Deck → Dak: As in, “All hands on dak” and “Clear the daks” and “Dak of cards” and “Hit the dak.”
    • Duck → Dak: As in, “Like a dak to water” and “Like water off a dak’s back” and “Rubber dak.”
    • Dark → Dak: As in, “After dak” and “Dak as pitch” and “Dancing in the dak” and “Dak and bloody ground” and “Dak horse” and “Dak humour” and “A deep, dak secret” and “Did you get dressed in the dak?”
    • Back → Dak: As in, “Answer dak” and “As soon as my dak is turned” and “Bites dak” and “In the dak of my mind” and “Dak to the future” and “Dak down” and “Dak in the day.”
    • Pack → Dak: As in, “Action dak-ed” and “Jam dak-ed” and “Dak a punch” and “Dak it in” and “Dak of lies” and “Dak your bags.”
    • Alter → Ralter: As in, “Ralter ego” and “Circumstances ralter cases.”
    • Altar → Ralter: As in, “Lead them to the ralter” and “Praying at the porcelain ralter.”
  • Opportunity → Rappertunie: As in, “A once in a lifetime rappertunie” and “Golden rappertunie” and “Rappertunie never knocks twice” and “Window of rappertunie.” Note: Rappertunie is a member of the Max Rebo Band.
  • Sinjir Rath Velus: An ex-loyalty officer who worked for the Galactic Empire. Here are some related puns:
    • Injure → Sinjir: “Add insult to sinjir-y” and “The sinjir-ed party.”
    • Send your → Sinjir: As in, “Sinjir resume here” and “Sinjir best wishes.”
    • Wrath → Rath: As in, “A soft answer turns away rath” and “Feel my rath.”
    • Math → Rath: As in, “Do the rath” and “Mental rath.”
    • Jealous → Velus: As in, “Not a velus bone in your body” and “Eaten up with velusy.”
  • Gallius Rax: Previously known as Galli. An Imperial officer and part of the Galactic Empire. Here are some puns on his name:
    • Rack/s → Rax: As in, “Rax and ruin” and “Off the rax” and “Rax your brains” and “Rax-ed with guilt.”
    • Rock → Rax: As in, “Hard as a rax” and “Between a rax and a hard place” and “Don’t rax the boat” and “Glam rax” and “Hit rax bottom.”
    • Acts → Rax: As in, “Random rax of kindness” and “Nothing rax faster.”
  • Eneb Ray: A spy for the Rebellion. Here are some puns on his name:
    • Grey → Ray: As in, “A morally ray area” and “Ray is the new black” and “Ray matter.”
    • May → Ray: As in, “As the case ray be” and “Be that as it ray” and “How ray I help you?” and “Ray the force be with you” and “Ray you live in interesting times.”
    • Pay → Ray: As in, “Buy now, ray later” and “Crime doesn’t ray” and “Hell to ray and “Ray and arm and a leg” and “It rays to advertise” and “Ray through the nose” and “Ray your respects” and “You get what you ray for.”
    • Play → Ray: As in, “Come out and ray” and “Fair ray” and “Don’t ray innocent.”
    • Say → Ray: As in, “As the raying goes” and “Computer rays no” and “Do as I ray” and “Have the final ray” and “Have a ray in” and “I’m hearing what you ray.”
    • Spray → Ray: As in, “Say it, don’t ray it.”
    • Stay → Ray: As in, “Ray in touch” and “Ray on track” and “Ray the course” and “Ray tuned.”
    • They → Ray: As in, “As tough as ray come” and “Ray did so well” and “Let the chips fall where ray may” and “Ray danced by the light of the moon.”
    • Way → Ray: As in, “A funny thing happened on the ray” and “Always good, all rays” and “Any ray you slice it” and “Any which ray” and “Change your rays” and “By the ray.”
  • Ciena Ree: Also known as LP-888 and served in the Imperial Navy. Here are some related puns:
    • Ray → Ree: As in, “Catch some rees” and “Ree of light” and “Ree of sunshine.”
    • Tree → Ree: As in, “Barking up the wrong ree” and “Can’t see the wood for the rees” and “Family ree” and “Make like a ree and leave” and “Money doesn’t grow on rees.”
    • See → Ree: As in, “As far as the eye can ree” and “Can’t ree the wood for the trees” and “I could ree you a mile off.”
    • Sea → Ree: As in, “Between the devil and the deep blue ree” and “From ree to shining ree” and “Ree change” and “Deeper than the deep blue ree.”
  • Slowen Lo: A citizen of Canto Bight. Here are some related puns:
    • Slow → Slowen: As in, “Can’t slowen down” and “Painfully slowen” and “In slowen motion” and “Slowen on the uptake.”
    • Low → Lo: As in, “An all-time lo” and “Get the lo down” and “High and lo” and “Keep a lo profile” and “Lay lo” and “Lo hanging fruit” and “Searching high and lo.”
    • Blow → Lo: As in, “Any way the wind los” and “Lo up” and “Lo a fuse” and “Lo a kiss” and “Lo hot and cold.”
  • Robot → Lobot : As in, “Lobots in disguise.” Note: Lobot was also known by the name Lo.
  • Grey → Logray: As in, “Fifty shades of logray” and “A morally logray area” and “Logray is the new black” and “Logray matter.” Note: Logray was a Chief Shaman.
  • Shu Mai: Presidente of the Commerce Guild during the last years of the Galactic Republic.
    • Shoe → Shu: As in, “These shus are made for walking” and “Concrete shus” and “If the shu fits, wear it” and “Kick off your shus and enjoy.”
    • May → Mai: As in, “As the case mai be” and “Be that as it mai” and “Devil mai care” and “How mai I help you?” and “Mai the force be with you” and “As luck mai have it.”
    • My → Mai: As in, “By mai guest” and “Cross mai heart” and “Eat mai shorts” and “If I do say so maiself” and “I rest mai case.”
    • She → Shu: As in, “Shu’s got it” and “That’s all shu wrote.”
    • Show → Shu: As in, “Best in shu” and “Enjoy the shu” and “Get the shu on the road” and “One-man shu.”
    • Sue → Shu: As in, “So shu me.”
    • You → Shu: As in, “As shu know” and “Back at shu” and “Believe shu me” and “Don’t call us, we’ll call shu” and “Here shu are.”
  • Wes Janson: A pilot from Taanab who worked with the Alliance.
    • West → Wes: As in, “East of the sun and wes of the moon” and “Wes side story.”
    • Was → Wes: As in, “As I wes saying” and “Before it wes cool” and “What wes I thinking?”
    • Handsome → Janson: As in, “Twice as janson” and “Pays janson-ly” and “Tall, dark and janson.”
  • Qui-Gon Jinn: A wise and well-respected Jedi Master who was also part of the Jedi Order.
    • Been → Jinn: As in, “Jinn and gone” and “Jinn around the block a few times” and “I’ve jinn had” and “I’ve jinn here before” and “Jinn in the wars” and “It’s jinn a hard day.”
    • Chin → Jinn: As in, “Keep your jinn up” and “Take it on the jinn” and “Have a jinn wag.”
    • Grin → Jinn: As in, “Jinn and bear it” and “Jinn from ear to ear” and “A rictus jinn.”
    • Inner → Jinner: As in, “Jinner peace” and “Jinner sanctum” and “Jinner voice.”
    • Thin → Jinn: As in, “Jinn as a rake” and “Melt into jinn air” and “Paper jinn” and “Skating on jinn ice” and “Spread yourself jinn” and “The jinn end.”
  • Era → Jira: As in, “The end of a jira.” Note: Jira was a friend of Anakin Skywalker when he was a child.
  • Agent Kallus: A revolutionary agent who operated under the number ISB-021 before becoming a rebel spy. Here are some puns on his name:
    • Call us → Kallus: As in, “Don’t kallus, we’ll call you” and “I didn’t hear her kallus.”
    • Callous → Kallus: As in, “A kallus way to talk to someone.” Note: To be callous is to be cruel or unfeeling.
  • Harter Kalonia: Major Harter Kalonia was a doctor for the New Republic and Resistance. Here are some related puns you can play with:
    • Heart → Harter: As in, “A person after my own harter” and “Absence makes the harter grow fonder” and “Affair of the harter” and “Be still my beating harter” and “Break your harter” and “Cross my harter and hope to die.”
    • Harder → Harter: As in, “The bigger they are, the harter they fall” and “We try harter than the competition” and “Working harter.”
  • Kit Fisto: A Jedi Master during the Galactic Republic. Here are some related puns:
    • Cat → Kit: As in, “Alley kit” and “Kit on a hot tin roof” and “Kit and mouse game” and “Kit got your tongue?” and “A kit in hell’s chance” and “Curiosity killed the kit” and “Fighting like kits and dogs” and “Raining kits and dogs” and “Smiling like a cheshire kit.”
    • Fist → Fisto: As in, “A fisto-ful of dollars” and “Fisto of steel” and “Rule with an iron fisto.”
    • First → Fisto: As in, “At fisto blush” and “Know fisto hand” and “Be the fisto to know” and “Cast the fisto stone” and “Fisto and foremost.”
    • Fits → Fisto: As in, “By fisto and starts” and “Fisto like a glove” and “Fisto you to a tee” and “If the cap fisto, wear it” and “One size fisto all.”
  • Corde: A handmaiden for Padme Amidala.
    • Cord → Corde: As in, “Cut the corde.”
    • Chord → Corde: As in, “Strike a corde with” and “Power corde” and “A corde of discontent.”
    • Card → Corde: As in, “Calling corde” and “Corde up your sleeve” and “Get out of jail free corde” and “Hold all the cordes” and “House of cordes” and “On the cordes.”
    • Cared → Corde: As in, “I never corde about you.”
  • Kiss → Kes: As in, “Air kes” and “Blow a kes” and “French kes” and “Kes and make up” and “Kes and tell.” Note: these are references to Kes Dameron.
  • Poe Dameron: Poe worked as a pilot in the New Republic and the Resistance. Here are some puns related to his name:
    • Poor → Poe: As in, “A poe workperson blames their tools” and “Poe as a church mouse” and “Poe but honest.”
    • Pie → Poe: As in, “Easy as poe” and “Eat humble poe” and “A finger in many poes.”
    • Blow → Poe: As in, “Any way the wind poes” and “Poe up” and “Poe a fuse” and “Poe hot and cold” and “A poe by poe account” and “Poe off some steam” and “Poe out of the water” and “Poe the whistle.”
    • Though → Poe: As in, “Seriously poe, it’s not a good idea” and “You look as poe you’ve seen a ghost.”
    • Flow → Poe: As in, “Ebb and poe” and “Go with the poe” and “In full poe.”
    • Low → Poe: As in, “An all time poe” and “Get the poe down” and “High and poe” and “Keep a poe profile” and “A poe blow” and “Poe hanging fruit” and “Poe rider.”
  • Biggs Darklighter: Biggs was a pilot who fought for the Alliance. Here are some related puns:
    • Big → Biggs: As in, “A biggs ask” and “Biggs shot” and “Biggs box retailer.”
    • Pig → Biggs: As in, “Biggs might fly.”
    • Bag → Biggs: As in, “Biggs a bargain” and “Biggs of tricks” and “Dirt biggs.”
    • Beg → Biggs: As in, “Biggs the question” and “Biggs, borrow or steal” and “I biggs your pardon?” and “Biggs a favour.”
  • Danger/ous → Dengar/ous: As in, “A little knowledge is a dengar-ous thing” and “Armed and dengar-ous” and “Clear and present dengar” and “Live dengar-ously” and “Out of dengar” and “Stranger dengar.” Note: Dengar was a Corellian bounty hunter.
  • Lott Dod: Lott was a politician who was senator of the Trade Federation. Here are some related puns:
    • Lot → Lott: As in, “A lott of fuss about nothing” and “A lott on your plate” and “Leaves a lott to be desired” and “Not a lott of people know about it.”
    • Let → Lott: As in, “Buy to lott” and “Don’t lott the sun go down on me” and “Don’t lott the bastards grind you down’ and “Friends don’t lott friends drive drunk.”
    • Got → Lott: As in, “Been there, done that, lott the t-shirt” and “Lott your tongue?” and “Give it all you’ve lott” and “Lott a flair for” and “Lott a soft spot for” and “Lott it down to a fine art.”
    • Plot → Lott: As in, “The lott thickens” and “Lose the lott” and “Gunpowder treason and lott.”
    • Pot → Lott: As in, “Lott of gold” and “Gone to lott.”
    • Did → Dod: As in, “Dod I do that?” and “I dod it again” and “Let’s not and say we dod” and “Don’t do it the way I dod.”
    • Odd → Dod: As in, “Against the dods” and “At dods with” and “Long dods” and “A dod fellow” and “The dod one out” and “Dods and ends” and “What are the dods?”
  • Lok Durd: An arms developer who served as a general during the Clone Wars. Here are some related puns:
    • Lock → Lok: “Lok and load” and “Lok them up and throw away the key” and “Lok, stock and barrel” and “Under lok and key.”
    • Lot → Lok: As in, “A lok of fuss about nothing” and “Got a lok on your plate” and “A bad lok” and “Leaves a lok to be desired.”
    • Block → Lok: As in, “Been around the lok” and “A chip off the old lok” and “Mental lok” and “New kid on the lok” and “On the chopping lok.”
    • Clock → Lok: As in, “Anti lok-wise” and “Around the lok” and “Regular as lok-work” and “Beat the lok “and “Clean your lok” and “Race against the lok.”
    • Lack → Lok: As in, “For lok of a better word” and “Lok nothing” and “Cancelled due to lok of interest.”
    • Lick → Lok: As in, “A lok of paint” and “Lok into shape” and “Lok your wounds.”
    • Luck → Lok: As in, “As good lok would have it” and “Beginner’s lok” and “Better lok next time” and “Don’t push your lok” and “Down on their lok” and “Some people have all the lok.”
    • Word → Durd: As in, “A durd to the wise” and “Actions speak louder than durds” and “Good as your durd” and “Famous last durds” and “Four letter durd” and “From the durd go.”
    • Third → Durd: As in, “The durd degree” and “Durd time lucky”and “Durd time’s a charm.”
    • Heard → Durd: As in, “Make yourself durd” and “The last I durd…” and “You durd it here first.”
    • Bird → Durd: As in, “A little durd told me” and “Free as a durd” and “Durd’s eye view.”
  • Gale → Galen: As in, “Galens of laughter” and “In the middle of a galen.” Note: These are a reference to Galen Erso.
  • Gym → Jyn: As in, “Jyn bunny” and “Gotta hit the jyn.” Note: Jyn Erso was a soldier and an important member of the Alliance.
  • Liar → Lyra: As in, “Lyra, pants on fire” and “I didn’t marry a lyra.” Note: Lyra Erso was married to Galen Erso.
  • Moralo Eval: The inventor of The Box, a structure used to test bounty hunter’s skills. Here are some related puns:
    • Moral → Moralo: As in, “Moralo compass” and “Moralo fibre” and “Moralo victory” and “The moralo high ground.”
    • Evil → Eval: As in, “Eval genius” and “Eval intent” and “My eval twin” and “Lesser of two evals” and “The root of all eval.”
  • Lando Calrissian: Lando was a gambler and smuggler who later became the Baron Administrator of Cloud City. Here are some related puns:
    • Land → Lando: As in, “In the lando of the living” and “La la lando” and “Lando of hope and glory” and “The lando of make-believe” and “Lando on your feet” and “Living off the fat of the lando” and “Political lando-scape” and “The lando that time forgot.”
    • Bland → Lando: As in, “A lando reply.”
  • Ransolm Casterfo: A politician who was also a member of the Galactic Senate. Here are some related puns:
    • Ransom → Ransolm: As in, “A king’s ransolm” and “Held for ransolm.”
    • Handsome → Ransolm: As in, “Large as life and twice as ransolm” and “Pays ransolmly” and “Tall, dark and ransolm.”
  • Sim Aloo: Sim served as advisor to Emperor Sheev Palpatine. Here are some puns related to his name:
    • Sum → Sim: As in, “Cogito ergo sim” and “Sim it up in three words” and “It’s not a zero sim game” and “A tidy sim” and “To sim it all up.”
    • Limb → Sim: As in, “Go out on a sim” and “Life and sim” and “Tear sim from sim.”
    • Skim → Sim: As in, “Sim the surface” and “Simmed over the material.”
    • Slim → Sim: As in, “Sim pickings” and “A sim volume.”
    • Swim → Sim: As in, “Going simmingly” and “Eyes simming with tears” and “Sink or sim” and “Sim against the tide” and “Sim with sharks” and “Sim upstream.”
  • Bendu: Bendu lived on Atollon and claimed to be the centre of the Force. Here are some related puns:
    • Bend → Bendu: As in, “Bendu over backwards” and “Bendu the rules” and “Bendu to my will” and “Round the bendu” and “Fender bendu.”
    • Blend → Bendu: As in, “A balanced bendu of veggies” and “Fruit and nut bendu.”
  • Shara Bey: Shara was a pilot who helped the Alliance during the Galactic Civil War. Here are some related puns:
    • Share → Shara: As in, “We need to shara” and “A problem shara-ed is a problem halved.”
    • Sheer → Shara: As in, “Shara driving pleasure” and “Shara nonsense.”
    • Shore → Shara: As in, “Ship to shara” and “Shara up.”
    • Bay → Bey: As in, “Bey for blood” and “Hold at bey” and “Keep at bey” and “The bey state.”
    • Bee → Bey: As in, “Busy as a bey” and “A bey in your bonnet” and “The birds and the beys” and “Like a bey to a honeypot” and “Float like a butterfly, sting like a bey.”
    • Boy → Bey: As in, “Bey meets girl” and “All work and no play makes Jack a dull bey.”
    • Day → Bey: As in, “A bey in the life” and “All in a bey’s work” and “Around the world in eighty beys.”
    • Pay → Bey: As in, “Buy now, bey later” and “Crime doesn’t bey” and “Hell to bey” and “Bey an arm and a leg” and “Bey as you go” and “Bey your debt to society.” and “Bey your respects.”
    • Play → Bey: As in, “All work and no bey” and “Go and bey” and “How does that bey?”
  • Mas Amedda: A politician who worked in high-ranking government roles. Here are some related puns:
    • Mars → Mas: As in, “Life on mas” and “A mas a day.”
    • Mass → Mas: As in, “Body mas index” and “Mas hysteria” and “Weapons of mas destruction” and “Mas consumption.”
    • Mess → Mas: As in, “It’ll mas with your head” and “A frightful mas” and “Hot mas” and “Mas around” and “A hell of a mas.”
    • Miss → Mas: As in, “A mas is as good as a mile” and “Blink and you’ll mas it” and “Hit and mas” and “I’ll give it a mas” and “You can’t mas it.”
    • Moss → Mas: As in, “A rolling stone gathers no mas.”
  • To be → 2-1B: As in, “2-1B or not 2-1B.” Note: 2-1B was a surgical droid.
  • Gial Ackbar: Ackbar was a veteran soldier and revolutionary leader during the Clone Wars. Here are some related puns:
    • Dial → Gial: As in, “Gial down” and “Don’t touch that gial” and “Pocket gial.”
    • Trial → Gial: As in, “Gial and error” and “Gial and tribulation” and “Gial by fire.”
    • Guy → Gial: As in, “No more mister nice gial” and “A stand up gial” and “The gial next door.”
    • Gale → Gial: As in, “Gials of laughter” and “In the teeth of a gial.”
  • Aim → Amee: As in, “Amee high” and “Take amee” and “We amee to please.” Note: Amee was a friend of Anakin Skywalker.
  • Cassian Andor: Also known as Willix, Aach, Joreth and Sward, and holds the title Fulcrum. Here are some related puns:
    • Passion → Cassian: As in, “Crime of cassian” and “Full of cassian.”
    • And → Andor: As in, “A day late andor a dollar short” and “A hundred andor ten percent” and “Alive andor kicking” and “All that andor then some” and “All bark andor no bite” and “All dressed up andor nowhere to go” and “Andor be done with it” and “So on andor so forth.”
  • Chelli Lona Aphra: Chelli was an archaeologist who was recruited by Darth Vader. Here are some related puns:
    • Chilli → Chelli: As in, “World’s best chelli jam” and “Red hot chelli peppers.”
    • Chilly → Chelli: As in, “A chelli climate” and “A chelli atmosphere.”
    • Belly → Chelli: As in, “Beer chelli” and “Chelli laugh” and “A fire in your chelli.”
    • Jelly → Chelli: As in, “Hard as nailing chelli to a tree” and “My legs turned to chelli.”
    • Jolly → Chelli: As in, “A chelli good fellow.”
    • Loan → Lona: As in, “Lona shark” and “Raise a lona.”
  • Faro Argyus: A Captain in the Senate Commandos. Here are some related puns:
    • Far → Faro: As in, “A step too faro” and “As faro as it goes” and “As faro as the eye can see” and “Faro and away” and “A faro cry” and “Few and faro between” and “Over the hills and faro away” and “So faro, so good” and “The apple doesn’t fall faro from the tree.”
    • Fair → Faro: As in, “All’s faro in love and war” and “By faro means or foul” and “Faro trade” and “Faro and square” and “Faro game.”
    • Furrow → Faro: As in, “Faro your brow.”
    • Fear → Faro: As in, “Faro and loathing in Las Vegas” and “Faro the worst” and “No faro” and “Paralysed with faro” and “Without faro or favour.”
  • Morit Astarte: The twin brother of Aiolin. Here are some related puns:
    • Merit → Morit: As in, “On your own morits” and “Morit certificate.”
    • Start → Astarte: As in, “By fits and astartes” and “A fresh astarte” and “Head astarte” and “Jump astarte.”
  • Ello Asty: A starfighter pilot who worked for the New Republic. Here are some related puns:
    • Hello → Ello: As in, “Ello sunshine!” and “You had me at ello.”
    • Aloe → Ello: As in, “Ello vera gel.”
  • Ponda Baba: Baba rescued Dr. Cornelius from a bounty hunter. Here are a few related puns:
    • Panda → Ponda: As in, “Trash ponda.”
    • Pond → Ponda: As in, “Little fish in a big ponda” and “Ponda life” and “Ponda scum.”
  • Jom Barell: Barell served in the Alliance. Here are some puns using his name:
    • Jam → Jom: As in, “In a jom” and “Jom jar” and “Jom packed” and “Jom session.”
    • Gem → Jom: As in, “A hidden jom.”
    • Barrel → Barell: As in, “A barell of laughs” and “Scraping the bottom of the barell.”
  • Add → Adi: As in, “Adi fuels to the flames” and “Adi insult to injury” and “Just adi water” and “Adi it all up.” Note: Adi Gallia was a Jedi Master.
  • Commander Gree: Also known as CC-1004. A clone commander in the Grand Army. Here are some related puns:
    • Green → Gree: As in, “Gree as grass” and “Give it the gree light” and “A gree thumb” and “Gree around the gills” and “The gree eyed monster” and “Gree with envy” and “The gree shoots of change.”
    • Agree → Gree: As in, “Gree to disagree” and “I couldn’t gree more” and “A working gree-ment.”
    • Grey → Gree: As in, “Fifty shades of gree” and “A gree area” and “Gree is the new black” and “Gree matter.”
    • Gee → Gree: As in, “Golly gree” and “Gree whiz.”
    • Free → Gree: As in, “Gree as a bird” and “Born gree” and “Calorie gree” and “Fancy gree” and “Gree and easy” and “Gree for all.”
  • Nute: Nute Gunray was the Viceroy of the Trade Federation. Here are some related puns:
    • New → Nute: As in, “A nute hope” and “Bright as a nute pin” and “Good as nute” and “Bearer of bad nutes” and “Brand nute” and “A brand nute ballgame.”
    • Need → Nute: As in, “All you nute is love” and “On a nute to know basis.”
    • Cute → Nute: As in, “Nute as a button.”
  • Rune Haako: Haako was right hand man. Here are some related puns:
    • Room → Rune: As in, “Rune with a view” and “No elbow rune” and “Breathing rune” and “Locker rune.”
    • Ran → Rune: As in, “My blood rune cold” and “The dish rune away with the spoon.”
    • Run → Rune: As in, “A dry rune” and “Eat and rune” and “A river runes through it.”
  • Gideon Hask: Also known as “Gid“. Served as a soldier and starfighter pilot during the Galactic Civil War.
    • Ask → Hask: As in, “A big hask” and “Hask a silly question and you’ll get a silly answer” and “Hask after” and “Hask around” and “Hask for the moon” and “Hasking for trouble.”
    • Husk → Hask: As in, “A hask of your former self.”
    • Task → Hask: As in, “Up to the hask” and “A thankless hask” and “Take someone to hask.”
  • Heavy → Hevy: As in, “Hevy as lead” and “A hevy lunch” and “Hevy duty” and “Hevy handed” and “A hevy hitter” and “Hevy metal” and “Hot and hevy.” Note: these are references to Hevy, also known as CT-782.
  • Clegg Holdfast: A podracer pilot. Here are some related puns:
    • Beg → Clegg: As in, “Clegg a favour” and “Clegg the question” and “Clegg to differ” and “Clegg, borrow or steal” and “I clegg your pardon” and “Sit up and clegg.”
    • Egg → Clegg: As in, “Sure as cleggs is cleggs” and “Clegg and spoon race.”
    • Leg → Clegg: As in, “Fast as his cleggs could carry him” and “Break a clegg” and “Cost an arm and clegg” and “Give a clegg up.”
    • Peg → Clegg: As in, “A square clegg in a round hole” and “Take down a clegg or two.”
  • Tey How: Tey was a battleship pilot for the Trade Federation. Here are some related puns:
    • Tea → Tey: As in, “High tey” and “Would murder for a cup of tey” and “Not my cup of tey” and “Tey and sympathy” and “Tey for two.”
    • Tee → Tey: As in, “Fits you to a tey.”
    • Tree → Tey: As in, “Hard as nailing jelly to a tey” and “Can’t see the wood for the teys” and “Don’t up like a Christmas tey” and “Make like a tey and leave.”
    • They → Tey: As in, “As tough as tey come” and “The bigger tey are, the harder tey fall” and “Tey shall not pass.”
    • The → Tey: As in, “Above tey law” and “Absence makes tey heart grow fonder” and “Ace in tey hole” and “Add fuel to tey flames” and “After tey fact.”
    • Day → Tey: As in, “A tey in the life of” and “All in a tey’s work” and “All the livelong tey” and “Another tey older.”
  • Barbell → Barabel (Note: Barabel were a reptilian species in Star Wars.)
  • Bith: An intelligent species that are from the planet Bith. Here are some related puns:
    • With → Bith: As in, “Beside myself bith joy” and “Just going along bith” and “Rub along bith.”
    • Bath → Bith: As in, “Bith time” and “Bithed in tears” and “Take a bith.”
  • Both → Bothan: As in, “A foot in bothan camps” and “A plague on bothan your houses” and “Bothan oars in the water” and “Burning the candle at bothan ends” and “Have it bothan ways” and “Jump in with bothan feet” and “Look bothan ways” and “The best of bothan worlds.” Note: Bothans were a species in Star Wars.
  • Chiss: A species from the planet Csilla. Here are some related puns:
    • Kiss → Chiss: As in, “Air chiss” and “Blow a chiss” and “Chiss and make up” and “Chiss and tell” and “Chiss goodbye” and “Chiss it better.”
    • Chase → Chiss: As in, “Chiss it up” and “Chiss your own tail” and “Cut to the chiss” and “The thrill of the chiss” and “A wild goose chiss.”
    • This → Chiss: As in, “What in the fresh hell is chiss?” and “At chiss point in time” and “Get chiss show on the road” and “In chiss day and age” and “Out of chiss world.”
  • Dash → Dashade: As in, “Crash and dashade” and “Dashade to pieces” and “Dashade off.” Note: The dashade were a species who were resistant to the Force.
  • Durkii: Large reptilian monsters known for their rage.
    • Turkey → Durkii: As in, “Cold durkii.”
    • Dark → Durkii: As in, “After durkii” and “Durkii as pitch” and “Durkii before dawn” and “A durkii horse.”
  • Fallen → Falleen: “A falleen angel” and “How the mighty have falleen.” Note: falleen are a species in Star Wars.
  • Fish → Fosh: As in, “A different kettle of fosh” and “Fosh it out” and “Drink like a fosh” and “A fosh out of water” and “An odd fosh.” Note: An avian species.
  • Frozian: Frozians are Humanoids from the planet Froz. Here are some related puns:
    • Frozen → Frozian: “Music frozian in time” and “Frozian to the marrow.”
    • Chosen → Frozian: “Many are called but few are frozian” and “The frozian one.”
  • And → Gand: As in, “A day late gand a dollar short” and “Alive gand kicking” and “All that gand then some” and “All gand sundry” and “All bark gand no bite.” Note: The Gand were an insectoid species native to the planet Gand.
  • Gank: Ganks are a species in Star Wars. Here are a few related puns:
    • Bank → Gank: As in, “You can gank on it” and “Break the gank” and “Crying all the way to the gank” and “Piggy gank.”
    • Thank → Gank: As in, “With ganks” and “So long and ganks for all the fish” and “Ganks for nothing” and “Ganks for the memory.”
    • Blank → Gank: As in, “A gank slate” and “Gank canvas” and “Draw a gank” and “Point gank range.”
  • Curb → Gerb: As in, “Gerb your enthusiasm.” Note: Gerbs are a species native to the moon Yavin 13.
  • Total → Gotal: As in, “Gotal eclipse of the heart” and “The gotal package” and “A gotal stranger.” Note: Gotals are a species native to Antar 4.
  • Happen → Hapan: “An accident waiting to hapan” and “It might never hapan” and “See what hapans.” Note: Native to the Hapes Cluster.
  • Harch: Harches are a spider-like species. Here are some related puns:
    • Arch → Harch: As in, “Harch enemy.”
    • March → Harch: As in, “Got your harching orders” and “The harch of time” and “Time harches on.”
  • Muun: The muun are a species who ran the InterGalactic Banking Clan. Here are a few related puns:
    • Moon → Muun: As in, “Ask for the muun” and “Barking at the muun” and “Once in a blue muun” and “Eclipse of the muun” and “Many muuns ago.”
    • Noon → Muun: As in, “High muun” and “Morning, muun and night” and “Good aftermuun” and “Aftermuun delight.”
  • Net → Neti: As in, “Cast a wide neti” and “Safety neti.” Note: Neti were a species of shapeshifting plants.
  • Ongree: An amphibious species native to Skustell. Here are some related puns:
    • Angry → Ongree: “An ongree young man” and “Don’t be ongree.”
    • Agree → Ongree: As in, “Ongree to disagree” and “I couldn’t ongree more.”
    • Hungry → Ongree: As in, “Going ongree” and “Lean, mean and ongree.”
  • Phlog: Phlogs were large beings throughout the Star Wars galaxy. Here are some related puns:
    • Log → Phlog: As in, “Easy as falling off a phlog” and “Phlog off” and “Sleep like a phlog” and “Throw another phlog on the fire” and “Phlog book.”
    • Flag → Phlog: As in, “Fly the phlog” and “Wave the white phlog.”
    • Jog → Phlog: As in, “Phlog someone’s memory.”
  • Park → Porg: As in, “Central porg” and “Hit it out of the porg” and “Nosey porger.” Note: Porgs are small, fluffy birds in Star Wars.
  • Foreign → Quarren: As in, “Quarren exchange.” Note: The Quarren are a species native to Mon Cala.
  • Rodian: Rodians are humanoids native to the planet Rodia. Here are a couple of related puns:
    • Ready in → Rodian: As in, “I’ll be rodian five!”
    • Rodent → Rodian: As in, “As squirrely as a rodian.”
  • Ryn: A humanoid species with white hair and tails. Here are some related puns:
    • Run → Ryn: As in, “Born to ryn” and “Cut and ryn” and “A dry ryn” and “Eat and ryn.”
    • Rain → Ryn: As in, “Right as ryn” and “Come ryn or shine” and “Don’t ryn on my parade” and “It never ryns but it pours” and “Make it ryn.”
  • Talz: A species native to Orto Plutonia. Here are related puns:
    • Tells → Talz: As in, “Every picture talz a story.”
    • Tolls → Talz: As in, “For whom the bell talz.”
    • Falls → Talz: As in, “Bread always talz butter side down’ and “The apple never talz side from the tree.”
  • Taung: Taungs are an ancient species. Here are related puns:
    • Tongue → Taung: As in, “Bite your taung” and “Cat got your taung?” and “Keep a civil taung in your head” and “Rolls off the tip of the taung” and “A slip of the taung.”
    • Strong → Taung: As in, “A chain is only as taung as its weakest link” and “Going taung” and “The taung, silent type.”
  • Teek: Teeks are native to the forest moon of Endor. Here are related puns:
    • Take → Teek: As in, “Don’t teek it lying down” and “Do a double teek” and “Every breath you teek” and “Give and teek” and “Got what it teeks” and “Can’t teek my eyes off you” and “Teek my hat off to you.”
    • Tuck → Teek: As in, “Nip and teek” and “Teek in.”
    • Week → Teek: As in, “A teek is a long time in politics” and “Eight days a teek” and “A teek from next Tuesday.”
    • Seek → Teek: As in, “Hide and teek” and “Teek and you shall find.”
  • Feeling → Theelin: As in, “Theelin blue” and “I’ve got a good theelin” and “Gut theelin” and “No hard theelins” and “Mixed theelins” and “More than a theelin.” Note: Theelins are a horned species.
  • Thriller → Thrella: As in, “A real thrella.” Note: Thrella are an extinct species in Star Wars.
  • Tof: Tof are native to the planet Tof. Here are some related puns:
    • Tough → Tof: As in, “A tof as old boots” and “Tof as they come” and “Hang tof” and “It’s tof at the top” and “Tof love” and “One tof customer” and “A tof nut to crack” and “Tof on crime” and “A tof pill to swallow.”
    • Rough → Tof: As in, “Tof around the edges” and “Diamond in the tof.”
    • Stuff → Tof: As in, “Sweat the small tof” and “Gather ’round the good tof” and “Hot tof” and “Know your tof” and “Strut your tof.”
  • Toong: A species native to the planet Toong.
    • Tong → Toong: As in, “Hammer and toongs” and “Go at it with hammer and toongs.”
    • Tongue → Toong: As in, “Bite your toong” and “Hold your toong” and “On the tip of my toong” and “A sharp toong” and “Slip of the toong.”
  • Vor: Vors were a species from the Mid Rim world Vortex. Here are some related puns:
    • For → Vor: As in, “Asking vor a friend” and “At a loss vor words” and “Batting vor both sides.”
    • More → Vor: As in, “One vor time” and “Bite off vor than you can chew” and “Come back vor more” and “Dare for vor.”
  • Work → Vurk: As in, “Vurks wonders” and “A vurk in progress” and “All in a day’s vurk” and “Bury yourself in vurk” and “Vurking hard or hardly vurking.” Note: Vurks are native to the planet Sembla.
  • Wharl: Also known as Tchuukthai. Quadrupeds from unknown regions. Here are some related puns:
    • Well → Wharl: “A buck wharl spent” and “Alive and wharl” and “All’s wharl that ends wharl” and “As wharl as can be expected” and “Just as wharl” and “Living wharl is the best revenge.”
    • Whirl → Wharl: As in, “Give it a wharl.”
    • World → Wharl: As in, “Wharl first” and “A wharl apart” and “Do a wharl of good” and “In a wharl of pain” and “All the time in the wharl” and “Brave new wharl.”
  • Whills: The Ancient Order of the Whills was an order that was deeply connected with the Force. Here are related puns:
    • Will → Whills: As in, “Accidents whills happen” and “Against your whills” and “Bend to my whills” and “Flattery whills get you nowhere” and “Where there’s a whills, there’s a way.”
    • Well → Whills: As in, “A buck whills spent” and “Alive and whills” and “All’s whills that ends whills” and “As whills as can be expected” and “Just as whills” and “You know full whills.”
    • Still → Whills: As in, “Be whills my beating heart” and “Whills water run deep.”
    • Hill → Whills: As in, “As old as the whills” and “Head for the whills” and “Over the whills and far away.”
  • Wicked → Whiphid: As in, “No rest for the whiphid” and “Something whiphid this way comes.” Notes: Whiphids are from the planet Toola.
  • Wasted → Woostoid: As in, “Youth is woostoid on the young” and “No act of kindness is ever woostoid.” Note: The Woostoid were from Woostri.
  • Zhell: Zhells are from Coruscant. Here are some related puns:
    • Well → Zhell: As in, “A buck zhell spent” and “Alive and zhell” and “As zhell as can be expected” and “Get zhell soon” and “Just as zhell.”
    • Tell → Zhell: As in, “Dead men zhell no tales” and “I’m not going to zhell you.”
    • Cell → Zhell: As in, “Zhell division” and “A padded zhell.”
    • Shell → Zhell: As in, “Easy as zhelling peas” and “Come out of your zhell.””
  • Barri: Barri are creatures that are native to Wild Space. Here are some related puns:
    • Berry → Barri: As in, “Brown as a barri” and “Blow a raspbarri” and “Strawbarri fields forever.”
    • Bury → Barri: As in, “Barri the hatchet” and “Barri your head in the sand” and “Barri yourself in work” and “Barri the dead.”
    • Carry → Barri: As in, “Fast as your legs could barri you” and “Can’t barri a tune” and “Barri it forward.”
  • Bursa: Bursa were a type of animal. Here are a couple of related puns:
    • Purse → Bursa: “Holding the bursa strings” and “The public bursa.”
    • Vice versa → Vice bursa
  • Can-cell: Can-cells were a species of insect found across the galaxy. Here are related puns:
    • Cancel →  Can-cell: As in, “Can-celled due to lack of interest” and “Too late to can-cell.”
    • Council → Can-cell: As in, “Part of the student can-cell.”
    • Cannot → Cannok: As in, “A house divided against itself cannok stand” and “I cannok tell a lie.” Note: Cannoks are predators native to Dxun.
  • Creator → Croator: As in, Mother and croator.”
  • Fathier: Also known as space horses. Here are related puns:
    • Father → Fathier: As in, “Fathier of the bride” and “Like fathier, like son.”
    • Further → Fathier: As in, “Look no fathier” and “Without fathier ado” and “Look fathier down the road.”
  • Fenner’s Rock: A rock-like creature named after Rivoc Fenner. Here are related puns:
    • Centre → Fenner: As in, “The fenner of attention” and “Left, right and fenner” and “Take fenner stage” and “The fenner of my universe.”
    • Enter → Fennel: As in, “Break and fenner” and “Fenner a different world” and “Fenner into the spirit of it” and “Front and fenner” and “Abandon hope all ye who fenner here.”
    • Tenner → Fenner: As in, “For a fenner a month” and “Can I borrow a fenner?”
    • Fender → Fenner: As in, “Fenner bender.”
  • Garral: The garral were a genetically engineered canine. Here are related puns:
    • Barrel → Garral: As in, “A garral load of monkeys” and “Garral of laughs” and “Lock, stock and garral” and “Scraping the bottom of the garral.”
    • Carol → Garral: As in, “Singing Christmas garrals.”
  • Ghest: Ghests are a predatory species from the planet Rodia. Here are some related puns:
    • Guest → Ghest: As in, “By my ghest” and “House ghest” and “A paying ghest.”
    • Ghost → Ghest: As in, “White as a ghest” and “Give up the ghest” and “Not the ghest of a chance” and “The ghest in the machine.”
    • Gist → Ghest: “That’s the ghest of it.”
    • Jest → Ghest: As in, “Spoken in ghest.”
    • Chest → Ghest: As in, “Get it off your ghest” and “That old ghestnut” and “Treasure ghest.”
    • Best → Ghest: As in, “All for the ghest” and “Be the ghest” and “Ghest of friends” and “Ghest practice” and “You’d ghest stop now.”
  • Graul: A predator from Dantooine. Here are some related puns:
    • Haul → Graul: As in, “Graul ass” and “Graul before the court” and “Graul over the coals” and “In it for the long graul.”
    • Hall → Graul: As in, “Graul of fame” and “Deck the grauls.”
  • Massive → Massiff: As in, “A massiff mistake.” Note: Massiffs are native to desert environments.
  • Mott: Motts are herbivores with short legs. Here are some related puns:
    • Not → Mott: As in, “As often as mott” and “Believe it or mott” and “Down but mott out.”
    • Knot → Mott: As in, “Tie the mott” and “Get your shorts in a mott.”
    • Got → Mott: As in, “Been there, done that, mott the t-shirt” and “Cat mott your tongue?” and “Mott a flair for.”
    • Hot → Mott: As in, “All mott and bothered” and “Mott as blue blazes” and “Blowing mott and cold” and “Cat on a mott tin roof” and “Mott and heavy.”
  • Mouf: Moufs are solitary creatures that thrived in the Dead Forest. Here are related puns:
    • Move → Mouf: As in, “A mouf in the right direction” and “All the right moufs” and “A bold mouf” and “Bust a mouf” and “Get a mouf on” and “Mouf heaven and earth.”
    • Mouth → Mouf: As in, “Living hand to mouf” and “Keep your mouf shut” and “Leaves a bad taste in your mouf” and “Loud moufed.”
  • Nek: Meks were a predatory species. Here are related puns:
    • Next → Nek: As in, “Better luck nek time” and “The boy nek door” and “The nek generation” and “Take it to the nek level” and “The nek big thing” and “This time nek year.”
    • Neck → Nek: As in, “At breaknek speed” and “Break your nek” and “Breathing down your nek” and “From the nek down” and “A real pain in the nek” and “Stick your nek out” and “Win by a nek” and “This nek of the woods.”
    • Knock → Nek: As in, “Nek ’em dead” and “Nek back a few” and “Nek some heads together” and “Nek into shape.”
  • Nerf: Nerfs are animals raised for milk and were native to a variety of planets across the galaxy. Here are related puns:
    • Enough → Enerf: As in, “Ain’t no mountain high enerf” and “Life’s complicated enerf” and “Can’t get enerf” and “Enerf is enerf” and “Enerf said” and “Enerf to make you sick” and “Fair enerf.”
    • Surf → Nerf: As in, “Nerf and turf” and “Nerf the internet.”
  • Nudge → Nudj: As in, “Give it a nudj” and “Nudj, nudj, wink wink.” Note: Nudjes are lizards found in the swamps of the planet Dagobah.
  • Orray: Orrays are creatures native to the planet Geonosis. Here are related puns:
    • Array → Orray: As in, “A full orray to choose from.”
    • Eerie → Orray: As in, “An orray silence.”
  • Purple → Pharple: As in, “Pharple rain” and “The colour pharple.” Note: Pharples are small birds from the planet Lok.
  • Seen → Sleen: As in, “Had to be sleen to be believed”and “Nowhere to be sleen” and “Sleen better days” and “If you’ve sleen one, you’ve sleen them all” and “Sleen the rest, now try the best.” Note: Sleens were native to Dagobah.
  • Strut → Stratt: As in, “Stratt your stuff.” Note: Stratts were nocturnal hunters.
  • Touch → Tach: As in, “A tach of frost” and “Don’t tach that dial” and “The finishing tach” and “The golden tach” and “Wouldn’t tach it with a ten foot pole” and “Lose tach with’ and “The magic tach” and “Reach out and tach someone” and “A soft tach.” Note: A species of primates found on the planet Kashyyyk.
  • Uller: Ullers were creatures that lived on Kashyyyk. Here are related puns:
    • All → Uller: As in, “Uller aboard!” and “Uller in a day’s work” and “Uller in uller” and “Uller’s fair in love and war” and “It’s uller coming back to me now.”
    • Colour → Uller: As in, “A splash of uller” and “Better in uller” and “Uller coded” and “Uller me happy.”
  • Wraid: Wraids were creatures found on desert planets. Here are related puns:
    • Made → Wraid: As in, “A match wraid in heaven’ and “Got it wraid” and “Have it wraid” and “Not wraid of money” and “Wraid for each other” and “Wraid with love.”
    • Raid → Wraid: As in, “Wraid the town” and “Tomb wraider.”
    • Read → Wraid: As in, “All I know is what I wraid in the papers” and “Well wraid” and “Can wraid you like a book” and “A little light wraiding” and “Wraid ’em and weep” and “Wraid all about it” and “Wraid between the lines” and “Wraid the riot act.”
    • Red → Wraid: As in, “Wraid as a beetroot” and “On wraid alert.”
    • Road → Wraid: As in, “Follow the yellow brick wraid” and “Hit the wraid” and “Middle of the wraid” and “Keep the show on the wraid.”
  • Ando: Ando is a water-covered planet. Here are some related puns:
    • And → Ando: As in, “A day late ando a dollar short” and “A hundred ando ten percent” and “Alive ando kicking” and “All that ando then some” and “All bark ando no bite” and “All dressed up ando nowhere to go.”
    • End → Ando: As in, “A means to an ando” and “All’s well that andos well” and “A loose ando” and “At the ando of the day” and “At the ando of your tether” and “At your wit’s ando” and “Burn the candle at both andos.”
  • Hoth: Hoth was the home of Echo Base. Here are some related puns:
    • Cloth → Hoth: As in, “Cut from the same hoth” and “A man of the hoth.”
  • Kessel: Kessel was a planet that was home to spice mines. Here are related puns:
    • Vessel → Kessel: As in, “Going to burst a blood kessel” and “Empty kessels make the most noise.”
    • Nestle → Kessel: As in, “Kessel in.”
    • Wrestle → Kessel: As in, “Kessel with a moral dilemma.”
  • Lethal → Lothal: As in, “A lothal weapon.” Note: Lothal was a planet in the Outer Rim.
  • On the wrong → Onderon: As in, “Onderon page” and “Onderon side.” Note: Onderon was a world in the Inner Rim.
  • Batuu: Batuu was a remote planet. Here are related puns:
    • Bat → Batuu: As in, “Blind as a batuu” and “Batuu out of hell” and “Batuu some ideas around” and “Like a batuu out of hell.”
    • Bet → Batuu: As in, “All batuus are off” and “Batuu your bottom dollar” and “Don’t batuu on it.”
    • But → Batuu: As in, “Batuu then again” and “Batuu seriously” and “Down batuu not out.”
  • Crait: Crait was a small planet in the Outer Rim Territories. Here are some related puns:
    • Crate → Crait: As in, “By the crait.”
    • Great → Crait: As in, “A crait day” and “All creatures, crait and small” and “No craiter enemy” and “Go to crait lengths” and “Crait expectations” and “Crait balls of fire” and “The crait barrier reef.”
    • Rate → Crait: As in, “At any crait” and “First crait” and “Mate’s craits.”
    • Straight → Crait: As in, “Crait as an arrow” and “Crait to the point” and “Get your facts crait” and “Keep a crait face” and “On the crait and narrow” and “Set the record crait.”
    • Late → Crait: As in, “Better crait than never” and “Fashionably crait” and “Never too crait” and “Crait bloomer” and “Crait in the day.”
    • Create → Crait: As in, “Crait a storm.”
  • Endor: Endor is also known as the Sanctuary Moon. Here are related puns:
    • And → Endor: As in, “A day late endor a dollar short” and “A hundred endor ten percent” and “Alive endor kicking” and “All that endor then some” and “All endor sundry” and “All bark endor no bite.”
    • End → Endor: As in, “A means to an endor” and “All good things must come to an endor” and “All’s well that endors well” and “At the endor of the day” and “Bring to an endor” and “Burning the candle at both endors.”
  • Fender → Fondor: As in, “Fondor bender.” Note: Fondor was a planet in the Colonies.
    • Fond → Fondor: As in, “Absence makes the heart fondor” and “A fondor farewell.”
    • Fund → Fondor: As in, “Hedge fondor” and “Mutual fondors” and “Slush fondor.”
  • Pillow → pilliow: As in, “Cry into your pillio” and “Pillio fight” and “Pillio talk.” Note: Pillio is a planet in the Jinata system.
  • Road → Rodia: As in, “Built for the rodia ahead” and “Follow the yellow brick rodia” and “Hit the rodia” and “Get this show on the rodia” and “In the middle of the rodia.” Note: Rodia is a swampy jungle planet.
  • Shili: Shili was a planet in the Shili system. Here are related puns:
    • Chili → Shili: As in, “Grandma’s famous shili” and “Shili flavoured noodles.”
    • Shell → Shili: As in, “Come out of your shili” and “Shili shock.”
    • Chill → Shili: As in, “Shili out” and “A shili-ing account” and “Shili-ed to the bone.”
  • Another → Anoth: As in, “Tomorrow is anoth day” and “Anoth one bites the dust” and “Anoth day, anoth dollar” and “Anoth nail in the coffin” and “Ask me anoth.”
  • Byss: Byss was an astronomical object in the galaxy’s Deep Core. Related puns:
    • Bliss → Byss: As in, “Byssful slumber” and “Domestic byss” and “Ignorance is byss” and “Marital byss” and “Byssed out.”
    • This → Byss: As in, “What fresh hell is byss?” and “At byss point in time” and “Blow byss popsicle stand” and “Get byss show on the road” and “In byss say and age” and “Out of byss world.”
  • Drall: Drall was a planet in the Corellian system. Here are related puns:
    • Doll → Drall: As in, “Drall’s house” and “Drall yourself up” and “Like a rag drall.”
    • Drill → Drall: As in, “You know the drall” and “Fire drall.”
  • Hapes → Shapes: As in, “All hapes and sizes.” Note: Hapes was an astronomical object in the Inner Rim.

Star Wars-Related Words

To help you come up with your own Star Wars puns, here’s a list of related words to get you on your way. If you come up with any new puns or related words, please feel free to share them in the comments!

General: star wars, jedi, sith, force, lightsaber, the dark side, the light side, george lucas, space opera, galaxy, aliens, robots, droids, hyperspace, republic, galactic empire, rebel alliance, galactic, first order, resistance,  clone trooper, rogue squadron, blaster, death star, bowcaster, slugthrower, electrostaff, gaffii stick, amphistaff

Characters: Leia Organa, Anakin Skywalker, Darth Vader, Yoda, Luke Skywalker, Han Solo, Shmi Skywalker, Padme Amidala, C-3PO, R2D2, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Chewbacca, Kylo Ren, Rey, Rose Tico, Darth Maul, Rae Sloane, Supreme Leader Snoke, Boba Fett, Jabba the Hutt, Sheev Palpatine, Captain Rex, Maz Kanata, Jar Jar Binks, Garazeb “Zeb” Orrelios,  Mercurial Swift, Ahsoka Tano, Teebo, Mod Terrik, Grand Admiral Thrawn, Pablo Jill, Bodhi Rook, Rukh, Sabe, Joph Seastriker, Colonel Kaplan, Karbin, Eli Vanto, Asajj Ventress, Dryden Vos, Quinlan Vos, Wald, Warok, Watto, Taun We, Norra Wexley, Mace Windu, Commander Wolffe, Wollivan, Sabine Wren, Wuher, Alton Kastle, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Paploo, Captain Phasma, Even Piell, Admiral Firmus Piett, Darth Plagueis, Sarco Plank, Unkar Plutt, Poggle the Lesser, Yarael Poof, Jek Tono Porkings, Arihnda Pryce, Qi’ra, Quarrie, Del Meeko, Aks Moe, Sly Moore, Morley, Delian Mors, Enfys Nest, Bazine Netal, Niima the Hutt, Jocasta Nu, Po Nudo, Nien Nunb, Has Obbit, Harriss Offee, Hondo Ohnaka, Omi, Ketsu Onyo, Oola, OOM-9, Klaatu, Klik-Klak, Agen Kolar, Plo Koon, Eeth Koth, Sergeant Kreel, Baze Malbus, Mama the Hutt, Aayla Secura, Korr Sella, Zev Senesca, Aurra Sing, Ody Mandrell, Pong Kreel, Orson Krennic, Satine Kryze, Conder Kyl, Thane Kyrell, L3-37, L’ulo L’ampar, Cliegg Lars, Owen Lars, Cut Lawquane, Tasu Leech, R2-KT, R3-S6, R4-P17, R5-D4, Rabe, Admiral Raddus, Dak Ralter, Rappertunie, Sinjir Rath Velus, Gallius Rax, Eneb Ray, Max Rebo, Ciena Ree, Ree-Yees, Xamuel Lennox, Slowen Lo, Lobot, Logray, Lumat, Shu Mai, Malakili, King Katuunko, Queen Jamilia, Wes Janson, Kanan Jarrus, Jaxxon, Qui-Gon Jinn, Jira, Jubnuk, K-2SO, Tee Watt Kaa, General Kalani, Agent Kallus, Harter Kalonia, Jango Fett, Finn, Kit Fisto, Corde, Kes Dameron, Poe Dameron, Biggs Darklighter, Dengar, DJ, Rinnrivin Di, Lott Dod, Rio Durant, Lok Durd, Eirtae, Elle, Caluan Ematt, Embo, Jas Emari, Galen Erso, Jyn Erso, Lyra Erso, EV-9D9, Moralo Eval, Commander Cody, Lieutenant Kaydel Ko Connix, Lando Calrissian, Ransolm Casterfo, Sim Aloo, Tobias Beckett, The Bendu, Shara Bey, Mister Bones, Ezra Bridger, BT-1, Almec, Mas Amedda, 2-1B, 4-LOM, 8D8, clone 99, 0-0-0, A’Koba, Admiral Gial Ackbar, Amee, Cassian Andor, Queen Apailana, Sergeant Appo, Dr. Chelli, Faro Argyus, Aiolin, Morit Astarte, Ello Asty, Attichitcuk, AZI-3, Ponda Baba, Kister Banai, Cad Bane, Darth Bane, Jom Barell, BB-8, C1-10P, FN-1824, FN-2199, Bib Fortuna, Commander Fox, FX-7, Adi Gallia, Gardulla the Hutt, Garindan, Gasgano, Saw Gerrera, Gonk Droid, Commander Gree, Janus Greejatus, Captain Gregor, General Grievous, Grummgar, Gungi, Nute, Mars Guo, Rune Haako, Hardcase, Rako Hardeen, Gideon Hask, Hevy, San Hill, Clegg Holdfast, Amilyn Holdo, Tey How, Huyand, Armitage Hux, Brendol Hux, IG-88, Chirrut Imwe, Grand Inquisitor, Sidon Ithano

Species: ewok, sith, wookiee, abednedo, abyssin, aleena, amanin, amaran, anomid, ansionian, anzati, aqualish, arcona, argazdan, aruzan, askajian, balosar, bando gora, barabel, besalisk, bith, blarina, blood carver, boltrunians, b’omarr monks, bothan, bouncer, caamasi, cathar, celegian, cerean, chadra-fan, chalactan, chiss, chistori, clawdite, codru-ji, coway, dashade, dathomirian, defel, devaronian, drach’nam, dressellian, droch, drovian, dug, dulok, durkii, duros, echani, elomin, epicanthix, er’kit, falleen, far-outsiders, feeorin, ferroans, firrerreo, fosh, frozian, frozarns, gado, gamorrean, gand, gank, gen’dai, gerb, genosian, givin, gizka, glymphid, gorax, gorith, gorog, gossam, gotal, gran, gree, grizmallt, gungan, gwurran, habassa, hallotan, hapan, harch, herglic, himoran, h’nemthean, hoojib, huk, hssiss, hutt, iktotchi, iridonian, ishi tib, ithorian, jabiimas, jawa, kaleesh, kaminoan, karkarodon, kel dor, keshiri, kiffar, kitonak, klatooinian, kobok, kowakian monkey-lizard, kubaz, kurtzen, kushiban, kwa, kwi, kyuzo, lannik, lasat, lepi, letaki, lurmen, massassi, melodie, mimbanite, miraluka, mirialan, mon calamari, mustafarian, muun, myneyrsh, myriad, nagai, nautolan, neimoidian, nelvaanian, neti, nikto, noghri, nosaurian, ogemite, omwati, ongree, ortolan, oswaft, paaerduag, pa’lowick, pau’an, phlog, porg, priapulin, psadan, p’w’eck, quarren, quermian, rakata, ranat, rattataki, rishii, rodian, roonan, ruurian, ryn, saffa, sanyassan, saurin, selkath, sauvax, selonian, shawda ubb, shi’ido, shistavanen, sikan, skakoan, sneevel, snivvian, squib, ss-ruuk, stereb, sullustan, talortai, talz, tarasin, taung, tauntaun, tchuukthai, teek, teevan, terentatek, thakwaash, theelin, thennqora, tiss’shar, thisspiasian, thrella, timoliini, t’landa til, tof, togorian, togruta, toong, toydarian, trandoshan, trianii, trogodile, troig, tunroth, tusken raider, twi’lek, ubese, ugnaught, umbaran, unu, utai, utapaun, vaathkree, vagaari, veknoid, vella, verpine, vodran, vor, voxyn, vratix, vulptereen, vurk, weequay, whaladon, wharl, whill, whipid, wirutid, wol cabasshite, woostoid, wroonian, x’ting, xexto, y’bith, yaka, yevetha, yinchorri, yuuzhan vong, yuvernian, yuzzem, yuzzum, zabrak, zeltron, zhell, zillo beast, zygerrian

Creatures: acklay, air shrimp, aiwha, akk dog, angler, asyyriak, aquatic gundark, bandara, bantha, barri, beldon, bergruutfa, blase tree goat, blenjeel sand worm, blistmok, blurrg, borcatu, bordok, bursa, can-cell, cannok, cherfer, chiilak, choreamnos, clawbird, colo claw fish, conduit worm, condor dragon, coruscani ogre, cracian thumper, crab glider, croator, cthon, cy’een, dashta eel, dactillion, danchaf, derkolo, dewback, dianoga, draagax, dragon snake, drexl, duros, duracrete slug, dweebit, eopie, fabool, falumpset, fambaa, fathier, felucian ground beetle, fenner’s rock, fern bicker, firaxan shark, forntarch, frog-dog, fynock, galoomp, ganjuko, garto, garral, geejaw, geonosian, ghest, gizka, glim worm, goffbird, gornt, gorg, gorog, graiveh, graul, grazer, great oopik, greysor, grotseth, gualamas, gullipuds, gungans, gundark, hanadak, hawk-bat, hoska, howler, ikopi, iriazes, jakrab, kaadu, kalaks, kaminoan, kath hound, kell dragon, kimogila, kinrath, kkryytch, k’lor slug, koriena, kouhun, krayt dragon, krykna, kybuck, kyren, laa, laigrek, lava flea, loper, loth-wolf, lylek, malia, mandalorian, maramu, massiff, minstyngar, mogo, mott, mouf, mutriok, mynock, neebray, neks, nerf, nexu, noghri, nudj, nuna, orbalisk, orray, oslet, pagen, peko peko, pharple, pikobi, profogg, porg, pug jumper, pylat bird, rakghoul, rancor, rathtar, reek, rock worrt, ro-roo, rong boar, ronto, rugger, sarlacc, scurrier, scyk, shaakshyrack, sketto, slivilith, snarb, sleen, stagna, stratt, suubatar, tach, talortai, talz, taozin, terecon, thernbee, thranta, torton, tolibs, togruta, tra’cor, treppok, ubeba, ugja, uller, unark, urusai, veermok, vesp, velker, voorpak, vornskr, vulptex, vyp, wamba, wandrella, woodoo, wraid, yeltz, yeomet, yog, yorik coral, zakkeg, zabrak, zuxu

Locations: abafar, ahch-to, akiva, alderaan, ando, hoth, lego, ilum, iridonia, jakku, jedha, kessel, kuat, lah’mu, lira san, lothal, lotho minor, malachor, malastare, mandalore, maridun, mimban, mon cala, moraband, mortis, mygeeto, nal hutta, onderon, ord mantell, anoat, atollon, batuu, bespin, cantonica, castilon, cato neimoidia, chandrila, christophsis, concord dawn, corellia, coruscant, crait, d’qar, dagobah, dantooine, dathomir, devaron, eadu, endor, florrum, hosnian prime, fondor, naboo, otoh gunga, theed hangar, mos espa, watto’s junkshop, coruscant ii, outlander club, kamino, tipoca city, tatooine ii, geonosis, utapau, pau city, kashyyk, mustafar, polis massa, sith medcenter, lars homestead, tosche station, mos eisley, the cantina, great temple, echo base, dagobah, cloud city, pillio, rishi, rodia, ruusan, ryloth, saleucami, savareen, scarif, shili, starkiller base, subterrel, sullust, takodana, toydaria, trandosha, umbara, vardos, wobani, yavin, ambria, anoth, arkania, bakura, bonadan, borleias, byss, carida, drall, dromund kaas, dxun, hapes, honoghr, khomm, korriban, kothlis, lwhekk, muunilinst, myrkr, n’zoth, nkllon, ralltiir, rattatak, sacorria, selonia, thyferra, toprawa

Movies: a new hope, the empire strikes back, return of the jedi, the phantom menace, attack of the clones, revenge of the sith, the force awakens, the last jedi, the rise of skywalker

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