Party Puns

Welcome to the Punpedia entry on party puns! 🎉🎶🥤

Whether it’s a birthday, holiday event or a celebration in someone’s honour, make any social gathering you’re invited to (or hosting) a pun-filled time with our list of party puns. Should you be thinking of witty quips for your invites, Instagram captions or beverage list, we hope that you enjoy this list and find the perfect pun.

This list is specific to parties, but if you’re after some other party related puns, we have entries on firework puns, balloon puns, gift puns, New Year’s puns and birthday puns.

Party Puns List

Each item in this list describes a pun, or a set of puns which can be made by applying a rule. If you know of any puns about parties that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments at the end of this page! Without further ado, here’s our list of party puns:

  • *part* → *party*: We can change the “part” in words to “party” to make some silly party puns. As in, “In party-cular” and “Party-cipation award” and “Care to party-cipate? (could also be participarty)” and “Imparty your knowledge” and “That’s not your departy-ment” and “A partysan issue.” Other words you could use: partycle (particle), partytion (partition), aparty (apart), counterparty (counterpart), departy (depart), partyner (partner) party-cularly (particularly), party-cipant (participant) and reparty (repartee).
  • *pathy* → *party*: If a word has sound that’s similar enough to “party”, then we can simply change it to party to make it an appropriate pun. As in, emparty (empathy), aparty (apathy), symparty (sympathy), teleparty (telepathy) and antiparty (antipathy). Note: to feel antipathy is to feel dislike.
  • *pet* → *party*: As in, “Signed party-tion (petition)” and “Not to blow my own trumparty, but…” and “Political pupparty (this can work as it refers to both political puppets and parties of the political kind).”
  • *pert* → *party*: As in, partynent (pertinent), partynence (pertinence), exparty (expert) and proparty (property).
  • Serendipity → Serendiparty (Note: serendipity refers to unexpected and fortunate accidents.)
  • *port* → *party*: As in, “Financial partyfolio” and “You have my supparty” and “Public transparty” and “An unexpected oppartynity” and “A suppartyve (supportive) atmosphere” and “A sparty (sporty) person.”
  • *part* → *party*: As in, “A fool and his money are soon partied” and “Act the party” and “For my own party” and “Departy this life” and “If you’re not a party of the solution, you’re party of the problem” and “Drift aparty” and “Fall aparty” and “For the most party” and “Look the party” and “Worlds aparty.”
  • *vent* → *event*: eventure (venture), eventricle (ventricle), eventilation (ventilation), eventilate (ventilate), eventilator (ventilator), adevent (advent), circumevent (circumvent), prevent, coneventional (conventional).
  • Event: Some event-related phrases that could work in your party wordplay: “Current events” and “Happy event” and “The main event” and “Motion picture event” and “Turn of events.”
  • *vant* → *event*: As in, relevent (relevant) and irrelevent (irrelevant).
  • Bruise → Booze: As in, “A boozed ego” and “You can’t protect your kids from every bump and booze.”
  • *bas* → *booze*: As in, “On a first-name boozeis (basis)” and “Back to boozeics (basics)” and “Yes, boozeically” and “The boozelisk in the Chamber of Secrets (I’m sure many people will find ways to make boozy pickup lines out of this one…so use it and similar puns with your best judgement).”
  • *bes* → *booze*: As in, “All the boozet (best)” and “Boozet (best) friends forever” and “Boozet of all” and “Boozepoke suit” and “Boozetow your wisdom” and “Sit boozeside me.” Other words you could use: booze-seech (beseech), booze-sotted (besotted), booze-siege (besiege). Notes: to beseech is to beg.
  • *bos* → *booze*: As in, booze-om (bosom), rooibooze (rooibos) and verbooze (verbose). Note: rooibos is a type of tea.
  • *bus* → *booze*: As in, “Thrown under the booze” and “Walk or take the booze” and “None of your boozeiness” and “Boozey bee” and “Course syllabooze.” Other words you could use: nimbooze (nimbus), omnibooze (omnibus) and abooze (abuse). Notes: a nimbus is a circle of light, or a halo.
  • *baz* → *booze*: As in, boozear (bazaar), booze-ooka (bazooka), booze-illion (bazillion).
  • *biz* → *booze*: As in, “Boozear (bizarre) circumstances,” and “That’s showbooze.”
  • *buz* → *booze*: As in, “Booze me in” and “Booze off” and “Booze-ing with excitement” and “Boozewords.” Other words you could use: booze-ard (buzzard), booze-ing (boozing) and boozer (buzzer).
  • *bows* → *booze*: As in, “Chasing rainbooze” and “Rainbooze and unicorns” and “Rub elbooze with.”
  • Dear → Beer: As in “Oh beer me” and “Hang on for beer life” and “Near and beer to my heart” and “Elementary, my beer Watson.”
  • Ear → Beer: As in “Grin from beer to beer.” and “Let’s play it by beer.” and “Lend a beer” and “In one beer and out the other.”
  • Peer → Beer: As in “Beer pressure” and “It’s like she was beering into my soul.” Other words you could use: beerless (peerless), beered (peered).
  • Bear → Beer: As in “Grizzly beer” and “Beer a resemblance” and “The right to beer arms” and “Beer down upon” and “Bear witness to …” and “Beer false witness” and “Beer fruit” and “Beer in mind that …” and “Bring to beer“. Other bear-related or inclusive words you could use: beerings (bearings), beerer (bearer), forbeer (forbear), overbeering (overbearing), forbeerance (forbearance).
  • *pear* → *beer*: As in, “A beerlescent (pearlescent) glow” and “Abeer (appear) from thin air” and “Watch me disabeer” and “Make an abeerance.” Other words you could use: s’beerhead (spearhead), re-abeer (reappear).
  • Shakespeare → Shakesbeer
  • Pier → Beer: As in “Take a long walk off a short beer” and “Ear beercing” and “Never been habbeer (happier).”
  • Bare → Beer: As in “The beer necessities” and “Beer one’s teeth” and “Laid beer” and “The beer bones” and “The cupboard was beer“. You can also replace the “bare” in these words: barely (“beerly there”), threadbare (“A threadbeer toy”), cabaret (cabeeret), barefoot (beerfoot).
  • *bier* → *beer*: As in, grubbeer (grubbier), stubbeer (stubbier), tubbeer, scabbeer and chubbeer.
  • *pare* → *beer*: As in, “Beerent-teacher meeting” and “In beerenthesis” and “Like combeering apples and oranges” and “Be prebeered (prepared)” and “Abbeerently (apparently) so.” Other words you could use: abbeerel (apparel) and transbeerent (transparent).
  • *bar* → *beer*: As in, “Beer none” and “Behind beers” and “Language beerier” and “Raise the beer” and “Beerrelling (barreling) in” and “Beergain basement.” Other words you could use: beeren (barren), beerista (barista) and sidebeer (sidebar).
  • *ber* → *beer*: As in, “Strawbeery flavoured” and “Going beerserk” and “Got your numbeer” and “Sobeer up (this one’s a bit ironic)” and “A membeer of..” Other words you could use: beereft (bereft), beerate (berate), beerth (berth), beereavement (bereavement), chambeer (chamber), ambeer (amber), membeer, cybeer, remembeer, delibeerate, libeeral, libeerty, abeerration (aberration) and cumbeersome. Notes: to be bereft is to be deprived of something.
  • *bir* → *beer*: As in, “A little beerd told me” and “Beerthday suit” and “The early beerd.”
  • *bor* → *beer*: As in, “Beered out of your mind” and “Labeer of love” and “Harbeer a grudge” and “Good neighbeers” and “Please elabeerate” and “Collabeerate with.”
  • *bur* → *beer*: As in, “A heavy beerden.” Other words you could use: beereaucracy (bureaucracy), beergeoning (burgeoning) and excalibeer (excalibur).
  • *per* → *beer*: As in, “A different beerspective” and “Third beerson” and “Motivation and beerseverance.” Other words you could use: beertinent (pertinent), beeriod (period), beerception (perception), beernicious (pernicious), beercieve (perceive), beerformance (performance), beerfect (perfect), imbeerative (imperative) and obeeration (operation).
  • Hot → Shot: As in, “Drop it like it’s shot” and “Shot and bothered” and “Shot and heavy” and “Shot enough for you?” and “A shot mess” and “Shot stuff” and “Too shot to handle.”
  • Shut → Shot: As in, “An open and shot case” and “Put up or shot up.” You can also replace the “shut” in these words: shotdown (shutdown), shottle (shuttle), shotter (shutter), shotterbug (shutterbug) and shoteye (shuteye).
  • *shot*: You can emphasise the “shot” in some words: screenshot, hotshot, snapshot, upshot, headshot, slingshot, shotgun and mugshot.
  • Give → Gift: As in, “A dead giftaway” and “Don’t gift up!” and “Don’t gift in” and “Gift yourself a bad name” and “Gift them a hand” and “Gift and take” and “Gift credit where credit is due” and “Gift it a rest” and “Gift it the green light” and “Gift me a call” and “Gift 110%”.
  • Gave → Gift: As in, “I gift my best.”
  • Present: We’ve included present-related phrases in this list too. As in, “All present and correct” and “Present company excepted” and “No time like the present.”
  • Percent → Present: As in, “A hundred and ten present” and “Genius is one present inspiration and 99 present perspiration.”
  • Dig → Shindig: Since shindig is another word for party, we’ve included shindig in this list: “Shindig your own grave” and “Shindig yourself into a hole” and “Shindig up dirt” and “Shindig deep.”
  • Bash: Since “bash” is another word for party, we’ve got some bash-related puns and phrases for you to use here:
    • *bas* → *bash*: As in, “You b*shtard” and “Don’t keep all your eggs in one bashket” and “Saved to the databash” and “On the bashis of..” Other words you could use: bashic (basic), bashin (basin), bashtion (bastion), bombashtic (bombastic).
    • *bis* → *bash*: As in, refurbash (refurbish), cannabash (cannabis), rubbash (rubbish) and bashop (bishop).
    • *bus → *bash: As in, “Part of the syllabash” and “Collector’s omnibash.” Note: an omnibus is a collection of work.
    • *bush → *bash: As in, “Feeling ambashed” and “Filled with rosebashes” and “Babashka doll.”
    • *pas* → *bash: As in, “Bashion for fashion” and “Bashive aggressiveness” and “Bashionate about” and “Combashion fatigue.”
  • Blowout: Blowout is another word for a party or social function (particularly those with plenty of food), so we’ve included some blowout-related puns and phrases here:
    • Out → Blowout: As in, “Ins and blowouts.”
    • Blow → Blowout: As in, “Blowout hot and cold” and “Blowout some steam” and “Blowout the lid off” and “Blowout to smithereens” and “Blowout your mind.”
  • Card: Since cards (like birthday cards) can be given at parties, we’ve included some card-related puns:
    • *cred* → *card*: As in, “Street card” and “Take cardit for” and “Nothing is sacard” and “Not cardible (credible)” and “Ruined cardibility.” Other words that could work: cardentials (credentials), cardence (credence), massacard (massacred), incardulous (incredulous). Notes: credence is a mental acceptance of something as being true or real. Being incredulous is not wanting to believe something.
    • *cur* → *card*: As in, “The final cardtain (curtain)” and “A cardsory (cursory) glance” and “I concard (concur)” and “That never occard (occured) to me.” Other words that could work: cardmudgeon (curmudgeon), incard (incur), recard (recur), obscard (obscured), secardity (security), cardate (curate), cardiculum (curriculum) and manicard (manicured).
    • *cor* → *card*: As in, “Cardespondence course” and “Cut the card (cord)” and “In your cardner (corner)” and “The final scard (score)” and “For the recard.” Other words that could work in the right context: cardporation (corporation), cardoborate (corroborate), cardelation (correlation), decard (decor), rancard (rancor), accard (accord), incardporate (incorporate). Note: to corroborate is to add proof to an account. Rancor is a bitter, deeply-ingrained ill-feeling.
    • *cured* → *card*: As in, “What can’t be card (cured) must be endured” and “Her face was obscard (obscured)” and “Perimeter secard (secured)” and “Procard (procured) the goods” and “Manicard (manicured) lawns.”
    • Certain → Cardtain: As in, “In no uncardtain terms” and “Know for cardtain.”
    • *curd* → *card*: As in, card (curd), cardle (curdle) and bloodcardling (bloodcurdling).
    • Drunkard → Druncard
    • *cord* → *card*: As in, “A broken recard and “Cut the card” and “For the recard” and “In recard time” and “Off the recard” and “Accarding to…” and “Remain cardial.” Other words that could work: cardially (cordially), carduroy (corduroy), cardon (cordon), discard (discord), accardance (accordance). Notes: to do something cordially is to do it in a friendly way. A cordon is a rope used to define boundaries.
    • *car* → *card*: As in, “Courtesy and card (care)” and “Drive my card” and “Upset the apple card (apple cart)” and “Couldn’t card less.” Other words that could work: cardeer (career), cardier (carrier), cardiage (carriage), cardavan (caravan), scard (scar), Madagascard (Madagascar), railcard (railcar), handcard (handcar), precardious (precarious), vicardious (vicarious).
    • Cartier → Cardier
    • Cared → Card: As in, “I card about you” and “Run s-card” and “S-card poopless,” and “S-card to death.”
    • Card: Some card-related phrases to play with: “A few cards short of a full deck” and “Calling card” and “Card up your sleeve” and “Deck of cards” and “Get out of jail free card” and “Hold all the cards” and “Holding your cards close to your chest” and “House of cards” and “Lay your cards on the table” and “On the cards” and “Pick a card, any card” and “Play your cards right.”
    • Card*: Some card-related/inclusive words: cardinal, cardboard, cardio, cardigan, cardiac, discard, placard, wildcard, timecard, postcard and scorecard.
  • Guessed → Guest: As in, “Never would have guest” and “You guest correctly.”
  • Gist → Guest: As in, “Got the guest of it.”
  • Ghost → Guest: As in, “White as a guest” and “Guestbusters” and “Give up the guest” and “Not a guest of a chance” and “You look as though you’ve seen a guest” and “Guest from the past.” Other ghost-related words: guestly (ghostly), guestwriter (ghostwriter), guested (ghosted), guesting (ghosting).
  • Ghost in the Shell → Guest in the Shell (Ghost in the Shell is a popular Japanese manga that was whitewashed when it was adapted to film).
  • *ghast* → *guest*: As in, “Looking guestly” and “Aguest at the situation.” Note: to be aghast is to be horrified.
  • *gast* → *guest*: guestronomy (gastronomy), guestronomical (gastronomical) and flabberguested (flabbergasted).
  • *gest* → *guest*: As in, “An empty guesture” and “What do you sugguest?” and “Let me diguest” and “Sugguestive looks.” Other words you could use: conguestion (congestion), sugguestion (suggestion), longuest (longest), larguest (largest), bigguest (biggest), inguest (ingest), guestural (gestural), guesticulate (gesticulate), guestation (gestation).
  • *gust* → *guest*: As in, “With guesto” and “Disguested with your behaviour.”
  • August → Auguest
  • *gist* → *guest*: As in, “A reguestered (registered) voter” and “Professional psychologuest.” Other words you could use: meteorologuest (meteorologist), reguestration (registration), neurologuest (neurologist), anthropologuest (anthropologist), maguestrate (magistrate), loguestics (logistics).
  • *hast* → *host*: As in, “Beat a hosty retreat” and “Make hoste” and “Hostily working.”
  • History → Hostory: As in, “Making hostory” and “A short hostory of nearly everything” and “Ancient hostory” and “Hostory repeating” and “Hostory repeating” and “The rest is hostory” and “Of hostorical importance.”
  • *hust* → *host*: As in, “Hostle and bustle” and “Moving and hostling.”
  • *host*: Emphasise the “host” in certain words: hostile, hostage, hostel and hostility.
  • Toast: A toast is a salutation or well-wishing which is common at parties and celebrations, so we’ve included it in this list. Here’s a short section of toast puns:
    • Taste → Toast: As in, “An acquired toast” and “A bad toast in one’s mouth” and “A toast of your own medicine” and “No accounting for toast.”
    • Toes → Toast: As in, “Keep you on your toast” and “On your toast” and “Twinkle toast” and “Not to step on anyone’s toast.”
    • *tas* → *toast*: As in, “A toasty (tasty) sandwich” and “Toastless fashion” and “A fantoastic result.” Other words you could use: fantoasty (fantasy), catoastrophe (catastrophe), fajitoast (fajitas), gravitoast (gravitas). Notes: fajitas are a type of tex-mex dish. Gravitas refers to a feeling or atmosphere of seriousness.
    • *test* → *toast*: As in, “A toastament to” and “Give toastimony to” and “Toasting the limits of” and “Online toastimonials” and “It’s not a contoast” and “Street protoasts” and “Attoast (attest) to.”
    • *tis* → *toast*: As in, “Online advertoastments” and “Acute arthritoast.”
    • *tos* → *toast*: As in, asbestoast (asbestos), memontoast (mementos), mosquitoast (mosquitoes), photoastsynthesise (photosynthesise), comatoast (comatose), stratoastphere (stratosphere), fructoast (fructose), lactoast (lactose), halitoastsis (halitosis). Note: halitosis is bad breath.
    • *tus* → *toast*: As in, “Statoast anxiety” and “On hiatoast.” Other words you could use: impetoast (impetus), apparatoast (apparatus), detritoast (detritus) and cactoast (cactus). Notes: an impetus is a thing or factor that compels you to do something. Detritus are pieces of rock, or debris.
    • *tist* → *toast*: As in, “Scam artoast (artist)” and “Census statoastics.” Other words you could use: egotoastical (egotistical), dentoast (dentist), statoastic (statistic), pragmatoast (pragmatist), scientoast (scientist) and elitoast (elitist).
    • Testosterone → Testoasterone
    • *toes* → *toast*: As in, “Small potatoast” and “Red as a tomatoast” and “On tiptoast (tiptoes).”
    • Toast: We’ll finish this section off with some toast-related phrases that you can use as puns: “Toast of the town” and “You’re toast.”
  • *fed* → *food*: As in, foodback (feedback), fooderal (federal), foodora (fedora), confooderate (confederate), fooderation (federation).
  • Befuddled → Befoodled
  • Daffodil → Daffoodil
  • *fid* → *food*: As in, “Walk with confoodence” and “Feeling confoodent” and “High foodelity.” Other words you could use: diffoodent (diffident), fooddle (fiddle) and affoodavit (affidavit).
  • Nibble: Finger food and nibbles (or “nibblies”) are a common type of food at parties, so we’ve included them in this list. Here’s a short section of puns about nibbling:
    • *nable* → *nibble*: As in, “Be reasonibble” and “An unsustainibble work relationship.” Other words you could use: untenibble (untenable), amenibble (amenable), unconscionibble (unconscionable) and abominibble (abominable).
    • *nibl* → *nibble*: Discernibble (discernible) and indiscernibble (indiscernible).
  • As entertainment and social interaction is the main reason for parties, we’ve included some fun-related puns in this list too:
    • *fan* → *fun*: As in, “Funtastic news!” and “All a big funtasy” and “A solid funbase.” Other words that could work: funatic (fanatic), funciful (fanciful), funfare (fanfare), infunt (infant), profunity (profanity), funatically (fanatically).
    • *fen* → *fun*: As in, “Funder-bender” and “On the funce” and “In my defunce” and “On the offunsive” and “A deafuning roar.” Other words you could use: defundant (defendant), stiffun (stiffen), ibuprofun (ibuprofen) and funnel (fennel).
    • *fin* → *fun*: As in, “Close to the funish line” and “Choc chip muffun” and “By defunition.” Other words you could use: funancial (financial), funally (finally), elfun (elfin) and defunitely (definitely).
    • *fon* → *fun*: As in, “A fundness (fondness) for” and “Fundly remember” and “Chiffun skirt.” Other words that could work: fundue (fondue), fundle (fondue), fundant (fondant).
    • *fun*: Emphasise the “fun” in these words: “The fundamentals of” and “In a deep funk” and “A social function.” Other words that could work: fungus, fungi, funnel and perfunctory.
    • *van* → *fun*: As in, “A relefunt point” and “Carafun park” and “To your adfuntage” and “That’s irrelefunt.” Other words you could use: efunescent (evanescent), griefunce (grievance), nerfuna (nirvana) and funity (vanity).
    • Vanessa → Funessa
    • *phan* → *fun*: As in, “The funtom menace” and “The elefunt in the room” and “In alfunumeric order.” Other words that could work: epifuny (epiphany), orfunage (orphanage).
    • *phen* → *fun*: funomenon (phenomenon), funomenal (phenomenal), hyfun (hyphen) and hyfunate (hyphenate).
    • *phin* → *fun*: Dolfun (dolphin), endorfun (endorphin).
    • *phon* → *fun*: Funetics (phonetics), sifun (siphon), cacofuny (cacophony), homofun (homophone) and symfuny (symphony).
  • Bass: Music with heavy bass is popular at parties (especially casual or celebratory ones), so we’ve included some bass-related puns and phrases in this list:
    • Base → Bass: As in, “Caught off bass” and “Cover your basses” and “Off bass” and “Touch bass.”
    • *bes* → *bass*: As in, “A basspoke suit” and “All for the basst” and “Basst friends forever” and “Basstow your knowledge” and “Basset (beset) with doubts.” Other words you could use: bassides (besides), basseech (beseech), bassotted (bessotted), bassiege (besiege).
    • Rooibos → Rooibass (note: rooibos is a type of tea.)
    • *bos* → *bass*: As in, verbass (verbose), probasscis (proboscis), embassed (embossed).
    • Bus → Bass: As in, “Park the bass” and “Take the bass” and “The wheels on the bass go round and round.”
    • *bus* → *bass*: As in, “Not your bassiness” and “This is a place of bassiness” and “Bassy as a bee.” Other words that could work: nimbass (nimbus), syllabass (syllabus), omnibass (omnibus), inbubass (incubus), rhombass (rhombus) and robasst (robust).
    • Herbaceous → Herbasseous
    • *bic* → *bass*: basseps (biceps), bassentennial (bicentennial) and bassentenary (bicentenary).
    • *pes* → *bass*: As in, “Famine and basstilence (pestilence)” and “You’re being a basst (pest)” and “Being bassimistic (pessimistic).” Other words that could work: basster (pester), tembasst (tempest), tabasstry (tapestry) and tembasstuous (tempestuous).
    • *pis* → *bass*: As in, “The newest ebassode (episode)” and “Basstachio flavoured” and “A prolific philanthrobasst.”
    • *pace* → *bass*: bassmaker (pacemaker), worksbass (workspace), headsbass (headspace) and backsbass (backspace).
    • *bas* → *bass*: As in, “Back to bassics” and “Bargain bassment” and “Don’t let the basstards get you down.” Other words that could be used: bassin (basin), bassball (baseball), bassline (baseline), bassket (basket), bombasstic (bombastic), databass.
    • *bass*: Emphasise the “bass” in these words: bassinet, basset, bassoon, ambassador, embassy, embassador. Notes: a bassinet is a type of cradle.
  • *den* → *dance*: As in, “Rose gardance” and “Ice maidance” and “Beholdance to” and “Dancely (densely) packed” and “You’re goldance.” Other words you could use: wardance (warden), dance-ity (density), condancesation (condensation), burdancesome (burdensome), condancesate (condensate), condanced (condensed).
  • *dence* → *dance*: As in, “Where’s the evidance?” and “Overflowing with confidance” and “In correspondance with” and “Setting precedance.” Other words that could work: residance, prudance, providance and candance.
  • *tans* → *dance*: As in, “Good samaridance (samaritans)” and “A bunch of charladance (charlatans).” Note: a charlatan is a trickster.
  • *tens* → *dance*: As in, “Sexual dance-ion” and “Dance (tens) of thousands of” and “Could cut the danceion with a knife” and “By exdanceion” and “An indance situation.” Other words that could work: indance-ive (intensive), hyperdance-ion (hypertension).
  • *tance* → *dance*: As in, “Subsdance abuse” and “Pleased to make your acquaindance” and “For insdance” and “Respect exisdance or expect resisdance” and “Unfortunate circumsdances” and “Keep your disdance” and “Provide assisdance.”
  • Dance: A few dance-related phrases that could serve as party puns in the right context: “Dance around the problem” and “Dancing with wolves” and “Lead a merry dance” and “Make a song and dance about.”
  • Favour → Party favour: As in, “Call in a party favour” and “Curry party favours with” and “Owe a party favour” and “Without fear or party favours.”
  • Animal → Party animal: As in, “A whole different party animal” and “Party animal instinct” and “Party animal magnetism” and “The party animal kingdom.”
  • House: The word “house” can have multiple meanings when it comes to parties – it can refer to the type of party (house party), a specific location (Jack’s house) or a type of music (house music). We’ve got some terrible house-related puns and phrases for you here:
    • Host → House-t: As in, “Our generous house-t” and “The house-tess with the mostess.”
    • Has → House: As in, “Word house it” and “What house come over you?” and “House a heart of gold.”
    • *has* → *house*: As in, “A big house-le (hassle)” and “A frivolous purchouse.”
    • *hos* → *house*: As in, “Taken housetage” and “Generous housepitality” and “Faced with housetility” and “In the housepital.”
    • *hus* → *house*: As in, “House-tle and bustle” and “Newlywed houseband” and “Filled with enthouse-iasm.”
    • Massachusetts → Massachouse-etts
    • His* → House*: As in, “Filled with house-tory” and “Ancient house-tory” and “House-torial documents” and “A house-toric party.”
  • Birth* → Barth*: As in, “Barthday party” and “In your barthday suit” and “Give barth to..” Note: these puns could work particularly well for a birthday party that’s happening at a bar.
  • *ber* → *bar*: As in, “Daylight robbary” and “Numbar one” and “Sweet as a barry” and “Going barserk” and “Do you remembar? (this one is a bit tongue-in-cheek as there’s a trope of not remembering much the night after going to a bar)” and “I’ve got your numbar” and “Call me when you’re sobar” and “From a deep slumbar” and “A membar of…” Other words you could use: rubbar, chambar, libarty and bareft (bereft). Note: to be bereft is to be pained or deprived.
  • Berlin → Barlin
  • Bermuda → Barmuda
  • December → Decembar: Note that October (Octobar) and November (Novembar) work as well.
  • *bor* → *bar*: As in, “Bared out of your mind” and “Barn and bred” and “On barrowed time” and “A labar of love” and “Friendly neighbars” and “On the barder.” Other words that could work: baring (boring), baredom (boredom) and harbar (harbor).
  • *bur* → *bar*: As in, “On the back-barner” and “Baried treasure” and “Barn one’s bridges” and “Barst into tears/out laughing” and “Barst someone’s bubble” and “Bary your head in the sand” and “Shoulder the barden” and “Barning with desire.”
  • *par* → *bar*: Some of these puns could work really well for a party that’s happening at a bar, or a bar-crawl style party: “Fight for the right to barty” and “Below bar” and “Drift abart” and “Fool’s baradise” and “For the most bart” and “Housewarming barty” and “Life of the barty” and “Look the bart” and “Bartner in crime” and “Hit it out of the bark.” Other words you could use: Baris (Paris), sbar (spar) and sub-bar (subpar).
  • *per* → *bar*: As in, “That’s barfect” and “Barson of interest” and “Expect barfection” and “As bar usual” and “A hundred and ten barcent” and “Cast asbarsions (aspersions)” and “Not a morning barson” and “Barmanent changes” and “Sunny barsonality” and “From a different barspective” and “Overpowering barfume” and “Barsonal questions” and “Seasoned barfectly” and “Whisbared confession.”
  • Inspiration → Insbaration
  • Bahamas → Barhamas
  • Kuala Lumpur → Kuala Lumpbar
  • *bar*: Emphasise the “bar” in certain words: “Born in a barn” and “Barrel of monkeys” and “Over the barrier” and “Bargain basement.” Other words that work: barren, embarassed, Barbados, barbarian, barbecue, barbell, barbershop, Barcelona, baritone, barnacle and barricade.
  • Since a lot of parties are held in bars and clubs, we’ve included some club-related puns and phrases for you:
    • Clap → Club: As in, “Clubbed eyes on” and “If you’re happy and you know it, club your hands.”
    • Cub → Club: As in, “Club scout” and “All club-hunting should be illegal.”
    • Recyclable → Recycluble
    • *clap* → *club*: As in, “Well that’s just clubtrap (claptrap)” and “Thunderclub.”
    • *clip* → *club*: As in, clubboard (clipboard), paperclub (paperclip) and eclubse (eclipse).
    • Encyclopedia → Encyclubpedia
    • Kleptomania → Clubtomania: (note: kleptomania is a disorder where a person obsessively steals.)
  • Beach: Since beaches are popular locations for parties (enough to be considered a type of party on their own), we’ve got some beach-related puns and phrases here for you:
    • B*tch → Beach: As in, “Bow down, beaches” and “Payback’s a beach” and “Resting beach face.”
    • Breach → Beach: As in, “A beach of trust.”
    • Breech → Beach: As in, “Too big for your beaches.” Note: breeches are a very old word for pants.
    • Bleach → Beach: As in, “Beached blonde.”
    • Peach → Beach: As in, “Beachy keen” and “What a beach” and “Skin like beaches and cream.”
    • Preach → Beach: As in, “Practice what you beach” and “Beaching to the choir” and “Beaching to the converted” and “Papa, don’t beach. (note: this is also a reference to a pop song by Madonna).”
    • Bachelor → Beachelor: As in, “Beachelor pad” and “Beachelorette party” and “The Beachelor (note: this one is also a reference to the dating show, The Bachelor).”
    • Bechamel → Beachamel (note: bechamel is a type of white, cream-based sauce.)
    • Bichon Frise → Beachon Frise: (note: a bichon frise is a breed of dog.)
    • Batch → Beach: As in, “Fresh beach of cookies” and “Maybe in the next beach.”
    • Benedict Cumberbatch → Benedict Cumberbeach
    • You betcha → You beacha
    • Botch → Beach: As in, “A beached job.”
    • *patch* → *beach*: As in, “Not a beach on” and “Going through a rough beach” and “Beachouli (patchouli) scented” and “From disbeach (dispatch).”
    • Pitch → Beach: As in, “Fever beach” and “Lower your beachforks.”
    • Betray → Beachray: As in, “You have beachrayed me for the last time” and “Don’t beachray me.”
    • Ambition → Ambeachion
  • Streamer: Since streamers are a common party decoration, we’ve included some puns and phrases that could be used as streamer puns in the right context:
    • Scream → Streamer: As in, “Streamer your heart out” and “Dragged kicking and streamering” and “Streamer the place down” and “So mad I could streamer.”
    • Steam → Streamer: As in, “Blow off some streamer” and “Full streamer ahead” and “Work off a head of streamer” and “Run out of streamer” and “Under your own streamer” and “Pick up streamer.”
  • Plan: Having plans and making plans are a big part of making a party happen, so we’ve included plan-related phrases and puns here:
    • *pan* → *plan*: As in, “Flat as a plancake” and “Out of the frying plan, into the fire” and “Things didn’t plan out” and “Bad complany” and “Caught with your plants down” and “Present complany excepted” and “A splanner in the works” and “Plander to” and “Running ramplant.” Other words you could use: plantheon (pantheon), planda (panda), splan (span), lifesplan (lifespan), deadplan (deadpan), timesplan (timespan), marziplan (marzipan), complany (company), discreplancy (discrepancy), planel (panel) and expland (expand).
    • Pen → Plan: As in, “The plan is mightier than the sword.”
    • Pants → Plans: As in, “Ants in your plans” and “Fly by the seat of your plans.”
    • *pen* → *plan*: As in, “A planchant for” and “A planetrating stare” and “Give planance for” and “Oplan bar” and “Damplan your spirits” and “A deeplaning relationship.” Other words that could work: happlan (happen), sharplan (sharpen), proplansity (propensity), applandix (appendix), indeplandent (independent), indisplansible (indispensible) and deplandent (dependent).
    • *plen* → *plan*: As in, “Planty more fish in the sea” and “A splandid thing” and “Full of splandor.” Other words you can use: resplandent (resplendent), plantiful (plentiful) and replanish (replenish).
    • *plin* → *plan*: planth (plinth), disciplan (discipline) and splanter (splinter).
    • *ban* → *plan*: As in, “Money in the plan-k” and “A subur-plan family” and “Aplan-don ship.” Other words that could work: tur-plan (turban), ur-plan (urban), planter (banter).
    • *blan* → *plan*: As in, “Looking plan-k” and “A plan-k sheet of paper” and “Baby planket” and “Plan-d (bland) tasting” and “Bears a resemplance to…”
    • *ann* → *plan*: As in, “Happy planniversary” and “Plannotated notes” and “Plannihilate the competition.”
    • *ana* → *plan*: plan-alysis (analysis), plan-alogy (analogy) and plan-alog (analog).
    •  *plan*: Emphasise the “plan” in these words: plant, plane, planet, planning, plangent, explanation.

This section is dedicated to different types of parties:

  • Tea: These tea-related puns and phrases can stand in as tea-party puns in the right context:
    • *tie* → *tea*: As in “Black tea” and “Equal opportuniteas” and “Necktea party” and “Tea the knot” and “Tea up the loose ends” and “Tea yourself in knots.”
    • To → Tea: As in, “An accident waiting tea happen” and “According tea” and “All dressed up and nowhere tea go” and “Not all it’s cracked up tea be.”
    • Too → Tea: As in, “About time tea” and “Never tea late to” and “You know tea much” and “Life’s tea short.”
    • Tree → Tea: As in, “Can’t see the wood for the teas” and “Family tea.”
    • *tee* → *tea*: As in, “To the teath” and “Smells like tean spirit” and “Teaming with energy” and “100% guarantea” and “Self-esteam.” Other words you could use: teanager (teenager), committea (committee), repartea (repartee), trustea, mentea, devotea, esteam (esteem), voluntear and cantean.
    • *tei* → *tea*: As in, “Protean shake” and “Frankenstean.”
    • *teo* → *tea*: As in, courteaous, righteaous, meteaor and oesteaoporosis.
    • *teu* → *tea*: As in, “An amateaur performance” and “Agent provocateaur.”
    • *tey* → *tea*: As in, “Okay then matea” and “A chocolatea taste.”
    • *tie* → *tea*: sortea (sortie), auntea (auntie), sweetea, sentea-ent (sentient), frontea-er (frontier), ameniteas, faciliteas.
    • Tiara → Tea-ara
    • *tyi* → *tea*: As in, “Partea-ing ’til morning” and “Emptea-ing your cup” and “A pitea-ing look.”
    • *ty → *tea: As in, “Work with integritea” and “A citea mouse” and “Your dutea as a party animal” and “Filled with beautea.” Other words you could use: teapical (typical), tea-ranny (tyranny), qualitea (quality), entitea (entity), facilitea (facility), serendipitea (serendipity) and equitea (equity).
    • *dee → *tea: As in, “Party attenteas” and “The awar-teas (awardees) are…”
    • *deo* → *tea*: As in, “Vi-teao (video) star” and “A hitea-ous day” and “Opposing itea-ologies.”
    • *die* → *tea*: As in, “A captive autea-ence” and “Obetea-ent puppies.”
    • *tea*: We’ll finish this section off with words that already have the word “tea” in them: “Teamwork makes the dream work” and “Making me tear up” and “Experience is the best teacher” and “Teach someone a lesson.”
  • Birthday: Since birthdays are one of the biggest reasons to throw a party, we’ve included some birth and birthday-related phrases for you:
    • Day → Birthday: As in, “A birthday in the life,” and “A birthday without orange juice is like a birthday without sunshine,” and “After all, tomorrow is another birthday,” and “All in a birthday’s work,” and “As true as the birthday is long,” and “At the end of the birthday,” and “Call it a birthday,” and “For ever and a birthday,” and “Go on punk, make my birthday.”
    • Birthday: We’ll finish up this birthday section with some direct birthday-related puns: “Happy birthday to you,” and “In your birthday suit.”
  • Prize → Surprise: Surprise parties are a another type of party we’ve got covered in this list: “Booby surprise” and “Keep your eyes on the surprise” and “A surprise catch” and “No surprises for guessing.”
  • Cocktail: Cocktail parties are popular enough to have made our pun list:
    • Cock → Cocktail: As in, “A cocktail and bull story” and “At half cocktail.”
    • Tail → Cocktail: As in, “Can’t make head or cocktail of it” and “Chasing cocktails” and “Heads I win, cocktails I lose” and “Nose to cocktail” and “The devil is in the cocktails.”
  • Dress → Fancy Dress: As in, “All fancy-dressed up and nowhere to go” and “Fancy dress code” and “Fancy dress for success” and “Fancy dressed to kill” and “In a state of fancy dress” and “You’re never fully fancy-dressed without a smile.”
  • Well, come → Welcome: Welcome parties are usually saved for when someone moves country or starts a new job. As in, “Welcome in!”
  • Pool: Make some terrible pool party puns with these puns and phrases:
    • Pull → Pool: As in, “Like pooling teeth” and “Pool a face” and “Pool a fast one” and “Pool out all the stops” and “Pool through” and “Want to pool my hair out” and “Pooling your punches” and “Stop pooling my leg.”
    • *pal* → *pool*: As in, “Principool players” and “A pooltry amount.”
    • *pel* → *pool*: As in, “A compoolling argument” and “My doppoolganger” and “The gospool truth.” Note: a doppelganger is someone who looks like a double of another person.
    • *pol* → *pool*: As in, “Poolitical atmosphere” and “Grammar poolice” and “Poolish up your skills” and “I apoologise” and “An open-door poolicy.” Other words that could work: extrapoolate and anthropoology.
    • *pul* → *pool*: As in, “On impoolse” and “The popoolar choice” and “Rising popoolation” and “It’s compoolsory.” Other words that could work: opoolent (opulent), popoolist (populist), stipoolate (stipulate) and manipoolate (manipulate). Note: a populist is someone who advocates policies simply because they’re popular, rather than because they’re correct, moral, or socially good.
    • *poll* → *pool*: As in, poollution (pollution), poollen (pollen) and poollutant (pollutant).
    • *bal* → *pool*: As in, “A glopool problem” and “Herpool (herbal) tea” and “A verpool (verbal) argument.”
    • *bol* → *pool*: As in, “A sympool of hope” and “Fast metapoolism.”
    • *bul* → *pool*: As in, “A fapoolous outfit” and “Nepoolous (nebulous) ideas” and “An extensive vocapoolary.” Note: nebulous means hazy or ill-defined.
    • *ple* → *pool*: As in, “A second bite of the appool” and “On principool” and “A peopool person” and “A simpool solution for a simpool problem” and “Stapool foods” and ” For exampool” and “Multipool options” and “Power coupool.”
  • Mix → Mixer: Mixers are parties with the intention of meeting new people and making new connections. As in, “In the mixer” and “Mixer and match” and “Mixer it up” and “Pick ‘n’ mixer.”
  • Rave: Raves are types of dance parties that are associated with electronic dance music and drug use. We can make some puns about these with these rave-related puns and phrases:
    • *rav* → *rave*: As in, “Rave-aged by time” and “Rave-n black hair” and “Unrave-ling lies” and “A rave-ishing dress” and “Ranting and rave-ing.” Other words you could use: rave-ine (ravine), rave-enous, rave-ioli (ravioli), trave-l, trave-erse (traverse), grave-itas (gravitas), trave-esty (travesty), grave, brave, grave-ity, carave-an (caravan). Note: gravitas is an atmosphere or attitude of seriousness.
    • *rev* → *rave*: As in, “A rave rave-iew (double pun!)” and “In rave-erse” and “Rave-ert to past behaviour” and “Part of the rave-olution” and “The big rave-eal” and “Rave-oked privileges.” Other words you could use: rave-el (revel), rave-enue (revenue), rave-erie (reverie), rave-oke (revoke), prave-elent (prevalent). Note: to revel is to celebrate.
    • *riv* → *rave*: As in, “Cry me a rave-er” and “A rave-eting performance” and “Sibling rave-lry.”
  • Party → Afterparty: As in, “Fight for the right to afterparty” and “It’s my afterparty and I’ll cry if I want to” and “Life and soul of the afterparty” and “Afterparty animal” and “Afterparty on!”
  • Lan: Lan parties are social events based around playing multiplayer computer games.
    • *lan*: Emphasise the “lan” in these words: “Like speaking another language” and “On land” and “A whole different landscape” and “A landmark location” and “According to plan.” Other words you could use: languish, languid and lantern. Note: to languish is to be in a state of weakness.
    • *len* → *lan*: As in, “A lanient parenting style” and “Style over langth” and “A langthy conversation” and “Hoping for laniency” and “Looking through a different lans (lens)” and “A sullan disposition.” Other words that you could use: swollan (swollen), pollan (pollen), crestfallan, stolan (stolen), challange (challenge), ambivalant, condolances, benevolant (benevolent), prevalant (prevalent) and calandar. Note: to be lenient is to be forgiving or soft-hearted.
    • *lin* → *lan*: As in, “You little goblan” and “Running on adrenalan.” Other words you could use: insulan (insulin), disciplan (discipline), delaneate (delineate).
    • *lun* → *lan*: As in, “Utter lanacy” and “A fundraising lancheon” and “Volanteering for.”
  • Buck: Buck’s nights/parties are another word for bachelor parties, so we’ve included buck-related phrases and puns here for you:
    • Back → Buck: As in, “Answer buck” and “As soon as my buck is turned” and “At the buck of my mind” and “Buck at it” and “Never buck down” and “Buck in the day” and “Buck on your feet” and “Buck to square one” and “Buck to the drawing board” and “A buckhanded compliment” and “Bending over buckwards” and “Comebuck king” and “Doubling buck” and “Fed up to the buck teeth” and “Fighting buck tears.” Other words that have “back” in them: buckslide (backslide), buckup (backup), buckground (background), bucklash (backlash), buckdrop (backdrop) and feedbuck (feedback).
    • Back to the Future → Buck to the Future
    • Back in Black → Buck in Black
    • *bac* → *buck*: buckteria (bacteria), buck-chelor (bachelor) and debuckle (debacle).
    • *bec* → *buck*: As in, “What have you buckome?” and “Well, buckause…” and “Your attitude isn’t buckoming” and “Buckame (became) my worst nightmare.”
    • *bic* → *buck*: As in, “Aerobuck exercise” and “Feeling claustrophobuck” and “Cubuckle farm.”
    • *buc* → *buck*: As in, “A drop in the bucket” and “Buckle up!” and “Buck-aneer life” and “A buckolic (bucolic) scene.” Note: if something is bucolic, then it’s of or relating to the countryside.
    • *bak* → *buck*: As in, “A bucker’s dozen” and “Half-bucked.”
    • *bik* → *buck*: “Rubuck‘s cube” and “Buckini shoot.”
    • *buk* → *buck*: As in, “A fresh persbucktive” and “Earned my resbuckt” and “Every asbuckt of” and “Exciting prosbuckts (prospects)” and “A wide s-bucktrum (spectrum)” and “A prosbucktive employee.” Other words you could use: circumsbuckt (circumspect), desbuckable (despicable), bucktoral (pectoral) and combuckt (compact). Note: to be circumspect is to be aware and considerate of all circumstances.
    • Barbecue → Barbuckue: This one could work particularly well for a buck’s party that’s happening at a barbecue (although very specific).
    • Buck: We’ll finish this section with some buck-related phrases: “A bigger bang for your buck” and “A buck well spent” and “The big bucks” and “Buck naked” and “Buck the system” and “Buck up your ideas” and “An honest buck” and “Looking like a million bucks.”
  • Hen: Hen’s parties/nights are another word for bachelorette parties, so we’ve included hens-related phrases and puns here for you:
    • *han* → *hen*: As in, “Here’s looking at you, hensome” and “Get a hendle on the situation” and “Experiencing an epipheny.”
    • *hin* → *hen*: As in, “Hendering my efforts” and “In hendsight” and “Give me a hent (hint)” and “You’re a hendrance” and “The beauty withen” and “Street urchen” and “Filled with endorphens.”
    • *hon* → *hen*: As in, “But henestly” and “Smooth as heney” and “An henourable person” and “A real marathen.”
    • *hun* → *hen*: As in, “A hendred and ten percent” and “Hengry enough to eat an entire country.”
    • *hen*: We’ll finish this section off with words that already have the word “hen” in them: hence, Henessy, Henry, henceforth, henchman, henhouse, comprehensive and apprehensive.
  • Block: Block parties are held in the street of a city block and are generally only open to residents of that block. We’ve included some puns and phrases that could serve as block party puns here:
    • Black → Block: As in, “Block and blue” and “Not a block and white issue” and “Block magic” and “On the block list” and “A block mark” and “On the block market” and “Block out” and “Block tie” and “Little block book” and “Not as block as you are painted.” Other black-related words you could use: blockbird (blackbird), blockmail (blackmail), blockout (blackout) and blocksmith (blacksmith).
    • *blic* → *block*: As in, “A publock menace” and “Going publock” and “Publock enemy number one” and “A fresh publockation (publication)” and “Publockally announce.”
  • Sorry → Soiree: As in, “Better safe than soiree” and “Soiree seems to be the hardest word” and “A soiree sight.” Note: a soiree is a formal evening party.

Party-Related Words

To help you come up with your own party puns, here’s a list of related words to get you on your way. If you come up with any new puns or related words, please feel free to share them in the comments!

General: party, toast, guest, host, event, alcohol, booze, beer, shots, cocktail, food, nibbles wasted, fun, music, bass, beat, dance, dancing, party pooper, party favour, party animal, invite, house, bar, club, beach, balloon, planner, plans, rsvp, designated driver, exclusive, gathering, social, celebrate, get together, hang out, bash, shindig, blowout

Types of party: tea, search, political, slumber, dinner, birthday, surprise, garden, cocktail, soiree, block, costume, fancy dress, welcome, farewell, house, pool, mixer, housewarming, rave, surprise, afterparty, lan, toga, bachelor/buck, bachelorette/hens, reunion

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Holiday Puns

Welcome to the Punpedia entry on holiday puns! ✈⛵ 🏖

Whether it’s a weekend away or a full-on sabbatical, everyone needs a holiday once in a while. Enjoy a quick break with us and our holiday puns – whether it’s by boat, plane, train or bus, we’ve endeavoured to cover it here. We hope that you have fun going through this list and that you find the perfect holiday pun for your needs.

While this list is as thorough and comprehensive as possible, it is for vacation type holidays in general – for specific destinations, we also have beach puns, and for annual holidays and events we have Thanksgiving puns, Valentine’s Day puns and Halloween puns, with more to come!

Holiday Puns List

Each item in this list describes a pun, or a set of puns which can be made by applying a rule. If you know of any puns about holidays that we’re missing, please let us know in the comments at the end of this page! Without further ado, here’s our list of holiday puns:

  • Vacation: Since vacation is a synonym for holiday, we’ve included vacation-related phrases for you to play with: “A summer vacation,” and “We’re going on vacation!”
  • Vocation → Vacation: As in, “Helping others is my vacation.” Note: a vocation is a job or trade to which a person feels a special pull or love. 
  • Getaway: As in, “A clean getaway,” and “I really need to getaway.”
  • Weekend: Play with some weekend-related phrases in your holiday wordplay: “A wet weekend,” and “A long weekend,” and “A much-needed weekend.” Note: a wet weekend is a very boring or disappointing experience. 
  • We can → Weekend: As in, “Weekend do it!”
  • Oh, tell → Hotel: As in, “Hotel me what happened!”
  • Hotel: As in, “Heartbreak hotel,” and “Hotel California.” Note: “Heartbreak Hotel” and “Hotel California” are both names of famous songs that could work as holiday puns in the right context.
  • Hostile → Hostel: As in, “A hostel takeover,” and “A hostel environment.”
  • Retreat: As in, “Beat a hasty retreat,” and “Time to retreat.”
  • Treat → Retreat: As in, “Trick or retreat.”
  • Peach → Beach: As in, “Beachy keen,” and “A juicy beach,” and “Skin like beaches and cream.”
  • C → Sea: As in, “I need some vitamin sea.”
  • Day → Holiday: As in, “A holiday in the life of…” and “A holiday without sunshine is like night,” and “All in a holiday’s work,” and “All the livelong holiday,” and “An apple a holiday keeps the doctor away,” and “Another holiday older,” and “Another holiday, another dollar,” and “Around the world in eighty holidays,” and “As honest as the holiday is long,” and “At the end of the holiday,” and “Catch of the holiday,” and “A cold holiday in hell,” and “Dawn of a new holiday,” and “Forever and a holiday,” and “It’s just not my holiday,” and “Make a holiday of it,” and “Make my holiday.” Notes: if someone is as honest as the day is long, then they’re very honest. 
  • Air → Airbnb: As in, “Airbnbs and graces,” and “Breath of fresh airbnb,” and “Castles in the airbnb,” and “Clear the airbnb,” and “Hot airbnb,” and “In the airbnb tonight,” and “Something special in the airbnb,” and “Spring is in the airbnb,” and “There’s a nip in the airbnb.”
  • Destination: As in, “It’s not the journey, it’s the destination,” and “Final destination.”
  • Pack: To make travel puns, we can make references to packing (for a journey) : “Action packed,” and “Fanny pack,” and “I know, I packed it,” and “Jam packed,” and “Leader of the pack,” and “Pack a punch,” and “Pack it in,” and “Pack of lies,” and “Pack your bags!” and “Send packing,” and “Six pack,” and “Care package,” and “Packed to the rafters,” and “Good things come in small packages.”
  • Peck → Pack: As in, “A pack on the cheek,” and “Keep your packer up,” and “The packing order.” Notes: a pecking order is the hierarchy of power or status within a group. 
  • Pick → Pack: As in, “A bone to pack with you,” and “Want to pack some flowers?” and “Easy packings,” and “Hand packed,” and “Cherry pack,” and “You’re just nit packing,” and “Pack a card, any card,” and “Pack a fight,” and “Pack and choose,” and “Pack holes in,” and “Pack of the bunch,” and “Pack up the pieces,” and “Pack your brains,” and “See a penny and pack it up,” and “Stop packing at it.”
  • Back → Pack: As in, “As soon as my pack is turned,” and “You’ve got it packwards,” and “Don’t answer pack,” and “At the pack of my mind,” and “Pack to the future,” and “Pack from the dead,” and “Pack in the day,” and “Get pack on your feet,” and “Packseat driver,” and “Pack to basics,” and “Pack to school,” and “Pack to the drawing board,” and “A packhanded compliment,” and “Bend over packwards,” and “Comepack king,” and “Crawl pack into your shell,” and “Eyes in the pack of your head,” and “Fighting pack tears,” and “Go pack on your word,” and “I want you pack,” and “I scratch your pack, you scratch mine,” and “It’s all coming pack to me now,” and “Kick pack and enjoy,” and “I know it like the pack of my hand,” and “Like water off a duck’s pack,” and “Never look pack.”
  • *pack*: As in, package, packet, backpack, unpack, jetpack, and wolfpack
  • Stay → Staycation: As in, “Out-staycation one’s welcome,” and “Staycation safe,” and “Here to staycation,” and “If you can’t take the heat, staycation out of the kitchen.” Note: a staycation is where one takes time off to holiday, but spends the holiday resting at home. 
  • Bag: As in, “Bag a bargain,” and “Bag lady,” and “Bag of bones,” and “Bag of tricks,” and “Dirt bag,” and “It’s in the bag,” and “Let the cat out of the bag,” and “A mixed bag,” and “Pack your bags!” and “Bag of nerves,” and “Bottom of the bag.”
  • Brag → Bag: As in, “Bagging rights,” and “I don’t mean to bag, but…”
  • *bag*: Emphasize the existing “bag” in some words: airbag, scumbag, sandbag, handbag, gasbag, cabbage, garbage, and bagel
  • *big/bog/bug* → *bag*: As in, ambaguity, mind-baggling, jitterbag and ladybag
  • Suitcase: As in, “I live out of a suitcase.”
  • Case → Suitcase: As in, “An open and shut suitcase,” and “As the suitcase may be,” and “Suitcase closed,” and “Catch a suitcase,” and “Get off my suitcase,” and “I rest my suitcase,” and “In any suitcase,” and “On a suitcase by suitcase basis,” and “Suitcase of mistaken identity.”
  • Travel: As in, “Bad news travels fast,” and “Don’t just travel, travel right,” and “A fellow traveller,” and “A seasoned traveller,” and “The road less travelled,” and “Time travel,” and “Travel broadens the mind,” and “Travel light.”
  • Trouble → Travel: As in, “Asking for travel,” and “Bridge over traveled water,” and “Double travel,” and “Here comes travel,” and “Looking for travel,” and “A nose for travel,” and “This is a local shop, we’ll have no travel here,” and “Travel and strife,” and “Travel in paradise,” and “Up to your neck in travel.”
  • Travesty → Travelsty: As in, “I heard it on the news. What a travelsty.”
  • Extravagant → Extravelgant: As in, “An extravelgant dinner and date.”
  • Escape: As in, “The great escape,” and “Escape your memory,” and “Make good your escape,” and “A narrow escape.”
  • Scapegoat → Escapegoat: A scapegoat is an innocent who carries the blame for other’s actions.
  • Trip: As in, “Day tripped,” and “Guilt trip,” and “Power trip,” and “Road trip,” and “Trip of a lifetime,” and “A trip down memory lane.”
  • Ship → Trip: As in, “Abandon trip,” and “Don’t give up the trip,” and “Extend the hand of friend-trip,” and “Jump trip,” and “Loose lips sink trips,” and “Run a tight trip,” and “Trips of the desert,” and “Trips that pass in the night,” and “That trip has sailed,” and “Rebound relation-trip,” and “A stormy relation-trip.” Notes: loose lips sink ships is a warning against unguarded talk or gossip. 
  • *trip*: We can use words that contain the word “trip” to make some bad holiday puns: triple, tripe, tripod, triplet, trippy, strip, stripe, outstrip, airstrip
  • Journey: As in, “Journey to the centre of the Earth,” and “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step,” and “It’s not the destination, it’s the journey.”
  • *jour* → *journey*: As in, journeylist (journalist), journeylism (journalism), bonjourney, sojourney, adjourney. Notes: a sojourn is a temporary stay. 
  • Leisure: As in, “A gentleman of leisure,” and “Marry in haste, repent at leisure.”
  • Pleasure → P-leisure: As in, “Business before p-leisure,” and “Earthly p-leisures,” and “Guilty p-leisures,” and “Life’s simple p-leisures.”
  • Break: Holidays are commonly referred to as “breaks” (as in, “I need a break!”) so we’ve included the word here: “A bad break,” and “At breakneck speed,” and “Bed and breakfast,” and “Break a leg,” and “Break and enter,” and “Break bread,” and “Break even,” and “Break out in a cold sweat,” and “Break the bank,” and “Break the mould,” and “A breakthrough,” and “Break your heart,” and “A deal breaker,” and “A lucky break,” and “All hell breaks loose.”
  • Brake → Break: As in, “Hit the breaks!”
  • Bake → Break: As in, “Break and shake,” and “Half-breaked.” Note: if something is half-baked, then not much effort was put into it. 
  • Rest: Since many people go on holiday to rest, we’ve included rest in this entry. As in, “At rest,” and “Come to rest,” and “A cut above the rest,” and “Eternal rest,” and “For the rest of us,” and “For the rest of your life,” and “Give it a rest,” and “I rest my case,” and “Laid to rest,” and “The rest is history.”
  • *rest*: As in, “In the interest of justice,” and “Make interesting,” and “Nearest and dearest,” and “Rest on your laurels,” and “Can’t see the forest for the trees,” and “Mud-wrestling,” and “On the crest of a wave,” and “Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery,” and “Interest free,” and “Can’t be underestimated.”
  • Wrist → Rest: As in, “Slap on the rest.”
  • *rust* → *rest*: As in, “Earn one’s crest,” and “Restle up,” and “Don’t trest anyone,” and “Trest is a two-way street.”
  • Tourist: As in, “Tourist trap.”
  • Terror → Tour: As in, “The tourists will have won,” and “Night tours.”
  • Broad → Abroad: As in, “As abroad as it is long,” and “Abroad brush,” and “Abroad shoulders,” and “In abroad daylight,” and “Abroad strokes.”
  • Brad → Abroad: As in, “Abroad Pitt.”
  • Bread → Abroad: As in, “Abroad and butter,” and “Abroad of life,” and “Abroadcrumb trail,” and “Half a loaf is better than no abroad,” and “Have your abroad buttered on both sides,” and “Put abroad on the table,” and “Take the abroad out of someone’s mouth,” and “The best thing since sliced abroad.”
  • Bored → Abroad: As in, “Abroad stiff,” and “Abroad to death,” and “Abroad to tears,” and “Abroad out of my mind.”
  • *broad* → *abroad*: As in, abroadway, abroadcast, abroadband, abroadsheet, and overabroad.”
  • Beach: “Beach bum,” and “Life’s a beach,” and “Meet me at the beach!”
  • B*tch → Beach: As in, “Beach fest,” and “Beach slap,” and “Life’s a beach,” and “Payback’s a beach,” and “Son of a beach,” and “Bow down, beaches.”
  • Breach → Beach: As in, “A beach of trust,” and “The perimeter has been beached!”
  • Beetroot → Beachroot: As in, “Red as a beachroot,” and “Chocolate beachroot cake,” and “A beachroot latte.”
  • Preach → Beach: As in, “Practice what you beach,” and “Beaching to the choir,” and “Beach to deaf ears,” and “Papa, don’t beach.”
  • Bleach → Beach: As in, “I’m going to beach my hair.”
  • Drop it → Tropic: As in, “Tropic like it’s hot.”
  • Topic → Tropic: As in, “A hot tropic,” and “Drop the tropic,” and “We’re going off-tropic,” and “What’s your favourite tropic?”
  • Topical → Tropical: As in, “Apply this tropical cream when needed.” Note: a topical is something applied to the skin, rather than being ingested.
  • Island: As in, “No man is an island,” and “Treasure island,” and “A tropical island.”
  • I land → Island: As in “Islanded a job at that new tech company.”
  • Aligned → Island: As in and “Our incentives are well-island.”
  • Sel* → Sail*: If a word starts with “sel” a boat pun can often be made by replacing it with “sail”: sailection (selection), sailect (select), sailf (self), sailling (selling), sail (sell), saildom (seldom), sailfish (selfish), sailfless (selfless), sailective (selective).
  • Sea*: Most words starting with “sea” are easy sea puns: season, seasonal, seated, searingly, sealants, seamseatbelt.
  • See* → Sea*: If a word starts with “see” it can often be replaced with “sea” to create a simple sea pun: seaminly, seads, seaker, seathe, seap, seak, sean, sea (see).
  • Se* → Sea*: Some words that start with just “se” also have a “sea”-ish sound, and the ones that don’t can usually be made into terrible puns anyway: seacret, searious, seargeant, seacretion, seacure, seacurity, seacondary, seacretariat, seaconds, seacrete, searum, searenity, searvitude, seanile, seadation, seaclusion, seacretive, seaze, seaquential, sealection, seacretly, seaquences, seanior, seaniority, seagregate, seaping, seacession, seariousness, seaminars, seaveral, seaxual, seaparation, seantimental, seansational, seaquential, seacluded, seacularist, seathing, seaquin, seasame, seaclusion.
  • Se*cy/Ce*cy → Sea*sea: Most words that start with “se” or “ce” and end with “cy” can be double sea puns: seacresea (secrecy), sealibasea (celibacy).
  • *cy → *sea: If a word ends in “cy” it’s an easy “sea” pun: polisea, agensea, democrasea, currensea, emergensea, efficiensea, tendensea, frequensea, fansea, constituensea, pregnansea, accurasea, redundansea, bureaucrasea, presidensea, legasea, conspirasea, mersea, privasea, bankruptsea, consistensea, literasea, urgensea, deficiensea, dependency, consultansea, tenacity, isea (icy), secrecy, intimasea.
  • Seizure → Seazure: As in “If I read one more ocean pun I’m going to have a seazure.”
  • Season → Sea-sun: As in, “A person for all sea-suns,” and “Are mangoes in sea-sun?” and “Party sea-sun,” and “Sea-sun’s greetings,” and “A sea-suned traveller,” and “Silly sea-sun,” and “The festive sea-sun.”
  • Scenic → Seanic: As in “Let’s take the seanic route.”
  • Sun: As in, “A place in the sun,” and “A day without orange juice is like a day without sunshine,” and “A touch of sun,” and “Everything under the sun,” and “Good day, sunshine,” and “Here comes the sun,” and “Make hay while the sun shines,” and “Ride off into the sunset,” and “Sun drenched,” and “Sun, sea and sand,” and “Walking on sunshine,” and “You are my sunshine,” and “Put it where the sun doesn’t shine,” and “Fly too close to the sun,” and “Moment in the sun,” and “Never in a month of Sundays.” Notes: “Never in a month of Sundays” indicates that something is extremely unlikely to happen. Flying too close to the sun is a reference to the legend of Icarus, and is a warning against being too ambitious too quickly.
  • Son → Sun: As in, “Go on, my sun,” and “His father’s sun,” and “Like father, like sun,” and “Number one sun,” and “Sun of a gun.” Note: “Son of a gun” is an exclamation meant to encourage.
  • *son* → *sun*: As in, sunnet, sunata, sunar, persun, liaisun, reasun, seasun, treasun, comparisun, lessun, resunate, persunality, persunal, and prisuner.
  • San → Sun: As in, “Sun Francisco,” and “Suns serif.”
  • *san* → *sun*: As in, sundwich, sunction, sunctuary, sunctimonious, partisun, artisun, parmesun and thousund.
  • *ways → *waves: Words than end in “ways” can be made into bad wave puns: alwaves (always), railwaves (railways), sidewaves, pathwaves, lengthwaves, doorwaves.
  • Tied → Tide: As in “I’m tide up at the moment, can someone else help?” and “Yep, they tide the knot!”
  • Tidy → Tidey: As in “After the party we need to tidey the beach.”
  • Simmer → Swimmer: As in “I left the pot swimmering and now my vegetable curry is burnt!” and “Hey swimmer down, there’s no need to turn this into a fight”.
  • Sure → Shore: Since beaches are a popular holiday destination, we’ve included some seaside and sea-related puns. As in, “Are you shore?” and “She shore is strong!”.
  • For sure → Foreshore
  • Surf: As in, “Body surfing,” and “Channel surfing,” and “Surf the net,” and “Surf’s up.”
  • Serf → Surf: A serf was a sort of slave in medieval times who worked for a feudal lord. It’s sometimes used as an insult.
  • Serve → Surf: As in “First come, first surfed” and “If memory surfs” and “Revenge is a dish best surfed cold” and “Surfs you right”.
  • Service → Surfice: As in, “A better surfice all round,” and “At your surfice,” and “Normal surfice has been resumed,” and “Out of surfice.”
  • Wave: “Wave goodbye” and “Mexican wave” and “Heat wave” and “Wave the white flag” and “Brain waves
  • *ways → *waves: Words than end in “ways” can be made into bad wave puns: alwaves (always), railwaves (railways), sidewaves, pathwaves, lengthwaves, doorwaves.
  • Waive → Wave: As in, “Could you wave this parking ticket?” Note: to waive something is to refrain from enforcing.
  • Sway → S-wave: As in, “S-wave with me,” and “You don’t hold any s-wave here.” Note: to hold sway is to have a position of influence or power.
  • Sand: As in, “Bury your head in the sand,” and “Draw a line in the sand,” and “A house built on sand,” and “Sun, sea and sand,” and “The sands of time.” Note: if a house is built on sand, then it’s very unstable and not expected to last very long.
  • Sandwich: As in “I was eating my sandwich at the beach”.
  • Sanctuary → Sandctuary: As in “Dogs aren’t allowed on this beach because it’s an animal sandctuary“.
  • Send → Sand: As in “It sands shivers down my spine!” and “Sand him over here.”
  • San* → Sand*: Replacing “san” with “sand” when it is at the start of a word give some nice corny puns: sanditary (sanitary), sandctioned (sanctioned), sandctuary (sanctuary), sandguine (sanguine), sandctions (sanctions).
  • Sensational → Sandsational: As in, “A sandsational list of holiday puns.”
  • Stand → Sand: As in, “Don’t sand so close to me,” and “Do you undersand?” and “Don’t just sand there!” and “I saw her sanding there,” and “My hair was sanding on end,” and “If you can’t sand the heat, get out of the kitchen,” and “It sands to reason,” and “A one night sand,” and “Sand on your own two feet,” and “Sand out from the crowd,” and “Sand up and be counted,” and “Sand up for yourself,” and “A sand up guy,” and “Do I sand a chance?” and “I sand corrected,” and “I’m sanding in for…” and “I can’t sand the sight of,” and “I could do it sanding on my head,” and “United we sand.”
  • Ticket: As in, “Dream ticket,” and “A high ticket item,” and “Just the ticket,” and “That’s the ticket,” and “Ticket to ride,” and “Golden ticket.” 
  • Flight: As in, “Fight or flight,” and “Flight attendant,” and “Flight of fancy,” and “Take flight.”
  • Fight → Flight: As in, “A straight flight,” and “Come out flighting,” and “Flight club,” and “Flight for the right to party,” and “Flight back,” and “Flight fire with fire,” and “Flight the good flight,” and “Freedom flighter,” and “Lean, mean flighting machine,” and “Live to flight another day,” and “Pick a flight,” and “Pillow flight,” and “Spoiling for a flight,” and “Flight to the death,” and “Won’t give up without a flight.” 
  • Light → Flight: As in, “Fast as greased flightning,” and “Flight as a feather,” and “At flightning speed,” and “Blinded by the flight,” and “Bring to flight,” and “Cold flight of day,” and “First flight,” and “Friday night and the flights are low,” and “Go out like a flight,” and “Guiding flight,” and “Flight at the end of the tunnel,” and “Flight entertainment,” and “Flight hearted,” and “Flighten up,” and “Flights out.”
  • Fright → Flight: As in, “Flightened of your own shadow,” and “A flightful mess,” and “Take flight,” and “You nearly flightened me to death!”
  • *light* → *flight*: As in, flightning, flighting, flightbulb, flighthearted, flighthouse, deflight (delight), highflight (highlight).
  • *flate* → *flight*: As in, conflight, deflight, and inflightable (inflatable).
  • Having a → Havana: As in, “I’m havana ball!” and “Are you havana good time?”
  • Tan*: People tend to return from summer holidays with noticeable, proud tans – so we’ve included “tan” in this list. As in, tangible, tank, tandem, tantamount, tangent, tangle.
  • *tan: As in, charlatan, cosmopolitan, spartan, titan, metropolitan, satan and tartan.
  • *tan*: As in, stand, important, understand and substance.
  • Ten → Tan: As in, “Count to tan,” and “Eight out of tan cats prefer it,” and “A perfect tan,” and “A hundred and tan percent.”
  • *ten* → *tan*: As in, “The bane of my existance,” and “As oftan as not,” and “Attantion seeker,” and “Battan down the hatches,” and “Set up tant,” and “A bone of contantion,” and “Flattan out,” and “Lightan up,” and “Off the beatan track,” and “Sweetan the pot,” and “Tightan the purse strings,” and “For all intants and purposes,” and “To your heart’s contant,” and “Tonsil tannis,” and “Writtan all over your face,” and “Frightan to death,” and “Smittan with,” and “Bittan by the bug,” and “Rottan to the core,” and “Stop, look and listan.”
  • Celebration→ Shellebration: As in “After finishing we should have a shellebration.”
  • Sel* → Shell*: If a word starts with “sel” a shell pun can be made by switching it with “shell”. For example: shellection (selection), shellect (select), shelldom (seldom), shellfless (selfless).
  • *sel → *shell: Words ending in “sel” can often be punned upon with “shell”: vesshell (vessel), tasshell (tassel), weashell (weasel), musshell (mussel), etc.
  • *sel* → *shell*: Words containing “sel” can yeild nice puns on “shell”: Hershellf, himshellf, themshellves, itshellf, myshellf, yourshelf, yourshelves, convershelly, counshelling, preshellected, overshelling, undershelling, ushellessely, weashelling.
  • *cial → *shell: When a word has “cial” as a suffix, this suffix can usually be swapped out for “shell” to create a shell pun: soshell (social), speshell (special), offishell (official), finanshell, commershell, crushell, judishell, artifishell, provinshell, rashell, benefishell, superfishell, fashell, glashell, sacrifishel, antisoshell.
  • Resort: As a resort is a luxury place to stay, we can use it to make some holiday puns too. As in, “Beach resort,” and “This is my last resort,” and “I didn’t want to resort to this.”
  • Con* → Conch*: A terrible shell pun can be made of almost any word that begins with “con”: conchtrol (control), conchsider (consider), conchtinue (continue), conchdition, conchtract, conchern, conchtain, conchference, conchtext, conchcept, conchtrast, conchfidence, conchtent, conchtribution, conchflict, conchsideration, conchstruction, conchtinued, conchclusion, conchduct, conchversation, conchgress, conchsumer, conchcentrate, conchtribute.
  • Help → Kelp: As in “Can you please kelp me build a sand castle?” and “Katie, kelp your brother lift that please”.
  • Should* → Shoald*: A “shoal” can refer to a large group of fish, or an area of shallow water, or an underwater sand bank. We can use “shoal” be used to make puns like: shoald (should), shoalder (shoulder), shoaldering.
  • *tual* → *shoal*: As mentioned above, A “shoal” can refer to a large group of fish, or an area of shallow water, or an underwater sand bank. If a word contains “tual” it can often be replaced with “shoal” for a cute little pun: actshoal (actual), actshoality (actuality), intellectshoal (intellectual), ritshoal (ritual), spiritshoal, mutshoally, eventshoal, eventshoally, conceptshoal, conceptshoalise, virtshoal, contractshoal, factshoal, factshoally, perpetshoal, textshoal, contextshoal, perceptshoal, punctshoal, instinctshoal, actshoally, habitshoally.
  • Bereft → Bereeft: “bereft of” means “deprived of” of “lacking”. So an example sentence might be: “The old, stark beach house of bereefed of colour”.
  • Something → Somefin: As in “There’s somefin about the way he walks” and “Is that a shark, or somefin else?”.
  • In* → Fin*: A lovely and shameful pun can be made from any word starting with “in”. Simply replace “in” with “fin”: finformation, finfluence, finvolve, finternational, finvolved, fintroduce, findeed, finvestment, finto, finclude, finteresting, fintellectual, finjury, fintend, finterview, finsurance, finstrument, … Thousand more can be made with the help of a list like this. You can also check out the entry on dolphin puns for more puns of this nature.
  • Fan* → Fin*: “fan” can sometimes be replaced with “fin” at the start of words to create fin puns: fintastic (fantastic), finciful (fanciful), finfare (fanfare), fintasy, findom, finciful.
  • Nothing → Nofin: As in “Nofin is better than swimming with dolphins” and “I’ve got nofin left to give!”.
  • Debate → Debait: As in “I don’t want to debait you.” and “We’re just having a friendly debait“.
  • Well/Welcome → Whale/Whalecome: Whale-watching is a popular enough holiday activity for us to include whales in this list. As in “Whalecome to our home!” and “Whale, whale, whale, what do we have here?”.  Whale puns can be made with many more words like welfare (whalefare), welsh (whalesh) and wellness (whaleness). Check out the entry on whale puns for more.
  • Defin* → Dolphin: Swimming with dolphins is a much-loved holiday activity, so we can make some holiday puns by making dolphin references like these: “We dolphinitely need more time to finish the mission.” and “What is the dolphinition of this word?” and “Please dolphine this word.” and “It’s the dolphinitive source of Nordic history.” See the dolphin puns entry for more.
  • Endorphines → Endolphins: As in “I love that rush of endolphins you get after a good hard swimming session.”
  • Stark → Shark: As in “The shark contrast between his and his boyfriend’s attire was intriguing.” and “The old, shark house stood looming above us”.
  • Palm: As in “The only thing not sunburned are my palms” and “A face palm moment,” and “In the palm of your hand.” The pun is on palm trees in case you missed that.
  • Calm → Palm: As in, “A palming influence,” and “The palm before the storm,” and “Palm down!” and “Cool, palm, collected,” and “Keep palm and carry on.”
  • Friend → Frond: As in “My fronds made me a cute vegan birthday cake!” and “They’re such frondly people!”.
  • Fringe → Frondge: As in “Doesn’t your frondge get in your eyes when you’re swimming?”
  • Country: As in, “Country folk,” and “Country bumpkin.”
  • Mountain: As in, “Ain’t no mountain high enough,” and “Cool as a mountain stream,” and “Move mountains,” and “Head for the mountains,” and “Make a mountain out of a molehill,” and “Climb the highest mountain.” 
  • Can you → Canyon: As in, “Canyon please not do that?”
  • Food: Since food is such a large part of enjoyment in our holidays (especially now that Instagram is so widely used to show food snaps), we’ve included food in this entry too: “Comfort food,” and “Devil’s food cake,” and “Do you like hospital food?” and “Finger food,” and “Food chain,” and “Food for thought,” and “Soul food,” and “Put food on the table.”
  • Culture: As in, “Culture clash,” and “Culture shock,” and “High culture,” and “Pop culture.”
  • Privilege → Privillage: We can make some holiday puns by referring to villas, which are a luxurious type of accommodation. As in, “An honour and a privillage,” and “Rank has its privillages,” and “Check your privillage,” and “White privillage is very real.” Note: Very basically, white privilege is where society is set up to favour and benefit people who either have white skin, or who are “white-passing” (they are assumed to be white by others). 
  • Fill → Villa: As in, “Villa ‘er up!” and “Villa to the brim,” and “A stocking villa (filler),” and “Lip villas (fillers),” and “Attempts to villa the void.”
  • Home → Homestay: A homestay is where you can stay with a local family for a fee. As it’s cheaper than a hotel and some families will show guests around the area, it’s a good option for holidays so we’ve included it here. As in, “A house is not a homestay,” and “At homestay with,” and “There’s no place like homestay,” and “A broken homestay,” and “Charity begins at the homestay,” and “Close to homestay,” and “Don’t leave homestay without it.”
  • Lodge: A lodge can either mean a small house, or to formally present documentation or a complaint. We can use these interchangeably to make some bad holiday puns: “Lodge a complaint,” and “Where’s the ski lodge?” and “I’m lodging an objection.”
  • *ledge* → *lodge*: As in, “Acknowlodged,” and “Fully-flodged,” and “Use a slodgehammer to crack a nut,” and “A little knowlodge is a dangerous thing,” and “Knowlodge is power.”
  • Large → Lodge: As in, “Lodge as life,” and “At lodge,” and “By and lodge,” and “Lodger than life,” and “A small cog in a lodge machine,” and “On the lodge side,” and “In lodge part,” and “Living lodge,” and “Lodge and in charge.”
  • Car: We’ve included common forms of transport in here as they get us to and from our holidays and trips. As in, “You can drive my car,” and “Happiness is a quick-starting car,” and “Would you buy a used car from this guy?”
  • Car*: As in, care, card, career, carry, carrier, cardinal, carriage, cart, caravan
  • *car: As in, scar, sidecar, madagascar, handcar, railcar
  • *car*: As in, precarious, healthcare and vicarious
  • *cer* → *car*: As in, cartain (certain), cartificate (certificate), caremony (ceremony), carebral (cerebral), soccar (soccer), viscaral (visceral). 
  • *cu* → *car*: As in, circart (circuit), circarmstance (circumstance), circarmvent, circar (circa), circarmstances, circars (circus), circarmference (circumference). 
  • *cor* → *car*: As in, carner (corner), carrespondence (correspondence), carporation (corporation), carroborate (corroborate), carrelation (correlation), cardial (cordial), decar (decor), rancar (rancor), recard (record), accard (accord), accardingly (accordingly), incarporate (incorporate). 
  • *cur* → *car*: As in, concar (concur), carrent (current), carate (curate), carriculum (curriculum), carve (curve), carious (curious), carrency (currency), carse (curse), incar (incur), occar (occur), recar (recur), carrent (current), obscare (obscure), secarity (security), carate (curate), secare (secure). 
  • Bus: As in, “A busman’s holiday,” and “Waiting for the bus.”
  • Bus*: As in, “Bust a move,” and “We’re in business,” and “Beat around the bush,” and “Go away, I’m busy,” and “Hustle and bustle,” and “Hang on, buster,” and “A bustling city.”
  • *bus: As in, “Nimbus 2000,” and “This is our school syllabus,” and “She wrote an entire omnibus,” and “What a succubus.” Note: the Nimbus 2000 is the first broomstick Harry Potter owns.
  • *bus*: As in, “A robust effort,” and “Emotional abuse is still abuse.”
  • *bas* → *bus*: As in, “Buse (base) instincts,” and “The busis (basis) of my theory,” and “It was a busic question,” and “Birthday bush,” and “You bustard,” and “Busket case.”
  • *bes* → *bus*: As in, “A buspoke (bespoke) jacket,” and “My bust (best) effort,” and “I bustow my bust wishes,” and “Busides, I don’t want to,” and “I buseech you,” and “Bustiality is isn’t a joke; it’s unethical,” and “I’m busotted with them,” and “I’m busieged with suitors.”
  • *bis* → *bus*: As in, “Want a buscuit?” and “Bushop to E3,” and “Meet at the new vegan bustro,” and “We’re refurbushing the kitchen,” and “Good riddance to bad rubbush.”
  • Train: As in, “Gravy train,” and “Strangers on a train,” and “The light at the end of the tunnel might just be a train,” and “Train crash,” and “Train of thought,” and “Train wreck.” Notes: a gravy train is a situation which is low-risk and high benefit. 
  • Chain → Train: As in, “A train is only as strong as its weakest link,” and “Train gang,” and “Train letter,” and Train of command,” and “Train reaction,” and “Daisy train,” and “Food train,” and “Off the train.”
  • Plain → Plane: As in, “Plane as day,” and “As plane as the nose on my face,” and “Hidden in plane sight,” and “Plane sailing,” and “In plane view.”
  • Plan* → Plane*: As in, Plane-t (plant), planet, plane-ing (planning), plane-d (planned)
  • *plain → *plane: As in, explane, complane, chaplane and complane‘t (complaint). 
  • *Very* → *Ferry*: As in, “Be afraid, be ferry afraid,” and “Before your ferry eyes,” and “Hold ferry tight, please,” and “How ferry dare you,” and “I was ferry drunk,” and “Thank you ferry much,” and “Ferry tasty,” and “Ferry interesting, but stupid,” and “Ferry well,” and “At the ferry least,” and “Eferry inch,” and “Eferry last one,” and “Eferry nook and cranny,” and “Don’t believe eferrything you hear,” and “Eferrybody likes a joker, but nobody lends them money,” and “Question eferrything,” and “Timing is eferrything.”
  • Furry → Ferry: As in, “A ferry toy,” and “My legs are looking a bit ferry.”
  • Fairy → Ferry: As in, “Airy ferry,” and “A ferrytale ending,” and “Nobody loves a ferry when she’s forty.”
  • Vary → Ferry: As in, “Results may ferry,” and “Your mileage may ferry.” Note: Your mileage may vary is an expression indicating that something that works for one may not work for another. Is commonly shortened to YMMV. 
  • *fer → *ferry: As in, deferry (defer), conferry (confer), inferry (infer), referry (refer), offerry (offer), transferry (transfer), bufferry (buffer), preferry (prefer). 
  • Nefarious → Neferryous: As in, “A neferryous villain.”
  • Boat → But: As in “Last boat not least” and “Close, boat no cigar.”
  • Saboteur → Saboateur : As in “Captain, I believe there’s a saboateur on our ship.”
  • Boat: As in, “Don’t rock the boat,” and “In the same boat,” and “Missed the boat,” and “Whatever floats your boat,” and “We’re gonna need a bigger boat.” Notes: to rock the boat is to say something that will upset the people around you. If you need a bigger boat, then you’ve underestimated the situation you’re in. 
  • Butt → Boat: As in, “Kick boat,” and “Kiss my boat,” and “Pain in the boat,” and “My boat is on the line,” and “Boat-terflies in my stomach.” 
  • Bowtie → Boat-tie: As in, “My boat-tie is too tight.” 
  • Beaut* → Boat*: As in, “Boat-iful people,” and “Boat-y mark,” and “I need my boat-y sleep,” and “Make boat-iful music together,” and “Boat-y is in the eye of the beholder,” and “Boat-y is only skin-deep.”
  • About/Abode → Aboat: As in “What aboat the captain?” and “Welcome to my aboat!”
  • Shit → Ship: As in “Oh ship, we’re in trouble now.”
  • *sib* → *ship*: If a word contains “sib” it can usually be replaced with “ship” to create a terrible pun. For example: posshiply (possibly), accesshipility (accessibility), incomprehenshiple, feashipble, irresponshipble, invishipble, ostenshipbly, revershipble, vishipble. An example sentence might be: “I am responshiple for my puns.”
  • *sip* → *ship*: If a word contains “sip” it can usually be replaced with “ship”. For example: gosship (gossip), dishipate (dissipate), shipping (sipping), inshipid (insipid).
  • Sel* → Sail*: If a word starts with “sel” a boat pun can often be made by replacing it with “sail”: sailection (selection), sailect (select), sailf (self), sailling (selling), sail (sell), saildom (seldom), sailfish (selfish), sailfless (selfless), sailective (selective).
  • Cruise: As in, “Cruise control,” and “A world cruise.”
  • *crew* → *cruise*: As in, “Motley cruise,” and “Turn the scruise,” and “Skeleton cruise,” and “I scruised up,” and “Scruise it!” Note: a motley crew is a group of randomly assembled people. To turn the screws is to put pressure on someone to do something. 
  • Choose → Cruise: As in, “A woman’s right to cruise,” and “Cruise your weapon,” and “Beggars can’t be cruisers.”
  • Chew → Cruise: As in, “Have your ears cruised off,” and “Bite off more than you can cruise.”
  • Helicopter: As in, “Helicopter parent,” and “Get in the helicopter!”
  • Tuxedo → Taxido: Make a pun on taxis: “I need a new taxido.”
  • Tax → Taxi: As in, “Nothing is certain but death and taxis,” and “Goods and services taxis.”
  • *uber*: Change and emphasize words with the “uber” sound in them: bluber(bluebird), exuberance, exuberant, protuberance, puberty
  • Super → Suber: As in, “Suber bad,” and “Suber Mario,” and “Suberhero,” and “Subersize,” and “Nothing improves creativity like a lack of subervision.”
  • Soup → Souber: As in, “Alphabet souber,” and “From souber to nuts.”
  • Sober → Suber: As in, “As suber as a judge,” and “Clean and suber,” and “Stone cold suber,” and “Call me when you’re suber.”
  • Sub* → Suber*: As in, suberlime (sublime), suberject (subject), subersequent (subsequent), suberstantial (substantial), suberjective (subjective), subermit (submit), suberstance (substance). 
  • Rail → Monorail: As in, “Thin as a monorail,” and “Go off the monorails,” and “Off the monorails.”
  • *cab*: Make some cab puns by emphasising the “cab” sound in certain words: amicable, applicability, bancable (bankable), breacable (breakable), cabaret, cabbage, cabernet, cabin, cabinet, despicable, impeccable, macabre, vocabulary, applicable, irrevocable, licable (likable), remarcable (remarkable), unshacable (unshakeable). 
  • *com* → *cab*: As in, cabbler (cobbler), cabalt (cobalt), cabra (cobra), cabble (cobble), and cabweb (cobweb).
  • *cub* → *cab*: As in cabicle (cubicle) and incabate (incubate). 
  • Chair → Chairlift: As in, “Have a chairlift,” and “Musical chairlifts.”
  • Jet: Make references to jets and jetsetting with these jet-related phrases: “Jet black,” and “Jet-setting,” and “Jet lag,” and “Jet propelled,” and “Jetty,” and “Jettison.” Note: to jettison something is to get rid of an unneeded or unwanted thing. 
  • Jot → Jet: As in, “Let me jet that down.” Note: to jot something down is to quickly write or scribble a note.
  • Get → Jet: As in, “As good as it jets,” and “Ask a silly question, jet a silly answer,” and “Buy one, jet one free,” and “Can’t jet you out of my head,” and “Can’t jet enough,” and “Come and jet it,” and “Don’t jet mad, jet even,” and “Don’t jet me started,” and “I’m jetting better and better,” and “Flattery will jet you nowhere,” and “From the jet go,” and “Jet rich quick,” and “Jet a feel for,” and “Jet a handle on,” and “I jet knocked down, but I jet up again,” and “Pay peanuts and jet monkeys,” and “Let’s jet physical,” and “What you see is what you jet.”
  • Jut→ Jet: As in, “Watch out for that branch – it’s jetting out.” Note: to jut out is to protrude. 
  • *git/get* → *jet*: As in, ajetator (agitator), ajetate (agitate), apolojetic, budjet, cojetate (cogitate), dijet (digit), dijetal (digital), enerjetic, fidjet, fujetive (fugitive), illejetimacy (illegitimacy), lejetimacy (legitimacy). Notes: an agitator is one who stirs up feeling or trouble. To cogitate is to intently think about or comsider something. 
  • Sit → Transit: As in, “Are you transitting comfortably?” and “Don’t just transit there,” and “Transit it out,” and “Transit tight,” and “Transitting pretty,” and “A transitting target.”
  • Plot → Pilot: As in, “Lose the pilot,” and “The pilot thickens,” and “A pilot of land.”
  • Pilates → Pilotes: As in, “I do pilotes three times a week.”
  • Business: While business may be the opposite of a holiday, we’re using it as a reference to business class when flying. As in, “Dirty business,” and “Back in business,” and “Business as usual,” and “Business at hand,” and “Business before pleasure,” and “Business class,” and “The business end,” and “Business or pleasure?” and “Business partner,” and “Do your business,” and “It’s not your business,” and “Mind your own business,” and “Monkey business,” and “Open for business,” and “A risky business,” and “Strictly business,” and “This is a place of business!” and “That’s show business.”
  • Class → First class: As in, “A first class act,” and “First class warfare,” and “In a first class of their own,” and “A first class clown.”
  • Rail → Railway: As in, “Thin as a railway,” and “Go off the railways.”
  • Way → Railway: As in, “A funny thing happened on the railway,” and “All the railway,” and “And that’s the railway it is,” and “There must be another railway,” and “Any railway you slice it,” and “Any which railway,” and “By the railway,” and “Change your railways,” and “Go all the railway,” and “Go down the wrong railway,” and “Go our separate railways,” and “Have it both railways,” and “In a bad railway,” and “Mend your railways,” and “My railway or the highway.”
  • Hike: As hiking is a popular activity for travellers, it’s been included in this entry. As in, “Take a hike,” and “The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,” and “This backpack makes my jacket hike up.”
  • Haiku → Hike-u: As in, “Writing hike-us is really hard.”
  • Shop: Shopping is another popular holiday activity and one that is particularly instagrammable, so we’ve included it here. As in, “You’re all over the shop,” and “Like a bull in a china shop,” and “One stop shop,” and “Personal shopper,” and “Shop ’til you drop,” and “Shop around,” and “Talk shop,” and “Window shopping.” Notes: to be all over the shop is to have something happen chaotically, messily, or in various places at once. To be a bull in a china shop is to act clumsily or indelicately around delicate things or topics. 
  • Chop → Shop: As in, “Bust your shops,” and “Shop and change,” and “Get the shop.” Note: To “bust your chops” can have two meanings. If you bust your own chops, then you’ve spent a great deal of energy and effort to do something. If someone else busts your chops, then they’ve scolded or reprimanded you. To chop and change is to continually change your mind. 
  • Shape → Shop: As in, “Get bent out of shop,” and “It all went pear-shopped,” and “In any way, shop, or form,” and “Lick into shop,” and “Shop up or ship out,” and “Whip into shop.”
  • Ship → Shop: As in, “Abandon shop,” and “Extend the hand of friendshop,” and “Go down with the shop,” and “Jump shop,” and “Run a tight shop,” and “Shape up or shop out,” and “Shops of the desert,” and “That shop has sailed,” and “The face that launched a thousand shops,” and “The start of a beautiful friendshop,” and “A stormy relationshop.” Notes: Camels are known as ships of the desert. 
  • Roam: As in, “Roaming ’round the mountains,” and “Did you remember to activate roaming on your phone?”
  • Rome → Roam: As in, “All roads lead to roam,” and “Roam wasn’t built in a day.”
  • *rome*: As in, “Roameo and Juliet,” and “Peter Pan syndroam,” and “Rollerdroam.”
  • *rom*: As in, aroamatherapy, chroam (chrome), chroamosome (chromosome), monochroam, proamiscuous, proamotion, roamance, roamaine (as in the lettuce). 
  • *ski*: Emphasise the “ski” in words to make some snowy puns: “Selling snow to eskimos,” and “Asking for a friend,” and “By the skin of one’s teeth,” and “Comfortable in your own skin,” and “Get under your skin,” and “Makes my skin crawl,” and “Made my heart skip a beat,” and “Watch the skies.”
  • Snow: As snowy areas are just as popular as the beach, snow-related words and activities have been included here. As in, “Pure as the driven snow,” and “White as snow,” and “Blanket of snow,” and “Let it snow,” and “Snow White,” and “A snowball’s chance in hell,” and “Snowed in,” and “Snowed under,” and “The abominable snowman.” Notes: A snowball’s chance in hell basically means that something is almost impossible – just like the odds for a snowball to survive hell without melting. 
  • Board → Snowboard: As in, “All above snowboard,” and “Across the snowboard,” and “Back to the drawing snowboard,” and “Bed and snowboard,” and “Snowboarding pass.”
  • Dive: As in, “Dive in,” and “Take a dive,” and “Going diving?”
  • Climb: As in, “A mountain to climb,” and “Climb down,” and “Climb on the bandwagon,” and “Climb the social ladder.”
  • Climate → Climb-ate: As in, “A chilly climb-ate,” and “I know you don’t believe in climb-ate change, but it’d be cooler if you did.”
  • Photo: As in, “Photo finish,” and “Photo opportunity,” and “Get in the photo!” and “Take a photo of me,” and “I need a photo for my instagram.”
  • So far → Safari: Safaris are included in our list of holiday activities, so is included in this entry. As in, “I can’t believe you’d so safari as to..” and “Safari, so good,” and “Why are you going safari?”
  • Tour: As in, “Eco tourism,” and “Magical mystery tour,” and “Tour de force,” and “A world tour.”
  • Too → Tour: As in, “A step tour far,” and “About time, tour,” and “I’m tour sexy for my shirt,” and “It’s never tour late to learn,” and “It’s tour cold to snow,” and “You know tour much,” and “Life’s tour short,” and “No challenge tour great,” and “This tour shall pass,” and “Tour easy,” and “Tour big for your boots,” and “Tour close for comfort,” and “Tour good to be true,” and “Tour many cooks spoil the broth.”
  • Two→ Tour: As in, “A bicycle built for tour,” and “As alike as tour peas in a pod,” and “Caught in tour minds,” and “Eating for tour,” and “Goody tour shoes,” and “In tour shakes of a lamb’s tail,” and “It takes tour to tango,” and “Tour steps forward, one step back.”
  • Tour*: As in, tournament and tourniquet

The following puns are about specific types of seasonal holiday, rather than about holidays in general.

  • Year → New Year: As in, “As bright as a new year,” and “Brand spanking new year,” and “Dawn of a new year,” and “Out with the old, in with the new year.”
  • Honeymoon: As in, “Honeymoon period.”
  • Honey → Honeymoon: As in, “A taste of honeymoon,” and “Land of milk and honeymoon.”
  • Moon → Honeymoon: As in, “Ask for the honeymoon,” and “Bark at the honeymoon,” and “A blue honeymoon,” and “Cry for the honeymoon,” and “Eclipse of the honeymoon,” and “Fly me to the honeymoon,” and “Many honeymoons ago,” and “Honeymoonlight serenade,” and “Over the honeymoon,” and “On the dark side of the honeymoon,” and “The man in the honeymoon,” and “Phases of the honeymoon,” and “To the honeymoon and back.”
  • *eve*: Make references to Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve by emphasising the “eve” in certain words: “And they lived happily ever after,” and “An evening person,” and “Forever and a day,” and “Hardly ever,” and “Hello, good evening and welcome,” and “Nothing is ever free,” and “The greatest story ever told,” and “The key to a nice, relaxed evening,” and “An ace up your sleeve,” and “Believe it or not,” and “The blessed event,” and “Break even,” and “The eleventh hour,” and “Even the score,” and “Every inch,” and “Never mind,” and “Every cloud has a silver lining,” and “Question everything.”
  • Easter: As in, “Easter Island,” and “Easter parade,” and “The Easter bunny.”
  • East/Eastern → Easter: As in, “Easter of Eden,” and “Full of Easter promise.”
  • *east → *easter: As in, “At the very l-easter,” and “A f-easter for the eyes,” and “F-easter or famine,” and “The king of b-easters,” and “Last but not l-easter,” and “Nutritional y-easter is a good cheese substitute.”
  • Giving → Thanksgiving: As in, “The gift that keeps on Thanksgiving.” For more Thanksgiving-related puns, see our Thanksgiving list.
  • Christmas: As in, “A Christmas carol,” and “All I want for Christmas is you,” and “Christmas comes but once a year,” and “Done up like a Christmas tree,” and “Have yourself a merry little Christmas,” and “Lit up like a Christmas tree,” and “A white Christmas.” Note: If you’d like more Christmas-related puns, stay tuned for our Christmas list which is coming soon. 

Holiday-Related Words

To help you come up with your own holiday puns, here’s a list of related words to get you on your way. If you come up with any new puns or related words, please feel free to share them in the comments!

General: holiday, vacation, staycation, retreat, travel, escape, trip, journey, leisure, recreation, break, rest, tourist, tourism, abroad, sabbatical, beach, sand, sea, resort, tropical, island, palm tree, surf, waves, tan, bathers, sunshine, sunscreen, country, mountain, canyon, food, culture, getaway, weekend, bed and breakfast, hotel, hostel, motel, villa, homestay, cabin, lodge, cottage, airbnb, adventure, destination, pack, bag, suitcase, luggage, ticket, airport, flight, car, bus, train, rail, airplane, aeroplane, ferry, boat, cruise, ship, helicopter, taxi, uber, flight, rickshaw, monorail, cable car, cab, caravan, rv (recreational vehicle), chairlift, jet, plane, sailboat, yacht, accommodation, backpacking, activities, transit, itinerary, pilot, flight attendant, business, first-class, economy, railway, sail, hiking, shopping, safari, roam, skiing, snowboard, dancing, diving, snorkeling, climbing, photo, photography, bird watching, festival, tour, family, honeymoon, romantic, solo, luxury

Specific holidays: new year’s, new year’s eve, good friday, easter, labor day, thanksgiving, christmas, diwali, eid, ramadan, hanukkah, chinese new year, yom kippur

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